The Gospel of Luke: Rejoicing in God our Savior


Sermon: The Gospel of Luke: Rejoicing in God our Savior Date: January 8, 2023, Morning Text: Luke 1:39–56 Preacher: Brian Garcia Audio:


Well, good morning, beloved You can turn your Bibles to the gospel of Luke chapter 1
We'll be examining verses 39 to 56 We'll be examining these verses the most biggest chunk of verses yet that we'll be examining together this morning
We've been a month into the series and we're still in the first chapter. That's good progress And we're gonna be again examining verses 39 and 56, please do stand for that reading when you have it
Luke chapter 1 verse 39 here he the word of the Lord in Those days Mary arose and went with haste into the hill country to a town in Judah And she entered the house of Zechariah and greeted
Elizabeth and when Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary the baby leaped in her womb and Elizabeth was filled with the
Holy Spirit and she exclaimed of a loud cry blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb and Why is this granted to me at the mother of my
Lord should come to me for behold? when the sound of your greeting came to my ears the baby in my womb leaped for joy and Blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfillment of what was spoken to her from the
Lord and Mary said my soul magnifies the
Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior for he has looked on the humblest state of his
Servant for behold from now on now all generations will call me blessed
For he who is mighty has done great things for me and holy is his name and his mercy is for those who fear him from generation to generation
For he has shown strength of his arm he has scattered the proud in the thoughts of their hearts
He has brought down the mighty from their thrones and exalted those of humble estate He has filled the hunger
Hungry with good things and the rich he has sent away empty He has helped his servant
Israel and remembrance of his mercy He has spoke to our fathers to Abraham to his offspring and Mary remained with her about three months and returned
To her home. This is the word of the Lord. You may be seated Gracious and bountiful merciful
Savior We do come before thee this morning Asking that you would work in us that which is pleasing in your sight
Help us Lord to remove every idle thought Every high lofty thought and every sin that may so easily entangle us
From this divine appointment that you have bestowed upon us this morning to hear the proclamation the preaching of your word
Lord help us to have eyes and hearts of clarity to receive and to rejoice in God our
Blessed Savior Lord that we may learn from the example of Mary who for the joy that was set before her that only bore your son in her womb but indeed
Lord Greeted you and greeted this sacred mission with Thanksgiving and praise
Lord help us in whatever lot we have in this life To greet it with Thanksgiving and praise in adoration unto you the only true and triune
God Father Son and Spirit It is in Jesus name that we do pray and approach you. Amen We see here early in the text of Scripture in Luke chapter 1 starting in verse 39
The continuation of the narrative of Christ's blessed birth his entrance his climactic entrance into the world through the
Incarnation in the previous few verses as we were introduced several weeks ago Verses 26 all the way to 38.
We see how the Lord God appointed this young woman named Mary To be the mother appointed to bring forth
God's own son into the world to bring in to the world
Jesus Christ our Blessed Savior And as a narrative progresses, we see that that Mary is actually
Acquainted not only just acquainted but related to this woman named Elizabeth who was also introduced to us even before Mary in Luke chapter 1
Elizabeth and her husband Zechariah were the ones appointed by the Lord God Almighty to bring forth
Man by the name of John the Baptist and as Elizabeth is still pregnant with this child with John We see what happens in the narrative in verse
Verse 40 when she entered Mary that is enter the house of Zechariah and greet Elizabeth It says and when
Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary the baby in her womb leaked leaked now this is pretty remarkable for a couple reasons namely
One how did the child in the womb know? that Mary Who had just been conceived in whose womb had just been conceived the
Son of God How did this child in the womb? No, I Can't begin to answer that question other than the fact that it had been appointed by the
Holy Spirit But here's another thing of great importance that should not be lost on us their brothers and sisters
Life in the womb is precious Life in the womb is indeed life in all of its glory
You know, I was reading just this week on Babies that are in the womb and it says that they conducted a study an experiment on Babies in the womb and they would take a light
That would be in a shape three lights that were in a shape of a triangle But they would have it, you know kind of exactly in a shape of triangle so you have one light up here and in two lights down the bottom and they would shine it on the stomach of the mother and the baby would react to it, but Nothing major, but then they inverted they had the two lights and then the one light in the bottom
And then what they found was that the child in the womb responded by following that light with its eyes and The reason they believe that the child did that was because the child in the womb
