Who is the Lord?



If you would open your Bibles, that was the response
I expected. We will open our Bibles very shortly.
As we come to the Word of God this morning, I want to ask a question.
I want to ask a question to stir our minds. I want to ask a question, and then my desire really is to try to answer that question in some small way.
It is an ancient question, if you will.
It's a question that was first asked a millennium ago, thousands of years ago.
But I will say this, that it is as relevant today as it was when it was first asked thousands of years ago.
And the reason for that really is simple, is that in many ways there's nothing new under the sun.
And what has been will be again, and particularly when it applies to the heart of man, because my friends, the hearts of men have not really changed since the fall of Adam.
It doesn't mean that man hasn't grown in wisdom and knowledge and things like that, but as far as the very heart of man, this question is certainly applicable, and the answer is extremely important for us.
So I want to ask a question, and I would say that all of you have asked this question yourself, whether verbally or perhaps only in the thoughts of your mind, but I would entertain that every single man, woman, child has asked this question in one way or another.
It applies to all kinds of people. The question is applicable to kings, the question is applicable to servants, to those that are rich, to those that are poor, to those that are from our day, or those that, as I said, are from thousands of years ago.
It's a question that crosses civilizations, it crosses cultures, it crosses nations and governments.
In other words, this is a question that everybody is faced with. It is a question that, as we hope to answer, has been asked by philosophers, and it's also been asked by people in the most remotest of places, and the answer to the question is as wide as the diversity of man.
Some have answered this question in the most absurd ways. It's a question that has been asked only by men in the sense that you and I are made in the image of God.
Amen? I don't believe that my dog has asked this question. You know, we laugh at that, but let me just tell you,
I one time was faced with a woman who came to our church, came to our
Bible studies, sat under the ministry and the preaching for months, and then one day at Sunday school, after Sunday school, she asked me if her dog would go to heaven.
And I said, no, ma 'am. And she started to cry like a baby, and she said, if my dog can't go to heaven,
I don't want to go to heaven. Amazing. Amazing.
But nevertheless, this question has been asked by man because he is the crown of God's creation.
He is the one who bears the image of God, even though that image has been marred by sin and rebellion.
And so I ask this question to all who have the very image of God.
Now, I want to also say this. I didn't start this way just to try to trick you.
In other words, I'm not going to ask a question that I found in some
Bible trivia thing, but I want to ask a question, and in many ways, it's a simple question.
And yet, in many ways, the answer is one of the most complex answers that could ever be thought about.
See, what I'm really trying to do right now is I'm trying to get your interest going. But it is truly a simple question, and yet the answer is the most complex, mind -boggling, astounding answers that could be given.
And as I said, it's a question and then an answer that every religion under heaven has asked, and then attempted to answer.
And as I say, the answer has been a cause of much joy to some, much sorrow to others.
These religions that have sought to answer this question have led to wars, hatred, murder, sorrow, division, separation.
I mean, not to move off the subject. Do you not think that what's going on in the Middle East is a result of men's thoughts concerning religion?
Nothing new under the sun. And so I hope at least to create some interest this morning as we lead into this.
And then, my friends, I know I probably have bit off more than I can chew, but I'm going to go as long as I can go before you start to get up and walk out.
And we will ask God's blessing on it. So before we open the
Word, let me ask you to just bow with me and ask God's blessing.
Our Father in God, again, we dare to approach you. We are thankful to approach you.
We are so encouraged to approach you through our Lord Jesus Christ, who so loved us that he gave himself for us.
And now, Holy Spirit, we ask you to come and to be our teacher, to be our guide, to open our eyes,
Lord, to pull back the curtain just so we can get a glimpse of your greatness,
Lord, of your majesty, of your glory, of who you really are, and then because of who you really are, who we really are.
Help us to see you, Lord, and help us to see ourselves. And may the words of my mouth and the meditations of our heart be acceptable in your sight, for you are our rock and you are our redeemer.
Amen. Okay. Turn in your
Bibles to Exodus, the fifth chapter. And this is, as far as I know, not perhaps the first time the question was asked, but it's the first time it was asked and recorded in the
Bible. It's a question that was asked by a king,
Pharaoh, king of Egypt. Let me read to you in chapter 5 just the first two verses, and you will see the question in verse 2.
