A Reasonable Latino Comments on Joel Webbon/Tobias, Kdub, Eschatology Matters Feud

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Hello there, this is A .D. Robles and you're listening to A .D. on the
Fight Laugh Feast. All right, everybody, you know,
I haven't done a Fight Laugh Feast podcast in a long time, and it's not on purpose. There's no conspiracy here.
It's not that I'm not on the network anymore or anything like that. It's just been so busy and I've forgotten to do
Fight Laugh Feast specific content. And so, you know, today seemed like a good day to rectify all that.
Before we begin, let me just get into the World Series just one more time. Maybe I'll do it one more time because it looks like the
Yankees are about to get swept and they're just they're just not good enough. It's as simple as that. The Yankees are not good enough.
They've always been very top heavy. You know, the first three spots in the lineup have always been really good.
But now it's not even the first three spots. It's the first two spots. And then for some reason, the fourth spot is good.
The three spot is this gaping hole in the lineup when it comes to the playoff.
Aaron Judge just isn't himself in the playoffs. And unfortunately, Aaron Boone, the manager, is not willing to shake up the lineup to change that.
You know what I mean? Like, honestly, it's weird and it's and it's not what you would want, but you really need to move
Judge in the lineup somewhere. Soto needs protection because right now there's no there's no advantage to throwing
Juan Soto any pitches. And so he sees so few strikes and it just messes everything up. It's a rally killer.
And I understand you got to ride with the people that got you there. But unfortunately, Judge just he's just not himself in the playoffs.
And maybe he'll figure it out. Maybe he will be tonight. Who knows? Because he could, you know, sluggers can come out of it at any time.
But it's not looking good. It's not looking good. The Dodgers are they're not even hitting like a ton.
They're hitting decently, the Dodgers, but they're hitting enough. Their pitching is dominant. And the Yankees are just they're just absent, unfortunately.
And the Dodgers defense, man, you love to see this. Baseball people love this, you know, not casual baseball fans probably don't like this that much when the games are not one with, you know, lots of hitting.
But the Dodgers are winning with defense. Their defense has been completely crisp. And, you know, baseball fans, you love to see it.
But anyway, let's let's move on from baseball. I want to get right to this episode today. And I'm not going to put a whole lot of effort into this, although I did a little bit of research for this podcast, and that's not the norm.
You know what I mean? I figured I'd do a little bit of research. And the reason why is because Eschatology Matters, a podcast that I love and I love the guys over there have been on that podcast.
They're friends. Eschatology Matters are friends. But and they're also on the network.
They're on the Fight Laugh Feast network. So I'm not, listen, a kingdom against itself, a house against itself, divided against itself cannot stand.
Learned that from some book. I don't remember exactly which book in the book I learned it from, but it's somewhere.
It's somewhere in there. So I'm not trying to throw shade at Eschatology Matters or being, you know, the
Fight Laugh Feast network, none of that kind of thing. But I figured since the Fight Laugh Feast network put this out,
I wanted the Fight Laugh Feast network to kind of correct the record as well. You know what I mean? This was one of the worst inaugural podcasts
I've ever heard of in my entire life. I said yesterday, you know, I watched the
Tobias. I don't know his last name. And I honestly, I don't really care that much.
He's a pastor in Germany. I'm sure he's a great guy. I'm sure he's got great things to say. I'm sure he's a good teacher.
I'm not trying to throw shade at any of that. But this podcast inauguration, the first of its kind, was such a downer.
What a buzz kill. I mean, I cannot think, like I said yesterday, if you're going to do an episode like this, you got to ease into it.
You know what I mean? Put some good, positive content out there and then, you know, kind of ease into it.
You know, get your practice swing. You know, Judge can't hit without warm -up swings. You know, he still takes his warm -up swings.
He can't hit with the warm -up swings either, but you know, you got to start somewhere. But anyway, get your warm -ups in and then put out this episode.
But no, he started, this is what he wanted to do. He wanted to swing for the fences right off the bat without warming up, without stretching, none of that.
He just went for it. It was awful. Now, let me say this.
