EP 32 PHILLY COLLEGE VOTERS TALK TRUMP & JESUS #maga, #makeamericagreatagain, #maca, #election2024


Last week’s episode “Philly Chooses Trump and Jesus” was inspiring and joyful. We just love getting out on the street and talking about Jesus. For this episode we went back to Philadelphia. This time we went to University City which is mostly Drexel University and University of Pennsylvania. We got to talk to lots of folks about Trump and Jesus. We met Jesus loving people who praised Trump for his track record. We also met Jesus loving people that thought some really horrible things about Trump. We did our best to point to the truth. Some were convinced so praise God for that. Our first interview said Trump was supporting biblical values and honesty. Well, who could argue with that! Our other interviewee could!! We think you’ll enjoy this episode and we think you’ll also glad to see folks living and working in the University City section of Philadelphia want to MAGA and MACA!!! They probably want to MAHA too but we didn’t discuss that! #MAGA, #makeamericagreatagain, #ChristiansforTrump, #JesuslovesTrump Watch or listen every week on the following channels https://tinyurl.com/TDHPonYOUTUBE https://tinyurl.com/TDHPonSPOTIFY https://rumble.com/user/TDHP NOMINATE YOUR PASTOR FOR THE BLOOD RED CHURCH AWARD EMAIL – [email protected]


Who are you going to vote for? Trump or Kamala? Kamala. Kamala.
Trump or Kamala? I want Trump. I say
Trump or Kamala. Let's go! Trump or Kamala? Trump.
Trump or Kamala? Kamala. Ladies, do you have five minutes? We'd love to talk to you.
Trump or Kamala? Kamala. Of course I'm going to vote.
And I definitely ain't voting for Trump. Sorry, y 'all. Trump or Kamala? Trump! Let's go!
Alright, here's one. He's smiling. He knows what he's going to answer. Scooter guy, what do you think? Which one?
Trump or Kamala? Trump. Did he say Trump? I thought he said
Tricala. Excuse me, miss. Trump or Kamala?
Trump or Kamala? Trump. Trump! Trump! Trump! Yes!
Alright, let's go! Trump or Kamala? Trump or Kamala?
Yeah. No, no. Trump or Kamala? Definitely Kamala.
Give us the number one reason. She's not a sociopath. But she is a socialist. Call it out.
Call it out. Trump! Gentlemen!
Trump or Kamala? Come on. Trump! A Trump and a hand wave.
Trump or Kamala, please? You're a Kamala? Trump or Kamala?
Yeah, come on, what do you got? Kamala. We need to get your opinion on something.
Trump or Kamala, who do you vote for? Trump. Don't tell us why you said that.
I'm against abortion. Let's go. I'm for anything and everything that has to do with biblical principles.
Let's go. I am against, this is my personal opinion, I'm against same -sex unions.
I'm against forcing that union on the children. And I'm against sexualizing children.
I am for Trump in a lot of ways. I'm still educating myself on his policies and his principles.
But I'm for honesty. And Trump is honest. There's nothing fake about him.
He's real, you know what you get. And he does stand for the biblical principles that you're talking about. Not as strongly as we would like to see him stand.
But at least he's not fighting for the enemy. And welcome to Tear Down High Places.
My name's Average Joe and this is Pastor Jeff. Good to be with you, Average Joe. Where are we? We are at Thales Arctonic School of Law at Drexel University.
We're out here on the streets just interviewing people. Asking them about their views of Trump or Kamala.
But more importantly, we're trying to direct them to the Lord Jesus Christ. Right, the Lord will and is in charge of everything.
But we really want to know where people are and more importantly, we want to help change some minds today, right?
Yeah. I can't wait to see what happens today. What do you expect today, Jeff? I have no idea what to expect.
I'm thinking because we're in front of Drexel and the University of Pennsylvania, you're going to get some more of an educated clientele.
Maybe some high and mighty intellectualism out here. I don't know.
Post -modernism on steroids. We could see a little bit of that. But I mean, post -modernism, what did you see post -modern last week?
If we could just kind of look back at last week. It was kind of like in the air.
It's the post -modernism that we don't really think about. Maybe we see some applied post -modernism.
What do you mean by post -modernism? When I think about that, it's like everything is uncertain.
Truth is just your own view or your own opinion that you consecrate as being important to yourself.
To me, it's a lack of logic. It's an emphasis on feelings first, logic second.
So, not that people aren't alive for a lot of reasons. They don't like logic first.
Feelings are always first. Yeah, that's a great definition. We need to get your opinion on something. Trump or Kamala?
