Haunted Cosmos, Aliens, Demons, UFO's, and Congress


Join us for this very exciting new episode of Apologia Radio in which we are teamed up with our friends at Haunted Cosmos. Brian Sauve is with us to talk about the recent Congressional hearing on UAP's/UFO's. Let's talk about aliens and demons, friends. The conversation with Brian Sauve continues on the Aftershow! https://apologiastudios.com/aftershow-441-haunted-cosmos-w-brian-sauve/ Get the NAD treatment Jeff is on, go to ionlayer.com and put "APOLOGIA" into the coupon code and get $100 off your order! https://www.ionlayer.com Check out The Ezra Institute at... https://www.ezrainstitute.com/ Check out our store at https://shop.apologiastudios.com/


When the scribes and Pharisees asked our Lord about the greatest commandment, He replied, You shall love the
Lord your God on the rock of His Word. We need to love the Lord with all of our souls, and respond to the worldview issues of our day with the wisdom and discernment that comes only from Him.
We need to love the Lord with our minds, and understand the calling of God's people in every area of life in God's world.
We need to love the Lord our God with all our strength, and face the work of building a life -giving,
God -honouring culture. Join us for 10 days at the Runner Academy for Cultural Leadership, as we consider how the
Gospel influences all of life and culture, and the role that we have to play in applying foundational
Christian thinking to every area of life. I would say if the authorities didn't want us involved in the public square, they ought not to have crucified
Jesus in the public square. Use humanistic principles, it's the same idea, same answer.
I would say what's the problem with stardust bumping into stardust? In the cosmic picture, none, there's no problem.
In the cosmic picture, it won't matter. No, Mr.
President, you are not protecting reproductive freedom, you are authorizing the destruction of freedom for one million little human beings every year.
I'm sorry, my friends, but I am tired of seeing Jesus presented as a weak beggar.
He is a powerful saviour, and the Gospel is not a suggestion, it is a command.
Reverend Moller, don't you sympathize with that? I sympathize with every single human heart wishing to know the one true and living
God, but I believe there's only one way that that can happen through Jesus Christ, and the Gospel is about repenting of sin, not celebrating it.
An amazing adventure.
We will explore the spiritual abyss. You have not experienced this before.
You're going to love it. When you come into the land that the
Lord your God has given you, you shall not learn to follow the abominable practices of those nations.
There shall not be found among you anyone who burns his son or his daughter as an offering, anyone who practices divination or tells fortunes.
Don't do that. Or interprets omens, or a sorcerer, or a charmer, or a medium, or a necromancer, or anyone who inquires of the dead.
For whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord. There you go.
Perfect. Is this not the best? The music is perfect. This is a good song. It caught me by surprise.
I was trying to find something sci -fi, alien, UFO, UAP.
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What up? I'm Jeff the Calm of the Ninja, and that is Zachary Conover. What's up? Director of Communications, Director of Communicado at EAN.
Lots of great stuff happening right now with EAN. Had an amazing year. Tons and tons of movement forward for justice for the freeborn.
So be in prayer for that. We're going to announce some big things coming up very soon. I want to get right into today because this is a very important episode.
So thank you all for joining us, for being a part of this episode with us. As you saw from the title, we are doing a crossover episode today with our boy, our good friend,
Brian. It is not Se Shampoo. It's not
Suave. It's not Rico Suave. It's Brian Sauve. Yes, sir.
That is correct. And he is with the Haunted Cosmos and a ton of other things. You just said that like you're from Chicago.
Brian, welcome to Apology Radio, brother. It is such an honor to be here,
Jeff, and company. Like I said, we've been so blessed by you guys up here in Ogden and just seen tremendous fruit from your ministry in our own church.
So just super glad to be here today. Well, we're grateful for you and you are actually a pretty well -known hit artist at this point now, aren't you?
Hit? Let's say niche micro artist. Only the hits for this guy.
No, on that note, if you are not turned on to his psalm settings and catechism, it's playing every day in my home.
I was unloading the dishwasher this morning to Psalm 149. It's ringing out in the hallways, psalms are.
So if you're not about it, you need to get it wherever you get your music. Yeah, and so Brian, just tell everyone real fast because I know that we have a lot to do today.
So just tell everyone real fast about how to get your music because it is truly a blessing. Yeah, it's everywhere. So Spotify, Apple Music, iTunes,
YouTube. Just search B -R -I -A -N -S -A -U -V -E and you'll find it.
I've got catechism songs, psalms, original stuff coming out. And my website's just my name, briansovey .com.
Links to everything, including Haunted Cosmos, but all the music as well. That's right. And so we wanted to do this episode of Haunted Cosmos because we know
Brian and the crew and we love them, respect them. Just grateful and appreciative of everything they're doing and there is some good intersection between us.
We hadn't even spoken, Brian, about this whole situation with UFOs, UAPs, and yet we were pretty much landing on exactly the same main thing.
Your Haunted Cosmos episode, forgive me, the title was... Evangelistic Aliens, I think.
Evangelistic Aliens. When I listened to that, first of all, I encourage everyone to listen to Haunted Cosmos.
Just well, well done. The production value is amazing. It is fun. I would recommend doing it at night with all your lights turned off.
Agreed. And turn it up because you'll get the full experience when you do it that way.
And you'll sleep with the lights on. You'll sleep with the lights on. Just remember, Christ is Lord. That's right, yeah. As you listen to it, remember, do not be anxious, even though Brian's apparently trying to make you very anxious.
But great, great show. And the point is, I wanted to have Brian on because we actually intersected in the main theme of what my concern has been for, and Luke knows this,
I'm a fiend about UFOs, aliens. He didn't sleep last night. He's so excited. I was so excited. My main concern for probably two decades now studying this very vigorously and intensely, countless hours on this subject, my concern has been just the worldview implications and the presuppositions that are being asked of you which leads to the new age and occultism and spiritism and that you codified exactly,
Brian, my main point, which is why I thought this is excellent because they codified exactly what
I've been trying to say. I think you did it better than me in terms of just giving it a punch. And that is the evangelism of this whole thing.
They are evangelizing. They are giving you their worldview. They are asking you to switch your worldview.
They are asking you to adopt new age occultistic practices and that is the main thing for me.
