4 Terrible Reasons to Oppose SJW Christianity

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If you oppose SJWs for these reasons....maybe you should reconsider/revisit.


Response to Matt Chandler ERLC #MLK50 Speech

Response to Matt Chandler ERLC #MLK50 Speech

Here are four really bad reasons to oppose SJW Christianity now I I think you should oppose
SJW Christianity because it's a horrible horrible thing but if you Use any of these four reasons
I think you should probably reconsider and maybe watch my video of the four really good reasons to oppose it
But the first real bad reason to oppose SJW Christianity is because you're a Republican That's a stupid reason to oppose
SJW Christianity. A lot of SJWs are Democrats. That's very true But here's the thing the gospel message is a political message
So don't let anyone tell you that it's not a political message and actually we'll talk about that in a second It's a political message, but it's not a partisan message.
And so Republicans do things that in my estimation are Against scripture.
I think that there are some things that you could look at Republicans Politics and their positions and say that's against scripture.
That's against scripture not all of them are against scripture, of course, but It's a really kind of a shallow reason to say well
SJWs are typically Democrats and I'm a Republican so I oppose it That's too shallow. It's not foundational enough and I think a lot of times
The SJW side will straw man their opposition As hey, they're just they're just rabid zealots for the
Republican Party and they don't really think about things too much So if that's your reason your primary reason for opposing SJW Christianity I would suggest you look into it a lot deeper and come up with some better reasons
The second very bad reason to oppose SJW Christianity is you have this idea that look you should just stick to the gospel
The gospel is the most important thing and all this other stuff. Just leave it aside. I don't want to hear it Well, that's really not a smart reason to oppose it because the gospel applies to every area of life including social justice
Now I think the SJWs Misapply the biblical standard of justice, but that doesn't mean that the gospel doesn't apply to justice it does
But you just need to make sure you have a foundation Biblically speaking of what justice is and how to implement it and and really what the goals of Justice are because they're not what
SJWs think they are So so this idea of stick to the gospel the gospel doesn't affect society in my social life and political political things
That's that's wrong. That's not a smart way to go because it definitely does you'll lose that debate
But the debate you will win is the one that says, okay, let's talk about biblical standards of justice
Let's talk about biblical standards of law and the SJWs have nothing to say there. In fact, you'll never find the
Bible talk about Proportional representation, you'll never find the Bible talk about robbing
Peter to pay Paul You'll never find that kind of stuff about generational sin where everyone's guilty for the assassination of Martin Luther King jr
They'll never find it because it's not in the Bible. They make that up as they go along and so You know if you say hey stick to the gospel
The gospel is the most important thing and that's your primary reason to oppose SJW Christianity. I think you should reconsider
Another third reason to to the really bad reason to oppose SJW Christianity is to say something like well
Martin Luther King was immoral He was serial adulterer and he was a heretic. And so therefore
I oppose, you know, you know what you're doing, you know Venerating Martin Luther King. Well, you know that might be true
Martin Luther King certainly seemed to be a heretic You know formal and not just yet he did had bad theology.
He was actually a formal non -christian heretic And he also probably it seems like he was pretty immoral
But that's kind of irrelevant to the issue of whether or not SJWs are right Martin Luther King aside, you know, you could still be right and your leader be wrong
You know what I mean? If if MLK was a leader, so that's a stupid reason I think as well because you got to understand that there's immoral people and there's heretics on The non
SJW side as well so they could easily turn that around That's a very poor reason to be against social justice warriors in the church
Another really bad reason to be a social justice warrior in the church And actually I don't think very many people ever say this but this is something that SJWs like to straw man as our position what they'll say is there is no racism in the church or there is no racism at All and that's not true
Of course people there are people out there that are racist. There are people in the church probably that are racist
I've never met one, but I'm sure that they exist What what what we do want to oppose is this idea that it's just rampant and obvious and nobody calls it out
Because here's the thing when churches come out and there's racist people in the church They're called out immediately and marked off and say well, that's not biblical that happens all the time
But this idea of sort of this kind of like secret racism where it's like you're not really racist
But you kind of have these you know Preferences and things like this is all nonsense They've redefined the word racism to make it sort of this rampant thing and it's just not reality
So on the one hand we want to admit yes, there are race Racist people in the world. There are racist people potentially in the church, but it's not this rampant problem
And so if you think there's no racism at all, that's a very bad reason to oppose SJWs But if you think that it's not rampant,
I think that's actually probably a good reason Anyway, I hope this was helpful And if you haven't watched my other video, please watch the other one for good reasons to oppose