Jesus' Powerful Plan


Scripture Reading and Sermon For 08-01-2021 Scripture Readings: Isaiah 55.1-11, Luke 8.41-56 Sermon Title: Jesus' Powerful Plan Sermon Scripture: John 11.1-46 Elder Lon Gantz


Please stand as we read from God's Word together Isaiah 55 1 through 11
Isaiah 55 1 through 11 This is the word of the
Lord come everyone who thirsts Come to the waters and he who has no money come by and eat come by wine and milk without money and without price
Why do you spend your money for that? Which is not bread and your labor for that which does not satisfy listen diligently to me and eat
What is good and delight yourselves in rich food? Incline your ear and come to me here that your soul may live and I will make with you an everlasting covenant
My steadfast sure love for David behold I made him a witness to the people's a leader and commander for the people's
Behold you shall call a nation that you do not know and a nation that did not know you shall run to you
Because of the Lord your God and of the Holy One of Israel for he has glorified you
Seek the Lord while he may be found call upon him while he is near let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous man his
Thoughts let him return to the Lord that he may have compassion on him and to our
God for he will abundantly pardon For my thoughts are not your thoughts neither are your ways my ways declares the
Lord for as the heavens are Higher than the earth so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts
For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven and do not return there But water the earth making it bring forth and sprout given seed to the sower and bread to the eater
So shall my word be that be that goes out from my mouth It shall not return to me empty
But it shall accomplish that which I purpose and shall succeed in the things for which
I sent it New Testament reading is from Luke chapter 8 beginning in verse 41
And there came a man named Jarius who was a ruler of the synagogue and Falling at Jesus feet.
He implored him to come to his house for he had an only daughter about 12 years of age and she was dying as Jesus went the people pressed around him and there was a woman who'd had a discharge of blood for 12 years and Though she had spent all her living on physicians.
She could not be healed by anyone she came up behind him and touched the friends of his garment and immediately her discharge of blood ceased and Jesus said
Who was it that touched me when all denied it Peter said master the crowds surrounded you and are pressing in on you
But Jesus said someone touched me for I perceived that power had gone out for me
And when the woman saw that she was not hidden she came trembling and falling down before him declared in the presence of all the people why she had touched him and how she had been immediately healed and He said to her daughter your faith has made you well go in peace
While he was still speaking someone from the rulers house came and said your daughter is dead.
Do not trouble the teacher anymore But Jesus on hearing this answered him do not fear only believe and she will be well
And when he came to the house He allowed no one to enter with him except Peter and John and James and the father and the mother of the child
And they were weeping and mourning for her But he said do not weep for she is not dead but sleeping and they laughed at him knowing that she was dead
Taking her by the hand. He called saying child arise and her spirit returned and she got up at once And he directed that something should be given her to eat and her parents were amazed
But he charged them to tell no one what had happened may be seated Morning Appreciate the opportunity
I Certainly feel more comfortable in a classroom than I do in this situation But I'm thankful that we get to open the word to God together and see what
God has for us I've had you turn in your word and your text to John 11
John 11 I'm gonna read a longer passage
And this is a passage this is a Miracle that you know of you've heard in Sunday school.
And as I got into this and chose This amount of scripture and Put it in the bulletin.
I Wish that I had cut it much shorter. So This passage is pregnant.
If you will it is filled with truth and I'm only gonna touch a tip of the iceberg today
John 11 We're gonna read verses 1 through 46
How a certain man was ill Lazarus of Bethany a
Village of Mary and her sister Martha It was Mary who was anointed the
Lord with ointment and wiped his feet with her hair whose brother Lazarus was ill So the sister sent to him saying
Lord He whom you love is ill But when Jesus heard it this illness does not lead to death
It is for the glory of God so that the Son of God May be glorified through it
Now Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus So when he heard that Lazarus was ill
He stayed two days longer in the place where he was Then after this said to the disciples, let us go to Judea again
Disciple said to him rabbi The Jews were just now seeking to stone you and are you going there again?
Jesus answered are there not 12 hours in a day if anyone who walks in the day
He does not stumble because he sees the light of this world But if anyone walks it in the night, he stumbles because the light is not in him
After saying these things he said to them our friend Lazarus had fallen asleep, but I go to wake him
Disciple said to him Lord if he has fallen asleep, he will recover Now Jesus had spoken of his death, but that they thought that he meant taking a rest in sleep
Then Jesus told them plainly Lazarus has died and for your sake.
