

Pastor David Mitchell



All right, I think we're good to go, Dave. Do we look all right? OK. So let's talk about balance of power just for a minute.
We might get to our sermon. We might not. But let's talk about this a little bit. There's a nice picture, isn't it?
There we go. So I know a lot of you have had some deep thoughts ever since it sort of looked like that the one we thought should be elected might not be elected.
It is possible that the Supreme Court could throw out all the mail -in votes. And if they do, then
President Trump will be the president. But I doubt if they'll do it. I think they could reasonably do it.
Because if you vote at home, you don't have Republican or Democratic judges there present.
You could have anyone to sit there at your coffee table and tell you who to vote for, which is illegal.
And there's no way to know if you did or didn't. Plus, you could mail that in and then drive down to your local precinct and vote again in person.
So there are so many things that are wrong about this. And whether the
Supreme Court has the guts to do the right thing or not is doubtful in this day and time. But if the
Lord wants President Trump to have four more years, it's quite easily done by him.
He can do any number of ways he could make this happen. But then what if he doesn't? What if that's not his will?
How do you feel about that? And I've had to struggle with that. Has anybody else? I've struggled with,
Lord, why? Anybody else ask him why? I think it's OK to ask him why, as long as your attitude's good and you come back and say,
I'm sorry, I asked you why later. But it's always good to be honest.
And the Lord sees our heart anyway. So if we're asking it in our heart, he knows it anyway. And so I think, what's the population of America right now?
I don't even know. 130 to 160 million, something like that. So you've got somewhere around 70 million people that are asking the
Lord, why? Why right now, too? A full half the country are asking him, why, Lord? So Jesus, being the groom, the bridegroom, has to be feeling a little bit like the husband whose wife asked him for something that she really, really wanted.
And he said, no. Where does that get you, gentlemen? Well, Jesus is higher than us and stronger than us.
And you know what else is interesting about Jesus? He's sovereign. So he's not influenced by what we think.
He's not influenced by if we're going to pout, like we flesh and blood men would be.
So ladies, you know how to get what you want, right? And we'll give in to that.
But Jesus isn't like us. What he does is he provides exactly what's right.
And we all have to fall in line and understand it later sometimes, or get used to it, or just say,
OK, well, there's a reason you didn't give us this. We'll find out the reason later, most likely.
So that's not easy, is it? But imagine the Lord today, 70 million people asking him, why?
Have you ever thought about that? And it happened. You can be sure that happened.
And the Lord's in time with us, so he's dealing with it. And when you talk about God, generally we're talking about the
Father. And he is sovereign. He's not bound. Stuff like that's not going to change anything, because he's in the now, right?
He's already seen the end from the beginning. But when you talk about Jesus and the Holy Spirit, the
Bible says the Holy Spirit can be grieved, which means he has feelings. And Jesus also wept, right?
Jesus wept, the shortest verse in the Bible. He has feelings. And we're all calling out to him saying, why?
So don't think for a minute that that might not influence him to instruct the Supreme Court to do something.
We don't know. He still might answer your prayers. So what I would suggest that you do is like the scripture that talks about the woman who kept knocking on the door.
And finally, the judge got up in the middle of night and answered her request, because he's tired of hearing the door knock. Now, that's a teaching that Jesus gave on prayer, showing us a clue that if we just keep knocking and keep asking, sometimes the
Lord will just do it. He'll answer, yes. So I wouldn't stop praying until Inauguration Day.
And at that point, we'll do what Brother Bill exhorted in Sunday school. We'll start praying for President Biden if he wins, or President Trump if he wins.
Would you agree with that? I mean, that's kind of where we are. But it's a sad day for us from a viewpoint of for America.
But Bill pointed out, that's not really our country. We're from the heavenlies. We're from a heavenly country.
We're just pilgrims here, right? So I want to help you with some scripture that I think will really help in a time like this if we review some of these things that we already know.
But with a point of view, I'm going to go back to a time in history when something kind of similar was happening.
And I'm going to show you what the Lord did and how that played out. In Daniel chapter 4, if you want to turn to that, if you can see that,
I hope you can. I need to remember to make the fonts bigger, and I keep forgetting to do it. But in Daniel 4 .29,
it says, at the end of 12 months, he walked in the palace of the kingdom of Babylon.
And this is Nebuchadnezzar, one of the most powerful kings in world history.
The king spake and said, is not this great Babylon that I have built for the house of the kingdom by the might of my own power, he says, and for the honor of my majesty?
So was he a bit prideful? So there are presidents that are that way in our leading.
Because you think about it, whoever does win this election will be the most powerful man in the world, unless it's
Biden, in which case Kamala will be the most powerful woman in the world, in my viewpoint, or the powers that be who run the puppet will be the most powerful.
It's amazing to me that America had a president who was so wealthy that no one could buy him, and they wanted to put one in that could be bought by China, by who else,
Russia, by Ukraine. They put one in that can be bought by anybody that's got money.
And they had one that couldn't be bought out by anybody, and they got rid of him. So what does that tell you about your countrymen?
Half of them are nuts. That's what it tells you. Half of them can't think right because their mind is reprobate.
Reprobate mind is a brain that doesn't work like God built it to work. Scripture talks about it in Romans chapter 1 if you want to review that.
But here we have a prideful king who thought that he did everything by the might of his own hand.
And we have some people that may take over the White House soon that do think that way because they're humanists, and they think that man is what controls everything.
While the word was in the king's mouth, while he was still bragging, there fell a voice from heaven saying,
O king Nebuchadnezzar, to thee it is spoken, the kingdom is departed from thee.
So when he was at the height of his power and pride, he heard a voice from heaven that said, this kingdom is taken from you.
And they shall drive thee from men, and thy dwelling shall be with beasts of the field.
They shall make thee to eat grass as an oxen, and seven times shall pass over you.
In other words, it's going to last a long time. You're going to be out there eating grass like an ox, and your mind won't even be working right.
Until you know that the Most High, that's God, rules in the kingdom of men and gives it to whosoever he decides to give it to.
