SBC President Bart Barber's Insane "Apology"

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Alright, well, normally on Fridays I like to put out a video that's a little bit lighter in mood.
That's what I seek to do. It doesn't always work, and today it's not going to be very light.
Two things happened. Yesterday I did a video that was much lighter in tone and things like that.
I revealed I have a bait sniffing problem, so, you know, there's that. But also, this morning
I saw this thread from Bart Barber and we need to talk about it because I think it's a perfect example of something that I've been noticing a lot more lately.
See, our evangelical leaders, they like to sell us this idea that, you know, on the fundamentals of the faith we have so much agreement, but it's really just on the periphery that we've got these minor disagreements, so we've got to have unity, you know?
We've got to have unity. And that's what they're selling. Now, I don't for a moment grant that some of these political differences that they're typically talking about,
I don't think they're very small. And I've always kind of known that there has been some kind of core beliefs that we also disagree on as well, but in general
I've been pretty receptive to that idea of unity. However, lately I've been noticing that even with the basics of the faith, like the bare bones basics of the faith, there are some serious disagreements, some serious problems with our evangelical leadership, what they promote, and what is actually true that we know from Scripture and from knowing
Christians. And this thread is a really good example. Now, I quote -tweeted it,
I'm not going to say it just in case you've got kids there, I don't want your kids to think that it's okay to say this word whenever they want in this context, but I chose my words very carefully here.
Bart Barber has just displayed a shocking... I don't even know really what it is, and we're going to talk about this in a minute, but here's the...
Let me set the tone for you, right? About a month ago, actually right around the same time that Kosti Hinn did this,
Bart Barber went on this tirade, this Twitter tirade on something, and it was very similar to Kosti Hinn, he went on this tirade about Doug Wilson and stuff like that, and they were just self -immolating, they were just burning themselves, it was hard to watch, both of them, right around the same time.
And Kosti Hinn, I remember, it was actually a Friday video that I did, he actually repented, and I remember at the time,
I wasn't expecting him to repent, I said, I don't think he's going to. I remember saying that on a video, and I said, if he does, it'll be great, but I really didn't expect it, but then he did, and I posted a video that was just talking about how beautiful this moment, it's good, and it's beautiful, and it's good, and what's the verse?
Good and pleasant. It's good and pleasant when brothers dwell in unity and there's reconciliation, it was just such a beautiful moment, right?
He repented for real, not a sorry not sorry kind of thing, not a vague thing, he just owned it, and I was like, man, that is something,
I love that, I love when that happens, that's just a beautiful thing. And then Bart Barber, today, has tried his hand at repentance, he's something of a repenter himself, and this is a train wreck,
I cannot believe that he did this, you know, I was talking to my brother about a different situation, unrelated to Christian squabbles, but I was saying, you know, you can excuse someone,
I think, in the moment, if they say something they regret, or they go overboard, it's still wrong, but they're in the heat of the moment, you know, they're passionate, it's hard to control yourself sometimes when you're in the heat of the moment.
Again, it's not excusing that, but at least you can have some sympathy, right? You don't want to judge someone too harshly when they're in a fight and they say something that they regret.
It's a totally different thing, though, to have cool off time, to have time to think your answer through, to think through what you're going to say, especially when you're writing it, because when you're speaking, of course, it's very hard, some people have a hard time public speaking, and sometimes wrong words come out, that happens to me all the time, but like, when you're writing, and you've had time to think it through, and this is what you come up with, there's something wrong with you, there's something wrong deep in your soul with you, because you've,
I want you to, let's talk about this. I'm going to read you this apology, because let me set the table,
Bart Barber went on this tirade against this abortion abolitionist that he thinks is wrong about the
ERLC, because this guy Dusty Devers, this pastor, he criticizes the ERLC because the
ERLC is well known for killing bills that would abolish abortion. The Christian ERLC, Ethics and Religious Liberties Commission, is known for killing bills that would abolish abortion, and Dusty Devers, Pastor Dusty Devers, doesn't like that, neither do
I, neither does a lot of people, but Bart Barber went on this tirade, just ripping him to shreds, it was ridiculous, and everyone's like, dude,
Bart, what are you doing? It's the same thing as Costi, it was very similar to Costi, but the contrast on the apology could not be more stark, so Bart Barber wants to apologize for that, and I want you to think in your mind, imagine you have, if you have a kid, and you know, imagine he did something to his brother or sister, and he apologized to his brother or sister in this way, what would you think about your son?
