How to Unsissify Yourself By God's Grace

AD Robles iconAD Robles



So the natural follow up to the video earlier is, you know, okay, so what do
I do, right? So I agree with you, you know, people have become passive, people have become sissies, and they just let you know, these these tyrants do whatever they want to them, and they really don't put up much of a fuss.
Okay, I agree. So how do we fix this? Right? What's the next step? And that's a natural question.
And it makes a lot of sense. You know, one thing that I wanted to mention, I'm writing an article for the next
Fight Laugh Feast magazine about defying tyrants, you know, everyday defiance, stuff like that.
And so I came across a section of RJ Rushdooney's, The Institutes of Biblical Law, which is a book
I highly recommend to anybody. Rushdooney is a genius, there's no question about it. But anyway, he talks about how
God's law is really a law of liberty. And the reason why it becomes a law of liberty is because it's stated negatively.
What I mean by that, it says what you shall not do, right? It doesn't say what you have to do, it says what you shall not do.
And then, because it says it that way, it essentially gives you the liberty to do all kinds of stuff outside of the shall nots, right?
And so he says, you shall not steal, right? Okay, so you can't steal. So what that means is that you can pretty much do whatever you want to do, according to the law anyway, with the stuff that you own and have, and you've acquired, you know, without stealing it, you know, you've acquired it through lawful means.
That's a lot of liberty there. When God says that you can't, you know, blaspheme God, and you can't bear false witness, that's two kinds of speech you can't do.
But that gives you a lot of liberty for the rest of the speech that you can do. So God's law is not burdensome.
God's yoke is not heavy. It's not the kind of law that seeks to micromanage.
Because the thing is, God is omnipotent, and so he can give his people good things in all kinds of ways any time he wants to, right?
But you see, the tyrant can't do that. The tyrant wishes he was God and wants to be
God. Maybe he even thinks he is God, but because he's not omnipotent, the only way he can give his good gifts—but usually his good gifts are twisted and evil—the only way he can do it is through micromanaging you with laws, right?
That's why you get mask mandates. That's why you get vaccine passports, right? Because he thinks he's benevolent.
He's like Xerxes saying, I'm a kind God, you know, like that kind of thing. But he can't actually do anything good for you because he's not actually
God. So what he does is he says, well, it's for your own good. You got to have the vaccine mandate. You got to—and it's oppressive, and it always backfires, and it's always ridiculous because he's not as smart as he thinks he is.
The tyrant is not as powerful as he thinks he is. And so when you state laws in a positive way like that, they just multiply and multiply and multiply because he's trying—the tyrant is trying to micromanage you.
See, God doesn't do that. His burden is easy. His yoke is light. But anyway, that's a side issue.
What I wanted to point out here is something that he says about tyranny, right? This is very interesting.
So what he argues, Rashtuni, he says that the state conceives of itself as this sort of benevolent father, and it conceives of you as a child.
Like you need to be—because we do kind of micromanage our children to a certain degree. They don't know any better, right?
They're children. But the state conceives of you as that child, and you're just immature. You don't know anything.
You don't know what's for your own good. God doesn't treat you that way, but here's how the state treats you.
And so this is what Rashtuni says about that idea. He says this.
He says, Evolutionary faith, by positing long ages of development for man, holds on the one hand that man's being is still governed by ancient and primitive desires and impulses, and on the other hand, that man today is still a child in relationship to a future evolutionary growth.
Biblical faith, on the contrary, holds to the original creation of a mature and good man.
The human problem is not a primitive nature. It's not childishness, but it's irresponsibility, a rebellion against maturity and responsibility.
Man is a rebel, and his course is not childishness, but sin.
It's not ignorance, but a willful folly. Essentially—now hear this, hear this—essentially, a fool cannot be protected, because a fool's problem is not other people, but himself.
