The Mandate

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Well, I'm thankful again to have a brother in Christ who is willing to take the pulpit this is giving me Much needed time at home.
We're thankful that God has brought JJ into the world safely this week And so it's been nice to to know that the the message was prepared and going to be delivered so at this point I want to Just pray for brother Mike really quickly and then invite him up father.
I ask that you give Mike Encouragement and strength and give him your truth and your Holy Spirit that whereby he might preach to us The everlasting truths of the Word of God in Jesus name.
We pray Amen Well for those of you that were coming to hear Keith I Apologize you'll get a man with half the brains half the preaching half the teaching and if y'all have equated that correctly we may Get out of here in half the time So if you want to take your Bibles and open up to Matthew 28 Is this really loud? Is it okay and let's stand and read verses 16 through 20 Then the eleven disciples went away into Galilee to a mountain which Jesus had appointed for them And then they saw him and they worshipped him But some doubted and Jesus came and spoke to them saying all authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth go therefore and make disciples of all the nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and teaching them to observe all things that I Have commanded you and lo I am with you always Even to the end of the age Father God, thank you for this time Thank you for the opportunity to open your perfect word Father, I pray that you would send your word out to correct rebuke and struck and equip a man of God to be fully Perfected to carry out your good work Father God, I need you.
I don't need your help.
I don't need Your prodding father, I need you and I need your Holy Spirit to speak through me father.
This is your word These are your people.
It's your truth and apart from you father.
I can do nothing Now father Use this time to encourage Your people and to call sinners to repentance in Christ's name.
I Can think of no better passage that Should be more regulatory and should be more preached to God's people than this passage it's overlooked a lot of times is Because we have what's called relational evangelism I'm going to make friends and then I'm going to use that opportunity To share my faith just to let you know that's nowhere in the scripture The Bible says we are to go and we're to speak to men and women concerning what Jesus commanded and Normally when these this passage is taught it's it starts in verse 18 But in my studies in the past and I will do the same today verse 16 and 17 are often very quickly passed over as Being just a setting to show you where they were at and what was going on My attempt this morning is to show you the relevance and The purpose for that those first two verses 16 and 17 for being here And here's the reason all scriptures profitable for doctrine reproof and correction instruction and righteousness These two verses are inspired by God and was put by Matthew for a purpose and for reason Jesus calls a great appointment who would be at this great appointment and where would it be? Jesus before his crucifixion on the night.
He was betrayed by the betrayer Judas Said this in chapter 26 verse 30 and 31 And they sung some hymns and I went out the Mount of Olives and when Jesus said to them all of you will be made to stumble because of Me this night for it is written.
I will strike the shepherd and the sheep of the flock will be scattered but after I Have been raised I will go before you in the Galilee They passed right over what Jesus has already said to them.
He says after I've been raised.
What does that mean? Jesus is fixing to die and he is already preparing them for something ahead of time.
That would take place And I'm going to affirm this again.
We have a Matthew 28 Verse 7 where it says go quickly and tell the disciples.
This is what the angel told The told the the women at the tomb He says go and tell his disciples that he is risen from the dead and indeed he is going before you into Galilee and there you will see him and behold I've told you and Then not only there does he say it to affirm it again and to reinforce exactly what the angel of the Lord had said To the women leaving the tomb listen to what the risen Savior says.
He says it in verse 9 and 10 He says and as the disciples he went they were coming to behold Jesus met them.
He said rejoice and they came and held him by his feet and they worshiped him and Jesus says do not be afraid but go and tell my brethren to go to Galilee and there they will see me Now we know from the Gospels that there was that Jesus made three post resurrection appearances before this great appointment we can see That from this meeting or this appointment in Galilee that this was a very important purpose that Jesus wasn't just saying hey, let's meet here There was a specific reason why they were going to Galilee and I'm going to point that out Galilee is in the northern part of Israel And if you were to look behind we were looking down towards the southern you look behind you.
What is behind you? It's the Gentile nations It was the very nations that the Jewish people hated That they despised that they wanted nothing to do with that They didn't want any contact with and it was in Galilee where Jesus meant most of his earthly King earthly ministry doing his messianic work.