Who do you vote for? Trump! Tell us why you said that. I'm against abortion.
I am for anything and everything that has to do with biblical principles.
I am against my personal opinion. I'm against same -sex unions.
I'm against forcing that union on the children. I'm against sexualizing children.
I am for Trump. In a lot of ways, I'm still educating myself on his policies and his principles.
I'm for honesty. Trump is honest. He is. There's nothing fake about him.
He's real. You know what you get. He does stand for the biblical principles that you're talking about. Not as strongly as we would like to see him stand, but at least he's not fighting for the enemy and trying to kill babies with these new laws about a federal right to abortion or the funding of Planned Parenthood.
That's what the other side is trying to do, and Trump is just trying to leave it with the states. What do you think about that? I do think that's always been a personal opinion, that it should not be forced on anyone, especially if it's coming down as a mandate through the government.
Again, that's just something I believe wholeheartedly, and I agree. I'm going to continue to educate myself on a couple of his other stances, because one thing that you said is the lesser is one of the lesser of the evils.
The Democratic Party is all for everything that is, I say, straight and flat out satanic.
Yeah, it is. The Republican Party, they do have some stances that I might not agree with, and I'm not even sure if Trump is just doing it under the
Republican Party because he has a better chance. I kind of see him as more of an independent kind of guy. Right. A lot of people say he's as leftist as John F.
Kennedy, right? He's like a 60s Democrat, even, back when the
Democrats were approaching pro -life. And he was a macho? Yeah. Okay.
He's not a real conservative. Yeah, that's exactly that. Yeah, because from my understanding that the right was conservative and the left was kind of more
Democrat, so that's what I am trying to understand about his policies because I understand that I don't understand everything about him, and my understanding is no matter who gets in, they institute the same agenda from different ends.
So that is why I've never voted before this election. I've never even signed up to be on voters registration.
But because this vote, this election is so important, I did sign up to at least be registered.
I will educate myself more on the principles, but I do understand that Trump may not be who he seems, because I see him as an elite, and no matter who has gotten in the past, they've always instituted the same agenda from different ends, from different policies.
It always comes to the same thing. So I'm going to be very careful in how I cast my vote, but as I stand now,
I stand for biblical principles, I stand with Trump, and I stand against the Satanic agenda of the
Democratic Party, Planned Parenthood, and anything to destroy my neighborhood, my people, my family, your neighborhoods, your people, and your faith.
Amen. Amen. And I think you should vote for Trump, and the reason why is he's not perfect, but he's already proven for four years that he governs conservative.
Yeah. You know, he was the one who moved the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem to stand with Israel, as I think that should have been done.
Exactly. They took the stance to finally do that after all the previous presidencies to acknowledge Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, the historic and ancient homeland of the
Jewish Israelites. And did you notice when he brought in the Abraham Accords, there was peace developing in the
Middle East. There was peace under his reign here in the United States of America, but after he got out, the
Ukraine blows up into a war, Israel blows up into a war. His strength actually brings peace to the world stage.
Do you agree with that? I think yes, I do agree with it, and I think that's to be seen. You know,
I'm not one for bashing the president, but you know, it is a retreat.
If I remember in Afghanistan, yeah, shameful. The world were laughingstock to the entire world.
It was shameful. And I can only be glad that I went and chastened my vote for a
Democratic party. That's right. And how could a Christian vote for the killing of human babies in the world?
Oh, I can only say that they did not vote with their body. They vote with whatever the agenda is to pass to the president these government -funded so -called religious organizations.
And I understand that they are at the forefront of pushing a lot of the agenda, right? The so -called churches, social programs.
And I'm in the middle of a lot of these things, so I constantly see it. I am a biblical believer, although I am not a
Christian. Hebrew is white. But I do vote and believe and live by biblical principles, and I stay just as you said my entire life.
How can you be a Democrat, noting that Democrats vote on a block scale? They all vote across their party for the same thing.
If the public, the agenda for the entire party, one person's agenda is for the entire party.
The entire party's agenda is for one person. So you can't say that I'm a Democrat and I'm against abortion.
You can't say that I'm a Democrat and I'm against this, that, or the third, because when you cast your vote for a democratic ballot, you cast your vote for those policies.
So I just wish that people would come to understand that, they would come to believe that, because I know a lot of people will go to church and they will still claim that they are
God -fearing, God Bible -believing people. I just wonder who is their God, because God has a name and it is
Yah. The Tetragrammatron, Y -H -W -H. That's the name, and you see it in the capital letters in the
Old Testament. What tribe do you think you're from as a Hebrew -Israelite? The tribe of Judah. As we understand through the transatlantic slave trade, the ruling tribe was brought here to America.
