F4F | Chad Veach Walking Around These Walls


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Welcome to another installment of fighting for the faith here on YouTube recording from a secret remote location.
If you've ever been told that you know that whole story of the walls of Jericho coming tumbling down it's about overcoming obstacles that are keeping you from your promised land you know like your purpose and stuff like that then go ahead and hit the subscribe button down below you've been taught false doctrine and a strange kind at that where you're missing the actual cues in Scripture that teach you how to properly interpret it and what
I mean by that is in the Old Testament you know we have types and shadows the book of Hebrews is quite explicitly clear on this and so when we get to the type and shadow of the promised land the question is what is it referring to and oddly enough
Scripture tells us so that we don't have to miss it so we'll do a little bit of work with the types and shadows as it relates to Jericho the crossing of the
Jordan the fall of the walls of Jericho that the shout and the trumpets yeah that all is pointing to something by the way and what we're gonna do is we're gonna head over to Zoe Church out there in Los Angeles this is one of those purpose -driven churches where celebrities like to show up and we're gonna be listening to Chad Veach as he's teaching about walking around these walls and you can get the whole theology of the sermon itself from the setup in the opening minutes so let's open this up and we'll get right to it here's
Chad Veach on walking around these walls here we go now if you don't know much about the
Bible let me just explain to you who we're talking about in exactly the context of what they're facing
Moses yeah Moses we talked about Moses in our crush series Moses God chose him to be the the leader of the
Israelites to bring them out of captivity and into the promised land so God used
Moses Moses experience of many miracles they crossed through the Red Sea they got remember the plagues they got out of Egypt they got out of slavery and and Moses led them to all the way up until the time they were about to enter into the promised land right before they go into the promised land
Moses has a whoopsies he makes a mistake yeah he disobeys God he strikes the rock a second time when he was told to speak to it thank and God says
Moses we're not gonna use you to to lead God's people my people into the promised land so Moses passes away and God chooses a new leader and the new leader his name is
Joshua now let's kind of work through some of the types and shadows right now before we get too far into this message so that you can see for yourself you know really what should be going on here so we're head over to Hebrews chapter 11
Hebrews chapter 11 and in Hebrews chapter 11 we are told explicitly what the shadow type and shadow of the promised land is referring to so Hebrews 11 verse 8 says by faith
Abraham obeyed when he was called to go out to a place that he was to receive as an inheritance and he went out not knowing where he was going by faith he went to live in the land of promise as in a foreign land living in tents with Isaac and Jacob heirs with him of the same promise for he was looking forward to the city that has foundations whose designer and builder is
God yeah so you can already tell wait a second that he didn't actually ever live in that place right because the promised land in the
Old Testament is pointing to a different place it's a type and shadow a what it's like God is giving you a rough cut of the basic concepts and the major points in the outline so that you can recognize what it's always been pointing to so by faith
Sarah received power to conceive you get the idea there and then we'll go to verse 13 so these all died in faith not having received the things promised but didn't
Abraham dwell in the promised land all his life yes and no no because the real promised land is not a postage stamp piece of property in the
Middle East but having seen them and greeted them from afar and having acknowledged that they were strangers and exiles on the earth for people who speak thus make it clear that they are seeking a homeland if they had been thinking of the land from which they had gone out they would have had opportunity to return but as it is they desire a better country that is a heavenly one therefore
God is not ashamed to be called their God for he has prepared for them a city so in its truest form the the promised land of the
Old Testament is pointing to the new earth which is our inheritance it's our true homeland and Abraham so journeying so journeying in Israel Cana at that time is so journeying there and not having received the thing promised the promised land shows that he was looking for a better country a heavenly one so if you're thinking well which one would that be read the back of the book of Revelation and you get the idea here now next type and shadow is actually very thinly veiled because God himself is the one who used
Moses to basically give us the Ten Commandments to give us the law of God now question can the law save you answer no it can't it can only tell you where you have fallen short it'll let you know the things that you haven't done that you shouldn't have done and it'll tell you about the things that you've done that you shouldn't have done that the law doesn't save you the law convicts you of your sins we are saved by grace through faith alone so can
Moses take you into the true promised land answer no
Moses cannot so who is it that is the one who takes us into the real promised land answer
Jesus and Jesus's Hebrew name is Yeshua or Joshua so you'll note that it is not
Moses who brings the children of Israel into the promised land it's Joshua Yeshua and it's he's going but that's the exact same name as Jesus that's on purpose you know sometimes
God makes it so plain that you know it's like having a pimple at the end of your nose there's no way to miss it so that's the idea so Moses can't bring you into the promised land only
Christ can take you into the promised land and that's part of the reason why there's this change of changing of the guard and you sit there go but yeah but Moses messed up that's why he wasn't able to make it in of course
Moses is a sinner like you and I and even Moses had fallen short of the glory of God and did not did not keep
God's law perfectly so not even Moses can be brought into the promised land by the law so his his disobedience is the thing that disqualifies him from going into the promised land just like our disobedience to God disqualifies us from going into the promised land so Jesus has to come in to forgive us and wash away our sins and you'll note then a miracle takes place it is a lot like the miracle that took place with the crossing of the