It's actually a fulfillment of Isaiah chapter 9 and it's Actually spoken of it in Matthew chapter 4 when he begins his messianic ministry in Matthew chapter 4 verses 12 through 16 and Matthew even Shows you that it's the fulfillment because he says now when Jesus heard that John had been put in prison Speaking of John the Baptist that he departed to Galilee and leaving Nazareth.
He came and he dwelt in Capernaum By the sea and the regions of Zebulun and Naphtali that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of by Isaiah the prophet saying the land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali the way of the sea beyond the Jordan Galilee of the Gentiles the people who sat in darkness Have seen a great light and upon those who sat in the region in the shadow of death a light has dawned Jesus left Nazareth 30 years old went down to the Jordan baptized being anointed by a prophet that righteousness would be fulfilled according to the law That's why Jesus was baptized not because Jesus was repenting of any sin But Jesus had to be anointed by a prophet Jesus being baptized was coming up out of the water and now he was going to go out and do his Messianic ministry and where did he set up his home base? It wasn't in Nazareth because a prophet is not accepted in his own hometown.
It was set up in Capernaum in Galilee verse 16 says that the disciples the 11 It's an odd time to see that the 11 normally we hear the 12 why the 11 Was the 11 because now we know that Judas has the betrayer has gone out.
He has killed himself.
He has hung himself He has gone to his own place Matthias has not been put in this place So it's the of the 11 that go to Galilee and it's not any old place in Galilee It's a specific mountain that Jesus is going to pointing to them for this great appointment and we don't know exactly The mountain in which they went but we know it's a place in which they knew because they all met there And you're probably saying well, what's the significance of a mountain? What's the big deal? Why? Make such a big deal about a mountain first of all in the Old Testament Abraham was promised that through his seed all of the nations would be blessed.
Where did that happen? It happened on a mountain.
Where did God make a covenant with his people and Moses was on a mountain and Then we see in the New Testament three times in Jesus's ministry that are recorded in the Gospels where Jesus called men to a mountain in Galilee Specifically for a purpose and here's one the first sermon that Jesus ever preached the kingdom of God the manifesto of the kingdom the first Recorded sermon of our Savior the Sermon on the Mount was preached and now in that sermon He called he took his disciples up on a mountain and he began to teach them.
He taught him these things He taught them the characteristics of what it meant to be a kingdom citizen He told them what is it going to look like when a person is trusting wholly in Me and he gave them those He gave a proper interpretation of the Mosaic law.
He taught them how to pray which we did this morning Not only that but he showed them What it was like to seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness He taught them to be discerning beware of false prophets and to obey his words Rather than to be like the foolish man who would trust in foolish things and build his house on sand Jesus did all of this on a mountain in Galilee Then Jesus he went about and he selected his twelve apostles Well, when did that happen and says in in Mark 3 that he withdrew himself up into a mountain and he? Selected the twelve so we see right here just in these two Instances alone that something big happened when Jesus went up on a mountain and he called men unto himself but then another one in Matthew 17 which we would call the Mount of Transfiguration Jesus goes up onto the mountain with Peter James and John the inner circle and what does he do? He meets with Elijah and he meets with Moses and he talks about and that actually passage It talks about Jesus fixing to make his exodus making his departure fixing to lay his life down And Peter and James and John are on that and what happens in an instant Jesus is deity burst forth From his flesh and they saw Jesus Christ not as glorified man, but as deity This happened on a mountain in Galilee And if you would like to go read it Peter talks about being on that mountain.
It's in 2nd Peter chapter 1 verses 16 through 18 And we can see from these three passages alone that when Jesus the Lord Jesus began to make it known that he was going to make a post-resurrection Appearance and he was going to do it on a mountain in Galilee that this was going to have tremendous significance and that this is wasn't going To be Jesus appearing into a room.
This is going to be for a specific purpose Jesus had already been preparing them for this appointment Even before he was crucified Having appeared to them on the evening of the resurrection day.
