"By What Standard" Trailer, the 11th Commandment, and the CT Outrage Machine


Weighed in today on the controversy that managed to explode without my participation whatsoever on Tuesday related to the By What Standard trailer from Founders Ministries. Addressed the trailer, the topics, the 11th commandment, and the critical theory movement that has made such massive inroads into the thinking not only of our society but the church as well. Visit the store at https://doctrineandlife.co/

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Greetings and welcome to the dividing line. My name is James white coming to you live from beautiful evergreen,
Colorado We come to you live from up here each July Well, not all of July, but it's it's a good time to to be up here and not in Phoenix I've seen a few one elevens one twelves down there while I've been gone.
Not really missing that but up here and It was because I was coming up here.
I had been up here a couple of weeks ago I flew up that time and This time
I drove up after spending some time in New York with Jeff and Luke and you're doing some stuff on Mormonism while we were there and this time
I drove up which is I normally do So I can bring my own bike. There's nothing like having your own bike
I can assure you of that especially on a hundred mile bike ride anyway While I was driving up on Tuesday of This week
I stopped in as I recall I think that was in Grand Junction, Colorado maybe maybe is before that and I I Don't I don't remember in that particular area where you're in Sort of corner of Utah into Colorado is not the most remarkable area of travel
So it's hard to remember exactly where things are Anyway, I stopped get some gas and I got a text message from Tom Buck the troublemaker from Texas now the doctoral troublemaker from Texas and He basically said well,
I'm glad someone's still taking my phone calls and I'm like I'm literally standing there
Putting gas in the car having just Barely got in my car up to the pump because some guy decided with this massive long trailer that he deserved all the pumps at that particular gas station that time and he was gonna go in and buy some
Chips and have a hot dog or something and leave all the rest of us sitting out there. Anyways It's rude.
Anyhow And I'm like, oh you're talking about and he says you don't know what's going on and I'm like no
I'm driving to Colorado and I Don't think it's overly wise to be driving on interstates while twittering or Facebooking or anything else and so He starts filling me in on the fact that the trailer for by what standard had come out and the world had exploded and And So I I stopped long enough to get a
Get a bite there. They had an A &W at the gas station warning
The A &W the gas station Grand Junction. Don't do it Got some
I got some chicken fingers that I'm pretty certain if I Thrown them down like that. They would have bounced
Up Rubbery, oh, I think it was a rubber chicken they got instead of the real thing.
Anyway, it was So I was there long enough though waiting for the rubbery chicken fingers to cook to Start looking at some stuff seeing a few things on my phone while not moving obviously and Then I got a hold of rich and said hey, could you look at this?
I heard that was Tom told me this this and this could you look this up and send me something about this and and So I started catching up but to be honest with you the initial explosion had all taken place while I was
Blissfully or not so blissfully Moving along various interstate highways getting to it's a third.
It was almost 14 -hour trip That's a long time I'm sort of glad that happened because I got
I wasn't apart Now full disclosure I had been sent a link to the trailer
With a password and I could have watched it. The problem was it was sent I think it may have been the day that I had a
I flew back from New York six hours worth of delays got got home much later than I expected to Preach on Sunday had to pack on Monday leave on Tuesday Just we did the divide of the radio free
Geneva on Monday. I did not have time to look at I had not seen the trailer Until I heard all the rest of stuff about it
That's an advantage and a disadvantage So I was up here in Colorado before I finally was able to fire it up and Watch it, but I already knew what some of the conflicts were what some of the accusations were even before that Even at that I had to roll it back to find the big point of conflict.
They won the second blur shot and Then right around that same time or just before that The statements started coming out coordinated statements from the heads of Baptist Southern Baptist Institutions Basically saying we shouldn't do this, you know 11th commandment to the wall
It's the 11th commandment has never been written anywhere, but it has been engraved in the soul of the
Southern Baptist Convention That's the best way to put it And if you're not sure the 11th commandment is the 11th commandment is that Southern Baptists are not allowed to criticize fellow
Southern Baptists in public as and The 11th commandment has a gradation just sort of like a like a graded curve, you know for the guy in the pew but the the higher up you get as soon as you work for a
Southern Baptist entity of any kind as Many people found out a year and a half ago a year and a quarter ago
When they dared say something about what was being said the MLK 50 stuff or what followed after that Where your job was being threatened for what you put on Twitter or Facebook?
