Ephesians 2:8 in Greek



All right pencils down however far you got is how far you got that's fine Hopefully gave you enough time How'd you feel Pretty good Well good Does remember this? However far you got tonight is how much further you would have gotten the first night So if you got 40% you you're you that's that's 40% more than you knew when you started if you got 50% you understand Those are all things you didn't know six weeks ago seven weeks ago so This is all about learning and it's we're not we're not in a competition of who can learn more We're just trying to learn as much as we can and retain as much as we can So I'm not going to have you turn your sheets over to the person next to you because I want you to be able to see your answers I'm going to start at the very beginning.
We're going to say the Greek name as written and then we are going to Say the name as we would pronounce it in English All right number one or there's no number, but the first one Abraham is Abraham next Yeah Alphais because the alpha Yoda makes a I sound so Alphais would be Would be Alphais we normally would say in English Alphais next Andreas is Andrew yep next Yeah, yeah the Bartholomew and then it is Bartholomew Mew that's a mule you Next It's actually that weed is how you would pronounce it with the with the oops Alon there in the middle It would be we like in sweet if you think of the the SU ITE like in a suite that you stay in The the the oops Alon Yoda together make a we sound so in Greek it would be Dow weed but in English David all right next So the dios Zebedee next Yeah That the dios.
Yeah, the death stuttered.
Yeah, and in English that is next Yeah, they asked and that is God next Tomas and or it'd be Thomas or Thomas next Jacob Jacob next Jacob boss is this the one y'all had trouble with because it would be it would be Jacobus and It would be Jacobus in English, but it is James because it's Latinized Here's a good.
Here's a good way to remember that all you Calvinists if you are one Jacobus Arminius was also called James Arminius Jacobus Arminius One Yeah, the first one is Jakob or Jakob which is Jacob and then Jakob boss it would be Jacobus But for whatever reason the Latin it Latinization of that is James There would have been no James.
There was not Peter James and John It was it was Petra s Yakubas and Yawn, yo, yo, and I can't even say John Yonais, yeah, so it would have been yeah It wouldn't been Peter James and John any more than would have been Jesus.
It would have been Yeshua All right, or yesus if it was Greek.
Okay next Nope Yes, a is Jesse Jesse Jesse, yep Next Yesus that's Jesus and Joshua Next Udoss is Judas.
That's right.
It's it's a och and it's Isaac.
Yeah next It is a scary it but it yeah, but it's scary.
Oh tastes.
It's scary.
Oh tastes and it's scary Yeah Next Yonais Yonais Yonais, there's a little space between the two ends Yonais and it's where we get the word Johan which where we would eventually get the word John John is a derivative of Johan Which is why there's an H and it's different than Jonathan which is spelled J o n If a person's name is Jo H in that means the the family history Traces it back to some form of Johan.
That's why there's an H in it All right.
So next Yo, well, I guess what you said You know safe and what is it? Joseph next Lazarus and that is Lazarus Matthias Matthew next Martha that one's easy.
Oh, it's the same Martha next one Mariam or Mariam It's Mary.
Yeah, Mary was actually Mariam Next Yeah, Nathanael and Nathaniel Nathanael Nathanael because they're all alphas right? So it's a Nathanael.
All right next Nicodemus is Nicodemus next Palos, that's right.
That is the Apostle Paul Yeah, next Petras is Peter and it is it does mean rock.
That's right.
Peter means rock In fact, I told my wife if we have any more boys I want to call art because I like my my son JJ is justice But we call him is Justice James is his name should call him JJ I said if I have another boy if I ever have any more children if I know the boy I want to name him Peter and call him Rocky That's what Peter means.
It means rock.
So, you know, I like the name Rocky, but I feel like that's like a nickname You know, so I said we name him Peter call him Rocky Okay, so next one Pilatus is Pilate next Salas that one throws people off because the the capital Sigma looks like an E.
In fact, I've seen people spell Greek With a GR two sigmas and a K because it looks like two capital E's, but it's not it's good.
Yeah Next that was Saul Saul sa you well Yeah Yep, next one is Simone Simon that's right.
Next Philippos is Philip.
Very good.
Last one Christos, which means what is Christ mean? The anointed one Messiah.
