The Coming Evangelical Pivot (If Biden Wins)

AD Robles iconAD Robles




Okay, so here's my prediction for tomorrow. I think Donald Trump is going to win the election. I've been saying this for the last,
I don't know, 11 months or so. But he might not. And that's, you know, listen, that's just a fact that we all have to face.
And to be honest with you, you know, if he doesn't win, you know, I'm going to be just fine.
I think that you are as well. I think, though, that we'll recognize that hopefully it'll light a fire under some people to recognize that, you know, you can't just sit on your hands here.
You've got to prepare for the future to not be like the present or the past or things like that.
We're going to have to come up with some kind of a game plan for what do we do when we're forced to go underground?
Because they're coming for the churches, no question about it. They're going to use hate crime legislation. They're going to use fairness laws and employment.
They're going to use all kinds of stuff like that to make it impossible to run a biblically faithful church on their watch.
And so you're going to have to go underground. There's no question about that. And we're going to have to prepare for that eventuality for churches being a lot smaller than we are used to them being and a little bit more underground than we're used to them being.
And let's just face it, though, like there's there's a whole litany of people that are ready to run state -sponsored, state -approved churches the way that the state requires them to do it.
So you're going to have those kinds of churches. They're going to still exist. They're not going to they're not going to ban churches in general, but just going to set up certain rules that biblically faithful churches would not be able to meet.
But that's really a topic for a different video. What I wanted to talk about today is the coming pivot.
That's right. There's a pivot coming, and I want you to be ready for it because we don't want to find ourselves in the exact same situation in four years that we're in right now.
Right now, we've got all kinds of evangelical leaders, even the ones that we thought were so super conservative, bending over backwards to ease people's conscience, to vote for baby butchers, to vote for people that have an upside down worldview, to vote for people that want to use the authority of the state to force
LGBT indoctrination on your children if they go to public schools and things of that nature. It's completely unbelievable to see the amount of people that have signed their names on this dotted line where they want to ease people's conscience.
After all, we got to come to the same table even if we support the worst party that I can possibly imagine in 2020.
It's unbelievable. So everyone's doing this. Everyone and their mother is trying to make it seem like it's legitimate for a
Christian to vote for Joe Biden or Kamala Harris. It is not legitimate. Nobody has made a good case for making it legitimate.
Nobody has made even attempted to make a case of how it's different or better than voting for the
Ku Klux Klan party in the United States or anything like that. Nobody's even attempted to make that case.
They just are asserting it. It's different. And they're just expecting us to believe them. Jonathan Lehman's done this.
The Defendant Confirmed podcast has done it. Kurt Kennedy did it. John Piper's doing it. Look, they're all doing it.
Right. So but here's the thing, though, guys, there's a pivot coming if Joe Biden wins the election, because these people want to maintain their conservative bona fides.
It's very important, important to them to appear or to at least pretend like they're conservative.
That's why you'll get something like Jonathan Lehman will say it is a sin to vote Democrat, but I don't think
I should confront anybody about it. I can come to the same table even though you're an open sin, in my opinion.
We can all pretend like you're not sinning, even though I'm saying that you're sinning. You see, it's very important for him to kind of maintain an air of conservatism to it.
And so there's a pivot coming. There's a pivot coming. And what they're going to do if Joe Biden gets elected is they're going to pivot very conservative.
Now that it doesn't matter anymore, now that there's nothing they can do about the rule of the Democratic, progressive, insane communist socialists, now that there's nothing at stake, they will hit and beef up their conservative bona fides just to get that street cred back that they lost.
In fact, I think there's a rebrand happening right now in Big Eva. I think things like the
Defendant Confirmed podcast, where Jonathan Lehman will go on that podcast and and get some pre -approved questioning and stuff like that just to make sure that they're not too agreeable, but not too aggressive either.
It's all like it's it's all it's all what's it called? Controlled opposition, right?
I think there's a rebrand coming within Big Eva. It's already underway. So what you're going to get is you're going to get this pivot and they're going to start to take hard stances and courage and they're going to be saying all the hard things that they that they're expected to say and stuff like that.
And we're going to stand against the LGBT. We're going to stand against abortion all when it doesn't matter anymore.
Now that the election is going to be decided, they're going to pivot and pretend, well, I'm concerned. I've been conservative this whole time.
And let's just make no mistake about it. Don't forget what happened in October of 2020.
I'm not saying don't forgive if they repent, if they repent and they say, oh, woe is me.
What have I done? I can't believe I did that. I'll never do that again. That's different.
If that's the case and someone repents, you can absolutely forgive them and that kind of thing. But if they do the thing that Big Eva always does and pretend like they never did anything wrong, like this is what
Big Eva does. Tom Buck the other day was he was trying to find a video where Danny Akin was talking about how we need to look at the root causes of the riots and stuff like that.
And by the way, let's not act like we didn't do anything like that kind of thing. And what they did is they deleted it.
They just took it off the Internet. No repentance. No, I'm sorry. No, I was wrong. Nothing like that. The thing is, when conservatives make a change in policy or change in this, we draw attention to it.
We say, look, I used to believe this. Now I believe that. Let's talk about it. When liberals do it, they pretend like it never happened.
It went down the memory hole. It never happened. I never I never said that. I never said such a thing. Even Joe Carter was doing this the other day or yesterday.
Somebody found a tweet where Joe Carter said that people who vote for Donald Trump should be church disciplined. And he said,
I never said such a thing. Well, yeah, he never said such a thing in his fantasy world because he deleted that tweet.
But luckily, people have known Joe Carter's game for a long time. So they screenshot everything and we found the screenshot.
He definitely said what he said. He never said. Now, listen, people forget things. That's fine.
But we need to have actual repentance. And so when this pivot comes, what we need to ask these people is when
Jonathan Lehman pivots, when when John Piper pivots, when these people pivot and they start to say, well,
I'm a conservative lion and stuff like that, we need to ask them, OK, so what are you saying then?
Are you saying you were wrong before and you're apologizing now and it'll never happen again? Or are you going to pretend like you never did what you did?
We all remember we're not going to forget. You either repent or you don't.
But the thing is, we're not going to trust you on these issues until you demonstrate over time that you're actually doing the right thing now, that you're actually willing to fight this fight.
Nobody's going to get behind you in this fight if you're going to pretend like you actually did the right thing during this fight, because we know so many of you did not.
We know that. And so the pivot that's coming, guys, it's coming. Get ready, because you're going to see everyone and their mother,
Al Mohler's already doing it. Al Mohler kind of he listen. People say that he kind of tests to see where the winds are going.
That's true to an extent, but he's he has a little more foresight than most people in Big Eva. I think
I think Al Mohler kind of sensed that this is the time to pivot before everyone else pivots.
Al Mohler was the first guy to pivot and he's he's he's trying to get his conservative bona fides going this and that.
But we need to see actual repentance here. We can't just pretend like you haven't hired all kinds of liberals at your seminary and fired all kinds of conservatives at your cemetery.
You can't pretend that because we remember that we actually hear what you're apologizing for, what you're sorry for and things of that nature.
Like, guys, don't be fooled by the coming pivot. If Joe Biden were to win the election,
I don't think he's going to. But if he does get ready for it and don't forget that we need to actually see real change, not just pretending like it never happened, but I'm the conservative lion that I've always been.
That's probably what David French is going to do. And all these guys are going to do that anyway. I hope you found this video helpful.