The more authority you have or the higher your position then the more the 11th commandment applies to you and The idea is if we if we don't have public fights, we'll all stay unified
Think about that one for a while Because it speaks to what you think is the basis of unity
And the only kind of unity that could possibly continue to have any meaning in a culture
That is going to put it be putting more and more and more pressure upon us as believers the
Foundation or unity will have to become more and more and more Defined and central and definitional and That's not what you get when you
Have a unity that is based out of let's just not talk about what we disagree on and we're not talking here
About Arguments about eschatology or issues regarding church polity
We really really are talking about the future of the Southern Baptist Convention.
For example today. There is a brouhaha going on Because someone outside of Well outside of Christianity as a whole not even a believer, but someone who is very much involved in the analysis of critical theory in Western culture
Responded to the rather mundane in my Opinion statement from Union Theological Seminary that social justice is the gospel.
Well, you'd expect that from Union Union has been there for decades Union responded to the statement of social justice in the gospel by denying scriptural sufficiency inerrancy you know, it's that they are the very essence of this and The idea is not that Union is a
Southern Baptist seminary because obviously it's not nowhere near it but that This is the trajectory.
This is the direction that Critical theory and cultural
Marxism and social justice and whatever terms you want to use to describe the complex of Concepts that are being used in light of The degradation of Education in the
West over the past 50 years that has removed Critical thought logic reason and The subjugation of emotion
To transcendental values Has removed that as the central aspect of what defines mature thought let alone mature
Christian thought These complex of ideas are utilizing that fundamental cultural change at that very important level to create systemic change across society and Now what we're seeing as if a a switch was flipped in March of 2018
The the memo went out go We're ready go
Part of this has to do I honestly believe if you'll take the time again, this is something it takes time.
This is why The social media platforms are producing schism and division amongst people who used to walk together is because we have bought into the need for immediacy at the cost of death immediate responses that are shallow and Shallow responses always appeal to the emotions.
We are human beings who can create the image of God He has given us minds. We are called to have the mind of Christ as a result
We as believers, especially are shocked to see within the church this kind of thing happening and The speed with which we are asked to respond to things is breeding this incredible Shallowness a lack of depth a lack of Connecting the dots and instead an elevation of emotionalism of Emoting rather than devoting serious time to reflection to consider
The history of ideas their relationship to one another. What is the long -term effect of these things?
All that stuff has been pretty much put to the side because in our society
Those transcendental truths That we once believed as image bearers of God we were to embrace to value and then in a disciplined fashion to apply in our thought
Always keeping our emotions bridled and disciplined and under control
That's no longer what we see going on in the culture Amongst the cultural elites in politics and now as of last year
We've and it's been in liberalism for a very very long time within what calls itself the
Christian Church But now all of a sudden we see it in our own ranks and we are left wondering what in the world
Is going on what in the world happened? that's background a
Couple things about the trailer a I have nothing to do with it. I Like I said did not even see it until after the explosion took place.
I would like to start with a word of criticism And I I do so having thought about these things for a few days
And trying to put aside the emotionalism of the outrage
That has been generated. I think purposefully That doesn't turn you into conspiratorialist.
There is cooperation amongst people even who have different motivations There can be cooperation to try to accomplish things.
I mean just look at the current political situation The one thing that I Did not understand when
I first saw it But you see when I don't understand something it doesn't automatically mean that I'm going to Question the motives or in impugn the the
Reasons for that white people did what they did That type of emotional response.
We have to reject it, but I did not understand. I fully understand why for example the
Interviews that were done at the Southern Mass Convention focused upon the critical resurgence
Because and by the way for the few people who don't know this I'm not a Southern Baptist I was
I Was ordained in the Southern Baptist Church. I've taught in Southern Baptist institutions But I am
NOT associated with Southern Mass Convention in that way I have many many friends who are and I think that those of us in who are reformed
Baptists Those of us who are conservative Presbyterians should be very concerned
About what's going on in the SPC as a whole Because we were in this together whether we whether we like it or not.
We're in this together The conservative resurgence is being undone by this movement
That's that's obvious the redefinition of inerrancy the redefinition of scriptural sufficiency the redefinition of gender roles it is one
Social justice train Blowing through the front door and the brakes have not been applied and so it has everything to do with the conservative resurgence that has everything to do with what happened in the past and Why that's being undone now
So the discussions concerning Scriptural sufficiency identity politics
Critical theory and especially the resolution 9 at the convention what took place at that time
The the issues surrounding that the identification of critical theory is merely a analytical tool
And the things associated with that Makes perfect sense. If you're going to address those things, you've got it.
