A Dividing Line I Cannot Summarize!


We have a guy at Apologia who posts hilarious out-of-context quotes from the sermon on our member's page. I need someone like that to listen to every Dividing Line and come up with a brief, yet usable, title, because with programs like today, I just have no idea. We covered the Washington State law that would allow the state to mutilate your children, by force (seriously). We discussed a bit more about what is just wrong with the phrase "white evangelicals," and I spent a fair amount of time considering some of the important aspects of the "Christian Nationalism" discussion.

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Well greetings and welcome to The Dividing Line Just a reminder that Next week.
I'll still be here in the valley the week after that we head out on a major 25 day road trip heading into,
Texas Oklahoma just south of Nashville or north of Nashville.
I think it's a little north of Nashville Gonna be at Mark Grimaldi's Church Well, that's a that's a name from the past Something tells me he's gonna look a lot older than he did last time.
I saw him as will I? But I knew Mark back During the days when we went to Long Island in the 90s and into the early 2000s
During the the decade of the great debates and things like that but he has escaped
New York and And we'll be we'll be there and so yes and Rich's office right now is a complete disaster
Because the majority of the basic material for the new studio is sitting there and He's gonna be he's gonna be very very thankful that I paid to have a 50 amp
Plug Circuit put into my home system and then we bought
Do you have any idea no one who's never RV'd have you ever picked up rich ever picked up a 50 foot long 50 amp extension cord
I Don't know how much metal there is in that thing Given how much it costs.
It's a lot But you know how to you know who had to bring that in from the porch after his liver it wasn't me
Yeah, we were here that was delivered Tuesday Kelly was home not feeling real well and I said hey there's a package up front and My poor little wife had to bring in that 50 foot long 50 amp extension cord
But rich will be happy that we have that Because as he is as I'm putting stuff in the back of the
RV He'll be putting stuff in the front of the RV and both air conditioning units will be running.
I'm sure It's not gonna be hot for us. I Think it's 93 95 for a high somewhere around in there for us
Even in late April, that's nothing We've we've blown through a hundred many times in the past got close just last week 99 once anyway so he's gonna be putting all the stuff together and you get to watch as we figure all this stuff out because it will it will require there'll be some whoopses and stuff like that is a learning curve on the
Stuff in there that I'm gonna have to be learning how to do and stuff like that, but I'm excited about it I hope everybody else is too
Obviously once I get really good at it, then we can start doing more than just me sitting there and I'm I'm hoping someday to do a debate in there.
Why not? Might as well It's that not with somebody else in the in the actual unit.
That could be dangerous But online we'll see we'll see what happens with that so Yeah, so that's coming up and that means
Not next week with week thereafter we will have on the road Dividing lines a road trip dividing lines going on and In the new unit, it'll be exciting.
You can still help us with that in the spirit of the Sister who was talking about buying another
Knob for another kitchen drawer you can do the same thing as well at a
Omin org and help us to finish paying off the the whole project At the same time, you know you look out over the world and you see
Beautiful good things and you see unbelievably horrible things all at the same time This morning
I carried my phone with me. Well, I always carry my phone with me, but I kept it out so I could watch
Was doing a walk Doing more walking these days and Watched the
SpaceX launch of What I understand to be the most powerful rocket designed by human beings
This morning and Was very thankful that it got off the ground got got it way up there and to be honest with you
It failed right as it was trying to do something. I've never seen anybody else but SpaceX ever do
Where they they turn the rocket and do stuff like this and I've just never you know
NASA never even tried to do stuff like that and One of the things I really appreciated about it, you know, they were very excited about it
They were lowering expectations from the start Because as soon as I tuned in they're saying, you know, as long as it clears the launch pad, we'll be happy Okay.
All right. Let's lower the expectations here as much as possible But one of the greatest things about having
Non -governmental entities Having NGOs You know
The private sector doing this is They have a sense of humor and they really seem to enjoy it
I one of the things that was I was listening and They had a microphone in the place where all their people were gathered and they're just going nuts during the countdown
You know, it would get past a certain point in the countdown. There's those all excited and and That certainly added something to it but they have a sense of humor and so SpaceX tweeted
Following the and I don't have it right in front of me. I retweeted it but following the exciting test launch of the
Starship We then had the spectacular Sudden sudden disassembly which is a
Really cool way of saying it blew up Sudden yeah unplanned sudden disassembly.
