Geek 101 on the Dividing Line


Here I answer two of the most common questions asked in e-mail, one about critical editions of the Greek and Hebrew texts, the second about how I convert books to audio so I can listen to them while riding 8,000 miles a year on a bicycle. Here's how you do it!


Next email thing here. In a few of his debates, James White held up and referred to a critical edition of the
Bible. He explained that it contained both Hebrew Old Testament and Greek New Testament with all the variant references in the critical apparatus.
What is the actual title of this and where may I obtain a copy? Well, there are... the primary one that I have held up is called
Biblia Sacra, and it's published by the United Bible Societies.
And it is a... I had made... I had had this made before the
United Bible Societies made theirs. Back in the 80s, I would take...
I had two of them made actually. I knew a man here locally who was a Jehovah's Witness who did book binding on the side, and did a good job, you know, leather binding, the whole nine yards.
And I had him bind... one was a UBS text with the
Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia, the other was the Nessie Allen with the Biblia Hebraica. And he'd have to trim the page sizes to make them fit, because they weren't cut the same size.
But I had them made, and then UBS finally came out with Biblia Sacra, which
I believe is still available. I assume it is. We don't carry it, but... and it would be the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia.
And if I... is... yeah, that would be... that would be the Nessie Allen in the
New Testament. I don't have it. I didn't bring it in here with me, but I have it in the other room in a very nice Renaissance art leather cover.
So that's the critical edition. And then, of course, now you can get the reader's edition. And I heard about...
I haven't checked this out for myself yet, but I actually heard about a reader's edition that might have some critical notes in it.
I haven't... somebody mentioned it to me. I haven't bothered looking it up yet, so if that's out there, that would be quite interesting.
Of course, I'll be perfectly honest with you. Other than looks and certain circumstances...
and some of you are gonna be mad at me for this. I'm But since I got my iPad, that's all
I've preached from. I... I... I don't... I almost never carry paper texts anymore.
And there's a simple reason... there's a lot of reasons for it. With accordance on the iPad now,
I've got a huge library. I've got the CNTTS, I've got Metzger, I've got
Comfort. I wish I had. And if I would just spend a little time on it, I could have the
Nessie Allen and the Biblia Hebraica apparatus on my iPad. I found a way to do it. I've got a couple books, and I could...
I could link them. I could have them as notes in both Olive Tree and Accordance, because I can...
I can copy them and PDF them and stick them there. I can... I could do it. I just haven't gotten around to getting the thing all done.
So... but it's real simple. There's a... there's a very, very practical reason, aside from the fact that it's...
it's thin, and it's easy to carry, and all the rest of that stuff. It doesn't get beat up when you put it into your bag, and almost...
I don't care what book you get, even if you have it in a really good cover, it's gonna get damaged being slid in and out of bags.
And, you know, you're trying to stuff stuff in, and you end up messing up the page edges, and, you know, they just weren't designed for that kind of, you know, the amount of traveling that I do.
But the real practical reason is simply this. It's easier to read.
It's easier to read. Any book that's going to be small enough to carry, the font size is going to be pretty small.
And so either I have to drag out reading glasses anymore, I'm pushing 50, or the wonderful thing is...
now you sit behind me in church, and I'll bet you you can look over the pew, and on Sunday morning, we're in Romans chapter 2, right?
And what I've been doing is I've been bringing up Codex Sinaiticus in Accordance, and I'll bet you from sitting behind me, you could see the
Greek, and probably read half of it, because I have the font so large. As you know, my wife has been using her
Kindle in church, and so she, on Sunday morning, was glancing over your shoulder, trying to compare what you were looking at with what she was looking at, and the quality, and things like that.
So yeah, you can see it from that far away quite easily. Yeah. But I do want to, as an aside, you really make pushing 50 sound so much older than it really is, since I'm already there, you know?
You just want to, you know, it's not quite as bad as your... I don't know, like I said yesterday morning, you looked, you looked really tired.
Anyway, so just just simply getting back to the point here, since I've gotten my iPad, that's, that is what
I use, because the fonts are... You can, can you imagine how big
Biblia Sacra would be? Now, Biblia Sacra is a thick book already. Can you imagine how...
It's already that thick. Okay, now make it large print with the font size that I use on the iPad.
Yeah, it's not the size of the, you know, the old family Bibles. Oh yeah, oh yeah. Oh, it'd be huge.
All it does is reflect us, probably about that size. It would be absolutely huge. So that's, that's why
I've gone that direction. Now, while you're, you may have the other email that I sent over on this subject that's along these lines, and that is when you're writing...