I'm glad that I was not there so that you may believe But let us go to him.
So Thomas called the twin I said to his fellow disciples. Let us go that we may die with him
Now when Jesus came he found that Lazarus had already been in the tomb four days Bethany was near Jerusalem About two miles off and many of the
Jews had come to Mary and Martha's to console them concerning their brother So when
Martha heard that Jesus was coming she went and met him, but Mary remained seated in the house
Martha said to Jesus Lord if you had been here, my brother would not have died
But even now I know that whatever you ask from God God will give you
Jesus said to her your brother will rise again Martha said to him. I know that he will rise again in the resurrection of the last day and Jesus said to her
I am the resurrection and the life Whoever believes in me though he died yet shall he live and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die
Do you believe this? She said to him. Yes, Lord. I believe that you are the
Christ The Son of God who is coming into the world when she had said this
She went and called her sister Mary Saying in private the teacher is here and is calling for you
And when she heard it she rose quickly and went to him now Jesus had not yet come to the village but was still in the place where Martha had met him when the
Jews When the Jews who were with her in the house Consoling her saw
Mary rise quickly and go out. They followed her supposing that she was going to the tomb to weep there
Now when Mary had come to to where Jesus was and saw him She fell at his feet saying
Lord if you had been here, my brother would not have died When Jesus saw her weeping and the
Jews who had come with her also weeping he was deeply moved in his spirit and greatly troubled and He said where have you laid him?
And they said to him Lord come and see Jesus wept So the
Jews said see how he loved him But some of them said Could he not who opened the eyes of the blind man also have kept this man from dying
Then Jesus deeply moved again came to the tomb and it was a cave and a stone laid against it
Jesus said take away the stone Martha the sister The sister of the dead man said to him
Lord by this time there will be an odor for he has been dead four days
Jesus said to her did I not tell you that if you believe you would see the glory of God So they took away the stone and Jesus lifted up his eyes and said father.
I thank you that you have heard me. I Knew that you always hear me
But I say this on the account of the people standing around that they may believe that you sent me
When he had said these things he cried out in a loud voice Lazarus come out
The man who had died came out his hands his feet bound with linen strips and his face wrapped with cloth
Jesus said to them unbind him and let him go Many of the
Jews therefore who had come with Mary and who had seen what he did believed in him
Let's pray Hmm Father we thank you for your word.
We thank you for Jesus Christ that you sent to live for us to die for us to heal us
Father, I prayed that you would help our hearts to believe That you would strengthen our faith and our belief would not just be that these things happened
But these things happened For us That what you have to say that your son had to say is true and that we can live according to your word
So I pray that you would be the speaker that you would speak and that we would listen that we would hear and that we would obey you and That would respond to your spirit.
We praise you in Jesus name Hmm About six years ago.
You probably some of you may remember my father who was very ill
Had to have a surgery for some some related issues of his stomach
Was to have surgery So I went to go see him the night before at our home and he was bound and determined That whatever happens for God's glory and the
Lord probably could take me home and he was good with that He was excited about that me.
On the other hand. I wasn't too thrilled about that plan or that idea And I tried to encourage him.
Oh, you've already had a heart test. You're really strong. You're a very strong man Nothing, nothing's gonna make him waver so I tried to avoid the whole subject of death because it was a very sensitive subject and it
Cuts deep obviously So sure enough surgery was surgery was good successful Until about two hours later.
He started having issues with his breathing ended up going on to a respirator and soon after died
That was not my plan That's not what I told him. All right, that isn't the way this is supposed to work out
Lord How will he get how will you get glory from this death?