I think it's how they put it. Yeah. Yeah, I think that was Yeah, yeah it right yeah, okay, hold on a second now that I now that I've done now that I've done that Because I specifically yeah, here it is as If the flight test was not exciting enough
Starship experienced a rapid unscheduled disassembly before stage separation
Starship experienced a rapid unscheduled disassembly Means it just went boom
Undocumented enhancements Hey, you know they knew it could happen in fact,
I think they expected it to happen at some point And I just think it's awesome that because I'm sorry
NASA would never say that let's just be honest you'd never I just can never ever imagine
NASA talking about a Sudden unexpected where's where's
Marty the Martian when you need him? Yeah, it went kaboom Yeah, it did but it got way up there before it did it and When you have 33 rocket engines firing all at the same time
Bad stuff can happen. So there's something good. I mean, you know, they're literally talking about a manned
Space station on the moon for crying out loud You know when they do that what what do all the skeptics what are the skeptics gonna do
About the moon landing so they can say it didn't happen back then but now it has happened or something. I don't know.
I have no earthly idea, but Anyhow, so you see something like that and I'm like, ah, it's it's exciting.
I mean, I'm a child I sat I Sat in school more than once watching
Apollo launches and moonwalks and and stuff like that when I was a kid So I'm from back in that that era and It's exciting to see
I Do have to sit here and go How much carbon dioxide do 33 high -powered rocket engines produce?
I? Mean did that one test launch offset? Every Tesla that has ever been driven
It really makes you it really does make you wonder a little bit about that That yeah, anyway, so you've got the good stuff
But then you may Again it's the issue of what media the state -controlled media and I just love how
Twitter has been putting titles on State -owned media to call it state -owned media
And they get all upset and we're not gonna do it on Twitter ever again. It's like, okay fine.
We all knew all about you anyways And and at the same time, you know all sorts of censorship going on on YouTube and stuff like that but the biggest thing is
You probably didn't hear about it, but Washington State Remember there were it was
Washington, California, and I think Minnesota if I recall correctly were the three states
Right now That had bills in their legislature that basically had the same effect
Washington went first in Giving to the state now.
I know this will end up at the Supreme Court and And One heart attack and one more
Socialist president and the Supreme Court the
Supreme Court's ability to Maintain even the pretense of constitutional law will be done
But Washington State has Claimed the authority to Give to itself the authority to remove children from a family from a home if the parents refuse gender care now if anything illustrates the fact that language
Has to be based upon a Worldview that requires honesty that phraseology does it's it's like call.
It's you know, it's a reproductive health. That means Vacuum sucking the arms and heads off of an innocent child in the womb.
That's reproductive health That's reproductive care So you specifically and purposefully use language to hide
The real meaning of what's going on So that you can scream about it out in the open and Call anybody a bigot that is against providing
Gender -affirming care. What is gender -affirming care gender -affirming affirming care? From the time it starts from the first thing as long as you put some foreign substance in the body
Whether it's cross -sex hormones Whether it's giving estrogen to a male or testosterone to a female whether it is any kind of mutilation of healthy undiseased body parts
Mastectomies removing sex organs Faking sex organs all sorts of stuff like that.
What you're doing the instant you start is you are condemning that person to life -long
Degraded health and a much shortened lifespan. I guarantee you without question without question that any individual
Who has gone for 20 years? Injecting themselves with the hormones of the opposite sex will not live as long
There will be cancers. There will be degradations of body systems You just watch it's there isn't any question about it is mutilation.
It is sentencing someone to an entire life of Dis -ease disease
They will be a medical patient. They will have to be going into the doctor Every few months for the rest of their life
That's what you're sentencing them to and they will never and once you do the surgery they will never ever get to be what
God created them to be I have At my age now
I have seen generations born and have come to recognize the
Spiritual reality of the beauty and scripture speaks of this over and over again
It speaks of the beauty of fatherhood the beauty of motherhood the beauty of the nurturing of the mother of the infant upon her breast and So what does a utterly corrupt evil society do?
But convince young women that they should cut their breasts off and Pretend to be something they will never ever ever be
Their pelvis will never be a male pelvis It will always have been designed to allow a baby to be born because that was their that was their intention
I was God's intention and how they were created and so the state of Washington in its abject
Hatred of God and that's what it is. It is an abject hatred of the
God that created us formed us Gave us
The understanding of what we are to be and we have decided we hate that God we hate his ways and So we're gonna go the opposite way
So Washington State has claimed that the state can now if if you will not go along with your 11 year old daughter who because you were stupid enough to give her a smartphone or To not have the proper filters on a computer or sent her off to public school where the purple -haired
Transgendered teacher in social studies Convinced her that she's actually a guy because that's how this all happened.