Oh, I don't have that. Yes, I do need to do that. Since we're on, since we're doing a geek segment here,
I forgot to, I don't even have my computer here. I left it. Right now, ironically, my main
MacBook, I have a MacBook Pro in front of me. It's my first one. My second one is at home, the one that I'm using now, the current edition.
Well, relatively current edition. It is recording a very important book for me off of my
Kindle. And it was recording all night. This is a long book. I mean, I don't know how many hours this thing's gonna take to get through, but it's gonna take hundreds of miles of riding to get through.
But it's recording right now. So people keep writing in. I have talked about, there's a video,
I think I did a video, but I haven't thrown it all together. I keep mentioning these things and it's driving people insane. We get lots of contact from people saying,
James keeps talking about listening to books while riding or converting this book. How's he doing this?
Because there's a lot of people who have long commutes, they have long drives, not necessarily what I'm doing, long bicycle riding, currently averaging like 220 miles a week on the bike and that's about 12 -13 hours.
I'm redeeming that time, that's when I do my study, that's when I do DL prep and all the rest of that stuff. So how do you do that?
Well, here's the two ways I have discovered that have made it possible. First of all,
I'm using an iPod Nano. It is not the current edition of Nano. I am not happy with the fact that they have come out with a new edition of Nano and gotten rid of the kind that I have.
I'm gonna need to try to find some of them on eBay before they disappear because they've now gone to a touchscreen. Stupid idea because I'm an athlete for crying out loud and what's it gonna be like in August when
I'm riding and I am absolutely covered from head to toe in sweat trying to use a stinking touchscreen?
Who ever thought? Yeah, well my nose is soaked at that but I can't even do that. What are you talking about? So I mean that's just dumb.
I'm gonna have to, I literally, I'm gonna have to go find. I'm gonna have to get some. Anybody got a 16 gig of the old
Nano so that when this one croaks, because it does get wet. I've got it in a nice plastic cover but even then it gets wet.
I use the iPod Nano. Why the Nano rather than the Shuffle? I used to use the Shuffle. Real simple. The Nano allows you to press the button and you have slower, normal, and faster.
So I can get through an 8 -hour book in about 5 hours and 45 minutes on faster.
Alright, so that's what I'm using and a good brother in the Lord just sent me, it's getting arrived this week.
Remember last time I mentioned I had to turn one of the books off because I was going downhill in the wind. I couldn't hear it anymore.
Someone sent me a link to earphones that will seal out the wind noise. I threw it on my personal list.
There's a couple people who found my personal list and they are on their way. So thank you very very much. Now I will get to listen even downhill into the wind when
I'm listening to these books. But how do I get... I thought the trucks see you. Yes, well
I do always wear the rear view mirror. I look like the geek with the rear view mirror but that is very important to see the traffic coming before they see you.
Anyway, that's one thing. But how do I get it in mp3 format? Two ways.
Last year or year before, one of the two, I had a book review I had to do and I was sitting around going, man, it's gonna take me forever to get this book.
I'm gonna get through that one. I was just, I was getting frustrated, a little stressed and all of a sudden
I remembered, wait a minute, I have that on my Kindle. So I could listen to it and as soon as I realized
I could listen to a Kindle. Now you have to be careful when you buy a book, look at, it'll tell you, is voice activated on this because what, because some of the, at first everything you got on Kindle, the
Kindle would read everything to you. Then they realized that's gonna kill all audio book sales.
So they started deactivating on certain of the books. So you got to look and make sure that your
Kindle will actually be able to read it to you. But the Kindles from Kindle 2 onward,
I have a Kindle 3, Kindle 2 and 3 can both read the text to you. The Kindle 3 I think has a few extra voices and things like that.
Even it can read faster if you want it to. You can even choose speeds on that too. I don't do that,
I speed it up on the iPod because if you, if you do it fast on the Kindle and fast on the iPod, now we're talking
Mickey Mouse, okay? Now it's a little bit difficult to follow, especially if there's anything technical in the book.
So what you can do, and this is how I did the Sill Janitor book, is
I bought the book, I take it home, I plug it into the input of my
MacBook Pro. I have a book called Maxim, M -A -C -S -O -M -E,
Audio Recorder. There's all sorts of free or cheap audio recording software programs out there for Windows or for Mac.
It doesn't matter. You just put it in the input of your, of your laptop or whatever. And I start it when
I go to bed. And I hit record in the thing and I hit start speech on the
Kindle and chapter one. The nice thing about this program is it breaks up into one hour segments.