What is how what is Chris Christos is derivative of Chris a remember which was to anoint The anointing is that word? So all that Okay, keep these in your folders that was your your last pop quiz now next week you're gonna have your test your final Well, we're gonna pull all kinds of words out of the book that I think you're familiar with and we're gonna let you let you Let you do yeah, yeah, it's gonna be great Daisy, huh? We'll see Oh All right, ladies and gentlemen If you would please paint your attention paint your attention pay your Give your attention to my whiteboard.
Is it coming through on the video? Let's return it for me just Can you see over here? Good.
This is a Bible verse we'd like last week We did John 316 the week couple weeks prior.
We did John 1 1 I promise this is not from the Gospel of John But for the sake of for the sake of Trying to get us involved and actually seeing the Greek where it's not connected with English because what you have in your book is you? Know it's English English Greek English English Greek and sometimes it's cheating because if you already know the verse You just kind of look it up.
So this is taking you out of your element putting you in a place We're actually looking at the Greek.
Let's go ahead and look at some words that we know that we know that we know What are the words here that we know that we know that we know? Let's start it let's start Top line.
What word do we know that we know that we know? For that's right.
We talked about that in John 316 So gar is for is there anything else in here that we have really dealt with? Okay, Karete is a variation of Keres, which is grace very good Okay, no, no, no, no, no, no, no just know that you know the verse because you might know the verse we're looking at words Now we'll go back and translate it in a minute.
Okay, so we we got gar and we got Karete and that that is grace now Is there anything in the second one a second line? Dia means through Yeah Yeah, so this is faith so right now We see grace through faith.
So you probably if you haven't already Maybe you're figuring out what the verse is We're getting we're gonna get there Now I want to before we move to the third line, I want to talk about this word Sesso Minoy Sesso's Minoy.
This is actually what do you think it's out? No, it's a Yeah.
This is a variation of Soto which is the word for salvation the word for salvation This this literally means saved Where so so is saved So Sesso's Minoy is saved to be saved.
Okay, so that is saved So now we have for grace saved through faith.
You're starting to put it all together probably of what verse we're dealing with Now looking at the third line, what do we know? Huh? And No Let's I don't know if you remember this but I did we did talk about Luke and Luke's mean not same as May means it's an adversative.
So not And then what is X? It's a preposition out And in this it would be from or out of Moan is self.
It's a very very shame of yourself Yeah, this is not I this is this is referring to self yeah, so not out of self, right Hold on which one we look at I This is to top No, it's a towel omicron Upsilon towel omicron.
Sorry poor poor penmanship All right God So we have not dealt with the other words.
So the words that we know are Enough that we probably know What they are, correct? Now we'll fill in the rest.
Let me get my handy-dandy tool here This Ephesians 2 8 if you have a Bible or one of the Greek Bible, I thought that was given Okay All right, so Ephesians 2 a What's that now Yeah, well Yeah, so today is by whoever said that that was right so it's for by grace But remember how it's same way in John 3 16 for God So loved the four was the second word in the sentence not the first It's just this just for construction.
So it actually would be for by grace, but it is in in the direct way That's written.
It's take our Karithi and it but still means for by grace and the essay and this particular usage is the word for you You And now this is when I said it means saved it actually means have been saved Yes, because it's in the past tense by grace.
You have been saved This is just like in Romans 5 where it says that we are justified by faith.
We wouldn't say Romans 5 1 says Therefore having been justified its past tense right having been justified by Faith we have peace with God and this is the same thing.
It's have you have been justified This is an important reality because when we're explaining the concept of salvation and Roman Catholicism Justification is Something that occurs at the end Because you are you are being justified by your participation in the mass and by your receiving of the sacraments and by your By your holy living you are being sanctified You're going and receiving of the penance and and making of your confessions and all of those things you are being justified Yet the Bible never talks about us being Justified in the future.
It's always having been justified having been saved Because our salvation is something that is past tense It is it is something that is based upon something that we didn't do Based upon the work of the Lord Jesus Christ.
All right Okay so Have been saved Now Somebody may come to me later and let me just and say but isn't there a sense in which we will be justified Yes, we have been justified.
We will be justified and we are being justified in the same way We have been sanctified.
