Ligon Duncan Pretends to Care About Black People

AD Robles iconAD Robles




All right, well, speaking of critical theory, let's watch Ligon Duncan talk about how it's going to be in heaven.
Listen, on earth as it is in heaven, we pray that to God, and they did a podcast called
As In Heaven, and so I'm assuming that this is how Ligon Duncan thinks things are going to work in heaven.
Let's find out. Hold on, hold on,
I've got to put it in my ear, because otherwise you're going to get an echo and all that. Let's start that over and watch
Ligon Duncan. Ligon Duncan's the guy, you remember, he said he didn't really groove on Marxism.
Ligon Duncan don't really groove on Marxism. We did a whole video about that. That was a good one. Can you imagine the gospel impact if Bible -believing
Protestants, Methodists, Baptists, Presbyterians had said of their
Bible -believing Christian brothers and sisters in Baptist churches and elsewhere, you're not going to kill our brothers and sisters in Christ.
You're not going to defraud our brothers and sisters in Christ. You're not going to wrongfully imprison our brothers and sisters in Christ.
You're not going to mistreat our brothers and sisters. Can you imagine the gospel impact? Seems pretty good to me.
I mean, I don't want, I don't want people that are wrongfully imprisoned, whether they're Christians or not, actually, but especially if they're
Christians, I don't want wrongful imprisonments, mistreated, killed, like, I don't know, it stands to reason.
Let's see what he's going with this. Of that. And, you know, it's going to take us 100 years to overcome the trust issues that have come out of that.
You know, I tell people my very best black friends have trouble trusting me for really good reasons.
What are those good reasons? See, this is the thing, like, so he just got done saying, I mean, this is obviously out of context, right?
But talking about, you know, stealing and killing and mistreating. And so if they're not trusting you, does that mean that you were doing those things to them?
Stealing, mistreating, God forbid, killing? I mean, that would be a good reason to not trust you.
But surely he can't be talking about how, like, back in the day, they mistrusted, like, like, you know, white people back then were doing bad things to their ancestors, and now they don't trust you, even though you didn't do the bad things to them, and they weren't the ones that had the bad things done to them.
And somehow, that's a good reason to mistrust you, Ligon Duncan. That's pretty twisted, man.
I mean, I don't think that's how it's going to work in Evan, but maybe he's got another minute. Let's see if he explains himself.
Because people like me have been doing awful things to them and to their families for four centuries.
You know, it's going to take a while before the trust issues that exist between otherwise good friends in Christ are going to be addressed.
We've got generational issues. So he's got good friends in Christ that don't trust him because of his skin color.
Have I got that right, Ligon? You've got good friends in Christ that have really good reasons to mistrust you, and those really good reasons are you have white skin.
Now, I don't know, but the way I was raised, the way I grew up, I mean,
I'm not a genius or anything, but I think that's called racism. You know, remember the movie
American History X? Yeah, the movie American History X. That's where Ed Norton, he's a skinhead, and then the movie is like flashbacks from his life and stuff, and then it's like flashbacks, and then it's like in the future, but it becomes not a racist.
That's a pretty good movie. It's a pretty good movie. And then you see, what had happened was the reason why he became racist was because his father was a firefighter and was going into a black neighborhood to fight a fire because there was a fire in a black neighborhood, and his father was a firefighter, so he was going to fight the fire in the black neighborhood.
And when he went in there, there was a black crackhead or something that was living in the house, and the house was on fire, but he was out of his mind on drugs, and so he shot, because he thought they were breaking into his house, he shot the firefighters and he killed his father, and that's how he became a skinhead, because he was like, well, this is just how blacks are.
They're just killing people and stuff like that, so he didn't trust blacks in the present because of what they did to his father.
And we all recognize that though that was a tragedy, that was no excuse to become a racist.
That was no excuse for Ed Norton, rightly so. That was not an excuse for Ed Norton.
But here we have a minister of the gospel, a seminary president.
This is a mover. This is a shaker. This is a made guy, telling you in a show called
As It Is in Heaven, this is blasphemy by the way. This is not how it's going to be in heaven.
He's telling you that it's a very good reason for black people today to mistrust white people that are otherwise good brothers and sisters in Christ, bought by the blood of Jesus Christ.
It's a very good reason to distrust them, which is another way to say to not love them, to not love them, because of the skin color he shares with someone that 400 years ago did something bad to people that had the same skin color as you, whether they're connected to you or not.
You could almost understand Ed Norton becoming a racist more than you could understand the racism that Ligon Duncan is excusing here, because at least that was his actual father.
