The Sun Stands Still / Treaty With The Gibeonites (Joshua Chapters 9-10)

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All right, so tonight we're going to be studying Joshua chapter 9 and then
Chapter 10 so before we turn to Joshua 9 Let's go to Exodus 23 because there's a couple verses in Exodus 23
That really set the context for why the events of chapter 9 are bad so Israel is going to make another mistake and And Exodus 23 is going to tell us what that mistake is
This isn't probably one of the most well -known stories in Joshua the treaty that Israel makes with the
Gibeonites Who's really familiar with this? Story probably not too many
To some extent this treaty they're they're tricked into it Israel should have been more cautious than to make this
Agreement, but with life just like in warfare People lie, we just have to recognize that every day people we come into contact with people will lie to us
In warfare, certainly there's propaganda There's lies in order to gain advantage people will lie to you so that you'll let your guard down Unbelievers will lie to Christians in order to try to manipulate us
So after we look at this passage, we'll try to make some application Things to be careful for so you're in Exodus 23
Let's look at verses 31 through 33 because Israel got played
Joshua the leaders of Israel They got played and they are now in a very difficult situation
So the Lord speaking to Israel Exodus 23 31 he says and I will set your bounds from the
Red Sea Or from the Red Sea to the sea Philistia from the desert to the river
For I will deliver the inhabitants of the land into your hand and you shall drive
Them out before you and you shall make no covenant with them. This is the significant part
You shall make no covenant or you could say you shall make no treaty with them nor with their gods
They shall not dwell in your land Lest they make you sin against me for if you serve their gods, it will surely be a snare to you
So this was the warning From God don't make any agreements with the people of the land of Canaan.
Why? Because the whole point was that Israel's to possess the land and drive them all out
So don't make any deals and allow them to stay Because if you do it's going to cause problems later on down the road.
So with that in mind Let's listen to what Israel did In Joshua chapter 9.
We'll listen to verses 1 through 18 And it came to pass when all the kings who are on this side of the
Jordan in the hills and in the lowland and in all the coasts of The Great Sea toward Lebanon the
Hittite the Amorite the Canaanite the Perizzite the Hivite and the Jebusite Heard about it that they gathered together to fight with Joshua and Israel with one accord
But when the inhabitants of Gibeon heard what Joshua had done to Jericho and Ai They worked craftily
And went and pretended to be ambassadors And they took old sacks on their donkeys old wineskins torn and mended
Old and patched sandals on their feet and old garments on themselves And all the bread of their provision was dry and moldy
And they went to Joshua to the camp at Gilgal and said to him and to the men of Israel We have come from a far country now
Therefore make a covenant with us And the men of Israel said to the
Hivites Perhaps you dwell among us So, how can we make a covenant with you?
But they said to Joshua We are your servants and Joshua said to them
Who are you and where do you come from from a very far country your servants have come
Because of the name of the Lord your God for we have heard of his fame and all that he did in Egypt and All that he did to the two kings of the
Amorites who were beyond the Jordan to Sihon king of Heshbon and Og King of Bashan who was at Ashtaroth Therefore our elders and all the inhabitants of our country spoke to us saying
Take provisions with you for the journey and go to meet them and say to them
We are your servants Now therefore make a covenant with us
This bread of ours we took hot for our provision from our houses on the day
Departed to come to you But now look it is dry and moldy and these wine skins
Which we filled were new and see they are torn and these are garments and our sandals have become old because of the very long journey
Then the men of Israel took some of their provisions, but they did not ask counsel of the
Lord So Joshua made peace with them and made a covenant with them to let them live and the rulers of the congregation swore to them
And it happened at the end of three days After they had made a covenant with them that they heard that they were their neighbors who dwelt near them
Then the children of Israel journeyed and came to their cities on the third day
Now their cities were Gibeon Kefirah Beirut and Kiergeth Jeorim But the children of Israel did not attack them because the rulers of the congregation had sworn to them by the
Lord God of Israel And all the congregation complained against the rulers
Okay, so you see what's what's going on here Joshua is like, who are you?
Oh, we came from far away. And was any of that true? No No So who were the
Gibeonites? It actually tells us in there calls them the Gibeonites and then it calls them what?
