7 Reasons You Shouldn't Listen to Joyce Meyer

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Video link explaining the little gods heresy which is tied in with the prosperity gospel / Name it and claim it movement -    • What Did Jesus Mean When He Said "Ye ...  


1 Samuel 8 (Israel Demands a King)

1 Samuel 8 (Israel Demands a King)

Hello, in this video I'm going to cover seven reasons why Christians should not listen to the teachings of Joyce Meyer.
Not only is she not a reliable Bible teacher, most of the time these days if you listen to her, she's not teaching the
Bible at all. She may make reference to things in the Bible once in a while, but mostly what she is doing is self -help or motivational speaking.
When she actually does read or quote a verse from the scripture, it's usually out of context.
But it's worse than that. Joyce Meyer has actually taught heresy. So I will be playing clips where Joyce Meyer teaches the following false doctrines.
She claims that Jesus stopped being the Son of God. She said
Jesus had to be born again. She taught Jesus died and went to hell.
She implies that God is either not sovereign or that he is not omniscient or all -knowing since she claims
Jesus, while he was on the cross, God was up in heaven pacing, as if Jesus dying on the cross wasn't the plan all along.
She claims that she doesn't sin anymore. Number six, she teaches that human beings are gods.
And then number seven, she preaches what is called the prosperity gospel. So we'll break this up into segments, and then
I'll comment, but let's begin with this first clip. Listen. He said,
I... At that point, he couldn't do nothing for himself anymore. He had become sin.
He was no longer the Son of God. He was sin. Oh, they were having the biggest party they'd ever been had.
They had my Jesus in the floor. And they were standing on his back, jumping up and down. The angels are in agony.
All the creation is groaning. All the... Up on him.
They got on him. They got him down in the floor and got on him.
And they were laughing and mocking. Ah, ha, ha, ha, ha.
You trusted God, and look where you ended up. You thought he'd save you and get you off that cross.
He didn't. Ha, ha, ha, ha. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. Sunday morning.
Here comes the sun. Get himself together.
Ho, ho. Justice has been met. Somehow the thing's been taken care of.
And old God gets his voice together. And he hollers out three words.
He said it... Okay. So a few things.
Jesus did not stop being the Son of God. God. That's impossible. The Bible says that the
Lord is immutable. Malachi 3 .6. I am the Lord and I do not change.
Hebrews 13 .8 says Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
So Jesus cannot be God and then not be God and then become God again. Which this is heresy because it affects the nature and character of God.
That the Trinity cannot cease to exist and go down to two members and then come back up to three persons after Jesus gets born again in hell.
The Bible never says any of this. And really this is the underlying issue with all of these things.
This is all an attack on the authority and sufficiency of scripture. Because Joyce Meyer is just making all of this up.
It is totally unbiblical. But to say that Jesus had to be born again, that implies that Jesus was damned and needed to be saved.
That Jesus was lost and then found. This is not biblical. Isn't this what she is saying?
You heard her claim that Jesus died and went to hell to be tortured by the demons.
That is until God finally got himself together and did something about it.
I don't see how you avoid calling this blasphemy. Next, listen to Joyce Meyer claim that she doesn't sin anymore.
I am not poor. I am not her. That is a lie.
Then Jesus died in vain. I'm going to tell you something folks. I didn't stop sinning until I finally got it through my thick head.
I wasn't a sinner anymore. And the religious world thinks that's heresy and they want to hang you for it.
But the Bible says that I'm righteous and I can't be righteous and be a sinner at the same time.
So Joyce Meyer claims that she no longer sins. Well, the Bible says in 1st
John 1 8, if we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.
The Bible says we deceive ourselves because we're not fooling anyone else. Joyce Meyer does sin.
She sins in multiple ways. Not least among them is that she sins by teaching false doctrine.
In this next clip, Joyce Meyer claims that human beings are actually little gods.