Which country did that come through, the tribe of Judah? I understand that it was taken from somewhere in West Arabia.
I'm not sure the exact country or the nation that it was taken from.
But research in the names of those tribes, they all relate back to Israel, the son of Asher, son of, son of.
So, yeah. So you don't know that because it's not falsifiable or provable.
Meaning there's no way of tracing the descent of the lost tribes of Israel, the Ten and the Dispersion, when
Assyria wiped out the north. There's no way of tracing where they went, let alone to which countries.
You can't say that, like, Jamaica is Simeon or that Guatemala is part of a different tribe because that's just a meaningless claim since there's no records to prove one way or the other.
But what I want to share with you, and I thank you so much for the way you shared, before actually you gloss over that topic, there are records and that they call them prophecies.
These are historically written beforehand. If you can name any other people who was carried across the world on ships who were perpetually the lowest people in every nation who suffer from disease, who suffer from what they call confusion of faces, not knowing who you are.
There's only one people in the entire history that can see those prophecies coming out of Deuteronomy 28.
And I won't advocate that I'm there. I would advocate that you go and read each line for line and apply it to a people and find out.
I've read Deuteronomy 28 through that lens and listened to a guy named Vocab Malone. Have you heard of Vocab Malone?
Just that you just spoke of me. So he has done debates with Hebrew Israelites about Deuteronomy 28.
Here's what I'd like to share with you. Deuteronomy 28 is about the ethnic people of Israel who descended from the seed of Abraham.
And are Israel as a nation. But the great and much better news of the New Testament, Ephesians chapter 3, is that God has torn down the dividing wall of hostility between Jew and Gentile.
Both you and me and Sam and Joe and most people you're seeing around here would be considered Gentiles.
Because we don't descend physically from Abraham. Maybe you think you do. Yeah. One power or two if you do.
But here's the point. In Christ, the dividing wall of separation between an
Israelite who descends from the seed of Abraham and a Gentile who does not. There is no difference. There is no.
Yeah, there's no male or female slave or free Jew or Gentile. Do you understand the importance of knowing what the difference is?
If you can understand that there is no difference if you have the same faith. That either though he says,
I do believe it's in Romans that, you know, what is the profit of being a Jew if the
Gentiles have the same. He said, but much in every way. Because to them were chiefly committed the oracles of God.
So, it is important to understand that he says, those who bless my people will be blessed and those who curse my people will be cursed.
And for not knowing the identity of his people, we are being cursed all around the world. So, it is very important that you that we that I, what he says, live by truth and the truth thus set us free.
You know, I don't disagree with you in principle because in Romans 3 1 -5, Romans 9 1 -5 it refers to the very thing that you're saying.
That there is something significant about being ethnically Hebrew. And there's something in the Abrahamic covenant of Genesis 12 1 -3 that you bless
God's ethnic people and you will be blessed. So, I don't disagree with you. It's difficult though for us to know whether or not you descend from Abraham.
And I don't really, to me that matters less. And for me, what I'm seeing is what's happening in Israel, the nation, the promised land, refers to the
Israelites. You can take a very clear look at who through the transatlantic slave trade was taken through, scattered through the entire world before the head.
Are you familiar with the Arch of Titans? No, I'm not. Titus of Vespasian conquered
Israel in 70 A .D. And in the Vatican of Rome, they have what they call the
Arch of Titus. And it's a memorial, it's a mural showing that the Hebrew Israelites and their people being captive.
They clearly show a dark skinned people with cornrows, brains, and hair being taken captive by a lighter skinned people which was, you know, they're
Romans. And that's a memorial which is in the
Vatican of Rome. On top of that, again he says that you will be lower and lower and that people among you will become higher and higher.
Any nation that you find me at inside the world, I can bet you that I'm somewhere about the lowest.
Wait, I think I gotta say something here. Alright. Something you gotta do is you gotta identify with Jesus Christ who created all the
Jews and who he himself was a Jew. Identifying with Jesus Christ will have you way more blessed.
That's right, amen. Will have you way more blessed than just believing in a tribe or something like that or the
Hebrew Israelites. Being a Christian is way more of a blessing. You get eternal life and all your sins forgiven.