Jesus had prepared them to go to Galilee Thomas not being there Understand Thomas was not there the first time but then eight days later Jesus appears to them again, and then he appears to them again as they were fishing the three times we've been one of these three occasions that Jesus would give them the Specific place of where this would happen and it would be in a mountain in Galilee Well, who would be at this place? Who would be at this specific place and why remember? that well in Verse 17 that the people that would be at this mountain were not only going to be the 11 And how do we know that because back in in the the other passages that we just read that the women were told to meet him There right the women were told so the women will be on the mountain there with him But then we have something else that takes place We have what's called an inference that we draw draw from the rest of Scripture and And First Corinthians chapter 15 it says that Jesus appeared to over 500 people at one time at one time Jesus appeared This could very well be that and understand an inference is not a blind assumption as my wife has told me you're just making a guess This is not a guess.
This would have been the only place big enough to hold 500 people I Can come up with my own thinking there were other commentators that believe that and Probably mr.
Foskey would agree that that is a good place for 500 people could have been Considering all the other places the other times that Jesus had appeared was not significantly big enough to hold 500 people So it'd be in this place where these 500 people could have have Have actually been But as those people were coming and the significance of this there's a peculiar grammatical construction in verse 17 it says and when they saw him They worshipped him, but some doubted But some doubted verse 17 says Implied because of the semicolon of what is that some doubted that there is a subject change It says that they saw him well who was they that saw him it was none other than the 11 None other than the women that were there with him, and it says that they worshipped Then it says that some doubted well who were those that would have doubted most definitely could have been those 500 Look we're talking about Jesus being crucified in Jerusalem Saying meet me on a mountain in Galilee Do you understand if you look at your map in the back of your Bible? Do you understand it's a three-day journey? Three days even if you Plus you may have to go around Samaria and doing so you're seeing these people who were very well known In this particular time because of Jesus Messianic Ministry over the last three years as they are going from Jerusalem where this Jesus the Christ Supposedly had been crucified and had been word had already traveled out that he was risen And they are traveling and as they're walking.
They're seeing Jesus's disciples go to another place Where are you going? But we're going to that mountain where Jesus said to meet him the very man that they saw crucified some of them in that city had not yet seen the risen Son of God and His disciples leaving the festive remember that was at the time of the Passover you didn't leave Jerusalem They were leaving Jerusalem going to a mountain to meet the risen Savior and as they were going on stuff didn't go out through text or by email How did it go out? They talked they spoke to people and they're seeing this group of people travel on to another place Leaving Jerusalem to meet the risen Savior no doubt a Gathering of people would have been there.
No doubt And as they get there, it says that some doubted That word there is the word Dastazo not the word for unbelief not the one the word for that they were rejecting but more so carries the idea with it of of uncertainty Like I can't believe what my eyes are seeing we've all have been in that have we not Been in some place or seen something and you're like I can't believe this is real I can speak of a specific time last year this time.
I was standing in the garden tomb where our Savior busted out of the door and of all the places I saw over there I told dad my why that's no big deal.
I got there and it was like God stood on this very steps and walked out the store and it was like man.
This is unreal, but it was real This is the case.
They're going that was the man.
We saw beaten bloodied and tortured and Here it is There he is we can't believe what our eyes are seeing but then it says they doubted and Then he spoke He spoke it says he came to them and as he came to them as he was walking towards them They realized that this is Jesus Christ the righteous and then when he spoke this words uncertainty dissipated Listen to Jesus Christ claim all authority has been given unto me in heaven and on earth all Authority so Jesus not only makes this great appointment, but now he's making this great claim This great claim no doubt sent that hesitation of who this person is is is gone Authority means absolute power Absolute control his right and his authority and several times through the through the the Gospels we see Jesus Christ exerting his authority and exerting his power but understand that when Jesus at this particular time saying I have all authority and All power has been given to me is a different type of authority In times past in the in the Gospels we can see there was times when Jesus Um, I got wrote a few down here when Jesus would speak to the to the sea.
What did he do? He demonstrated that he had authority over nature Calm the sea everybody's flipping out Jesus asleep with a pillow and they get up Jesus speaks everything stops It's flat flat like glass Then we have other times when Jesus would come up to a man who was blind He would spit in his eye And then or tell him to see and light would begin to burst in through his eyes and he would see That's authority.
Then there were other times when Jesus would come across a man who was filled with six thousand demons and With one word go He expelled six thousand into swine and they run off a cliff.
That's authority That is authority Or at times he would walk into a temple and there would be a man there with a withered hand and he would say stretch forth your hand The guy's hands broke it doesn't work.