Afterward, Moses and Aaron went in and told Pharaoh, Thus saith the
Lord God of Israel, Let my people go, that they may hold a feast to me in the wilderness.
And Pharaoh said, Who is the Lord that I should obey his voice to let
Israel go? I do not know the Lord, nor will
I let Israel go. And the point for our thoughts this morning is exactly what
Pharaoh says when he says, Who is the Lord that I should obey him? You know how many have asked that question?
Who is the Lord? Who is this God that we came to worship this morning, friends? Now, if you don't know the context, most people will, but if you didn't know the context, the context is certainly that God has put
Israel in bondage to Egypt, that he might redeem Israel from Egypt.
And God has sent Moses, who he has been dealing with for 80 years, to come to Pharaoh with his brother
Aaron to declare the very word of God. And as he comes, and he approaches this mighty king who really thinks that he is the all in all, and they tell him to listen to the words of the
Lord, and that he ought to let the people go so that they might worship the
Lord, Pharaoh thinking he is the tip of the spear.
Who is this Lord that I should obey him? I will not let the people go.
Now, I don't want to spend much more time on the context of this, because I really want to focus in on his question.
But you remember, it's funny, I told brother Mike what I was preaching on, because we usually would tell each other what we're preaching on, and he said, yeah,
Pharaoh ate his words, and they were bitter. And my friends, the answer to this question is absolutely essential, because those who get this answer wrong will be eternally sorry.
Who is the Lord that I should obey him?
And the reality is, he's going to find out. And I just love to say this, so I'll say it.
God never loses. God has never suffered defeat.
But Pharaoh is going to suffer a horrible defeat.
And so this is where I want to jump in this morning. I want to jump in, and I want us to try to answer that question, who is the
Lord? And I want to answer it, hopefully, as time would allow, under five different headings.
One is I want to look at the eternality of God. And then
I want to ask us to think about the immutability of God, and the goodness of God, and the wrath of God, and then the gospel of God.
Now, I'm not sure we'll get through it all. But I will say this.
The more we know of who the Lord is, in his being, in his character, in his essence, the more we will worship, praise him, and the more we will lose our own selves in him.
You might not agree with that, but I will submit to you one of the most practical ways to grow in the grace and knowledge of the
Lord Jesus Christ, of this God who we worship, is to learn about him.
And so, let us begin by beginning to think about the eternality of God.
Who is the Lord that I should obey him? Friends, God has no beginning.
Let me come over here now. God has no end. Who is the
Lord that I should obey him? He is the eternal being who has neither had a beginning nor an end.
He has no start point, no finish point. Now, if we were just to stop there, and the
Spirit of God would take hold of us, that would be in and of itself enough to humble us, don't you think?
How can it be there is an eternal
God with no, if you will, no reference of a start or a finish point?
This one who has subjected everyone and everything to the captivity, if you will, to the boundaries of space and time, this
God that we worship is outside of the very boundaries that he binds everyone and everything else with.
This one who his word declares who alone has what?
Immortality. Dwelling in the light that no man approaches.
Just try to think about it. Before anything existed, God is. I wish I could do this like 14 times.
Before anything existed, God is. Before this universe, before the planets, before the creatures, before, if you will, celestial beings, terrestrial beings, before angels, before principalities, before powers and dominions, before light, before darkness,
God is. Who is the Lord that I should worship him?
God dealt all alone as one Lord, three distinct persons, all of the same essence, all of the same substance, and God was perfectly content for all eternity.
Man, you and I can't even be content for five minutes. God has been eternally content.
God has no wants because he alone inhabits eternity.
God has no needs. My friends, if we were to begin to think about this, it is truly unsearchable.
That's why the psalmist said that God's greatness is unsearchable.
That doesn't mean we can't know of it, and it doesn't mean we can't rejoice in it, and it doesn't mean we can't humble ourselves before it, but what it does mean in its absolute totality, listen, finite will never fully comprehend infinite, right?
Why? Because we're bound. Because we're creatures of time. Because we had a start point, and Lord knows we had a finish point.
How could those that are bound understand the one who is boundless? I want to just address this.
I want to look at a scripture or two. If you would, turn your Bibles just for a moment to Psalm 90.
And by the way, this is how I started to think about this message because those that know me,
I read the Psalms a lot, and I was reading Psalm 90, and all of a sudden
I started to consider the very being of God.
