What in the World Have We Been Up To?


00:00 - Intro 01:27 - We have been gone for a while 02:39 - Tim and Elizabeth are moving from Alabama to California for a church mission 06:31 - The map 17:09 - Maybe this is the last podcast we ever have 23:15 - The fire 29:40 - You decided to forego going to the hospital on accident with your third child 38:37 - Having three kids has been an adjustment, but it's been great 43:28 - Tim and I take a break from podcasting to focus on personal lives 45:46 - Outro ▶ Splash Page: https://i.mtr.bio/biblebashed ▶ Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/BibleBashed ▶ YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMxYyDEvMCq5MzDN36shY3g ▶ Main Episode's playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtY_5efowCOk74PtUhCCkvuHlif5K09v9 ▶ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/BibleBashed ▶ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BibleBashed ▶ Twitter: https://twitter.com/BibleBashed It came to pass, after the turning of many days and nights, that Tim and Harrison, long sundered by the tides of time and fortune, met once more beneath the fair light of a waning sun. A month had drifted by, silent as the shadow of a passing cloud, and now at last, they stood together, as of old. Tim, whose mind had wandered far and wide through the paths of distant thought, was first to speak. “Much has transpired since we last took council,” he said, his voice thoughtful, as if the weight of unspoken tales rested upon his tongue. “I have journeyed through lands unknown, seen the rise and fall of fleeting hopes, and tasted both the bitter and the sweet.” Harrison, no less changed by the passage of time, nodded gravely. “Aye, my friend,” he replied, “the road has been long and winding. Yet here we stand, at the turning of the tide, with much to share. Let us now tell our tales and speak of the days that have gone before.” Thus, with the slow unfolding of words, they began to recount the paths they had trod, the trials they had faced, and the strange wonders they had seen. And so it was, as the evening deepened and the stars kindled in the sky, that Tim and Harrison, like travelers returned from far-off lands, shared in the fellowship of their journeying, and found peace in the telling of their tale.


While I'm doing that, I mean, it's probably not even been five minutes. She calls me on the phone and she was telling me, hey, we're not going to make it to the hospital.
Call 9 -1 -1. So I called 9 -1 -1 and the firefighters arrived.
People are tired of hearing nothing but doom and despair on the radio. That salvation is found in Christ alone or forfeit any hope of salvation, any hope of heaven.
The issue is that humanity is in sin and the wrath of almighty
God is hanging over our heads. They will hear his words, they will not act upon them, and when the floods of divine judgment, when the fires of wrath come, they will be consumed and they will perish.
God wrapped himself in flesh, condescended and became a man, died on the cross for sin, was resurrected on the third day, has ascended to the right hand of the
Father, where he sits now to make intercession for us. Jesus is saying there is a group of people who will hear his words, they will act upon them, and when the floods of divine judgment come in that final day, their house will stand.
Welcome to Bible Bash, where we aim to equip the saints for the work of ministry by answering the questions you're not allowed to ask.
We're your hosts, Harrison Kerrig and Pastor Tim Mullett, and today we'll answer the age -old question, what in the world have we been up to for a month and a half?
So, if you've been following the podcast for a little while, you'll know, and if you follow us on Twitter or Facebook or anything like that,
I think we posted on our YouTube channel as well, but it probably didn't get to everyone who listens to us, but we decided to take about a month, a month and a half off because Tim and I, we both had various significant life changes going on, and so we've been away, we've been handling all that stuff, and we decided it's about time that we get back to things now that we're both a little more settled in with our new changes.
So, this is going to be a little bit of a more informal episode where we just kind of catch you guys up on what we've been up to while we've been gone and what were some of those changes that have been going on because they're good things, they're really great things actually.
So, Tim, why don't we just start with you? I mean, you love to talk about yourself, you love to let everyone see behind the curtain all the time, pulling all the levers.
So, while we've been gone, what have you been up to? Yeah, I mean, I wonder if there's a mental illness that is related to inability to do small talk.
Because you would have that one, right? Yeah, I think I suffer from that one. I've determined it's a biological illness that I suffer from.
Maybe they make a pill for it. There's probably a pill for it that would make you better at small talk. Yeah, I mean, obviously
I need to get that pill. So, what have you been doing in the meantime?