This wasn't happening when I was a kid There was nobody was there anybody in high school in in Prescott Wearing purple hair and who was a guy claiming to be a gal
What would have happened? Would they have never been seen again? Probably bad that bad things.
Oh, yeah. Yeah, nobody in my high school It's what happening and the the numbers show it all of the studies show this is something that has begun not that there weren't a
Tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny number of people Who had quote -unquote gender dysphoria not what we're talking about today it has exploded since 2010 and What is required for the modern experience?
tick -tock YouTube smartphones and Educational system filled with radicals who could care less if your kid can read
But they need to make sure that your kid is transgender If you and I suggested this
I told everybody years ago when this book first came out irreparable damage It was interesting that even back then and there's much there's a much more development since it came out even back then
It was very clear that the majority of these individuals were in what we would call liberal households liberal homes
Because there weren't any Barriers weren't a guardrails to keep this insanity from infecting them and so if your 11 year old in Washington State comes home and says
I Want to start taking drugs that will not only stop puberty from taking place
But their chemical castration drugs for males anyways and They likewise end mental development.
It's great. It's wonderful and Mom and dad says no, honey all you've got to do is go to your principal go to your teacher and Report mommy and daddy and the state will come and get you and I'll bet you dollars to donuts
That very shortly. There will be another bill that will say that the state will need to provide the funding
For the mutilation of your 11 year old and there's nothing you can do about it. Yeah.
Yeah, they might throw mom and dad in jail, too That's possible. I mean That they won't throw murderers and drug users and stuff like that in jail, but if if you're if you're that evil
To not affirm the great moral good the new great moral good
That none of us had ever heard of before a burger fell in 2015 But that was so long ago now, right?
It's almost it's almost 10 years, right? Wow That's that's what we're that's what we're facing
And there are many many days I know God can do anything and God could bring and I pray that God does bring a great awakening
It will have to be radical It will have to be just so supernatural that Can't be questioned or doubted in in the results in the repentance
That it would bring that you want to know when a real revival is taking place is their repentance is There is there a
Detestation of that which God detests is there even a willingness to admit that God detests something?
There are so many false teachers So many fake Christians out there. I mean we have got so much nominalism
When it comes to the Christian faith, they won't even admit admit that God could ever detest anything
God doesn't God is all love So God loves everything and everybody
Including everything he destroys his creatures. Yeah. No, he doesn't Bible doesn't teach a God like that, but there are a lot of people who claim that anyways
I Know that God could change this nation I know that God could save this nation, but there are many days where I go.
I think it's beyond saving and And I think it's going to become the example for Centuries into the future of why
Secularism must never be allowed to spread its deadly poison ever ever again
We thought That the Soviet Union we thought that the myth that the a lot of more the the the millions of people that were killed by Stalin and by the
Soviets the repression the We thought that would be enough it would never happen again what's happening again
Mankind's memory is absurdly short Something's got to happen
To make it very very long and it may be something really really big like remember the
United States Nation to put men on the moon and develop the the sr -71 what a if you if you don't know what the sr -71 is you've missed out on a lot be perfectly honest with your life and It's sort of sad that they're all sitting in museums and hangars no longer functionally being used
Most amazing aircraft ever designed by mankind no question about it If you saw
Top Gun Maverick that thing he was flying at the beginning was sort of it looked like it looked very much like the
Blackbird it wasn't but It sort of reminded all this old folks of something like that.
Yeah that nation that did all that kind of stuff first well not first in space, but first to the moon and Technology and all that wonderful fun stuff
Absolutely collapsed why from within why because it embraced secularism and All the insanity that comes with it because that's what we're facing utter
Insanity we all saw the video of the guy the day. I wonder the FBI won't look into it But you've got the guy on Twitter of the day video came out some
Transgender perverted individual saying you try to keep me from going into the women's bathroom there'll be the last thing you ever do we all need to go out and get guns and when it's time for violence and and the
FBI Be honest with you the FBI today is like let's hope it happens Let's hope it happens that's that's the amazing part and I keep saying someday these videos we're seeing these things going on There's gonna be museums to the insanity of man
That's what's good, that's what's gonna happen now speaking of insanity Amongst us us
Christians I Again am pretty amazed at how many
Individuals were really quite upset At why any of us would have
Even the beginning of a problem with the phrase white evangelicals, and it seems like there are a number of people
Who start with a political definition rather than the theological definition? Especially when the term is being used by Christians.
