Clearing the Table Before Tomorrow's Radio Free Geneva


Since we are doing a major length Radio Free Geneva tomorrow, I needed to "clear the table" of the topics that have been piling up in my topics list. So we really covered the gamut, starting off with my thanks for having shared a great time with Skillet as they visited Phoenix last Friday. WE discussed the veneration of vaccines, the hubris of a Canadian judge in demanding that preachers include Big Brother's narrative in their sermons, and the hypocrisy of the ACLU. We noted the announced release of a new anti-Calvinism book from David Allen and Steve Lemke, and then we looked at a flyer advertising an upcoming event at the Metropolitan Tabernacle featuring Jeff Riddle promoting TR Onlyism. Finally we looked at a textual variant at John 9:38

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Greetings, welcome to the dividing line of what we're doing on a Monday. What are we doing here on a Monday? We're normally out here on a
Monday, right? Well, here we are because tomorrow the plan is to do a probably mega length
Radio Free Geneva and I've already linked in social media anyways to the video that we are going to be reviewing very fully in the big studio and So there's just a lot of stuff that we need to talk about before then and I'm not gonna try to Do a mixture type thing
Just want to be focused solely upon that so join us tomorrow for that and I've linked to the video.
We're gonna be reviewing and already made some comments as to why it's important to do so, etc, etc
So I want to start off I'm wearing my my skillet shirt see this big skillet shirt on Friday Skillet was in town and so my wife and I got to go over and basically just Hang out with the band have lunch in the bus which kept turning off.
It's just very interesting. It's still warm and Somebody'd have to come in every once while turn the thing back on Their bus broke down a few weeks ago.
And so they're got a rental bus at the moment anyway but we just we had Really good
Mexican food too. They found a good good good place not for being around here To get some some good
Mexican food Anyway, we just sat around and talked all afternoon and then they have duties they have to do the meet -and -greet thing where they take pictures and stuff and and So Kelly and I just were sort of standing off to the side watching all this and we did
Get our own Gotta get rid of this thing. There it goes. Oh We did get our own picture in the in the meet -and -greet, here's
Here's what? What? Well, you know, we should probably figured that out beforehand.
I've got a half dozen or more things to show today so Rich says he can't
Rich says he can't do this because Of something
I have no earthly idea why But there we go, hopefully that will fix it
I'm told the new Mac books have HDMI ports again and Just basically gone backwards five years
Whatever All the rest of us we stuck with these 47 ,000 dongles that we had to buy over the past five years and they all cost seven sixty nine ninety -five each
Anyway, so yeah, we got to there's Kelly and I with with John and Corey and Jen and Seth from left to right
During the meet -and -greet thing and then we went back Before they did a
Q &A thing and I guess there's sort of like a green room type thing and we're just having a lot of fun and talking about a lot of theology and church history and we were taking this official skill of theologian thing fairly seriously actually and Telling all sorts of stories and and just getting to know each other all that much better.
It was a lot of fun and Then there was a Q &A thing Where I Actually have a had a picture somewhere here from the
Q &A thing but anyways after that's over then my son and my daughter and my three granddaughters showed up and We had already told
Corey That's John's wife that Janie our youngest who will be six in November The next month had said that she's
Corey's biggest fan now, I think she's actually Corey's shortest fan Actually think about it but she meant it in a different in a different category and so I was pretty excited to Get them together.
So here is here is Corey and Janie I think Kelly I think summer called this
Janie's best life now moment or something like that From Joel Osteen or something like that, but there's a
Janie meeting Corey we're out by the buses out on out in the back lots someplace basically and that's
Janie meeting Corey and I just I just have to say Not only was it an incredibly wonderful evening and Pastor Luke and his family got to come back with us and we're just all standing around and fascinatingly talking about Serious and yet enjoyable stuff.
There is a lot of a lot of theology going on and Just Jen and Corey listened to summer and so they're familiar with Theologians and all the rest that type of stuff and so it's great to see them hook up and start talking to each other and things like that but just the hospitality just the
I mean, this is probably the biggest Christian rock band in the world and they're just salt of the earth folks and when did you see that the the meme that that came out last week where Babylon B Had a picture of John and it says
Christian rocker comes out as still Christian That's that's sort of sort of the idea is
And by the way, I'll try to remember I will forget but I will try to remember to link to it I Would highly recommend that you watch or listen to one to two
The current Cooper stuff that John does his own web web web program webcast and He had
Joe boot on and I was telling Joe earlier today. I said Joe how do
I get you as animated as John managed to get you animated because It was an excellent
Conversation it's spot -on It's super important. He was talking about the mission of God He's talking about his new book ruler of Kings that both
John and I have written endorsements for and It's really really worth your time to go look up Cooper stuff and to watch that video.
It's it's always enjoyable to listen to John But this was a great combination with between Joe and John and I'm very thankful to have been the one to hook the two of them up.
I forget which direction that went. I mean, I know I introduced John the mission of God, but I've I'm I'm forgetting whether it was
Joe's folks who asked me to get John on their program or vice versa I think it was I think that's the way it was.