Red Sea it is the parting of the Jordan River both of these are allusions to baptism and the washing away of sins
Joshua was the one who leads them the children of Israel then through the waters of the Jordan to be baptized on their way into the real promised land you kind of get the idea then and so then what is
Jericho representative well you'll note that the children of Israel march around Jericho and you know set and yells many times and eventually they shout there's a trumpet blast there's a shouting and the walls come tumbling down you can think of it this way then that once they get to the promised land
Jericho is kind of a stand -in for sinful humanity and and then you you get a picture of the end of the world if you would in the destruction of Jericho that's really the picture of what's going on so the fall of Jericho is a type and shadow of the day of Jesus's return in glory to judge the living and the dead so now you've got all the major categories in play for the how these
Old Testament types and shadows work but Chad Veech here he's he's he's instead well missing the point if you would he's the point tremendously making it about something that it really isn't about now
Joshua takes over and the first thing God says in Joshua chapter 1 God tells this guy time and time again he says
Joshua be strong and courageous he says Joshua do not be afraid do not fear in other words you cannot be a leader and live being gripped by fear he says be yeah you catch that little part you can't be a leader and be gripped by fear yeah purpose -driven guys like Chad Veech yeah the seeker sensitive guys it's they are they overdose on on like worldly leadership and so for him it's all about being a vision casting leader which is why
I put that little plug in there be strong and courageous I'm with you be bold be strong I'm the
Lord your God so he's promised these things and he's promised to use Joshua to bring
God's people into the promised land now the promised land is a land flowing with milk and honey it's an awesome land it's a spacious land
LeBron lives there no just saying if you listening in the 915 okay so it's an awesome land he says
I'm gonna use you Joshua to bring my people into the promised land now they've already experienced so many miracles with Moses but now this is
Joshua's turn and God is about to use Joshua to lead them through the Jordan River they pass through the
Jordan River which is a very similar miracle to the Red Sea they pass through the Jordan River and then all of a sudden they are faced with a city called
Jericho now Jericho is a massive fortified city and these walls are fortified they're very high in fact some some historians believe they're 35 feet high this is a massive city these are massive yeah
Jericho actually had walls an outer wall system a very steep rampart and probably 25 to 35 foot walls that were at the top of the rampart this was a formidable defense system walls and as they come to these walls they are faced with an obstacle now these walls are an obstacle that are in the way of them getting to their promised land now notice what he just said of them getting to their promised land so already he's going to be doing some weird things with the promised land that you shouldn't be doing
Hebrews 11 gives you the definitive definition of what the promised land was always pointing to that being the case your promised land is not going to be anything different than Abraham's promised land that's right so your your promised land just like my promised land is the same as Abraham's problems promised land and that's the heavenly city whose foundation were built by God himself it's not about any ops you know this isn't about you know getting a better job finding your purpose you know getting married or anything like that that's not what this is referring to but that's what he's doing here want to talk together around the idea that there's something that's standing in the way between you and the thing that God wants you to do there yeah the thing that God wants me to do is not my promised land and again you know the thing
God wants me to do well we're created in Christ Jesus for good works plural not a purpose singular there might be an obstacle in your way there might be a blockage in the way there might be a relationship
I hang up an addiction something that's blocking you from getting into the thing that God's destined you to become no yeah so you'll note here this is a very common way of interpreting the promised land but this is not how
Scripture interprets it so we have to go with how Scripture interprets it not how people like this are interpreting it and I would say misinterpreting in fact misinterpreting the promised land and missing you know missing what it really says in Scripture about what it is is is to literally endanger yourself because now you're gonna be chasing your tail thinking it's
God's will for you to figure out what your promised land is when God's Word already tells you what it is and so now
I'm gonna be looking for things that are keeping me from getting into my promised land and my promised land is not you know the new heaven and the new earth instead my promised land is is a promotion at work or becoming the world's best opera singer or something like that and that isn't what this passage is referring to at all want to talk together around this idea and I want to show you how
God God literally shows up for Joshua and I believe God will show up for us the same right with you no
God will not show up for us the same way he showed up for Joshua that's nonsense watch here they are approaching the walls of Jericho God has told them to walk around six days around these walls and watch here how these massive walls come down love this story
Joshua chapter 6 let's just read in verses 15 and 16 and verse 20 says on the seventh day they rose early in the morning at the dawn of day and they marched around the city in the same manner seven times around these walls it was only on that day that they marched around the city seven times and at the seventh time when the priest had blown the trumpets
Joshua said to the people shout I love that shout for the Lord has given you the city so the people shouted and the trumpets were blown as soon as the people heard now little note here you know one of the ways you can tell that this is referring to something other than just the event itself now by the way the the fall the fall of the walls of Jericho this this account really happened in human history and God used this account and the details of it for the purposes of pointing us to our real promised land and and so I already made the claim that this is referring to in type and shadow the the end of the world so note as he's reading the account you have a shout and you have trumpets well oddly enough you you have something very similar and let me let me pull this up in the