That I didn't plan I Didn't expect it to work this way. This is the way it usually goes for us as you know
We don't have a say over death There's nothing normal about death It makes you feel uncomfortable and uneasy when we talk about death, in fact
You're probably feeling it right about now That's all right, that's all right, this is what we're gonna see in the life of Mary and Martha We're gonna see their plan
We're gonna see their pain their trials the response To the
Lord's plan not only for Lazarus life and death, but for their lives and for our lives as well
John's the author John the author places a complete focus on Jesus Christ throughout this book
We do not see as many of the miracles and works of Christ in this Gospel as we do in other
Gospels such as Matthew and Luke For we see that John's focus in this gospel is centered on Jesus Christ and his eternal message to believe
Believe his words and to give glory to the Heavenly Father through the obedience to him
Now as we get into the book of John we go from the from the beginning to to the point that we're going to in Verse and chapter 11, we're gonna see at least six miracles that we see specifically that Christ is using to establish the fact that his message of Who he says he is he really is
God's Son So first of all, we see in John 2 1 through 12 the wedding of Cana and where Jesus turns the water into wine and his disciples believed the second the second
Miracle that we see is Jesus heals the official son at Capernaum or if you've ever visited
Israel, they call it Capernaum in John 4 Jesus restores the paralyzed man on the
Sabbath At the pool of Bethesda in chapter chapter 5 of John which was his third miracle
The fourth key miracle was the feeding of the 5 ,000 in John 6 and later in that chapter
He tells that crowd that I am the bread or the sustainer of life that's come down from heaven the fifth miracles the walking on the water before the disciples in John 6 16 and Then in John 9
Jesus made the man that was blind from birth to see and believe and now
This miracle in chapter 11. He's going to do something greater than he's already done and That is raised
Lazarus from the dead This is his last public public miracle for all the glory of God and For the purpose of saying that he is who he is and that man might believe is the whole purpose of all of these miracles
Now you may be asking well what then why did you read about Jairus's daughter
Didn't Jesus raise her from the dead. Well, not only that that Jesus also raised the
The the widow from from Nain's only son raised him from the dead as well and in both of those cases
It was a short period of time after death So there were those who were doubting of that miracle
So what we see in this situation is something totally different and I want to look at I want to look at the situation a little more detail, but again what we want to focus on is
Christ's perfect plan for us and That Jesus is who he says he is. So let's start out and look at Mary and Martha have a perfect plan
Mary and Martha have a perfect plan verses 1 through 3 Now certain man was ill
Lazarus of Bethany the village of Mary and Martha now, this is the same
Mary who anointed The Lord with ointment and wiped his feet with hair and whose brothers
Brother Lazarus was ill What was their plan? It says so the sisters sent to Jesus saying
Lord He whom you love is ill so to set the scene
Bethany was a poor little town on a main road about two miles east of Jerusalem and many were passing through Bethany To the route and route to the
Passover to Jerusalem that was about to take place in approximately two two and a half weeks Jesus greatest miracle, however was unknown to Mary and Martha Mary and Martha, however had a great great problem.
They were caring for a very ill brother We know a little about him
Nor do we know about his illness, but we know that he was a certain man and we know that Jesus loved him
We learn a little bit more about Mary and Martha turn to Luke 10 38 Luke 1038 through 42 will give us a little flavor about who
Mary and Martha are and you also know this story Now as they went on their way
Jesus entered a village and the woman named Martha became welcomed him into her home and She had a sister called
Mary who sat at the Lord's feet and listened to his teaching but Martha But Martha was distracted
With much serving and she went on and she went up to him and said
Lord Do you not care that my sister has left me and served and left me to serve alone?
Tell her then to help me, but the Lord answered her Martha, Martha You are anxious and troubled about many things
But one thing is necessary Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her
This might help us a little bit to understand a little bit. What what Martha's like? She's a bit of a worrier and obviously
Has an opinion and was willing to share it We also learn more about Mary and Martha back in verse 3
That there is a specific plan Lord The whom you love is ill
They knew what this plan and what these words would do to create a work in this plan Who better than Jesus to heal their brethren than Jesus who knows us and loves us?
This is a great and godly plan that Mary and Martha have there's nothing wrong with this plan This is even a logical plan
If we look in Matthew 4 23 through 25, we understand how this is a logical plan that Mary and Martha have
Verse 23 in Matthew 4 says and he went throughout all
Galilee teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom and healing every disease
Every affliction among the people so his fame spread Throughout all
Syria and they brought him all the sick Those afflicted with various diseases and pains those oppressed by demons those having seizures those who are paralytic and He healed them
He healed them all the great crowds followed him from Galilee and the
Decropolis and from Jerusalem and Judea and from beyond the Jordan you see
I Shared with you the miracles of Christ coming out of John for a reason The great crowds were following him.