So, you should, if you're identifying with all the biblical principles like you said, you need to come to Jesus Christ for salvation and not be afraid to identify with him over the black
Hebrew Israelites. Well, um, my first identification is with Yeshua. And that's how
I even, there is no way to know I am a Hebrew Israelite. Do you understand the difference between the
Hebrew Israelites and Christianity? Constantine made sure, he said that in no way will we allow...
In no way will we allow our worship to be after the faces of the
Jewish nation. And for that reason, I don't follow Christianity because I understand that they, since the beginning, have been in the bed with whether you take the
Reformation through Martin Luther and the separation of Protestants coming out of Catholicism.
But they still answer to the Pope and they still follow. I go to a so -called
Baptist church and they still follow all the dictates of Catholicism. So, um,
Hebrew Israelite is an heritage. It is not a religion. It is a history of a people that have a confusion of faiths that are captive all over the world.
And I identify first with Hamashiach, Yeshua, and there is no way that I could know who
I am without him giving me those revelations. This did not come from the Hebrew Israelites because I understand that those as a religious group are, for the most part, what they would call false prophets.
A very Satanic group of people. Very interesting thing. Listen, we're not here to argue about your ethnic heritage.
If you are a descendant from Abraham, more power to you. We're just telling you that Jesus Christ transcends ethnic differences to the stage where to fixate on those kind of things can really distract from the gospel of Jesus Christ.
So just to encourage you, two things. One, put all your hope and faith in Jesus Christ. Proverbs 18, 17 says, one man seems right until another comes to examine him.
So test your ideas about the prophecies of Deuteronomy 28 by listening. You've got to be quick to listen, slow to speak.
Listen. Listen to a debate that you can watch on YouTube with vocab
Malone and Hebrew Israelites. He's done many of them. So vocab Malone, go watch it and listen to the other side in refutation of the things that you believe.
But even transcending that, the most important thing, whether you're a descendant of Abraham in the flesh or not, is to be a descendant of Abraham by faith in the
Son of God. Make sure that the Yeshua that you're following is the triune Son of God that God has always suggested.
That's not Roman Catholic doctrine. So when Constantine came around in 311 and he did bring
Christianity kind of under the tent of Rome and Roman Catholicism is a wicked perversion, right?
Now what Martin Luther said was that that Pope, he wasn't under him. He called him the Antichrist.
And we agree. So we're not Catholic at all. We've come out from under Rome. That whole movement called the
Protestant Reformation was a genuine movement against that false system. That Babel.
That Babylon. Mystery Babylon. Okay? So we don't follow the Roman Catholic Church. I think anybody that knows us and has a chance to talk with what, you know, we've debated
Roman Catholics. We're not under them at all. We refute their false gospel. And it's so. I understand there's a lot of ways to follow the truth.
One of the ways is that you can seek the truth out. Another way that people find their self about the truth is by choosing not to look at what's obviously there in front of your face.
And I can give no because I am adamant in my heritage and I will continue to be.
Now, because I understand that you may not care enough to give it an honest look and to look deeply. I am not afraid to speak openly.
I believe I've listened to your side of it. And the boat is, if so, it's clear and obvious.
Because if you can point to any other people, please show me who they are. I would say the ones that were slaughtered in the
Holocaust to the tune of six million people. That's kind of where Adolf Hitler would be an example. That's kind of interesting when you do the history of the
Khazaria and you do the history of Khazars and who the people in the land between the
Dead Sea and the Caspian Sea. If you do any historical research on them and find out what their people were, how their people acted, you will understand that they routinely took the identity of nations that they conquered, that there were people that came in.
And that was one of Rome's policies to sling sling the population of a land to a far flung length of land and to bring in another people to inhabit a land so that they could no longer be a problem.
I mean, that was a policy of Rome. So if they flung them to a far enough land and then brought them back, that really wouldn't make very much sense.
But I'm not claiming that I have all the sense to understand. And listen, I'm not actually arguing with everything you're saying.
There's some truth in that. There's a doctor named Dr. Michael Brown who investigates that particular historical thesis and puts it to the test versus the
Ashkenazi Jews and the whole group. And listen, you've got to listen to both sides.
But honestly, I'm not even one equipped or willing to debate you on the subject because what
I'm trying to say is there's something more important than that. That's the thing I'm saying. If you had to rebut anything that I said,
I like to go with one statement at a time. One at a time. You're right. It's like a shotgun. You get spread out so far, nobody's dealing with anything.
You know what? We started talking about politics, right? Yes. Can you go back to the Hebrew Israelites and convince them to register, convince them to vote because you need to protect the lives of unborn babies and you need to stop this transing of our children and the transing of America.