So each hour it saves a new audio file. So right now that's what's going on at home, is it's recording this book for me.
Then what I do is I take those and I dump them into a
Wondershare video converter, which always does, which also does audio. And if I want to,
I will then recombine that into one file or just leave it that way, whichever, whichever it is. I take that from AAC to MP3, or I could even record an
MP3. Then I throw it in iTunes, turn it into an audio book, put it on my iPod, and it's ready to go.
Make sure to use it as an audio book for one simple reason. You can check the box that allows that once you stop it, it will restart at the place where you stopped.
Because some of these, some of these are like six hours, six, seven, eight hours long. And if you don't do that, then yes that they're fast forward to try to find the thing, duh, where you were.
So that's how I do it with Kindle. But, but that's just the first way
I found it. Did you have a question, sir? Because I'm not done yet. First it's, it's Maxim? M -A -C -S -O -M -E.
And then it's Wondershare? Is that what you say? I use Wondershare. This is all Mac stuff, but people will, yeah. And then rolling over into iTunes.
Right. This episode of Geek Class has been brought to you by Alpha Omega. It is not yet done. This isn't, this isn't even done yet.
Because then I discovered something even better. And that is Text Speech Pro. Text Speech Pro for Mac.
And I think it's the same folks that do Dragon Naturally Speaking for Windows. I think. I could be wrong about that.
I'm not sure about that, but anyway. This is a program where you can take any
PDF, Word document, HTML, RTF, text file, and think of how much stuff is out there in that format now.
Archive .org, all these places, older books. Any, for example, if you want to have any shot of my endorsing your book, or even looking at your book, you got to provide it to me in PDF.
You got to. Why? Because I can take it, dump it into Text Speech Pro.
It's just a matter of copy, insert. Once it's in Text Speech Pro, I can select a voice.
I've purchased two voices. One's an American voice. One's a British voice. For example, when I did
Christopher Hitchens stuff, I put it in the British voice. Because it sounded like Christopher Hitchens. Why not?
You, you say export to sound file. Export to mp3.
And it takes whatever you put in there. Now I have found that there's a sort of a limit. You know, if you put a 300 -page book in there, it's probably gonna choke on it.
I'd say it could probably do about a hundred pages at a time. That's around what I've found. I think it depends on how many page breaks there are, and line breaks, and stuff like that.
Now the Kindle has to record in real time. So I have to leave it running overnight for eight hours, so I can get eight hours worth of reading stuff.
Not so with Text Speech Pro. You put a hundred pages into Text Speech Pro, export it, and in about five to seven minutes, maybe, you will have a fully usable mp3 sitting on your desktop.
That is a very understandable. Now people say, oh it's that computer voice, I can't stand it. There are some bad computer voices.
There's no question about it. Text Speech Pro, as long as you buy one of the voices, a purchased voice will be better than a non -purchased voice.
Okay, they actually upgrade them the whole nine yards. It is amazing how clear and understandable.
Yeah, will they mispronounce words? Yes. Are sometimes mispronunciations humorous?
Yes. I played for you. That was actually my Kindle. Remember I played the Kindle speaking in tongues, you know, when I was doing the
Gnostic stuff back before the debate with Price last year. Is it fully understandable and utter and non -annoying to listen to this for six hours or something?
Yes. You really can get used to it. It really is that clear. And so you're talking
PDFs, Word documents, just think of how much stuff is becoming available in those formats that you can then just select it, dump it in.
That's how I get a lot of my Logos stuff. Select it, what you do, here's the trick.
In Logos, you can select the font size on the on the screen. You can make it super small.
That way you can select a bunch of it at once and then you sit there and hold it and it scrolls down and you get tons and tons of stuff into your buffer and then you copy it into TextSpeech Pro and export to mp3.
Once it's there, you bring it into iTunes. Remember, make it an audiobook so that it will remember where you are.
There's a little there's a little thing to tick that says remember position and you throw it on the iPod.
Obviously my current iPod Nano is only 8 gigs and I have to keep pulling stuff off because I have so much stuff on there at any one time.
And that's how you do it. So there you go. I think that's pretty much everything.
All the little tricks and stuff that I've learned to be able to do that. And you're right, that email was sitting in my thing.
I just hadn't put it into this particular list. It came after I made this list up. So that's how you do it.
Thank you for joining us on Geeks R Us on the Dividing Line. What's that?
Well, AOTech. Some people wouldn't say it was overly technical but that's how you do it.