Here's what Bart Barber says, and it starts off okay, like the first three tweets are pretty good, and then you're gonna see it turn.
Here's Bart Barber, the president of the SBC convention, repenting. A little more than a month ago,
I used the word obsession to describe Dusty Devers' approach to abortion law, specifically with regard to coerced minors,
I repent of that. The word obsession not only assumes motivation, but also implies something bordering upon mental instability, it's an inflammatory and accusatory word.
What makes it worse, and here's where it starts to turn, ready? What makes it worse is that I did it intentionally because I was angry, angry at Devers' unwarranted and unprovoked attacks against Leatherwood, and in my anger,
I sought to match Devers' own hyperbolic incivility. But my job is not to mimic
Devers' hyperbolic incivility, my actual job is to imitate Christ's gracious truth -telling, and I know everyone moved past these weeks ago, but the
Holy Spirit has not, and so I apologize for my intemperate tweeting, I retract the word obsession, I thank you for those of you who called me out on it back then, and I covet your prayers for me to do better,
I'm sorry for calling you obsessed, that word implies that you're mentally unstable, but I only did it because you have hyperbolic incivility, you have unwarranted and unprovoked attacks, it's like, are you out of your mind?
Like Barbara, what is wrong with you? This is not how you repent, this is the opposite of repentance.
This is passing the buck, and you can see, there's a wall of responses to this, this guy's getting ratioed like crazy.
Everyone is seeing the instant problem, it's like, I think
I saw, oh man, who was it that said this? It might have been Tom Buck, who's like, it's like, hey
I'm sorry that I called, you know, talking to your wife, you're like, I'm sorry that I called you crazy, you know, because that implies that you don't have a handle on reality, but I only did it because you were acting so irrational, you weren't even, you were in la la land, that's the only reason
I did it. It's like, what? It's hard to believe, listen, we all know that experience, like we tell our kids, one of our kids steals something from another, and we say say sorry to your brother, and they go sorry, you know what
I mean, and that's all they say, we know they didn't mean it from their heart, like, it's not a genuine sorry, even that would be better, because at least you leave it at that, it's like, this is like saying sorry, you're such a jerk,
I just don't understand, it's just unbelievable, and this is, this guy,
Barbara thinks that this was the right thing to do, he's had time to think this through, he knew what he was gonna say, he carefully planned what he was going to say, and he went out and said it, and this guy doesn't understand anything about repentance, or about being sorry, again, if this was the heat of the moment, you could excuse it, right, because you're still in the fight, right, like,
I'm sorry, you're such a jerk, like, you know, things, sometimes things happen like that in an argument, it doesn't make it right, but at least you could understand, this guy, a month later, claims that the
Holy Spirit has been working on him, and what he comes up with is, I shouldn't have used the word obsession, but the only reason
I did it is because I was trying to match your awful, unprovoked, uncivil tone, and so I had an uncivil tone, so I'm sorry for matching your,
I'm sorry because I matched your evil with evil, that's why I'm sorry, I'm sorry because you're evil, and then
I became evil because you're evil, wow, it's, it's,
I'm kinda speechless now, there's more I could say, but I think you get it,
I think you get it, this is the SBC president, this is the SBC president, so the last
SBC president got caught lying, and stealing, and you know, the whole, the whole plagiarism scandal, then lying about it, refused to repent, he lied multiple times, refused to acknowledge it, the current
SBC president repents in a, you know,
God, I, I know you've been working on me, I'm so grateful that I'm not like this other sinner who hasn't even repented yet, he, that's what this is, this is like, look,
I'm so great because I'm repenting of this very sin that he did, this is pointing out others' flaws in your repentance, it's just like, it's unbelievable, it really is, we are in a sorry state, my friends, this is, this is our situation, just kidding,
I'm gonna sniff that off camera in a little bit, but, but by the way, some of you guys get it, there was a lady who commented that she also likes the smell of Guggen baits, and she's got a picture on YouTube holding a fish, so she knows these, they're good baits, and they also smell really good,
I think that they should make a candle, honestly, if Guggen baits made a candle, like a scented candle, I would buy that candle, it's, it's fantastic,
I can't believe, I can't be the only one who's had this idea, Guggen baits, make a candle, it's kind of,
I don't know, it's kind of an effeminate thing to say, in any case,