And what did the man do? That's authority That was Jesus demonstrating his authority and Then standing in front of the tomb of Lazarus four days man being dead move the stone And what did he say? Lazarus Come forth And what happened? boom-boom Lazarus And flesh started was new again.
His heart starts beating He's just starts pulsating from his lungs breathing and who walked forth Lazarus.
He is.
That is authority But then there's one passage that always is my favorite and it's in Mark 2 I'm gonna read it This is authority Since he was gathered together He was beginning to preach the good news in the house In verse 3 and they came to him bringing a paralytic And when they could not come near him because of the crowd they uncovered the roof where he was so that when he had broken through they let down the bed on which the paralytic was lying and Jesus saw their faith and said to the paralytic son your sins are forgiven You understand that for the first time recorded we see Jesus no longer dealing with the effects of sin He dealt with the sin itself.
Hey this man couldn't walk no doubt But what was his biggest problem not being able to walk but because he was a sinner and was an offense against God and he needed forgiveness And what did Jesus do? He didn't care about his legs He said son your sins are forgiven and then go on to see look what the legalists do in that passage They say who are you only God can forgive sin.
And what did you just go on to say? That's right only God can forgive sin and the very things that I'm doing is to show that the authority of Jesus Christ the God-man has the power to forgive sin and you know what dude Get up and walk too Could the Pharisees do either one of those and what did he say? Which one's easier tell a man to get up and walk or tell a man of sins are forgiven.
They couldn't do either and Jesus says I have the power to forgive sin.
This doesn't mean that Jesus and Wasn't always the sovereign Son of God.
This doesn't mean that Jesus was not always God that spoke in eternity past and time and when time began It's not that this is speaking of when Jesus has all Authority has been given unto me and heaven and on earth is because Jesus Christ is now the risen Son of God he is Jesus Christ the righteous the glorified God-man He has been exalted name above every name and now Jesus Christ has been given a Kingdom and a power and an authority why because it was prophesied and not in Daniel Daniel chapter 7 go back and read it.
We won't flip back there, but you have it in Daniel 7 It's where some people believe that was Jesus coming back to consummate his kingdom and all I tell you to do if you disagree Look at the direction in which Jesus is going.
He's not coming.
He's going back to receive a kingdom Jesus Christ is going to be the enthroned Exalted King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
That's what Jesus is doing That's why when Jesus says all authority has been given unto me in heaven and earth Jesus Christ is now the Mediatorial King What did you and me need? We needed someone to be a mediator now We have the glorified God-man being the mediator between God and man and now all authority has been given to him to go Do you believe that Jesus Christ has all authority even now? It's easy for us to believe that Jesus Christ has all authority when we read passages as Keith was teaching through Acts and as he was giving us some overview of chapters when we would see people the word was preached Jesus Christ was preached and 3,000 souls were saved When a couple of days later, they would preach it down the road from the Temple Mountain 5,000 souls were get saved.
But do you believe that Jesus Christ has all authority? When he cracks the bottom of the ocean floor and a tsunami comes and it kills over 200,000 people that do not believe in him Ladies and gentlemen, that is the God we serve That is the God we serve and he does have all authority and when he does that it is right and it's true That is all authority Jesus is now the sovereign monarch no matter what's going on in the earth, whether it be the quack Putin Isis pestilence disease Ebola, it does not matter Jesus Christ is on his throne and he's ruling and he's reigning and Remembered that his kingdom is not of this world He's a stole pilot that He said do you not know Jesus? I have the power to let you go and he said you don't have any power than what the God has given you He says it doesn't matter.
My kingdom is not of this world because if it was this world I would dispatch thousands and legions of angels and they would slay you in a second But his kingdom is not of this world.
The kingdom of heaven is a hand and it's in the heart of his people and It's in the message It's not in going out making converts by force And the great thing about Jesus Christ kingdom being now is we're not waiting We're not anxiously waiting for Jesus to come and set up some rule at some rebuilt temple and rule and reign for a thousand years Either Jesus Christ is ruling and reigning today, or he is not he is either King of Kings today Or he is not we're not waiting for anything Jesus declaration of deity all authority has been given unto me and heaven and earth is indicating who he is So that the very next thing he says we can know why we do it and that is Jesus now gives the great mandate Jesus gives the great mandate.