I don't know. I've lost track. But anyway and so I was just Blown away by all of that.
I'm not gonna go into details on the story at one point I hopped in the bus and all the girls are in the bus so Corey and Jen and Summer and Kelly and all my granddaughters and Luke's daughters are all just They've got they found some cookies.
That's that someone had made for the band and they're just Doing girl stuff in in the bus and this is before the show this is before, you know
Jen and and Corey are have to go out there and Get quite a workout in not too distant time
But they're sharing their food with the girls and they're just they're just doing their thing
Anyways, I won't go into details. Let's just say at some point during the evening Corey really had to she she really mothered
Jenny. Let's just put it that way she did something for Jenny that Basically required me to say that she is now adopted into our family.
She is now a part of the white Jaeger clan and she has Adopted auntie as her title.
So it's auntie Corey. We know that we all that means we also have to adopt John He's sort of package deal and we're good with that.
It's it's okay But but it was it was so wonderful to see folks who are just what they are they they're real and It's awful tough to stay real on the road man,
I'd that type of life But a lot of you have been listening to John and listening to his presentations and he's he's
Standing standing firm and I could I Don't think for a second that I'm overstepping my bounds to say
John would say He's there because Corey's been there with him and the rest of the band as well
You don't stay in their arena for Five years let alone as long as they start in 96 as I recall
For as long as they've been going without the proper internal dynamics and proper grounding and stuff like that So we had a great time and I just I just thought that I Just thought that picture
That is going to be framed Printed and framed and Janney's gonna
Janney's gonna appreciate that one for a very very very long time. I think Of her and and Corey meeting.
So anyways, that was that was that was great. That was a lot of fun and so that was on Friday and they're still on tour and You know, they go to bed like at midnight in a bus and Then they wake up in another state the next morning, you know, and that's
I couldn't do it That would that would be that would be that'd be that'd be rough.
No, no toys about it. But There you go. I'm not sure how this even came up.
I must have clicked something but Anyhow, um, I've got a bunch of stuff here
Let me get this let me get this one done because Stuff on Twitter It just like wants to disappear and and runs away.
So hopefully My sound will work here appropriately
How do I get rid of that there we go, all right I'm not sure that it will but I'm gonna look here real quick.
Nope. I gotta go there There now
I think my sound will work this is Not in a particular order here,
I like I said, I just need to get this one out of the way this is a representative of I think the
Commerce Department in the current regime Talking about the supply chain issue, which we're
Not only all experiencing but will experience to much greater depth in the not -too -distant future
I am very concerned about The challenges this is going to present
You know, not only, you know here in the United States But if it's hard to get stuff here, can you imagine how hard it is?
there are many many many other nations down line from us or dependent upon us and The impact there is not just inconvenience or a lack of Christmas presents it's food, it's survival and We are now run by a by global elites that want a whole lot fewer people on the planet anyways
So they don't mind one way or the other but here is one of these Communists now in control the
United States. It's just simple fact. That's what they are Talking about the transition in our economy.
What's transition our economy? Well, we're transitioning to socialism. That's what we're doing. We're transitioning and You just gotta get people used to having much less because socialism cannot provide what capitalism can it just it just can't
And it won't that's the plan that the good stuff I can assure you Nancy Pelosi is in zero zero danger of Not having all the specialty ice cream that she wants for Christmas she will have it all and if Your neighbor has to go hungry for the elites to have it.
That's how this system works. That's the system we've put in place or Put itself in place maybe anyway, but I want you to listen to what this guy says and Then recognize the utter
Disconnection of the regime from reality and truth, that's that's that's that's important Expensive today we face an economy that's in transition and as part of that transition
We are seeing high prices for some of the things that people have to buy but the reality is that the only way we're going to get to a place where we work through this transition is if everyone in America and everywhere around the world it gets vaccinated
That's why the president continues to be focused on the idea that we get everyone who can vaccinated in this country now
There is not the slightest Logical connection Between Vaccination and the breakdown of supply chain the
It's the rules and what's happening is the rules and regulations only certain kind of trucks now allowed in these places and a lot of drivers can't afford those types of trucks and Etc, etc, etc.
It's rules and regulations. It's it's coming from the top down it's it's all those container ships could be processed if you'd allow it to happen, but the whole point is
That these people are now in charge and they'll do whatever they darn well, please But there's there did you catch that?
We've got to get everyone in the world Vaccinated So that you can get supplies into stores
There is there is not These people this is why these people This kind of irrationality requires censorship
Not debate because you can't debate this This is insanity
It's foolishness It's easily refuted in a situation where cross -examination can take place, but that's why they'll never expose themselves to it
You just censor anyone who would dare to question you It is absolutely astonishing to see this kind of Irrationality and said with a straight face
I mean you've got to look around to find folks that have the skill to be able to say that kind of thing with a straight face knowing that it's
Absolute absurdity. I'd say you've raised a microphone. Okay, I Have you forgotten how to turn the microphone on is that I'd yeah,
I'd remember you're staring at the thing It doesn't work the same way It doesn't work the same way when you're like out in Timbuktu in the
RV. That's true So but I was just gonna mention that you know that that report that I put up on Facebook You know about the trucks in California and the limitations and the regulations
And of course you got to be now a union guy on the you know Facebook corrected me.