Now, that's a great thing for us to be reminded of this morning. It is not, as Charlotte has said so many times this week, they can prepare the horse, they can prepare the horseman, they can have this huge democratic system built, and even come up with the brilliant idea of changing the way that we voted for the entire history of this nation to where you don't have to walk in there and vote anymore.
You can just send in stuff through the mail, and it could be anybody sending it. First time in history that's ever been done, other than with the military and a few other exceptions.
But they came up with this idea, and the Republicans let it slide somehow. How they let that get through,
I don't know, because they should have known. Listen, I have said this for at least eight years, maybe a decade.
I've been saying this to my friends, my people, 30 ,000 people in the tradeway system, all over the country, everywhere
I go, I say this. If the Democrats ever figure out a way to make it where you can push a button and vote, and you don't have to drive down to the precinct and vote, we will never see another
Republican president. And I always thought it'd be through the internet. They'd figure out a way to make you vote from home through the internet.
It's snail mail. Can you believe that, Bill? Snail mail. They chose that, but it works the same way.
They can vote from home, from the kitchen table, and put a stamp on it, put it out there, and the mailman takes it in.
They never had to drive down to the precinct. And I knew it, and it came to pass, so I prophesied this 10 years ago.
So I'm a prophet now, right? But sadly enough, they figured out how to do it, and they did it.
The same hour was the thing fulfilled upon Nebuchadnezzar. So he heard a voice that said,
I'm going to teach you who actually chooses who's in power on the earth. And within an hour, exactly what
God told him happened. And he was driven from men, and he did eat grass as an oxen, and his body was wet with the dew of heaven because he had no, he was just out in the field.
He didn't have any shelter. And till his hairs were grown like eagle's feathers, his hair got all matted and messed up, and his fingernails and toenails were like bird's claws.
Can you imagine how this man looked? And he was the most powerful man in the world just before this happened. Verse 34 says, at the end of the days,
I, Nebuchadnezzar, lifted up my eyes to heaven. So after he'd been out there for many days, and totally put down like a beast of the field, totally humiliated and humbled by God himself, after these many days went by,
I, Nebuchadnezzar, lifted up my eyes to heaven, and my understanding returned to me.
So he had gone mad, and now all of a sudden his brain starts working right again.
Now, you gotta understand, half of the people in this country are in the state he was in before his understanding returned.
Think about that. Half of the, it's actually more than half. More than half of the individuals in this country are in the state he was in before his understanding was returned.
They can't think right about simple common sense issues. I could go in and name the many of them, but I'm not gonna do that.
You know what they are. And so now his understanding returned to him, and look what he did immediately when he was thinking right.
I blessed the most high God. I praised and honored the most high
God that lives forever, whose dominion is an everlasting dominion, and his kingdom is from generation to generation, and all the inhabitants of the earth are reputed as nothing compared to God.
You can take all the entire population of the world as like nothing compared to the power that God has, and God does according to his will in the army of heaven and among the inhabitants of the earth.
So God's will is not only done in heaven, it's done on the earth, and none can stay his hand.
Like humans can't say, oh, we don't like that, so we're gonna make it where you can't do that, God. No one can do that to God because what
God wills happens. None can stay his hand or say to him, why did you do that?
Well, we can do that, and we have been asking him, why did you do that, haven't we? But we have to take that back.
When we get in our good senses and our anger subsides, we have to take a deep breath and say,
Lord, I take that back. I don't need to ask you that. You're in complete control. You have all knowledge.
You've created everything that is, and you're loving and you're good. I take that back, apologize. Didn't mean to even ask, right?
Now I, Nebuchadnezzar, praise and extol and honor the King of heaven, all whose works are true.
Now look at this. Why is it that we need to take it back after we've asked, why'd you do that, Lord? And we cross our little arms, and sometimes we even shake our little fist towards the creator of the universe.
Why'd you do that? I know better than you do. I know better who should be president of the United States than you do,
Lord. Why should we take that back and apologize for it? Because look, what Nebuchadnezzar said, the most powerful man, he was way more powerful than president
Trump was, or Biden will be, or whoever. So now
I, Nebuchadnezzar, praise and extol and honor the King of heaven. Now here's the reason why. Whose works are true.
You see, what God determines is based on pure truth, and what man thinks should be done is based on limited knowledge, right?
What God does based on pure, omniscient truth. He knows everything and everything that will be, and everything that has been, and how it all will play out, and what's best for all of his children, and it's based on that, and what we think is based on limited knowledge, sometimes no knowledge.
So his works are true. Secondly, his ways are justice. In the Hebrew where we translated that judgment, you could also translate that just.
So God is full of truth, and he is totally just, so what he determines is exactly the right thing.
The word just and the word righteous is the same in the Bible. So God is completely righteous in his actions, and it's full of truth, and we're limited in both, and who are we to question him?
Now, I know we do, and that's human, and that's okay. We need to apologize for it, take it back. I'm preaching to me, can you tell?
We apologize for it, and we take it back, and that's why verse 37 is why. But God knows we're human, doesn't he?
He made us. So he overlooks when his children question him, just like we do when our children question us.
How many of you have had some teenagers? Do they ever question your wisdom?
Okay, do you allow them to do it without killing them? Yeah, I'd say they're going like, oh yeah, without killing them, yeah.
Yeah, but sometimes they need to apologize, and 30 years later, they will.
No, I'm kidding. Sometimes just five years later, 10 years later. But anyway, all right, now, look at this.
I'm gonna change the subject for a minute, but we're gonna come back to Babylon here in a minute. In so many ways,
Babylon is a picture of the world system, even today. But look at this, this is beautiful. Psalm 115, verse one.
Not unto us, O Lord, not unto us, but unto thy name give glory.
Now see, humanists don't believe that. Humanists believe humans get all the glory. And then the modern gospel that's come into most churches, including
Baptist churches, is a humanistic gospel that puts the control of the destiny of men's souls in their own hands.
Oh, they love that. It's not true, but they love that. But anyway,
David said, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, no, it shouldn't be that way. It shouldn't be to us, but it should be your name that gets all the glory, because of your mercy and for truth's sake, it should be
God's name who gets all the glory, because of his mercy is the only reason we're saved anyway, right?
Wherefore should the heathen say, where is now their God? Have you worried about that a little bit in the last few days?