We're going to show you today in this episode, stick around because we're going to show you stuff that is going to make your jaw drop in terms of,
I can't believe they said that out loud. They're putting the cards on the table and then I got to be honest, I even told Brian as we started in the guys,
I'm going to feed some stuff into this episode that I want to challenge us all with and say we got to come up with some good answers, guys,
So, Brian, I'll let you start introducing too. Yeah, I'm very excited about this subject and I did not know how,
I mean, I knew that cultish, I knew you guys had touched on some of this stuff but just the massive need there is right now to do really good
Christian apologetics in this world, the explosion of interest, it is, and it's not being touched by non -crazy people in many
Christian circles. There are people who are absolutely unhinged who are saying this is a
Christian answer and I found a lot of syncretism, a lot of really sloppy thinking and so, man,
I was so excited when I found out that Jeff Durbin and the Apology Guys were also interested in this subject.
It's just so needed today. No, you nailed it and that's, I think, the key issue is, and tell me what you think about this, there's two points here and you named one of them and that's that the crazies, the weirdos, people that just go nuts with this stuff and that's recognized even by guys like Joe Rogan.
When Joe Rogan has Bob Lazar on and Jeremy Corbell and the whole crew, he even said, look,
I was really into this for a while but then I saw these people are stinking nuts. There's a lot of people associated with the
UFOs, UAPs, that just get into some weird, weird stuff and they just seem absolutely nuts. So Joe Rogan even said,
I backed away from this for a while and now the Bob Lazar story got Joe Rogan hooked again and Bob Lazar's story is intriguing.
It's never changed in all these years, decades of him telling a story and I've known about Bob Lazar since the 90s and so I've been,
I've been, you know, listening to that and following that story for a long time and then, you know, you have, now, okay, so now, this is where it gets interesting.
You have the lane we need to engage with where we have to all face down the fact that just last week or the week before last or whatever it was, very recently, there was a congressional hearing with three people, whistleblowers, not schlubs, not crazies.
One is a commander of a military aircraft, one of the best pilots of this last generation that is the one, a part of that whole revelation of this tic -tac
UFO UAP that defied the laws of physics that was dropping down from space, hanging out for hours over the water and then this thing just disappears when they try to chase it to 60 miles away in less than a minute and, you know, you have footage of this, radar data and that's what we're learning now is you even get to the point where it's being told to Congress that pilots on the
East Coast have to have as part of their training awareness of the UAPs they may encounter and they're describing
UAPs like floating black cubes enclosed in a ball, one that almost got clipped by an airplane by like 50 feet so they're having like very close calls with some of these things and the description of these by military pilots is these are things, phenomena, that we cannot understand.
They are defying what we know about the laws of physics and material science today. Orbs, lights that appear that seem to defy the laws of physics.
Again, the radar data from stuff flying above us to the radar data, get this, with submarines and things that are actually happening under the water that defy the laws of physics with orbs and certain things like that.
So here's my point. We're going to get into this today and realize that we're not going to do this in such a way as that we're just sort of titillating the senses and just engaging in just sheer speculation.
We're dealing with eyewitness evidence, eyewitness testimony and those sorts of things. Yes. And that's one of the most important elements
I think that people often who are maybe not familiar with this subject get wrong pretty quickly is that if you're going to dismiss all of this as hoaxing or as attention seeking behavior or crazy people, you really have a high burden of proof to demonstrate that claim when you have so many credible witnesses, so many similar reports across many, many different disciplines, military and outside the military, police officers, housewives.
And these reports often carry many similar characteristics. And what we found as we started looking into this subject was we're convinced something is happening.
We're convinced that some of these people are absolutely telling the truth and that some percentage of them are not explicable through mistaken identification of known aerial phenomena or Venus or, you know, swamp gas type explanations.
That we really do have some complicated questions to answer when it comes to this phenomena.
It's just, I think it's the orb thing alone, number of credible reports that we've waded through in the orb phenomena in people that are talking about UFOs but also just people talking about general paranormal activity.
And you find just very credible stories, hard to dismiss, and Christians need answers for these stories.
Yeah, for sure. And I want to just say one more final point on this in terms of why does Congress care? Is it just they're excited to hear about something new and intriguing?
Well, the main thrust that's been coming before Congress and to government officials is like, look, we have to actually train our pilots on the coast to defend our nation to watch out for these things.
It's part of their training now. We have confirmed data and reports from the
United States and allies and enemies that sometimes they've had encounters with orbs that have appeared over nuclear missile sites, shut down the missile sites, and then disappeared, and then they turned back on again.
That's not something that has happened just in the United States of America. It's happened in other places as well.
You've got actual footage of military fighter pilots tracking these things, and you can watch it with your own eyes, them flipping and turning in the air against the wind with no apparent propulsion, no propellers, and those sorts of things.
So this is what I want to start with. So I want to start with Brian and Luke and Zach.
I want to start with the known. So it's what Brian and the guys did when they did
Haunted Cosmos. This is the known, and I think this is my favorite thing to do now, and I'm so grateful to Isaac for finding this clip because Stephen Greer, Dr.
Stephen Greer, whether you like him or not, in this field, you're going to run into him.
So a lot of people are like, I don't like Stephen Greer. I like these guys. They're better. These guys are the better ones.
I'm not even making the point that he's the guy. I'm saying you're going to run into him. And Stephen Greer, Dr. Stephen Greer has been in this for a long time.
He's done lots of documentaries. The one documentary I highly commend to you to see the demonic, occultic nature of this.
You need to see is Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind. It's on YouTube. You need to watch it because he switches from the data and observational science.
What's this we're dealing with? He switches to teaching people how to engage in seances, occultism, being a medium, communicating with the dead, non -locality.
It's just straight, foolproof, new age. But this clip is
Dr. Stephen Greer admitting that as he's encouraging people to communicate with the other side, he is saying, sometimes we run up against inadvertently celestial beings like angels.
We're not trying to, but they're there. We run into them. It's like, well, thank you, Dr. Stephen Greer. That's exactly what we've been trying to say to you.
And here it is, everybody. Are higher dimensional beings trying to speak with us right now? Well, I mean, you're...
First of all, because I'm very specific. I'm a doctor, so we use very specific language for clarity.
What we're doing are involving a specific project, a diplomatic project, using advanced concepts in higher consciousness to communicate with extraterrestrial biological entities from other star systems.
There are beings from higher dimensions, celestial, angelic, what have you, which also assists with that at times, but that's very different from an
ET civilization that is flesh and blood, 3D, who transverse other dimensions to go from point
A to B. So one of the problems with this subject, I wrote a paper in 1995 called
ETs and the New Cosmology, and it's the conflation of all things people don't understand, calling them the same thing.
So like all things, it's important to be specific. So what we're doing with what's called
Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind, and I think some of your viewers may have seen the documentary. You can see it free now on Amazon Prime and Tubi and Hulu and Pluto or wherever, is training people to make contact with these civilizations, and we're using consciousness and higher consciousness because these civilizations have technologies that interface with coherent thought.
