Was Lucifer in charge of music in Heaven? (Ezekiel 28:13 / Satan before the fall)


You were in Eden, the garden of God; Every precious stone was your covering: The sardius, topaz, and diamond, beryl, onyx, and jasper, sapphire, turquoise, and emerald with gold. The workmanship of your timbrels and pipes was prepared for you on the day you were created." Ezekiel 28:13


In verse 13 he says the workmanship of your timbrels and pipes was prepared for you on the day you were created.
Now I know this I know this kind of steps on people's toes a little bit so please don't be offended but there there is a different translation that doesn't say timbrels and pipes.
What does it say? Okay settings and mountings.
So again this would be a difference between the King James Version of the Bible. You're not upset with me
Stacey right that you have a different Bible? Okay good. All right good. That's your choice. Okay settings okay so Jim's with you.
Okay you got a deacon on your side. Listen this my point is not to fight over Bible translations but I'm gonna give you my understanding and if you want to disagree that's up to you.
But you see a difference here right? Settings and mountings and timbrels and pipes.
One is talking about the settings for gemstones the other is talking about musical instruments. These are not the same.
Okay so I guess logically both translations could be wrong but one thing
I know for sure they both can't be right. So what is he saying here?
The idea that many theologians have believed that Lucifer originally was involved with music.
One theologian described him that he was in charge of the heavenly choir.
So if you think of praise and in worship happening in heaven and singing praises to God in heaven originally the idea is that Satan would have been the director of heaven's choir.
How many of you have heard this before that the devil is closely associated with music? Yeah so it's no surprise then if that's true and I believe it is it's no it's no surprise that the devil still uses music as a very effective tool.
Doesn't he do that? The devil can use music in order to seduce people.
Just an example of this I remember I was on YouTube and I looked up Come Thou Fount.
That's my favorite hymn. Come Thou Fount of Many Blessings and I typed it in Come Thou Fount congregational singing and it came up the
Mormon Tabernacle Choir. Well you know I listened to it and halfway through the thought in my mind something or someone placed the thought in my mind the singing was glorifying to God it was so beautiful and I had the thought how can these people not be
Christians? I know better than that but that's how music is able to seduce people.
Not just teenagers and the stuff they listen to. That's that's one area that can lead people away from God.
Satan I believe uses music. He uses all sorts of things to draw people away.
Do you agree music has a powerful influence over people? Very powerful.
Now it's interesting just to go back to the difference of Bible translations. Most modern
Bible translations probably the majority translate this differently to where this verse has nothing to do with music.
Timbrels and pipes versus mountings for the gemstones. Now he does talk about gemstones so you could say well that kind of fits the context.
That would be mounting for the gemstones. Precious stones is what leads up to that.
Right and I think that's why they interpreted it that way because it seems to fit the context.
However if you look up the Hebrew words. The Hebrew word translated timbrel.
Go ahead and check it out. It's almost always a reference to musical instruments. Almost always and the word that's translated pipes is only found once.
So you have nothing else to compare it to. So at least I take the position that Satan was involved with music originally or Lucifer was involved with music originally and he still uses music to seduce people to this very day.