So read it with me. It's a short psalm, and we won't look at too many scriptures this morning, so let me ask you to read it with me.
It's a prayer of Moses, the man of God. Lord, you have been our dwelling place in all generations.
Before the mountains were brought forth, wherever you had formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, you are
God. You turn man to destruction and say, return, O children of men, for a thousand years, and your eyes and your sight are like yesterday when it is past, and like a watch in the night.
You carry them away like a flood, and they are like a sleep in the morning. They are like grass which grows up in the morning.
It flourishes and grows up in the evening. It is cut down and withers. We have been consumed by your anger and by your wrath.
We are terrified. You have said our iniquities before you, our secret sins in the light of your countenance.
For all our days are passed away in your wrath, and we finish our years like a sigh.
The days of our lives are 70 years, and if by reason of strength they are 80 years, yet their boast is only labor and sorrow.
For it is soon cut off, and we fly away, and who knows the power of your anger? For as the fear of you, so is your wrath.
So teach us to number our days, that we might gain a heart of wisdom.
Return, O Lord, how long, and have compassion on your servants. Satisfy us early with your mercy, that we may rejoice and be glad all our days.
Make us glad according to the days in which you have afflicted us, and the years in which we have seen evil.
And let your work appear to your servants, and let your glory to their children, and let the beauty of the Lord our
God be upon us, and establish the work of our hands for us.
Yea, establish the work of our hands. Can we not see this contrast here?
He speaks about man, and how man is so frail, and so fragile, and so temporary, and it's contrasted by the reality that he's from everlasting to everlasting, before the mountains, before those great structures that we think will never be moved, and by the way, they'll be moved by the very breath of God.
He speaks in a way to cause us to ask that question, who is this
Lord that I should obey Him? He is the everlasting
God, before the very structures.
Let me put it to us this way. God never gets bigger.
Come on this side now. God never gets smaller. God is.
Remember what Moses said? Who should I tell who sent me? You tell
Him I am sent you. Is that the
God we came to worship? You know friends,
God is not the sum of men's imaginations. He's not.
God is the eternal, self -sufficient, glorious God over all.
Now I read the other day, and I'm not certain it's true, but I read, and it must be true because I asked
Google, I asked how wide was the universe?
And the answer was, and I could have gotten it wrong, but I don't think I did, they said that they believe that the universe is 93 billion light years wide and deep.
And before all of that, God is. Not subject to it, not bound by it.
Speaking it into place by His very breath and thought.
I hope we can begin to understand. Pharaoh, you ask some dumb question. But I wonder how many people today,
I wonder how many even right now with all the hubbub about hurricanes and storms and storm surge and flooding,
I wonder how many people today, right now, are thinking more about whether their house will stand than the reality that the
God who is in control of it is the everlasting Lord. He is, my friends, exactly who
He declares Himself to be. Isn't it great that our
God never gets tired? Good, amen. Has anyone here ever not been in a place where you're tired?
Has any of us ever been in a position that we had a need? Has any of us ever been in a position to do whatever we are pleased to do?
I mean, totally free. No, but our
God is, because He is eternal. It's interesting.
I know Brother Mike had brought this up in Bible study. It's interesting in Psalm 50.
I got it right this time, right? In Psalm 50, God says, You really thought that I was someone like you?
Who do we think we are this morning, friends? We are the subjects of the eternal
God. I'll tell you what, that takes hold of us, and we'll blow the roof off of this place singing.
I'll tell you what, that very thought of God having no beginning, no ending, if that will take hold of us, it will radically alter our lives.
And I'm as guilty as everyone else. I was up 2 o 'clock this morning because I'm crazy, but Brother Mike probably just as crazy as I am, and I was worrying.
You want to know how silly man is? You know what I was worrying about? Gee, Lord, if it really rains, nobody will come.
And then I started to think, what am I going to speak about? I'm speaking about the very fact that God, who has no beginning, no end, is not bound, controls everything, as if God is not in control of accuweather.
Now, I'll never get through all of these. And again, friends, I'm just trying to ask
God to just pull the curtain back just a little bit. Because if we really, listen, friends, if we really saw
God for who he is, we'd fall on our faces dead.
And I know I say it sometimes, and I'll say it again. When we see
God in the person of his Son, we will explode.