Huh? Yeah, so we have a whole episode devoted to that, but no. Yeah, no,
I've been recently called to be a primary teaching elder at a church in California.
So, me and my family, we've basically been moving for the past month and a half and jumping through all the hoops necessary to get to a cross -country move.
So, yeah, that's kind of been what's going on in the background for us. We've basically been trying to sell our house and load our pod and relocate and get to a new place and all that.
So, yeah, it's been pretty difficult to keep up with much of anything.
I think we've been basically just trying to keep one foot in front of the other and get everything taken care of as it relates to that.
But yeah, that's what - Yeah, and there was a lot going on with that whole move, right?
I mean, you had to figure, yeah, you're kind of on a bit of a time crunch. I mean, it's a pretty big change to have to move,
I mean, pretty much completely across to the other side of the country, right?
I mean, you were in Alabama and then now you're in California, the most wretched place in all of the
U .S. Has that been your experience so far now that you're out in California? We've decided to fight by fight, yeah.
So, how close are you to places like San Francisco and all the places you think of when you think of California?
We're actually, yeah, we're in Northern California. So, we're in Sunnyvale. We're in Silicon Valley, essentially.
So, the church that I met is Silicon Valley Reformed Baptist Church. So, yeah, we're about maybe an hour's drive from San Francisco.
So, we're actually pretty close to that. Yeah. Oh, I didn't realize it was that close to San Francisco. I'm not really,
I guess, well -versed in my California geography. So, I don't know where exactly all the cities are, but have you been to San Francisco yet?
We did, yeah. We did go to San Francisco. We went to a beach there. We went to the pier and looked at Alcatraz from a distance and all that.
I mean, it's pretty funny. There was an anti -Israel protest that was going on near the beach or whatever.
Was there really? There was an anti -Israel protest. There was a guy who was randomly disrobed in this protest or whatever.
So, as we're driving out of San Francisco, Elizabeth has to see some old guy with wrinkly skin and all that.
So, welcome to California. Did you make use of the poop map?
What is that? You don't know about the poop map? I don't know. It's basically like,
I mean, you've used GPS before, like Google Maps or Waze or something like that.
It's basically that, but instead of giving you directions, it warns you where all of the places are that people have left human feces on the sidewalks and on the streets and whatnot so that you don't accidentally walk into any of them.
So, you didn't use that. I didn't know about this. Yeah, I didn't know there was such a thing.
Well, on your second trip to San Francisco, if I were you, I would make a heavy utilization of the poop map.
There you go. The more you know, the more you know. Yeah, there you go. I'm surprised no one told you about that.
I thought you knew about the poop map. No, man. Well, I guess there's still plenty to learn living out there in California.
That's pretty silly that there's actually, I mean, it is a legitimate thing, like a legitimate interactive map where people report places where they see that, which is really gross.
But I do think it is hilarious that your first trip to San Francisco, you saw an anti -Israel protest and a dude get completely naked.
I mean, you know, it is what it is. I mean, mostly, I think where we're at, we're not in the midst of a lot of that kind of craziness here.
So, we're in tech world. I've actually, yeah, I'm serving as an elder at a church with Conley Owens.
So, we've had him on a few times. He basically has, oh man, what was
I going to say? I've lost it. Conley was, he's probably a name that the old heads of the podcast would remember.
He was the first guy that we ever interviewed on the podcast. Was he the first guy we interviewed?
I think he was. It was either him or C .R. Wiley, but I thought
Conley was the first one. He's either the first one or the second one, I think.
But way back when we were just getting started on the podcast, he had reached out to us about doing an interview on his book,
The Dorian Principle. And that was how we met. And we ended up staying in touch with him.
We've had him on a couple other times since then. I don't remember what the last episode we did.
We did, it was probably the baby one, probably the baby salvation. Was it? I thought there was another one after that that we did.
I think he did a small mini episode after that. But yeah, where I was going with that was basically he was making fun of me for living in Alabama.
And so, he pulled up on the internet, the happiest places to live. And apparently, the happiest place to live in America is
Sunnyvale, which is where we moved. And then the least happy place was
Birmingham, where we were coming from. Is it really? There's no way that's true.
