More on the Trucker Protest and Comments on War

AD Robles iconAD Robles



All right, quick video today. And when I say quick, this time I mean quick. But anyway, two comments really, and one of them is about yesterday's video.
So when I put out yesterday's video, I expected to get some pushback about the trucker convoy, the trucker protests, and all of that, because I characterized it pretty negatively.
And if you're interested in my idea of Christian protest and things like that, my speech actually is going to be on this in the upcoming conference.
So go ahead and sign up. It's totally free, and I will be there. John Harris will be there. God bless
John Harris, by the way. And Joel Webb. And God bless him, too. Let's not leave out
Joel. In any case, so I'll be unpacking this a lot more. But I wanted to respond to one piece of pushback because I keep getting it.
And I just want to explain a little further because I think this is really crucial to understand.
Now, I characterize a lot of the sillier aspects of the protests, you know, the weird dance party, you know,
I mentioned the clip that Owen Benjamin played of Zoolander where they're just dancing like a bunch of, you know, you know.
Anyway, and all of that, I was laughing about that for such a long time. In any case, so I was mentioning that and people keep saying, no, no, no,
ADC, you're just going with the mainstream media narrative. That's not what this is. It's such a peaceful protest, and there's pastors that are preaching there, and they're praying, and they're baptizing, and most of it isn't a rave.
Most of it isn't a rave, and all the vulgarity, like that's just a piece of it.
Most of it is very peaceful and docile and stuff like that. And I didn't miss any of that.
I heard all of it, right? I saw it all. I saw that Pastor Arter was preaching there, and, you know, good,
God bless that. I hope it yielded a lot of fruit and all that kind of thing. But what
I'm saying though is, while at the same time we've got the dance party and all of that, we've got the prayer and stuff like that, but what
I'm saying is the whole thing is jacked up from the beginning. Like, the whole strategy is inappropriate, in my opinion, for a
Christian protest. And look, I think people should be preaching everywhere, so I'm not upset for people preaching at this protest.
I mean, we should have street preachers everywhere at all times. I'm not opposed to that, right?
But what I'm saying is, look, I want freedom, right? I don't want any vaccine mandates.
I don't want any mask mandates. I don't want anyone's livelihood destroyed by the regimes and stuff like that.
So I'm like their target audience for this kind of a protest, right? Like, I agree with all of it.
I don't want any—and look, vaccine mandate or not, I'm never getting the vaccine, right? So I'm not relying on the protest, but I'm in support of their efforts, right?
But if this protest was happening in Keene, New Hampshire, outside of my house, I'd be pissed off, because I want to get some sleep.
I want my children to get some sleep. Like, this is a stupid protest in the beginning. Like, I don't mean what they're protesting,
I mean the strategy, right? So what we're going to do—and people say it's mostly peaceful. I get it. I get it, right?
But what they're actually doing, though, is they're occupying an entire section of Ottawa illegally, and they're honking the horns all hours of the night, being an overall nuisance, and the strategy is, we're going to starve them out, right?
We're not going to deliver anything, we're not going to allow anything to come in, and the supply chains are going to feel the pain, they're going to feel the pressure, then they're going to have to do what we say.
What I'm saying is, the whole idea of it is doomed from the start, and it's very easy to flip the script on it, right?
It's very easy to squash, and it's very easy to flip the script on it. I just think it's a foolish idea in the first place.
And I know all of you that are pushing back on, you're good people, I'm not saying you're a bad person,
I'm not saying you're dumb, I'm not saying that I don't like you if you participate and support the Trucker Rally, I'm not saying any of these things.
What I'm saying, though, is we really need to think these kinds of things through when we're doing them, because if me, who is in support of no mandates,
I'm in support of all their goals, right? At least the ones I've seen. I would be so pissed if this was in keen, you know what
I mean? Like, my kids need to go to sleep, like, this is not, and by the way, that does kind of roll back some of these things where it's like, it's mostly peaceful, yeah, but like, kinda not though, because you're actually all night long,
I mean, look, if you don't let people sleep, that's actually a form of torture in some way, you know what
I mean? So yes, you're not beating people up, and yes, you're not lighting stuff on fire the way the Black Lives Matter rally does it, granted, you're not as bad, fine!
But I'm not going for not as bad, I'm going for like, actually good, that's my whole point, right?