Now in the process of doing that, often we will have interactions with beings from other higher dimensions that are not extraterrestrial, but there needs to be an understanding of what we're specifically doing, and this is a global diplomatic initiative between humans and these very advanced civilizations from other star systems.
So it is not a project that is aimed at primarily contacting intelligent beings from other higher dimensions such as celestial, but that happens as a consequence naturally because the universe is an integrated quantum hologram that's conscious.
Man, so much worldview terminology has soaked it out. It sounds like a Marvel multiverse movie right there.
And here's what I'm going to get. What I'm so glad about is that Dr. Stephen Greer is just laying his occultistic and new age worldview just right on the table.
Please understand something. Please understand something. All he is giving to you is what is standard fair.
New age, occultism, seances, mediums, sorcery, communication with the dead.
mainstream spirituality. But he's changing the language to fit the
Western intellectual mind. So instead of, we're going to perform a seance to communicate with the spirit.
Because that's just that. People go, huh? Like, okay, that's weird. He goes, what we're doing here is a diplomatic project where we are using our consciousness to interface with the technologies of these extraterrestrial beings from different star systems.
And sometimes, admittedly, as we're doing this, we run into celestial beings.
And that's just a consequence. Sometimes they help us. Just a part of the process.
But he is a doctor. And so he can use those big words. Right. But do you see what's being done here?
It's just the promotion of the new age and occultism using language that fits the intellectual
Western mind. People don't want to communicate with spirits and demons and do seances.
So what if you just say, hey, look, we're doing a diplomatic project and we're trying to interface with alien technologies from distant galaxies.
And the reason we could do this, and then he lays the cards on the table, is because the universe is an integrated quantum hologram that's conscious.
And you go, oh, yeah, yeah. I've heard that before. I've heard that before. And that's just that you're just giving me paganism repackaged.
That's the whole thing. It's what Peter Jones calls, and if you haven't heard it yet, you must listen to Peter Jones on this subject, oneism versus twoism.
There are really two fundamental worldviews in history, and it's oneism and twoism. Oneism is this.
All is one. Paganism, the new age. All is one. We're all part of this cosmos. We're all one with this universe.
All is one. Everything is one. We're all a part of this universe that is an integrated quantum hologram that's conscious.
That's oneism, okay? And that's the new age and all of its variants. And then you have twoism, which is the
Christian worldview where you have a creator, creation, distinction. Twoism, there is a
God who is creator over the cosmos. He rules over it. He creates it. He commands it.
He decrees all things that happen within it. But you have creator, creation, distinction. Dr. Stephen Greer is just a new age occultist, and he's using this as a way to evangelize you to get into his worldview.
Yeah, and in that sense, he's not different from many of the older versions of this same sort of phenomena.
I mean, a few things. You have the repackaging of the same story again and again. This shows up in the abductee literature.
If you look at, for example, ancient Mesopotamian gods and creation myths and flood myths, you find this narrative where a certain group of people are chosen in light of the coming cataclysmic flood being sent by the ultimate
God. And so these lesser spiritual beings are going to choose, are going to elect a certain group of humans, and they're going to interbreed with them so that their knowledge will be passed on to those offspring, and they'll be able to survive the coming cataclysm and go bring knowledge and light and enlightenment to humanity.
And then today, this is just repackaged often, and you see the whole hybrid, alien -human hybrid myth, which is the same thing, just repackaged in like a transhumanist, materialist, postmillennialism kind of advanced technology gospel where we're chosen now by celestial beings from a different kind of heaven, but it's still the celestial beings are going to come down and choose a certain group of people and breed with them and create a hybrid race and bring enlightenment.
And oh, that enlightenment just so happens to be the knowledge that really salvation is going to be found within the human race and from achieving certain knowledge.
And I mean, it's the same playbook often repackaged for different sociological groups of people, just tailor -made to deceive them.
And that's the part that was the most fascinating to me as I started looking into this phenomenon was just how straightforward and obvious the play was once you start to recognize the way that these things rhyme with other ancient mistakes or even modern new age and occultism and the whole thing.
Yeah. And so let me do it this way. I'll finish the
Greer conversation in terms of laying the cards on the table with this. So this is
Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind. We're going to provide some commentary here, YouTube, so don't strike us. Close Encounters of the
Fifth Kind. Contact has begun the Stephen Greer documentary. This is about $1 .10
into the video. And like that? That's a good way to coin the new phrase.
This is $1 .10 into the video, and this is where Greer is trying to convince you to do what he does with his devotees, and that is start engaging in seances.
That's really what it is. Join me. It's always like we're going to go out to the desert and we're going to clear our minds and try to communicate to a different star system, and it's like, oh, that's happened a lot in history.
That sounds eerie. Yeah, okay, here we go. This is a clip from the Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind. The steps of this are that you sit in quiet consciousness, and you don't have to have a full -on samadhi or whatever, but just in quiet consciousness, connect to that aspect of your mind that is unbounded, and then intend to sense, feel, see, know where the
E .T. craft is. It could be in another galaxy. Connect to those beings, politely invite them to come and visit you, and then you connect to their communication systems and their consciousness, which are integrated, and you show them where you are.
So you kind of zoom in, and it's almost like a vectoring, a zooming in from wherever they are to where you are.
Let's say if you're in North Carolina, you're coming into Earth, you're coming in to North America, the
East Coast, the mountains, the Blue Ridge, zoom down to a few square meters around where you are where you clearly show them where you are, and you do this in a coherent thought sequence that is continuous.
Yeah, hey, look, and look at this, the video. They have footage of when they're doing these seances and doing this, these things show up.
These orbs, these lights, interesting, these lights show up. Of course, everyone's already thinking, oh, the devil does appear as an angel of light, and we see these lights appearing during these seances, but you might think, you see that, and you go, this is just foolproof occultism.
This is just straight... It sounds like remote viewing and those types of practices. Yeah, exactly. It's transcendental meditation.
It's non -locality. It's that whole worldview, and you might think he's just a nutter
Okay. Okay, but he's a nutter who's also just done the Sean Ryan show twice in the last three months,
I think it is, for hours. Sean Ryan podcast was just the number two podcast in the entire planet behind Joe Rogan, and Dr.
Stephen Greer is on there promoting, talking about his disclosure, what he knows, the evidence of this stuff the government has, and so you might say, well, he's a new age nutter, all right, that's fine, but you better start learning how to engage him with what he says, because people are buying it.
Go ahead. Even the parallel between, I mean, if he's a new age nutter, then so is John Keel, so is
Jacques Vallee, so Colm Kelleher, and George Knapp at Skinwalker Ranch in their investigation, seeing very...
