Why are people "Deconstructing" their faith?


People "deconstruct" because they want to live life on their own terms. Those who hold on to the label "Christian" build their own version of a golden calf, they don't like the God of the Bible so in their mind they fashion a god of their own vain imagination that thinks just like they do.


Now that our culture has rejected traditional Christianity, people are what they call deconstructing.
Who's heard of this? People will say, I've deconstructed my faith. You see, this used to be called apostasy, but today it's called deconstruction.
So people will say how they no longer hold to the religious beliefs that they grew up with.
So I guess it sounds better to call yourself, say deconstructed than saying an apostate, but ultimately it's the same thing, that you're abandoning your beliefs, that you're abandoning your faith.
So some have deconstructed, many have deconstructed and have become atheists.
Others want to hold on to some semblance of spirituality so they deconstruct and they become universalists.
They say that everyone, no matter what you do, no matter what you believe, no matter what path you choose, the universalists will say that because God is love, he will, in the end, accept everyone, no matter what.
So most universalists would say that hell doesn't even exist. And if it does, it's more akin to something like purgatory where people only have to go for a short time and then get out.
This is a strange doctrine indeed. And when I say strange, I mean strange as in it's foreign to the scripture.
This is not what the Bible teaches at all. But why do people believe this?
Well, I think it's pretty obvious. People believe this because it sounds nice. Sounds good.
Everybody goes to heaven. On the other hand, it gives people a license to sin, gives people a license to do whatever they want.
It doesn't really matter. They can blaspheme God, they can mistreat people. Who cares?
Because in the end, everything will work out okay. So there's kind of a happy face you can put on it, but then there's a dark side to it as well.
Because if universalism is true, you realize, if that were true, then preaching the gospel is absolutely pointless.
Preaching the gospel is actually not true in their system because we're saying that you must believe in Christ.
They're saying it really doesn't matter whether you believe in Christ. I would say this is a devilish lie.
It is a devilish lie straight from the pit because they're telling people you really don't have to receive