None of that's true. Oh, oh, yes. Yes. Yes Hey the Facebook fact -checkers have said that that's not the reason you know,
I Think it was last year When actually a year and a half ago,
I mentioned something called JIT You remember this probably not I don't know
If you look at how the supply chain works and having in my previous life worked in a food service warehouse
JIT stands for just -in -time inventory and The fact the matter is the vast majority of this country for decades has been running in a
JIT model and I saw an economist just the other day talking about the fact that all this is now stacking up because we don't have anywhere to put this stuff because we were designed on the smallest size warehouses
That we could possibly have in order to make the process efficient And so all of this supply chain has to work in a particular order or else the whole just -in -time
When it goes out something comes in and fills the slot just in time When that whole thing backs up and falls apart our entire inventory
Control processes start falling apart and that's what we're starting to see now And as I told you before in the program a fellow that's doing a job for me right now his his supplier
This is saying there. They have to get the raw materials in cargo containers and They've been paying six to eight thousand dollars per shipment of a cargo container to come in and they're telling them we're gonna have to pass this cost on to you because our
We're being told that those cargo containers are gonna start increasing price up to thirty two thousand dollars of delivery
What do you do with that? What do you do with that? It's it's it's real. Yeah, it's gonna have a lot of Very very very negative impacts all across the the economy no toys toys about it
Um today Early this morning.
I was up very early this morning and Then shortly after I went back to bed news broke about General Colin Powell's death
If we still lived in a world where there were meaningful News outlets journalists and the like The theme right now would be why are we vaccinating for last year's virus?
the Vaccines work fine for the initial virus
But they are so narrow and We're designed to be so narrow That they're actually part of what's creating the later variants their efficacy is
Disappearing very very quickly and they are basically not relevant to the Delta virus people kept
People kept saying when they when they first came out, of course 100 % efficacy 98 % efficacy this is what it's gonna do and Now it's taken time
They've you know Facebook and everything else and I Already used the wrong terms
I've got to talk about Joe's cookies Because we now live in a day where you cannot discuss these things openly
But slowly the data is coming out That demonstrates
That the majority of people who are being hospitalized and sick today
Have eaten all of Joe's cookies they've received the full the full box of Joe's cookies and That information to come out from Israel as soon as you'd share it you'd get shut down it would be censored whatever
But it's just happening around the world so much I Watched a video was stunning video from Johns Hopkins from Johns Hopkins That showed kovat death rates and then there was a little syringe where the vaccine mandates start in a country and this is
Probably about 40 different countries around the world and as soon as that vaccine many start
Straight up go the deaths Straight up go the deaths. I have it and it's just country after country after country from Johns Hopkins and You I was gonna say you can't suppress that information forever, but maybe you can
I Certainly the people that I'm seeing man I see people on social media right now on the other side that that honestly if someone suggested that anyone
Who refuses to eat Joe's cookies? Should simply summarily be shot in the head.
These people would go. Yes, and I will do it the the depth of the evil on that side is
I Guess I would say astonishing, but I guess when you look back at history
You know a lot of those people behind the Iron Curtain liked doing what they did they they liked being
Stasi prison guards and stuff like that, and so I Guess it's it shouldn't be overly shocking but If There was still a media
The fact that the general Powell had eaten all of Joe's cookies in the exact way.
He was told eat Joe's cookies We wouldn't be having discussions of breakthroughs
What oh? Guess we had a power spike someplace All right. Yep.
I'm hearing stuff resetting and stuff like that and Yay We would be here instead of hearing about breakthroughs
We would be Hearing about failures because that's what that's what a breakthrough is it's a failure
And I'm I'm I'm trying to figure out how it is that we have forgotten What the conversation was like only ten months ago
Ten months ago when the cookies were first introduced and The cookies started being used
Everybody's going so Now I can't get kovat now right and I'm sorry.
I can't get the chicken pox now and I I can't pass chicken pox on to others once I've eaten the cookies and You know this this means we
Remember when uncle Joe was saying hey if we get enough people to eat the cookies by July 4th
We can have a great celebration and la la la la la and and now
The honest person goes Okay, there's more negative reports of bad
Reactions to this stuff than anything that has ever been recorded by medical history
In the United States, it doesn't keep you eating the cookies doesn't keep you from getting chicken pox it doesn't keep you from passing chicken pox on and The numbers are climbing and climbing that demonstrate that the cookies are
Pretty much irrelevant now, but is that changing anything?
No, we've got the Commerce Department saying that the solution to Empty store shelves is to make sure to cram this stuff cram these cookies
Into everybody's mouth around the world and that will solve everything. I don't believe it
No rational person can believe it The panicked can believe it, but if you're panicked you've lost your rationality anyways
Fear doesn't produce rationality. So that's what would does the story would be
Here is an elderly black man and the cookies failed him
That would be the story But it won't be the story Right along the same stuff
Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah This one's great Did you see what happened in Canada?