All of those people found similar parallels between the idea of meditation and drawing
UAP phenomena, or just supernatural paranormal phenomena. So this isn't a new idea, this is around in many different circles, and I think it's been evidenced, even with very credible eyewitness encounters, that this isn't just made up, that that's actually a real phenomena that's taking place.
Oh, yeah, yeah. I'm glad you put it on that, Brian. That's my main point, is that it's not made up. Like, are there people who are lying and making things up?
Yeah, sure, of course. In every realm, that's always taking place. But there is a large number of these things that are not made up.
They're following biblical standards of evidence. Multiple independent lines of witness and testimony to take something as, okay,
I can start entertaining it as possibly true. That's what you're going to get when you examine these things. You know, there...
And we'll get into... I don't want to do too much right away, but I want to give you this. Okay, so I announced...
By the way, do you guys have anything you want to add? I was just going to say, if you guys haven't seen Alien Intrusion or read the book from Gary Bates, Creation Ministries International, that's a must.
I'm sure, Brian, I'm sure you've seen that. Like, that was what kind of opened my eyes to all this demonic stuff.
He does an excellent job of laying it out, historically even. So anyways, if you guys haven't seen that or read the book, you need to.
Yeah, there are interesting stories as well. Witnesses and testimony of these things show up and people call out the name of Jesus and they all of a sudden disappear.
Yeah, exactly. So there's a lot of that as well. But there is... I announced that before Congress, there was a...
You like to beat your fingers today, don't you? People are like, what's that bumping? It's Conover, so excited.
He's like playing the drums on the microphone. I tend to fiddle with the microphone. So the hearing before Congress, this was a big deal.
Here's why. Not only did you have three credible witnesses under oath before Congress reporting to Congress as whistleblowers, you had, say for example, with one of them, he was the one in the middle in the hearing,
Grush. He was actually assigned to investigate this
UAP UFO phenomenon by the government. You're talking about the involvement of the
DOD, Department of Defense, and many others. And so when he's now reporting under oath, he's reporting under oath.
He's reporting as somebody who was assigned to this task to essentially gather all this information.
And what he said was that what he discovered from multiple witnesses and multiple agencies is that the phenomenon is real and true, that we actually have retrieved spacecraft, and we have many of them, and we've had them for decades.
There are reverse engineering programs, he claims, and we have retrieved biologics that are of non -human origin.
Now look, I'm not saying what he's saying is true. All I'm saying is that the man was put before Congress as a whistleblower who was assigned to this task, he's connected to the
DOD and everything else, and he's coming forth as a whistleblower under oath saying, here's what we actually have,
I'm reporting it to you. And this is the interview that took place before the hearing with News Nation.
I want you guys to hear what he says here. The UAP Task Force. The UAP Task Force was refused access to a broad crash retrieval program.
When you say crash retrieval, what do you mean? These are retrieving non -human origin technical vehicles, call it spacecraft if you will, non -human, exotic origin, vehicles that have either landed or crashed.
We have spacecraft from another species. We do, yeah. How many?
Quite a number. You're kidding. No. I thought it was totally nuts, and I thought at first I was being deceived.
It was a ruse. People started confiding in me. They approached me. I have plenty of current former senior intelligence officers that came to me, many of which
I knew almost my whole career, that confided in me they were a part of a program. They named the program.
I've never heard of it. And they told me, based on their oral testimony, and they provided me documents and other proof that there was in fact a program that the
UAP Task Force was not read into. Grush alleges the... So that was the
NewsNation interview before the congressional hearing where he stood and gave this testimony.
I want you to hear this testimony. Sorry, not this testimony. I thought the testimony was four minutes long. You can go watch that.
But this, the Q &A portion where he's asked a specific question about the crashes.
And here's what he says. You've stated that the government is in possession of potentially non -human spacecraft.
Based on your experience and extensive conversations with experts, do you believe our government has made contact with intelligent extraterrestrials?
Something I can't discuss in a public setting. Okay, I can't ask when you think this occurred.
If you believe we have a crashed craft, stated earlier, do we have the bodies of the pilots who piloted this craft?
As I've stated publicly already in my NewsNation interview, biologics came with some of these recoveries, yeah.
Were they, I guess, human or non -human biologics? Non -human, and that was the assessment of people with direct knowledge on the program
I talked to that are currently still on the program. And was this documentary evidence, this video, photos, eyewitness?
How would that be determined? The specific documentation I would have to talk to you in a skiff about.
Gotcha. So you see in the background there, that was Jeremy Corbell. You might recognize him from the Joe Rogan episodes.
He's big in this field, Skinwalker Ranch stuff, and just about everything related to UFOs, UAPs.
So that was his testimony before Congress, and people might say, and this is something that Luke brought up before the show, like, well, he still hasn't provided any evidence.
He's saying, I'll give it to you later, I'll give it to you somewhere else, but he's not giving evidence. His answer to that, and this is where we can have a conversation.
His answer to that is he was given the command to do this task force, to do this investigation.
He came back with that information and said, this is what I've discovered. And the DOD, Department of Defense, actually gave him permission to release some of the details to Congress, but they told him you cannot release specifics that would actually, in any way, endanger any top secret stuff related to government facilities or installations, but definitely release it to Congress, but you just can't give specifics that would endanger government, blah, blah, blah.
Okay, so here's my thoughts, and I'm really interested to hear what Brian thinks.
So, you and I have been talking about it a lot this week. Obviously, we're all in agreement that stuff's all demonic.
What we're stuck on is if they do have physical evidence, how do we explain that?
That's where we're wrestling with right now. So my contention... Yeah, it's a good one.
I really struggle to find him as a credible witness for a number of reasons.
One, just being that we're trying to be consistent biblically, we can't accept anything as truth unless there's two to three independent lines of witness.
He's refusing to release any witnesses or evidences of anything. And in the first interview you showed, they're like, have you seen any of this yourself?
No, but I talked to somebody that has. He's saying he saw pictures and other data. That's what he's arguing.
Yeah, and I know that it's on record that he showed Congress after, allegedly, again...
Nobody knows. Nobody knows. Nobody's seen it. Until he has credible evidence,
I have a hard time accepting that. I don't think we can accept that as truth, standing on God's word.
Because it's on the basis of one witness. He's saying one witness. I've seen this, and everyone goes, okay, great, give us the other independent lines.
Yeah, exactly. And also, there's a history of government whistleblowers not living very long and strangely disappearing.
So the fact that he's like, oh, I'm a whistleblower, and then like, but the government said I can tell you this, but I'm a whistleblower.
And then it's like, well, I'm confused on how that works. So to me, there's something fishy going on.