Was able to even at that early stage of life to perceive the pattern of the human face two eyes and a mouth and Because of that pattern there were eight the baby in the womb is able to follow that light more closely than if it was inverted the other way very interesting that even in the womb
Life has a way of perceiving and understanding and wanting to be in relationship with others and Here is no different with the example of John the
Baptist in the womb of his mother Elizabeth Somehow by some means of the
Holy Spirit This child in the womb was able to recognize the
Blessed Savior Jesus Christ This shows you the power and the beauty and the glory of life in all of its stages
Even so vulnerable and so small and so needed in the womb a
Bible says it goes on to say in that verse again in verse 40 It says when she entered the house of Zechariah that's
Mary and greet Elizabeth and when Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary the baby leaped in her womb and Elizabeth was filled with the
Holy Spirit Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit now the the narrative of this scripture doesn't give us a whole lot of details
But what it does give us is of great value Namely that Elizabeth had some revelation by the
Spirit to understand and perceive that what was happening in Mary's life was just as if not more
Miraculous than what had just happened in her life remember what had come to fruition through the
Conception of John the Baptist in the life of Zechariah and Elizabeth was indeed a miracle this is a woman who was later in years advanced in years who was barren and Whom God had brought forth life in the womb, but still by natural means with Zechariah and Elizabeth Yet what we see in the virgin birth of Christ is that his mother
Mary had no human conception This was a miraculous work by the
Holy Spirit so much So that even when the angel Gabriel goes to Mary and proclaims to her these words from verse 31
She the angel Gabriel declares behold you will conceive in your room in your womb and bear a son and you shall call his name
Jesus and he will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High Goes on to say in verse 35 the angel
Gabriel says to Mary the Holy Spirit will come upon you and the power of the Most High will overshadow you
Therefore the child to be born will be called. Holy the Son of God.
How Was it that Christ was conceived in the womb of Mary by the power of the
Holy Ghost? The power of the Holy Spirit. This was not any ordinary conception this was miraculous
This was a virgin conception never before and never after Mary is one and unique in this sense and that she is the only woman in the history of humanity to bear a child
Through miraculous means of the Holy Spirit without human conception even today and all of our modern progress so -called progress and Technology that is being able to use in the order to for women to conceive today.
There still needs to be intervention by human hands and yet this
Conception needed no human hands needed no human partner needed no Scientific discovery, but it required the power and anointing of the
Holy Spirit the power of God overshadowed this young virgin So that she would conceive in her womb the blessed
Savior the one who would be called holy the one who would be called the Son of the Most High God the one Who was promised to us by the prophets?
Who would be a son of David who would sit on David's throne and who would reign over the house of Jacob forever? And of whose kingdom there would be no end
Elizabeth for then greets Mary with this in verse 42 and she exclaimed of a loud cry blessed are you among women and blessed as a fruit of your womb and Why is this granted to me?
That the mother of my Lord shall come to me. I often wonder how much
Did these early? Bible figures in the narrative of Jesus's life. How much did they actually know?
About this son who would be brought into the world. How much did they know? Did Mary know that what was in her womb would not just be a regular human being and not just another child
But indeed God incarnate did she know Did Elizabeth know the extent of who this
Lord who this Christ would be In all of his glory and all of his divinity and all of his humanity
I Do take courage and I take faith in this and that when when Elizabeth greets
Mary She greets her as the mother of my Lord Now the word for Lord in the
New Testament is a Greek word called kurios kurios Oftentimes in the
New Testament is used in place of the divine name Which is
Yahweh or Jehovah now often time in the New Testament the word kurios can simply mean a
Lord or master, but in other connotations as we've learned in previous sessions
We've also learned that the name or title kurios can literally mean Yahweh.
Which one did she mean here? Did she mean that she known acknowledged that what was in the womb of Mary was
Yahweh come in human flesh or? Simply one with great power and authority.
I don't know that I have an answer for that I'd like to present one to you, but I don't know that I do. I don't know what was in the heart of Elizabeth I don't know what her theology was perfectly when it comes to this topic
But here is what she did acknowledge and what we should all acknowledge That the one that was in the womb of the
Virgin was one with great power and great authority Indeed it was the
Lord verse 44 for behold when the sound of your greeting came to my ears the baby in my womb leaped for joy and Blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfillment of what was spoken to her from the
Lord This is of great importance brothers and sisters Who was the first person?