New Testament here let me do that real quick there we go in the
New Testament we have examples of this being discussed in Scripture in relation to the end of the world so first Thessalonians 4 talking about Christ's return verse 16 for the
Lord himself will descend from heaven with the cry of command with the voice of an archangel with the sound of the trumpet and so you you so here these trumpets and you know the shouting occurs in relation to the end of the world the details actually match and so you know so he will send out his angels the loud trumpet call and they will gather his elect from the four winds so the shout of the archangel the cry of the archangel the shout of the archangel the trumpet these are referring then you know it is
Jesus is talking about the end of the world and so the fall of Jericho in reality is in type and shadow like a dress rehearsal picture of the end of the world the judging of the world and then who is it that escapes those who have the scarlet thread yeah
Rahab the prostitute the scarlet thread of you know hanging out her window so her and her family are saved they're rescued she's the one who helped the spies and she believed and oddly enough when you do the research on this
Rahab ends up marrying the man who who you know at that point the the line of the
Messiah had come up to so Rahab she becomes the mother of Boaz and Boaz marries
Ruth and and then they have Obed and you know in in in so their their children then are the direct line that goes through David you know the son of Jesse on on to Jesus and so you work the typology here scripture teaches you to work these things out in this way and you can again you get this picture of what's going on so Rahab the prostitute the one who is saved after the tent the trumpets and the shouting and the destruction of the walls of Jericho after Joshua has showed up with his army to conquer
Canaan right you get the idea and then that immediately commences with Rahab marrying the guy who's next in line for the
Messiah she's a picture of the Bride of Christ all of this imagery is so well documented and easy to unpack when you stop looking for yourself in scripture and start figuring out how to tie it back into Christ and interpreting scripture the way you know scripture tells you to but see he's not familiar with you know putting these dots together and as a result of it he thinks the promised land is something you were supposed to do heard the sound of the trumpet the people shouted a great shout everybody say great shout a great shout and the wall fell down flat so that the people went up into the city every man straight up before him and they captured the city fantastic story they've been circling around the walls for six days just once but on the seventh day there's something about that number seven on the seventh day they marched around that city seven times and when that cue came he said blow the trumpets all of God's people
I want you to give a shout and the Bible says they gave a great shout and the Bible says literally when they shouted the walls of Jericho came falling down flat want to preach a message today you can write down the title it's called walking around these walls walking around these walls and I believe that whatever obstacles in your way today whatever you're facing we've been talking about this whatever you're facing it may be big but it's not bigger than God no matter what those fortified walls look like no matter how big that city or that problem looks like it could be sickness it could be cancer it could be poverty whatever you're going through yeah cancer and poverty again are not obstacles to keep you from your promised land in fact in reality cancer could be the thing that's helping you get there quicker just saying yeah it's not bigger than God one moment with God one moment with God showing up come on that obstacle is gonna fall does anybody have faith that our
God is a miracle worker well yeah our God is capable of working miracles that's not the issue the thing is you're making promises now and somehow you know all cancer is keeping me from experiencing you know whatever promised land
I'm supposed to be getting to it's like the walls of Jericho and I believe that God can cause that to fall that's a total misapplication of this text and a way that's dangerously so that can understand undermine somebody's faith amen to that walking around these walls won't talk about it give you five things out of the
Bible out of this story that we can draw from today that's yeah I think you get the idea this guy totally misses the whole point so if you found this helpful and hopefully you did you know and you've learned a little bit about learning how to use you know scriptures interpretation of some of the types and shadows so that you can put the rest of the pieces together and see how it plays into it because again in the
Old Testament we have these symbols but in the New Testament we have the arrival of the thing that was symbolized and so you've got to learn how to read scripture the way scripture teaches you to read it so that you don't fall prey to bad teaching like this because you know
I feel bad for the people there at Zoe Church because they're gonna leave that church service going man
I've got to apply these five things to get rid of the obstacles that are keeping me from getting into you might you know and into my promised land yeah you know like those walls of Jericho and it's like this is utter nonsense there's no application here of that type that can be rightly gleaned from from the
Bible itself so if you found this helpful go ahead and share the information all the information on how to share the video is down below as well as the information on the software that I use in these in these video podcasts and of course if you don't already subscribe to our audio podcast have a head over to fighting for the faith calm and subscribe to our audio podcast where we do two hours a day of this type of discernment work there's so much more and you can listen to it while driving to work you cannot watch
YouTube while driving to work that's how you get you end up dead and getting to your promised land quicker by the way so and of course all the information on how to support us financially is also down below in the description so until next time may