Hivites, right so they were Hivites who lived in the city called
Gibeon Which means a hill city. It's about five miles from Jerusalem So they're their neighbors, but they're making it out to be that they came from this long
You know this far journey and it's all a way to get the protection of Joshua and Joshua totally gets
Get scammed so Gibeon is inhabited by the Hivites who are descendants of Canaan who is the son of Ham and If you remember back in the book of Genesis a
Curse was placed on the line of Ham and Canaan Genesis 9 25 says cursed be
Canaan a servant of servants He shall be to his brethren and wouldn't you know, that's exactly what happens here in the end
They try to make the best of it and they agree the Hivites do to be Israel's servants
Which is what Noah prophesied all the way back in Genesis 9, so Should Israel have made the covenant or made this agreement?
No, obviously obviously not Just just one comment on this idea of a cursed nation
So the line of Ham the line of Canaan, what does it mean that they're cursed?
Not blessed by God, right there's no future for them in the the plan of God does that mean every individual
Who's descended from Canaan every individual Hivite is automatically cursed
No, because we already saw with Rahab a non Israelite It doesn't matter what group they're from a non
Israelite can convert and become part of the nation of Israel. So Theoretically you could be a
Hivite a Gibeonite and you could still Still be blessed by God as an individual
But as a group they were not they were not blessed by God So from their point of view what the
Gibeonites did if you look at it They dressed themselves up in these old raggedy clothes
It looked like they really did make this long journey and from their point of view
This is actually a pretty clever trick Not obviously not saying it was right, but it worked and because Israel made a vow
Before God and they made a treaty with them swore before God.
What are they gonna do? well, they got to keep their word and Despite all of Israel's failures and the mistakes that they seem to make one after another
You have to respect the fact that they kept their word I Mean, what if what if you were
Joshua? What if you were one of the leaders? I could easily see somebody today in a similar situation.
So yeah, I took a vow before God But I didn't realize This was the case, you know,
I took a vow before God, but new information has come to light But and even though that is true they still didn't break their vow
So I think that's something that we can learn Because today taking vows, which is probably unwise to begin with but when we make vows before God It's just not taken as seriously today.
People will take vows before God and they'll break them What's probably the most common?
vow that's Taken before God by Christians and broken Right. Yeah, I they take a vow through good times and bad through until death do us part and Those vows are not
Kept so I think something has to be said for Israel in in keeping their word
But this kind of behavior making covenants with the people of the land sparing different tribes this caused
Many many problems for the Israelites going forward So it's always best to obey
God at the first to avoid problems Later on it seemed like the thing to do to make this agreement but now the whole congregation of Israel is angry with Joshua and the people are
Murmuring and complaining just like the people murmured and complained against Moses So now
Joshua is at risk of being in the same situation. Moses was it was kind of his fault, right?
I mean, we've got a clear word from the Lord. Don't make any treaties And as soon as they're in the land, they're making treaties.
I Don't know about you, but when you read that what are these people thinking? but then you look at commands in Scripture today that maybe we don't always follow to the
T and That's just the way the way people are any Questions so far.
So we all understand what's going on with with Israel and the Gibeonites All right.
One commentator says this it was fear which drove the Gibeonites to act as they did
They sought for union with God's people not for its own sake
But to save their lives Rahab's motives were higher. Hence.
She was fully adopted Into Israel the Gibeonites However remained forever.
They are servants. Now. Why were Rahab's motives higher?
Okay well, I was Ruth but Yeah, same same same idea.
Yeah, right. I mean Rahab did show a Fear of God not just a fear of hey, you you're gonna come in and wipe us all out
So Rahab did seem to have a love for God where the Gibeonites. This is purely a
Practical move just to save save their own skin One final note on the
Gibeonites Gibeon did become an Israelite city. It was located in the land of Benjamin So after Israel conquered
Canaan, this became a city the the Hivites remained there and later on when
Nehemiah Rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem the Gibeonites who were Hivites did help
Nehemiah in building the wall So of all the people that Israel spared
They weren't the worst of them. Okay, they're not bad people It doesn't seem like a lot of the tribes from the land of Canaan God wanted them out because they were committing all sorts of abominations the the
Gibeonites They don't seem Half bad, I think is a fair thing to say.
All right. So what's the application for us? Can any of you think of any any applications?
ray Right, yep That's one thing that was brought out in that passage that they didn't seek the
Lord which We're just talking about this a week or two ago Yeah, they didn't
Inquire of the Lord and it blew up in their face and now once again, they're going forward making these very significant decisions not seeking the
Lord's same thing and that's gonna happen with us if we make a big decision in our life a new job
If someone's getting married to somebody you're moving To a new place and just whatever the big to buying a house if you don't
Consult the Lord pray about it and seek God's will Usually it doesn't turn out so well
All right, so the Gibeonites deceived Joshua I think another application is we need to have a healthy degree of skepticism
Just people we meet people we partner with or come into contact with it's not that we just assume that people are lying to us
But you know, you've got to be careful one thing about Christians Christians are good natured people honest but sometimes we can be naive and we can think the best of people and Really?