Beside Mary to acknowledge Christ if you're following along today's teaching It was John the
Baptist followed by Elizabeth These were the first ones to acknowledge
Christ Acknowledged Jesus for who he is and who he is now even
Lord Jesus Christ is Lord Brothers and sisters if you have not come to know and acknowledge that truth
Well, first of all, then you're not a Christian One who is a Christian is the one who is acknowledged the proper
Lordship and sovereignty of Jesus Christ You've heard it in modern evangelicalism like this.
You have to receive Jesus into your heart You got to make him Lord of your life. Have you ever heard something to that degree? It's very popular today
You got to make Jesus Lord and the fallacy of that is that you do not make
Jesus Lord He is Lord as Elizabeth Acknowledges Jesus's Lordship So then we too must acknowledge
What is a fact? That Jesus Christ is Lord He is
Lord of everything and when we say as Christians that Jesus is Lord We're not saying he's just another sir or a master, but that he is the master.
He is the sovereign He is the Yahweh who has come in a human form
Jesus Christ is Lord. This is the most consequential statement that can be uttered by the human lips so much so that John that The Apostle Paul says in Romans chapter 10 verse 9 that if thou would confess of thy mouth
The Lord Jesus and believe in thy heart that God was raised from the dead thou shalt be saved Not thou might be saved or thou can be saved but thou shalt be will be saved
That's the power of the Lordship of Jesus Christ that it can transform the human heart
It can make dead men live again Because he is
Lord Such a powerful and in fact the most consequential statement of human history is that Jesus Christ is
Lord and even in the conception of his birth and the conception of his of his of his earthly beginnings
Even Elizabeth acknowledges that the one in the womb is indeed
Lord And so much so that even her child John the
Baptist who was in the womb also leaps for joy in Knowing and recognizing that the one before him was in fact the
Lord Jesus Christ in response Mary Sings a song of praise which is often called the
Magnificat The Magnificat we see in verse 46 and Mary said my soul magnifies the
Lord Some translation would say my soul praises the Lord.
It's a this is a praise is a song This is a jubilant cry my soul magnifies praises the
Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior For he has looked on the humblest state of his servant for behold from now on all generations will call me blessed in the
Magnificat Mary Magnifies God. I want you to write that in the notes if you're following along Magnifies God as her
Savior Now this is of great importance as We will take some time this morning to examine
Some of the lies that are spoken about in regard to Mary and her position in God's kingdom
If you come from a Eastern Orthodox or a Roman Catholic background both institutions and wings of the
Christian Church teach a pretty dangerous heresy regarding Who Mary is?
in her relation to Christ Jesus There's a phrase that is used in the
Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox traditions that that Mary is called Theotokos Now, do you know what a
Theotokos is? Maybe some of you don't but it literally means God -bearer they believe that Mary This is a title
Greek word Theotokos literally means God -bearer. This is a title for Mary as the mother
God This is a title that is used especially and specifically in the
Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic traditions And it teaches that Mary is the mother of Christ divinity
That Mary is the mother of God the God Jesus Christ Now, why is this not true?
Why is it that Protestants especially in the Reformed tradition? Reject totally this notion of Mary being
Theotokos a God -bearer in this way now Well, it is true that in the womb of Mary is the
God man Let there be no doubt about that Jesus Christ is fully God and fully man.