We will absolutely be unable to speak a word, at least in the beginning.
I always get a kick out of people. When I get to heaven, I'm going to ask God a couple of questions. He ain't going to do nothing like that.
Because Pharaoh found out in the depths of the Red Sea who was the
Lord that I should obey him. He did indeed eat his words, brother, and they were bitter.
Now, before we move on to the next thought, and the next thought being as mind -boggling as the eternality of God, I want to say this, that in God's essence,
God is absolute in every part of his essence.
And that some of these thoughts will overlap, but I hope we'll understand that that's because, again, we're just reaching in many ways to try to understand the one who in fullness is beyond understanding.
And we'll talk about that a little bit as we go on. What I want to talk about next is the fact that when
Pharaoh asked who is the Lord that I should obey him, the answer is the
Lord. And by the way, I didn't mention it, but as we read Psalm 90, that word,
Lord, the very first word, Lord, you have been our dwelling place in all generations, it's the word
Adonai. And Adonai not only gives us understanding of God as the creator, but of God as the what?
The sovereign ruler and governor over it all. The one who has no enemies.
But I want to speak about, just for a moment, the immutability of God. I might throw out some fancy words this morning.
I might even talk about impassibility. And I might even talk about God being simple.
But right now, the immutability of God. Simply put,
God does not change. God does not change.
He is the father of lights with what? With whom there is no variableness nor shadow of turning.
That this God that we worship is the
God who has always been and shall always be and he will never change.
That's what he says in Malachi, right? I change not.
Well, friends, we change, I don't know. Last Sunday, I changed my clothes three times before I came here.
Well, I said, uh -uh. Went back in the closet, came out and said, uh -uh.
We're so changeable. We're so movable. God never changes.
Isn't that great? Come on, man, isn't it great? Of course it is.
We're not worshiping a God of man's imaginations or man's creation. We're worshiping the only true
God of eternity and he never changes. And I heard some talking about it this morning.
But let me just say this. God's not the subject of evolution. God is not subject to evolution.
It's so foolish of man to think that we are the subjects of evolution when the
God who never changes says that he created us in his image.
How foolish to think that we are the product of evolution. Isn't it interesting that those who believe in evolution, somehow we went from, and I know,
Judah, you were talking with Brother Mike this morning about it. We went from being, I don't know, space ooze or space whatever.
Whatever's out there or we started as a toad or I don't even know where, because they can't even agree where we all started, right?
But somehow along the way, we went from having no conscience, no understanding, to all of a sudden have a consciousness of God.
Because every man has a consciousness of God, doesn't he? I don't care where you go.
Everyone has faced that question, who is the Lord? And as I said, they've come out with the most absurd of answers.
But God, who is changeless, spoke this world into existence according to his pleasure.
We live in constant change.
Like I said, I change my clothes and our bodies certainly change.
You see the Olympics, that little girl that won all those gold medals? Man, I can't even do that stuff in my dreams.
They say that that little girl, and please don't take it wrong when I say little girl. I know she's not as old as me, because she's as old as me, she can't do that kind of stuff.
But they say that she can jump 12 feet in the air if she's flipping. Man, I trip over 12 inches.
Don't laugh, because so do you. But listen, we're all subject to change, aren't we?
Our bodies are changing, our situations change, our emotions change, our understanding changes.
Life is changeable. That's how people say the most constant thing is change.
God never changes. And thank God he doesn't.
Again, could you imagine if God was like us? Gods and nations will spring up.
Even Brother Mike's been teaching in Daniel of those kingdoms that were raised up.
And by the way, raised up by who? The everlasting, immortal, eternal God, right?
And where are they now? A lot of them are buried in the depths of the sea. Where are those great pharaohs that ruled and kings and thought that they could enter into the next life with their goodies?
We're still picking their graves, aren't we? Because everything changes. Just think about it.
There's some kids here, I know we're missing some. I'm going to ask you kids a question. How many of you kids have never seen a phone booth?
Now, I'm not talking about TV. Have you seen a phone booth, Mackenzie? A real, live phone booth?
You think so? No, you haven't? My granddaughter's 21 years old. And I asked her,
I said, Maddie, did you ever see a phone booth? She said, what? We laugh, but everything changes, doesn't it?