I did not watch the whole thing. So maybe some of it was really good, but as a whole, it was really sad.
And now I have watched a few extra parts than I had yesterday because what happened yesterday was
I wasn't planning on watching it at all. But I, you know, I saw it, it was premiering, it was live. So I was like, yeah, let me pop over to the chats because the chat of a video like this that's against Joel Webben, that's what this is all about.
It's against Joel Webben. You know, it's all about how Joel Webben's an evil guy or whatever. Anyway, so I figured, you know, an episode like this, you know, against Joel Webben, it's got to be popping off in the chat, you know what
I mean? So I went into the chat and it was all right. I mean, there wasn't that many people watching it, so there wasn't like a ton going on the chat, but it was decent.
I had a few laughs in the chat. But anyway, as I was in the chat trying to see what was going on,
I overheard a couple parts of the of the of the episode. And it was all of the like the section that I listened to and maybe the whole podcast was,
I don't know, it was two hours long. I've seen at this point maybe 15 minutes of it and then another clip.
So less than 20 minutes for sure. I've seen of this now. But all the parts that I saw were all designed to try to get you to think that Joel Webben is some kind of covert
Nazi, covert anti -Semite. You know, he's not anti -Semitic directly, but he's he's radicalizing the youth.
You know what I mean? He really is anti -Semitic and he's using their talking points and he's and he's he's radicalizing the youth.
That was the whole point. Like Joel Webben is a crypto Nazi, essentially, is what is what the point is.
And, you know, like, honestly, we don't need this right now. I mean, obviously, Joel Webben is getting it from every direction at this point.
And so Tobias, in all of his wisdom, decided that this was a good time for me to to do this.
Whatever. Anyway, what he was doing was Joel Webben in one of his videos had said that that Israel has the the largest gay gay pride parade year after year.
And that was, you know, one of his talking points about how Israel is not a good nation. It's an evil nation, which is indisputably true that they are an evil nation.
That is indisputably true. But what Tobias decided to do was he said, well, he's going to nitpick this.
He's going to I did my research. I don't know where you got your numbers. That's a horrible accent. I like his action accent, actually.
And so he pulls out these statistics about how actually Israel is the 40 or Tel Aviv is the 48th biggest gay pride parade.
And he pulls out these numbers. He says I did a bit of research myself, so I'm ready to go.
He says that New York City's gay pride parade is 5 million, which
I don't know where he got that number because I looked it up myself and I found all kinds of different numbers.
But the number that kept coming up was around two and a half million. But whatever. No big deal. I don't really care.
This is all irrelevant anyway. They have a big gay pride parade. That's the point. But whatever. Let's just continue.
And then he says San Francisco has one that's that's a million people. Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo is taking the cake here with five and a half million, according to Tobias.
And I was able to confirm that number kind of like there's still a lot of these numbers are all estimates and there's a lot of propaganda here.
This is the other thing that when I was hearing this, I was thinking like all of these gay pride parade numbers, they're full of propaganda and everyone wants to be the best and the biggest gay pride parade.
That's sad in itself. But but he's Tobias is taking this as gospel. This is the truth here.
And then Tel Aviv only has a paltry two hundred and fifty thousand attenders of their gay pride parade.
And so his point was it's not even close to the biggest. So so obviously the only explanation can be that Joel Webben is a secret anti -Semite, a covert crypto anti -Semite, radicalizing the youth, evil man, totally evil.
That was the point of this section of the podcast. That's what Tobias went with with his inaugural opening statement.
Unbelievable. So when I when I thought when I when I was thinking about this and I heard, you know,
Tobias's numbers, the first thought that I had was this is so irrelevant. What's the point?
Like like are you seriously quibbling with the numbers of the gay pride parades to prove that Israel is somehow great country?
No, no, it's not that they're a great country. You see, it's just that they're not that bad. And if you think they're that bad, then you're a covert anti -Semite and you're maybe a crypto
Nazi. Who knows? That was the point. But it's all irrelevant nonsense anyway.
But but but the only explanation you can come up with this is covert anti -Semitism.