He's not half God half man He is fully divine fully
God wrapped fully in human flesh It's true man and true
God as the creeds rightfully confess So then why then would it be inappropriate to call
Mary the mother of God and it would be inappropriate Simply for this reason
Mary is herself a created creature She is not the mother of the divine nature
Speaking of Christ's divine nature in Hebrews chapter 7 verse 3 It says that Christ using
Melchizedek as a foreshadow Has neither father or mother neither beginning of days or end of life
Christ in his true Divinity has no origin There is no one who can name claim
To the origin of the divinity of God for God is the
Alpha and the Omega The first and the last there is no one before him and there shall be no one after him
He is the true and only Sovereign of all things Mary is the mother of Christ's humanity of his flesh
Not of his divinity. It would be inappropriate. In fact heretical to declare
Mary as a Theotokos as the one who is the bearer of the divine nature truly
Dangerous heresy that is which has led the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox positions into even deeper heresies in relation to the authority that they've placed on the
Virgin Mary among those Heresies that have continued to be perpetuated by the
Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox positions is the perpetual virginity of the
Virgin Mary specifically in the Roman Catholic tradition The perpetual virginity of Mary teaches this that Mary was a virgin before Christ During Christ and then even after the birth of Christ and yet we know from the gospel narratives themselves
But as we go through the book of Luke that you know, here's a spoiler for you. Jesus had brothers
Jesus had earthly brothers which means that Mary was not a perpetual virgin as the
Roman Catholic tradition teaches This too is a heresy, but it has to be perpetrated because they have given
Mary this divine title She is the God bear. Therefore we have to now And Kind of make more grand the role of Mary in the redemptive history of the scriptures
So we have to keep her not that she just once was a virgin But now she needs to perpetually be a virgin in order to make her more grand to make her more akin to God Among the things that we also see as Heretical is the doctrine of the
Immaculate Conception That is also taught in Roman Catholicism which essentially teaches that Mary was also conceived without original sin and That Mary was a able to be a host for bringing forth
God into the world because she too had no sinful nature Brothers and sisters.
This is a concept that is foreign in Scripture you see what happens in this theology of Mary that is espoused in these other traditions is
It begins to elevate Mary and the Bible gives us quite the elevation for Mary There is an honor.
There is a blessedness to Mary that should not be overlooked as Says as it says in Scripture it says in verse 48
It says for behold from now on all generations will call me blessed Indeed we look upon Mary and believe that she is indeed blessed that she had such a vital role in Bible prophecy and bringing forth
God's Son into the world and yet We do not elevate her beyond what the scriptures has declared
She is blessed But she is not a perpetual virgin She is not one of Immaculate Conception that meaning that she was born without Original sin, and why do we not ascribe her that to her is because the
Bible does not ascribe that to her Nowhere in Scripture doesn't declare that Mary was conceived without original sin to do
So would go beyond what the scripture says and we believe in the authority of Scripture sola scriptura
And so we reject Theotokos we reject perpetual virginity.
We reject the Immaculate Conception We also reject this heresy as well as it progresses a heresy called assumption
Also taught by the Roman Catholic Church That Mary not only conceived miraculously the
God and human flesh Jesus Christ. Not only was she a perpetual virgin. Not only does she not inherit an original sin nature
But that she was also taken to heaven bodily That is the heresy of the doctrine of assumption taught by Roman Catholicism You see what they keep doing with every single doctrine regarding Mary they're elevating her more and more and more and more where she becomes essentially a
Deity of her own right where she becomes a goddess of sorts
Because not only what does she not have a sin nature like Christ Not only does she have a divine nature that she can pass on to Christ But now even so she is taken up to heaven bodily like Christ Mary Was not taken bodily into heaven and I can prove that very easily in Scripture in first Timothy Timothy rebukes in chapter 2
Those who were teaching that the resurrection had already taken place Now one is taken to heaven bodily.
That is a resurrection It is to literally be taken to heaven. That is you're being raised up to heaven and the
Greek word for resurrection just means it literally a standing up again and I'm being raised up and Yet Paul taught the resurrection had not yet occurred in his day and that we were still looking forward to a future
Resurrection and that's his whole argument in chapter 4 of 1st Thessalonians chapter 4. He's teaching.