I think it's downtown. They're talking about downtown. At downtown, there's a lot of crime downtown.
Downtown's pretty rough in Birmingham. I think it's actually one of the worst, I don't think it's the worst.
That honor is probably reserved for Chicago or Detroit, maybe.
Birmingham's surprisingly high in terms of the crime rate. I think it was like top five or something crazy like that.
I mean, it was pretty high. But yeah, I think a lot of that has to do with we're in tech world around here.
So, this is where big tech is. And so, a lot of the standard... All the crimes being committed there are white -collar crimes, right?
I guess so. They're the kind you don't go to jail for. Yeah. The crimes that are committed here are done by the governor who is stealing all of our money, socialism and all that.
So, there's that. Yeah. So, the move for you, that was a big thing.
I mean, I can't imagine moving that far. Having to sell a house and then move to a place that you're really not very familiar...
Or were you familiar with the area? I know you've been to California before for school, but I don't know how close that was to where you are now.
Yeah. So, we're in Northern California right now. And then I went to school near LA, essentially.
So, Santa Clarita. I went to the master's college. So, I mean, I've lived in California before.
I mean, it definitely is a little bit different, Northern California and Southern California. But yeah,
I mean, in a lot of ways, I guess I'm used to the kind of culture that's here. I mean, I grew up in South Florida, so it's not...
I wouldn't consider myself a true Southerner or something like that. But yeah, we're actually,
I think, maybe around six, seven hours away from LA, something along those lines. So, we're pretty far.
It's a big state. Is it pretty conservative in the area that you're in, or is it still really liberal?
Yeah. Our church is pretty conservative, but no. It's pretty liberal. Yeah. We were selling some of our stuff because the housing market here is pretty ridiculous.
It's kind of crazy. Yeah. So, like the house prices are just third of the roof, they're out of this world, that kind of thing.
And we're coming from Alabama in a normal size house and trying to figure out how to fit everything here.
So, we've had to do a lot of downsizing and selling and everything else. We didn't realize how materialistic we were, apparently.
So, we're just entitled living lives of luxury in Alabama and all that.
But no, we've come over here and we were selling something to someone.
Elizabeth just tries to sell everything through Facebook Marketplace or whatever. But there was a girl who was asking about the church.
And so, I mean, it was pretty funny because she was a liberal asking about our church and asking how conservative it was or asking what kind of church it was.
I mean, I told her it was a pretty conservative church. Her response was, well, is it conservative for California or is it conservative for the rest of the country or whatever?
And I was like, no, it's pretty conservative for California. She's like, well, I mean, people are conservative here but not compared to the rest of the country.
I'm like, well, we're against abortion and we like guns and pro -death penalty, male -female roles.
She's like, oh, so you are really conservative or whatever. She was like, actually, I don't need this thing that I'm here to buy.
It's as bad as you expect. But her comment about that was pretty funny. She is a liberal, but then living out here with the economic policies the way that they actually are, she says that she realizes that she doesn't want to live in a place that is, in terms of economics, liberal or whatever.
She's just realized how much of a train wreck it is when you actually implement these things. And so she's become much more libertarian leaning in her politics as a result of seeing how it actually carries out.
So she's a self -identified liberal who basically was, in terms of her economic policies, liberal until she saw it face -to -face.
Until she was blessed enough to actually experience the policies that she supported.
Right. And so for her, that was pretty eye -opening. I think that there's a lot of crazy out here, but then
I think there's more pushback to the crazy than you might realize.
For instance, there was a park pretty close to us that I think Google built or whatever.
And so it's a really nice park, but then there was a man pretending to be a woman, but then a child.
A man pretending to be a woman and a child at this park. So he's running around wearing a diaper, and apparently that's illegal.
You're not really allowed to go to a child's park as an adult without a child. Does that make sense? Yeah. So he's running around with a diaper, identifying as a girl child or something, trying to play with the kids.
But then Elizabeth was looking on Facebook and seeing all the comments related to that. Apparently, there's a lot of people who are basically saying, we've gone too far.
This has to stop. This is crazy. It has to stop. All right, guys,
I draw the line at grown men pretending to be women and children. Oh, that's really funny.
She was a little bit shocked that that was the tone of all the comments.