That's what you got to talk about. No, no choice But what
I did not understand Was the
Matt Chandler context When I saw the brief clip of Chandler saying something about we're not experts
I knew what that was from I had not watched all of that But I knew it was about the sexual abuse stuff and I'm guessing
I didn't want to actually contact The founders guys and ask questions about the production of the material so I wouldn't be unduly influenced by that but My my
Understanding is I could be wrong but what I thought was the video of the brief video of Beth Moore, I think
Was from the same Thing at the SBC about sexual abuse,
I'm not sure if that's what the Matt Chandler one was from I think it might have been I don't know but I knew the context was the same of those two and By the way,
I think that's where the Rachel Rachel Denhollander Blurred vision a blurred image came from too.
I think it's from the same thing And I don't know
I don't know what that has to do with the film other than this theory and here's where I So much of the response has just been your standard outrage
Impugning of motives These people just they're just the worst people on the planet and so we're going to just assume the worst motives for anything the idea of In fact, if you even said well, let's give the benefit of the doubt and see the movie
You need to repent you sinner and I have tweets of that. I Want to bring out
I wrote on Twitter on July 24th
So here is my novel idea how about we wait till the film comes out listen to it carefully take notes and Discuss the topics with open
Bibles and a commitment to use the same standards We use for the central doctrines of faith and discussing these controversial issues
It could could it that be any more vanilla and could that be any more non -disputable I Mean what
I'm calling for is patience Let's not make a decision based upon a three -minute trailer
Secondly careful hearing of its arguments because you don't make arguments in a three -minute trailer that Little bit more time to do that That would be the listening carefully taking notes
Discuss the topics with open Bibles. Let's actually Do what we say we believe
That we believe and believe in scriptural sufficiency and go to the word
With a commitment to use the same standards. We use the simple doctrines faith. In other words, let's not allow critical theory
Let's not allow whatever the popular thing is right now To determine our
Exegesis, but let's use the same hermeneutical principles that we use to defend the deity of Christ resurrection atonement everything else to Analyze what the film says?
That shouldn't be controversial But a fellow by the name of Jason Harris to Jason Harris on Twitter responded to that tweet
With these words, this is the sort of abject moral ineptitude
That has made it increasingly difficult to endorse you. I Urge you brother with deep sadness to serious soul -searching and repentance
Okay, so my novel idea of Patiently waiting for the video to come out
Listen to it carefully Honestly and discuss it on the basis of having an open
Bible and sound hermeneutical principles is According to Jason Harris who identifies himself as a theologian
Abject moral ineptitude that should require on my part serious soul -searching and repentance
This is the kind this is when I when I've been talking about outrage This is what
I'm talking about Another guy just a few moments ago that I've seen before before J Faust Joel Faust This was literally 857 this was half an hour ago
The trailer is the problem. I don't care if the follow -up movie is the Jesus movie remastered
The trailer itself is an objectionable product production worthy of rebuke So there you go.
We have to worry about the movie. Don't have to worry about what its arguments are We can respond simply based upon this
This is what I mean when I'm talking about just abject outrage that is filled
Has filled social media Now back to my criticism, um,
I Don't know what the sexual abuse scandal has to do with the substance of the film, but here's my guess
And this is what this is how you do it when you actually are willing to to go
You know and and I know I know Tom Askew We don't call each other up on the phone and chat about the
Tour de France though that stage today. Oh, yeah That's terrible if that ends up determining who won
Anyway sadness, um, and if you don't know that don't worry about it only my fellow Cycling fans understand what happened today
But we don't do that Tom and I we know each other we've spoken at numerous conferences together we get along real well
But you know, he's there in the Southern Baptist Convention, I'm not there any longer and so But I but I know he's he's just Extremely careful.
He does not he does not want to He has been forced by conviction to deal with this issue.
I can just tell he would rather Not be dealing with it at all but he's been forced to recognize that What gave them the opportunity to?
Make the historical argument that the founders of the best convention Included a large number of committed reformed men
That conservative resurgence that was necessary for that because liberals could care less what the founders actually believe.
That's the whole point that that conservative resurgence is doomed If the the current social justice invasion being led by Russell Moore And by others in high positions have taken very high positions in the convention is
Allowed to go unchecked. So here's my guess My guess is that the connection
That if it's even a part of the film will be drawn is that one of the primary criticisms of The panel at the
Southern Baptist Convention that was supposed to be talking about the issue of sexual abuse
Many people on that panel hijacked the topic to attempt to promote
Egalitarianism and a fundamental reorientation of gender roles in the thought of The leadership is about Southern Baptist Convention and therefore down the line
In the congregations themselves. That's my guess and I don't know.
That's the best way to have approached it. But my guess is that that's where it came from I'm Open to being corrected, you know, if the film comes out and there's a whole bunch of stuff on that.
