The Gospel Coalition CAVES To The LGBT Movement?!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where we bring you Christian commentary about the things that matter.
As ever, please know this video isn't a sinful attack, but rather a Biblical critique. In today's video, we're going to be talking about the
Gospel Coalition, or TGC for short. Now, for many years, evangelicals have been reading and enjoying
TGC for their Christian multimedia resources. And doubtless, there are many good, solid
Christians who work for TGC and read TGC, and are involved with them in general.
Not all of their content is bad. Not everyone who reads their content is bad. It's very much a mixed bag.
So this issue isn't as black and white as it could be. To be sure, this video isn't as if we were talking about Joel Osteen.
The topic of TGC is, admittedly, much more complex than that. Your response to this video, then, is entirely up to you.
If you would like to keep reading TGC and just be wary of what they're saying in this area, or stop reading them in general, it's your prerogative.
But whatever you do, I think you should be aware of what they're teaching with regard to gay marriage, and really, many other things, especially hot -button cultural issues right now.
In a recent post at TGC, writer Charlie Self published an article. It's entitled, quote,
How should I respond to a colleague's same -sex wedding, end quote. In the article, someone writes in, asking a question from their personal life of how they should act at work with relation to their co -worker's
LGBT wedding. Should they oppose it publicly? Should they support it? Or should they just ignore the conversation?
Well, here's the answer from TGC's article, quote, Every culture and nation must find common consent in public ethics, specifically on what is prohibited, permitted, and promoted for the common good.
True toleration must include living peaceably with deep differences. Most Western nations have extended marital status to arrangements other than heterosexual monogamy.
The wise Christian will affirm the legal right of consenting adults to order their lives without fear.
Yet, that right doesn't entail affirming the goodness of these arrangements. Believers can be good neighbors to all while diverging on some moral issues.
This is the heart of a peaceful and pluralistic society, end quote. So I want you to pay attention specifically to right in the middle of that paragraph, where he says, quote,
The wise Christian will affirm the legal right of consenting adults to order their lives without fear, end quote.
And this opinion is echoed throughout the article, where he later explains, quote, When directly confronted with affirming the goodness of gay marriage unions, the only posture is to affirm their legal right to marry and one's own right to disagree, end quote.
In other words, here's the situation. If a co -worker directly confronted you, a Christian, with the goodness of a homosexual wedding, if they specifically asked you outright and directly, do you think that this same -sex wedding of our co -worker is a good and moral thing, your only response as a wise
Christian, according to TGC, is to tell them that you affirm the legal right of them to marry.
But you don't affirm the goodness of the union. This is an important disclaimer. I want to make this very clear.
The Gospel Coalition is not saying that gay marriage is good. They are not saying that it is biblical or moral.
In fact, the author says the exact opposite, and that's great. However, this TGC article is also saying that wise
Christians must affirm the legal right of same -sex partners to enter into legal marriage.
This is absolutely unbiblical, and there is no real scriptural support offered for it in the article.
Let's be clear about what TGC is saying then. They said that when the specific topic of the legal right to same -sex marriage comes up, if you are a wise
Christian, you must respond with nothing other than affirmation. To affirm something is to positively approve of or recognize it.
And here, this is in a legal sense. It means that you, at least in some way as a Christian, support the legality of this union publicly.
And again, this will be found nowhere in Scripture. From the very beginning, Genesis 2 -24 says,
So you see that even in the first two chapters of the Bible, God reveals to us that marriage is only between a man and a woman.
1 Corinthians 7 -2 says that if people seek out marriage, each man should have his own wife and each woman her own husband.
So the definition of marriage has not changed from the Old to the New Testament. It has always been between a man and a woman.
Romans 1 -26 -27 says this, And the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another.
So the fact is, we are told explicitly not only that biblical marriage is heterosexual by definition, but we are also told that anything outside of that is sinful and unbiblical.
So again, I will ask this simple question. On the basis of what biblical text does the
Gospel Coalition think that you must affirm the legal right of same -sex unions? On the basis of what scripture can we say that wise
Christians will look at the legality of gay marriage with affirmation? It is not apparent that any biblical text supports this.
There is not one shred of scriptural evidence offered by TGC that would point us in this direction.
But make no mistake, TGC writer Charlie Self does continue to defend this position with some sort of biblical reference, saying this,
Pay attention, folks, because the implication here is staggering. It is that any Christian who would not affirm the legal right of same -sex couples to marry is actually being obnoxious.
More than this, there is also the implication that such a Christian with such a view is being disobedient to Jesus Christ.
He says that you're not being obedient, you're being obnoxious. So just to spell it out with clarity, here's what this means.
The Gospel Coalition has directly said that any Christian who looks at the legal right of same -sex marriage with anything other than public positive affirmation is being unwise, obnoxious, and disobedient.
Again, this is simply not biblical at all. Besides violating the scriptures we've already quoted in the video, this statement also lacks support in the very text that TGC referenced themselves.
Matthew 5 .10 says, But this passage tells us nothing about affirming the legal right of same -sex marriage.
In fact, it seems reasonable to suggest that lovingly upholding God's standard of biblical marriage in a culture that hates it would be a righteous thing to do.
Again, of course, it's important that we do this lovingly and biblically. But if one was to properly oppose the legal affirmation of same -sex unions, and they were persecuted for that fact, then it's fair to say that they're being persecuted for righteousness' sake.
Therefore, Matthew 5 .10 does not support TGC's position here. Instead, it actually seems to imply the exact opposite position.
But at the very least, we can clearly see that TGC and their writer for this article here did not actually establish any of their claims with this text.
Let's review them briefly. They did not offer any good biblical evidence that it is wise for Christians to affirm the legal right of gay marriage.
None at all. They did not offer any good biblical evidence to suggest that it's obnoxious or somehow disobedient to not affirm the legal right of gay marriage.
They did not offer any good biblical evidence to suggest that this is what Christians ought to do in our current culture.
And more than this, the only actual biblical text they cited in support of this position directly was not even remotely related to the statements they made.
And finally, they did not deal with any of the relevant biblical texts with regard to same -sex unions and what
God says about them. The fact is, the Gospel Coalition really seems to be caving in to the culture, especially on highly controversial political issues.
That much is clear now. There was a time in the very recent past when most theologically evangelical people, in fact, most people, would have utterly opposed the legal right of same -sex unions.
It doesn't seem to be a coincidence, then, that as the culture's position on this topic has changed,
TGC seems to have carefully crafted their position on the topic to be maximally agreeable to our current culture.
Again, at the very least, we can see that there was little to no biblical support for the position that the
Gospel Coalition took in that article. And that leaves us with this question. If there doesn't seem to be support for this response in the biblical standard, and there seems to be a lot of support for this response in the current cultural standard, then what exactly was the standard used by TGC to come to this conclusion?
I'm not sure we can answer that directly, but it should make us think twice about what to do moving forward regarding the
Gospel Coalition. Again, the compromise seems to grow every day. I pray that this has been a blessing to you, and please know this.
I do not offer any of this correction from a high and mighty position. I am nothing but a wretched sinner saved by the grace of Jesus Christ.
So let's pray for TGC, that they would not compromise to the culture, and that by God's grace, they would stick to the truth of God's Word.
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