There wasn't supporting the pervert in his rebellion or whatever.
It was the tone of all the comments were this. This has to stop. It's too much. There were no map rights.
None of that. Yeah, none of that. Well, that's good. But yeah, I mean, I imagine.
Yeah, I mean, we're pretty deep blue out here. Yeah. So I mean, apparently, yeah, Colin was telling me that if you wear a
MAGA hat, you may get assaulted. So, I mean, it's that kind of thing. Like metaphorically assaulted or physically assaulted?
He was saying physically. I was thinking about testing that out just to see what happens.
All right. Well, this is the last episode we ever have. Y 'all know why. I mean, I get myself a body cam as a social experiment and just see what happens.
But maybe that'll be the last video we post from the podcast.
I'll see if Elizabeth can recover the footage from your body and we'll post it in memory of Pastor Tim Wallet.
That was the end. That's how we went. You could edit the video and then go from this conversation to the tombstone.
Oh, hey, it was,
I will say, I was really impressed talking about y 'all were downsizing and y 'all were very materialistic.
Y 'all were trying to get rid of things to make sure the move could happen. You had this moving pod, like a shipping container, basically.
What were the dimensions of it? It was like a 20 foot, right? Well, it's the equivalent of a 20 foot moving truck.
It was like 16 by eight by 10, I think. Okay. But the equivalent of a 20 foot moving truck.
Me and a bunch of other guys from the church, we went to go help you load up stuff from your house here in Alabama.
I mean, that thing was packed. Personally, I feel like it was probably packed as well as I've ever seen anything packed before.
It was just from the floor to the roof or the ceiling, wall to wall, all the way up to the door.
Did anything when you opened up the door or is it still in storage or have y 'all gotten that yet?
Yeah. So we didn't know if we were going to have a place to live so we were having a lot of trouble basically trying to find a place like a cross country because you apply for houses and they think that you're basically a scammer because you can't see it, go to visit it or whatever.
So we were just having a big problem even getting any interest in that.
And then they see that we have five kids and so they would basically just ignore our application. I mean, we had several realtors who we called who told us that they just threw our application in the trash because we had so many kids and we're out of state or whatever.
So that was kind of funny. But yeah, no, we were, I was trying to get the pod so that we could have a month of storage because I didn't know if we would be in a hotel for a little bit.
And so, I mean, it was kind of interesting. I mean, God's good. I mean, he would have been good even if he didn't do this, but he was kind to us.
And I had come up here a week earlier than the rest of my family.
And I mean, I told them with all the dad joke, a tone I could muster that I was going to prepare a place for them.
That's good. That's really good. But no, she lined me up a house. I mean, she lined me up a house rental and we actually got one pretty close to church.
Oh, great. It was the last week. So, I mean, we were able to load the pod the day that they were flying in, essentially.
So everything worked out to where we actually had beds in the house and everything, but yeah, no, it was a pretty impressive pack job.
I was probably simply proud of myself and dad and you guys for packing that.
Connelly was pretty impressed by it too. Did he see it? Yeah. I mean, I did have a hard time getting the door open for sure.
Yeah. I was wondering how the door was going to do because right there at the end,
I mean, you run out of boxes and you're just kind of loading things loose at that point. And it looked like it was probably going to shift and I'm assuming it did.
It did. Now we even, we forgot Vivian's dresser too in the house.
Oh no. So I had to take out that last little bit and rack my brain to try to repack.
But I mean, we got everything important. I think we ended up, I mean, it ended up working out pretty well, but I mean,
I did have a lot of trouble trying to get the thing open. I was debating what my options were at that point, because I was like,
I don't know if this is going to come open. How did you get it open? I mean, yeah,
I just went Hulk mode, man. You just ripped the door completely off.
Yeah. I pushed it up at the top, and then I said, it's got to open.
So if anything breaks, you know, so I pulled and after a significant effort, it came up.
Yeah. It was pretty packed for sure, all the way up to the door.
And even then, I mean, there was still, I mean, y 'all still left some stuff, right?
Or y 'all threw it away or gave it away or whatever. Yeah. I mean, the house sizes here are very different from where they're at in Birmingham.
We have a normal size house in Birmingham, but it's very different. But we ended up selling a lot and it all worked out.