He says all authority has been given unto him to get heaven and earth.
I mean, there's nothing that's absolute Comprehensive authority and sovereignty.
There's no maverick molecule that's out of his control Everything that he does is done by him and for him, but then he gives the the the imperative Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations Baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
That's a triadic statement That's the Trinity it begins We have the first triadic statement and in Matthew chapter 3 and then we have another one at the end Right there together One testifying of who Jesus was at his baptism and here at the end testifying his authority to go to the nations But as we go through this next verse There are some grammatical Observations that I think you need to be aware of that.
You don't normally see in translation It's not need some magical glasses and we understand that it's not it But when you when we read and we do expositional teaching It's very important that you take every word every verse every phrase Every comma and we understand why they are there, correct? so understand What we're fixing to go through is very important.
The command here is not to go the command is not to go The command here is to make disciples The command is to make disciples in order for us to have the proper Application of a text we have to have a proper interpretation of that text proper interpretation proper application wrong Interpretation will you ever have the right application? No So here it is There are only one imperative in that passage and it's to make disciples make disciples Now there are three participles.
There's some of y'all are probably going.
Oh boy here.
We go participle do you know what a participle is anymore a Participle is a word that takes the force of the verb So plain reading we would go.
Oh, look it says go go would be a verb It's not it's called a participle and it carries the force of the main verb and the main verb is to make Disciples there are three participles and these are go baptize and teach The these three are the description of what we're to be doing when we're making disciples Disciple making is characterized by these three The first one is go It's in the aorist passive participle aorist tense in the Greek is a already completed action Meaning it's already done.
Some people would translate that as you go, but that's not a completed action Jesus could it would have better been translated having gone Past having it gone already go Why is he saying already gone because Jesus had already told them in Matthew 24 that they were going to take the gospel where? to the nations and as you go You're gonna be persecuted.
They're gonna drag you into the synagogues.
They're gonna beat you.
They're gonna scourge you They're gonna kill you.
So the the idea of already going is not the command to them They know what they're going to be doing.
But now he's telling them why they're going to do this They're supposed to go and make disciples.
What's a disciple? It's a learner it's someone who attaches themself to a teacher or a Rabbi in this particular time and attaches themself in such a way that they do what their teacher tells them That's what it is and when men and women are empowered by the spirit of the the Word of God preached They will call men and women and boys and girls to repentance and to believe in the gospel that is making disciples It is not God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life It is God gave a law You broke that law therefore all men stand condemned before God That is making a disciple that is taking a sinner Not saved and teaching him what God tells about him We must teach them what God Thinks about them before we can ever tell them what God has done for them or in their place Matthew 28 gives us the command And I won't turn over here, but you can write this down You want to know what the content the content of that message is just go to Luke 24 and repent and believe Repent now there's a lot Encompassed in those two words repent believe But that's the message to teach them to repent and teach them to believe and I know that this may not Sit well Discipleship and evangelism there is no clear distinction in Scripture Man has made that distinction Evangelism is more like this in our eyes Before today before I just blew some of you up I could see it on your face Evangelism is let's go out.
Let's make a message and let's see a conversion and then I'll take that person That's converted and then I'll put him over here to stop your training Understand the Bible does not make that distinction The Bible never once makes that distinction.
It says right here you go to the nations and you make disciples So biblical evangelism is what discipleship biblical discipleship is what it's evangelism Let's don't make that distinction.
Oh, well, I'm a disciple er and he's an evangelizer.
That's bunk We're all told to evangelize We are all told to make disciples We make that distinction so that we can say I won't do this and I'll let somebody else do that The Bible doesn't make that distinction.
I seriously doubt Jesus told Peter you go preach and told John you disciple.
He didn't say that.
I mean, he's got from my interpretation over 500 people here and it seems like he told all of them to Make disciples and the message is preached in such a way that people become so attached to Jesus Christ That they are willing and ready to turn their hearts over to him at whatever the cost You can ask my children Come to me that I think I'm I want to be a Christian Are you willing to hate your mother your father your sister your brother hate even your own life? Well, I'm not ready to do that.
Well, then you're not ready to be a disciple of Christ Man, that's harsh.