I brought this up to the Lord and shared it with him like a teenager would with their parents. Like a rebellious teenager,
I said, Lord, you said, I would never be ashamed by what you do.
I just put a period right there and let the Lord think about that for a minute, right?
Can you feel it? I just said, you said, I'll never be ashamed. I just got quiet, walked around, let the
Lord respond to that, right? But look what this, look how he responded because he showed me this verse.
I wasn't looking for this. This had nothing to do with my sermon this week. Show me this verse. Why should the heathen say, where's your
God? Even when God does something you think is embarrassing to you or just bad for our team, right?
Does God really worry what the heathen thinks? And look what it says now. But our
God is in the heavens and he has done whatsoever he has pleased.
Wow, so you mean we don't have to like it? You can think of ourselves as the bride.
You mean the bride doesn't have to like what the husband did as long as he has all the truth and he's completely just in doing it, which seldom happens with human husbands, right?
Ladies go, hey man, come on. Come on, you wake up there ladies. But with Jesus, the bride doesn't have to like what he does.
We just have to follow him, right? We just follow him and love him, keep loving him and trusting him and see where it leads.
Because it'll always be to the best place. And I think that's pretty magnificent information to know.
He's done whatsoever he pleased. We don't need to worry about it. We don't have to like it either. God's ways are not as our ways.
They're higher. He has more information than we have. I've always said this, never look at a closed door as a bad thing.
Because this certainly looked like a door that got slammed on us this week, didn't it? Never look at a closed door as a bad thing.
God reveals his secret will to us through closed doors. So when he closes a door, he expects you to look to the right and see if there's an open door.
And if not, then you'd look to the left and see if there's an open door. And if not, you look behind you and see if there's an open door. And if it is, you walk through it.
And he never closes one where he doesn't open one. And this is how he shows you his will that you didn't know five seconds before that.
Through circumstances, he shows us his will as one of the ways, there are at least five ways, five points in discerning
God's will, but one of them is this. And when he closes that door, you cannot pass through it so you know you go a different direction.
So he's guiding us to different directions, ladies and gentlemen. At least that's what he's doing should Biden win.
I should say should Kamala win because that's who will be the president. Literally, within months probably.
Proverbs 3, 5 says, "'Trust in the Lord with all your heart "'and lean not on your own understanding.
"'In all your ways acknowledge him "'and he will direct your paths.'" That teaches you that God uses circumstances to direct your path, doesn't it?
And we have to trust him even when it doesn't look right. Here's another one that teaches that God uses circumstances,
Genesis 50, 20. "'But as for you, you thought evil against me.'" Joseph was saying this, wasn't he?
"'You thought evil against me, but God meant it for good.'" Because you know how his brothers had thrown him down in the well to kill him.
But he ended up being like the leader of Egypt and saving their lives. "'So you thought to do evil against me, "'but
God meant it unto good to bring to pass "'as it is this day to save much people alive.'"
So sometimes terrible circumstances happen to God's people.
He did not understand why he found himself in the bottom of a well at the hand of his own brothers. Do you think that he thought that was a great thing that God just allowed to happen or caused to happen to him?
Well, do you think maybe he was down there at the bottom saying, Lord, why'd you do this? Lord, you said you'd never make me ashamed, right?
Later, he became like the leader of Egypt, the most powerful nation in the world, but never would have gotten there if he hadn't been in that well first.
Circumstances, so that was a closed door. So he was not allowed to continue to be a shepherd out in the middle of nowhere amounting to nothing.
That door closed the day he was thrown in that well, wasn't he? And it lifted him up to be the Pharaoh of Egypt.
So which one had more influence for God? The closed door led him to an open door that gave him more influence and certainly found
God's will. So we have to realize that closed door is a good thing, not a bad thing. Now let's return back to our story.
Now this moves forward in time in Daniel 5, verse one, to Nebuchadnezzar's son, who became the next
Pharaoh and who fully knew the story of his dad. He fully had heard the story of his dad going mad and going out into the field and living like an ox and eating the grass of the field and his fingernails and toenails, this long, all curled up and his hair just matted and he's sitting out there mad.
And all of a sudden God brings his mind back and he looks up and he gives all the glory to God and God restores his kingdom.
This young man heard that story. Did he believe the story? He didn't have eyes that could see or ears that could hear.
So no, he didn't because this young man was a goat. He was not a sheep.
He couldn't hear it like he heard it, but he didn't understand it. He didn't hear it with understanding.
And look, his name was Belshazzar and he's now the king. And he made a feast and invited a thousand of the leaders of his great nation.
And he drank wine before the thousands of people. And Belshazzar, while he tasted the wine, commanded to bring the gold and silver vessels, which his father
Nebuchadnezzar had taken out of the temple. That's God's temple, by the way. And these are God's vessels and they're bringing it into it and they are blaspheming
God by drinking wine out of the temple vessels at a pagan party.
Now, if you were sitting here watching this, if you were Daniel and observing this, would you feel like God was in control?
Would you feel like God was lifting up Israel and everything was great on the earth right now?
Or would you be just going, Lord, why? Yeah, I mean, Daniel's sitting there like, they take these things out of the temple, they're holy vessels, they're pouring wine and serving it to their prostitutes.
Look at it, let's keep reading it. So they had the golden vessels that came from the temple that was in Jerusalem and the king and his princes and his wives and his concubines drank wine out of these holy vessels.
Do you think Daniel was saying, God, why? Why is this happening?
Why are you bringing this to pass? You told me you'd never allow your children to be ashamed and here we are captives to this sort of thing.
We're living in this man's land rather than back in Israel where we belong. Why, Lord? They drank wine and praised the gods.
So they're pagans, they're praising false gods, the gods of gold and silver and brass and iron and wood and stone.
So they're worshiping gold and silver and brass and iron and wood and stone. The things of the earth is what they're worshiping.
Who does that sound like? Which party, Republican or Democrat? I mean, just list the things each party believes in and you tell me which one worships the stuff of this world and which one believes in the true
God. And it's almost the separation of the sheep and the goats, not exactly, but it's similar in so many ways.
The same hour. Now look, you've heard this before. There's a saying that you've all heard.