I don't see that I have no reason to believe that but that would disprove my theory but the film comes out and that's what that's the connection is made is that there is this egalitarian movement and it is
Impacting gender roles and hey what we've talked about regarding Beth Moore the removal of that whole section homosexuality from the book without notation
Without even noting it until it was discovered and then hey What's going on here?
Oh, well, we just felt this out of the other thing, you know, that's not how to do it and So maybe that's where it was coming from.
That's that's my guess anyway Must understand that There were two there's two sources here of the outrage and They are what's interesting is you have two very very different Forces here coming together in an unusual collaboration
The first is as mentioned before the 11th commandment of the Southern Baptist Convention thou shalt not speak ill of a fellow
Southern Baptist which may have helped in the past During the period of the conservative resurgence, but now it has been co -opted by the very forces that would turn the trajectory of Southern Baptist seminaries into future
Union theological seminars It must be understood that The continued obedience to the 11th commandment will result in the fundamental degradation and denial of the night and When you have
Individuals who are willing to quite simply in a fundamentally political fashion
Utilize funding from sources that most Southern Baptists would be shocked are actually having influence upon the
Southern Baptist Convention and upon reform seminaries in general and Utilizing political terminology and mechanisms are
Purposefully seeking to alter the course of the convention and its
Its application of Biblical principles to the current social system and the current social situation that I think is really really where the 11th commandment is allowing them to do this almost unchecked and So when founders comes out and says we are going to address and have you noticed that as long as somebody appeared in The trailer the assumption is that person is being identified as a heretic or a non brother or whatever else it might be and one of the things that I Know I've been criticized for and I know
Tom Askelton criticized for is Attempting to deal with this issue as if we are dealing with brothers to take
Seriously the profession and to try to keep this even this debate in the sharp disagreement within the bounds of fellowship the assumption on the other side is
Interestingly enough they don't do that for us You know,
I just read read one hey you need to repent you're this is this is sin on your part you're you're out there
Or let me just read you a tweet from dr. James R. Riley.
This was This morning a couple hours ago two hours ago
Dr. James R. Riley Evangelicals do not have to accept understand or respect the teaching application of social justice
When they refuse it highlights the fact that they have never had a true encounter with Jesus Christ It's hard to understand oppression when you've always been the oppressor
So there you have someone plainly operating within the categories of critical theory oppression oppressor
That's what everybody is doesn't matter what you yourself have done. You're a part of a group This is critical theory right amok
And what's it being used to say? never been a Christian in the first place and So we're hearing this more and more
It's the logical outcome of the application of critical theory So that's what's being said that's that's what's out there
We're not making this up even though there are people who are saying that we're creating all of this that none of it really exists
I'm not sure how they how they say this how they get away with it given the obvious nature of these things right in front of our eyes, but anyway
I've been criticized Tom Astle's been criticized for attempting to pursue this issue amongst believers
And hence not utilizing the political mechanisms that people on the regressive left are well known for using and what's causing a lot of us certain causes me a tremendous amount of pain is to see
Inside what is called the fellowship of the external church the very same methodologies and actions being undertaken that we see every single day in The political machinery around us which is not much of a if a machine is supposed to accomplish something
Our machines busted and the same things happening within within the church. The exact same methodology is being utilized over and over again so I just I just don't think that this knee -jerk reaction that I'm that what founders is saying is that everyone that they showed a picture of is a demon or Principality in power.
I could not believe how many people saying rational people in other areas We're actually thinking that what you do is
Whatever is on the screen when the audio is taking place Automatically means that there's this connection being made and you're accusing this person that accusing that person that Especially with the blurred image thing was like really seriously
Because as I pointed out Well, the first things I pointed out is if you go like 3 minutes and 15 seconds into the end of the trailer right for the end
There's a close -up of Tom Askew not looking overly happy either And the narrator is saying we've been played well automatically because everybody was saying every frame is chosen and it's it's all purposefully you're supposed to be doing that's the other thing and That means that the founders were saying that Tom Askew has been playing it's just It was really face palmingly amazing the stuff that was that was being said
If it was if it were consistently applied But of course, it's not you only apply it to what you want to apply it to and that is that that that other thing
Was just random that was just but this is purposeful whatever The assumption that I'm going to make
In looking at the trailer is I know these guys have good motives they're fellow believers in Christ and they believe in the sufficiency of Scripture and therefore
I'm going to assume that the reason that the sexual abuse quotations were used was in relationship to the egalitarian movement and that was explicitly put out there
With the quotation from Dwight McKissick from the debate that he had with Tom Askew so for me
Was pretty obvious there wasn't any reason for all of the beating of the chests and the
Burning of the Tom Askew figurines that were going on in in Twitter and obviously for me
Since I'm the object of that kind of behavior and treatment all the time then
I want to be somewhat sensitive to not necessarily just jump on that bandwagon and So all of that being said
The 11th commandment is the one source so you have certain people
Embedded in the power structure of the SPC Who have decided that the
SPC needs to go this direction? social justice movement again, we've discussed social justice over and over and over again we point out the vast difference between a biblically defined concept of justice and Identity politics racialism gender confusion egalitarianism the whole
Gamut of Tools that are being used to disassemble and take apart the past to create a new future
But it's not a new future based upon biblical categories or a biblical vision of mankind
The church the gospel and things like that. It's a very secularly defined perspective that most of us believe will be absolutely disastrous and in fact people like me believe is a part of God's judgment upon Upon Western culture that has had so much light and has sinned against that light
But I said it was there were two sources for the outrage the other is simply the social justice movement as a whole and The idea
That of what we're seeing all across This is this is the same thing the exact same motivation of the part of these people that motivates the students who run into classrooms or amphitheaters
Stand outside When a conservative is attempting to speak in a university and bang on windows beat on drums scream like children
And we're seeing this all across Western culture. We've seen it for at least a decade now and You know that if you attempt to say anything against the narrative
That you're going to encounter people like this there is only one side that is allowed to speak
Only the oppressed Get to speak and if you're a part of the oppressor class, you can speak as long as you do.