It's one thing when the term is being used by some non -christian secular sociologist
We all know it doesn't actually mean anything Because it's just a description and 99 % of the time they don't know what the evangel is but the fact that you're putting a
A reference to the gospel Together with an ethnicity
With a skin color. That's the issue and I've seen people saying well why are
Why are white evangelicals Embarrassed about being white evangelicals, well, it's because you're an evangelical the rest of it shouldn't matter
That's why You're an evangelical period. That's it You go beyond that and you don't understand the evangel part.
There is no white black Asian Hispanic, whatever It's we're all one the gospel and as soon as you start dividing it up based upon and What does white mean?
When I was I don't you know, I would imagine that these go through cycles
But If you read much on the history of our nation
You know that there are periods of time where there were immigrations from various parts of Europe which allegedly to white people and Yet, you know that in the u .s.
the Italians Had tremendous challenges that they had to face
The Irish Tremendous challenges they had to face When I was young what was most common joke you'd have about the
Polacks And in fact, I'll bet you there's Dozens of Polack jokes in all in the family.
I'll bet you Archie I think if I recall correctly Archie told a lot of Polish jokes Can never happen today, but it was very common then and you look back at the history of New York and all the rest that kind of stuff and There have been tensions amongst white people and no one was ever sitting around going
But we're all white people What? No, we would we recognize the distinctions even then and so the whole idea
Yeah, why would you be ashamed of your people because they're not my people if You're a
Christian your people Share your standing before God your object of faith and your people
Come to the same table And again,
I'm not trying to argue. This is the way to do it because to be honest with you It's not as efficient, but I'm just I'm just gonna tell you because I had never experienced it
And so let me just throw it out there. I've mentioned this before Apology, it does the
Lord's Supper differently than I had ever experienced in Any of the churches
I was a member of Part of it went back to how apology has started out of a drug rehab thing and all the rest that stuff and all that kind of thing, but Now this is not actually super uncommon it was just uncommon in my experience
We come forward to partake of the elements We it's not in most churches.
I've been a part of you sit there and the deacons or whoever Passes the the tray of well, it depends on the church you go to but the little itty bitty crackers or Unleavened bread or whatever and then they can have you can have church splits over whether you're using leavened bread or unleavened bread and Then the tray of little cups of Grape juice or wine or sometimes both in the same thing, you know, what you have supposed to know which one's which we don't do that It's all wine.
Apology up and Then you pass that along and some kid reaches up and knocks it over.
It's just you know this We all know how that works Now as far as efficiency and time goes that's the way to do it
But to be everybody seated you can get that done in a matter of minutes
Have everybody get up into two lines and come forward 20 minutes at least 20 minutes but that's what we do and So to the elders,
I'm normally one of the two now if I've preached I don't necessarily do this but Normally Myself and Luke we
Stand there and As the last of the cups of wine are taken we take that tray off and move it out of the way
So there's no one beneath it So I get to watch everybody and It hasn't been an issue
But there could be an issue where you've got someone who's under discipline tries to partake the supper You've got to guard the table.
That's a whole nother issue. I'm not getting into that today But I get to stand there and watch and it's it's a common element of my
Prayers when I introduce the supper To sort of talk about the unity of the body that is displayed
Because it doesn't matter What color your skin is who your grandpappy was what's your ethnic heritage was nothing.
We've got White people and black people and Hispanic people and Asian people and Eastern European people and Russian people and Doesn't matter it doesn't matter at that table and that's
Same thing at baptism in the two ordinances that the Lord gave to his church
There is absolutely no place for ethnicity for a recognition of ethnicity
There's the unity of the body If you want your voting block there's your voting block but That's the problem is when you start talking about voting blocks.
So When people I have people literally I you're just you're just embarrassed about your people my people
My Scottish ancestors, I I remember I remember telling
I Remember telling a Pastor from Scotland That in my study of my
Ancestry I was struggling to find out whether my line came primarily through The McGregor's or the
Lamont's and I remember him saying to me. Oh, he says I hope you're a lament.
He says and McGregor's are a bunch of pagans Well, yeah, you know what you go far enough back and my ancestors were a bunch of pagans
Pasty white pagans from England and Scotland and Northern Europe And they were pagans and they were sacrificing the idols
So when you talk about your people What actually identifies your people for a
Christian there isn't any question about this there can't be any question about this and that's why I react so strongly to those people who just don't get this and You know who you are.