Well, I've seen the handwriting on the wall. Have you heard that? I think I see the handwriting on the wall. Like I was saying that just a few days ago when all of a sudden they were holding out the votes and we had to go to bed and they didn't say
Trump was the victor yet and I gotta go to sleep. It's like going to bed in winter and waking up a loser. Right?
That's what happened to President Trump. Imagine what that feels like. All right, so I'm sitting here thinking, man,
I think I see the handwriting on the wall. I think the Democrats have outsmarted the Republicans here with this stay at home voting scheme.
Where'd the saying come from? Handwriting on the wall. Look at this. In the same hour came forth fingers as of a man's hand and wrote over against the candlestick upon the plaster of the wall of King Belshazzar's wall.
In his palace and the King saw the part of the hand writing it as he wrote it.
Now, how would you like to be laying down on your bed at night and you still got a candle going because you're not quite ready to go to sleep and you see a hand appear out of nowhere and start writing on your wall?
In a language you cannot understand, but the words are there. Right after he had had this pagan party with thousands of people serving wine to prostitutes and everybody else out of the vessels that his dad took from the holy temple of God in Jerusalem.
And you see this handwriting on the wall. Would you be a little concerned about what the writing said? That's the handwriting on the wall.
And the handwriting was on Belshazzar's wall that night. So he brings all the wise men of the kingdom together and says, come in here and tell me, this is what he's thinking.
Well, I've got to know what this says. So, O thou King, the most high God, gave
Nebuchadnezzar, thy father, a kingdom, majesty and glory and honor. And so what happened was, I believe his wife, if I remember the story right, told him, there is this man in the land that used to serve your father named
Daniel and he's a great prophet. He interprets dreams and he can tell you what this handwriting says. I'm pretty sure that's what happens.
So he goes and gets him. And because of the majesty, that he gave
Nebuchadnezzar, all people, nations and languages trembled and feared before him, whoever
Nebuchadnezzar set off with his head, they killed him. And whoever he said, you get to live, you get to live. It's old
English, it's hard to read, but who he wanted that they killed him and who he didn't want, then they kept them alive and whom he would set up as a leader and then who he decided he would set them up and then who he decided to put down, he'd put them down.
Like he was a king that ruled with an iron hand, his father was, and he's being reminded of this.
But when his heart was lifted up and his mind hardened in pride, he was deposed from his kingly throne and they took his glory from him.
And Daniel's reminding the son about the story that the son already knew, but he's reminding him of it.
And he was driven from the sons of men and his heart was made like beasts and he dwelled as it were with the wild asses and they fed him the grass like oxen and his body was wet with the dew of heaven.
He got the story almost word for word, didn't he? Till he knew that the most high
God ruled in the kingdom of men and that he appoints over it whosoever he will.
And he tells this new king, this is what you should have learned from the experience your dad went through.
And thou his son, O Belshazzar, has not humbled your heart, though you knew all of this.
Wow, how much courage you think it took Daniel to tell this king this before he even interprets what's on the wall.
This was the prelude to doing that. And yet this man had the power to say off with your head, leave my presence, kill him and bring in the next wise man.
But Daniel said the truth anyway, didn't he? That's what you have to do when you're called on to do it by the
Holy Spirit. When you're called on to tell the truth to the pagan lost world, you gotta do it. Doesn't matter if they kill you or they don't kill you, you have to do it because they can't kill your soul, can they?
Only God can do that and he's chosen not to do that to you. He's chosen to save you and make you his own child and he loves you more than you can love your own children and so you trust him, right?
So that's what Daniel did. But instead of humbling yourself, you lifted up yourself against the
Lord of heaven. I don't know this for a fact, but I'm going to have a hypothesis that if Biden and Kamala do get the
White House, they will be very much like Belshazzar. They will forget the stories of old, they will forget how this nation was founded on the truths of the scripture and they will worship the gods of gold and silver and they will forget what they should have already known, but they will be reminded.
You've lifted up yourself against the Lord of heaven. You don't mind killing millions of babies in the womb so you think you're
God. You think you can cure global warming which only God can handle the weather so you think you're
God. You think you can stop the coronavirus as soon as you're elected, but only God sends pestilences and removes them so you think you're
God. So number one, you don't know that there is God, number two, you think you're him. That's who we just elected as a nation and over half of us wanted that and so you lifted yourself up against the
Lord of heaven and they have brought the vessels of the house of God before you and you and your lords and their wives and your concubines have drunk wine in them and you have praised the gods of silver and gold and brass and iron and wood and stone which see not and hear not and don't know anything.
That's who your God is, totally dumb, not the living God and the God in whose hand thy breath is and whose are all thy ways, you have not glorified.
The God who holds the breath and keeps your heart beating and who knows everything, you have not glorified him or given him any time or attention whatsoever.
Then was the part of the hand sent from this God, the true God and this is what he wrote, now he's gonna interpret it.
How'd you like to be this king right now? Well, you may have just seen two of them elected and an entire party like them in control.
Hopefully not of the Senate, we don't even know that yet because there's two runoffs in Georgia, they can manipulate those votes.
Right now, the Republicans won, but Georgia has a rule that if you don't win by more than 1 % or whatever it was, you're gonna have to do a recount.
How much you wanna bet they don't both win the recount? So then they'd have the
Senate too and the house. Could that happen? Absolutely. Will it happen?
We don't know yet, but now he gets the translation. What we do know is even if that happens, this is gonna be their end.
This right here is their end. And this is the writing that was written.
Mene, mene, tekel, upfarsin. And he said, well,
I knew that, but I don't know what it says, right? This is the interpretation of the thing.
Mene means God has numbered your kingdom and ended it. This was what was written on his wall the night after the big party where he drank wine and served it to his concubines out of God's holy vessels.
Tekel, here's what it means. You have been weighed in a balance by a holy, righteous, just God, and you're found wanting.
Perez, thy kingdom is divided and given to the Medes and the Persians.
Wow. Then commanded Belshazzar, who was in so much fear.
The message was horrible. He could have said off with your head, bring me another, somebody else to interpret.
I don't like this, but he didn't. He was in such awe. Why do you think? Because the Holy Spirit's presence was so strong on Daniel that this wicked king sensed it and feared him.