And so I didn't miss the prayers, I didn't miss the preaching, I didn't miss the quieter side of this, and I'm not opposed to any of that,
I'm never opposed to preaching, I'm never opposed to, look, I get it, but the whole idea of this thing is doomed from the start, and it's obnoxious, it's not,
I just don't think it's the way that Christians ought to do it, it's just that simple, and I think that in my speech at this conference,
I think I'm gonna prove that it's not the way Christians ought to behave. In fact, the very parts of the scripture that talk about how to deal with governments,
I'm talking Romans 13, Romans 12, I'm talking Peter, I'm talking other parts of scripture that deal directly with dealing with authority, and stuff like that, they talk about the manner in which you should engage with people you disagree with, and it really doesn't look like the trucker convoy, it doesn't.
I just, like, Romans 12, read Romans 12, you know, read Romans 12, read Romans 13, and look,
I'm not talking about the Romans 13 where it's like, just do what the government says, you guys know me, I don't believe that.
I'm talking about Romans 12 where it talks about how to conduct yourself, right? And bless, don't curse, like, you know,
I don't want to hold up a sign that says, let's go Brandon, I don't want to hold up a sign that says
F Trudeau, and you need, like, I don't think that's appropriate for a Christian, I'm just saying.
And then it's like, well, and then you do that, and it's like, well, what do you expect is gonna happen? What do you think he's gonna do? Of course he's gonna overreact, because he's a freaking maniac, right?
He's a maniac, you know that, of course he's gonna overreact, and I'm not saying you deserve it, but what
I'm saying is you should have saw it coming. Anyway, so again, I don't want this to be a thing where, like, you think
I don't respect your opinion. I do, I hear what you're saying, but I just don't think this is very well thought through.
If, okay, I made my point. Okay, the second thing that I wanted to say is war is a racket.
That's it. I think war is a racket in general. Like, as a general rule, when countries are going to war, it's because it's a scam.
They want to make money. They want to make money, they want to destroy resources, and in the destruction of resources, there's a power there, you know, people live in fear, you have the ability to sort of increase the size of your government, the power you have over people.
War is just a racket pretty much 100 % of the time, and not 100 % because there obviously are defensive wars and things like that, but war is a racket, and so when you're kind of trying to decipher what's going on right now, you know, number one, don't join the crowd to do evil.
Don't join the many to do evil. Like, there's a lot of bloodthirsty evangelical leaders out there right now.
Oh, Russell Moore is quivering again. He is always quivering, you know what
I mean? Russell Moore is out there beating the war drums. A lot of guys are beating the war drums. Don't get swept up in that, you know what
I mean? There is a time for war. We know that from the Bible. God trains your hands for war.
We know that from the Bible, and when a Christian is involved in a Christian war, he needs to be involved in it brutally and to the death and for victory, but very few wars are legitimately okay for a
Christian to get involved in, and I'm just like you guys reading these ridiculous headlines and all of the propaganda, and take a deep breath, guys.
Take a deep breath. We learned this lesson. How many times have we learned it? When the media propaganda machine gets going, you know they're trying to put an emotion in you.
They're not trying to really give you information. They're just trying to fan the flames of a certain emotion, whether it's anger, whether it's fear, whether it's sadness, frustration, anxiety.
These guys are demons. The media are demons, and they want to just feed off these emotions, and they just want to pump you full of these emotions, and when you see that, when you see that the reporting is really not a lot of facts.
It's mostly emotion pushing. That's the sign to take a deep breath, turn off your computer if you can't help yourself.
Stop scrolling Facebook if you can't help yourself. It'll be there when you get back. Take a deep breath.
It's time to think things through, calm down, pray through things, and all that kind of stuff, because people are going to try to get you to join the crowd to do evil, and now is the time to not do that, because we know the media lies to us.
We know they've lied to us many times in the past. We know it's very highly likely they're lying again. Do we know why?
Do we know what the lies are? I don't know, but what I do know is war is a racket, and we all need to calm down.
One thing that you might want to do instead of watching all the war coverage is watch John Harris's most recent video.
John, brother, I don't know why, but that video, I got emotional.
I was like, this is just, I'm seeing so clearly now, and John, thank you for it.
It was really good. It's the one about, I'm so horrible at promoting things.