How Be the Bridge Causes Division within the Church

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Clip from Season 2 Episode 37 "Training Christians to Divide: White Fragility". Be The Bridge wants to claim they are bringing unity not division through racial reconciliation. But is this true? If we look deeper at what Bridge Builders are taught will it actually unify the church? That's what I address in this clip. Spotify: Christian Podcast Community: T.E. is also on Apple Podcasts, Podcast Addict, Amazon's Audible, Google Podcasts, Blubrry, and Podbean. The Thoroughly Equipped Woman May the episode bless you and bring glory to God! Attribution: Division pic:""


We are encouraged to identify our white fragility as laid out for us by Robin DiAngelo, who defines it this way, quote, white fragility is a state in which even a minimum amount of racial stress becomes intolerable, triggering a range of defensive moves.
These moves include the outward display of emotions such as anger, fear, guilt, and behaviors such as argumentation, silence, and leaving the stress -inducing situation, that's
Be the Bridge 101, page 14. So understand this, my white sister in Christ, white fragility is the outward display of defensive moves.
These moves range from argumentation, to silence, to even leaving the conversation, basically any reaction on the part of you and I as a white person is exercising our white fragility, and this is really going to be central to how we communicate and is going to have an impact on how discourse transpires in AB the
Bridge group. This is where the heart of this guide is going to come into practice, really. You'll find tips in the back of this guide directing white people on how to converse with people of color so that we keep our white fragility in check.
We'll look at this in a bit. But what would trigger defensiveness when talking about race?
I mean, most of us have been brought up to understand racism is a sin, the sin of ethnic partiality, enmity, and pride.
Most of us are raised to hold a form of colorblindness when it comes to judging people and would therefore claim not to be racist.
We may even avoid race as a discussion, as an overall precaution to avoid even being seen as a possible racist or to avoid possibly offending a person of color.
If we are avidly avoiding offending a person, of course we would get a bit defensive being accused of offending, and I believe this is where division starts.
For decades, Americans have been working to rid itself of racist ideas, rightly so, and have been successful at it, slowly but surely.
But people of certain worldviews actually want division because it benefits them in some way.
And the easiest way of creating division comes through ideas, beliefs, and deception.
And what is the easiest form of deception? The changing of words.
That is why we are seeing this division. Paul appeals to the Roman church to avoid people who cause divisions in Romans 16 verses 17 -18.
I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles. Contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught, avoid them.
For such persons do not serve our Lord Christ but their own appetites, and by smooth talk and flattery they deceive the hearts of the naive.
So the division is happening because words one person uses ends up having a different definition than another person may be using.
And division within the church happens because of false teachers who teach doctrines contrary to scripture.
According to Be the Bridge, white people's power, privileges, and fragility are what cause division among the church.
They would probably argue the false teaching that all white people inherently believe that whiteness is rightness or white supremacy, that that's the false teaching they are trying to eradicate, not realizing that the worldview they have adopted is built on worldly anti -Christian, culturally
Marxist teachings. And by merely adopting the presupposition that all white people are racist and will do whatever we can to defend our whiteness,
Be the Bridge disciples and other anti -racists come to the table, even before the discussion takes place, with prejudgments, different definitions of oppression, justice, and racism, and teachings regarding these, you bring these to the church and you cause division.
To take on man's definition of oppression, justice, righteousness, enmity, partiality, and inequality is to create an obstacle that is contrary to doctrine taught to us by the apostles.
Why? Because it's man's observations, assumptions, and word against God's word.
So here is where discernment comes in. We have to define our terms and understand where these terms being used can actually be causing or teaching a different doctrine or different ideas than what we are taught in scripture.