That's what Jesus said Why would I tell my child or any other person anything other than the words of Jesus? Look we use the words of Jesus we can't go wrong Are you ready to die? Yeah, but you're gonna make you're you're you're steering them away Look if the Spirit of God's at work in the heart of that person there could be somebody standing at that door with a five-gallon bucket of gas and Gonna light them and it will not matter because when the Spirit of God is affectionately called the heart of man it will not hinder it The message of the gospel is to turn to place faith in Christ and him alone for forgiveness and to attach yourself to Jesus Christ in such a way that you serve him to the day you die It says and you go and You make disciples of the nations the word nations there is ethnic ethnic groups We've not geopolitical boundaries or political boundaries Although we do have that's how we look at it today But it was actually taking it to the ethnic groups taking it to people who don't speak our language Taking it to people who did not speak like us or live like us and Jesus made this point very clear on the mountain in Galilee when he was standing on that mountain with the backdrop of the Gentile nations, and he said there it is Now you go give the message to them that I'm giving to you you're to be the ambassador You're to be the one that says exactly what I say What does an ambassador do does he go to from one dignitary to another and to say whatever he wants oh? He goes and he takes the exact message that the person that sent him Undiluted the exact same thing this is what he said this is what he's going to do, and that's what we're to do Acts 1 Jesus will make it very clear that in terms of the strategy of what? the Making disciples of the nation is it's not missions It's mission one mission of the church one mission of a disciple And it's to what to make disciples were to multiply Or to make more disciples make disciples disciples make disciples disciples make disciples as we saw in Acts when Keith was teaching through that that when the church wasn't doing what they were supposed to do in Acts 7 and 8 what did he do? Instead of going to the nation's Instead of hanging out in Jerusalem enjoying what Jesus had done for him, and they wouldn't go what did God do he sent persecution? He Threw a bomb right in the middle of it It was called persecution and it scattered them abroad and they begin to take the gospel to the other nations Notice that that passage here doesn't say let's go make decisions.
Let's go American eyes.
Let's go build hospitals.
Let's go build schools Let's go help the sick.
That's not what it says it says you go to the nation's We don't go to try to make decisions We don't try to take American culture to these people That's not our job.
Our job is to take a message and the message is that Jesus Christ is here to redeem sinners And don't get me wrong.
There are times when culture and the Bible They hit just like that But what do we do when the culture and the Bible hits I'm standing on the Bible I Stand on what the scripture says and although culture and we're getting there here as well And when the culture and the Bible come in conflict we stand on the scripture But where the Bible and the and the culture don't come into conflict no argument No argument.
There's a man named Scott Phillips that me and my wife support.
He is a missionary and Ashley as well this man was airlifted ten years ago into the Jungle tribe and dropped in the middle of nowhere people have never seen a white man and God has done miraculous things with that man He has went there.
They had no written language He has created an alphabet.
He has created a written language.
He has created Not created.
Let me say he has translated the Bible into their dialect So now in the course of 10 or 12 years this man has taken the gospel to a people group that had never been reached and If you were look at his pictures and you were to talk to him last time I talked to him on the phone.
I'm like, dude, you're a white dude in the middle of nowhere He's like, yeah, but this is what God's done man.
What do you wear? You wear the stuff that they're wearing on your website? He goes I tried it.
It didn't work out.
He said so they told me I didn't look good in that stuff So I wear regular clothes.
He says but man the culture is really different.
I said no doubt No doubt He says but I stand on what the Bible says all that other stuff's really nonsense It's when the culture of the witchcraft the sorcery and all that comes in Conflict with what the Bible says and where these people these people's eternal state will be I stand on what the word says Then it says baptize Baptizing them in the name of the Father and The Son and the Holy Spirit That's the present active participle.
The other one was in a past the go was past.
This is in the present Baptizing meaning we're going to continue to do this not a one-time thing we're going to continue to baptize people and because that is going to be the the outward sign of an inward transformation we Don't sprinkle we don't set up slipping slides and let the kids run across them We don't set up fire trucks and baptize a bunch of little kids.
No, we baptize disciples and learners And for our baby sprinklers, I'm sorry, but it doesn't say this and I hope nobody's Bible says this but it doesn't say baptize them and their children in The name of the Father and Son of the Holy Spirit It says you baptize them who were those the ones that had placed faith in Christ in him alone That is the baptizing We're to immerse them as a sign of the cleansing and the repentance as A badge of allegiance.
