F4F | John Arnott and Cindy Jacobs The "Doctrine" of Suddenlies


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith here on YouTube. If you've ever been to a church and they've told you that, well, it's a season of suddenlies or there are suddenlies in the
Bible and that you should expect a suddenly in your life or our movement was started by a suddenly of God, it's a weird use of an adverb, don't you think?
If you've ever heard that, then go ahead and subscribe down below and don't forget to ring the bell.
You've been deceived using a weird, weird technique. And case in point, we're going to be heading over to the
Toronto Airport Church as we listen to John R. Knott teach us about suddenlies, suddenly.
And we're going to note that this is not actual Bible teaching. This is a way of kind of missing the point of biblical texts, and we'll do a little research along the way to kind of flesh this out.
So let me whirl this up here. And so we're over at God TV as we listen to John R.
Knott teaching about the suddenly of God. Here we go. Let's begin with a verse of scripture from Acts chapter 2 verses 1 and 2 because...
All right, let's pull that up. Let's see. Greek New Testament, Acts 2 verses 1 and 2, see right there in verse 2,
I see the word suddenly. This is a Bible teaching, right?
No, it really isn't, but let's go back. Here we go. This is after Jesus has suddenly departed and you can get in touch with that a little bit.
The disciples have been on this rollercoaster ride and they left everything and followed him. Three and a half years of intensive ministry where they saw the most incredible things.
Most incredible, yeah. The dead being raised. Imagine Lazarus dead after four days. There was a suddenly right there.
Nobody was expecting that one. No one saw that coming. It just happened so suddenly, yeah. I don't recall in John chapter 11 where the word suddenly is referenced regarding the raising of Lazarus.
I'm just saying, it's not really an emphasis of that text. Suddenly he's taken, crucified, and he's dead and it seems like it's all over.
And then they get word that suddenly he's alive again. All of a sudden. And so, wait a minute, it's all back.
All of a sudden on the third day, whoosh. Again, the suddenly is not an emphasis of the resurrection.
Jesus actually said, on the third day I'll rise. Expect me on the third day. So, I mean, they went all
Friday and Saturday and, you know, I'm just saying, it's -
Gone. Jesus is back and he's like, no, I'm leaving actually, but we're going to be sending the
Holy Spirit. So, I want you to go and wait in Jerusalem. And one of the great suddenlies of Scripture is here for us in Acts chapter 2, and we'll just read a couple of verses quickly.
When the day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.
I think that one accord is helpful. You know, when Christians are together and they're all arguing and -
That means they were in a Honda. Fighting and in strife and everything, and arguing over who's the greatest or whatever it is, that's not really helpful for encouraging the presence of the
Lord to come. How many understand? But here they're in one accord and then they're in one place.
They're subdued by the seriousness of the circumstances and the unfolding of all the events that have just happened around them.
And then suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing, mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting.
And so, it's just a gathering, kind of like this. Everybody has, you know, figuring, well, we're together and we're going to be praying and we're going to wait on God and see what we do next and all of that sort of thing.
And suddenly, the supernatural enters in. And it's not just, did you hear something?
I thought that was a wind or what was that? No, no. It was a massive wind that sounded like a rushing hurricane.
Yeah, I would note that in the narrative, stopping on the word suddenly, trying to really tease that out, is like missing the whole point of the text.
Yeah, let me explain. So when the day of Pentecost arrived, they were all together in one place and suddenly there came from heaven a sound like the mighty rushing wind.
It filled the entire house and they were sitting and divided tongues as a fire appeared on them and rested on each of them.
And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance.
Yeah, I mean, it's a historical narrative, so the adverb suddenly explains how quickly it all happened when it finally happened.
But the suddenly is not the point. And so you're going to note what he's doing is he's putting the emphasis on the wrong syllable.
And by doing so, he's trying to create a doctrine regarding suddenlies, which the scripture does in itself teach.
And it's based upon now going, see, we saw the word suddenly. In fact, I'm going to do something really quick here.
I've suddenly made a decision that I'm going to suddenly look for the word suddenly and we're going to do a text search in all of the
Bible. And so in the ESV translation of the Bible, the adverb suddenly appears 38 times.
First appearance, Numbers, chapter six. Yeah, if any man dies very suddenly,
I mean, Genesis goes without suddenly, Exodus, no suddenlies in Exodus, Leviticus, none.
