Why Are Charismatics So Weird? Kat Kerr's Latest Most Excellent Adventure

Justin Peters iconJustin Peters


Kat Kerr, the pink-haired prophetess, is known for her daily round trips to Heaven. In today's video, she remakes us with her latest excellent celestial adventure. Spoiler alert, Jurassic Park ain't got nothing on Kat.


Hello ladies and gentlemen, my name is Justin Peters I hope that you and your family are doing well today.
I want to thank you so much for joining me for this podcast This is the next installment on my series entitled.
Why are charismatics so weird and today we will be joining the
Elijah streams YouTube channel hosted by Steve Schultz and His guest every
Wednesday who is Kat Kerr and today Kat Kerr will regale us with some of her trips to heaven and talk about some of the
Interesting things that she has seen there were there will be a lot in this video So I do encourage you to watch it all the way through.
I will have some some comic relief and a few illustrations here movie clips to kind of illustrate absurdity by being absurd.
So anyway, this will be a Wild ride. So here we go. Let's go to heaven with Kat Kerr Awesome.
Now you're the thing that you have on your shoulder there. Is that your logo for Spirit Force or what?
So this is her Spirit Force logo. It looks just like the logo for the
Space Force that was created under the Trump administration. So If you can't join the
Space Force I suppose you can join the Spirit Force and you too can learn how to shuttle back and forth between heaven and earth
It is Is that started now? Or where are you and I've already done a couple of the training sessions
But we're going to be doing our own online All right. Well, listen, let's jump into some questions about heaven for anyone
That's new cats been to heaven along with a lot of other people even ones that I know Yeah, we have had visited heaven you had hundreds or thousands of times
Yeah, and so thousands of times Kat Kerr goes to heaven with more regularity than you and I would go to the to the bathroom
Son Katrina six -year -old son wants to know if there are saber -toothed cats and woolly mammoths in heaven
And also, can you ride them? The answer is absolutely. Yes Yeah, who's up for round two and I know sometimes your head goes to its natural mind and I tell people put your natural mind on a shelf and put your mind on the shelf.
In other words Don't think don't think about the things I'm saying because if you think about the things
I'm saying You're probably not gonna believe it Be wide open the things of the spirit are discerned in your spirit not in your natural head
So when I say yes, there's saber -toothed tigers. Why wouldn't there be you know, God made them
He made the dinosaurs before he put you on the earth. They were here. There's evidence. They were here Right, and that was a very very very long time ago
So the dinosaurs were here a very very very long time ago. So we'll put Kat Kerr down as a no
For a belief in a young earth creation She obviously does not take a literal reading of Genesis 1 2 & 3
Probably most of the other chapters too. So anyway, so the the earth is very old old earth
Creation, I guess so that means there was death before the fall which is extraordinarily problematic
Young earth creation literal reading of Genesis. That's a big deal, but she obviously doesn't believe it and So, yes, you can have a cyber to take her tiger as a pet you can ride the terror pterodactyls
Have a place in heaven where you can see every kind of dinosaur he ever made and they're all friendly I Think that was my second or third trip when he took me and showed me that I've always liked archaeology or the study that study in science
Okay cat You're not that's not Archaeology, okay that that you keep using that word.
It does not mean what you think of me. The word you're looking for is paleontology not Archaeology, I love the archaeology and I loved all that stuff like that was fascinated with space outer space
Okay, not archaeology. It's No, never mind. And so it's so beyond That's why the word says that I is not seeing nor ear heard nor entered in the mind or the heart of man
What God has prepared for those that love them that means things beyond your imagination So if I'm going to talk about heaven,
I'm going to say things that are beyond your imagination And so that's what the word says They said of course unless except for the
Spirit of God showing you these things We really wouldn't know and even the Spirit of God catches people up the father catches me up Sometimes Jesus comes and takes me himself.
I don't just go on my own I'm on assignment by them to reveal heaven to earth and I can just tell you yes
Those kids are going to have an amazing time in heaven I Think when
Jen's done with her first book, that might be one of the things that's in her book It's a child's version of all the stuff
I've seen in the times I've been in heaven and I do know that one of those illustrations are going to be children riding on pterodactyls
That does sound fun, you know, I mean, you know, I know you get an adrenaline rush on earth
I don't know if they have adrenaline rushes They do. Oh, yeah, he didn't take that away
Like you're afraid but the adrenaline of the intensity of excitement. Oh, wow
Excitement. Okay. That's what it's like I Want to say this one of my grandson when he was three
He got started catching him up and showing him places in heaven and he talked about the places
He was taken and I had seen them some of these places from a distance, but never actually visited that place
He was taken to a volcano met my father who he never knew never knew
Dad loved Mary Jane's and he loved black licorice So when we first heard her say that Kathy and I were in the same room and we looked at each other
She talked about marijuana Mary Jane But no, it actually is a piece of candy a brand of candy that I don't think they make anymore
Maybe they do but you don't really find them. So anyway, it's it's even though marijuana would be more fitting
I suppose Given our subject matter here. She is actually talking about a piece of candy.
So anyway back to our regularly scheduled fairy tale Black licorice, she loved that and Mary Jane's was one of his favorite things