Do you think people 200 years ago thought that we would fly around the world in hours or days?
Things change. God never changes. God never alters anything.
This is where I'll bring up that word, impassibility. There's probably a greater definition, but simply put, what it means is
God doesn't suffer anything from the outside. Nothing alters the being of God.
That doesn't mean God doesn't grieve. We don't have time for that. But simply put, there's nothing that changes
God other than God's decree, purpose, plans, according to his desire.
He cannot deny himself, friends. Pharaoh, man,
I wish you were in Sunday school tomorrow. I wish you were here this morning, Pharaoh, but you're not. But you know what?
There are multitudes of people today this morning who would ask that question that Pharaoh asked, and they would answer it in the most absurd of ways.
From the one who just flat out denies that there is a God. We know the answer to those, right?
They're just a fool. The fool has said in his heart, there is no God. But you and I, by the grace of God, by the mercy of God, by the goodness of God, by the breath of God, the
Holy Spirit, we know the Lord. We know who he is.
And we are on a journey, because that's what the Bible says. It says we're on a pilgrimage. And as we're being carried across,
God is, little by little, revealing himself to us, not only of his commands, but who he is.
And it ought to cause our worship to grow. This wasn't something
I was going to say, but I am going to say it. If our worship of God is not growing, something is desperately wrong.
I'm not talking about if we're not growing in just pure knowledge. I mean, all of us can't be a savant like that man,
Brother Mike. We ought to be able to grow in grace.
God should get bigger, shouldn't he? We should get smaller, shouldn't we? Because he never changes.
And listen, this is so cool. If you think about it, if God never changes, then guess what?
His Word never changes. Because it's his Word. You know how many people try to twist
God's Word? You know how many people try to dilute God's Word? You know how many people try to malign
God's Word? Well, you know what the Bible says? The Bible says that God's Word is forever settled in the heavens.
It's interesting that the Bible also talks about God and his eternality and says that God's kingdom is an everlasting kingdom.
And God's throne is an everlasting throne. And God's arms are the everlasting arms.
And it's the same thing concerning God's immutability, the fact that he does not change.
His Word is not subject to man. Man is subject to his
Word. And it's never going to be changed, friends.
I'm going to say something because it's on my heart. Men and women will tell us today that women have entitlement over their own bodies.
And it's a woman's right to do what she will with the life that's in her womb.
It is not. Because God's Word says he creates in the womb and he is the giver of life and he is the taker of life.
And you can call it whatever you want to call it. You can call it entitlement. You can call it, I don't care what you call it.
Fix it up, paint it with rainbow colors. And guess what? Abortion will still be murder.
And abortion will still be sin. And no one's going to dilute it, change it, or alter it.
How do I know that? Because God declares it that way. Well, you sound like a
Republican. I hope I sound like someone who's read the Bible. God never changes, my friends.
And that ought to humble us this morning. It ought to drain some of the foolishness out of us.
All right, let me just quickly... I can't see the clock, so I don't know what time it is.
But I want to talk for a minute about the goodness of God. That God is not only everlasting with no beginning, no end, no, no, he's not subject to anything, but he subjects everything to himself.
And God is immutable, and God doesn't change, and God doesn't alter the word that's gone out of his mouth. And God's kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and God's throne is an everlasting throne.
But here's something, friends, that ought to just cause us, if you will, our spiritual heads to stand up, and it's the fact that God is good.
You remember when the Savior came into the world, friends, as God come in the flesh? And you remember what
Jesus said? There is none good but God. There is none good but God.
Who is the Lord that I should obey him? Said Pharaoh. I'm going to read to you just a quote from Thomas Manton.
If you've never heard of him, you should. He's a real good writer. Thomas Manton says this concerning God's goodness.
He said, He is originally good, good of himself, which nothing else is, for all creatures are good, only by participation and communication from God.
He is essentially good. Not only good, but goodness itself.
The creature's good is a super -added quality. In God, it is his essence.
He is infinitely good. The creature's good is but a drop. But in God, there is an infinite ocean or gathering together of good.
He is eternally and immutably good, for he cannot be less good than he is, as there can be no addition made to him, nor no subtraction taken from him.
And friends, there's a lot of truth in that. It's interesting how men will have these conversations, you know, they'll have these really big philosophical conversations.