We will be justified sanctified and we are being sanctified all those all those are true but in the in the in the grandest sense of the meaning of justification Justification happened when Christ died on the cross Because it was there that he said to tell us I it is Completed it is paid in full it is finished It is that moment when all of the sins of all who would ever believe on him were punished in him And he became the perpetuatory sacrifice for them and God was satisfied In his wrath on behalf of all of the sins who would ever believe those who would ever believe that is done Therefore it is not something I add to neither.
Is it something I accomplish it is completed so Through we were right dia the eye diameter remember that's what we remember that via this to us the word pistis faith Belief that is what translates that so really that's a key word That word like phaos and yesus and those words those are key terms Pistolas or pistis you'll see this you'll see this construction the the pi Yoda Sigma Tau that construction it might have a different ending pistos pistou pistou.
Oh Pistou own you might see a different construction at the end But that seeing those first four letters should key in an indicator that that is faith or belief Yeah, no, he's asking like the etymology, right It's not this isn't a cognate remember cognates are words that go from Greek like cardia to cardiac Those are cognates.
There are words that are not cognates like like metanoia We use the word repent Right.
It's not a cognate.
It's just it's a it's a different word, but it means the same thing It's our translation of that word.
Yeah, so pistou us there may be an English word I'm not thinking of at the moment But I can't think of anything that uses pistos for belief that I've nothing's come into mind Kai All right now to tie.
I gotta just for a second here.
I mind myself This this or that And this is an important word too and again not to get preachy On you Two time is Looking back at something Because if I say I want to talk about that Then I then then I'm looking I'm thinking about something that's already been stated Because if I said hey, let's talk about that you say what's that nothing? It's got we had to have been talking about something for me to say let's talk about that Right, so that or this is has to point back to something.
It has to have an antecedent Right.
So what is the antecedent of? tuta Everything that came before it is the that Some people would say it's the cessation.
It's the salvation Some people believe it's the faith a lot of Calvinists like to argue that it's faith That's the gift of God and it is but that's not all it is and you can't make the argument because the genders don't line Up between this one and that one They're two different genders and so you can't make the argument, but the problem is that the gender doesn't line up here or here either So the genders are confused and therefore this being neuter can be all of it It's all the gift right by grace.
You are saved through faith and that Speaking of all of it is not of you Yeah So that's an important word not from yourselves And then we have the last few words here that is the word gift and They this is the So you could say It's not from yourself God the gift and and in a sense it is the gift of God But think about this.
What is this? Yeah, that's your that's your genitive, right? So that puts the of here.
So the gift Of God or of God the gift, but that's the construction.
That's how you get this over here Yeah Yeah, the genitive is being used and there's not a preposition prior So you would add the of in English to give you the of God Okay, and that's how we get the translation the gift of God it's not from yourself The gift of God now, it doesn't say it is the gift of God But in English we add the phrase it is because we need to connect this to this We need this to connect to this.
So we add the it is but in Greek it simply says Chi to talk X who met me moan and this not from yourselves the gift of God And the in the the implied statement is it is the gift of God Okay, so that's another little breakdown.
How many of those words we already know though.
We did almost the whole thing, right? I mean you guys were able to see it and and read it and Understand many of the words you you've used so good job.
Good job All right Let's pull out our homework and we'll try to get through that quickly And then take a quick break and then finish up the class with our lesson for the evening Alright, how many of you? Did the homework? Good Was it hard It's less than 11, right? I'm I am in the right place.
So one that starts with the the skeleton Exercise for Okay All right.
Well, we'll do what time allows and we'll get through as much as we can All right, so the first word I'm just gonna go through these if you I'm gonna say the English word I'll say the Greek word and then if I make a mistake or you have a disagreement as we're going through raise your hand or Stop me Because I just want to I want to move through these C is Scopia or Scopio Body is Soma White is Lucas Bone is osteone.
We get the word osteoporosis mouth stoma Skin is derma Foot is puss or Padas Think of a podiatrist Stomach is stomach us Here as a kuo By the way, that's it.
That's another easy English cognate because you think acoustics Acoustics make things easy to hear right? That's acoustics is how well you hear so a kuo means to hear All right head Caffolee now that's an important word too and I don't want to give a sermon for every one of these words But Jesus Christ is the Caffolee of the church the head All right.
All right that words that word has meaning both as head but also as preeminent or highest one the the one in charge All right Brain is frame chest is Boy I wish my I wish I'd written these better Yeah, I'm trying to Read what I wrote here It's it's stethos.