There's a future resurrection It hasn't happened yet we're awaiting this those who die in Christ are asleep in Christ and they're waiting the bodily resurrection from the dead and Yes to be absent from the bodies to be present with the
Lord There is a real joy to be in the presence of Jesus while we await the resurrection but The resurrection is not yet So therefore to say and to teach that Mary was taken bodily into heaven
Which would be a doctrine that would deny the very heart of the resurrection Our blessed hope that we were waiting for at the coming of our
Savior Jesus Christ To the doctrine that is presented by the Roman Catholic Church of Assumption is also a false teaching that should be rejected and to bring this to a climax of Examining the false views about the
Virgin Mary We examined a doctrine that is taught by both
Eastern and Roman Catholics That Mary is a co
Redemptrix in the plan of God You see one of the titles at the
Roman Catholic Church places upon the Virgin Mary as it calls her the co -redemptrix the mediatrix and the advocate that stands before Jesus Heresy absolute blasphemy to call anyone but our
Savior Jesus Christ our Redeemer and our mediator for the
Bible says in 1st Timothy chapter 2 verse 5 There is but one God and one mediator between God and men the man
Christ Jesus one mediator There's only one
Savior only one Redeemer and his name is Jesus And he is even our advocate with the father as it says if we sin
We have an advocate with the father a helper even Jesus Christ a righteous one
To call anyone else these things especially a created person is
Indeed the height of arrogance and the height of idolatry These are dangerous doctrines and this is one of the reasons why
Doctrine is so important is to study to show ourselves approved
Not that we're being tossed to and fro every wind of doctrine Because the church says so because an authority like the
Pope says so or because councils have said so we must bring all things captive onto the obedience of Christ by the
Word of God and the Word of God does not teach a doctrine of Theotokos that Mary's the mother of God Neither does it teach perpetual virginity?
Neither does it teach Immaculate Conception Neither does it teach assumption and neither does it teach that Mary is a cold redemptrix and mediatrix an advocate alongside
Jesus Christ such Doctrine is indeed an abomination
Which is why so strongly that our forefathers in the reformed tradition feel about this
That they ascribe even to the very institution of the Roman Catholic Church and to the papacy the title of Antichrist That's how strong they felt about the false doctrines of the
Roman Catholic Church Now over the years we've kind of watered down some of our criticisms against Rome and we've began to look at Rome more and more friendly and we begin to even consider most
Catholics maybe even our brothers or Sisters in the Roman Catholic tradition now I don't doubt that there are
Roman Catholics who love and know Jesus one of the things that we do share in common for the
Most part is our view of the Godhead and of the person and work of Jesus Christ.
There is some familiarity there however as a whole
Roman Catholicism should be considered as anathema as a
Heretical institution and indeed even a dangerous one for it teaches lies regarding our blessed
Savior even by Elevating a creature like Mary to the status of God the
Son of Jesus Christ by sharing Titles divine titles that are ascribed only to Jesus Christ.
This is indeed a dangerous Heresy and should be rejected by all
Christians and all those who love our Savior think about the Danger of calling
Mary a co -redemptrix meaning essentially that Mary has
Authority and power in the saving of the human soul This is why
Roman Catholics in their tradition pray the rosary and pray prayers to Mary and Some of them would say well, we're not really praying to Mary.
We're just asking Mary Well when you pray to when you talk to someone who's not in the room You're either on the phone with them or you're praying to them
Those are the only two options if they're not in the room physically You better hope they're on the phone or let me break it to you.
You're praying You're praying You're praying to someone who's not there. You're communicating.
You're trying to communicate words emotions feelings requests to someone who's not there that is called prayer and so when a person prays in the
Roman Catholic tradition to Mary Asked for her intercession Asked for her to go before the
Savior to plead your case Brothers and sisters does not the scripture teach us that we have now been bought with a price and that We now have access through faith into this grace in which we now stand that we need not a priest
We need not a Pope. We need not even a Virgin Mary in order to approach our most blessed
Savior Jesus Christ we have full access now by faith To God and to the throne of mercy we need not a co -redemptrix a
Mediatrix or an advocate other than the advocate that has been spoken to us and delivered to us in Jesus Christ he is
Sufficient and the doctrine that is taught by the Roman Catholic Church makes
Jesus Insufficient by saying we now need another mediator.
We now need another advocate. We now need another Mediator and we do not need another of anything because we have all that we need in Jesus Christ.
Amen Therefore we know we must recognize the true danger of Rome here, especially as it distorts
The simplicity and the beauty and the uniqueness of the role of the
Virgin Mary She is indeed blessed and notice again in the
Magnifica how Mary begins this praise by magnifying not herself
Not saying thank you God for appointing me as a Co -redemptrix as a mediatrix as the advocate
No, indeed, she begins to praise God and magnifying God by rejoicing in God as her
Savior You see Mary needed a Savior She needs a
Savior and it's Jesus. It's the Lord God Almighty the God of Israel. That's her
Savior She is not a Savior for anyone else She is in herself
She indeed needs herself a Savior and this is why she Rejoices and magnifies the
Lord not because she is great. But because God is great And in verse 48 for he has looked on my humble estate of his servant.
