The Triune God of Scripture Lives
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- 00:10
- You know, if God exists, does he have a functioning brain? Is there a mind that somehow has desires and whims and cares?
- 00:21
- Dan said that which exists outside of time does not exist. Why? Because I'm a naturalistic materialist.
- 00:30
- And the only thing that exists is the material world which is time -bound. And therefore, that's just the way it is because my worldview says so.
- 00:38
- And I'm going to deny the existence of anything that transcends my worldview. That's what fundamentalistic, naturalistic materialism is all about.
- 00:47
- The God of the Bible is reliable. The God of the Bible is not reliable. He does not exist. He goes to this list and he says this and this.
- 00:54
- The Triune God of the Scripture does not exist. The God of the Bible can be seen. The God of the Bible cannot be seen.
- 01:00
- He's a married bachelor. He does not exist. Dan Barker once preached Jesus. Now Dan Barker doesn't preach
- 01:05
- Jesus. Therefore, Dan Barker doesn't exist. The God of the Bible is all -powerful. The God of the Bible cannot fight chariots of iron.
- 01:12
- He does not exist. Does that really work? The God of the Bible is immaterial and yet the
- 01:18
- God of the Bible works materially. Therefore, the God of the Bible does not exist.
- 01:24
- If that's how debates are won, I can simply say, by definition, my God does exist. Let's all go home. But that's not why we came here this evening, is it?