Joe Biden calls the majority of Evangelical voters garbage?


Testing The Spirits Podcast episode # 104 -Examining Joe Biden's statements in light of the Bible. A reminder that our fellow Americans are not the enemy they are the mission field. Ephesians 6:12-13 "For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand." Tags Trump Kamala Harris 2024 election trash #gospel Jesus #bible


Hello, and thank you for listening to the Testing the Spirits podcast. So I keep hearing about this.
People are talking about Joe Biden, how he apparently called Trump supporters garbage.
And I'm like, did he really say that? Well, here's the clip. Donald Trump has no character.
He doesn't give a damn about the Latino community. He's a failed businessman. He only cares about the billionaire friends he has and accumulated wealth for those at the top.
And he says immigrants are poisoning the blood of our country. Give me a break. He wants to do away with the birthright citizenship.
Who the hell said that in the last hundred years? And just the other day, a speaker at his rally called
Puerto Rico a floating island of garbage. Well, let me tell you something. I don't
I don't know the Puerto Rican that I know or Puerto Rico where I'm in my home state of Delaware.
They're good, decent, honorable people. The only garbage I see floating out there is his supporters.
OK, so he did say it, and that's pretty bad. It's common for politicians to attack one another, but to attack the voters, that's a whole different thing, because whoever wins, whoever is president, whoever becomes president, they are supposed to represent and serve the entire
American people. So to personally attack up to half the country. Yeah, that's bad.
So I wanted to see if Trump really said this. Biden made allegations about something
Trump said. So I wanted to see if that was true, because that would be bad, too.
Right. If Trump actually said that immigrants are poisoning the blood of the country, I found the clip.
And actually, Trump was referring to the Biden administration, that they in letting in 15 to 16 million illegal immigrants or whatever, that they that is the
Biden administration. They are poisoning the blood of the country. That's what Trump said. So what Biden is claiming is just another lie.
But I'm not here to defend Trump. The bigger point of why I wanted to do this video or podcast is because we have reached a point where there is very little civility here in the
United States of America and living in this culture. It's going to affect you and we need to be very careful.
So, yeah, there's very little civility in politics for sure. But when you're talking about, you know, speaking of poisoning the country, whether it's the news media telling their lies, whether it's
Hollywood filling people's minds with garbage or whether it's Joe Biden literally calling maybe up to half the country garbage, we need to be careful because the the temptation is to respond like Joe Biden is in the flesh and the temptation is to respond in the flesh and to just shoot back and to say all sorts of nasty and vile things in return.
So here's what we need to realize. This all of this influences people from the top down.
People follow leaders. So when those in power are saying things like this, it has a real negative effect on the population all the way down to your local communities.
So if you express an unauthorized viewpoint, let's say you're voting against the
Biden Harris agenda. Well, you have the president calling you trash. And what happens in your local community?
People that do get entangled with all of that, they start calling you trash.
They threaten you. If they find out you're voting the wrong way, they might vandalize your property.
I've seen that happen. Because what do you do with trash? Right. You get rid of trash.
It's like when they call Trump Hitler. Well, what would you do if you had a chance? What would you do with Hitler?
You try to take him out. So it's no surprise when they call Trump Hitler that eventually someone's going to actually try to take
Trump out. And that's already happened at least twice, if not three times. So this rhetoric is very dangerous.
And it could have an effect on believers, because many believers, all the stats show the majority of evangelicals are going to vote for Trump.
So Biden is calling most evangelicals, if you believe the stats, he's calling evangelicals trash.
So here's what we need to be careful. So our mission is to seek and save the lost, not to get entangled in the name calling, not to get sucked in to this fight, not to call the other side, well, he called us trash.
We're going to call him trash because that's what the flesh would want to do. Joe Biden is a man operating in the flesh.
That's all he has. He is devoid of the spirit. And when we hear him say things like this and when we see what he's advocating for, his ungodly policies, his abominations, quite frankly, you know, the temptation is to respond flesh versus flesh.
But what does the scripture say? Ephesians 6, 12 through 13 says, for we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age.
So just remember, we combat this stuff, not with personal insults and attacks.
We must respond not by fighting back, but by fighting the good fight of faith.
The weapons of our warfare, the Bible says, they're not carnal, they're spiritual. And what is our one offensive weapon?
It is the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God. So in conclusion, when
Joe Biden calls people trash or maybe Hillary Clinton, remember she said that people who vote for Trump, which again, the statistics say that most evangelicals are going to vote for Trump.
Hillary Clinton called them deplorable people, racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, just a bunch of, you know, the basket of deplorables.
And it's not just that she called them deplorable. She said that these people are irredeemable.
These people cannot be redeemed. And again, what do you do with people who cannot be redeemed?
You lock them up. You get rid of them. So again, very, very dangerous rhetoric.
But if somebody calls us irredeemable deplorables, here's what
I would say. I would say, no, I have been redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ. You know, enter, don't just shoot back with insults.
Bring God, bring Christ, bring the gospel into the equation. This is our mission.
The mission Jesus gave to the church. OK, the Great Commission is not to, you know, burn the liberals and, you know, and to just insult them and to, you know, shoot back and jab for jab.
No, our job, our job is to preach the gospel. OK, that's the
Great Commission. Preach the gospel to every creature. The gospel of Christ crucified and risen for the remission of sin.
Salvation by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone. So when these conversations come up, do not start arguing about politics with an unbeliever.
OK, talk about the word of God, bring Jesus into it, because that's what really matters.
That's the only hope for this country. If Trump gets in, maybe he can slow down the decay.
Maybe the economy will get better. It might help in some ways, but he's not going to turn this country around.
Only Jesus can do that. So that's why we need to fight back with the sword of the
Spirit, the word of God. And remember, they might hate us, but we need to love them enough to tell them the truth and to speak the truth in love.
I admit, yes, there comes a time and maybe Joe Biden has reached this state.
I don't know. Jesus in the gospel of John does say that people do reach a point where they can no longer believe.
I don't know who those people are. You know, the reprobates where maybe they've crossed a line of no return.
Those people do exist. And yes, I would say there does come a time where somebody so rejects the word of God and they get so mean and nasty towards Christians that yes, we don't want to cast our pearls before swine.
And if you think Joe Biden, his conscience is seared or whatever, you know, you're never going to meet
Joe Biden anyways, but you are going to meet his supporters. You are going to come into contact with Harris supporters.
You are going to encounter people every day who disagree with you. So that's where this matters.
That's where we need to remember our mission. Seek and save the lost.
And remember people who disagree with us, people who might even think that you're trash. They're not the enemy.
The devil is the enemy. They are blinded. They are actually caught in the devil's trap.
They are in his system. He has blinded their eyes. I'm not saying feel sorry for them, but they're not the enemy.
They're not the real enemy. The devil is the enemy. They are the mission field. So don't take the bait.
Keep fighting the good fight of faith. Keep supporting and being part of the gospel ministry.
If you're not part of a good Bible -believing church, that's more important now than ever.
So join one. And until next time, you know, stay positive no matter what happens in the election.
Remember, God's in control. We have a job to do. And until next time, may the Lord be with you.