Don't think that couldn't happen to you. If you have to tell the truth that someone doesn't want to hear it, just pray that the
Lord gives you the power of the spirit and they'll listen. They'll shudder at the truth. They may not act like it, but here's what he did.
He commanded, Belshazzar commanded, and they clothed Daniel with scarlet. They gave him like a robe, like a king's robe.
And they put a chain of gold around his neck and they made a proclamation concerning Daniel that he should be the third ruler in the kingdom.
And he was lifted to the top of the echelon of the rulers of this largest kingdom in the world.
And then that same night, as soon as Belshazzar did that to honor Daniel, the same night was
Belshazzar the king of the Chaldeans slain. Someone murdered him that night.
And guess what? Darius, the Median, took the kingdom, being about three score and two years old.
And what did God said? He said, the Medes will take over your throne. And they did, they took it that night. Isaiah 40, 31 says this, but they that wait on the
Lord shall renew their strength. That's us, and it doesn't matter what the circumstances are, this will be true for us,
God's children. They shall mount up with wings as eagles as we wait upon the
Lord. Now, wait on the Lord has several meanings. It means to serve the
Lord like a waiter, wait on the Lord, it can mean that, but it can also mean to be patient and wait and see what the
Lord is gonna do instead of questioning him all the time. David, wait and see what he will do, all right?
Those that do that will renew their strength. What does that mean? They lost their strength when they saw the thing happen that they thought meant
Satan was winning. They lost their strength. Some of us have lost our strength the last few days. I have, but if you wait on the
Lord, that strength will be renewed. And we will mount up with wings as eagles. We will run and not be weary and walk and not faint.
That is true of God's people, no matter what the circumstances, as we wait on the Lord and trust him, even through the things happening that we don't agree with.
I look at verse 21, that was verse 31. So I'm gonna go back up in the context of this passage and look what was right before this verse.
Have you not known? Have you not heard? Now, ladies and gentlemen, we're just being reminded of some things that we already knew.
Has it not been told you from the beginning? Have you not understood from the foundations of the earth?
It is God that sits on the circle of the earth and the inhabitants thereof are like grasshoppers.
The humans, even the leaders and the kings are like grasshoppers compared to God's power.
And it's God that stretches out the heavens as a curtain and spreads them out as a tent to dwell in.
It is God that brings the princes, the leaders, the presidents to nothing. And he makes the judges of the earth as vanity.
Yea, their children, their stock, their children shall not take root in the earth.
This is back when you had kings in there. You know, when they died, the kid became the next king, right?
Well, God can make that not happen. God can stop that lineage. God can stop that power of what was supposed to happen.
He can make it not happen. Their stock shall not take root in the earth and he shall also blow upon them and they will wither and the whirlwind shall take them away like stubble.
So you don't have to worry about Biden and Kamala, even if they do get elected.
God is still in control and he can just blow like the wind and turn them into stubble if he chooses to.
To whom then will you liken God or shall I be equal, saith the Holy one? Has thou not known, have you not heard that the everlasting
God, the Lord, the creator of the ends of the earth, faints not, neither is he weary and there is no searching his understanding.
God didn't give up on election day. God didn't faint, go to sleep and miss something, right?
And there is no way we can search out his understanding and knowledge and ask him, why'd you do that?
Because we don't have all the information. Proverbs 16, 33 says, the lot is cast in the lap, but the whole disposing thereof is of the
Lord. That was one of Brother Otis' favorite verses, if you guys remember that. You can look at humanism, humans, as a little woman in the kitchen with her apron and she pulls that apron up and starts putting figs in it or something so she can carry it to the other side of the kitchen and put it in a bowl.
All of the events that happen in history are like that. You got these things in the apron, it's like everything that's ever gonna happen in the history of the world is like that and humans think they're carrying it around in the apron and controlling it, but the truth is the whole disposing, where those figs end up and what happens with them is only of the
Lord. Proverbs 19, 21 says, there are many devices in man's heart and man's mind.
You don't think the Democrats had a plan when they started this mail -in vote? You don't think they had a plan?
Who do you think instigated that plan or put it into their mind? Well, who is the one who controls their mind, the
Bible says? It says that Lucifer, Satan, controls them at his will. I'm not talking about Democrats, I'm talking about natural men and women who aren't saved yet, whether they're
Democrat or Republican. Satan controls them at his will, the Bible says.
So they think they have free will, but their will is influenced will and Satan influenced them and put this thought in their mind, well, how about we just let people vote from home since COVID just happened to have happened?
And who controlled COVID? The Chinese, do they like Trump who made it hard on them and started taking all the money away from him or do they like Biden who does business with him and gives half the money to his son?
Which one do you think they like better? Who would they rather see elected? So do you think they had anything to do with COVID having anything to do with this election?
Well, I think Satan was behind it and I think the Chinese were behind it and I think the Democrats were behind it and that was the devices of their heart.
They made plans, they had strategies and they carried them out, right? But look what it says, nevertheless, I like that word.
Nevertheless, like you can see all this stuff happening, they're planning, their strength, their power, their machine, nevertheless, even when that's true, the counsel of the
Lord is what will stand. What God wants to happen is what will happen, period.
Doesn't matter what they plan in their hearts and in their minds. God is in control of what happens.
Lamentations, that's appropriate. We should all be probably reading the book of Lamentations this week because that means being sorrowful and weeping, right?
Who is he that said, and it comes to pass when the
Lord commanded it not? Now look here, there's a beautiful picture of humanism. Who is it that will tell you here's how stuff works, okay?
Stuff happens that God didn't command to happen. Who does that sound like?
People that believe that, Armenians or humanists. Stuff happens that God didn't command to happen and humans just made it happen.
Isn't that their viewpoint? That's their philosophy and that's what this is pointing out their philosophy right here. Who is it that says it came to pass when the
Lord didn't actually command it? That's a humanist. Out of the mouth of the most high proceeds not evil and good.
Now there's one that people don't like. Can God pronounce that something's gonna happen and to us it looks evil or does he only do good things?