And, you know, I was listening to a set of tapes by one man and he explained it like this. And I think this kind of gets the point across. He said, you know, why do people have such a fit about God calling his creation, his creation, his man, not his whole creation, but his man, little gods.
If he's God, what's he going to call him? But the God kind. I mean, if you as a human being have a baby, you call it a human kind.
If cattle has another cattle, they call it cattle kind. So, I mean, what's God supposed to call us?
Doesn't the Bible say we're created in his image? Now, I did a video explaining all of this and why it's wrong.
I'll link to that in the description. But this is clearly false teaching. Human beings are not gods, obviously.
So, the logic here is absurd. One last video, Joyce Meyer is famous or infamous for preaching what is called the prosperity gospel.
So, here is Justin Peters to explain. 3rd John 2 says,
Beloved, I pray that you might prosper in every way and that your body might keep well, even as I know your soul prospers and keeps well.
So, we see right there that God wants us to be healthy. Can everybody say, God wants me to be healthy?
This is not a theological statement. This is not a doctrinal statement. It's not a statement of teaching.
It's not a didactic, not a teaching statement. It's simply a common greeting to a letter.
Nothing more and nothing less. And the faith preachers know it, but they don't want you to know it because it just happens to fit their theology.
And they are counting on their followers and their listeners being biblically illiterate so that they can fall for their schemes.
These people are charlatans. Do I believe that God wants to bless us?
Yes. But when you go to conferences, you ask people to give money. You say, do it cheerfully.
Yeah. Because the Bible says, Give and it shall be given unto you. See, giving is a major part of the whole
Christian. But do you believe that if someone gives money to the ministry, that more will come back to them?
Yes. Absolutely. I think that's what they mean by prosperity. No, but you worry at all that sometimes your message will be heard by someone in the most dire circumstances.
It's a sort of roulette wheel, a sort of gamble with God. Okay, well, I can't pay the rent, but I'll give it to Joyce and we'll see what happens.
Do you worry at all that that happens? Well, I totally know I don't worry about that. Joyce Meyer says,
No, I totally don't worry about that. Well, I'm sure she doesn't, but she should.
Because right now, even as we speak, there are thousands of people all around the world who are watching
TBN and Daystar and Laseah Broadcasting and the Word Network and all these things. And they are hearing this endless drivel of saying,
You send us your money and God will give you a harvest. And there are people at home, they are poor, they are sick, they are desperate, they have sick children.
And so in desperation, they get out their checkbook or they get out their credit card and they send in money to these multi -millionaire preachers who fly in private jets and who live in multi -million dollar homes.
Jesse Duplantis, for example, lives in a 35 ,000 square foot parsonage.
But when your wealth is gained off of preying upon the hopes and fears of hurting and sick and desperate people, there's a lot wrong with that.
When your wealth is gained off of distorting the gospel of Jesus Christ, there's a lot wrong with that.
So in conclusion, I hope it's clear. Joyce Meyer is a false teacher.
And again, her whole ministry is in defiance of the Apostle Paul's teachings in 1
Timothy 2 .12. I do not permit a woman to teach, Paul says, nor to have authority over a man but to be in silence.
And Paul roots his argument in creation. 1 Corinthians 14, 34 through 37,
Paul essentially says the same thing. And he says, These are the commandments of God. Joyce Meyer is standing in open defiance of that.
She often will make things up and claim that God told her. If you listen closely, sometimes when she refers to the
Word of God, she's not referring to the Bible. She's referring to your own thoughts and feelings and inner impressions.
This is very dangerous. When people listen to false teachers, they are led astray.
So I hope you will read the Bible for yourself. Of course, get into a good local Bible believing church in your area.
One last thing, if the only churches in your area are endorsing and supporting people like Joyce Meyer, or they're doing something else outrageous like teaching wokeness or flying the rainbow flag, honestly, you'd be better off finding a few committed
Bible believing Christians, starting a house church or a Bible study. And maybe the Lord will use that and provide a pastor that you could even plant a decent church in your area.