She understands she has a proper view of herself Her proper view of herself is that she knows that she's a humble servant
She's a young woman who doesn't have much to offer to the world and yet God has appointed her blessed has appointed her to bear his son and Because of this behold from now on all generations will call me blessed indeed
Blessed is the Virgin who brought forth Christ Jesus into the world Blessed is she
She gives all the glory to God and it says In verse 50 in verse 49 actually for he who is mighty has done great things for me and Holy is his name
Now what we see here in a magnifica is a a praise that is akin to some of the other praises of deliverances
We see in Scripture for instance when the Israelites crossed the Red Sea They broke out in a new song and they begin to praise
God for the wondrous deeds as wondrous acts That he had accomplished by bringing them out of slavery in Egypt bringing them through the crossing of the
Red Sea into a land of promise We see God also use
Words of praise similar to this similar to what we see in 1st Samuel chapter 2 verses 4 to 8 in Hannah's praise under similar circumstances she begins to praise and exalt magnify
Yahweh the true God and so Mary follows in this great tradition of After seeing the salvation of the
Lord after seeing the miraculous hand of the Lord at work and her life She breaks out in song of praise and begins to magnify the one who created her the one who saved her the one who sustains her even the
Lord God of Israel when she goes on to say in Verse 51 he has shown strength with his arm he has scattered the proud in the thoughts of their hearts and he has brought down the mighty from their thrones and exalted those of humble estate
You see what Mary is doing in this moment in the case she didn't catch the last part in the
Magnificat Mary magnifies God as her Savior and the next note Mary acknowledges the sovereign
Strength of God's arm and the affairs of the world Again Mary acknowledges the sovereign strength of God's arm
She says in verse 51. He has shown strength with his arm in the Old Testament When the
Old Testament writers used the term the arm of the Lord it was euphemism to speak of God's saving power
In fact so much So that in Isaiah 52 and 53 the very arm of the
Lord is what comes down from heaven It is indeed our Savior the one who will pay the price and penalty for our sins by whom stripes
We will be healed. It is a very arm of the Lord that comes forth into humanity to save humanity
God's arm is not short to save It's not short Indeed Mary acknowledges this grand truth of the arm of the
Lord and able in its ability to show strength to scatter the proud in the thoughts of their hearts to Bring low the mighty from their thrones and to exalt those of humble estate the arm of the
Lord is able to save and This is her cry Similarly to what we see in 1st
Samuel chapter 2 who turned her for a moment in 1st Samuel and we see the
Song of praise from Hannah starting in verse 2
Actually, I'll start with verse 1 so we can see the similarities Between the praise and the prayer of Hannah and the
Magnificent of Mary My heart this is at 1st Samuel chapter 2
Starting in verse 1 and Hannah prayed and said my heart exalts in the
Lord My horn is exalted in the Lord. My mouth derides my enemies because I rejoice in your salvation
Do you see the connection? You see how closely that resembles what Mary had just proclaimed when she says my soul
Magnifies the Lord my spirit rejoices in God my Savior And It continues on in verse 2.
There is none. Holy like the Lord For there's none beside you. There is no rock like our
God talk No more so very proudly let no Eric let not arrogance come from your mouth
For the Lord is a God of knowledge and by him actions are weighed the bowels of the mighty are broken but the feeble bind on strength
You see the economy of God's kingdom the turning upside down the roles the mighty being brought low and the low being
Exalted. This is what happens in the economy of God's kingdom When God intervenes in the affairs of man by his strong and sovereign arm, it says the bows are mighty of the mighty are broken but the feeble bind on Strength and those who have full have hired themselves out of out for bread and those who were hungry have ceased to hunger
And the barren has born seven, but she who has many children is forlorn
The Lord kills and brings to life He brings down the shield and raises up the
Lord makes poor and makes rich He brings low and he exalts he raises up the poor from the dust he lifts the needy from the ash heap to make them sit with princes and Inherit a seat of honor for the pillars of the earth are the
Lord's and on them He has set the world, you know the similarity between Hannah's prayer and Mary's is that it both centers upon the sovereignty of God That it is
God who is intervening in the affairs of man It is God who reigns over the affairs of man it is
God who is now and forever the one who exalts and brings low and is
Indeed the God in whom we are to exalt and rejoice him as our
Savior. It is all by the Lord's hand and This is a clear vein a clear
Consistency in the vein of Mary's prayer and of Hannah's prayer of the praises and songs of all saints throughout redemptive history that the
Lord reigns the Lord reigns Therefore because the
Lord reigns we can rejoice in him we can have confidence in him
Because he he controls the affairs of all things you see Mary meets uncertainty with praise
She receives God's Word with gratitude and she looked to the future with fortitude trusting in the sovereign
God of history Here's a young woman who has everything the fear in life
It's every reason to be worried about the future and yet she meets uncertainty with praise and worship brothers and sisters
How do we face times of adversity and uncertainty Do we meet it with?