I don't trust the government. Don't? No, I know. What? There's plenty of things that have happened in our history that the government's clearly lying about.
JFK. JFK, for example. Yeah, JFK. Martin Luther King Jr. Martin Luther King Jr. Operation Paperclip. Yeah. Unit 731.
There's plenty, yeah. COVID. That's what
I was going to say. Honestly. Done. We're done. We're done. There's plenty of people that have been like,
I saw this with my own eyes. And it's like, did you? So anyways, that's where I'm at with all this.
And like, if they do have evidence of this biologics and crashes and all that, like, okay, how do we answer that as Christians?
That's kind of where I'm wrestling. Anyways. Yeah. That's the line I would take to on this particular thing is obviously the biblical standard needing to be adhered to.
But I really struggle with, especially given the last two or three years of the immediate history of the government's track record and the massive global initiative that they were able to put together in order to, in many ways, deceive people into thinking and believing a certain thing.
And then couple that together with everything that's happened decades past, I really have a hard time believing that our immoral government has our best interests in mind and that they're willing to tell us the truth on something this cataclysmic, like if true.
So I have a hard time believing that they who champion such evil things, so they care very little for the destruction of innocent life.
I think that's obvious. Yeah. What else are they not being truthful? And Brian, you guys brought something out in one of your
Haunted Cosmos episodes which I thought was, I'm so glad people are talking about this because I found it one of the most fascinating.
I remember very few things about Bible college, honestly. It's just kind of a blur.
Prophecy charts. I remember prophecy classes because I love them. And I remember specifically in Bible doctrine, angels and demonology because I remember how fascinated
I was. I was just enthralled. I had no idea the
Bible has so much information about angels and demons.
And one of the things you pointed out, Brian, in one of your episodes, I forget which one it was. I think it was on The Watchers.
And it was just in terms of how the Bible gives descriptions about demons essentially covering certain areas, in charge of certain areas, who were influencing the leaders and the government and the people in those areas.
This is a great point. Stronghold, if you will.
It's a stronghold. It's a demonic stronghold. And boy, we sound charismatic right now, but I'm sorry. Jezebel spirit.
But you do have also to contend with the fact that, yes, biblically speaking, you can provide a watertight defense that you have wicked, pagan, evil governments influenced by demons, by Satan himself.
And so what kind of instruction is given to the government? What to say? What kind of influence is being given?
What kind of deception is being propagated, is my point. And you brought that out in The Watchers episode,
Brian, which I thought was very helpful. And really that, I think, captures one of the two directions where my mind goes with something like this.
This testimony before Congress and this disclosure process that's being slow rolled and the narrative that's being constructed in the media and in the political realm as well.
I think really there's A, two or three witnesses is a legal minimum.
So it doesn't actually establish the truth of something if we have two or three witnesses. We now need, well, we can now hear the charge since we have independent lines of witness.
And now we can evaluate. Now we can hear it, yes. Right. We can evaluate the credibility. Maybe one of the lines of evidence is eyewitness.
Maybe there's some forensic evidence, things like that. Multiple independent eyewitnesses is obviously great.
But when I think about this phenomenon, on the one hand, I do go to Daniel and I go to the
Watchers. And we have multiple types of Watchers in Daniel. We have the Watchers who are clearly righteous, angelic beings, that even
Nebuchadnezzar's judgment to that he will eat grass like a beast is on the decree of the
Watchers at one point. And then it's the decree of the Most High God at another point. So they're delivering or mediating
God's will to Nebuchadnezzar. But there's another group of Watchers that are behind the thrones of pagan and evil political empires and human kingdoms that are clearly influencing the political realm.
So when I take that, and then I also look at some of the ancient traditions that we have surrounding human empires receiving knowledge, advanced knowledge, technological knowledge from supernatural beings who are seeking to influence and rule over them and direct them to their own ends.
One maybe crazy thought that I have, but I think is worth at least putting on the table to consider is the idea that you genuinely have the combination of human beings and supernatural entities that are attempting to influence them.
And when you think about the intelligence of ancient malevolent undying spiritual creatures, we're talking about beings that probably have some extreme intelligence.
Maybe they're able to, you know, hoax certain things or even provide technological advancement to groups of people for their own ends of deception, which
I would point towards that transhumanist post -millennialism via advanced technology combined with occultic overtones.
So that's one way. And the other way is, again, maybe this is a distraction from the government attempting, just like with Operation Paperclip, sanitizing
Nazi scientists coming into the U .S. for military research. We know the government's done this in the past and found
UFO phenomena very convenient as a distraction. Hey, look over here.
Mm -hmm. Yeah, right. Mm -hmm. Exactly right. Don't look over here. Right. That's what we're doing over here. That's a lot, but my mind goes in a lot of those directions.
Exactly. Exactly. And, you know, it's something that, because Brian, I'm so glad you brought it up in that way, is that when you have multiple lines of witness and testimony, it doesn't mean it's true.
Mm -hmm. That's really important. A lot of people get that wrong. A lot of people don't know how to read their Bibles and understand the law of God in such a way as to understand that just because two or three people are saying something doesn't mean it's true.
Like Brian said, now it means that, oh, I can receive this testimony to evaluate. Yeah. Now I can do cross -examination.
Now I can actually engage with the witnesses. Now I can try to find out, is this actually the case?
Just because they're saying it doesn't make it true. It means now, okay, now I can evaluate. That's a great point.
And that's really, by the way, pastors, good grief. You better get that down. You better get it down quick.
You're going to need that for counseling and dealing with conflict in your church body. Okay, so with that, it means that as Christians, when you hear reports from Roswell, from the eyewitnesses on the ground, from the first responders, from the fire department, from the sheriff, from the people who own the land, from the people who say, yeah, that's not what happened.
What the government is saying happened is not what we actually saw. When you have those witnesses coming forth, as a
Christian, you've got to evaluate that without waving the hand at it and saying, no, it was just a balloon. It's like, okay, then why did the journalist report in the newspaper that there was a crashed craft?
Why did the first responders say that they came upon the crashed craft? Why did the sheriff say the same thing?
What do these people have to gain in this? Why did people disappear who gave their testimony of what took place in Roswell?
It just means it's not saying that it happened exactly as they're saying. It's saying that you've got to be able to evaluate this without somebody waving the hand because I think as a
Christian, here's my point, I guess this is a long way of getting at. I don't like being in a position as a
Christian to have such a position of strength to say, here's the clear occultism and then simply say, but I'm not willing to even look at and examine the things that are being said.
Like for example, the actual footage of this strange object being tracked by a military fighter jet and it's clear the pilots don't understand what's going on and this thing's defying the laws of physics and you can't just simply wave the hand at that and say, it's just CGI.