Can you go to your people and convince them that this matters because we can't have socialism in America or else this country is going to be finished.
Can you go back and do that? When you say my people, I would ask, what do you mean?
You said Hebrew Israelites. I believe I made it very clear that the Hebrew Israelites as a heritage and the
Hebrew Israelites as a religion are two completely different things. I just meant the people that you know.
The people that you know, your people. So my people would be my family, my brothers in Christ, those who
I care most deeply about. Can you go to your people and convince them of the importance of this? I have tried my entire life.
It's so easy. It's not easy, man. It ain't easy. I'm a better model than a speaker.
And that matters more if you set the example. Hey, let's wrap this up.
We don't even know your name. What's your name? Lionel. Lionel? Yes. Lionel, nice to meet you. I think he gave the most educated answer to start off that we've heard the last
I don't know. All the time. Since we've been coming out here. And you're getting that from the
Bible. You got that from a biblical worldview and you're applying it to society. How do you deal with these public matters biblically?
And that's where you started with the right foundation, which was the Word of God. And so you came to the right conclusion.
No response. Amen. Amen. Lionel, God bless you, man.
The Lord bless you and keep you. And we'll be praying for you. Hey, if you want to check out the podcast, please,
I do. This is called Tearing Down High Places. Tearing Down High Places. And you're going to find it on the
Cornerstone Church website. Yeah, you can write that down. You got to check it out. It's good. Tearing Down High Places.
Cornerstone Church. TDHP. Thank you very much. I do appreciate the work that you do.
Yeah, any other questions, send an email. There's my contact info. I'm Average Joe.
Alright, sir. You'll see me on there as Average Joe. I appreciate you not harassing anybody.
That's for it. What we do is don't block the flow. Yes, sir. No problem with you being out here.
Can I have a name? Sure. My name is Pastor Jeff Fleeworth. K -L -I -E
W -V -R We beckon it. It's ours. Date of birth?
You got to get all the info here. Why is that needed? You don't want to keep it. Yeah, we could stop there, but yeah, you don't need my date of birth.
But yeah, I'll just tell you the name of our church. Yeah, our church is called Cornerstone Church. Yeah. We're evangelists.
We go out and tell people about the Lord Jesus Christ and how he died for sinners like us and rose on the thirteenth day.
All you should do is we got to land a harassment. I don't see that. No, there was no harassment. If they don't want to engage, please don't stop them.
Oh, no. Certainly not. Thank you, sir. Have a good day. Thanks, guys.
Have a great day. What do you guys say? Kamala or Trump? Oh, Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ. He's the one we need, even more than Kamala or Trump. That's right. Hey. Over here.
Hello. Who's talking about Christ? We're talking about Jesus Christ.
I'm in love. Thank you. We love him. Mom, you hear this?
They're talking about Jesus. Who was we just talking about, Mom? Jesus. He is in charge.
Victory belongs to him. And there's no Lord. People think they own things, but they don't own nothing.
Jesus owns it all. Thank you. The cattle on a thousand hills,
Mom. I love y 'all. Thank you. I got another question for you. It sounds like you know our Lord Jesus Christ.
Yes, I do. He's my personal... Oh, I'm voting for him. Are you going to vote in the election?
Yes, I am. I have to vote. My vote matters. Of course
I'm going to vote. I definitely ain't voting for Trump. Sorry, y 'all. I'm going to vote for Kamala because I love
Jesus. And I know Jesus is going to make it rain. Can I give you a reason why it would be better to vote for Trump? Why do you think that?
I'm praying for Trump because I like him. I feel like he turned his head at just the right second. So that bullet didn't take his head off?
I don't think that was real. You don't think that was real? No. I don't think that was real.
I think it was hoaxed. I can't... That's not a falsifiable claim.
I can't argue with you on that. But I'm going to tell you this. Kamala Harris has in her platform the federal right to kill a baby in the womb.
And funding for Planned Parenthood. But how could you as a Christian... You gotta tell her too. She said yes, she has.
She agrees with you. You can't vote for the killing of babies. These are innocent lives. You're so right about that.
That doesn't just make me not want to vote for someone. Because I don't want us killing each other either.
The racism has to stop. The killing has to stop. The bad communities have to stop. It's not about black people.
It's about love your neighbor. Love your neighbor matters. Love each other.
Unity. No division. So as soon as you get me somebody that can get that together, then we'll say, let's vote for that.
But I'm voting for Jesus all the way. Because when it comes down to it, revelation is gonna win. And that's what's gonna win.