Well, it's either Canada Australia the the premier in In Melbourne that guy
Just if he just grew a mustache, it would be real obvious who he's the reincarnation of This guy's got delusions of deity.
I mean I have zero respect for this man. I'm Wow astonishing He is a tyrant with a capital
T and he and he seems to be like I'm perfectly fine with that But see what they were that yesterday that They're now telling you how many visitors you can have in your home in a certain period of time
So, I mean your homes are This is the most effective way I guess they can come up with to imprison people
I Mean, it's just yeah, it's constant house arrest. It's like well, so that's
Australia but up in Canada Where Sam you'll say can't get out of Canada to go marry his fiancee
Because you can no longer take any public transportation unless again you eat the cookies
You know the cookies for the disease that has a that has an average death between 78 and 80 now that disease yeah
Few days ago Anti mask activists ordered by Calgary judge to preach science, too
So here you have Pastors who have been convicted of contempt of court and Court of Queens bench justice
Adam Jermaine You're honored Jermaine I Would like to point out to you sir
That while you're a judge in this life You will be the judged in the next life and you will be judged for what you tell people to do
And how you use your authority? So he says they're on the wrong side of science.
They're also on the wrong side of common sense and As part of their probation conditions
Jermaine ruled They have the three pandemic denying anti mask leaders continue to preach their followers
They must also present the perspective of medical experts only certain medical experts, of course
Not the thousands and thousands of medical experts that agree with them. That doesn't matter
They have to there's only certain medical experts that you have to the medical experts that are getting paid all the money
They're the medical experts that you need to Jermaine know the sentences come as the threat of kovat 19 has never been greater in Alberta Scott and Pawlowski's Have contributed this onomous health situation said
Jermaine and encouraged others to doubt the legitimacy of the of the pandemic You encourage people to doubt big brother
How dare you and so What they're supposed to do
Let me see here because there was a yeah, here we go. So one of them has to pay a $23 ,000 fine and serve 18 months probation another one $10 ,000 fine 12 months probation
They have to obey all these orders and If the three men continue to preach to their followers
They must also place the other side of the argument on the record the judge said Jermaine suggested wording like I am aware of the views
I'm expressing To you may not be held by medical experts the majority of medical experts favor social distancing and vaccine programs
So you've got to you know, big brother is saying you need to tell people what big brother believes
Whether it's a lie or not Doesn't matter We can force you to actually
Include these in your sermons. Oh, it's very
Soviet. Oh, yeah It's it's as Soviet as Soviet can get no two ways about it
Absolutely amazing. Well at the same time I Think the number last number
I saw was 3800 or 3100 as 1 o 'clock Friday afternoon So this is probably over with that over 3 ,000 doctors the scientists signed declaration accusing kovat policymakers of crimes against humanity, but They don't exist no
You solve container problems by vaccinating people This is this is the world we live in.
It's insane and It's meant to be insane. It's purposefully insane
Because once you cause everybody to start repeating the lie You emasculate them.
Dalrymple was right. I'm not gonna repeat it, but Dalrymple's quote was spot -on Absolutely spot -on.
That's just how it works Okay, then
I have this one let me see if I can so here's remember when the
ACLU was actually a Pretended to be about civil liberties and stuff like that the
ACLU of Virginia on October 14th Tweeted this out breaking you got that one rich little rusty.
It used to be pretty fast at this but part of its age and part of it is things don't work the same down here as When I'm on the road, so I think he'd rather I was on the road
He's sitting there going. Oh, it's not not wrong about that He couldn't he couldn't he could not deny it.
Not honestly That's right get that man back on the road.
All right Breaking three teachers in Loudoun County that seems to be a flashpoint.
I'm hearing a lot about Loudoun County, Virginia because that's sort of where Washington hits the real world and You know, yeah, so Loudoun County are going to court simply because they don't want to use trans and non -binary
Students pronouns we and partners filed an amicus brief to tell the court Refusing to use students pronouns because of who they are is discrimination and there's some really really bad scan of their amicus brief the point being
The ACLU is Now going to court to try to force
You to lie, that's it because that's what it is Forcing you to memorize
People's personally chosen pronouns is absurd It's a lie
There is no such thing as transitioning It it's it's physically impossible
It's delusional and it destroys people's lives. Everybody knows the suicide rate is much higher for those individuals they have problems and Making everyone pretend that they don't have a problem is not how you solve a problem but the
ACLU We are for forcing you To speak as we tell you to speak even if it's a lie that's
That's the ACLU That's the ACLU That's where they are. That's where our world is.
It is astonishing I Might as well
This hit this morning Tony Byrne Now Tony Byrne years ago anyways,
I don't know where he is now but years ago was a Emerald Ian and He's always been
David Allen's source person when David Allen was assigned the task long ago 2008 now,
I think Heading up some of the anti -calvinism in the SBC. He was completely dependent.
He didn't know what he was doing He was completely dependent on Tony Byrne And so Tony Byrne put this tweet out today
I think and Dead air dead air.