Well, what do you think? Do you think man is basically good, or is man basically evil? And that's been a conversation that's been asked over the centuries, over the millennium.
And there's always been a response, well, you know what, man's got some issues, but man's basically good.
God alone is good, because it's the very essence of God. Listen, God is simple.
And what I mean by that is not God is slow. I don't want to get struck by a lightning bolt, especially when we're in the area here, so I want to stay clear.
But God is who he is in absoluteness.
In other words, God doesn't have the attribute of goodness and the attribute of anger like we do.
See, we're complex. We're made up of this, we're made up of that, we've got this attribute, that attribute.
Whatever God is, God is in absoluteness, in his essence.
Listen, God doesn't have the attribute of light. God is light. God doesn't have the attribute of love.
God is love. There's a great distinction between that, friends.
And the goodness of God is in his absolute essence.
God, I don't know if I could say it this way, God couldn't help but be good.
And by the way, there's no clash with the fact that God is good and God is angry.
It's us that are deficient, not God. Who is this
Lord that I should obey him? He's the Lord of glory. Could you imagine, friends, what this world would be like if God wasn't good?
That he opens his hand and satisfies every living thing?
God's even good to the fire ants that bite our feet. And I might ask that question in a million years or so.
Like, Lord, please explain the goodness of fire ants to me. But God is good.
And you know what? God is good to all. God is good to all, friends.
God allows us to breathe his good air. And God allows us to eat his good food.
And God allows us to behold his good creation. Because when he created it, behold, it was what?
Good. We messed it up. And yet we still get to enjoy it.
And for all that, the way so many people live their life, as if to say,
God, go to hell. I'll do what I want to do, when I want to do it, for as long as I want to do it.
And who are you to stop me? Take a trip over to the
Red Sea, see if you can find some bones laying in the bottom. You'll find your answer. God is good.
So many people think that. You know, one of the problems with, to me, as far as the goodness of God, is that men think it's their right.
Now, I'll say it this way. Men think it's their right that they should be born with two eyes and two ears and a nose.
Listen, it's because of the goodness of God. Because God is good, only good, always good.
Isn't that something about the Lord Jesus Christ? He went around and what does it say? He went around and all he did was good.
Everywhere he went, he did good. He healed, he supplied, he taught, he did nothing that would prove to men that he wasn't good.
And what did they do with that goodness, friends? They nailed it to a tree. You see, because men think that goodness is their right.
Goodness is no more our right than the right to be eternal.
Remember what Paul says to Titus? I'm just going to read it. He says, Because we ourselves were also once foolish, disobedient, deceived, serving various lusts and pleasures, living in malice and envy, hateful and hating one another.
But when the kindness, and I submit to you we could say, but when the goodness, when the kindness and the love of God our
Savior towards men appeared not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy has saved us through the washing of regeneration and renewing of the
Holy Spirit, who he poured on us abundantly through our Lord Jesus Christ, that having been justified by his grace we should become heirs according to the hope of eternal life.
Friends, that ought to break our hearts. That ought to cause us to fall down on our knees and give thanks that God is good.
And who is he good most to? Well, he's good to everyone, but he's so good to us.
The earth is full of the goodness of the Lord. You know what it says in Jeremiah? And I said this to you last week and I'll say it again this week.
If you have not read Jeremiah chapter 31 in the last week or so, go read it. You know one of the things it says in Jeremiah 31?
God says, My people shall be satisfied with my goodness.
Isn't it great that God is good? Do you love him because he's so good to you?
Or is it all just about complaining and moaning and groaning?
There's that and the other thing. When this eternal glorious being has not only created us, but has given us hearts to know him.
I'll say to you this way. I think it's good for us once in a while to have a good cry about the goodness of God.
How many of us have ever cried about God's goodness? Oh, we probably have cried about God's goodness to us.
How often do we cry and give thanks to God that he's good to all, the just and the unjust?
That he doesn't cut men off. So often is
God gracious in sparing people and allowing them to turn and repent.
Remember that scripture in Ecclesiastes? Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the hearts of the sons of men are fully set to do evil.
God is good. I'm sure
I'm glad that God is good. Because in 1977, if God had taken me,
I would have been lost for all eternity. But in 1978,
God saved me. He gave me a new heart.
He's given me life. And I'm his and he's mine for all eternity.