It was good. We repented of our materialism. Yeah, that's good.
Maybe one day I'll repent of mine too. There you go. We did a little bit on our end of things.
My big life change stuff was my wife and I, we had our third child.
And you set the church on fire. And we set the church on fire in the same month. It was a pretty busy month for me too.
But the nice thing about setting the church on fire was I got to get rid of a lot of things that we didn't need.
I mean, I think I told my wife at one point that we had enough toys and books to start a daycare and that's just far too many for us.
And so we got to get rid of a lot of that stuff, a lot of clothes, a lot of shoes and whatnot.
Now, I say we set the church on fire. We didn't actually burn the church down.
But I did have a kitchen fire that was surprisingly...
The fire itself really didn't do very much damage at all. I mean, it probably only burned for,
I don't know, like a minute or two, maybe like three or four minutes max.
But essentially what had happened was my wife and kids were away and I was making something in our air fryer.
It was set on top of the oven and I set it to run for like eight minutes.
I was there for the first five and then I went downstairs to check on something, was gone for probably three minutes, three to five minutes.
And I started walking back up the stairs and I heard this beeping noise and I thought to myself, that better not be what
I think it is. I opened the door into our apartment and I mean, it's just dark in there.
I mean, it was probably 1130 in the middle of the day and it was just completely dark in our apartment.
The lights were all off. The smoke detectors were going off and there was smoke everywhere.
Obviously, it's not like in the movies. In the movies, whenever a building's burning, you can see plain as day.
You can see all the fire around. You can see everyone's faces and everything, but in real life, it's not actually like that.
It's mostly just smoke that fills up the whole place and so you can't see really much of anything.
So I ran in there and I turned the corner to look into our kitchen and there's just a ball of fire on top of our oven.
I was like, uh -oh. So I ran into the kitchen and was looking for our fire extinguisher and I could not find it anywhere.
I was like, well, I've got to put this out. I've got to go find something and so I went out and luckily, we had another one that was much larger in the hallway and I grabbed that and I sprayed everything down.
So we had that fire, but the fire was probably the least destructive part of the whole thing.
I mean, it destroyed the air fryer, obviously, and it melted the oven and the microwave, which
I guess is pretty destructive from a pure cost perspective to replace those things, but really, it was the smoke that did the most because it filled up every room in the apartment, even though the doors were shut.
And so all of our, I mean, we literally had to take everything, all of our clothes that were hanging up, everything in the drawers was fine.
They didn't really smell like smoke, but everything that was hanging up, our clothes, the kids' clothes, all of it just reeked of smoke and so we had to pull it all down and wash all of it.
The cabinets and the backsplash on the kitchen were just black in certain spots.
The wall behind the cabinets was black and then the fire extinguisher actually was, it created a pretty big mess and got on pretty much everything in the kitchen.
And even though I didn't spray it very long, I pretty much just sprayed it long enough to put everything out.
But I mean, you saw it. It was all over the stove. It was all over the floor. It got on the air vents and inside of the air vents.
And so luckily I was on paternity leave because my wife had just had a baby and with my day job,
I get six weeks of paternity leave per year, which is insane. I've never had paternity leave like that ever in my entire life.
I never got any of my jobs. I never got any. Yeah, especially at my first couple jobs when
Kayla and I were first married, there wasn't paternity leave. At least
I don't think there was. I don't remember there ever being any. And where I work now, there really wasn't paternity leave there either, but then they got bought out by a much larger company and they offer a really great paternity leave package.
I made a lot of good use out of it. And part of that was probably like a two week span of it was just me cleaning.
We stayed with Kayla's parents for about a week or so while we were trying to get everything cleaned up just because the apartment was just not good for the kids, especially a newborn.
I remember the day that it happened. I had breathed in so much smoke that first day from just putting it out and then being in the apartment while the smoke was still dissipating throughout the day.
And at the end of the day, you and me, we had gone to go get dinner and then
I came back and I was supposed to just grab a couple of things and then go to Kayla's parents.
But I was so exhausted. I sat down and I fell asleep on our bed and I woke up like 30 minutes later and I had the worst migraine from just breathing in all that smoke that was still there from the fire and everything.
But it was definitely... Is it well resolved at this point? Yeah. So we got everything cleaned up.