First appearance of suddenly is in Numbers. So I just pointed this out because what
John Arnot's doing here is not really teaching a biblical doctrine.
There's a reason for it. Filled the whole house and then tongues of fire rested on each of them.
Just look at the person next to you, imagine a flame on their head going like that. What does that do to your awarenesses?
Makes me want to go grab a fire extinguisher. You know, you would do that if anyone's hair was on fire.
If you don't, that would be cruel. Inside, you're like, God is in the place.
You know, you just get that shocking awareness that everything has changed and it happens so suddenly.
We're all filled with the Holy Spirit, began to speak in tongues. And so that's an example of the suddenlies of God.
Now, the word is mentioned about 72 times in Scripture, and so we have a litany of things in the
Bible that are mentioned as suddenly and a whole bunch of other events that are not mentioned as a suddenly.
Yeah, there's a whole bunch that are suddenly. There's 38 total suddenlies in the
ESV. Where? For example, the creation. Just suddenly, there's
Adam and Eve. Well, no. You see, there are no appearances of the word suddenly in the book of Genesis.
First time it shows up is numbers. And Adam and Eve didn't just, you know, suddenly appear.
He's like, hello, here we are. No, no, that's not how that happened. God formed
Adam from the dust and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and he became a living being.
Right? And then, you know, of course, then you have the whole thing where Adam and Eve were created on the sixth day of creation. And then you got
Adam, you know, being shown all of the, you know, animals, and no suitable helper was found for him, and, you know,
God had to, you know, put him under the anesthesia, take out one of his ribs, and then fashioned
Eve. See, that didn't happen very suddenly. There was a surgery involved. So what he's just saying is, like, not even true, and the word suddenly doesn't even appear in the book of Genesis.
And almost as suddenly, they're out of the garden. Yeah, suddenly. And then suddenly, there's a flood.
Yeah, so there they are, you know, they're leaving the garden, and they're looking back and saying goodbye, you know, goodbye,
Garden of Eden, and suddenly there's a flood. No, that's not how that went down either.
It's like, again, the word suddenly doesn't appear.
In Genesis. Flood is an interesting one, because there were warnings that were leading up to it.
Yeah, yeah. And I think Noah was about 200 years building it, so they had a 200 -year warning message that…
Yeah, 200 years of warning about a flood. And then suddenly, you know, out of nowhere, the word suddenly doesn't appear in the biblical text as it relates to the flood either.
What is he up to, you're asking? I'll explain in a minute. Eventually, they paid no attention to it.
Yeah. And then suddenly… Suddenly. The animals all gathered, and they went in the ark, and it began to rain.
Suddenly. And boy, it just didn't stop until a disastrous flood hit the whole earth.
But it was a suddenly. No, it wasn't a suddenly, because the word suddenly doesn't appear in Genesis.
Joseph's enslavement was a suddenly. You know, he was…
Yeah, again, Joseph's enslavement, book of Genesis. The word suddenly is not used in conjunction with his slavery.
A bit of a super spiritual kid, perhaps, you might say that.
He's having all these dreams, and he's sharing them with his brothers. And they resented it, they hated him for it.
Yeah. And so, when he came to them, they wanted to kill him, but they settled for selling him to the
Amalekites. Suddenly, he's on his way to Egypt, and he's… Yeah, suddenly. …finds himself being sold as a slave, and he's in the house of Potiphar.
That's a bad suddenly, man. Makes me not want one… I don't want a suddenly to happen to me, at least not that kind.
And that went okay for a while, and he gained some prestige there and some influence.
Notice he's not actually teaching any biblical text. He's just kind of looking for some suddenlies as he muses and ruminates in his brain about, yeah, how did this happen?
Oh, yeah, it happened suddenly there, and suddenly this. Then he's falsely accused, and suddenly he's in prison.
Life can go that way for you, can't it? It can, yeah. The suddenlies are not all good.
No. But if we follow the life of Joseph through, we'll find that God will turn those suddenlies, those disasters…
Wait, God will turn the suddenly events to be a blessing for you? What?
What biblical text says that? There's events around to make it a blessing somehow for you because Joseph eventually got out because Pharaoh now has…
So God has to turn your suddenly events around and turn them into a blessing. Why? Because Joseph.
Okay. But dreams that are suddenly, and nobody can interpret them. And so they remember this
Hebrew in prison, they get him out, and he… It's too hard to interpret because of how suddenly they happened, you know?
And boom, he's the prime minister. Boom. Boom. How do you go from prison to prime minister?