It's real quiet. And once it gets real quiet, then yeah coming next year probably want probably
One of the most important books written from a non -Calvinist perspective and notice at 624 pages it seems like this group
Thinks that the number of pages is directly relevant to the cogency of the biblical argumentation a lot of well
This whole group does it? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah. Yeah 624 pages and it says I help to edit most if not all of the chapters well, we knew that Tony we
We've known that's you've been behind this really bad theology for a long time
But for some reason Peter Lumpkins is tagged on this
So dr. David Allen, but it's not Peter Lumpkins David Allen and and Steve Lemke Calvinism a biblical and theological critique 624 pages
Do out a year from now To which
I responded Wow, I didn't really need any more radio free Geneva material, but The fact the matter is the last
I checked When dr. Allen attempted to do a full article
A Presentation on Romans 8 we did not have too much difficulty Thoroughly refuting it
We have a standing Challenge to dr. Allen an invitation. I have said
I will walk into his classroom on The campus of Southwestern Baptist theological seminary with nothing but a
Greek New Testament and I will debate him on these issues but That's not gonna happen we all know that's not gonna happen and Dr.
Lemke Last I checked last I checked for some reason
I'm thinking New Orleans And that's certainly on my I'm you know these days. I'm thinking east west west routes
So so, okay. You got the Dallas part. Okay. I know that part and Then you've got the the
I 10 part right down along the coast, you know, that goes right right through New Orleans And so I'm just I'm just thinking what do you what are you looking at?
New Orleans. Yeah, so I thought so Dr. Lemke I go through I'm gonna be going through New Orleans.
In fact just today. I was contacting someone I had such a good time with my
Cajun friends down there and they were so kind to me That I need to get back down there and they were saying hey down here what we'd like to see
Would be some more debates on Roman Catholicism and I'm like, I'm I'm up for it.
Let's do it And so we're looking, you know, I'm basically saying I'm going to Florida in January, but I got to get to Florida and I'm thinking this
Florida trips probably gonna break the record is the longest I've been out The way it's looking because that's a long ways.
First of all, we learned in this last trip that doing Big long days
Back to back to back is not real good And so that could that could be a long one.
That could be a real long one I may have to have like Kelly fly in somewhere halfway through just to say hi.
Remember, you know type of thing anyway But yeah
Calvinism a biblical and theological critique I can't wait to Something tells me what we saw
About Romans 8 and we demonstrated over and over again. So many of the citations were not supportive of the use.
There was a Fundamental misunderstanding of the context the sources being used There was a lot of real problems with the scholarship that was represented by David Allen's article
And we just we just walked through it right here on the program spent hours just going through it Well, let's let's look at what that source actually says.
Oh, that's not what it says And oh, that's a misrepresentation and it was very very very badly poorly written.
I have a feeling That that same article probably without almost any editing whatsoever will probably be in this book
But I can't wait to see Ephesians 1. I can't wait to see Romans 9. I can predict every one of them
I can't wait to see John 6 But I can predict predict what the responses will be in each one of those
It's not no one's gonna this group is not going to come up with anything new at all so But yeah, there you go.
And hey 624 pages that That automatically means that it's that it's right because it's 624 pages long
That's that's what does it? Then I was sent this and this is really interesting
Day of Special Studies at Metropolitan Tabernacles. This is Spurgeon's Church in London Saturday the 27th of November 11 a .m.
To 4 p .m. Admission free The war against an authentic biblical text and if you recognize the picture that of course is
Dr. Jeffrey Riddle Who I debated last year only debate we did in 2020 online our first online debate and That's mentioned in here
So let's look at what it says since rearing its head in the 19th century The field of biblical criticism has waged war against the text of Scripture penetrating and conquering most seminaries worldwide
Gotta stop right there. That is that demonstrates such a complete
Disconnection with history that it takes your breath away It takes your breath away
The reality is that Minimally Minimally you have to at least go back to origin
And you can go before him But there has been discussion on the part of Christians Regarding the existence of textual well
Justin Justin and Trifo, so you're talking middle of second century you are having discussions about Hey There's my there's my jacket.
I was looking for that jacket Yesterday I was going man. I hope I didn't I hope
I didn't lose that thing I was trying to think that I leave it in the In the RV cuz
I get that jacket in in in in in in Wittenberg nice to see you.
I'm excited I'm just really happy to see that I was going.
I really wonder what went anyways Rich was rich was getting ready to leave with that I think he was just gonna turn the lights off and leave and not worry about anymore anyway
You look over go oh Just found something Hey look as we get older.
This is we're both gonna be doing that you're gonna be all sudden. I'm gonna look out there You're not gonna be there because you saw something you realize there
It is and you wandered off, and then forgot what you were doing. That's just that's just how It's how age works.
Oh, what were we saying yes middle of the second century you have biblical criticism
So since rearing its head in the 19th century what what was her ass was doing? What was
Tiffany's doing? What was Beza doing I? Don't know but If the very first sentence is that disconnected from any kind of reality, it's sad
Powerful arguments in defense of the Reformation text have been largely ignored That's because there is no single
Reformation text While the 20th century era of new translations is explored with delight every variant reading that might be found delight
You mean we take seriously all of the manuscripts and all the data just like Erasmus at least pretended to or As Stephanos would like to have done if he had had more materials and and Beza did oh, okay
Today relatively few believers even pastors know much about the authenticity of the underlying text of the
Bible Advertising wizards of the new translations always proclaim a new version to be meticulously translated from the original
Hebrew and Greek But they do not tell the buyer about the variant renderings that have been adopted.