There was a word used In the Roman culture in the first century.
It's called the sacramentum and we have it today where we shorten it to sacrament but the sacramentum was when the Soldier of the Emperor of Rome would take an allegiance and an oath that he would follow the Emperor till the day died I'm pretty happy with the sacramentum of Christ Being the baptism as an outward sign No longer was it a circumcision sign what was kept in where no one could see people would be now made disciples followers of Christ followers of that man whom the people crucified and hated would be baptized publicly not in a building like this and a bunch of people that loved them these people were baptized out in the open with people saying there he is we'll kill him and That's what we're to do Baptize people publicly letting the lost world know that this man has placed faith in Christ and we walk with that person Then it says teaching After baptizing them Under the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit were to teach them.
That's the third Participle it's present as well present active participle It says that we're to teach them all that Jesus had commanded them and to for them to observe every word that he said Didn't say hey, I know you got a red letter edition of your Bible We're just going to teach those because those have more authority all of the Bible 66 books written over 1,500 years three different languages on three different continents Forty different authors speaking of one man Jesus Christ the God-man Fulfilling all of the Old Testament we point to and that is difficult as a teacher and a preacher Keith will tell you it is difficult at times pointing how all the Old Testament points to Jesus Christ and Richard and our Sunday school class was very clear that we should always make sure that they know how the Scripture pointed in the Old Testament to Christ How it all he opened up their minds on the road to Emmaus to see how all the Old Testament Pointed to Christ that is our job and not only to teach them that but to teach them everything that the Apostles would give us to beginning with Moses to revelation and Then to teach them this words of Jesus you have now you say you are my disciple you say you love me then why? Don't you do the words that I say I would ask you that question if you love Christ Are you doing? What he asked of you not saying perfectly not saying you have the ability to do all the good that God required because we don't Jesus Christ did that on our behalf, but is there something with inside of you that says I want to please my master and Then when I don't is your heart broken over that If not, there's something fundamentally wrong with your heart because Jesus the declaration the Old Testament what Jesus would do is he would take out that heart of stone and he would implant within you a heart of flesh that would cause you not give you the The the ability to say yay or nay yeah, I don't want to do that No, it says he causes you something within you to want to obey his word So if there's not a causation of you to go man.
I want to obey my master I want to love the Lord God with all my heart all my soul all my strength and love my neighbor as myself Then there's something fundamentally wrong with your heart either.
You're deep in sin if you've never had the transformation of Christ in your life Jesus made a great appointment Jesus made a great claim Jesus gave the great mandate, but then Jesus gives The perfect fact There is a fact in verse 20 and after teaching them all the things that I've commanded you I'm with you always even to the end of the age What an encouragement? What a comfort that the God of all creation is going to be with you to the end of the age In you not the promise that he will be with you it is right here in the emphatic He is why I will be with we're not waiting for Jesus to come and will be with us He is within you and how does he do that by the promise of the Spirit? Jesus Christ in his humanity does not have the ability to be in a Hundred million different places at one time, but through the sovereign act of the Spirit and the giving of the Holy Spirit Jesus Christ can live within each and every one of his believers That's why he's told his disciples who did not understand because the Spirit had not God had not been sent to them yet This Holy Spirit had not been sent to them yet, and he says it is to your advantage that I go away He is already telling me six to be betrayed.
He's gonna be crucified.
He's gonna be beaten.
He's gonna be scourged He says hey, it's to your advantage that I go away and Peter and we're going How is that? You've been with us all of this time.
You've fed us.
You've clothed us.
You've gone to see you We've had nothing to concern and now you're going away, and you're gonna tell us this to my advantage Well the advantage is because I'll be able to dwell within each and every one of you Because the twelve of you meaning that Matthias who would hold receive the Holy Spirit at that time.
They're gonna be dispersed All twelve of them going in separate directions taking Jesus Christ with them carrying out the Great Commission this promise or this fact that Jesus is going to be with them through this time of persecution and struggle would take them from everywhere from Northern Africa to the Sudan To Persia which we would call Iran and Iraq even to the areas of Afghanistan China and even Korea Understand that the vast majority of the disciples went to other nations and were martyred and God said I'm gonna be with you I'm gonna be with you, and I'm gonna empower you He says in the Old Testament any time that God spoke as a claim to his deity listen to it says in Deuteronomy 31 6 be strong and be of good courage Do not be afraid or be terrified of them for the Lord God will be with you.