Now, you know, because I don't hate Joel Webben automatically, by the way, this is not
Tobias. This is K -Dub who blocked me today because well, we'll talk about that in a minute.
This is K -Dub, the rapper K -Dub. He also hates Joel Webben. You know, it's just it's just pathetic.
You know, you decide who you hate and then you just whatever. But anyway, so they're only the only explanation could be, though, that because Joel is wrong about this is the 48th biggest gay pride parade, not the biggest, that he must be a covert anti -Semite.
Well, because I don't hate him automatically, and in fact, I like Joel Webben, full disclosure, I thought, hmm, you know,
I put on my thinking cap, you know, this is my thinking cap, you know, the Puerto Rico thinking cap. I said, hmm,
I wonder why Joel could be so off, according to Tobias, of course.
Let's just take Tobias's information at face value. Right. Because I could quibble with the numbers.
But what's the point? Right. Let's just take it for what it is. What could Tobias, Tobias is on my screen over here.
That's why I keep pointing over here. What could possibly be going on here? So I so I thought to myself, hmm,
I wonder if Joel maybe I mean, I haven't talked to Joel about this, but I'm just thinking this through.
What if he's just talking about the size of the parade relative to the size of the city?
Hmm, I wonder. I wonder. So I did the numbers, you know,
I did my calculations. Here they are. And I did some quick math, you know,
I use a calculator, of course, because math is not my strong suit. And I pulled up New York City, two and a half million attenders of the gay pride parade compared to 8 .25
million population. It's roughly about 30 percent of their population if you do the numbers.
And then I did Sao Paulo. That was the biggest one, the big parade, the big gay Brazil, Sao Paulo, five and a half million attenders.
That sounds really bad. Much more than the paltry sum of Tel Aviv, 250 ,000, much more.
But the problem is Sao Paulo has a population of almost eleven and a half million. That's only 43, 44 percent of their population.
Let's check a look at Tel Aviv. Tel Aviv has a population of four hundred and seventy five thousand.
And yet two hundred and fifty thousand attend the gay pride parade, according to Tobias's own numbers, that is over half the population.
So I started thinking to myself, maybe he was talking about the size of the gay pride parade relative to the size of the city.
He would be right, except I forgot about one. I forgot about San Francisco and San Francisco, according to according to the latest census,
San Francisco proper has a population of eighty eight hundred thousand.
Now, I understand San Francisco is a weird city because Oakland is right there, another big city in and of itself, another maybe eight hundred thousand, maybe a million people.
And in fact, on LinkedIn, when I'm recruiting in the San Francisco area, I can't just put
San Francisco because there's so few people that live there. I just got to put the whole Bay, the whole Bay area where everyone kind of commutes to San Francisco.
But I just said, you know what, let's just leave it San Francisco proper. They have a million attendees of the gay pride parade, only eight hundred thousand citizens.
So that's over one hundred percent of their population. So I guess, you know, maybe it's still wrong.
I mean, 50 percent of the population for Tel Aviv's gay pride parade, still a pretty big number. It's not the forty eight that Tobias was scandalized by.
You know, maybe it's number two on the list, but it's not number one. Joel is still wrong. And that can only mean one thing.
He's a crypto Nazi, of course, covert antisemitic, of course. And then
I start thinking to myself, hmm, I wonder this is what
I wonder. What if Joel was thinking per capita just based on the entire population of the nation of the country of Israel?
Hmm, I wonder what would happen. And I did my math and Israel has a population of around nine and a half million.
U .S. has a population of three hundred and thirty five million. And Brazil, Sao Paulo itself, the gayest country around, has two hundred and twelve million.
And if you do the math of the gay pride parade, the biggest parade in the nation, and you do the math compared to the nation's population, guess what?
Out of those three, Israel comes in first. Now, I don't really care about any of these numbers because, you know, you might be able to follow.
Spain has a small population and has a bigger gay pride. I don't care about any of this because this is all irrelevant anyway.
But the point is that there are potentially other explanations for why Joel could be wrong about Israel having the biggest gay pride parade that does not involve him being actually a secret
Jew -hating antisemitic Nazi. I don't know. Call me crazy. Call me crazy. There might be other explanations.