What's a variant rendering? I know what a variation is and I know how you render things whether formally or dynamically.
What's a variant rendering? A mongrel hash up of variants produced by unbelieving liberal theologians, excuse me
Theologians don't produce variants manuscripts produced variants scribes produced variants
Theologians don't produce variants. I Don't know who wrote this but whoever wrote it has no earthly idea
What they're talking about and that's that really bothers me. I mean, this is the
Met tab I've always known that they had that King James preference stance
But this is this isn't a preference stance any longer this is Diving headfirst into simple error but they do not tell the buyer about the variant renderings that have been adopted a mongrel hash of variants produced by unbelieving liberal theologians who hold the inspiration and value of scripture in contempt is
Sold the unsuspecting believer. That's just that's just silly rhetoric it's it's unworthy of Christian men
Christian men should not write that kind of Hash to use the term being used down below the center part here
The last two of these topics were featured in a recent online debate between dr
Riddle and dr. James White who sought to defend the modern critical text viewed by over 30 ,000
I haven't looked at the views but that's in That debate the weightiest and most convincing arguments clearly vindicated the traditional text
So I'd like to I would love to know who wrote this because I'd like to hear you explain
What dr. Riddle could not explain and cannot explain and it's real simple
Why? Does dr. Riddle or any defender of the TR? Use one set of standards for Ephesians 3 9 the defense of a singular reading in a singular manuscript from over a thousand years after the time was written and Then when defending mark 16 9 through 20 uses a completely different and contradictory set of standards
If you use two different sets of standards, you are contradicting yourself and you're not being truthful period end of discussion end of discussion
There is nothing more to be said at that point He had to use different standards that was clearly demonstrated over and over and over again
These two cases to be presented by dr Riddle provide powerful examples of the tragedy of passages being altered or omitted at the whim of textual critics, which again is misrepresentation
Not the whim of textual critics. We actually have standards. We actually have to make arguments. We have to be consistent
There is no consistency in the TR only position There can't be because you already have a set of you already have your text
You have to do with the evidence whatever you need to do with the evidence The only way to actually defend
TR only ism is to stop talking about the manuscripts Because the manuscripts do not support you as soon as you start talking about manuscripts
You have to come up with a means of textual criticism and then you're done because you can't come up with a consistent means of Criticism that would ever produce the text of TR and Ephesians 3 9 proves it so and here's the problem as soon as someone says
You're right You're right Like Dean Bergan who did not accept the validity of the of the
Kami Ohanian Dean Bergan would never ever ever have defended
Ephesians 3 9 So if you go that route and a lot of you love to use his name you just don't love to use his methodology if you go that route, here's the problem as soon as you admit the
TR has to be edited then you have to come up with a Consistent system of doing the editing and Now you're in our world and so the only way
The only way that you can defend this is to say we don't care what the manuscripts say
God re -inspired the Bible reach in the 16th century over you know, and that's what that's what
Ruckman did with the King James is it was a process of purification going through the various versions of the
King James until you get the final perfect version and So why not borrow that and so you got
Erasmus and the Stephanus and then Beza and then finally somehow By the early part of the fourth decade of the 17th century
The final version was produced by a process of purification, that's the that's your only option
You cannot keep pretending that you care anything about manuscripts because dr.
Riddle doesn't That that became very very clear Because it would not matter
What the patristic evidence was manuscript evidence was versions evidence was
For Ephesians 3 9 or Mark 16 9 through 20 or John 7 for you. It doesn't matter
It's in the TR therefore. That's it Bing so gentlemen be honest and just Go to your go to the base and say you know what?
We got to stop talking about manuscripts because they just don't matter Because that's your position It's indefensible historically, but that's your position nobody who worked on that believe that But that's what you've come up with you have a this is a idiosyncratic
Position that you've adopted just just Admit it so what dr.