That's why I say sometimes it's good to have a good cry about this God that we worship.
Well, I knew I wouldn't get any further. I kind of felt like this is where it would end because I want to do something in closing.
I was going to speak about the wrath of God. Maybe at another time. But remember, God's anger,
God's goodness, all that God is, is in no way a conflict.
And if you want to use that term and say God is simple, tell somebody that God is simple enough.
Would you say? And then you'll have some time to explain it to them. But I want to close this way, friends.
I want to read a chapter in the Bible. And you might not think that's the best way to close.
But to me, this summarizes in many ways what I've been saying. And if you will, at least some thoughts about the gospel of God which is found in Christ.
And so I'm going to ask you and I'll do it without any words. Turn to Romans Chapter 2.
I'm going to read Romans Chapter 2 and then we'll pray. I'm reading
New King James. And Paul says this after saying that God has made known his invisible, his attributes from the things that are made.
Even his eternal power and Godhood. And Paul has talked about how all men are before God. And then he says this in Romans Chapter 2.
Therefore, you are inexcusable, O man, whoever you are who judge.
For whatever you judge another, you condemn yourself. For you who judge practice the same things.
But we know that the judgment of God is according to truth against those who practice such things.
And do you think this, O man, you who judge those practicing such things and doing the same, that you will escape the judgment of God?
Do you despise the riches of his goodness, forbearance, longsuffering, not knowing that the goodness of God leads you to repentance?
But in accordance with your hardness and your impotent heart, you are treasuring up for yourself wrath in the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God who will render to each one according to his deeds.
Eternal life to those who, by patient continuance in doing good, seek for glory and honor and immortality.
But to those who are self -seeking, do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, indignation and wrath, tribulation and anguish on every soul of man who does evil of the
Jew first and also of the Greek. But glory and honor and peace to everyone who works what is good to the
Jew first and also to the Greek. For there is no partiality with God.
For as many have sinned without the law will also perish without law. And as many have sinned in the law will be judged by the law, for not the hearers of the law are just in the sight of God, but the doers of the law will be justified.
For when Gentiles who have not the law by nature do the things contained in the law, these although not having the law are law to themselves who show the work of the law written in their hearts and their conscience bears witness and between themselves their thoughts accusing or else excusing them in the day when
God will judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel.
Indeed you are called the Jew and you rest on the law and you make your boast in God and know his will and approve the things that are excellent being instructed out of the law and are confident that you yourself are a guide to the blind and a light to those who are in darkness, an instructor of the foolish, a teacher of babes, having the form of knowledge and truth in the law.
You therefore who teach another you shall not teach. Do you not teach yourself?
You who preach that a man should not steal. Do you steal? You who say do not commit adultery.
Do you commit adultery? You who abhor idols. Do you rob temples?
You who make your boast in the law. Do you dishonor God through the breaking of the law that the name of God is blasphemed among the
Gentiles? Because of you as it is written. The circumcision is indeed profitable if you keep the law but if you are a break of the law your circumcision has become uncircumcision.
Therefore if the uncircumcised man keeps the righteous requirements of the law will not his uncircumcision be counted as circumcision?
And will not the physically uncircumcised if he fulfills the law judge you who are even with your written code and circumcision are a transgressor of the law?
But he is not a Jew who is one outwardly nor is he nor is that circumcision which is outward in the flesh but he is a
Jew who is one inwardly circumcision is that of the heart in the spirit not of the letter whose praise is not from men but from God.
I pray that we are those who in our hearts worship the living and true
God. Let's just close with a prayer. Our Father in God, thank you for your word,
Lord. Thank you for your truth, Lord. Lord, thank you for who you are. Thank you that you're so high and so lifted up.
Thank you for your for being so infinite and yet, Lord, to be so intimate.
God, how can it be that you you are so big and yet you know the very numbers of the hairs on our head you know the thoughts that we think before we we think them,
Lord. You control it all. Oh, God, give us a heart to see you just a little bit more,
Lord. Just to see you Father, Son, Holy Spirit the one true
God for who you really are. In Jesus' name, amen. So we come to the table as we do each week and it's not as an aside but as a just as much a a picture just as much a part of our worship as anything else that we have partaken of today whether it was the singing, the preaching the praying, the reading and we do so because this one that he's preached of today he instituted this.