So as a Demi Let's let's cross categories here because that's what's being asked of People that would not be considered in one of the oppressed groups
Intersectionality again, if you have a low intersectionality score, then you have to act as a
Demi You have to act as a person subjugated I Agree, and I am bad and my ancestors were bad and Western culture has always been bad
And the morals and ethics we used to have about marriage is such bad And so I will confess to all these things and I will
I will stay on my knees with my head bowed Then you can speak as long as you continue to just mouth what you're told it's about That's that's how it works in the critical theory world and So they're the those the only people who can speak
Just watch what happens when someone who plainly is going to say, you know what this is self -destructive
It's going to it's going to ruin everything It doesn't make any sense
Let alone says hey, how about we actually debate this? Yeah, that's never gonna happen as soon as they arrange a meeting anywhere
Watch the very same outrage machine kick into gear now
We've almost become accustomed to this. That's not a good thing, but we've almost become accustomed to this in the society now we're seeing it in the church and Now we're seeing hey if you dare talk about Intersectionality if you dare talk about The the race relations and say that the paradigm that is being forced upon us
Which is not a biblical paradigm, but especially imagination and could not survive Biblical debate, but you'll never hear a biblical debate on that subject
If you dare raise these issues and say this is an error We will shout you down.
You need to repent. You need to be shamed. How dare you have already read to the tweets of our rigid where that's where my daring to not jump on the
Burn the founders to the ground bandwagon Sinful you're blind.
You need to join in What in the world has happened?
Saying the same people who only two years ago was said hey chill. Let's see what the video says
Let's analyze it or now. Oh, no. Got it. Got it act now got it or you're you're no longer my friend
I'm not gonna be a supporter of you. So Those are your two sources and I Don't even know how to demonstrate that the
Second source is indicative of fourth stage cultural cancer,
I Don't I don't it's so obvious it's so plain
When you cannot have Liberty of thought you cannot have meaningful exchange.
You cannot have debate When one side is just simply told to shut up You cannot speak and I think that's what
You know people have objected to well, why was that one thing? included in the trailer where you just need to be quiet and listen because That's exactly what we're being told.
There cannot be any Interaction there cannot be give -and -take We are to we are to allow the imposition of racialist categories
Rather than Christian categories, and I'm sorry not a one of you people and you know it
Not a one of you people can back any of this up in a debate, you know it You know that you have absolutely picked your verses
But anybody with any background could demonstrate that you're doing it out of context against the apostolic witness against the practice of the
Apostles in the early church that what you are Suggesting and demanding we embrace would have led to the absolute destruction of the apostolic church in the
Roman Empire, you know it That's why you will never think you'll never do it and So the only way since you can't debate it and when the debate is to just shut the other side up based on racial categories based on sexual categories gender categories whatever this same
Train that has mowed over the core of Western Society law ethics morality
That was based upon the shared Imago Dei of man well that's now busted through the front door of the reform slash evangelical church and that's the situation that we that we face and So what do you're hearing calls for boycotting?
founders and don't let them come to convention next year and You know the whole nine yards.
