Opinionated Woman Hates the Truth

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In this video, Wade, a pastor at the Apologia Church in South Jordan, discusses with an Opinionated Woman who Hates the Truth about the false worship of Mormons that spans to other religions' temples. He argues that as a Christian, it is part of his obligation to go to events of different cultures and share the truth of Jesus Christ. He also discusses Jesus' intent on coming into His creation, to bring salvation to the whole world, and to call all those active in false worship to repent. Wade argues that the environment Jesus came into is similar to the one in which we live, and we should therefore share Jesus' message with everyone, regardless of their cultural or historical background.


Hi. Hi, how are you doing? Good morning. Good morning. So, here's the thing.
You created these to look as an Indian style. Okay? Actually, these are
LDS images. Yeah, but these were designed, this was designed to pass out today.
No, actually they weren't. We made these with not this intent. Okay. But what would be wrong with that though?
So, what I felt like is the people are here today to experience a different culture.
Okay? That's different than our culture, you know? And as an American who's married to an
Indian, I have learned so much from, it's not even about,
I believe Jesus is the Christ. I agree with that, the truth and the light. Okay? But people come out of a different cultural, historical experience.
Okay? And there's also things that we can learn from them. And it's only two days a year.
Okay? That this festival goes on. Okay? Why is it at the entrance as people are coming in to learn about something different?
Because obviously you're here because something attracts them, something within their soul or it's clean.
Okay? There may be drugs going on. It's their security to try to stop that. But I can tell you the
Indian culture itself, they don't believe in drinking. They don't believe in drugs. I know because I live with an
Indian man. Okay? But why do you feel that as people are coming in to experience something different, that they're not here to get those.
They're here to experience music, throwing colors, eating food from a different culture.
They're not here for this. Why would you kind of,
I don't know, in a way it's forceful. In a way it's forceful. It's like you're forcing that on to them.
I mean, there's a Mormon church. This is
Mormon, right? No, we're evangelical Christians. Evangelical. Okay. You're evangelical Christians. Okay. Well, I mean,
I guess that's the whole evangelical way. Can I speak to your question real quick? Please, yeah. You can do it slow too. Oh, sure.
We're not at a Del Taco drive -thru. You don't have just two minutes. You know, our culture has gotten a little bit too quick.
So go ahead. Yeah, I appreciate your time. My name is Wade. I'm a pastor actually at this church,
Apology of Church in South Jordan. So, you know, we see through the
Great Commission, through Matthew 28, that Jesus says, All authority has been given unto me.
Go therefore, make disciples of all nations, of all peoples. The Great Commission. Even people of different religions, people of different nations, including
Indian people, even including Hare Krishna people. So we see that this is part and parcel of the commands of Jesus to go to every event.
We don't simply go to this one or other one. You know, we're not selective. We go to every sort of event we can to share the truth because Jesus commanded it.
Because at the end of the day, there is a idol being worshipped here.
So if you look at information about Hare Krishna. I'm 53 years old.
I've been to 22 countries. I'm married, like I said, to an Indian.
I've been to India. Like I know the whole kingdom of God. All the false worship. All of it.
I don't communicate that way. I don't communicate that way. Jesus told us this.
Jesus came out of his historical experience, out of a very repressive culture. The Jews, as you know, because you've studied old and new and you're a pastor.
How many 600 to 30 different... You know, your jacket would have been very sinful because it's a cloth of mixed cloth, right?
It's mixed of two fabrics. There was rules on top of rules on top of rules on top of rules that the
Pharisees had imposed, right? Sure. And it was suppressive. And if you had one thing that wasn't right, if you had one hair sticking out of your whatever, there wasn't the right direction.
They were going to condemn you and make you feel like crap. That's the environment that Jesus came into. Well, there is actually
God's law, which is good. The Torah and the Tanakh. But then there was things and maybe you're mixing them together.
I'm not sure. You can tell me. But then there's the Mishnah, the the oral traditions of the elders.