They're trying to pull the wool over our eyes. So I think we need to have a healthy degree of skepticism
This created all sorts of problems in the next chapter chapter 10 Because Israel made this treaty with the
Gibeonites This coalition a coalition of five kings finds out they come against Gibeon But now because Israel has made a treaty with them.
What does that mean? Yeah, the five kings are gonna attack
Gibeon but now Israel has to defend the Gibeonites They really don't want to be doing this. This is just adding more problems they have enough to deal with and honestly without Divine intervention.
I don't think Israel would have won the battle. I mean five Five nations five kings.
I don't think they would have won if it wasn't for the Lord So another application for us is be careful who you enter into partnerships with be careful
Who you enter into agreements with Always Hesitant to comment on current events, but take the current situation with Russia in Ukraine Now that our nation's leaders no matter what you think about all that Now that our nation's leaders have decided to back up Ukraine and arm
Ukraine Now we do run the risk of getting into a full -scale war with Russia and if the
United States Gets involved in an all -out war with Russia. That would likely be
World War three This is what is this what the American people want
I Don't think it's what the American people want just like the
Israelites The the people didn't want this treaty, but the leaders went ahead and did it anyway so We need to be careful
And again, whatever you think about it. Clearly our leaders don't seem to be seek inquiring of the
Lord when making these decisions This doesn't just happen with Nations that happens with people on a personal level especially with young people so Adults do this too
But maybe you have a friend or a family member and they tell you lies
Or they tell you half truths to try to get you on their side Right. They tell you half of the story to get you on their side and now you're connected to them
And now you're now you have these people that you're against because your friend or family member has a squabble now
You're against them. You don't even really know them is your partnership with your Friend that has led you into this conflict
So I think we should be careful and try to avoid that all right chapter 10 as the result of the
Gibeonites lying to Israel This is what happens. So now we're going to listen to Joshua 10 verses 1 through 14
Now it came to pass when Adonai Zedek king of Jerusalem Heard how
Joshua had taken Ai and had utterly destroyed it as he had done to Jericho and its king
So he had done to Ai and its king and how the inhabitants of Gibeon had made peace with Israel and were among them that they feared greatly because Gibeon was a great city like one of the royal cities and because it was greater than Ai and all its men were mighty
Therefore Adonai Zedek king of Jerusalem sent to Hohan king of Hebron Pyram king of Jarmuth Jephiah king of Lachish and Debo king of Egla saying
Come up to me and help me that we may attack Gibeon Britain has made peace with Joshua and with the children of Israel therefore the five kings of the
Amorites The king of Jerusalem the king of Hebron the king of Jarmuth the king of Lachish and the king of Eglon gathered together and went up they and all their armies and camp before Gibeon and Made war against it and the men of Gibeon sent to Joshua at the camp at Gilgal Do not forsake your servants come up to us quickly
Save us and help us for all the kings of the Emorites who dwell in the mountains have gathered together against us so Joshua ascended from Gilgal he and all the people of war with him and all the mighty men of valor and The Lord said to Joshua Do not fear them for I have delivered them into your hand
Not a man of them shall stand before you Joshua therefore came upon them suddenly having marched all night from Gilgal So the
Lord routed them before Israel killed them with a great slaughter at Gibeon chase them along the road that goes to Beth Horon and Struck them down as far as a
Zika and Makeda and it happened as they fled before Israel And were on the descent of Beth Horon But the
Lord passed down large hailstones from heaven on them As far as a Zika and they died
There were more who died from the hailstones than the children of Israel killed with the sword then
Joshua spoke to the Lord in the day when the Lord delivered up the Amorites before the children of Israel and he said in the sight of Israel son
Stand still over Gibeon and moon in the valley of a
July The sun stood still and the moon stopped till the people had revenge upon their enemies
Is this not written in the book of Joshua? So the Sun stood still in the midst of heaven and did not hasten to go down for about a whole day
And there has been no day like that Before it or after it that the
Lord heeded the voice of a man For the Lord fought for Israel, there's three things we're going to cover in this passage
Number one Joshua Causing the Sun to stand still so that's sort of the main event.
That's what people remember out of Joshua chapters 9 and 10 there is another miracle.
Did you catch the other miracle? Hailstones now, there's nothing necessarily
Miraculous about hail in and of itself, but this hail yes, it was from God and then there's this mention of the book of Jasher or Jasher Who knows the book of Jasher?