Riddle is going to be talking about over there in London A defense the traditional text of scripture a defense the authenticity of the traditional ending of Mark That'd be the notes from our discussion and defense of the authenticity of the woman taken adultery so the two long long variants and Since the manuscript evidence is completely different for the two of them
Anybody sitting there will discover that it'll be a different standard. It'll be it has to be
Has to be that's in the Met tab There you go
There you go all right one last thing for the program today and I'm glad you've been typing all this stuff up rich because we've covered a lot of stuff wide variety of things
I received an email From a friend of mine and Asked me about a textual variant and asked if I had done any
Study on it, and I'll be honest with you. This is not one That I had spent any particular time on at all
And Oh Seeing you're looking at going what is going on then
I realized I Had looked at this last at home on my other computer, and it's that's why it's not
I thought it'd be all set up and ready to go This is a textual variant since we're talking about textual variants that no liberal theologian invented
It's just the funny thing about this one is
It goes all the way back to p75 P75 is by far
One of our best early Gospels manuscripts, and I would date around 175
There were no liberal theologians 175 to come up with this so Not sure you know what that's supposed to mean, but anyway in John chapter 9 we have the story of the blind man's healing and Of course that becomes the foundation for the
Assertion that the Jewish leaders themselves are the ones who were blind And it's a great chapter, and it it functions as a transition between 8 and 10 and it's
One of my favorite passages to preach So it is a little interesting that while I'm sure
I Noted the textual variant. I just hadn't really spent much time looking very closely at it and the textual variance is all of verse 38 and the first few words of verse 39 and I just don't see a way of blowing this up Well it is full screen, and I just don't don't see a way of making it big enough
Maybe if I maybe if I try this Yeah, I guess that's what
I'll have to do Let's do this Yeah, and then this down here is really tough if they would just I don't know why it does that But all right, that's best
I can do Yeah, so Uh The variant is and he said
I believe Lord and he worshipped him and Jesus said and then there's the break so you see
Let's go full screen on it because that's no one can read that That that's got to go that's got to go all the way up there we go
So here's here's the variant when you see the square right there in the magnifying glass that is the indication of a
Deletion of the following words down to this symbol right there, so and He said and if that's original my understanding is that's the only place that appears that's used in John, so it's not normal Yohanian language
I believe Lord and he worshipped him and Jesus said for judgment
I Have come into this world and he goes on from there so You can see the variant noted right here there it is and What's fascinating is
You do have a p66 contains it but in a different word order and Notice all these others that have different word orders as well
That's the corrector even a p66 and then D. We know we know enough not to trust
D But the real issue is the deletion p75 like I said that is one of our earliest and most
Reliable gospel manuscripts. This is the one that Again Just Mentioned to you in passing is a copy from an
Earlier manuscript that is also progenitor of Codex Vaticanus. So the Codex Vaticanus is not a copy of p75 but they are related and since p75 is from about 175 and Vaticanus is from about 325 to 350
When they agree on Something you're talking about something that goes probably back earlier in 150 to 125
So you're talking about the earliest some of the earliest evidence that we can have manuscript wise
What's interesting is Sinaiticus did not originally have it. That's what the asterisk is for.
It was added later and Then W. Now, this is really interesting because Washingtonianus is
Primarily associated with the earliest form of the Byzantine text types that so W and Sinaiticus and p75 are rarely rarely
Together on a reading but then notice you've also got
Versionals so sahidic and others that do not contain
This particular section is the verse 38 and 39 and so This is a tough one.
This is one that I'm really going to be interested in in regards to the CBGM databases and what do
I mean by that? Well again We've talked about CBGM we've talked about coherence -based genealogical method we talked about the fact that mark came out just recently and It hasn't made a big splash because it hasn't really changed a whole lot
But it is the methodology where we have we've done these massive number of collations
Fed them all into massive computer databases So that we can see the relationship of manuscripts one to another on a level that the human mind wouldn't be able to see we
You know, I can I can remember Like looking at that what we just had up.
I Remember that when we talk about the text in Luke about sweating blood that W No, the one about Father forgive them.
They know what they do. Sorry father forgive them. They know what they'll do W joins with a number of Quote -unquote alexandria manuscripts
But that's just one place the computer can remember every Reading of W and every reading of olive and every reading of Atacanus and every reading of p75 and p45 and so on so forth and hence see
Relationships and patterns that we just our minds can't keep that any data points straight and So I'm gonna be really interested
John's being worked on in Birmingham rather than in Munster and Obviously, I hope it comes out sooner rather than later but I think when
John comes out people are finally start paying some attention to CBGM Because it's gonna have an impact and of course,
I'm also really really really hoping That since John's being done in Birmingham and not at Munster They will still be highly consistent with the application the same standards that are used at Munster or that's gonna really
I think Damage the project I was talking with a scholar about that this week on that subject anyway
My interest will be Are do the manuscripts that contain?
The reading are they more coherent with one another than the manuscripts that do not contain the reading
That was the issue of Jude 5. I Databases and You have access to them online and you can check all this stuff out
You don't have to sit there and go. Oh, well the scholars say this so you can check it out yourself That's a very positive thing
Because this is a you know, the vast majority of manuscripts contain the reading
But these very very early Manuscripts and Then very very early versions do not and so the first thought across my mind
Was I'm looking at it and I'm going okay. Is there a reason?
That it could have been accidentally deleted I don't see anything
There's no home. I tell you Ton anything like that similar endings similar beginnings
If it was just in the Greek manuscript tradition, maybe you could say well that's about how long a line might have been
So someone skipped a line possibly But the problem is You have such a wide dispersion of manuscripts
W like I said is very has very different source materials than Sinaiticus or p75 and you've got the the early
Translations that means they had Manuscripts that did not have it either one of the theories that has been put forward is that In the early church there was a concern that there was no confession of faith on the part of the blind man and That this was provided Maybe for liturgical purposes for for baptism purposes or Maybe it was a
Sermon that someone You know filled in the gaps. I don't know But it is a very challenging variant on that level and What's interesting is the the
NET My understanding is the NET Actually expressed
Concerns about it In a note and I didn't bring the NET up to read the read the note
Let me see just real quick here if I've if I've got oh, what are you doing here?