Like I said, we had to wash all our clothes. We had to pull the cabinets off the walls, pull out the microwave and the oven.
We repainted that whole wall where the backsplash was and everything.
Luckily, the backsplash, that was one of the things we were the most worried about because that would have been pretty...
Out of everything we would have had to do, that would have been probably the most work intensive thing to replace the backsplash.
But luckily, we were able to basically just scrub it clean. I used a bunch of Dawn and water,
Dawn and vinegar mixed together. And then what really helped, which I never would have guessed this, but what really helped was those little magic erasers, like the
Mr. Clean magic erasers or whoever makes them. I just bought, I don't know, 20 of those or something, or maybe it was 12.
And I would just go to town and it would just take the soot and everything that it's kind of soaked into the stone and the grout and all of its porous areas, it would just take it right off.
So it just looks completely fine now. We repainted the wall with some paint that gets rid of that smoke smell.
And now it's like it never happened. My father -in -law, he worked on the cabinets some in some spots where they were pretty charred and they look fine now.
So it all got figured out. But it definitely was a wrench in the middle of still trying to get back to a sense of normalcy from our newborn son, which that was pretty crazy too.
Yeah. He decided to forego going to the hospital on accident. Yeah.
We had a home birth, but it was not a planned home birth.
I mean, my wife, she's so great. And I felt so bad for her because it was probably like the last
Sunday of July, maybe. I ended up taking her to the hospital because supposedly once your contractions get to like, hey, once they're this many minutes apart and they last for this long, you need to go ahead and come.
And those numbers kind of diminish the more children you have.
It gets faster each time. So with the first kid, if it's, hey, wait every three minutes with the second and the third kid, it's, hey, once it's four minutes or five minutes in between each contraction, go ahead and come.
Just because the baby, typically they come faster the second, the third time.
And so my wife, she hit whatever the thresholds were. So we go to the hospital and the contractions just stop completely.
And we're sitting there, they're monitoring her. And eventually they're just like, hey, we can't admit you.
We've got to send you home. And so we go home, contractions immediately start again.
And for the next week, she has contractions every like eight to 10 minutes.
And she's like, just outside of that threshold. But we were like, hey, we can't go back to the hospital because they're just going to turn us away again.
And we're going to get a bill for going just to get turned away. So we're just like, hey, we're just going to have to wait until the water breaks and then that's when we go.
And so the next Sunday, a week later, I woke up that morning and I checked on Kayla and she was like, hey, my contractions are so painful that we've just got to go and maybe they can at least give me something for the pain.
And so I was like, okay, I'm going to go get everything ready for us to go. I went downstairs to get some stuff ready for everyone at the church to be okay without me.
And while I'm doing that, I mean, it's probably not even been five minutes. She calls me on the phone and she was telling me, hey, we're not going to make it to the hospital, call 9 -1 -1.
So I called 9 -1 -1 and the firefighters arrived and their truck.
And it was just one guy, just one guy showed up and I showed him where to go.
And I asked him, were there any other guys with him? And he said, yes.
So I went downstairs to go find them and show them where to go. And there was no one there.
I walked all around his truck. There's no one there. So I go back upstairs and I find them again.
And keep in mind, it's been about a minute and a half from when I showed the firefighter where my wife was to when
I came back upstairs. And at that point, our son was already crowning.
And so it was basically like I left and then her water broke and she said it was like hearing a balloon pop.
And then just seconds later, he was out basically.
So in the middle of our home, we're having our baby delivered.
The firefighter is standing there to catch him. And all of our towels get ruined.
But everyone was healthy. They took her to the hospital.
And it was funny because our son, he came out and the firefighter swaddles him in one of our unsoiled towels, one of the few remaining unsoiled ones, and then hands them to me.
And I'm holding him while they're taking care of Kayla and getting everything set up there and everything that entails.
And they get her loaded up. And I hand the baby back to her at that point.
And I look down and he pooped all over me. The very first thing he decided to do after soiling all my towels and causing us to miss the
Sunday services, he just poops all over me and it gets all over the stairs. You're talking about California being so bad.
You should have got your map. I should have checked out the poop map, the Birmingham poop map.