It's it's just a Full -on frontal attack and crusade
Impugning motives doing everything that they then say founders is doing So founders can say we need to talk about these subjects
That means you're attacking these people. So you're a terrible horrible person This is the very essence of what we see on our university campuses what we see in politics what we see amongst cultural elites
It's just it's everyone and now it's it's in the church as well And that's the source of the outrage and that's the only way to describe it the outrage that has been expressed at the very at the
Willingness of someone to stand up and say, you know what this this is not right let's talk about this and shine a light on it and And No, we will shut you down.
We will shut you down. And so Immediately there were media sources ostensible journalists
Who were on top of this and just accepting every accusation and every you know
I'm just not to be associated with this and that where it's not allowed and allowed this to be discussed it was so obviously coordinated and so obviously a part of a
General Intentional movement That I don't know how anybody who didn't just sit back for a second go.
Oh, that's pretty weird. How fast that's happening Hmm and look at that. It's almost like they had that written up already.
It's that's right Not allowed to not allowed to recognize those things anymore. I guess I don't know
So let's talk about the the non -issue and I I'm sorry. I think it's a non -issue When you have something like this that the best way to derail something like this is to jump on something invest it with massive emotional weight and Hope it blows the project up and that's what happened with the
Rachel Denholm then hold When I first started hearing this I was just like,
I'm sorry. They're saying what what's what's going on what and Here's The the narrative that Friends of mine and maybe they wouldn't consider me friends anymore, but friends of mine have enunciated is a
One -second blurred image and look I wouldn't have had a clue who that was.
I would not have known if If I had not heard beforehand This was in the context.
It was very shortly after the Dwight McKissick Thing or about women preaching in the church
Holy Spirit of God egalitarianism gender roles whole nine yards. I just it's all blurred out
I assume this is Intended as a woman speaking leading teaching whatever else the situation might be and so you've got a one -second blurred image and at the same time a
Narration drawn from I guess the passage in Ephesians And what you're supposed to believe is that this is an intentional action to identify
This woman as a demon you're supposed to you're actually supposed to believe that And I'm just like how
Demonic do you have to think these people are that that would be their intentional act? I Mean, first of all, it wouldn't work
If if the name had not been put out there 99 % of the people watching us wouldn't have had the foggiest idea
That that's what was It wouldn't have worked is that if that was the intentional
Action, that was the dumbest thing anyone has ever done But you have to just assume not only stupidity, but just Rank evil motives and evidently there are a lot of people like hey,
I don't mind There and that's just it These are the
Reformed Southern Baptists and it's it's Reformed people that jumped all over a one second blurred out image
Nobody seemed to go And here's here's my theory. Okay, I could be wrong.
I Haven't asked but here's my theory Immediately before this you have the
Beth Moore clip my understanding is That's from the same panel so you already had converted and I don't do video editing but I've done a little bit of it and I've had to bring video in from different sources and then you have to match up the frame rates and Resolution and all the rest that stuff and and try to make it work and any more most of the programs do that sort of automatically
But in the olden days Sometimes that was a real pain. It looked really goofy.
Anyway You've already converted that video. It's already there and So you're talking about?
egalitarianism and gender roles and So here's here's a woman speaking. I'll blur it out and I'll use it as the b -roll background to fill in You know, you've got a certain length of an audio quote
And you got to fill the time and so it's 14 .2 seconds long something like that.
What am I going to put in the background? That makes perfect sense to me at that seems logical to me when you're trying to put something together and It would not require massive massive conspiratorial assumptions
I'm just done at the at the willingness of Folks that I know
To go, you know what? I think there was a massive conspiracy there and I think there was sitting there going we're gonna take a shot at her
I don't even have any reason to think that they have any problem with her She hasn't taken any positions to my knowledge
Maybe I just don't know but I don't think she's an egalitarian. So why it just doesn't make any sense.
So to assume That somebody would do something That that is completely contradictory to the whole purposes of what they're doing totally unintentional
Why make that assumption but man, I'll tell you if you don't if you don't agree with that conspiracy
You're out the door. I don't care if you've been doing what you've been doing for 35 years. You're out of there You're a bad man
That's where we are today But it worked perfectly It worked perfectly you you take one second that has nothing to do with the subject of film as far as I can tell and that's why
I don't understand the Matt Chandler part So there was there was fodder provided inadvertently,
I think Connection not necessarily made but I'm just assuming what the connection was.
You take that one one second and Hence we don't have to what have we been talking about has how much of the conversation since Tuesday has been yeah, you know,
I see a lot of see a lot of identity politics starting to show up in our churches and you know issues like that and and Know that that's not been the discussion
All of that energy that would have in a positive way been able to be used in that sense dissipated
Brilliantly done by the other side and I think a lot of folks have brilliantly played in the process by it
Just just brilliantly played but For some folks, that's the most important thing about the whole thing.