The NET texts text NET Bible 938
Lord, I believe Okay, there it is some early and significant witnesses lack the words he said
Lord I believe and he worshipped him Jesus said this is weighty evidence of the omission of these words It is difficult to overstate the value of p75 here
Since is the only currently available papyrus manuscript extant for the text of John 9 38 to 30 38 39
Further Sinaiticus is a significant early Alexandrian witness for the omission the virginal testimony and codex W also gives strong support to the omission
Nearly all of the manuscripts however include these words the omission may have been occasioned by parablepsis
Though it is difficult to account for such an error across such a wide variety of witnesses On the other hand longer reading appears to be motivated by liturgical concerns.
So re Brown. That's what I was mentioning there If these words are authentic here, this would be the only place of John's gospel where Jesus is the explicit object of prosecute neo
Even if these words are not authentic such an omission would nevertheless hardly diminish John's high
Christology Nor the implicit worship of him by Thomas nevertheless Decision is difficult and the included words may reflect a very early tradition about the blind man's response to Jesus, but they left it in and Philip Comfort Sort of laments that actually and Having mentioned the
NET's commentary Says Well, this is interesting
I do want to notice this without this portion the text in 935 to 39 reads as follows this is comfort
Jesus heard what they that they threw him out He found him and said you believe in the Son of Man the man replied and who is he sir that I might believe in Jesus answered you have seen him and he is the one speaking to you
I came in the world to bring judgment So those who don't see could see and that those who see would become blind see how that flows really nicely
There's no interruption there The text out 938 39 a presents a continuous state from Jesus lips
However, it does not show how the blind man responded Jesus question of course This is disappointing for the reader and could very likely be the prime factor that motivated scribes or redactors to insert the addition thereby fill
The gap the reader wants to know if the blind man became a believer indeed he did But this is not readily apparent in the shorter text yet in saying that those who don't see could see
Jesus is implying the blind man came to Had come to see Jesus that Jesus was the
Messiah And so he talks about that NET says the NET translators were inclined to do so that is deleted
But they decide to keep this verse in the text. It's omission is note in the NLT and the
TNIV They says having argued for the shorter reading it is disappointing to observe that not one
English version has adopted it So the tendency of English versions is to resist change people like say
I just want to change it. No, no, I don't you really have to push hard there has to be super strong evidence and there is super strong evidence here, but What's the best thing to do
Provide the information provide the information explain it and I think comfort did a good job and explaining it the
NET footnote does a good job and explaining it as well And there you go
So everybody always asks, okay. So if you're preaching through this section, what would you do? Well, I'd I'd spend a couple of minutes to make know the fact that a wide variety of early witnesses do not contain
This particular passage and I'd want to read it to them without that in it as a strong possibility of the flow that John originally presented but then say but the vast majority of manuscripts do contain this and These are some of the reasons why it might have been added and we can't really come up with any reason why it would have been deleted so there you go, there you go and For all of you sit out there you shouldn't talk about such things
Truthfulness is a Christian characteristic Christian character You don't hide stuff.
You don't hide stuff. You talk about openly That's what you need to do All right.
There we go. I think that was I I think I mainly cleared my board
That yeah the Vax thing Yeah, there's a couple other things
You know the NBA star who says blood clots ended his season. That's quite interesting
I was gonna mention a little something about the Ashley Babbitt thing man Can you imagine if things have been reversed there, but I'm not even gonna get into it right now
It's at least cleared up enough stuff to allow us to do the radio free
Geneva tomorrow Wherein we will seek to Provide a very thorough
Full response That will once again allow us
To make sure everyone understands What the real issues at the time of the
Reformation were? You may want to go back and look at the comments that I made in response to Leighton Flowers wherein
I made the accusation that Dr. Flowers position on the on the nature of the human will
The nature of sin and depravity and the nature of grace
Where I made the accusation that dr. Flowers positions on those subjects
Stand in harmony with Erasmus against Luther So stand on Rome's side
Against the Reformed That was the issue and you may also miss want to review what
I said about Titus chapter 2 Because I provide an exegesis of Titus chapter 2 because the verse had been cited in defense of Leighton Flowers position
Then I've linked to His whole video which was less than an hour long
Shocking Less than an hour long Wherein he covers a whole bunch of stuff that had nothing to do with the actual topic, which is not unusual but also
Evidently hoped that no one would notice That he provided not a scintilla of exegesis of Titus 2 not a word
Not a dot not a tittle Nothing we'll talk about all that because it does allow us to talk about the
Reformation and What's coming up in just a matter of weeks? but Reformation Sunday, which is actually a
Sunday October 31st is a Sunday this year and so all is important to remember what the issues were and to not be distracted from those who would like to try to Confuse us as to what the way the the issues were we will also be talking about Philip Melancthon then that's an
N and Who was consistently? Pronounced as Melancthon.
I don't even get that part Anyway, all right, we'll see you tomorrow