I've seen your videos and I'm worried about you
Because you're missing Basic foundational stuff here really basic foundational stuff be warned be warned
Now we've got all these I asked a brother and I didn't I haven't had a chance Once you start getting closer and closer to a trip you just got lost there's a lot of stuff you got it remember to do and Some of it is just so ridiculously mundane.
I had to make sure to bring in today and I need to make sure That when I pack stuff up to put in the unit, you've got these little things that you
You drop into the sewer system and you need to have them. They're very very important It's just one of a bunch of things that you just got to remember to you got to order them or Where'd I put him from the last trip?
so I didn't get a chance to Interact with this brother on this but I asked a question
Because these are questions look The questions we're talking about when we're talking about What the future?
Is supposed to look like what what is the church supposed to be doing right now? most of my life the church
Didn't say anything to the government at all other than don't raise my taxes most of churches that I went to There was nothing at all about the church's role in seeking to form the moral context of Life United States.
Okay, you had the moral majority you had Jerry Falwell But the problem was
Jerry Falwell and that form of fundamentalism
Wasn't based upon the theology That Jesus gave us at his resurrection
When he says all authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth because the theology of the majority of fundamentalism is
Jesus has all authority of all types in heaven, but on earth. It's just spiritual
There's nothing beyond that and I you know, so you don't you don't notice
That when Paul is reasoning with Was it
Felix or Festus? Why do they have why do they both have to start with an F E? That's just that's just not fair He's reasoning with the governor from the scriptures and He's talking about righteousness self -control and the judgment to come now
One future conversation we are going to be having I'm gonna find the time to get this done is
Is that judgment the judgment of Jerusalem in 8070 or the judgment to come at the end of time
It's the judgment to come at the end of time just so you know, but I realize there are people out there saying yeah
No, there's there's only one judgment. It was all in 8070. No, it wasn't and We're gonna be doing a deep dive into act 1731 and elsewhere in acts
To demonstrate that mellow does not always mean about to happen right now
There are people saying it they're wrong and we'll demonstrate anyway When Paul's Talking about the judgment to come he's talking to a governmental leader
And he is saying you will be judged as a governmental leader
Because Jesus Christ is risen to the dead and he is the one who's gonna be doing the judging So even so the quote -unquote moral majority stuff back in the 80s was a
Reflection of the fact that we saw what was happening but we didn't really have a coherent theology upon which to Say much about in essence, and so I asked a question
I'll get around to it. Eventually. Um, I asked a question I said if God were to fulfill the many promises that he has given and this is this is where eschatology comes in are we are having we're experiencing something where Most of us have an eschatology of tradition.
It's what we are raised with and It's so it's what we're comfortable with And so what's really uncomfortable and I've certainly experienced this
It's when you start realizing that your eschatology first of all must be I believe
Must flow naturally from your theology. That's why I've changed my position. It has to flow
Consistently from your theology, but that also means that you then have to act in light of it
So I was raised in eschatology as a kid Fascinating books loved reading them Wow.
Look at what's happening in the European Union Ooh, that looks like the ten -headed beast and you know, and then when you were done reading that You put the book down over there and then you live your life and it's not like There's really any connection
Because that's over there and it's not hooked in with your theology so I Asked the question if these promises of God Were to be fulfilled and a majority of a nation were to be the recipients of God's grace
Majority of a nation bows the knee to Jesus Christ says we want
God's blessing upon our nation and Therefore we want to live in light of his law.
Would it be acceptable for That nation to inculcate to put into effect
Laws that reflect for example Would it be appropriate for a nation to outlaw abortion?
Say you you cannot do this this is this is the murder of an image bearer of God and so it's a general it's a very general question and What I discovered was
The responses have all been Yeah, but what about this difficult thing here or this?
test case there Rather than yes in general It would be appropriate to do that because I think there are some
Conclusions eschatological conclusions that some people come to where they would still say no
No, it wouldn't be even though you know, I would then go so on what basis do you ask for God's blessing upon your nation if your nation shows no interest whatsoever in Bowing the knee to Christ and you're either gonna bow the knee to Christ or you could be in rebellion against Christ this idea of a neutral Somewhere in between That's a real problem.
I mean You know just simply on Epistemological grounds on apologetical grounds.