Well, the theologian will tell you God's not the author of evil. Well, maybe he's not the author of evil but how can that be if he's
God? Isn't God the author of everything? So it's nonsense but it's taught in every seminary in the land and yet what does the scripture say?
God can open his mouth and pronounce here's what's gonna be on the earth. This is going to happen right now and it can be good or evil.
Do you think Hitler killing eight million Jews was good? From our viewpoint, was that good from the human viewpoint or was that evil from the human viewpoint?
Tell me congregation and wake you up a little bit. Was that good or evil? Evil and who do you think made that come to pass?
God because who do you think it was that made sure that a nation called
Israel would rise up and exist again which wouldn't have if that hadn't happened by the way because only because of sadness that that happened did the world and the
United Nations or whoever it was back in that day decide to make Israel allow it to be a nation because they felt sorry for him and that never would have happened without Hitler.
So who was in control of that? God was of course. So can
God proclaim both evil and good? The Bible says he can, but today's theology says, no, he can't, he loves everybody and only good stuff will happen.
Not so much, see that's a humanist that says that. It's someone that thinks humans are in control and that's the
God they want to invent but God is not like that. Now look at Ecclesiastes 7 .13,
consider the work of God for who can make the straight which
God has made crooked. So if God predetermines that something's gonna be crooked can a human come in and make it be straight?
No, it's gonna be crooked. In the day of prosperity be joyful.
Now watch this one and I've helped you out a little bit with a little bit of knowledge of Hebrew because you won't get it in the
English but in the day of prosperity be joyful but in the day of adversity consider this.
Okay, now wait, let's just stop right there. If the person you wanted to be elected had been elected would you be partying?
Would you be celebrating? Would you be joyful? And God said, that's great, do that.
But now he's gonna tell you, but guess what? It's not always gonna happen the way you want it to because that doesn't always fit
God's will. So it doesn't always happen that way. So what do we do when it doesn't happen that way? He's gonna tell us, watch this.
In the day of prosperity be joyful but in the day of adversity consider this. Don't be joyful but do consider this.
God also has set the one over against the other. God allows the Democrats to win sometimes and the
Republicans to win sometimes. He sets the one over against the other according to his will to the end that man should find nothing after him.
Now, Bill, this speaks to something you were talking about in your Sunday school class. Like you were sat up there and you said, could it be maybe that God wants us to focus more on the heavenly kingdom that we're really part of rather than this earthly kingdom called
America. And God wants us to think about Jesus and love him more instead of worrying about this stuff as much.
Didn't you ask that question or something like that? Well, look what this says. If you get interpret that word where it says and find nothing after him, the word after in the
Hebrew means besides. So now let's read it. When the day of prosperity comes be joyful but when the day of adversity comes consider this,
God also, in other words, God did both. God brings the joyful times to us and he brings the adversity both, he does both.
We don't like it when he does the adversity but when he does consider this, God also has set the one over against the other to the end that man should find nothing besides God.
Think about that. We love America. We want things to go well for this country.
We want things to go well for our children and grandchildren. We want peace to be here and it to be easy like we had it in our generations.
We lived in the best history of America, I think, of the world probably. We want that for our kids and our grandkids.
And should that happen, we'll be joyful. But what if it doesn't happen?
What if that's not God's will and his plan for the future? Well, we need to get to a point where we don't think anything is big other than him.
He's the big thing. He's the thing we should joy over. He's the thing we should take our happiness from, our relationship with him, our salvation, our life that he gave us.
He brought us from dead men to living men and women and children. And that's what we should think as the big thing.
That's what we should focus on. And sometimes God brings adversity, so we will focus on it. So you got it right in Sunday school without knowing this was gonna be up there.
But you do know the same Bible that I know and the same Lord I know and the same Holy Spirit that guides what we teach.
Isaiah 14, 25, that I will break the Assyrian in my land.
This is the purpose that is purposed upon the whole earth. And this is the hand that is stretched out upon all nations for the
Lord of hosts has purposed and who will disannul it. So if God purposes something, who's gonna change it?
Nobody. And his hand is stretched out and who's gonna turn back what God put in motion?
Nobody. I, even I am the Lord and beside me, there is no savior. I have declared,
I have saved, I have shown when there was no strange God among you, therefore you are my witnesses, saith the
Lord that I am God and there is no other. Yea, before the day was,
I am. You go back to Genesis 1, 1, before anything existed, God's already there to meet you.
Nobody made him. He didn't come from anywhere. He's always been and he's always,
I am. He's now all the time. Yea, before the day was,
I am. And there is none that can deliver out of my hand and I will work and who will stop it?
That's an old English word, let. It used to mean the opposite of what it means now. It should, in the
Hebrew, it says, I will work and who will stop it? Nobody. Remember the former things of old for I am
God and there is none else. I am God and there is none like me. God reminds us of this again and again.
I declare the end from the beginning so there aren't like 15 different plans and God's gonna pick the best one.
There's always only been one plan because it is the best one because he's perfect. When you're perfect, you don't need other plans.
One plan, he's already seen how it ends. He tells us about a lot of it in the book of Revelation and he saw that from before he set it in motion and from ancient times, the things that are not yet done,
I've already seen it, God says, my counsel shall stand and I will do all my pleasure. The man that executes my counsel from a far country, like if I tell some foreign nation to come in and destroy this nation because it's pagan, worshiping rocks and trees instead of me, if I bring a man from a far country to come do that, the man that executes my counsel from a far country, yea,
I spoke it and I will also bring it to pass and I purposed it and I will do it.
Now let's look at something interesting. Revelation 9 .13,
I'm almost done here today. Revelation 9 .13, and the sixth angel sounded.
How many trumps are there? Seven, this is the sixth, okay?
Do you know what happens at the seventh one? Jesus comes back and he separates the sheep from the goats, the wheat from the tares and he ends the battle of Armageddon and the blood of God's enemies will flow as high as the horse's bridle in the
Valley of Megiddo, which Charlotte and I have seen that place. It's the perfect battlefield. We saw it from a mountain, it looked down like a bowl, mountains coming up all around, it's like a bowl that can hold blood as high as the bridle on a horse, which is about this high, but I don't know how many multiplied hundreds of thousands of acres that place is, so that is a lot of blood.