I'm sorry. That doesn't cut it for me. Particularly when I think about one of the driving motives of our show
Hanukahsmos, it's Proverbs 25 too. It's the glory of God to conceal things. It's the glory of kings to search things out.
We do know that just the world that we know is fantastically intricate and astonishing.
I mean, I've heard that we know, like if you were to convert a single raisin, the energy that is contained in that matter to pure energy, it would be enough to power
New York City for some extended period of time. I gotta eat more raisins. Seriously.
We know things about the world already. It means that, who's to say that there aren't absolutely shocking things about ways to travel vast distances, traversable wormholes, all this stuff sounds tinfoil hat, but then you look, and I don't know if you're familiar with this example, but it's pretty recent, the investigation in Skinwalker.
I keep an ear to the ground because it's so close to home. Literally. Yeah, literally two hours away.
And on film, they recently released something they filmed in summer of 2022 of a light orb that materializes, for lack of a better word, it flies into the mesa, the rock mesa plateau there, and then continuous footage, it seems to appear out of the mesa, traveling at 300 miles an hour, and then disappears again after another stretch of time.
And this is film that corroborates eyewitness accounts from the 90s and the early 2000s, and before that, that people have witnessed orbs flying into this rock face and seemingly not to slow down and then come back out.
And I look at that and I say, I don't know what that is. I genuinely don't know. Is that some physical phenomena that we've, some exotic physics that we are yet to understand that God put in the,
I mean, people didn't know how to make silicon into chips and iPhones until pretty recently, and the ancients would consider that, you know, wizardry.
Right. Is it something like that? And, or is this a spiritual phenomena?
What's going on? The point is just that the universe God made is intricate, astonishing, because God made it.
And he can, you know, he's capable of, you know, feats of glory that we are not even close to comprehending.
And so some of this stuff I look at and say, maybe this is just an example of a mystery or a glory that God has concealed that we are yet to understand.
And maybe some of it is actually haunted. That's right. Yeah, and that's good.
That's why I love that you've chosen that. Great branding, by the way. I love that you've chosen that terminology because that,
I think, gets at the, it strikes at the main point that I've been trying to make for two decades as examining this and talking about it, haunted in terms of how much we just don't want to think about the influence of the demonic.
Okay, can I just go ahead and I'll put it on record here. This would be, I didn't even think I was going to say this. But I'm going to say it.
I don't know what you're going to say. I don't care if you believe me or not. Everybody who, everybody who's a part of our abortion ministry nationally, all the leadership,
Luke, our pastors know about this. This happened to me. I don't care if you believe it or not. It did happen. I was going to Colorado to speak on behalf of our bill.
And we had a bill in Colorado. I knew I was going to be facing down some demonically influenced legislators the next day.
I knew I needed to get to bed because we needed to be there early. So I tried my best to get, even though there was a time schedule difference, I had to just fight to get to sleep.
And so I was laying in my hotel room trying to get some rest for next day to testify on behalf of our bill before the legislature in Colorado, before one man dressed as a woman in a dress.
And I knew that they hated me. I was there the year before. And so I was ready for it. And so I was ready to go confront them, demand justice, and to call them to repentance.
So I go to sleep. I lay in my hotel room. And my bathroom is open and the lights kind of on so the room is kind of lit up.
I didn't want to like get up in the middle of the night and stub my toe. I'm 45. I get up a lot to, you know, use the bathroom.
You get old. Anyway, so around 3 a .m. Interesting, 3 a .m.
Around 3 a .m. I start to... I get awakened because I'm being choked.
And I'm laying there coming out of a sleep realizing that I have something on me squeezing my throat, pushing me into the bed.
And so I realize that I'm not dreaming. And I start opening my eyes. I can see my bathroom light is on.
The room is lit up with light. I see my entire room. And so I'm being choked. So I start to try to throw my hands up to grab whatever is choking me but I'm not grabbing anything.
And so as I do that and my eyes are open, I realize there's nothing there and then the choking gets stronger and I get pushed further into my bed.
So now I start to yell out. I start to yell out. But as I yell out, this is what
I sounded. I sounded like this as I was yelling out. My throat was being compressed. And so I called out in the name of Jesus, demanded that this thing release me in Jesus' name and to leave my room in Jesus' name.
And as soon as that happened, everything released and this thing disappeared. And so obviously,
I knew what was going on. I knew what it was. I knew why it was happening. I didn't sleep the rest of the night not because I was scared of anything.
I knew exactly what was going on. But I didn't sleep that night because my adrenaline was through the roof.
And I knew exactly why it was taking place. I was about to testify on behalf of the pre -born and preach the gospel to the governing authorities in Colorado.
And I went the next day exhausted. I was so tired. I was like, I don't know how
I'm going to perform this. God, give me strength. And thankfully, he did. But I announced it to all the leadership that we're involved with across the country, putting these bills in and staying in for the pre -born.
And when I told them what happened to me, I said, hey, can you guys pray for me? This happened to me last night. I know it sounds crazy. Two of the other men on that thread, solid godly men, told me that the exact same thing had happened to them within the last couple of months.
They woke up to being choked. And so my point is this. I'm announcing this. We are just not at times willing to admit or explore the fact that around us is a real spiritual war taking place.
It is a truly haunted cosmos. And there are demonic forces and elements that are a part of this creation.
And they are influencing and they are active and they are working. And something Brian brought up that I think is compelling to think about is that they are very intelligent and they are very bright and they've been around and doing this for a long, long time.
And so we need to be aware of the fact that these demons are not schlubs. No. They know what's up and they know how to influence.
After we released our sleep paralysis episode and talked about the hat man and talked about these demonic entities that are clearly oppressing and violently attacking people in many cases and the spiritual overtones, the number of stories that's exactly like what you just described from both
Christians and non -Christians that came into our inbox was, I mean, dozens and dozens.
And even several people within our own congregation came up and said, yeah, I didn't really know what to do with this.
I wasn't a Christian. This happened to me. And then I listened to this episode and I remembered it.
And I think people are scared to talk about these sorts of things. They don't want people to think they're crazy.
But this is the reality of the spiritual war that we live in that those things happen.
And they happen way more commonly than I think people are aware of. Why is it a dude in a hat?
You know, that's just so weird. I literally just sat down with somebody who has not listened to your episode two weeks ago.
You're going to have to explain that because I don't know what you're talking about. Terrified because they woke up 3 a .m.,
I think it was, too. And they were being paralyzed, choked.
And it was a figure with a hat. And that seems to be a common thing with some of this is that there's this person in a hat.