See, this is the key, guys. This is the key. Regardless of what you believe has happened—I mean, some of you might agree with me that, you know, they've been poisoning us with, you know, high -carb, high -sugar diets, where we're just kind of like passive and get fat and sick, and we're just kind of just like sitting there watching
TV and the Cheetos and whatever. Regardless if you agree with me that they're putting stuff in the water to, again, to just sort of let us accept whatever nonsense they give us, regardless of whether you think they've been propagandizing us to death with nonsense and ridiculousness, the bottom line is that the state thinks you're children, the elites, the tyrants, they think you're children, and you have to accept the fact that you're not and take responsibility for yourself, because their ideas about you are not your primary problem, according to Rushduty.
And I agree with this. Your primary problem is yourself. You're the one that's acting foolish.
See, this is the thing about the state. Oftentimes the stuff that they try to push on you, they don't force you, right?
You have to take it. You have to take the lolly, like when the, you know, they don't often come and like snatch you off the streets against your will, no, they entice you with a lollipop, or they entice you with money, or they entice you with whatever it is, safety, it could be anything, right?
And you have to take it. You have to consent, you have to agree. And so your biggest problem is not really what they've done to you, but it's really how you've responded to it.
Have you accepted their conception of you as a child and taken it passively as if you really were a child?
You see, to Rushduty, that's no excuse. You're the fool. Your biggest problem is yourself. And to God, again,
I don't think he's going to accept that as an excuse. And so what do we do?
That's the natural question. I always look for an opportunity to plug Michael Foster. He has a gap here.
This was yesterday, actually. So this was very timely for what I did in my video.
But here's what he says. I'm going to read this whole gap, and then I'm going to pick out a few things and talk to you about some of the stuff
I've been doing and what I plan to be doing in the future. Here's what he says. Practical steps towards a cultural reformation.
Here's his steps. He says, get to a defendable position. Practice family devotions and religion.
Remove your personal liabilities. Decrease intake of pagan media and news.
Pursue self -sufficiency where possible. Plant or help plant slash revive faithful churches.
Build Christian community. Gather and train men. Start businesses, schools, clubs.
Create Christian media, songs, books, movies, etc. Get involved in local government.
Resource the poor and needy in your locale. And fund like -minded brothers in adjacent communities.
There's a lot there. There's a lot there. And I'm not the kind of person that wants to add burdens upon anyone that's a believer in Jesus Christ.
So I'm not going to tell you exactly what you have to do or what you must do. But for people who agree with me already, yes,
I've become too passive. I've accepted way more than I ever thought I would accept. If you agree with me on that, then
I think there's some real good stuff here for you to consider in your own life. By the way, if you don't agree with me, you don't think that we've put up with way too much already, you know, 2020 didn't convince you, 2021 didn't convince you.
If you think that, oh yeah, it's totally reasonable for the governor or the mayor to sort of tell you that you can go to a restaurant or your gym or whatever it is, like that's totally reasonable.
If that's you, I really got nothing for you. I mean, you're so foolish, you don't know you're a fool, right?
But I'm talking about the people that know they're fools and want to change this, right?
Because this is the reality. Who's the more foolish, the fool or the fool who follows him?
See, this is the reality. Obi -Wan Kenobi had some wisdom here to give you. Of course, that didn't originate with Obi -Wan, but I want to pick out a few things here.
Like let me just decrease the intake of pagan media and news.
This is huge, guys. This is absolutely huge because a lot of us have noticed that the pagan media, it's just they tell half -truths, they tell whole lies, and oftentimes they contradict themselves in the span of like a few months.
If you're seeing those memes where they have an article written and they side by side and on the one, it's written by the same person and it's talking about the same subject and it presents opposite positions, and it doesn't acknowledge that it presented opposite.
It's just like as if it's what they always believed and that kind of stuff, even if you don't internalize the confusion, it puts you into this confused, very submissive state where you're always wondering what's the next thing.
You're hopping on one foot, hopping on the other, and it confuses you. You can be passive and you can be a child and just be like, okay, daddy, whatever you say next, or you can just cut it off.
Cut it off. It's not benefiting you. There's no value there. There's no real information that you're getting.
You're just getting confused, so turn it off. I turned off Drudge Report at the beginning of the pandemic.