He's coming back. He's here already. I just want to remind you that since 1975, 60 million innocent babies have been slaughtered in the womb.
And guess what? God's gonna deal with that. He's gonna deal with those people. Like he's dealing with them now. He's dealing with that.
But God's gonna ask us if we stood in the gap for them. Listen, you gotta rescue those who are being carried away to the slaughter.
Another 60 million babies are gonna be killed in the next 20 years. Unless we stop. We gotta stand for truth.
We can't start funding it and giving money to Planned Parenthood to set up pregnancy clinics in inner cities where they want to kill black babies.
And we don't need that. No, because Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, was practicing what's called eugenics.
Trying to snuff out the African -American race. Because she considered it inferior. And Planned Parenthood is gonna receive a big boost of cash to do more of that in the very neighborhoods that we're trying to defend.
So if you love your neighbor, you gotta love the most innocent among us. The most vulnerable. The smallest, the littlest baby in the womb is being slaughtered.
And we gotta stop that. So you gotta vote for Trump. Well, it's a lie that I came from an alcoholic mother. And he was drinking with me in the stomach.
But guess who saved me? God. So there's more things we gotta deal with.
You're passionate about that. I'm very passionate about abortion. I believe every child matters.
Every life matters. But if you wanna have passion about that, have passion about everything in the world.
Yes, like socialism. If they bring in a socialist, like, let me give you an example. When Biden put in that $6 trillion spending package where they printed the money, do you know the result of that?
That's why the inflation, the box of cereal costs $8 instead of $4. Because of that inflation.
If you just print money and flood the economy with it, the price of everything goes up and now we can't afford it.
So that's called socialism. And the result of it is that it hurts the most vulnerable people around us.
So people are gonna laugh because they're God -haters. They don't love the Lord Jesus Christ. But listen, the truth is that socialism destroys everywhere it's been trying.
I hear. In Russia, in Venezuela. And they're trying that here. The more they do that, the more it hurts people.
So if you love your neighbor, don't let Kamala impose socialism on this country.
Well, I don't wanna let Kamala do none of that. I'm not voting for that. But that's what she said she's gonna do.
Trump said a lot of what he's gonna do too. Yeah, but I don't see the same. He doesn't even say black rights.
Do you think he's racist? Yes, I do. I really do. Because he's never dealt with us.
You gotta communicate. You see what you're doing right now? You're sharing. You're talking. You're communicating with me.
A lot of people do this. We need to do so much more of this. Exactly. So when we start living and being the change we wanna see, then we talk about what
Kamala's doing, what Trump's doing. Because we can't point fingers. Because the finger's gonna be pointed right back at us.
Be the change you wanna see. It starts with that. If you feel like there's a problem about...
then you be that change. Like you're fighting for. Continue to be a positive change. Thank you.
I appreciate it. Because this takes a lot. You're standing for something.
Because a lot of people have fallen for anything. And that's something I do not agree with. We gotta stand for something or you will fall for anything.
When you're alone in that booth to cast that vote, nobody's gonna see what you vote.
But there is one who sees. And it's three votes here. I have a 19 and an 18 year old.
Okay. You could probably convince them, right? But there is a God in heaven who sees you and he sees everything you do.
Actually, he's living through me. Yeah, if you believe in Christ. We can tell. I think she's a
God -fearing... I am. But I think you're 99 % with us with everything we agree.
The only thing we disagree is you should probably vote for Trump because that's better for our neighbors.
I appreciate Trump. I really do. And I actually care about him. I do.
I've been praying for him the moment he became president. Okay? Because it's a lot that he didn't deal with.
But I feel like instead of y 'all talking and voting for Trump, y 'all need to give a big hug to Trump.
He needs a big hug. A big hug. A tight one. You think he's just got a chip on his shoulder?
Yeah, that's it. He would be a better president. Hug him. Genuinely.
Hug him. With Christ. If this word is from God, pray about it. He'll confirm it to your spirit that when you're alone in that voting booth, pull that lever for Trump.
Not for his sake, but for the sake of the babies in the womb who are being led away to the slot. I appreciate that.
I just don't think that will be the only thing that I would want to push his lever for. Yeah, but I would say the other things are actually better too.
You're so right. But I'm going to pray strongly on my pushing that lever. Yeah, please do.
I'm going to be there for him. Yes, he will. What's your name, by the way? I'm Jeff. I'm Donna.
Celeste, beautiful. Don't forget that, Celeste. Where do you go to church? Holy Ghost Headquarters.
We have a podcast. It's called Tearing Down High Places. Oh, I love it. Does your pastor talk about politics?