I also thought of another one. One of the propaganda pieces for Tel Aviv Pride says it's the largest gay pride parade in all of the
Middle East and Asia. I don't know if that's true or not, but that's what they say. It's the largest one on that continent.
Maybe it's true. Maybe it isn't. Doesn't matter. None of these explanations are obviously forced.
Well, I guess he's a crypto Nazi. I mean, obviously. None of this matters. None of this matters.
They have a big gay pride parade. That's something they're proud of. You've got to just throw your hands up in the air sometimes and just say, what is your problem?
What is your problem? That's what I want to know. What is your problem? So anyway, that's the part that I listened to.
And then there was a section about how in other evidence of Joel being a crypto
Nazi, this was right before the gay pride stuff. So I caught the tail end of this. And it was basically like, well, yeah, sure.
The Jewish books definitely say that Jesus is boiling right now in a vat of excrement.
They definitely say that. But I mean, nobody believes that. The Jews don't believe that.
They don't believe it. So you're anti -Semitic for pointing it out.
It's unbelievable. It's so ridiculous. Again, this is the worst inaugural episode.
I hope that there's better things to come. I'm not calling for Tobias to be kicked off the Fight Last Feast network.
I'm not at all. I'm sure he's got a lot of good things to say. But this inaugural episode was just a swing and a miss.
You know what I mean? Sometimes this happens. You've got a good, promising young pitcher in the minor leagues, in AAA.
And he comes out to the big leagues for the first time and he throws a dud. I mean, it happens all the time.
And then his career goes on to be great. He ends up being a strikeout, shut him down pitcher.
But his first foray into the big leagues was just a swing and a miss. It happens. It happens.
And I'm just going to hope and assume that Tobias's grand entrance into the
Fight Last Feast network is going to go a lot better than his opening day did. It's as simple as that. Look, the Mets lost on opening day too.
And then they ended up in the NLCS. So, hey, you know, there's hope for anybody. There's hope for anybody.
Oh man. And here's another good one. This one actually kind of made me a little bit less enthused about the future of Tobias on the
Fight Last Feast network. This was shared by Chris Kdub. Chris Kdub shared this and he hates
Joel very much. And this was like his, his, his like, look at how evil
Joel is. He could have this guy, you know, share this meme with these awful views.
And look, he didn't, Joel didn't tell the whole story. Joel didn't tell the whole story. It wasn't just the meme.
It's not just a meme. There's so much evil behind this guy. He should be excommunicated.
How could someone be allowed in good standing in a church with views such as this?
And he shared this video. I want you to listen to this. Okay. This is from Kdub's. I had to,
I had to open it in a different screen here because he blocked me for pointing this out, but that's okay.
That's okay. Kdub, you know, it's fine. It's fine. I have other means of getting this information out.
So here's Chris Kdub. He quotes, Corey Mahler is an evil man.
This brother from Joel Webbins church quoted Mahler saying, quote, interracial kids are like feces, end quote.
Sounds like he's not kidding. Sounds like he's not kidding. And, you know, as a father of half white, half
Puerto Rican sons, I love my sons. This is an outrage. It really is.
It's an outrage. And then he goes on and says, why is someone like this protected and allowed to be in good standing in a church with views like this?
And he shares this video clip. Let's listen to it because it sounds serious. Mainly from a podcast called
Stone Choir. Oh yeah. Yeah. This is good stuff. Like you gotta love his accent. You really do.
He's, he's got the accent to be taken seriously automatically. Like that is such an advantage when you're doing this kind of stuff.
When you're doing a podcast, if you've got the accent to be taken seriously, you could say the most outlandish, wild stuff and people are going to, you know, they're going to notice.
So I appreciate that about the bias. I'm not even kidding. I'm not even joking. Let's continue. I did a three hours, a three hours documentary with wanting to prove that the
Holocaust never happened and the Nazis were actually good guys just defending themselves. Well, I listened to the three hour podcast.
I did It is nothing else than Nazi propaganda. It's full of lies.