I will never leave you or forsake you Jesus Christ said the same thing to his followers No man will be able to stand before you in the days of your life Just as I was with Moses.
I will be with you.
I will never leave you or forsake you Isaiah 41 10 fear not for I will be with you and do not be dismayed for I am your God I will strengthen you.
I will help you.
I will uphold you with my righteous hand and In Jeremiah, he says do not be afraid of their faces For I am with you to deliver you says the Lord that will fight against you But they're not going to prevail against you for I'm with you I will deliver you that doesn't mean that you're not going to be persecuted doesn't mean you're not going to be harmed during this time It's not what he's saying.
He's saying I will deliver you I will deliver you if that means he delivers you some very persecution by having our heads removed from our Bodies, that's delivery That's not the thing I would choose But that's delivery These are the words of Jesus as he gives us the fact that he will be with us.
There will be wars So we rumors with wars Don't be troubled for all these things must come to pass But the end will not be yet for nations going to rise up against nation and kingdom against kingdom There will be famines pestilence earthquakes.
They'll be in various places and all these things are only the beginning of the great sorrows They will deliver you up to tribulation They will kill you and you will be hated by all the other nations for my name's sake and you will be offended and you're going to have people one betraying another and One will hate another he says and Corinthians that we will be hard-pressed on every side We will be not crushed we will be perplexed but we will not be in despair Will you persecuted but we will not be forsaken we will not be Left to our own Jesus Christ was forsaken on our behalf So that we can have the power of his spirit within us two areas of application and I'll hush my mouth Every person in this room is commanded to obey the content of the Great Commission Children Look here.
I don't care who your mom and dad is.
I Don't care how many times you've been to church.
I don't care what's written in the fly leaf of your Bible If you have not submitted yourself wholeheartedly to the person work of Jesus Christ and throwing your faith totally in him You will die today and go straight to hell Adult that's for you, too.
I don't care if you've got a baptismal certificate tattooed on your back That means nothing.
I Don't care how many times you've been to church? I don't care how many times you've quit drinking you quit partying you quit doing all of these things if you're not trusting in what? Jesus Christ did his perfect obedience on your behalf and And you're doing 99% Christ and 1% of yourself that 1% of yourself will send you straight to hell You are to obey the claim to the gospel and it's faith alone and Christ alone that saves that faith alone does not come alone That faith comes with works not works to tip so that you can earn your way But it brings those works to testify to men that Christ has changed your heart that's When it says faith alone Every person in this room is Commanded to obey make disciples That doesn't mean every person in this room was told to go to another nation It doesn't mean that every person in this room is told to sell everything that they have and move I pray that God would raise up people within this body that would go to the nation's I Pray that he would but there's not that does not give us any Reason to not make steps to help those others get there And I know this church is good about helping get people to other nations and getting the gospel to Croatia and all of that, but personally Personally as a local assembly that is a act of corporate worship, but personally what are you doing? What are you doing, let's pray Father God, thank you for this time again to open your word To take this very relevant passage And it's always applicable.
It's always convicting This father for what you have done for us.
We could never ever do enough Father we asked it in this time of reflection that father we would Ask that you would show us in the darkness of our own hearts, which are still Corrupt and deceitful father you would show us if there is any unclean way in us that father you would Bring conviction, but there would be repentance and father for the young believer.
That's in this room I pray God you would give them the ability to obey the claims of the mandate The claims of the mandate is father we by nature are lawbreakers Father we're in desperate need of a Savior but God In the right time you sent forth your son born under the law to redeem those under the law and Father you made him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf that we could have the righteousness of Christ Father We would be a fool to trust in any other way We would be a fool to know that you didn't have to make a way And then you didn't make many ways you made one way And then you made that way very clear and that way is through your son.
I said there would be no Wondering which way to go Jesus you are the way the truth and the life no man's going to come to the father unless he comes through him Father God even this time pray that you would be mighty to work in the hearts of sinners bringing them unto yourself Father as well working in the hearts of the believer Thank you for all that you've done.