He was alive at the time when this happened. Ligon Duncan is talking about generations ago.
Now I don't have to, I don't have to say, I don't have to explain to white people why this is insane.
I think that's very obvious to most white people that this is insane. And those that it's not obvious to are the completely sold out, woke, there's nothing
I can say to make them un -woke, woke people. I'm not talking to you, because if you're white and you don't understand how ridiculous what
Ligon Duncan is saying here in a show blasphemously called As It Is In Heaven, then
I got nothing for you. I can't help you. But I do want to speak to minorities, specifically black people, but Latinos as well.
If you have a pastor or a teacher or an elder or a seminary president that does not have the morality, the integrity, the backbone, the willingness, the love for you to call you out on your obvious sin, run, run from him.
Go find yourself someone that has cojones. Go find yourself someone that loves you enough to tell you to not live in your sin, to tell you to not justify your sin, and to tell you that it's not a good reason to show partiality or to hate somebody because of their ethnicity, that something happened a hundred years ago, four hundred years ago, whenever it was.
I would tell the same thing to Ed Norton in that movie, look, because a black guy killed your father, that's not a good reason to hate black people, by the way.
This man doesn't love you. It might make you feel good to feel justified in your hatred, but it's not going to end well for you.
This can end one of two ways. You can repent from your sins and turn to Christ, or you can go to hell, though it ends one of two ways.
And if you've got a shepherd who won't shepherd you, he won't shepherd you because he's too scared to offend someone of the wrong skin color.
He does not love you. It might feel good to have a shepherd like this, that'll tell you it's going to be okay, that'll tell you your sin is not that big and it's justifiable, actually.
This might take a hundred years. Run from him. Listen, there's one verse that destroys what
Ligon Duncan is saying. One verse. It's Deuteronomy chapter 23.
God is speaking to his people, the Israelites. What does he say?
What does he say to them? Thou shall not abhor an
Edomite for he is thy brother. Thou shall not abhor an Egyptian because thou wast a stranger in his land.
An Egyptian, God, are you serious? They enslaved us.
They killed our firstborn. They enslaved us. They stole from us. They killed our firstborn.
They took our women. They did all these things. And God says, you shall not hate an
Egyptian. You were a sojourner in their land. Ligon Duncan in this presentation overturns that and pretends like he's speaking for God as it is in heaven.
That is blasphemous. It is blasphemous. I beg you, if you're black or Latino and you've got a pastor who will not call you out on your sin because of your skin color, it's justifiable, run.
He doesn't love you. He would never say the same thing to a white person who had said the same thing that you're trying to say.
He would never have allowed Ed Norton to stay in his sin like that. So what does that say to you?
He loves white people more than you. He's just scared of you. If he won't tell you the truth because of the color of your skin, he's scared of you and he doesn't love you.
Let's let him finish. But I'm pissed. I'm pissed because he's hurting the very people that he claims to be loving.
He's hurting my people, Christians. He's hurting Christians. He's hurting
Christian minorities. And that pisses me off. Issues here. So for me, being able to work on the flag was just one small symbolic thing, one one little thing that we could do together.
And by the way, it was a wonderfully unifying thing. I really brought together people from really, really different backgrounds and political persuasions in the state.
And it was it was amazing to watch that process. It kind of took everybody to get it done.
And it was one way that as a Christian, I could help say we want everyone in this state to know that you're our neighbor and we want to love our neighbors and you're in the image of God and we want you to be treated with dignity.
And this state belongs to you as much as it belongs to me. Yeah, he'll do the work.
He'll do the work for justice and racial unity that he'll get him a pat on the back from everybody else.
But this is the work that won't get you a pat on the back. Treat black people the same as you would treat Ed Norton and say, look, brother,
I know that white people in the past were enslaving you. I know that all of it. But it is no excuse for your hatred.
None, it will not work to excuse your hatred based on something that white people did a hundred years ago or four hundred years ago or whatever it is, you must repent of your sin.
See, that's the hard one that it won't get you a pat on the back. Lincoln Duncan was not willing to do that. He'll be who is willing to do the stuff that'll get him a photo op.
I'll come against the flag when everybody's coming against the flag. He wouldn't do that years ago when hardly anybody was.
But now he'll do it because because it'll get him a pat on the back. It'll get him a photo opportunity. You see, this is.
Let me calm down. And they dare put this on a podcast called
As It Is In Heaven. It's blasphemy. It's absolute blasphemy.
I'm going to calm down and I'll see you in the next video. I hope you found this one helpful. God bless.