Trepidation do we meet it with? bitterness do we meet it with murmuring or do we meet the occasion of the day as Mary did by Magnifying making big making great the
Lord and his fame. I Don't know what your lot is today in life. I don't know what it is that you might be struggling with But know and be assured of this and whatever it is that you're struggling with in life today
Whatever uncertainty has touched the shores of your life trust and the unshakable sovereignty of the
Almighty ultimately all Things work together for the good of those who love
God are called according to his purpose. Mary knew that truth Mary knew I don't know how
I don't know why but I know all things are gonna work together for good and Because of her fortitude because of her faith we to share in this inheritance of faith by calling her blessed
She is indeed blessed she is the blessed mother of the humanity of our
Savior and She also declares with great certainty That from generation to generation
His mercy is for those who fear him Fear the
Lord With fear and trembling fear him one of the great sins of our time today even in the
Christian Church is that we do not have a proper fear of the Lord and one of the reasons is because of a misunderstanding of Christian theology even you see we look at Christian theology through the lens of Jesus Christ, which is the right and Correcting to do but I think we've misrepresented
Jesus in some regards Because we look at all things your lens of Jesus meaning this that well,
I'm set I've been set free from the wrath of God and that's true. Yes. Amen, and hallelujah We've been set free brothers and sisters, but we have not been set free
To Not fear the one who set us free We are to fear him.
We are to love him. We are to approach this Mount Zion with fear and trembling but also boldness and Knowing that yes, our
God is a consuming fire Yeah, I can I can approach him and one day we will be with him face to face
You see Moses could not even stand to be face to face with God and that he would fall to his feet and it would cover himself
So that he would not be consumed and yet one day we shall stand before him face to face
But before we get there Fear the Lord for it is the beginning of wisdom.
It's the beginning of knowledge The fear of the Lord teaches us to approach him rightly
It teaches us to have a gratitude and appreciation for all that he has done and is doing and will do in the future
Fear the Lord in such a way that you fear displeasing him that you fear
Hurting the heart of the one who loves you and gave himself for you even
Jesus Christ You see it should make you afraid To hurt the one you love it should make you afraid to hurt the
Savior who saved you therefore fear the Lord with fear and trembling for his mercy is for you from generation to Generation and fear him with joy and gladness not fear in the sense that you are fearing one who is a tyrant, but you fear one who is a tender father who has affection towards you and in this way
We're reminded also of the grandeur sovereignty of God in his arm and his power to save in Scattering the proud and the thoughts of their hearts and he's brought down the mighty from their thrones and exalted those of humble estate
In our fear in our pursuit of the fear of the Lord we ought to remain humble a humble people be a humble people in this world, especially in Silicon Valley where wealth and power is the biggest commodity
Technology and all the things that come with it. We're to be we're to remember that we are called to be a humble people
We're called to be a lowly people as it says here in verse 53. He has filled the hungry with good things and The rich he has sent away empty
You see all the riches that we can accumulate in this life Will not be able to follow you in the world to come you don't ever see a
U -Haul Chasing a hearse You can't bring your things with you
The Egyptians tried that and now all their belongings are in museums are stolen or lost to time
We cannot bring anything with us Therefore remember the great inheritance of our faith is not in the possessions that we own
But rather the possession of eternal life that's been granted to us through faith in Jesus Christ He is able to give us many good things even if we're poor even if we're hungry verse 54
Mary remembers the plea of the people of Israel He has helped his servant
Israel and remembrance of his mercy as he spoke to our fathers to Abraham and to to his offspring forever
The way that she ends her song of praise is by remembering that Yahweh is a covenant -keeping
God That God has made a promise Starting with Abraham and has brought it to fruition in the fruit of her womb
That what was in her womb would be the culmination of the covenant promises of Yahweh namely that Jesus Christ is
The promises and the amen and the yes that we've been so looking forward to throughout redemptive history
It all culminates in Christ to finish off this time together
I Ask a question in the notes Why is the
Roman Catholic view of Mary heretical and you can boil it down to one word?