Clearly I just read it read you someone saying I they don't care what the final thing will be
They've been enraged enough and Emotionally roiled enough by what has been said about a trailer to not even give consideration
To the argumentation of the entire presentation. That's where we live today. That is not a mature way of thinking
That is an infantile way of thinking that is that is
I'm so mad at that guy for beating my team. I don't care what team he ever plays for I'll never vote for that thinking and yet that's now accepted in our society the factuality importance biblical soundness of anything that might be said in the final product
Irrelevant because I've been emotive I've been emotionally offended
Even if I had to buy into a conspiracy theory to be emotionally offended That's why sometimes
I'll be honest be honest with you. I just wonder if it's too late if it's just too late if there has been such a long period of degradation of honoring logic and rationality and the process of argument and all the rest that's how
I just Some days I just go may just be too late and I Don't know.
That's There you go from there In the midst of all this
I have a feeling this was a what's called a subtweet But Mika Edmondson put out a tweet on the 23rd and Maybe it was a subtweet.
Maybe it wasn't I don't know but It's the conjugate. It's it's the this and a response that I wanted to comment on He wrote whatever critical race theory actually is
I find that interesting that he would start with a who knows now certainly there are probably lots of different applications
But I think you can identify what CRT is Well what CT is and then it's application so you get critical gender theory and critical race theory
Basically if you can identify an area of human thought you can put a C before and a
T after it The result will be the destruction of that. It's it's Intellectual acid is is what it is and it's meant to be it's meant to break apart.
That's the whole point of it It can't build anything up. It cannot create anything It can only destroy so critical race theory is destroying the relationship between Ethnicities Because it destroys the ability to identify commonalities and and and foundations of unity
So the result is what we're seeing today whatever critical race theory actually is it's certainly not a bigger threat to the church's witness
Then here's the list Widespread sexual abuse and cover -ups domestic violence partisan hijacking of our moral witness greed
Misogyny and ever encroaching xenophobic and white nationalist beliefs
Now I wanted to analyze this Because it is one of the best examples
I have ever seen of how to piggyback Critical theory promotion and apologetics on Given and accepted
Categories of biblical sin and Biblical issues that's what's being done.
And again, it's working because we have For so many decades now not practiced and hence taught the next generations the importance of Well to use the old phrase thinking
God's thoughts after him honoring God by the Logical rational application of God the
God -given reasoning ability that we have Property identifying proper categories, etc, etc.
So So what you start with are givens
But they're categorically distinct You see critical theory can absolutely destroy the foundations of the faith because when you really take it to its critical biblical theory is
What has been practiced in liberalism for centuries Centuries now and it results in the destruction.
It results in union theological seminary so Some of these are more basic and foundational than others the application of critical theory to biblical theology systematic theology ecclesiology is
More fundamentally destructive than any of these others so the very statement
Mixes categories and introduces false dichotomies To make the argument that we shouldn't be all this concern about critical theory in the first place we should be looking at these other things in a more important fashion, but sexual abuse and cover -ups
Is there anyone who would argue that scripture is not clear on these issues? that there is a need for a new hermeneutic to find some new way of understanding or if you look at the revisionist
Argumentation of revoice or the Quote -unquote gay Christian movement.
Is anyone arguing that that's what you need to do to come up with prohibitions against Sexual abuse
Within the church. Well, of course not it's those are all givens. That's that's that's obvious Domestic violence
Again It is Fundamentally a given that the husband is to love the wife give his life in her
Protection and service she is to respect him. There is to be The father is not to exasperate the children to anger but to train them up and These are fundamental commands
That no one's gonna argue about But it's not in any way relevant to critical theory either because critical theory could actually cause a redefinition of those biblical parameters that would prohibit such things as That it certainly does when it comes to sexuality so you have to you start with two
That are givens even though in inaccurately applied to this particular situation then you make the switch and you use what you hope has been the automatic acceptance of The first two to drag your political
Train in from their partisan hijacking of our moral witness Now I have a feeling what
Mika Edmondson thinks that might mean Because I'm hearing that constantly in our culture, but obviously for me
Any When I see The wild -eyed leftist liberals doing blessings of Planned Parenthood abortuaries
That would that's yeah, that would fit in there When I see evangelicals saying it's okay to vote for people who will silence us
When we speak against abortion silence us and we speak against homosexuality Silence us and we speak against the profaning of marriage silence us and we speak against pedophilia silence us and we speak against transgenderism
Yeah, I would say that's a hijacking of our moral witness by the left so that's a vague enough category, but you're hoping that the the reader will just fill in with whatever their bias or prejudice might
Be at that particular point greed Okay Word -faith movements
Issues like that The type of rich megachurch situation where it's it's all for the aggrandizement of a few
And their private jet planes and stuff like that. Okay, but I doubt that's what is behind this
My guess would be that there is somewhat of a socialist concept behind that a
Economic equality idea which again outside of the
Bible saying That you're not that you're not to use unequal scales That you're to care for the poor
You know the gleaning laws and things like that Good luck coming up with a biblical foundation for substantiating socialism
I'm not gonna not gonna work, but then we have one of the
Buzz now, but then we get the three buzzwords So, you know some progression here
Now we get the buzzwords misogyny misogyny, uh
Just as with the term racism today The redefinition and abuse of this term
Has rendered its original meaning Irrelevant in our society. There are some freaks
Who hate women and and we all recognize they're freaks Maybe they had mommy issues or something.