It's where we get the word stethoscope.
You think of a stethoscope is something that listens to your chest Hand this care Key epsilon iota row Skull is crony on Stomach area is the gas there because when you have gas there that's it's in your stomach you have gas Rip or tear is a schizo Person who has multiple personalities called a schizophrenic.
All right.
Yeah, and it's a I The this one's kind of hard to stop foul moss and it's where we get up ophthalmology Yeah half the moss Okay, I'll let them know I'll call the I'll call the consulate Let them know you like it changed Heart which we we should know heart if any word you guys ought to know I've said this since they won Cardia and then chair cathedra But it's normally we would probably say cathedra because we're used to hearing the word cathedral why do they call churches cathedrals because that was where the seat of Authority the seat of power the seat of Peter.
That was the idea of the seat All right.
Now I'm just going to give you the letters on this next one.
Number one is e number two is C number three is I for K five B Six G seven J eight F nine a ten H 11 D you may have any different than that Okey-doke Now the H sound Is shown with a backwards comma you guys remember that we've talked about that before if you see a regular comma over a letter And it's a vowel letter.
That means you don't add the H So if you don't add the H, you'll either see a regular comma or nothing But if you see a backwards comma ha It's that that ha sound is what is given.
So the first one is Halas and it's where it's the word hole.
Let's see Ho ho rah, it's the word our or you get the word our Hot hot dust is the word for path D and Then ha Bray us is where we get Hebrew.
Ha Bray us Oh No, no, it wasn't that's not saying that there's two ways of saying bone That's Lukas is the color of the bone.
That's a little confusing there.
Lukas is white.
So Lukas is to What bones are white? Yeah, no, I'm yeah that was a little confusing to me too, but that but that's what it is That those like puss and podoss or podoss are together with the comma But those those are not meant to be together.
They're just too close And it can be confusing All right.
So now we take those same Letters the ha ha sound and we're going to put some words together.
The first one is Holocaust it is the the letter C It's combining of Cossus, which is burning and to a mass slaughter of civil civilians.
Hala Hala being Halas being the entire so the the killing of an entire group.
It's a Holocaust number two is a number three B for F hegemony, that's a funny word Hegemony sounds like a nevermind.
So like like Jiminy Cricket.
Yeah Five e6 Yeah, six is g5 is e seven is Yep, and eight D yeah eight is D now very quickly just because words are important Heterodox When do we use that term Heterodox, huh? Now I'm not saying I am NOT asking you to point to a group and say they're heterodox Well homo means same hetero means Different that's why we say a heterosexual is a person who is Opposite sex and the homo, you know Yeah, it's different glory it's it's Orthodox ortho means straight So someone who likes like orthodontist, right they straighten teeth.
So orthodox means straight glory or straight doctrine Heterodox means a different doctrine, but typically we see it differentiated from the word heresy Heterodoxy and heresy Heresy is punishable by death, you know, you think about the heretics of old who were burned Heterodox is something where like we might say like I would say infant baptism is heterodox.
I don't think it's biblical But I wouldn't say it's heresy.
I would say it's not in a line with the scriptures It's not in line with how I understand the scriptures But that's so but they would say the same thing about my belief in and and and credo baptism or believers baptism So so that's it.
That's a time when heterodox can be used to not necessarily say someone's heretic But they are not in line with the truth.
They're they're outside or different from from the standard Now they would argue.
Hello infant baptism has been the standard of the church 2,000 years So if I call them heterodox for that, I'd probably get excoriated.
So But that's my only example I can think of okay, a there's a Bible verse here a foe a Voice prepare the Hadan Koryu The path or the way of the Lord of the Lord is Koryu the the the genitive All right of the Lord Okay the ooh sound The Greek word to pass Now this is the one you said you had trouble with right to pass became the English word type Type typee What happens in a lot of the Greek words that use the oops salon when they get translated into English? It becomes a why instead of you so instead of to pass we get type Instead of Koryas for Lord we get Kiri Opening a church songbook you hear of a whom NOS.
What is a whom NOS a hymn? Hymn Paul warns Timothy For the muthus.