Yes, he does. He talks about praying for Trump, praying for Camilla. Because to be honest, y 'all,
I wasn't born into politics. I was born into the spirit. So my grandmother raised me, and I'm an action person.
I'm on these grounds making sure Christ gets pointed to. And these kids get fed.
Spiritually. Because school is not going to feed their spirit. They're killing themselves because of their education.
So we need more. I'm the change I want to see. They call me
Average Joe. These two guys are the pastors. Oh, wow. I've seen you somewhere before.
Where do you pastor? We're actually in New Jersey, Mount Laurel, New Jersey. Our thing has been on the internet.
No, but I've seen you somewhere before. Have you been to the Temple Church? Cornerstone?
There's a Cornerstone in... Was you there? Yeah, I was a missionary there. I grew up there. My grandmother was Orleans. We all used to live on Orleans Street.
1941 Orleans Street. 1944 Orleans was my... Martha, I remember you.
Miss Tina. That's my aunt. Get out of here. I got chills. I remember your face.
Yes. No, but you still got the same... Did you know that one, two, three all used to live on Orleans Street?
Wow. Pastor Joe Darrow. Yes. My whole family.
What's your last name? I'm Brown. Donna Brown. Tina was my aunt.
Shelley, Michelle, Martha Jackson was my grandmother. And all my cousins was at that church.
Praise the Lord. Do you think this is a coincidence? No, it's not. But guess what?
I appreciate this moment. I appreciate this moment. I'm grateful. I'm grateful for y 'all.
And I love y 'all more. Trump don't make me. No, no, no. This is more important.
Jesus Christ is the same. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Yes. Tell Miss Tina and the whole family, and Little Sincere, tell her we love her.
I've prayed for her ever since. I still remember them. Well, bring her back out.
Bring her out of that. When I knew her, she was six years old. Help her come out of that in the name and by the power of Jesus Christ.
Guess what? We won Aunt Tina. Aunt Tina is living for price. Aunt Tina is living for price.
I remember that family. She was a great grandmother, and she was raising all the generations.
Say it again. That's my mother's system. Yes. My mother was a drunk, so you probably don't know her, but she would wander around.
That's why she was raising the kids. I was a picture on my grandmother's wall, but I know
I remember your face. And you've done a lot for Kensington.
I can't even know this Kensington right now. I went to Madsbaum. That's where I graduated from, Frankfurt and Allegheny.
That's where we did the block parties, the big evangelistic festivals. Thank you. The Lord bless you,
Donna. Give them a message from me. Just remind them that the Lord Jesus Christ is
King of kings, Lord of lords. You know this. Call this little girl out from the darkness and into the light.
Remind her about the love of God. She won't remember me because she was like six years old, but she might.
She'll remember that table that we had shipped up from Dallas. Clint Harp, who is the guy from Fix Her Up, sent that table up.
Remember Trina? Yeah, she passed away. She had an aneurysm and didn't even know and was ignoring it.
And she got eight kids. Yes, you remember that? I remember they had a lot of kids.
I didn't know the number. Yeah, she got eight kids and she passed away. But God, I'm a cycle breaker.
I'm a cycle breaker. I broke the generational curse. We're going to pray for you. Father God, we lift up Donna and pray for an anointing from the
Holy Spirit to fill her with passion for the truth of the whole word of God that she would go back to this family and call them to Jesus Christ.
To repentance and to faith. Lord, would you grant that in Jesus' name? Amen. Thank you.
The Lord bless you. That's my favorite song. Let the
Lord bless you and keep you. Oh, yep. I love that song. Thank you.
What's your pastor's name? Right now, Mark Hatcher. Pray for him.
It's Mark Hatcher. Would he come on Tear Down High Places and talk about the election? You know what?
I'll talk to him about it. I sure will. That would be a blessing. That's why
I told you I didn't know my name. It's because I'm always telling some of these other pastors that won't talk about politics, how's an average
Joe like me going to be able to apply God's word in this very confusing world
I think that's so true. with so much deception and so many wolves. Wow.
That might be a fruitful conversation. That's a fruitful and a beautiful conversation.
Let's do it. You gentlemen have been I just got out of work. You gentlemen,
I'm just getting out of work and this has been like we just had church right now. I appreciate it.
Let me tell you I have awakened a whole medical school with the word of the
Lord. Do you know that somebody stopped me today and it was the most beautiful thing for them to recognize that I was a believer that I was a
Christian and I started to cry because remember what he said it takes one. She said
I don't know what your name but I've been hearing you I've been there since all summer. She said I can tell you are a strong believer and I want to thank you.