There was a progression that was going on with these miracles little miracles if you will
There they're unbelievable for us to change water into wine But for Christ, it's a small thing and as we go we're gonna see that these grow
Greater to affirm that Jesus is who he says he is to affirm that he is the
Son of God and to Gain, it's gaining strength in Israel Who Jesus is is granting gaining great strength and many are following him
His fame was growing not only throughout Israel, but also through Syria and beyond the Jordan everyone knew
Christ's great power to heal Especially Mary and Martha who served him kept him in their home listened and learned from him
It is a godly Logical plan. It's a perfect plan.
So you see Mary and Martha Had a great plan and there was nothing wrong with that plan
They're very close friend who heals all which surely Come if he only knew who this was and how serious this is besides Lazarus is the one
Jesus loves. Let me ask you You ever had a plan? You ever had a prayer?
that you Revealed to the Lord what you wanted It was a good thing
It isn't a bad thing. It's even according to Scripture Lord This is what you would have you would not have my spouse leave me you would not have my
My parent die or a child die This is this is a hard prayer
That we have when we seek the Lord's purpose his will his word to be applied
It's a good thing. Mary and Martha had a good a good plan But there's only one little problem
God doesn't always answer the prayer the way we want it or when we ask for it or How we want it answered
This is what happened to Mary and Martha, this is what happened to them only it was going to go from bad to worse
Things that things did not go according to their plan verse 6 so when
Jesus heard Lazarus was ill He stayed he stayed two days longer in the place where he was
Anybody in here have a problem with that? I Mean we know the whole story we get it
We understand what Christ is doing because we're on this end of Scripture but if you're in the middle of it when you've asked something of the
Lord and you find that he's He's not answering when you want him to answer. You have a problem with that if Mary and Martha would have known that he purposely stayed two days longer
Would that not feel like betrayal and waiting? Remember that Jesus is in the process of helping man in man's
Faith to believe in him and what he says
This is a good time to remind ourselves that our feelings are self -centered our feelings are fallible
Our feelings cannot be trusted Because they always lie to you.
I Didn't come up with a statement, but I liked it. So I'm sharing it. Let the truth shape your emotions
Not your emotions to shape your truth the truth But the truth shape your emotions not your emotions to shape the truth
Let's look let's continue on Let's look at verses chapters chapter 11, let's look at verses 7 through 16 to continue the story
Then after this he said to the disciples Let us go to Judea the disciple said to him rabbi the
Jews were just now seeking to stone you and you're gonna go there again The Jews answered are there not or Jesus answered?
Are there not 12 hours in a day if anyone walks in the day and does not stumble because he sees the light of this
World, but if anyone walks at night, he stumbles because light is not in him After saying these things he said to them our friend
Lazarus had fallen asleep But I go to wake him up the disciples said Lord if he's fallen asleep
He will recover now Jesus spoke of this death, but they thought that he meant taking a rest
Taking rest and sleep then Jesus told them plainly Lazarus had died and for your sake
I'm glad and I'm that I was not there so that you may believe But let us go to him
So Thomas the twin Said to his fellow disciples. Let us go that we may die with him
You see Even the disciples had a plan Disciples had a protective plan staying away from Judea was a good idea
So we don't get killed It's logical to the disciples why Jesus would stay two days longer as the
Jewish leaders were trying to kill him Jesus was gaining so much support They hated him
Jesus was claiming to be God's Son and they hated him for that He healed on the
Sabbath and they hated him for that This is a part of the reason why
Jesus was where he was And after two days of waiting
They suddenly he suddenly changed directions Jesus always has a greater purpose for his disciples and for his children
Jesus told them plainly Lazarus has died and think of it. Jesus first tells them that he's asleep
So the disciples are believing that he is literally asleep So it's can't somebody else wake him up Lord.
Why do we have to go to wake him up? So there's a mixed message that goes on here to them
Of course Jesus was talking about death itself. The reality in death is is that?
Jesus can handle death because it's nothing more than like waking you up from your sleep
That's the only difference that death is For Jesus there is no difference
Jesus also talks about something very specific And changing the direction verses 9 and 10
Are there not 12 hours in a day? If anyone walks in a day, he doesn't stumble because he sees the light of this world
But if anyone walks at night, he stumbles because the light is not in him What Christ is saying you cannot shorten or lengthen the day
It is fixed by God. There's 12 hours in the day. There's 12 hours in the night This day is fixed like our lives are fixed with God He's got a plan.
He's got a purpose and God's plan for Christ. His hour had not come yet Was the whole point?