I don't know but There are some freaks out there and we identify them as such and they're reprehensible and we shame them but Now today
If you dare say God created men and women With different purposes and roles in life you misogynist
You hate women and as soon as you say that, you know I'm surprised that homophobia didn't end up in here because that's homophobia transphobia all of these buzzwords
That are meant to be insults, but have been so redefined that on any
Logical reflection for more than 30 seconds you struggle to not laugh at The application that is being made the foolishness of the application
Misogyny Do you really think misogyny is a greater threat to The church's witness than critical race theory see now we've the the the idea of chains like this of Shifting terminology is that you get down to what you really want to promote at the end
Hoping that the connection you've made up at the beginning will hold true It doesn't once you analyze like we're doing right now and so The fundamental redefinition of Revelation and the relationship of God to the world itself in a relationship to one another is far more of a threat to the
Christian Church Then whatever it is, you're calling misogyny Because I don't see misogyny.
I don't see it happening what you're doing is you are trying to smuggle the idea of Of Egalitarianism and the complete redefinition of gender roles into that term misogyny and it's a grossly
Invalid utilization of language and should be repudiated ever encroaching
Xenophobic and white nationalist beliefs now again now about the rest of you it has
What was it two years ago at most? I've never had anyone accuse me of Anything regarding white nationalism?
I grew up In a day when you look forward to the summer and winter
Olympics Yeah, that was big stuff because remember you only had like three TV channels back then. Yes, we did survive that We went outside and played.
That's great We jumped bikes over rickety jumps that today
OSHA would show up and shut it down We had lemonade stands before they would tax you for that. So anyway
But we would we would look forward to the Olympics and you know what I rooted for Team USA I Guess that was a white nationalist sin
Have you seen how fast this has developed and you just stand back and go What are you talking about?
Well, what do you mean white nationalist? But what what this is? This is a greater threat to the church
Than critical theory and if we all know what xenophobic means Xenophobic is the term that is now being utilized by those that are pushing open borders the destruction of national sovereignties
Folks nations are ordained by God and they're a good thing It is absurd.
It is insane and it is evil Evil evil to promote the idea that a nation can exist without borders
You cannot have taxation You cannot have taxation
Without borders. You cannot have a health care system. You cannot have military. You cannot have any of these things without borders it is impossible
Utterly impossible You have to keep that in mind You have to keep that in mind.
So with that in mind I Wanted to analyze this see how you chain things together as one of the most classic examples of the presentation of The promotion of critical theory by Mika Edmondson in this tweet and then very briefly
I've already gone a little bit over time very briefly someone named social conservative interesting enough
Responded that by going boom in critical theory They've created another straw man to make unnecessary noise about but that list of threats you gave spot -on so you see
By pushing this other stuff and this person's my straw man Nothing dangerous about critical theory, even though all the rest of stuff is actually based upon the
Apple not not the first day but the rest of it application of critical theory within the Christian thing.
It's Just how it's working so those of us who don't want to react in a knee -jerk fashion who want to I mean my suggestion my suggestion was so Simple was so easy
Just Let's wait Can we wait can we do that?
That's that's the issue That now is not allowed now. It's not So well with that I don't know what the schedule next week's gonna look like but That that's really more up to rich than it is to me we'll talk about it and we'll obviously
This is a story that we need to keep following But there's other things to be dealing with and I'm speaking up here in Colorado a number of different issues
We put up some banner ads and made some announcements as to when that's going to be and what that's going to be on We talking about Mormonism down in Boulder on Wednesday If you're down in that direction so there's other things to be dealing with but This I felt needed to be addressed
Especially because I've seen so many people fully willing to divide over an unwillingness on our part to just automatically jump on to conspiracy theories and To throw founders under the bus based upon emotional outrage
It's it's an amazing day we live in it really really is I hope it was useful. I hope it was helpful to you