And that's the blood of the enemies of God. And that happens at the seventh trump.
Well, we're at the sixth trump here, the sixth angel sounded and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar, that's the true altar in heaven, the
Holy of Holies where the Shekinah glory hovers above it and you can see the presence of God is not the father though, because he's not in heaven, he's not here, he would blow it all up if he were, but his presence is signified by a light shining, a glorious resplendent light hovering over this place and it's actually real, it's in heaven right now and Jesus is sitting right next to the throne of God right now in heaven and you got saints of old that have already died and they're there and some of our kin folks are there and the angels are there and this is what we're seeing here and that altar is there and it's before the presence of God saying to the sixth angel which had the trumpet, loose the four angels which are bound in the great river
Euphrates, now the Euphrates River is in the Middle East and let me not get ahead of myself, let me keep reading, it's a real river, you can look it up,
Google it and see where it is, you can see a map of Israel and the rest of the Middle East and see where the
Euphrates River is, saying to the sixth angel which had the trumpet, loose the four angels that are bound in the great river
Euphrates and the four angels were loosed which were prepared for an hour and a day and a month.
So the sovereignty of God has planned the exact month and day and hour when this will happen.
It won't happen one hour before that or one hour after it, you drop the trumpet so you don't get to be the angel, you don't get to be the angel, you can't drop the trumpet, okay.
So he knows the exact time and month and day and year, it's already predetermined, can humanism change it?
Can the Armenians change it? Do you know Lucifer was the first Armenian by the way, because he thinks he can change the way it ends up, you see, that's why we're not
Armenians, we believe God's sovereign, right? So anyway, so the day, the month and the year for to slay the third part of men, now whatever events about to happen, one third of the total population of the world will die at the hands of whatever this is, did you hear me?
What would you say Dave was there or Bill, whoever it was told me the approximate population of the world?
Oh yeah, we were talking about America, what was the world now, is it six or 8 billion? Somewhere in between there.
So let's just say it's 8 billion because the math is real easy, no it's not, let's say six, it's even easier. Oh man, this is getting good.
So anyway, a third part of that could be a billion people will die at the hands of whatever this is, can you even fathom that?
All right, let's see what it is. And the number of the army of the horsemen were 200 ,000 ,000 soldiers, how many is that?
What's 1 ,000 ,000? 200 ,000 ,000. So somebody is going to put 200 ,000 ,000 foot soldiers on the ground with weapons, did you know in 1980 that there was only one nation in the world that had enough automatic weapons in stock in 1980 to man that size of an army?
I won't tell you who it is yet because I don't wanna get ahead of myself, but there was one, I read it to my teenagers when
Charlotte and I taught youth and I said, you gotta watch for this. So 200 ,000 ,000 foot soldiers will cross the
Euphrates River. Now at the time John wrote this, the apostle
John who wrote the book of Revelation, there were only 100, it's estimated only 150 ,000 ,000 people in the population of the entire world.
And he prophesied that there'd be an army with 200 ,000 ,000 people in the army.
Now how could a human have written that knowing that there's only 150 ,000 ,000 people on the whole earth, how could there be an army that big?
Would a human write that if he's just making up a story? He would have to be a prophet of God and have foreknowledge given to him by God to even know to put that number.
And do you think people ridicule that number even as recently as a couple of thousand years ago or a thousand years ago?
There weren't enough people in the world to have an army that big, but God said it's gonna happen and John wrote it, didn't he?
200 ,000 ,000 foot soldiers, who is this army? There's your future president having a drink with another world leader.
Guess which nation that man is the leader of? China. He also got millions of dollars for his son by dealing with China as gifts.
And we knew it before the election, at least before the day of the election, millions of people had already voted before that news came out because of the mail -ins, which isn't, that's one reason you're supposed to vote on election day is because news can come out about one of the candidates prior to election day and if you've already voted, you can't take your vote back.
This whole thing was as corrupt as Satan himself, but God's in control of it, isn't he?
Because God's in control of Satan, isn't he? Chapter 16 of Revelation verse 12 says, and the sixth angel, now this is a different chapter, but it's more information on the same story we were just reading.
And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates and the water thereof was dried up.
So God arranges for the water to become dry just like when
God's people went through the Red Sea on dry ground, now the enemies of God are gonna get to come through across this river on dry ground, so it's a miracle, all right?
And the water is dried up and the way of the kings of the east may be prepared. Who does that signify in scripture, the kings of the east?
There's only one nation that's ever existed in world history that's been known as the kings of the east and it's
China, or as President Trump would say, China. It's China.
And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs. Now you don't believe in demons, or maybe you do, but we know
Jesus believed in demons, didn't he? And he controlled them, didn't he? And so God sends three unclean demons that looked like frogs to the human eye, if you were watching this happen when it happened and John was seeing a revelation of this, so this is how he described it, so it looked to him anyway.
They look like frogs come out of the mouth of Satan, of the dragon, which is the Antichrist, right?
And out of the mouth of the beast and the false prophet, actually dragon's Satan, the beast is the
Antichrist and then there's the false prophet, and then here he shows up and out of the mouth of the false prophet.
So here you have Satan controlling a human known as the Antichrist. So just like Jesus was all of the fullness of God in a body,
Satan is all of the, I'm sorry, the Antichrist is all of the fullness of Satan in a human body, and he and his false prophet and coming from Satan, these frogs come out their mouth.
In other words, they speak the word. Listen to me, now think about this. They speak words that are inspired by demons in their mind and they speak these words and look what the result of the words that they speak is because words are like spirit and demons can actually infiltrate people through words.
And so they speak and out of the mouth of false prophet for they are the spirits of devils in the
Greek, it's actually demons, not devils. So mark that out in your Bible, put demons. They are the spirits of demons because there's only one devil, working miracles, which go forth under the kings of the earth and the whole world to gather them to the battle of the great day of God almighty.
Behold, I come as a thief, Jesus says. Blessed is he that watches and keeps his garments clean, keep living right the best we can, be a good person.
You are a good person. You have the righteousness of Jesus in your heart, right? So live that way, lest we walk naked and they see his shame.