Does any has anyone ever read the book of Jasher? It's not in your
Bible so you probably never read it, okay. All right. Look at Joshua 10 verse 13
Says so the Sun stood still and the moon stopped till the people had revenge upon their enemies is this not written in the book of Jasher so some people have made a really big deal about this that the
Bible mentions this Non -canonical book now first. What is what is the canon?
We talked about this in Sunday school a week or two ago the canon of Scripture is what
Right. These are the books that are inspired by God So Genesis through Revelation the 66 books that are in your
Bible that that is the canon Okay, so those are canonical books
Joshua the Gospel of John Second Timothy, these are canonical books. Joshua is not so Joshua is not in or excuse me
Jasher that book is not inspired by God And it's not so it's not in your
Bible, but the Bible makes reference to it So that has caused some people to start drawing conclusions.
Well, I mean the Bible mentions this book is This book supposed to be in the
Bible Some people think that that hey if the Bible mentions it maybe
Maybe we're missing a book or two. How many of you have ever come into contact with somebody?
Who says that hey, you know the Bible? There's actually a lot of missing books that are not in your
Bible who's ever heard that Okay Yeah Yeah, well the
Dead Sea Scrolls contain some biblical books and I think some of them some of them are not yes the apocrypha
Right Right. So the Catholic Church contains the
Apocrypha which is an extra I think an extra 14 books depending on how you categorize them but there will be people that You might come across will say the book of Jasher or the book of the
Gospel of Thomas or they have all these books That are supposedly Supposed to be in the Bible. Well Just kind of tune that out.
That's not the case just because it mentions the book of Jasher Doesn't prove anything.
What do we know about the book of Jasher? It mentions the
Sun standing still Okay Now did that really happen? Yes, does that make a scripture?
No you could write a book and Include true events even biblical events.
It doesn't make a scripture now Jasher was written before Joshua obviously because Joshua is referencing
Jasher, but It's a lot to do about nothing. Basically There's about I think 10 or 11 books that the
Bible references that are not Not actually included in Scripture does anyone know some of the others
For example first Kings chapter 11 verse 41 mentions the book called the
Acts of Solomon Now in our Bibles, we have the Acts of the Apostles, but the
Acts of Solomon is not a biblical Book, so all of that to say this the book of Jasher You know it existed at one time and then the
Bible made reference to it That's interesting, but it it doesn't really mean anything beyond that But because the
Bible mentioned it, you know what people do there have been forgeries throughout the centuries
Well the Bible mentions this so I'm gonna write a book called the book of Jasher and people have tried to pass it off as hey, we have the book of Jasher, but those
Those copies that are out. There are probably just forgeries people wrote after the fact
Okay, so a lot to do about nothing And you haven't heard any of this right?
This is new to most of you So okay, it's probably a good thing, but now you know if someone tries to tell you that now, you know
The second thing I want to touch on here in chapter 10 is the miracle of the hailstones
You've probably seen hailstones the size of what pebbles Right about this big maybe what's the biggest hailstone you've ever seen right
Right. Yeah, that's usually what you'll hear that Golfball size hail is about the as big as it gets
These are a lot bigger obviously why? Yeah, so I mean
I guess a golf ball falling from the sky theoretically could kill somebody But I mean this would be
Softball size at least basketball size maybe maybe bigger Do we have a record of other?
Miraculous hailstorms in Scripture actually we've already gone through one.
What was that? Yep the book of Exodus chapter 9
It says that the Lord Rained down hail upon the land of Egypt So that was the seventh plague in Egypt and the hail was so large it killed both man and beast
So must have been pretty big now. It happened again here in Joshua It's gonna happen again in our future to when when is the next judgment of hail going to be?
Who knows I? Bet you know what book it's in Okay, it's during the tribulation so it's in the book of Revelation chapter 16 and it talks about hail the the size of what who remembers
Hail the size of well. I'm asking because I forgot what it says, but I remember the size if you look it up It appears that the hailstones are going to be about 75 to 100 pounds
So when that happens and during the tribulation, I mean a hundred pounds falling from the sky
I mean that's going to destroy whatever Whatever it is. So God has used this judgment of hail in the past.