idolatry Idolatry The reason why the
Roman Catholic view and the Eastern Orthodox view of Mary is so dangerous and so Heretical and why
I've spent so much time and energy today speaking to you about these issues is because they elevate
Mary to a position of idolatry And this is dangerous and this is worrisome for anyone who claims to adhere to the
Bible Because what we see instead is that Mary gives
God all the glory So I want you to write that in there as well in the last bullet point
Mary gives God all the glory and because of that Generations have called her
Unblessed you see Mary in her proper role is a good role model for us in an example
Who is worthy of our respect and honor, but is not worthy of that which exclusively belongs to the one true
God namely prayer worship Adoration and glory those belong to the one true and trium
God alone Mary is not our co -redeemer she is herself a creature who is in need of a
Savior and Though it was in her blessed womb that our Savior was carried. It would be through Jesus's perfect obedience and his nail pierced hands and feet that she herself would be carried into eternal life and Redemption and it is the same way by which we too can enjoy eternal life
Through the finished and complete work of Jesus Christ at any time another creature is
Elevated as a co -redemptrix a co -redeemer a co -mediator a co -advocate
With Jesus Christ we cheapen and lessen the finished and complete work of Jesus Christ therefore brothers and sisters
Have faith in the true Jesus of Scripture and the Jesus who is sufficient and powerful enough to save Even the very arm of the
Lord who belongs to whom belongs all the glory power and adoration
Both now and forevermore if you have not come to know this Jesus He is indeed the
Savior of the world the Redeemer of the world He's the one who paid the perfect price the price for our sins on that tree on that Blessed cross where our
Savior was nailed to his hands and feet pierced for you and me so that Through the blood that was shed on that cross we might have an eternal redemption that can either be stolen nor taken away an inheritance that is sure and Paid for us in heaven
May you have faith in this Jesus who is perfect and whose perfect obedience has won for us an eternal redemption and salvation
May you come to know this one who loved you and gave himself for you even
Jesus Christ. Let me pray Blessed Savior Indeed you are blessed
Indeed you are sufficient Indeed you are great and worthy to be magnified my soul rejoices in you
God our Savior May all of our hearts the hearts of your people rejoice this morning as you receive this word from you
That you are indeed our Savior That you are indeed worthy
That you are indeed the one whom's arm is not short to save but indeed mighty to save It is to you that all in every knee shall bow and bend
We're to prostrate before you in fear and trembling for you are the
Lord Yahweh the God of the living you're the alpha and the Omega the first and the last
Lord help us to align our hearts with yours Help us Lord to repent of all sin to trust fully in you and the redemption that you have brought forth
We thank you Lord for bringing forth into this world through the
Virgin Mary our Blessed Savior even Christ We pray as Mary prayed and as she declared
We rejoice and magnify you God our Savior and we pray this along these lines as well
Lord That your mercy is for all those who fear you and from generation to generation
You have shown your strength in your arm That your arm is powerful and mighty to save You've indeed scattered the proud and the thoughts of their hearts and you've brought down the mighty from their thrones
You've exalted those of humble estate You have filled the hungry with good things
Lord and the rich you have sent away empty He is you have helped us indeed.
Oh Lord our Savior To trust not in ourselves But in you who is able to raise the dead and we thank you for the covenant keeping
That you have done so faithfully in times past and the covenant you will keep now even the covenant of eternal life that you've done through Jesus Christ and It is that very covenant that we now turn our hearts our attention to as we examine ourselves and examine this table
Lord Jesus, we love you. We thank you for all that you do to you Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that you are
Lord to the glory of God the Father all glory be to you Our incarnate deity