Even Aaron Rodgers reported seeing the hat man. Well, Aaron Rodgers is...
Explorations with ayahuasca. And he's hallucinogenic. We're going to do an episode on DMT and machine elves and some of that.
Oh, I can't wait to hear that one. The hat man is... It's not made up.
I can't wait to hear that one, man. Some of these people's DMT experiences. I mean, it's... Can we just throw that out?
Hey, since we're on it, throw that out. Some of these people's DMT experiences. Like, people need to take this very seriously because isn't it interesting that the pagans and those into the occult realized that you could take certain substances and you could actually breach that barrier between the physical and the unseen realm and you can communicate with the other side.
They've been doing this since as old as the hills. And now everyone's like, DMT, DMT. And isn't it interesting that you can see this common thread with people who have these
DMT experiences that do them often that they will often say, hey, when I first started taking DMT, it was the most incredible mind -bending worldview -shifting experience where I realized that we are not alone.
There is another side to this reality. And they'll talk about these other entities they meet on the other side where at first when they did the
DMT experience, the entities on the other side were like happy and helpful and gave them information.
And then after a couple more DMT experiences, those entities on the other side turned nefarious and scary and what they always,
I've heard so many DMT users say to new users, don't interact with the entities on the other side.
Try to ignore them because it can get pretty scary. And it's like, is nobody thinking about this?
Question, is it like a popish hat? A popish hat? No. It's like a top hat.
It's like a top hat. My goodness. Like an old -school top hat. And people will say that they encountered this having never heard that anybody else had.
Never heard the story. Oh my goodness. And then they'll find out somewhere on Reddit or in a podcast or lore or Astonishing Legends or something, and they'll say, yeah,
I didn't know other people had this experience. But yeah, I saw a dark figure hat man and he tried to choke me to death.
And if I called him the name of Jesus, it disappeared. He left. Yeah, I didn't see anything when it happened to me recently, but I can tell you before God, truth before God, standing honestly with my hands clean,
I was being choked. And it left. A lot of us have had experiences similar. I mean, maybe not the exact same intensity, but when you're trying to do something for God or you're in a certain place.
I know exactly what you're talking about. It's just interesting to me, like how there's kind of simultaneously like a skepticism around the subject, but also an extreme openness.
Because since people have rejected the God of the Bible, by and large, they still can't escape the desire to worship and they still can't escape their hunger for transcendent significance.
So like everything that they're doing with trying to do what Greer is saying and what they're apparently trying to teach people to do, enter these elevated levels of consciousness and tap into this certain realm or this secret knowledge that you have within yourself to be able to be special or to have your life have purpose.
It's certainly no surprise that it's happening. For sure. So just to show you one more piece, everybody.
So I wanted to lay this down. I think we've done a good job of laying this down in terms of what you need to know, be aware of, how to engage with this.
But I just showed you his NewsNation, Groosh, or is it
Groosh or Grush? Grush. He was the one tasked with all of this. He's the whistleblower for Congress.
I showed you the NewsNation clip and I also showed you him before Congress. You said NudeNation, sorry.
Did I say nude? Yep, sorry. News... I was okay until I looked at Zach and then we just, we lost him.
NewsNation clip. And I showed you him before Congress. But, but, and I'm sorry,
I couldn't find the exact place of the video to make it a wider clip, but this is also a part of his
NewsNation article, or interview. Listen to this, Brian. Not be traveling through space as we understand it.
It is a well -established fact, at least mathematically and based on empirical observation and analysis that there most likely are physical additional spatial dimensions.
You can imagine in 4 and 5D space where what we experience as linear time ends up being a physical dimension in higher dimensional space where if you were living there you could translate across what we perceive as a linear flow.
So there is a possibility that, and this is a theory here,
I'm not saying this is 100 % the case, but it could be that this is not necessarily extraterrestrial and it's actually coming from a higher dimensional physical space that might be co -located right here.
There you go. That was my point. If you listen long enough, the truth comes out, the cards get on the table.
I'm not saying that he fully even understands what he's saying. I'm not saying it's nefarious.
I'm saying that he's just allowing you to hear. There's elements to this. We think that these are celestial beings and higher dimensional beings.
It may not actually be extraterrestrials from other star systems. It may be just a different dimension on the other side of us and these things are already present with us.
They're not traveling from other star systems. They're actually other dimensional beings that are right here present with us.
That's what the whistleblower said. We could do more on this and we're probably going to have to in the future, but we have insider information, people who have been connected to government programs and people who are on these programs where Christians have been tasked in some of these programs to investigate and discover and they've been terrified with what they've come back with and they're saying that what we're encountering is that our government is clearly aware of the other dimensional demonic element of this, that what we're dealing with here is demons.
More on that later, but we do have that as well. So, Brian? Yeah, I mean, and again, this is,
I think it was John Keel that used the phrase ultra -terrestrials and he was a
Project Blue Book guy, but I mean, he described the phenomenon very similarly, that this is multi -dimensional or extra -dimensional beings.
These are not physical alien beings the way that we're necessarily thinking about them. That was one of his big conclusions.
Just based on the way that some of the reports would engage in portals and materializing, dematerializing, and I do think it's interesting that we've known for quite some time that you can mathematically describe many dimensions in this way.
And we can't conceptualize what it would be like. You know, we're three -dimensional. We can look at a cube and see three sides of the cube.
Four -dimensional being could conceptually see all six sides at the same time, and we can't even conceptualize that.
So when the non -Christians start to interact with this, I think that's where their mind goes, is to exotic physics.
But the Christian, I think, can say often what you're describing is it's not necessarily exotic physics.
It's a spiritual dimension that you are failing to factor into your model of reality.
Yes. So you're not going to come to correct conclusions. Yes. If you start without the correct presuppositions and foundational assumptions.
And it's exactly the point. The presuppositions, the foundational assumptions, the biblical worldview at the bottom gives you the story of creation that makes sense of all this.
And here's what I mean by that. The biblical worldview starts with a physical cosmos and a spiritual together.
So when God creates heavens and the earth, you have God's presence with his people. You have the spirit.
God is spirit, right? And so you have God's spirit with God's people walking among them. You've got the physical and the spiritual heaven and earth in harmonious operation at the very beginning.
Sin enters the world. Curse, fall, all of that takes place and there's a break between God's throne, heaven, and earth.
And so the whole story of redemption is God coming to restore and save his people and to bring heaven and earth back together again.
And so the biblical worldview has the model at the very beginning of a physical cosmos that is directly connected to a spiritual cosmos and dimension as well.
There are lines there and there are barriers and walls there that I think right now are very good in a haunted cosmos for us to be aware of and we don't want to breach those walls.