They were in very... But have you been to Israel? Have you been to Israel ever?
Oh, no, I haven't. They're still not very nice. I've been to Israel. They're a tough nation.
Yes, they're a very tough nation. They, you know, it was you follow these rules and that's how you're...
That's how I consider you a good guy or not. OK, so Jesus came into that.
Jesus was born into that. He lived that law perfectly. Yeah, into that historical environment.
OK, and secondly, we're reading this book in English, which is a language that is far, far, far, far, far.
So different. I mean, English is really good. I'm a former ESL teacher. I've worked all over the world.
English is really good for business, for commerce, for work.
OK, that's what contracts... We're a people of contracts. We come out of that British tradition and King James and all of that stuff.
But Jesus spoke Aramaic. The Bible was written in Greek.
Mostly Koine Greek and Hebrew. Right, exactly. So when we read all this stuff, you know, it's very harsh.
You know, we have to do this. We have to push this. We have to force this on people.
We have to, you know, that we're supposed to do this. But I mean...
Is Jesus God? Yeah. So if God has spoken, right? OK, God is transcendent.
He is above all things. When he speaks, it's with power and it carries authority and weight.
So when God speaks, is that not timeless? Is that not authoritative and timeless? It's timeless. I'm just saying that, first of all, these people are so nice.
Oh, we're not out of your day. They will never tell you to leave because they don't roll that way. OK, you can block this whole area and have tables upon tables.
Sure. You know, they will never tell you. They will never be that way. Yeah. But... We're not here...
If I could, real quick. We're not here to... We're not here to tell people how to be better people, live nicer lives.
It sure seems that way. It sure seems like you can't get past here. Let's see the next group of people without this being forced from this side or this being forced from that side.
Because this has the gospel in it. Because we know we can't change anyone. The Bible says, no one is good, that all have fallen short of the glory of God.
So we're here to recognize that we have failed in this life. We have failed at...
Why can't you be here to enjoy the Color Festival? Because they're doing a religious ceremony.
They're worshiping Vishnu and Krishna. If you look it all up... I already know all about it.
I've already... I've read it all. Yeah. So you know the chanting, the dancing. Everything is part of worshiping the false
God. So God says, you shall have no other gods before me. He says, he's the one true and living
God. This has nothing to do... Most of these people are IT specialists. Okay. It has nothing to do with any
God. That's something their grandparents, their aunts, they don't really care. This is a temple. Look at it. Yeah.
When you go to temple, you know what you do? You eat some good Indian food. You hear a philosophical lecture.
It is... It is not... It's not about that. So you're not concerned about standing before God one day and he says,
I'm the only God. You shall worship no other gods. You shall not... I worship Jesus Christ.
I pray every single meal with my husband. I say in the name of Lord Jesus Christ who died on the cross for us.
And my husband says Waheguru and we eat. So this is syncretistic then. Syncretistic, right?
It's... No, I'm doing Jesus. Two religious things together. I'm doing Jesus. He grew up in a different tradition.
He grew up in a different way. And he's worshiping one God. But I mean, I can tell you're gonna block both sides.
I mean, you've got people cornered. It's very aggressive. It's very aggressive. It's a bunch of us white people mostly forcing...
Lots of LDS. What we've always done throughout our history is force things on others.
We are an aggressive breed of humans. Can I ask you a question? What are you doing that's any different than us right now?
I'm trying to see if you can allow people to just come to the Color Festival.
You're charging us with the same thing that you're doing actually. That's what I'm trying to understand. Yeah, but it's the Color Festival.
It's not the Christian Festival. It's the Color Festival. People want to throw colors.
It says that the earth is the Lord's in the fullness thereof. Actually, this is God's land. And that's false worship that is being portrayed here.
Jesus says you can't partake of the table of demons on the table of the Lord. You have a great day, ma 'am.
We're here to talk to you if you want to talk to more. But I believe you're confused. I don't want to talk to you when I go to your church. This isn't your church.