Suddenly, yeah. That only happens in the economy of God, doesn't it?
Yeah, now I'm going to explain what he's up to because you're sitting there going, he's not really teaching the
Bible. No, he's not. He's not teaching the Bible at all. And the Suddenly Doctrine serves several, at least two notable things that the
Suddenly Doctrine provides in the Charismatic or New Apostolic Reformation churches, NAR churches, all right?
So here's one way they use it, and that is that they use the
Suddenly Doctrine to then say, look, there's a pattern in the Bible. Suddenly, boom.
Suddenly, boom. Suddenly, boom. And so now let's get our heads out of the Bible and, you know, that Toronto blessing back from 1994 happened 25 years ago.
And you know what? It showed up suddenly. See, that follows the pattern of the
Bible, man. So that means the whole Toronto blessing thing, dude, it's for real.
Yeah, I'm not making that up. So here's, we'll fast forward a little bit. Here's John Arnott just a little later in the video using the
Suddenly Doctrine that he's just spun out of Scripture, which isn't really there, to compare it to the 1994 outpouring of the
Toronto so -called blessing. That would be a suddenly. Now, we talked about the suddenly that happened here back in 94.
Now, see, in hindsight, there were indicators and prophetic words.
Yeah, see, there was a suddenly there at Toronto in 94. We're telling us that God is about to do something significant in your lives in Toronto.
But see, you get used to hope deferred. You get your hopes up.
But when you're a young person, you're full of vim, vigor, and vitality. You're like, hey, we're going to go out and take the world.
But you kind of get knocked down to size, I don't know, somehow in life. Anybody find that besides me?
And so you're not quite so self -assured anymore, and you're a little more cautious.
We ultimately went to Argentina, and a suddenly happened. We got prayer again.
So the suddenly happened in Argentina. Yeah, and so you'll note then, by claiming that that pattern repeated in 1994, he's now using the suddenly doctrine to prove, at least to the audience there, that the
Toronto so -called blessing was a legitimate move of God, because, you know, it followed the suddenly pattern.
Yeah, this is really deceitful. Another wonderful man of God, Claudio Friese.
And I had no expectation anything was going to change, but it did. There was an impartation that was given to both of us at that time, and we kind of knew something had shifted.
I mean, Carol led two people to Christ on the airplane coming. See, that proves, see, the fact she led two people to Christ on the airplane, that proves that there was a suddenly, and that all of this stuff from 1994, which led to the
Toronto blessing, that that was all from God, because, you know, suddenly. From Argentina.
That has never happened before or since. One thing led to another. We invited Randy Clark. When he came, kaboom, the
Holy Spirit fell, and we, and he, have never been the same since.
Right, it was a suddenly. Why? God intervened, and as usual, he did it suddenly.
Now, he doesn't always do things suddenly. See, God intervened, and he did it. So that's one way the suddenly doctrine is used, and note, the
Bible really doesn't teach the suddenly doctrine. This is a man -made manifestation, if you would, a twisting of Scripture, and you can't exegete a biblical text and come up with this doctrine.
Now, the second way it's used, you have to work with me here. So you, let's pretend you attend the
Charismatic or New Apostolic Reformation Church, right? And so they have living apostles or living prophets, and they hear directly from God the
Holy Spirit all the time, right? And so part of the deal is that, you know, as part of the service, at some point, you're going to be ushered up to the front, where you're going to do this voluntarily, and prophetess or prophet so -and -so is going to decree and declare, thus saith the
Lord over you, and they'll say something like, I'm hearing the Lord say that you are going to be an evangelist to the nations.
Oh, and you're going to be a shaker, and there's going to be shakings in the world, as thou millions will hear the gospel through you.
Wow. Okay, so, aren't you important, right? So you hear something like that prophesied over you.
Then another person, maybe a woman who is infertile, she's incapable of conceiving, and so the prophetess says,
Oh, the Lord is telling me you are going to have five children biologically. They will come from your womb, and it will be miraculous, and this is what's going to happen.
All right, so you've got these two people who have received different prophecies, but all of the prophecies were given to them by false prophets.
God didn't say any of this stuff, right? So now the guy who's sitting there going, when am I going to be evangelist to the nations?
It's never happening, man. None of the nations are inviting me. I never get invitations to go and preach the gospel, ever.
Yeah, because God hasn't called him to do this, right? And so the prophecy sits unanswered, unfulfilled.