It's full of falsehood. And those two guys doing this podcast, especially Corey Mayla, he is an evil man.
Okay. So, uh, I don't listen to the Stone Choir podcast. Never have. I'm actually blocked by one of these guys.
Uh, if, and maybe I'm wrong on this is, uh, is woe is woe to those who dwell upon the earth.
Is he one of the Stone Choir guys? I think he might be. Um, but I'm blocked by him and don't remember why. I don't know why
I'm blocked by him, but I am for some reason that maybe someone could figure it out. Um, and Corey Mahler, I don't follow.
I mean, you know, I know of him. I know some of his opinions, you know, just not my cup of tea. No big deal.
Um, but anyway, um, it would be nice if I could take Tobias's word for it, that it's just Nazi propaganda.
You know what I mean? It's just nothing more than Nazi propaganda. It would be nice if I could take Tobias's word for it.
And I, I kind of want to too, because I really like the Eschatology Matters guys, and I don't think that they are bad guys or, or, or, or have evil intent or anything like that.
Um, I want to take Tobias's word for it, but the problem is he then says stuff like this.
He, he is, you know, he is satanic. He is a true racist. He has things on his, on his, um, on his ex account.
I don't even want to say this, you know? Um, let me just tell you one thing, because this brother from George Church quoted
Corey Mahler saying, well, interracial kids are like feces. I don't know.
I don't know if you think, well, well, that's no problem. He's fine. He's good. I don't think so. Okay. So, you know, he says
Corey Mahler's evil, you know, he's satanic. I want to take your word for it,
Tobias. And then, and then he says, as an example, again, to get Joel, he wants to get, he wants to really stick it to Joel.
He says this guy from, from, from, from Joel's church shared this quote from Corey Mahler saying interracial kids are like feces.
I don't know. I mean, you know, if you think that's fine, no big deal. All right. But, but you know, obviously the implication is that that's what
Joel believes. Joel believes that's no big deal, no big deal at all. And they're spreading this as if this guy is just as evil as Corey Mahler.
Take my word for it, by the way, because, you know, you just have to, he's not going to, I don't even want to say it. I don't even want to say it.
Tobias, I'd love to take your word for it, but here's the problem with this. You know, you use this as an example to really stick it to Joel.
And here's the situation. Here's the situation. As you can see on block, this is a tweet in response to the video.
I just showed you on block now, whatever. Here's what happened with this tweet about feces.
Joel Webben. He says, I just received this text from this member in my church.
Quote, Tobias says, I texted him Corey's quote about interracial, interracial kids being feces when
I actually texted it to him to show him an example of how Joel cautioned me about it.
Not because I agreed with the quote. This is so twisted.
End quote. And so this quote was shared by this member in Joel's church to Tobias.
If you took Tobias's word for it, which I'm sorry, after seeing this kind of thing, and then, of course, the gay pride stuff, it's just more icing on the cake for me.
I don't take your word for it, Tobias. I simply don't. I don't believe you.
Whatever you said about stone choir, maybe it's dead on, but you have not earned my automatic belief on things like this.
You just haven't. Because when he showed you this tweet, what he's saying here is
I showed him this as an example to say, hey, Joel actually warns me about stuff regularly.
And here's an example. He warned me about this tweet about interracial kids are like feces. Tobias presents it as Joel doesn't believe this is a big deal.
In fact, look at this awful tweet that are this awful quote that he shared. Now, Tobias doesn't say he definitely agrees with it, but that's how it's being presented here.
That's no big deal. And then, of course, K -Dubb, like a dutiful little puppy. Joel's so evil.
Can you believe it? Like, can you believe, like, why is he protected? Like, why is this guy allowed to be in the church? He should be excommunicated.
Chris, man, like, I don't know you that well. We've talked. But, dude, what the heck is your problem?
Why be this way? He presents it in the exact opposite way that it was meant to be taken.
And then all to throw shade at Joel Webben and to tell you that he's a secret
Nazi and a secret anti -Semite and that he's radicalizing young kids. He takes a quotation that's intended to talk about the opposite of what you're presenting it to be.