What is the muthus? myth Myth because the oops salon becomes a why? myth and In all of these examples the English the the Greek oops salon becomes the English why? but in the cases of the Old Testament with King David or Dawid the oops salon became a V so again This is just how words are translated and how they how they got to the way that they are Is anybody going to have a fit if we don't take a break I Gotta use yeah, he's Russian.
All right.
Well, let's do this If you if you feel one incompetent in Not incompetent is not the word.
I was looking for if you don't if you're not confident that you got Exercise five and six if you if you feel like you had trouble with that come see me during the break If not, we're gonna move on less than 12 We're gonna take a five minute break let you guys hit the restroom and we'll move on less than 12 All righty, right lesson 12 Lesson 12 has pictures don't I love pictures? I do My favorite word on lesson 12 is the word it pass what's it pass? It pass what word is it pass horse? What is the word for River? Pata moss.
So what is a hippopotamus? It is a river horse That's right hip hip hip hip anonymous Yes, and that actually is on the next page it brings up hippopotamus It doesn't but but that's what a hippopotamus is that's where the word comes from.
It's a river horse a Seahorse I Don't know Okay, botany is the study of plants.
So what word? Would it be? Botan a botan a member the a to makes the long a Greek word for rainbow became the word for a flower Yeah, it would actually be iris because it would you know, the ipso or Yoda Yoda row Chrysalis the gold color shell around a caterpillar which is turning into a butterfly comes from this word meaning gold Kusas Yeah It's actually food sauce.
Remember the that's the But just kusas is fine Hmm Got panning for gold This fire name comes from the Greek word for star Stare yeah, I stare Helium the element got its name because it was first discovered on the Sun alias alias And I thought about that when I read that I said how did they discover anything on the Sun How they get I was like, hey look what we found where were you the Sun I Mean I understand that it can and does happen.
I just don't get it It's like the really smart politician who said he wanted to make the first venture to the Sun They said how are you going to do it? He said we're gonna go at night So, yeah, all right number six seed It's either sperma or spores it can be either Seed, huh It's like house and home.
Yeah They they can be synonymous.
But you know depending on the use Crystal Crystal loss.
Yeah, and that the picture is What looks like crystals there right above the river? On the right side, huh? Yeah, yeah, I guess yeah Yeah, well they should have put a little hamburger there crystal All right.
Yeah good.
All right river is Bottom us.
Okay next now, it's gonna be tough.
He's gonna flip them back and forth Valuable substance we drill for in rocks is called petroleum comes from the word for rock which is Petras or Petra our air-filled pneumatic comes from the word which means spirit Pneuma Pneuma Hippopotamus is a horse hippos of the river Potamus hippopotamus and science of farming agriculture comes from the word for field Which is aggross which is agriculture Okay But aggro aggross, all right, we put words together make compound words thermometer Yeah.
Yeah, it measures heat All right anima.
Mmm anemometer Animus and metros hippopotamus it boss potamus Astrology Esther which means star and Lagos now, it's different from astronomy.
What's the difference in astrology and astronomy? Namas and Lagos one is a word one is a law.
All right.
Namas means law All right Petrology Petras and Lagos Lithography lithos Grafo, that's right.
It theologist That is a fish doctor I Called the fish doctor.
He told me no, that's the witch doctor.
I'm sorry.
It's a fish a fish doctor Chlorophyll chorus and follow a Grot mmm agronomy Agross namas Dendrology Lagos what is dendron? Tree so dendrology is the study of trees xylophone kulos and phoney now Looking back over here.
Where do we see? Cool it's actually XO loss It's a it's more of a log looks like a log or a stick But a xylophone isn't as a musical instrument based on the same word Yeah All right the famous secret code of early Christians now how many of you are familiar with this you've all seen the fish on the back of The cars and some of the fish have five Greek letters in the fish and a lot of people wonder what that is well, it's the Yoda which stands for Jesus it's Jesus The key which stands for Christos or Christ the theta which stands for they who or God? the upsilon for who us is or who us is son and Sigma for so tear which means Savior So Jesus Christ God's Son Savior or the Son of God Savior So that's an interesting little code that early Christians use ik thus ik thus All right.
Yeah, it's it's a acrostic.
Yeah, it's a Yep Jesus Christ God's Son Savior.