So Christ wasn't going to be a coward Disciples didn't need to be a coward and I do have to say in the defense of Thomas He does sound like Eeyore that's been the attack on him because he's a pessimist the doubting
Thomas But what we have to remember is he was not a coward
He was committed to walk into death as Christ was going to and was walking into death
He didn't run away But this plan of the disciples was all to protect
Jesus and themselves and Christ has a greater plan Mary and Martha have a very painful problem with their plan verse 17 now when
Jesus came He found that Lazarus had already been in the tomb for days
For some reason I think he already knew that So Mary and Martha's they're looking at this and saying
Jesus was to come and heal our brother Jesus was to come and answer my prayers
Jesus was to respond to my plan Knowing that he knows us personally that he especially loves us
He's been in our home. We've served him. We've worshipped him and He knows that the issue the issues that we're going to have after Lazarus dies
This is not going according to their plan Their pain was great. So Mary and Martha heard that Jesus was coming
She went to meet him and Mary may remain seated in the house Martha said to Jesus Lord If you had been here, my brother would not have died
If you would have done what I had planned he wouldn't have died That's basically what they're saying
If you would have did it my way Death wouldn't have occurred The result of this plan wouldn't come out the way that I said and think about it
When we see Mary come on the scene, what does she say? The same thing if you would have come this wouldn't have happened
They both have believed that death is the end
They both hold to the same position. They had the same plan and I think Mary kind of just followed along She was a worshipper.
She wasn't as opinionated as her sister However, however Martha the servant
Could see things going differently you can heal anyone and you're gonna and you could have raised my brother and I know that you're gonna raise my brother later on We have a faith like that, right?
We know that the Lord is this is our hope We know that the Lord is going to resurrect us in the last day
But this is four days late rigor mortis has already set in decay has already occurred
She's given up Death has won Jesus you're too late
Her anxious plan is not going to work now death has the final word But we got to remember
Jesus and his time is always perfect.
I believe I Believe you Lord, but not the way that you that you say it
I want it done my way and don't we do that with the word we justify the Word of God We turn the
Word of God to fit what we want it to do for us many times We see what
Martha's saying she's just saying
I I just believe Lord that you will raise him up in the last day, but You didn't help me in this situation and she's struggling with her faith in the
Lord You see Mary has the same shattered plan and honestly
So would I? So would you we'd have the same? thinking about death
Death seems to always have the final word but Jesus Jesus Providential power over all plans
Let's look in verses 33 Start 33 where it says G and the
Jews answered. I'm sorry. I jumped
Let me go back to Jesus response to Martha Gotta turn the page
When the Jews and the Jews who were with her in the house consoling her saw
Mary rise up quickly and follow her Supposing that she was going to the tomb wept there
Now when Mary came to where Jesus was and saw and saw him
She fell at his feet saying to him Lord if you had been here, my brother would not have died when
Jesus saw her weeping and the Jews who had come with her Also weeping he was deeply moved in his spirit and greatly troubled and he said where have you laid him?
They said to him Lord come and see and Jesus wept So the Jews said see how he loved him
But some of them said Could he not have opened the eyes of the blind and have kept this man from dying?
Jesus deeply moved again came to the tomb Was this which was a cave and a stone laying against it and Jesus said take away the stone and Mary and her sister of the dead man
Said to him Lord by this time there will be an odor for he has been dead for days
We're gonna look at very quickly is the fact that Jesus power
Is great over death But before Jesus raises him from the dead
We learn something very great about how Christ Handles grief and death and this is something
I think that we can learn from as well This was a death designed to strengthen
Mary and Martha's faith and encourage their belief as well But God uses grief to help us to trust and to pray and to draw closer to to him
Look at Jesus great compassion on those he loved Jesus knew that he would raise up Lazarus But watch what he does
He shows how to respond to death and godly ways He enters into their suffering and pain verse 33 says he was deeply moved
He wept and that that term wept is not just What we look at today when we're quiet in a funeral home and we're tears streaming down our faith face this is a weeping that is a loud groaning a crying out loud a
Large grief if you will so Jesus Weeps with those who weeps and he prayed for their faith in their emotional times.
How well How well do we handle someone's pain? Someone's death or loss
Do we weep with them? Do we set with them? Do we love them? Do we listen to them?