Amen. You got to be the light. Yes you do. It's a beautiful thing to continue my walk and walk into y 'all.
This was God. It had to do with Trump. Yes he does.
And this was a blessing. You gave me a new foundation of faith on Trump.
See if the family will go back out to Cornerstone Community Church. I'm still trying to call him. Wait till my aunt hears you guys.
Is that your aunt that you were talking to on the phone? That was my spiritual mom from my church.
We were really talking about what's going on. That was weird because I called her because now is the time that we're being challenged the most.
We're being challenged. That's why I'm giving you guys much respect standing out here doing this work of the
Lord for Trump. Cops are trying to stand around us and act like Jesus ain't got nothing.
They ain't got nothing on Jesus. The passion of Christ. They ain't got nothing on that. They can't touch that.
We're not haters. We're lovers. We're in a love life. They can't do nothing to us.
They can act like they're going to do something but they can't. We're standing in a gap for them.
They don't even get it. But it ain't for everybody. Many are called.
Few are chosen. I have an anointing on my life. This is the beauty of how
I walk. I'm so grateful to be walking in his freedom and his faithfulness. Somebody want to say hi to you,
Antino. Alright. Go ahead and say hi. This is Pastor Jeff from Cornerstone Community Church.
How have you been? Good. Well, I hear that you're walking with Christ and that gives me great joy to hear that is the case.
Tell her who you asked for. Tell her who you asked for. Oh, I wanted to talk to Tina. Yeah, but tell her who you asked for.
Oh, for Sincere? I was telling Donna that we've been praying for Sincere ever since you guys were our next door neighbors.
We were at 1941 East Orleans Street. You were a couple doors down. And we knew this little girl.
We prayed for her and all the kids there. And we still are. We're praying,
Tina. Hey, do you still have that table that Clint Hart made and sent up? That one table?
No, I don't. When I left from down there, everything was taken. All my mother's things and everything was taken from me.
But you know what they couldn't take is the Lord Jesus Christ. Say it again. Say it again. They can't take that.
Amen. Alright, Tina. I'm so glad to hear your voice. Hey, go back out to Cornerstone Community Church. I'm sure
Bill Curry and Joe Darrow and Andy Schultz would love to see you. I would love to see you in New York.
Alright, well maybe we'll meet up there sometime soon. Alright, God bless you.
Alright, we'll give our information to Donna. Alright, bye -bye. Thank you so much.
That's a blessing to me. That family was so important to me. Tina, I looked at this man and we talking for a while.
And I said, I know this face. This face look familiar. And he said,
Kensington, yes, he's still tall. And he's still good looking. Look, I gotta give him that.
How old is your daughter? So, my daughter's going to her senior year of high school. Senior year of high school.
And the son, they wouldn't have noticed that. He was born when we moved down the street there. He's going into high school this year. She's in high school.
Oh, wow. That is crazy. God is something else, I'm telling you. And they out here promoting and fighting for Trump.
Christ's people. Look at the Lord. Make you have a new aspect for Trump.
These are true Jesus people. I know. They vote for our community and the kids. Like, come on.
You know that my auntie. God bless y 'all. Serious.
It's so nice. I love y 'all. Thank you so much for this, okay? We're in our prayers.
You've got that content. The email is on the website. You can reach us anytime. And I start
Bible school tomorrow. I'm going to Bible college. That's amazing. I'm going to seminar school.
I start tomorrow. Lehigh Bible College. Is it a deliverance? Lancaster Bible College.
He's newly married. He's doing great. Oh, good. Somebody snatched him up. Can I get a fist bump?
Ready? That's my beet smoothie. Jesus loves Trump. Jesus loves
Trump. That's right. We sure do. You may not be voting for him, but maybe you will.
It depends. It's what the Lord shows me. That's right about there. If the
Lord... Look, Cornerstone. You've got to see some of Pastor Jeff's sermons. Can I tell you?
He did make me the chief Cornerstone. The cornerstone of our living stuff.
Right on him. First Peter 2. The first will be last. I love the last. I'm alright.
I'm good. The Lord bless you, Donna. Bye, Donna. The Lord bless you and keep you.
Take care, y 'all. Bye -bye. How about that? That's crazy.
Why don't we just sign it off? Alright. Amen. The Lord bless you.
With that, I think we're going to sign up. If you see a brother down... Help me out again.
He's trying to pick me up. Help him up. And if you see a high place...
Down. A little closer to each other and I can be a little further away.