Same with the barren woman who isn't conceiving. She ain't conceiving.
She ain't getting five kids, and she ain't getting any closer to 20 anymore. She's heading day by day, getting a lot closer to actual menopause, and she ain't got no kids, and she's saying, when is this going to happen?
So the way the suddenly doctrine then is used in the charismatic movement is you'll hear prophecies that say that ahead we have a season of suddenlies, a season of acceleration and breakthroughs, and suddenlies are going to be unleashed because prophet so -and -so said so.
So it creates the anticipation that, oh, that unfulfilled prophecy that I was told that hasn't happened yet, it's going to suddenly happen now.
So it's a way of kind of keeping the hook in your brain and creating the anticipation that this thing is going to happen.
It's just around the corner. You just got to hang in there a little longer.
Oh, and keep tithing. You just got to hang. It's going to be here any second now. In fact, can't you hear the trumpets?
They're announcing its arrival. It's happening suddenly. So they always create this anticipation.
And to kind of give you an example of this, we're heading over to a YouTube channel,
VFN TV, and you might want to get some gauze for your ears because we're going to hear
Cindy Jacobs yelling, but they are going to be talking about suddenlies.
And here's the host. Let me back this up just a little bit. Here we go. ...to get new notifications of new success secrets made available on VFN TV.
Welcome, welcome back. We have so many prophecies. We're not going to be able to get to all of them today. We have another prophecy from Cindy Jacobs talking about the suddenlies.
John, what is it? Well, it's the acceleration of suddenlies. Get ready. Watch this. The acceleration of suddenlies.
Sometimes when something hits me suddenly, it's like, you know, and then
I need Pepto -Bismol. But anyway. Accelerations, accelerations, and suddenly, suddenly.
Sometimes you're believing for a thing, and it doesn't happen, it doesn't happen, and then suddenly there it is right before you.
Suddenly you have the healing in your family. Suddenly you got that job offer. Suddenly you find a house that you know you can get into.
You've got to believe God for the suddenlies. You see what
I'm saying here? It's not even a biblical doctrine. And boy, is it used to manipulate people. She does the manipulation while screaming at you.
Anyway. In the meantime, just keep standing. Keep standing.
Keep being faithful. Keep giving. Keep doing what God tells you to do. Because I tell you, there will be a day, and there will come a time when all of a sudden your family's restored.
All of a sudden, boom! Suddenly, man, your family's restored. God doesn't promise this. Sometimes it happens when you're not looking for it anymore.
You're just doing what God has called you to do. Just walking down the street chewing bubble gum, man. It all was a blammo.
Yeah, suddenly. And bang, it happens. And God does it in such unusual ways.
Basta! The Lord said to me, you're not even going to be able to figure out how ingenious what
I'm going to do for your life, how I'm going to fix that business problem or fix that problem in your family or fix that problem at your job.
It's going to be so suddenly and so ingenious, God is going to move them out. I remember one time
Mike was working for American Airlines, and there was this guy that came in and started persecuting him.
He was the financial comptroller for American Airlines. And they were just this guy. I mean, he took all his employees away.
He ended up sitting at a desk. He had no work to do day after day after day.
It was just very, very difficult. But in the end, that guy was fired completely, and Mike got a promotion.
And it happened so suddenly. Because we kept decreeing. We kept believing that he was the head and not the tail.
We kept believing that he was going to have justice, that if somebody touches him, they touch the apple of the
Lord's eyes. Are you understanding this? I'm using the gift of exhortation. No, you're not.
You're using the gift of manipulation and twisting of God's word. And prophets have to tell you this.
The enemies you see today, you will not see tomorrow. Suddenly they're going to be God, man!
So you kind of get the idea. That's how people are manipulated through the suddenly doctrine.
The Bible don't teach the suddenly doctrine. The doctrine of suddenlies is not a biblical doctrine. It's an adverb used 38 times from the
Old Testament to the New. First occurrence is in the book of Numbers. So if you've been taught the suddenly doctrine, you're thinking, ah, your breakthrough is just around the corner.
Yeah, it's time to get to a real church because you are being manipulated very, very badly.
So I hope you found this helpful. If you did, all the information on how to share this video is down below.
Information in the description also tells us how you can support the ministry of Fighting for the Faith and Pirate Christian Media.
And also, there's a link there to the Bible software that I use. I get a lot of questions about that.
It's in the description down below for Accordance Bible. So until next time, may
God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and His vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.