It's unbelievable. It's unbelievable. And then, Chris, he blocked me here so I can't show you this.
And I don't really feel like, you know, getting into my other account to show you. But then he's like, oh,
OK, Joel, you're the victim. Just always you're always the victim. It's like, no, I'm not the victim. I'm just saying, like, what actually happened is the opposite of what you're saying.
It's the opposite. What am I supposed to do about this? I provided information that conveys the exact opposite of what you tweeted.
What do you want me to do? Do you want me to just stay still so you can get a few more swings in? Seeking to exonerate yourself when something is false is not playing the victim.
Worst inaugural episode ever. And I'm not saying that it's all false.
I've listened to 20 minutes out of two hours. So maybe in the rest of it, you know, the other hour and 40 minutes, it's just pearls of wisdom.
And you could just gorge at the pearls of wisdom that Tobias has for you. Go for it. I'm not telling you not to do it.
Go for it. But the 20 minutes I listened to went basically exactly like this.
Joel is a secret Nazi, a secret anti -Semite. Here's all the dog whistles. Let me show you because I'm Tobias and I know you should trust me.
You should trust me. Well, sorry, Tobias. You got to earn trust around here.
It's as simple as that. Now, you've got some you've got some some some pointers in your background.
I'm sorry. In your in your corner, you've got some some good check marks, in my opinion, in your corner.
You're on the Eschatology Matters podcast. You get that point. That's a point for you on your side. You're on the
Fight Left Feast Network. That's a point for you on your side. But your inaugural episode. I'm sorry.
That's a big L. That's a big lopsided L. It's a big it's a long series.
It's a long series. I'm not saying that you're not going to have anything good to say. I'm not saying anything like that. But this dude is pathetic.
Like you want me to believe you about Stone Choir? Then you got to earn the trust. And unfortunately, with the stuff
I don't know about Stone Choir, but with the stuff I do know about, like in this video and in the
Gay Pride stuff, it seems petty. It seems weak. It seems pathetic.
It's just it's so obvious that you've got an axe to grind with Joel for whatever reason, and you're just going to throw out everything but the kitchen sink.
It doesn't matter what's really the case. Joel is a secret covert crypto antisemite.
You know, those words used to have power. They just don't anymore. You know what? And the thing is, I'm on the
Fight Left Feast channel. And one of the main reasons that I am is because I've recognized that these kinds of clobber words that have been used for a long time, they don't have the power that they used to.
We can talk about this like adults. We really can. It's as simple as that. I think my
DMs are open. You probably know people that can talk to me. I don't know anything about you,
Tobias. I've got no axe to grind with you. I'm not telling anyone not to listen to you.
What I am saying, though, is that this kind of stuff, we don't need this right now.
We don't need this. But hey, if you think it's going to work for you, just go ahead and slay.
It's all good. It's all good from over on this side of the Fight Left Feast network. In any case,
I hope you found this video helpful. Hold on there. Hold on. Just one second. There was one more thing that I forgot to talk about.
And that's the very beginning of this. This is how Tobias frames the entire podcast.
It's not about his reputation. It's more about the danger of antisemitism and Joel's a
Nazi, all this stuff. But this is how he begins this podcast. And this is where, honestly, like I said,
I didn't pop in at this point. I popped in much later. But somebody told me about this, and I had a hard time believing it, to be perfectly honest with you.
But this is what he says to start the whole thing.
All right. Now let's see. So let's jump in. We will first listen to the beginning of the video and see what this video,
Joel did, what this video is all about. So let's see. Yeah, let's see. Let's go.
Okay. So that is the topic of this of this entire show.
A member of Joel's church shared a meme about the Holocaust and several notable pastors.
We can name them, Doug Wilson and James White. They put publicly, they put pressure on this man and on Joel as his pastor to put this man under church discipline.
Well, that never happened. That's not true. So this is the entire.
Okay. Okay. Okay. So well, let's hear about this episode that we wanted to to force him publicly, put pressure on him, force him to put this man under church discipline.
And I tell you, that's not what I said. That's not what Doug said. James said something in this direction, but it wasn't even really directed to Joel.