But yeah, the first thing he decides to do after all that is poop all over me. And I don't realize it.
And I track it everywhere. And I had to clean all that up. But it was great.
It was good to see my wife, Kayla. She had said that she always wanted to have at least one natural birth.
And she got it without without realizing she was going to get it. But yeah, everyone was healthy.
He's still really healthy. He's been holding his head up for weeks at this point, which has been a little surprising because I think normally it takes a little bit longer.
And he's still wobbly with it, but he'll hold his head up for a solid five to 10 seconds sometimes, which is really funny to see him struggling to do that.
But it's been great having him. And I will say in my foolishness or maybe in my pridefulness,
I kind of thought that the jump from two to three kids would be a lot easier than the jump from one to two.
But I feel like it's probably been the reverse. You've gone from man to man to zone defense.
Yeah. Yeah. It was man to man for a while there. And now we've got to play zone. And he's just I mean, he's a newborn.
So there's really not a ton of meaningful interaction that I get to have with him other than just like, hey,
I can hold you. And he sleeps on me or whatever from time to time. He'll take his naps on me.
But it definitely it definitely has been an adjustment and a sanctifying experience to get to go from two to three.
But it's been really great. And I've really appreciated it.
I really appreciated that I got as much time off as I did. We got to go do a bunch of fun things.
In the meantime, we went to a jump park actually a couple of days ago. And I'm embarrassed to say that I was sore the next day from jumping on trampolines for two hours.
Different muscles. Yeah. Yeah. And so that was a little embarrassing as a man to say, yeah,
I'm sore from from jumping on trampolines with my children. But I guess it is what it is.
I guess Paul did say that physical training was of little value of some value.
But but yeah, that's been great. And now I'm back to work now.
And so just trying to get back into the swing of things. And I am looking forward back to getting the podcast going again.
It is nice to have a little bit of a break and adjust everything. And I know you needed it.
I know you needed it too with everything that you're trying to figure out. And it's neat to hear how
God's provided for you guys and all of that and in pretty significant ways. Yeah.
What a blessing. Yeah, it is. Yeah. We don't deserve the kindness he's shown us for sure.
Yeah. I've been really I've been really happy that that all that's been working out for you guys.
And and so but but I am I am kind of ready to get back into the get back into the normal routine of of running the podcast and answering all the all the questions that we end up talking about.
So are you ready to get going or are you like, no, I probably need another month or so?
No, I think I think we're getting unpacked at this point.
So we're coming to the end of the unpacking process. And yeah, we're going to be we're going to have a podcast studio out here.
So that's awesome. Yeah, it'll be good. I mean, I hope we can upgrade the quality of a lot of what we're doing.
So I'll have a little more time than I've had in the past to work on some of those things, too. But yeah, no,
I think we're coming to the end of our just being in transition and starting to get a lot of the major things taken care of.
So I think I'm I'm ready to get going for sure. Yeah. So now, you know, now you'll be able to do the call in show that you're planning and you're going to write the book and what you're going to start a conference.
What else? No, but it will be good to have dedicated time because you're you were getting spread pretty thin there for a while.
Yeah. All the things that you had to take care of before, you know, California treading water for sure.
But yeah, it's nice to be freed up. Well, praise, you know, praise God that that's all worked out the way it has.
And yeah, so so this will be the only episode for this week.
We just wanted to do something to kind of, you know, it's been such a long time since we've put anything out. I mean, we went we
Tim and I Tim and I joked that, you know, this break was essentially the end of season one of the podcast that's gone on now for what, three years?
Season one was three years and probably about 300 episodes. So, you know, well, we wanted to put something out just to kind of catch you guys up on where we've been and what we've been doing.
And, you know, just sort of some what to expect in terms of how we'll how we'll get everything going again.
So like I said, this will be the the only episode coming out this week, catching you guys up on our personal lives.
And then next week, we'll be Lord willing back to doing our regular our regular episodes and answering questions.
You're not allowed to ask to try and help equip people for the work of ministry.
So we certainly appreciate all the support that you guys have shown us over the years. And even while we've been gone, getting to still interact with a lot of you guys, if you're not following us on social media,
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Now, go boldly and obey the truth in the midst of a biblically illiterate world who will be perpetually offended by your every move.