All right Moving on to page 65 Parabola Sporos Lagas They of God Fulla Kulu Eric Sulu Captain Sulu, sorry Therapy on Healing and where what English word would we translate or transliterate therapy on? Therapy, that's right healing therapy ethnon Nations that's right ethnon is the all the peoples all the nations remember ethnic we get the word next underneath that is Animoy wind and the Hoopa coo usin Obey next is wheeze Son Hoopa Coen Yep obedience he learned obedience And he suffered it by completing everything.
He became the source of salvation to all those Hoopa coo usin Obeying him that's right Nikkei was the name of the ancient Greek goddess of victory There is a statue from ancient Greece with this name and an American anti-aircraft missile of the 1950s was named after her This is the Nikkei that overcomes the world victory that which is born of God Nikka Overcomes that's right.
It's not victory in that sense because it's Using a different in English.
We'd say overcome rather than Victor and this is the Nikkei Victory which Nikkei Sasa Overcomes the world But in all these things we are what? Who pair Nick a omen or actually it's Hoopa Nick omen Hooper Nick omen, I'm saying it wrong the whole time More than conquerors or literally over conquerors Hooper means over Hooper so it's Hooper Nick omen All right words created from Greek numbers now These words or these numbers rather are Done in different ways there there are two ways to say numbers There are what we call cardinal numbers and ordinal numbers cardinal numbers one, two, three, four five Ordinal numbers first second third fourth fifth, that's ordinal or in order, right? so the first one is The the first number there is the letter C which is Our DECA, I'm sorry, it's the yeah, this is kind of confusing because the letters are below it is 10 DECA DECA is 10 and DECA meter is a measurement of 10 meters, huh? The first one is C Second one is F Prototype first of a kind number three is I hexagon number four is a proton number five is H number six is D That one's kind of a weird word Chile ism or kill you isn't I Actually refers to the Millennium Well, no, I mean I get you making it a little joke, but no it refer killio is a thousand The Catalan is 10 or G Pentecost a 50 Letter B What's Pentecost 50 days after Huh 50 days after the Resurrection, yeah, that's that's where the the Feast of Pentecost was actually 50 days after the The Passover.
Yep All right, and then Deuterononymous.
I said it wrong Deuteronomous Which is Deuterost Deuteronomy is letter e Jesus speaking to his disciples you shall sit epi dodeca thronu's on 12 thrones judging the dodeca 12 tribes of Israel and the Triton third part of the Dendrone was burnt Epta lamp a days saw seven lamps or lampstands burning with fire before the Throne ooh the throne of God or before no, you're right, I would just be thrown because there's a Preposition through before the throne which are the N ta nu mata.
They you Seven spirits of God All right last page and then we are Home free.
I'm keeping you an extra minute.
But just let's get through these.
I'll give you the answers and Now these are geology words Number one is D To an amethyst amethyst.
This is amethyst Number two is F Number three is B Four is G Five is E And we wonder why there's two peas and sapphire Because it was from SAP pharaohs number six top ASEAN topaz see seven crystal loss a All right life science Now these I found a little difficult myself because some of these words just sort of came out of nowhere But hospice is an asp or a snake K No toss is L number 10 ketone is What you get when you go on a keto diet This is letter P actually, it's the tunic Number 11 is Oh Number 12 is J 13 is H 14 is I 15 in 16 m 17 T and that thorax you probably heard that word thorax in English Has the same idea of the middle part of a breastplate it's an animal's thorax the same thing we'd say the breastplate so if you were looking at the the Arm of God, yeah 18 is s Plas plas plas.
Oh is where we get the word plastic 19 are orness Is Word for bird or an ornithology.
It's a study of birds Oxo is Q that is grow it means to grow All right, ladies and gentlemen, we are down to our final two lessons You will do lesson 13 for homework We will do lesson 14 and we will do 13 together and see how you did in class We'll do lesson 14, which is only one page in class.
We will have our final exam.
Somebody asked how Important the final is in regard to the grades.
It's not technically a graded exam the final lets me know how well I did lets me know how well I did and getting you to Understand and learn the alphabet and the words so don't come in fearful of the final It doesn't affect your ability to pass the test or pass the class It's it's not it's for me to see what you've been able to retain Have you guys had a good time tonight? Well, let's pray Father, thank you for this time I pray that you'll take us all home safely and Lord that you would glorify yourself in our Seeking to better understand this language that we might better understand your word and it's in Christ name we pray.