So you don't want the Lord to come back and find you living wrong. Are you listening? Because we're at the brink of this.
Jesus may have his foot right on the threshold of the door of heaven to step off and come here.
And so here it says that Satan through the false prophet and the antichrist send words that have demonic power and it enters the minds of the leaders of the world and make them hate each other and want to go to war.
If you read the whole passage, you'll see that's exactly what this is talking about. And all of this is by God's design.
And it starts out with 200 million foot soldiers from China crossing the
Euphrates River on dry ground and marching toward Jerusalem. Who supports them,
Trump or Biden? Biden, who would be against them and make him weaker,
Trump. So if God wants them stronger, what would God have to do? He replaced
Trump, wouldn't he? Is that a bad thing? To us, it's evil. But did
God do it? Yeah, maybe, we'll see what the Supreme Court does. But listen, I'll guarantee you this.
All it means is the Supreme Court were to overturn everything and elect Trump, all it does is gives you four more years to get ready.
It doesn't change how this is gonna end. It just gives you four more years to get ready for this.
And you should be already getting ready for it because you may not get the four more years. You may be there now. All right, so, behold,
I come as a thief. What's that a reference to? The second coming. Live right, the
Lord says, because I'm coming. And when I come, you don't wanna be as if you're naked. What does that mean? Like you are saved, but you take off the robes of righteousness and walk around naked and do bad things.
And then I come and catch you that way. You'll still go to heaven, but you're gonna be embarrassed. Man, there is not much better motivation to try to live right.
And I say try to, because we're not perfect, are we? We have to make a willful effort to live right every day and ask the
Lord, Lord, give me the mind of Christ. Don't let me think like a natural man or woman, boy or girl. Let me think like Jesus and be walking right and be ready because I'm coming as a thief in the night,
Jesus says. And he gathered them together into a place called in the
Hebrew tongue, Armageddon. It's in the
Valley of Megiddo, is right. It's called Armageddon. And the seventh angel, the seventh angel poured out his vial.
Now we just saw the sixth trumpet. Now we're gonna see the seventh trumpet.
The seventh angel poured out his vial into the air and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven from the throne saying, it is done.
The history of the world is over. And these armies all converged on Jerusalem.
I don't see America listed to protect her. We were given by God to the world to be the protector of Israel, to get
Israel alive and well to this point. I don't see us mentioned here. And so the only one left to protect her at this moment is
Jesus Christ on a white horse. We'll already be with him because the rapture will have happened at the seventh trumpet after this.
So you've got some tribulation you're gonna have to go through all of it, actually, all seven years of it.
But at the end, at the seventh trumpet, we will be raised and we will come back with Jesus.
And we, together with him, will destroy all of God's enemies. America will not have anything to do with it.
Isn't that interesting? Where will America be? We don't know if she be's. Bad English, but good preaching.
We don't know. But what we do know is that we will be with the Lord coming back and destroying the enemies that America used to protect
Israel against because apparently Israel has no protection at that point other than God.
And is that enough? Jesus has always really been Israel's protection. And this country was based on the words of Jesus.
And that's why it was able to protect Israel. No other nation's ever been based on that, but this one. And this is why we struggle with the loss of America if that should happen, don't we?
And it's right for us to hurt over that, I think. But it's not right for us to lift that up. It's more important than the kingdom of heaven that we're really part of because that's who's gonna save Israel.
And that's us together with the Lord. Or I should say it's the Lord together with us.
United States population right now is 328 .2 million. I had the number the whole time,
Dave. I was just checking you out. So could the United States populate an army of 200 million?
Well, you'd have to have every man, woman, boy and girl with a weapon, but we couldn't really do that, could we?
But look at the population of China right now, 1 .39 billion.
So could they provide 200 million people to give the weapons they've already created? They already have over 200 million automatic weapons built and ready to go.
Could they man that and give them a weapon even if they weren't trained yet? Would they think with that many they would need training?
No, especially if the technology of America had already been destroyed. There's no nukes pointed at them whatsoever.
Do you see the scenario? Do you like it? No, we want America to be right there and save Israel in the end, right?
May not happen that way. Will not happen that way. I'll be so bold as to say that.
So here's the sermon for today and we're out of time. So we'll pick it right back up there next
Sunday. I didn't even mean to flop that up there. I meant for that to be the last one, but we will pick that up next
Sunday, Lord willing, but let that picture right there sink in. I think that picture fits prophecy better than President Trump sitting there with a hammer about to hit him in the head with it or a fist about to punch him out.
It actually fits better. Now, we could miraculously get four more years of preparation if the
Supreme Court strikes down the mail -in vote and that's the only way it'll change anything and I don't think they're gonna do it.
Charlotte thinks they will, but I don't. She's holding out. And they could, and Bill said he is too.
So anyway, God's will will be done, won't it? And we've had a good reminder of that through the scripture today.
Let's stand and have prayer together. Lord, we thank you for your word and we thank you that it stands true.
We thank you that you are in control and always have been and always will be. And Lord, that you are good and you are just and your plan will be followed to the
T, to the very end and we're part of it, all the way to the very end of that battle of Armageddon when we're there with you, destroying the enemies of God.
And Lord, thank you for the privilege of being able to be with you at that time in the future. That's an exciting thing to look forward to and that happens with or without America.
And Lord, we do love this nation that you raised us up in and gave us the freedom of religion, the freedom of speech and freedom in general, economic freedom for all of these hundreds of years.
And what a wonderful thing and we know it fulfilled your purpose. We just don't know how much of your future purpose
America will be here to fulfill. And Lord, you're bringing our hearts to a place where we can accept this,
I think. You're bringing our hearts to the place where we need to be able to just say, thy will be done, nevertheless,
I will be done. And Lord, help us to be in preparation with our families and our brothers and sisters in Christ for where we will be during that seven years when the first and the second and the third and the fourth and the fifth and the sixth
Trump are sounded and tribulation like the world has never seen will hit this earth.
And had God not intervened at the seventh Trump, all life would have ceased to exist.
But for the elect's sake, the Bible says, you do intervene and that's us. Thank you that you've called us to yourself.
We ask you to go with us into our time of fellowship now, bless the meal we're about to have in Jesus name, amen.