Do we try to feel what they're feeling? Or do we shy away and avoid it and then avoid the uncomfortable moments
I have to say When we were grieving over my dad
Many of you came you barely knew us, but you came and you encouraged us greatly
This is the kind of example that Jesus is setting for us. He uses this grief to teach
More importantly Jesus consoles them with the great. Hope of resurrection. I am the resurrection.
I am life Death death does not get the final word with Jesus.
This wasn't even a close battle With a word Jesus conquers death.
There is no contest in this fight Jesus's sovereign plan is always the same
If we look at verses 40 through 45 Jesus said to her did
I not tell you that if you believe you would see the glory of God Jesus and his work is the glory of God revealed
Verse 41 so they took away the stone and Jesus lifted up his eyes and said father I thank you that you have heard me
I knew that you always hear me, but I said this on account of the people standing around That they may believe
That you sent me When he had said these things he cried out the loud voice
Lazarus come out The man who had died came out his hands his feet down with linen strips his face wrapped in clothing
Jesus said to then unbind him and let him go We don't know what happened after that The focus is on Christ.
The focus wasn't on Lazarus. They'd nobody asked him and interviewed him any what what happened? What'd you see?
What'd you know? That wasn't part of the plan here. The plan is the power of Jesus Christ the plan is
To strengthen the faith of the disciples strengthen the faith of Mary and Martha and to cause those around to believe
Verse 46 But some of them I'm sorry verse 45 many of the
Jews therefore Who had come with Mary and Martha had seen what he did and they believed
They believed In Jesus Christ and what he had to say Why did
Jesus raise Lazarus from the dead? obviously to reveal his plan that Matches his word to prove that he is the resurrection.
He is who he says he is Verse 25 and 26 is part of the reason and part of the answer
Verse 25 we read I Am the resurrection life whoever believes in me though He died yet shall he live and anyone who lives and believes in me shall never die
Do you believe this? This is a question for both the saved and the unsaved think about who who
Christ was talking to But I should say if you don't know Jesus Do you believe this it is the salvation call?
The second thing a second reason For Christ raising him from the dead is that this is a preview of his own resurrection
John 10 17 says I laid down my life and I take it up again Jesus does not only has power over the death of others.
He's got power over his own life He laid it down. He raises it up. He is the resurrection
He can raise it up That should give us great. Hope And finally
Jesus demonstrates the power to raise all from the dead as he said in John 5
What you turn to John 5 25 John 5 25
Truly I say to you a time is coming coming and even now has arrived
When the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God and those who hear will live
I'll just think about this is what he said before it happened Jesus is who he says he is for just as the father has life in himself so he gave to the son also to have life in himself and He gave him authority to exit execute judgment
Because he's the Son of Man Jesus has been given the rights to execute judgment verse 28
Do not be amazed at this For a time is coming when all who are in the tombs will hear his voice and will come out
Those who did the good deeds to a resurrection life those who committed the bad deeds in to a resurrected judgment
What's the point Christ is going to execute this judgment All that live that's everybody in this room and anybody listening and all that die
That's everybody in this room and everybody listening Will all be raised again. That's everybody in this room and everybody's listening will all be judged by Jesus and He said my judgment is true
Jesus is who he said he is Jesus will Have the ultimate word death does not have the ultimate word.
I Think we need to realize that we're going to all hear that voice and come life again
Jesus said I am the way the truth in life. No one comes to the father except through me.
I Want to encourage you as a believer all of God's words are true
I know my own heart likes to do this. I want to select what I want to select at times To make me feel good about myself
But his all of his words are true I stand before him to be judged as each do
The good the bad I want to encourage you if you don't know
Christ He doesn't make it any more clear he doesn't make it more any more simple we have to believe that Jesus is who he says he is and That his words are true
Let's pray father. God.
We just praise you and thank you that you are a God who loves us a
God who sends a Redeemer a God who knows how to deal with life and death Father you judge and will judge us
But You'll judge us through your son as your children. So father.
We just thank you that Jesus lived a life. We can't live We thank you that Jesus took upon himself a death and the sin that we we can't take upon ourselves
Jesus says He is the bread of life That he is the resurrection.
He is life And so father I pray that we would turn to your son turn to what he has to say
Follow him. I Just praise you for Christ. I praise you
Lord Jesus that you have made a way for us to believe in what you had to say to believe that you're a
Redeemer and to believe that you will raise us up on the last day as Your children