This is another reason why a lot of This it's interesting that the
Natural law Thomistic classical apologetics approach and The presuppositional approach not only do they have come to loggerheads there
But it transfers over to here too when you think about it because a
Thomistic approach allows for the natural law perspective allows for Neutrality a middle ground or a pretended
Neutrality where you're not specifically asserting fealty to Christ But you're not specifically rejecting it and it's like how does that work?
What does that look like? You either believe all authority in heaven earth has been given to him or you don't
If you if you believe that then you then you're gonna want to know what's his will If the if the tomb is empty if the tomb is empty, okay
And I need to remind everybody well, you can go back but I do need to redo that By the empty tomb scene back there and help with the
RV project. Um, and I linked on how to do that in a previous dividing line, but I need to redo that again
If the tombs empty Then That one has been resurrected and is at the right hand of God And if a nation wants the blessings of God you gotta deal with gotta deal with him
There's no there's no neutrality So What do you do about that?
but at the same time So those are the general things But it seems to me like right now.
I don't see that reference. I don't see that Reformation. I don't see that Third Great Awakening.
I don't see that revival taking place. So why are we arguing about stuff that?
Has no meaning and I can't see how it's going to have a meaning in my life Why why why are we hitting the hitting the brakes and going wait, well, we can't even consider that don't you think if If there will be this future situation where for example the second
Psalm which Cannot be argued is not central to the
New Testament's understanding of Christ Okay You know verse 7 he said to me you are my son today
I begotten you that sort of here's You know what the verse after that is ask of me and I will surely give the nations as your inheritance and the ends the earth as your possession now
One view of eschatology says yep after the second coming of Christ. Yep. Okay all's taken care of them
Then Christ will begin reigning and Us posties go but first Corinthians 15 says he must reign until all his enemies have been put under his feet and The last enemy is death
There's an order there And then others will say it was all meant spiritually so the nations are it's spiritual nations
Except the next verse says you shall break them with a rod of iron you should shout them like a potter's vessel That's used to describe
Christ rulership right after his resurrection. Oh So he is ruling and he is ruling spiritually but not just spiritually so If the son asks of the father give me the nations as my inheritance
Is is the father capable of doing that because see there's a lot of theological systems that say no
It's got to be free. Well So we can't even really be having this discussion with the non -reformed to be honest with you
Because they have Again I'll just straight up front. They have an idol in the way the idol of man's free will
Which scripture does not teach? But I just I came to the conclusion and looking at it's like have
I just simply bought into the idea That's just too much for God That's too much for him to do.
So let's say he does that Let's say those passages that talk about they'll come from the coastlands
Seeking after the law of Yahweh. They'll come to melt Zion and all the rest of stuff. Let's say all that happens and Now we're in that situation where the majority not just a loud minority, which is how we're generally ruled now but the majority of people
Actually give evidence Not of some External relationship to a church, but changed hearts and minds
Oh, you imagine how different this nation would be if a majority of people had changed hearts and minds
I can't imagine the paradise. It would be I can't you know
You could actually open a store and you wouldn't be looted You wouldn't have people just coming in walking out with your stuff and there wouldn't be any abortion clinics
Because people be ashamed There would be good proper shame in a society like that Just because of all the people living in a godly life around everybody else but Don't you think?
That if that kind of work of the Spirit was going on that it might also result in a significantly unified
Christian Church Because I have felt I have felt and said for a very very long time a
Unified Christian Church is a blessing upon a nation and therefore if God's judgment is coming upon a nation
Well look around Look around Look how
I mean on the last program
I tried to sort of bring people together and I tried to Avoid extremes
I tried to define terms I tried to say you don't have to agree with me But I think it's important that we all understand what's actually being said because you know
One thing my experience is and Doug and I are doing another sort of s -dialogue tomorrow morning And in fact, we'll be talking about his book
Oh Rich is going. Oh Good morning. Hi Well, you'll be working on the
RV after we get done with the sort of s -dialogue um Yeah, sorry about that It it is on my
Google Calendar, but I forgot to probably mention it to you But you probably looked at my calendar for a long time.