I was listening to Drudge Report a lot, and then I realized what was going on with Drudge Report and how they were trying to poison my mind to make it seem like what
I plainly knew, which is basic math and basic logic, was false, so I cut it off.
Because I cut it off, I feel like I was able to see a lot more clearly than I was at the time.
Decrease the intake of pagan media and news. I'm not saying you have to turn it to zero, but I am saying that if you agree with me that they're purposely propagandizing you or they're purposely confusing you, don't be a child and just be passive about it.
I know they think you're a child and that you need to be spoon -fed, whatever the next thing is, but you're not.
Don't be a fool. Cut it off. I wanted to talk here about get to a defendable position, right?
Get to a defendable position is the first thing he says. I think that we ought to consider our household as our own kingdom, right?
Our own place where we have authority, we rule, we reign, of course, under God, but we can set our own little kingdom up the way we wish that the government would be set up according to God's principles, right?
Because the civil government is going to do whatever they think that they ought to do, and there's going to be insanity there and stuff like that, but you don't actually have to consent to that, right?
You don't have to consent to their financial system. Sure, you have to use dollars for certain things, but I would suggest cutting that out as much as possible, removing as much of your personal liabilities to that system as possible, and setting up your own central bank, right?
There are assets that you can accumulate. I like gold. I like silver. You can set up your own central bank, and so that way, whether the system continues on for a little while or not, and we know it won't continue forever because always the pagans lay traps for you but then fall into them themselves.
That's something I saw someone quote from the Proverbs on Gab the other day. How many examples do we need of the pagans trying to scheme against the people of God but then ruining themselves in the scheme?
That's what they're going to do again. They've got a financial scheme, and it's going to backfire, so if you know that it's going to backfire, don't participate in it.
See, defend your own position, right? Whether this means financially, whether this means geographically, whatever it means for you, whatever you're able to do, get to a position that you can defend, that you can have your own kingdom, and you can order your family according to how
God says you should order your family. Forget what everybody else says. You obey Christ.
As for me and my house, we will trust the Lord. That's a huge one right there.
You know, one thing that I've been doing and I'm going to continue to do is I believe that the diet that the government offers for people to do is inverted.
I think that they've actually given you a diet that will make you, it will guarantee that it will make you sick, right?
Like, you remember the food pyramid they gave us and it's like, eat a lot of grain, right? Eat a lot of carbs. That's what they told us.
I think that those carbs actually make you passive. I think that those carbs oftentimes, you know, laced with soy, that makes you passive.
That makes you tired. That makes you sick. That makes you not as sharp as you could be.
And you remember what they had the little tippy top of the pyramid? They put it together. They put it fats and sweets have used sparingly fats and sweets.
So first of all, those two things don't go together. So let's get that straight at the outset. There's no reason to connect fats and sweets.
But fats are actually extremely healthy for you. They're necessary for you.
You can't survive without fats. So I think that they've actually inverted the way you actually should eat.
I think you should be eating a lot of animal fats. I'm not a doctor, so don't take my medical advice. But so what
I'm doing, I'm just telling you what I'm doing, is I'm inverting their inverted pyramid.
So I'm putting it right side up. That's what I'm doing. And we'll see what happens. You see, that's the thing. Do we know exactly the effects of all the fluoride?
Not really. Maybe we do know a little bit. Maybe we don't. But I'm going to try something different. If I don't like where I'm at right now,
I'm going to try something else. And I think that that's something that I've been doing. And we'll see if it has an effect on my temperament, because I'm hoping to no longer be as passive as I once was.
Now, that's kind of some more smaller things in your everyday life that you could do.
But I did want to talk a little bit about, he says here, plant or help revive faithful churches.
Guys, this is so huge, man. This is so huge. You know, the abortion thing is a tough one, right?
Because we obviously can't break God's law in order to stop people from offing their children.
Right? I think a lot of people, I had a few messages that reached out to me, what are you actually saying about abortion, right?