And I agree completely with James. And okay. So this is this is his big thing, right?
Nobody said that nobody put pressure on Joel to to excommunicate this guy.
You know, that's not what I said. I mean, nobody's even heard of you Tobias before this. That's not true. That's a that's a little mean.
That's a low blow. That's a low blow. I hadn't heard of him, but that's not everybody.
Not everybody's as crazy as me. Doug didn't put pressure on you. And then he goes,
James said something kind of to that effect, but it wasn't about you. I remember this.
And chances are some of you guys remember this. This is, this is amazing to me that that Tobias can say this with a straight face and maybe it's and I'm not going to go there.
Not going to go there. Not going to go there. This is amazing to me. Now I really didn't don't want to waste too much more time on this.
So I'm not going to find the clip of James White doing this, but here's the quotations. If you watch the dividing line, maybe you remember about this issue, about the meme, about the meme, the
Holocaust joke meme. James White said, and I quote, a man who shared this meme and finds it funny should be put under church discipline.
Later, James said, and if the elders won't do it, you should leave that church.
And then later he said, and don't make me name names because I will.
Now, listen, I know these aren't technical terms. You know, we're not, we're not in, in a courtroom.
We're not, you know, we're not lawyers trying to lawyer each other, but that's pretty straightforward.
That sounds like pressure to me. Don't make me name names because I will.
That's a threat. That's pressure on Joel Webben.
That's pressure on Joel Webben. He's saying this meme grounds for church discipline.
That's insane in itself, but let's just give it to him. Grounds for church discipline.
And if the elders won't do it, leave the church and don't make me name names because I will.
I happen to know, I happen to know that, uh, thanks to James White's, uh, pressure that some people have left
Joel's church, citing Dr. White. And so maybe, you know, maybe
I'm giving, uh, maybe I'm getting red meat to, uh, to these guys because it seems like that's what they want. They want to destroy
Joel Webben's, uh, influence in ministry. That's what it seems like to me. Now, maybe it's not, maybe it's not.
And I'm not putting this on Doug Wilson because Doug Wilson's pressure was a little different. It wasn't as direct. James White's was very direct.
And even Tobias himself, like, it's almost like he's embarrassed to say this. He's like, that never happened. That never happened.
Well, you know, James, he said something, you know, it was kind of like, but it wasn't directly.
And if you don't hear the quotations, don't make me name names because I will, if you don't hear that part and you're just taking
Tobias's word for it, you think Joel Webben's a lunatic. This wasn't it.
I mean, this wasn't it. I look forward to the glorious future of the Tobias podcast on, uh, on, on Eschatology Matters brought to you by a
Fight Last Feast Network. I look forward to the glorious future, but this is a, this is a pretty bad start.
You know what I mean? And like I said, like I said, look, the Mets had a bad April too. You know what I mean?
They started the season in the dregs. It was rock bottom. You know, nobody came to the games. It was brutal, absolutely brutal.
And they turned it around. It's a long season. It's a long season for the Eschatology Matters to buy a special, but, um, let's just hope that it turns around much like the
New York Mets. You know what I mean? Maybe we need to have a players only meeting. That's how the Mets turned it around.
You know, they, there were 11 games under 500 Francisco Lindor, the captain of the team calls a team players only meeting.
Maybe we should just have a players only meeting to see how we can turn this around because Tobias, this was a, a very poor first effort.
I'm sure you're a nice guy. And like I said, you know, we know mutual people. You can get my contact information and reach out to me all you want.
It's okay. That's totally fine. Now I'm a reasonable guy. You can talk to me. You can tell me why
Joel is the biggest crypto Nazi of all time. And maybe you've got some good, good stuff and maybe even presented it here.
But with the stuff that I've seen, and like I said, only 20 minutes, but the stuff that I've seen, it was all so bad that I have no desire to watch the rest of the stuff.
Maybe I can slog my way through it. Maybe I should, maybe I'll slog my way through the, the two hour special, but I gotta be honest with you.
I don't have high hopes for it. In any case, I hope you found this podcast helpful.
forget to tune in next week on 80 on the fight laugh feast network.