Anyway Anyway, we're probably talking about his book mere Christendom and and you know,
I've already read it. I Get the vibe But there are specifics that I as a
Baptist are like Don't you think that if we are in the midst of a move of the spirit that there will be even greater unity
Because like I said, I've learned in my conversations with Doug over the years That we've been doing a swear of s -dialogues
I've gone into some of our conversations thinking we were gonna be a good distance apart and by the time we got done and defined our terms
And Said well, what do you think about this? What do you think about that? we were a lot closer and we thought didn't mean we still saw eye -to -eye and So I was trying to take that middle road not the via media of Anglicanism Which has led to a complete dead end
But trying to go to scripture and Bring some light and there's just so many people right now that they have no interest in it
They have no interest in unity They have no interest in hearing another perspective at all and I would just think if the
Spirit of God were Active in our world some tells me we would especially those of us in the body.
We'd get along better We'd get along better. I I think some of our divisions are result of that But they're very much closely related to that One more thing as we only have a few minutes left in the program and Now Rich is trying to figure out how he's gonna do everything tomorrow.
Um there is a
I'm shifting gears here a little bit. There is a concerted effort
Going on and certain quarters To Try to cancel us not in the sense of get us off of social media though,
I'm sure they wouldn't mind but to Say to people, you know, we once recommended this guy and His books and stuff like that, but you know, we don't think that you should be listening to what he has to say anymore and The reason for this is always the same
There are people who are seeking to change the directions and the outlook of certain organizations and That becomes really obvious when you compare people who've been teaching and saying the same things for decades on end and The fact that other people are going a different direction.
So I keep hearing from people on Twitter, you know, for example,
I Responded to a guy named Paul Hess a couple weeks ago. Well, maybe a couple months ago now and I Refuted what he had to say
Demonstrated it was just completely bogus, etc, etc. So he blocked me on Twitter. Hey, I don't have any problem being blocked on Twitter I have a huge block list
Profanity anything like that boom gone. No problem But he blocks me on Twitter and then proceeds to lie about me and So I have to I'll end up somebody will send me something that hey, do you know why this person's saying this and I?
even when I try to go back and Like trace a thread to figure out where did all this start?
it's hard to do because well this person controls who can you know, you know, and you have to go into an incognito window and See who said what and all that kind of stuff.
So for example Paul Hess Posted and again again had to do the roundabout thing to get this stuff
Remember when I labeled James White a false teacher for his aberrant Trinitarianism and all the flack
I got If we look at an old James White debate by his own stated standard at the time 2004
James White would consider 2023 James White a heretic. And so what these guys are doing and sadly
They claim to be reformed Reformed people can be the biggest jerks on the planet just in case you're wondering
What they're doing is They're making assumptions. And so there's a there's a number of people who are simply lying about me
I have seen people saying that I'm EFS Eras anyone who says that is a liar and I'm not saying it's just misinformed
I have refuted that so many times that now it's just simply straight -up liar Um, he's a monothelite
Even even the even the thing they're they're quoting Can I point something out?
They're quoting from a debate on papal infallibility with Roberts and Jennis from Florida None of these guys have the guts to ever do a debate like that and you know, you don't
You don't you'll block me lie about me hide and you'll never get out there and Put your theology on the line in that type of a context.
You'd never do it. You shouldn't do it It would be a disaster But you know, you would never do it.
And So they're quoting from a debate on a completely different subject Where some Jennis brought up monothelitism?
Now so Jennis's argument there basically was well, you can't tell between duothelitism monothelitism just based on scripture
So you need to have the magisterium, huh? That's something I've warned a number of people about even today that Maybe a lot of this stuff has to do with promoting a form of tradition that becomes itself authoritative well interesting how that actually proves my point anyway, and I'm Defending a
Orthodox position there and then they're assuming that somehow I've changed my view today because now we're talking about Amongst Protestants not just dealing with The monothelic controversy and the fact that it demonstrated that Honorius was condemned as a heretic for hundreds of years by Roman Catholicism was so much for papal infallibility but now what we're talking about is where is the dividing line between identifying something as a biblically mandated belief and a creedally decided belief and Where is the line in all of this where you you pass into?
speculative theology where you leave the realm of apostolic revelation you leave the realm of Here is an apostolic
Teaching here's an apostolic teaching and here's an apostolic teaching when you put those three apostolic teachings together
They demand that we believe this okay that becomes a first -order derived from the necessity of scriptural teaching belief but when you keep going to the next step next step the next step you eventually get into a great deal of Speculative theology and there is a lot of that out there and there has to be we have to have a sound and meaningful methodology for determining what is what and which is which and so these guys instead of Looking at what
I've published or something like that. They're trying to find something because they're desperate. They can't take me on directly
They know that They know that every single one of them hides behind all this anonymity and stuff like that And they would never walk up to me directly
In a situation and try to establish their point Because they they know
I'm gonna Grab one of these things and go alright. Let's sit down Let's go here
And they can't go there. They know that they know that the stuff that they are trying to turn into The test of orthodoxy
Comes from centuries and centuries and centuries and centuries and sometimes millennia After the
Apostles and they know that but they're brave in their Facebook chat rooms anyway, and so they're
Coming to conclusions. Well, I think about Neal Sosinian and all the rest of this kind of stuff and and I heard somebody who likes to listen to James White say this and they were wrong about something and therefore
James White must be secretly wrong about this too It's pretty amazing.