What are you actually saying that these men should be doing at the abortion clinics, right? And I like what they're doing right now.
Preaching the gospel is good. You know, going there and pleading with women to not kill their babies is good.
I like that stuff. And I don't really know what else could be done at the abortion clinics, you know, that would be legitimate.
I'm not saying I have the answers there. But there are people on the front lines that I think would have come up with better ideas and more effective ideas than what they're currently doing if they didn't have to simultaneously fight off all of the nonsense, all of the scoffers saying, oh, that's not
Christ -like. So the reality, it kind of reminds me of, you know, what would our society look like right now if we didn't have all these burdensome laws against businesses and stuff like that?
We'd probably have flying cars at this point. It's hard to say. I don't know. But the thing is, you know, because they're dealing with all these fake phony baloney compliance laws, and so they don't have time to innovate like they should be doing.
So my point is, though, that reviving faithful churches, here's something
I think would really help. We need to start doing the things that are definitely lawful to do.
For example, excommunicating and church disciplining and confronting people who are pro -choice in our midst.
Like let's just start from the beginning, the basic stuff. Kick them out of your church if they think it's okay to kill children.
Kick them out. We don't need that kind of influence in the church. That's pagan. That's evil.
I could not think of anything that's more antichrist than someone trying to empower politicians who think it's great to kill babies.
I don't care what way you try to justify it. Get the freak out of our church.
And that's the bottom line. Go find a pagan church. I'm sure the pagans will accept you because they love that kind of stuff.
They love killing, but you can't be in the church of Jesus Christ if you think that you should be empowering politicians who are okay, and not only okay, but promoting abortion.
That's basic, guys. We can do that. We can do that. We can revive our church in that way, where you have the confrontation, you plead with them, and then eventually you kick them out.
And so now, the people who understand that it's not okay to empower politicians like that can actually start thinking without having to fight you idiots off.
Yes, you're idiots. You fight those idiots off all day long, but you're charity in all things.
Think of the time we would save if we didn't have to deal with idiots like that, who thought that charity in all things also includes baby killing.
Get out. We could save so much time, and we would probably come up with much better ideas than what we're currently doing.
Guys, I'm not disparaging Apologia or End Abortion Now. A lot of you guys knew this.
I had a lot of abortion abolitionists who reached out to me and said, hey, thank you so much for that. They knew
I wasn't disparaging what they're doing, but what I do want them to be able to do, I want them to be able to innovate a little bit.
Those abolitionists, think about how much more innovation they could do if they weren't wasting time trying to defend their actions against these fake churches and these fake
Christians who are like, well, that's not Christ -like. I'm just so sick of it. I'm so sick of that, having to waste time in that, right?
But reviving churches, again, let's not be the fool ourselves, and so maybe don't spend time defending yourself in that, right?
Because if the churches aren't going to kick out the Democrats, which they obviously should. It's one of the most obvious things ever.
I find it so amazing that people really struggle with that. It's obvious. They should be kicked out.
Their party that they love is pagan, okay? It's anti -Christ at every step.
It's inverted, almost as much as the food pyramid. But do
Christian things. This is not a complicated thing. Just do the things that you know you should be doing already.
And so reviving these churches is like, I'm not going to even defend,
I'm not even going to try to defend preaching the gospel at the abortion clinic, you idiot.
It's obviously okay. I'm not going to spend any more time talking about it. Go play with whatever it is you play with, right?
Why don't you go eat a cookie or something? I'm sure that that's what you want to do. So anyway,
I'm not trying to be like big -brained here, you know what I mean? This is basic stuff, right?
This is basic stuff. And I think that the key is, figure out what has happened to you, whatever it is.
Because I think for me, I kind of have an idea of some of the things that it is. And then stop doing those things, right?
Stop doing those things and start doing the things you're supposed to be doing. Practice family devotions. This one hits me hard, man, because we do some stuff at our home, but it's not prioritized as much as it could be, as much as it should be.
And if I want to have a cultural reformation in my own little kingdom, I can complain that the pagans are doing pagan things, or I can start doing