And that's the command in scripture of Deuteronomy 18. God to his people at the very beginning of our
Bibles, God's warning his people don't attempt to breach that. Don't attempt to communicate with the other side.
Don't try to talk to the dead. You're not really talking to the dead. Don't do it. Don't do what the pagan nations do.
Don't engage in the sorcery, the omens, the necromancy, the spiritism, the medium. Don't do that stuff.
And here's the reason why. Because what you make contact with is not something you are probably ready for.
And so those walls that are built up right now in this particular space we're in are actually good walls.
Don't breach them. It's interesting as well. I think two thoughts on what you just said.
Number one, I think Christians too often have been discipled or assumed that those commands are don't engage in those things because they're fake.
And that's just materialism. That's just us reading the scriptures through a materialist worldview with a sprinkle of, you know, it's like the top ramen with the seasoning packet.
And the Christianity is just like the supernatural is just this little seasoning we add to this physical world. That's not really the reality.
The warning is it's real. So don't do it. It's real. But then the full arc of our redemption of the
God -man making a true humanity in his own image is such that glorified man will judge the angels.
So man will become in his glorified state able to interact and actually
I think this is one element of this is that we will be able to at least judge this spiritual world rightly with sight that's different than we have now.
And I guess I've never connected those dots until just now. So that might be a terrible way of explaining it.
No, I'm following you. That came to mind is that it's like this process of discipling of this new humanity in the image of Christ such that we come to full maturity in glory with Christ.
And that's an interesting thought. I guess I hadn't put that together before in that way. Yeah, and I think the summary and Brian, do you have a few more minutes so you can come with us on the after show?
Yeah. You do? Okay, good. So guys, in just a moment here I'll summarize in a second but just a moment we're going to switch over after this on this channel.
We're going to go over to Apologia Studios, our All Access Ministry partners. You help us to do everything that we're doing.
Every evangelism video, every debate, every lecture, every sermon is because of people just like you that partner with us in this ministry.
We're going to head over to All Access, do the after show, continue with Brian here with some more discussion. And so we'll make our way over there.
And let's just go ahead and do that. We'll end the show there today. Make our way over there. Do we have any super chats? We got two super chats.
Yep, Grayson Whitted. You forgot to talk about your alien patch. Oh, that's right. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, okay, real fast.
Everyone's probably wondering what is with the alien patch here. I announced it last week. Just in brief, we're going to be talking more about it soon.
This is not a nicotine patch. Is it non -biologic? Human biologics? We're talking about aliens and government deception.
Maybe I'm involved. That's someone who looks a little occultic. Yeah, this is my ion patch, ionlayer .com.
I announced it last week. It's just been a huge blessing to my life. The guys who do this company are just incredible godly men.
I love this company. NAD, or some people call it NAD. It is known as the fountain of youth because it's the chemical that you already have in your system.
It helps your system to operate. They call it the fountain of youth because when you're young, you have tons of this stuff. It actually helps your system.
It keeps you working properly. If you didn't have NAD in your system, you would die in about 30 seconds.
You already have it. The problem is it's very expensive. If you get it through IV, it is like $850, $850 bucks or somewhere around there.
It's extraordinarily painful. Everyone talks about the traumatic experience they had when they do NAD. You probably also heard
Joe Rogan talking about it when he got the vid. He did NAD as an
IV. My friend Dennis Sarfante, a professional baseball player, had a hip replacement. He did it
IV. He said it was a horrible experience, but he said when he was done, he felt like Iron Man and like he could run through a wall.
He was running, I think, in like two weeks. Jogging. Yogging. Soft J. Soft J.
After he had a hip replacement. Just wild stuff. My wife, after she did it, she got two of her smells back that had disappeared or gotten raunchy after the vid.
Anyway, I love it. It's great. If you guys want to check it out and look into it, go to ionlayer .com.
If you guys want to start it, you guys get money off. It's like $100 off by putting
APOLOGIA in all caps. In all caps. All caps. I started, but apparently
I can't read very well. You forgot to do the loading cycle. I saw it said every five days, so that's what
I was doing, but I missed the part where you're supposed to do that. I've had better recovery after working out.
All kinds of stuff. It's just something your body naturally has. God gave it to us. These guys are great. They found a way to get it into your system without all the pain and the expense.
I love them. I was doing it before they hooked up with us to give stuff to you. I was just doing it and I'm going to continue doing it forever.
Who do we have for Super Chats before we go over to the air? It's in... Grayson Witted. Grayson Witted.
Why don't you go ahead and read it out there, Zach? Do you see it? I see this one right here. He's asking a question. Maybe we can address it in the after show, too.
Where would you start the conversation with friends and family who are skeptical of this topic? Skeptical in what way,
I wonder. Just aliens in general. I would say, for the Christians you're talking to and trying to talk to friends and family about the need for an answer,
I would first lay down the foundations biblically that we understand much of this phenomena that we can answer and address it from the
Christian worldview. I would give the grounding that Scripture gives about not communicating with the other side about the unseen realm.
And then I would just say, look, we have to accept the fact that there are demonic forces at work here. And what you are seeing in many cases is actually true.
What you're seeing with these orbs and these things that are defying the laws of physics, that should be expected in a
Christian worldview. And so that's how I'd start the conversation and say that it's going to be important for us to have an answer.
Here's what I'll say. It's going to be important for us to have an answer because as you get into this and start listening, and look, it's not, this is not something that is the tinfoil hat out there people like, oh, that's just weird crew talking to us.
Why am I concerned? It's on Joe Rogan's podcast, most popular podcast in the world. It's on the Sean Ryan podcast.
It's before Congress right now. So this is in the mainstream now. So you're going to need an answer for this.
And when they're talking about it, just know that the suggestion down the line is made and now change your worldview.
And now this is how you should see reality. And this is what this means about God. And this is what this means about the
Bible. It's a complete shifting of the worldview to a oneist worldview, or to a new age, or occultist worldview.
And other one? That was it. That was it. All right, guys. Thank you guys so much for watching. Make sure you guys share this. Go check out
Haunted Cosmos, Brian and the gang. Amazing show. So fun. Don't forget, my suggestion is listen to some
Haunted Cosmos with the lights turned off and the speakers up. I recommend
The Mothman and maybe Skinwalkers.
It was a really good one. Turn the lights out. Let you and your wife cozy up together. And that'll force her to get close to you the rest of the night.
It's better than a scary movie. It's just great. Great production value. I'm so grateful for those guys and everything they're doing.
Brian, thanks for joining us. We're going to head over to The After Show, guys, right now. ApologiaStudios .com. Go over there. We're going to talk more about aliens and UAPs.