He uses it again here we know it's miraculous because verse 11 of Joshua 10 says that the
Lord cast down large hailstones from heaven on them. So God is the source number one
Number two the size was abnormally large so big that it killed the people and then number three
It only seemed to fall on Israel's enemies so that kind of proves it right there that this was a
Miraculous judgment by God, but it almost gets forgotten You could read through this and it doesn't really seem all that significant because of this
Massive miracle here in chapter 10 Joshua commanding the Sun to stand still
I wonder I I guess I have to believe that God moved him the
Holy Spirit Prompted him to command because this isn't something that well, you've never seen anyone do this
My talent, yes, thank you Hail the size of the town So Joshua commands the
Sun to stand still look at verse 12 then Joshua spoke to the
Lord in the day when the Lord delivered up the Amorites before the children of Israel and he said in the sight of Israel son stand still over Gibeon and moon in the valley of Ajalon so the
Sun stood still and the moon stopped till the people had revenge upon Their enemies and how long did it stop for how long did it last?
about a whole day So given the complexity of what we talked about this before but it what it would require
I don't know. What would you say the physics of it? I don't know the astronomy but how complex this miracle would be
Nothing compares to it except God creating the heavens and the earth X knee. Hello out of nothing
To me the old that's the only miracle that well, that's even greater But that's the only thing that comes close
So, how did God do it? I want to ask you. How did God pull this off? How did he cause the
Sun to stand still with the earth's? Rotation and Everything.
How did God do it? Yeah, right you can do yeah, he can do anything like there's no there's no answer.
It's a miracle. There's there's no rational or natural Explanation.
This is purely supernatural So God is taking even with the hail
God is taking a natural occurrence and sort of supersizing it into a supernatural Event so this some commentators have said this
And I always get a kick out of this. I should probably not even pay this any mind But I was reading
John MacArthur's notes on this and he said some commentators have said that Maybe this was an eclipse that hid the
Sun Keeping its heat from Joshua's worn soldiers and allowing coolness for battle, you know
Maybe that's what happened. It was just in the clips. Well, how do you know it wasn't just in the clips?
Yeah That's yeah, that's one thing And a clips last what five ten minutes
Right Yeah, well that that was what I was thinking like how do we know it wasn't a clip because it says it wasn't
Doesn't say that it was an eclipse. This is sort of like the swoon theory of the resurrection who's heard of the swoon theory
You know Jesus died and he was buried three days rose again
But so there's all these people out there that thing that Jesus just swooned. He didn't really die
It just looked like he was dead and they put him in the tomb and because the tomb was cool He kind of was rejuvenated in the tomb and then he he walked out and he recovered
I mean, I what possesses people to do that Right Right, yeah, yeah
Jesus was you would have been pretty weak you would think but he was able to move this massive stone and Yeah, it really makes you kind of shake your head
But you know what? I think it is. The Bible talks about those who have a form of godliness, but they denied the power
That they want their religion they want to feel spiritual they want to call themselves
Christians even and have their stuff But they don't actually want to acknowledge the power of God Because as soon as you acknowledge that God is who the
Bible says he is That's That's that's a scary thought to some people.
So I think that's what drives it They're there Right, I have no no no idea
But it is an amazing an amazing thing. So We are evangelical
Christians Bible -believing Christians One of the things that sets us apart is we believe the scripture is
In error, it's without error And we take the Bible what? Literally, yeah, it means what it says says what it means and it's so much more simple that way
That you just read it and say yeah That's what happens because that's what happened because that's what it says.
I mean, that's a revolutionary idea that you just believe it for Yeah So these are some of the the conclusions some of the takeaways
Even though God's people made a covenant with Gibeon when they shouldn't have The Lord is still faithful to keep his covenant with Israel, even though Israel's breaking their end right and left
God is still faithful to them The lessons we're learning are to always seek
God before making big decisions I suspect somebody in this room over the next few weeks or the next month is gonna have a big decision to make
Just remember Inquire of the Lord pray about it. See if the Bible Addresses it any principles you can take
It's easy to say that but then forget about it when you're making decisions Be careful.
There's another thing be careful about those who would lie to us to Gain an advantage over us to manipulate us
Have that healthy degree of skepticism Be careful who you Make alliances with the scripture says do not be unequally yoked together
That doesn't just mean marriage. I think it applies to anything that business partnerships
You don't want to be yoked together with somebody who's ungodly because then they're gonna make decisions and you're gonna be standing right next to Them and you're gonna be responsible
Along side of them. So do not enter into partnerships With with the world and Then if we do make mistakes and we will if we seek
God if we get back on track He's able to do amazing things in spite of our failures
I'll close with verses 13 and 14. This is what God did with Israel They made yet another mistake and this is what
God does to deliver them So the Sun stood still and the moon stopped till the people had revenge upon their enemies
Is this not written in the book of Jasher? So the Sun stood still in the midst of heaven and did not hasten to go down for about a whole day
And there has been no day like that Before it or after it that the