And he told me when he was brought back to earth By the way, he was taking to a volcano with Jesus and my dad in heaven and they rode the lava
They went in The lava out on a wave Because nothing can be heard in heaven and I remember when he said this to me.
He was my daughter was calling me saying, okay He's he's been there again. He's been there again. You need to come talk to him
And so when you mentioned about the volcano, I saw they're in a park where the dinosaurs roam, you know
And the volcanoes are there but every time they spew it's like joy. It's like a joyride.
That's what it is It's not not heat and fire that will burn you. It looks pretty awesome though Oh, I got on the lava and Rode out to the top of the mountain and down the side and he said, you know
My mom it could have burnt me to nothing My god,
I could do it He did he do that emphasis to He's we call him the professor of everything, you know dear ones as long as I have studied this
I used to think that Sid Roth had the least discernment of anyone in the charismatic movement and Sid Roth truly does
I mean there's literally nothing that He will not believe Sid Roth has the discernment of a potted plant
But if there's anyone in the charismatic movement who has less discernment than Sid Roth It would be
Steve Schultz I mean, there's literally nothing that Kat Kerr can tell him that he does not believe and it's just not fascinated by So if Sid Roth has the discernment of a potted plant
Steve Schultz has the discernment of a lug nut at least a potted plant is alive of sorts doesn't have
Awareness, but at least it's a living thing a lug nut. No, so I Never cease to be amazed
And when they told you that and they had that in the dream in the real spiritual realm, did they actually go?
This day seven years later vividly remembers Riding that lava out of the volcano amazing
Yeah, that would kind of stick in your memory bank I suppose All right. Now here's the interesting question
Catherine says And she kind of contradicts yourself and I'll show you what I mean she says I'm not
Really a hugging type person. My question is is Jesus a hugger? I think that if I hugged him,
I might not want to let him go Does that sound like what would be a normal in heaven? So she's saying
I'm not a hugger, but man So well out the window because everybody in heaven will be hugging you
Everybody wants to greet you. It's like you're like your Hong Kong's friend Everyone is so happy that that you made it there number one that you made it
Everybody greets you father. Abraham will give you the biggest bear hug that gets rid of any shyness you have.
Hey How about a hug? Really?
He's a great. He's a big person. You got a broad chest. It's got this glorious beard and hair
He meets you at the gate Abraham Abraham father Abraham And many sons had father
Abraham I am one of them and so are you Huh, you said father
Abraham Abraham the father of faith. Yes Remember when when God said your your your your sea will be like the same to the seashore like the stars in the heavens
He was telling him you'll be the father feel like you're the father of all these coming after you and then heaven
Everybody knows that he is one of the great fathers of all the time, of course, and I'll be without him
God started a lot of things with Abraham and what he gave up to do that But he is looking forward to meeting everybody and you will never escape being hugged by Abraham.
I hate goodbyes Well, I do too but I suppose that's goodbye for this installment of why are charismatic so weird and folks this is lunacy to be sure but Cat Kerr is is not an aberration
The the guests that Sid Roth has on his programs are just as loony as is
Cat Kerr every bit as loony and I've heard dr Michael Brown say that he doesn't believe cat
Kerr because the things that she says are so fantastical and so So out there and so strange.
Well the guest on Sid Roth And their claims are every bit as strange as what cat
Kerr claims? I mean talking horses and fish wearing sunglasses. That's all on Sid Roth's guests
And many more but this whole so that the difference let me say it this way
Those who would say that I'm only talking about the extreme in the charismatic movement
I'm not this is this is not the extreme This is the mainstream of the charismatic movement the extreme of the charismatic movement the fringe of the charismatic movement would be men like John Piper Wayne Grudem and Sam Storms who have a
Right understanding of the gospel, but they are continuous. They do believe that the sign gifts continues, but the difference between The position that Wayne Grudem and John Piper have in all deference to these men
The difference between those men and what you see with cat Kerr and what you see with Benny Hinn and what you see with Kenneth Copeland and what you see with Sid Roth and all his guests what you see with Bill Johnson Bethel and all of that's to all of that you put all that together.
That is the vast majority of The charismatic movement the fringe is
Wayne Grudem Sam Storms and John Piper that kind of position But the difference between the two the difference between the fringe the
Wayne Grudem's and the Sam Storms Position and all this other stuff is
Not a dude. It's not a difference of substance It's a difference of degrees
It's a difference of degrees. It's the same basic error It's just that all of these folks over here.
They they they take it much much further than Sam Storms Wayne Grudem ever would but it's not a difference of substance, it's a difference of degrees and the vast majority of the charismatic movement is represented by Cat Kerr Sid Roth all of his guests
Benny and Kenneth Copeland Bill Johnson Todd white All those all those crew.
So, all right Okay, dear ones, thank you very old and as we close again remember 2nd
Corinthians 12 2 through 4 the Apostle Paul went to heaven Was not allowed to tell us what he saw or what he heard
So do not believe anyone else when they claim that they've been to heaven They want to tell you everything that they have seen they have heard and do not believe them
All right Thank you very much dear ones until our next time together May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ the love of God and the fellowship of his