Progressive Christian And Biblical Christian Debate Homosexuality!

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Hey man, how's it going? I'm doing well, thanks for asking, but there's something on my mind. Well, what's on your mind?
I've just been thinking lately about the topic of homosexuality and how it relates to the Bible and all that stuff.
Interesting. What have you been thinking about specifically? Well, I guess it just bothers me how most conservative,
Bible -thumping Christians talk about homosexuality. They're so harsh and they really don't show much compassion at all.
Well that would be concerning if it's true. I mean, as Christians, we really want to show compassion as much as possible.
What are some specific ways that these Bible -thumping Christians talk about homosexuality that really bother you?
Well, I really just think the church should be a safe space for everyone, you know? Okay, I'm not really sure what that means,
I get the sentiment, but what do you mean by that specifically? Well, a lot of LGBT people, they walk into the average church and they feel judged for their behavior.
People call their lifestyles sinful and morally wrong and against the Bible. So let me get this straight.
In order to make the church a safe space for all people, we have to stop saying that homosexuality is a sin?
Is that what you're saying? Exactly! I mean, who are we to call other people's lifestyles sinful anyway? Well, we're people who believe the
Bible and who want to promote Biblical values in the culture so that people won't sin against God. In Matthew 4, 17,
Jesus himself preached, Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. As Christians, we need to call people to repent.
Right, I get all that, but like, what gives you the right to call other people sinful? Well, I'm not calling other people sinful by my own authority, if that's what you mean, but God calls them sinful in his own word.
For instance, Romans 1, 26 -27 clearly says that homosexuality is a sin. Okay, fine, well that's just like, your opinion, man.
No, that's not just my opinion, that's what God himself said in his word. Yeah, but the book of Romans was written by Paul, so that's just his opinion.
Actually, Paul's writings are scripture and were directly inspired by God, according to the Bible. Just because Paul was a human being doesn't mean
God couldn't write his word through him and it doesn't mean that the Bible is Paul's opinion. In fact, Christians have included
Paul's writings in the canon of scripture from the very beginning and have obeyed them because they carry divine authority just like the rest of scripture.
In fact, in 2 Peter 3, 16, Peter explicitly says that Paul's writings are scripture. Yeah, but the
Bible also says that we should show people love and compassion like Jesus did, and I don't think it's very loving or compassionate to call other people sinners, do you?
By that standard, the Bible actually contradicts itself. The Bible does tell us to love others in John 13, 34, but the
Bible itself also calls everyone a sinner in Romans 3, 23. You can't use the Bible as your objective standard of morality when it says to love others and then ignore what the
Bible says about the sinfulness of things like homosexuality. You can't have your cake and eat it too. Are you kidding?
The word homosexuality wasn't even in the Bible until 1946, you gotta get your facts straight.
No, that's progressive Christian propaganda. Of course, the English word homosexual didn't appear in the earliest
New Testament writings, that's true. But that's because those writings were originally in Greek, not English. The real question is, did a word in Greek that means homosexuality appear in the original manuscripts of the
New Testament? And the answer to that is a resounding yes. In our early manuscripts of Paul's first letter to the
Corinthians, for instance, the Greek word arsenikoitos appears in 1 Corinthians 6, 9. It's a compound word made up of two separate words.
The first is aren, which means male or man, and the second is koite, which means bed.
So the word literally translated means man -bed or male -only bed. In other words, a bed in which male -on -male sexual activity is occurring.
So it's true. The English word homosexuality did not appear in the Bible until 1946. But the concept most definitely is present in the original
Greek text of the New Testament, and it's called a sin. Well, that may be true technically, but when you think about it, all of this is just your interpretation of what
God said in His Word. That's the problem. You Bible -thumping Christians are so arrogant that you assume your interpretation must be correct.
Well, there's two problems with that. One is that this isn't just the interpretation of modern conservative
Christians in the 21st century. The idea that homosexuality is a sin has been held by virtually every major Christian group since the time of Jesus Christ.
What's truly arrogant is when progressive Christians assume that they somehow have an interpretation of Scripture that's better than basically every single
Christian who ever came before them. Also, you can't just say, that's your interpretation of Scripture, as if that's an argument against my position, because your position is also your interpretation of Scripture.
The real question is, based on a proper exegesis of the passage, which person's interpretation accurately reflects
God's Word? Simply saying, that's your interpretation, does nothing to demonstrate that your interpretation is right or that mine is wrong.
That is to say, it really isn't relevant at all. Yeah, well, I just think we need to agree to disagree as Christian brothers on this.
We need to have Christian unity, bro. No, as Christians, we can agree to disagree with each other about tertiary things, but we don't have the right to agree to disagree about something this clear and this important in the
Bible. I will not simply agree to disagree with any progressive Christian, not if that means that I have to ignore this important debate or unify with people who lie about God and who lie about His Word.
I will fight against their unbiblical teaching to the bitter end. Romans 1 doesn't just say that homosexuality is a sin.
It also says very clearly that those who approve of it are living in sin. Well, you conservative, Bible -dumping
Christians, you're just a bunch of dogmatic people who stand by the Bible even if it means offending people.
Wow, I guess we're finally in agreement on something then. You're right. I will always seek to stand on the Bible as the foundation of truth and the foundation of my worldview.
What's the foundation you're standing on? I'm standing on the foundation of Scripture too. I just see things a little differently than you do.
No, you stand on the foundation of Scripture whenever it's convenient for you. When the Bible says that you should love others, you agree with the
Bible. But when the Bible says homosexuality is sinful, you either reject it outright or you reinterpret it in a way that agrees with you.
Yeah, but how are we going to stay relevant in the culture if we don't reinterpret these things in a more culturally acceptable way?
In Galatians 1 .10, Paul says that he, as a Christian, is not living his life to gain the approval of the sinful culture, but rather, to offer his life to Christ as a servant of God.
As Christians, it's not about being relevant, it's about being biblical. We will never truly be relevant, we will never truly be helpful, unless we follow
God's Word. Look man, I'm just trying to serve God too, I just do it differently. No, because every time
God disagrees with you in His Word or says something that you don't personally like, you choose to ignore that statement or deconstruct it until it means something you do like.
You're not obeying and worshipping God, you're obeying and worshipping yourself and your feelings. Well, you're just so mean and so unloving.
Yeah, that's what I thought you'd say. Because that's what progressive Christians almost always say when they realize they have no argument.
If your standard of being loving and compassionate contradicts Scripture, then I don't have to follow it. So you're just going to follow your precious little
Bible, even if it means offending me and ruining other people's safe space? Yeah, that's exactly what
I'm going to do. Thank you so much for watching. If you liked that video, please like, comment, share, subscribe, and hit the notification bell so that you never miss another one.
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