It really really I Feel sorry for a lot of these guys because if you're spending your life,
I I don't have time to Even if I wanted to chase certain people around who
I know are very clearly they're going to various schools. They are Slandering me behind my back.
I know who you are and I know what you're doing and I feel sorry for you But here's and we'll wrap up with this.
Here's what you need to understand. Does it bother me that there are People who maybe are not getting the information they need to do the ministry they're called to do because they've been lied to about me and My material would have helped them to do what they needed to do, but they're not gonna have it
And does that bother me sure But in the long run, this is what happens
I'm just telling you nice thing about getting older is You get to see the long run.
I remember very clearly and I was gonna grab it, but I forgot to back in when
I was a seminary the big name in Reformed seminaries who was
Westminster Westminster, Philadelphia. This is even before California was even founded I think and And When Westminster spoke people listened, you know and So Westminster comes out with a book
Against theonomy now, I what's theonomy? Oh, I Wasn't something that I'd really heard of or anything like that and Westminster says it's bad and so it must be bad and So I Concluded that's not something
I want to even hear about and if I would hear somebody saying anything it oh I hope that's not that theonomy thing because Westminster says it's bad and So you can get
Young people I was a young person at a time. You can get young people To do what you want them to do by using your authority, but it doesn't last forever and Eventually what has happened over and over again when
I've had people slandering me and Lying about me and so I can't tell you how many people have come up to me and said, you know
So long. I just hated you because I've been told this and I've been told that and then
YouTube came up and Those Recommendations on the side
All sudden one of your debates popped up And I listened I listened to the debate and I was stunned
At the clarity of your presentation. You weren't saying any of the things I have been told you gonna be saying
And I listened to another one and then I got a book and I discovered I have been lied to and I've actually had people apologize to me as people said
I'm so sorry I told other people To that you're a bad guy too, and I've tried to contact as many of them as I could remember, but Please forgive me
That's what happens And so if you're gonna be going around telling people
Oh, he no longer believes what he used to believe or he's a monothelite or he holds the EFS or he's a neo -sassini
They're all lies, you know their lies You know deep down your heart their lies. I don't know how you look at yourself in the mirror in the morning
But here's the problem when you tell those lies Other people will find out about what the truth is and when they find out they may be coming back to you to ask
Why did you lie to me? But it does it just doesn't last for long lies are not you know
Lies don't have long lasting lives because they're in God's world and eventually God's truth runs over every lie.
And so I Would just ask anybody If you're gonna receive testimony against me or anyone else be a true
Christian and Double -check It's so easy in our day with social media and everything else to accept
Slanderous assertions about other people. I'm thinking about one very well -known individual.
I've never met him We had one exchange of emails once I've not read his books.
I don't know if he's read mine, but a lot of people say a lot of bad things about him
I've just never bought into all the bad stuff. I'm just like not my style, but I'm just not gonna
Join in with this kind of thing And you know what your conscience will
Be so much lighter When when you do that it really really really really well so anyway
So covered a bunch of that stuff Like I said tomorrow
I Don't know when that will drop but probably that's normally like by Wednesday of next week when the service dialogue drops and But Pray for Rich now, especially pray for rich now because now he's got to work harder
Because he didn't you know, what can I say? You know if he already had
Everything put together and in the unit we could just do it there see but doesn't so Who can he blame?
He'll blame me one way or the other. He's gonna blame me and Because I did think about Reminding him of it
But I didn't so there you go and so he already has the look on his face like oh, what was me?
I I am so abused and I'm gonna abuse you.
That's that's that's what's yeah I see what's coming. I don't it's gonna be it's gonna be rough anyway kids so next week
Uh It's gonna be busy but we're gonna do our best to be as much on schedule as we possibly can be even though we will be running around and doing all sorts of stuff and hoping that Certain places that say they're gonna do work for us actually do it on time and things like that You never really trust that We'll see you next time.