Banking on God's Grace


Sunday school from September 22nd, 2019


All right, we are gonna pray and we're gonna get started. I have Leviticus open. There's a chance we might get to it.
Who knows? so Mea culpa, mea culpa. Let's pray
Eternal God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ grant us your Holy Spirit who writes the preached word into our hearts
So that we may receive and believe it and be gladdened and comforted by it in eternity glorify your word in our hearts make it so bright and warm that we may find pleasure in it and Through the your inspiration think what is right by your power fulfill the word and for the sake of Jesus Christ your son
Our Lord, we pray these things Amen Okay before we get into the study proper were there any specific questions
Related to the exegesis of the parable of the dishonest manager today
I'm looking at you Bruce. I you got nothing Wow So you did yeah, you you you were okay with how
I work that text Okay Yeah, I Yeah, I know.
It's kind of an old -school Yeah, I need to repent. Do you have a a more up -to -date less offensive idiom that you would prefer that I use?
Don't go FedEx Okay Was Of course you did
Yeah, yeah you you and I you and I actually understand that culture
I grew up in it and I despise it So, you know, that's I remember one time Hearing somebody who was a friend of my family who who really loves wearing his
Wealth on his sleeves and in us on his wife's neck and fingers He one time said
People who say that money can't buy happiness just don't know which stores to shop at Yeah, it was it was
I Oh, yeah, I just bit my lip and said nothing, you know, so Yeah, so Yeah, and what's interesting is that Jesus warns us do not store it for yourself wealth here on earth
Where moth destroys thieves steal and I would say this it was kind of fascinating maybe about six seven years ago this fellow who again
Who's all about status symbols like that and jewelry somebody broke into their house?
Cracked their safe and stole all of their jewelry. So and it was a huge amount of money
So that was lost as a result of that. I Didn't understand the sermon as far as I Mean we're
We're the managers. Mm -hmm, but the manager wasn't giving away his money
Giving away the bosses exactly Yeah, he had faith in the good graces of them of the boss to do so now
Here's the thing and this is the point where Jesus and this is the second piece of the exegesis Looking at the parable
Jesus says if you cannot be trusted with that, which is not your own Who's going to trust you with something that would be your own or if you cannot be trusted with you know
Unrighteous wealth who's going to trust you with true wealth and so kind of the sub theme of Texts itself and something that you have that is an implication of what
Christ is saying everything you have here and now It doesn't belong to you There is no real
Possession here. You are only a steward and a manager of the gods gifts presently because you come into the world naked you leave with nothing
So everything you have Everything your current house your current car your clothes everything that you near your washing machine and dryer all of this
You are stewards of these things and they don't belong to you because you can't take them with you
True possessions do not occur until we get into a world without end and in the world without end
We are given an inheritance and we get to enjoy that heritance in a world without end days without End into eternity.
So for the first time in your existence When Christ returns in glory and gives you your inheritance
You will for the first time in your entire existence actually truly own something But until then everything is everything right now.
You're managing it. You're stewarding it period The grace
Yes, yeah, yep Yeah, yeah, and so so he was using the resources of the master
To alleviate the suffering and debt of everybody else Totally banking on pun intended banking on the grace and mercy and generosity of the master
Yeah, thank you Bruce. I appreciate that just the look of torture that you have right there for me for my pun
I appreciate that Bad combo
Yeah Wow Yeah, yeah
Even the pagans love those who love or greet those who greet them. Yeah And I love the kind of Spiritual Judo Jesus works in this in the gospel.
Yes Yes, the pagans love those who love them and are kind to those who kind them use it to save them
Exactly Yeah, so I mean so you find a pagan who's in need right?
And purely out of grace and mercy and kindness you say let me help you And that person's gonna go
Wow Yeah, nothing Nothing's in it for me. In fact, you can keep it or if you want to pay it back no interest to you
You do whatever you want. What are they gonna do? They're gonna sit there and go I want to know more about what's what's motivating this guy
Well, it was Christ it let your good work shine before men And so Christ is saying use wealth in this way because what it ends up doing is at least it piques someone's interest
So that they then might have the opportunity to hear the gospel Whereas they may have been shut off to it from before So, you know, you'll note then that we
I mean this let's just be blunt here You know fifth commandment requires us to do this
You know the the implications of thou shalt not murder are not merely that we do not plunge a knife into the back of our
Neighbor while he's enjoying a baseball game or blow his head off. That's that's just one aspect of it the second the second piece of it is is that that we help and Love our neighbor in his bodily needs help them meet them protect him
And so, you know, I I'd love the fact that we were working through this in our catechism class at noon
And somebody asked well, who's my neighbor? Yeah, literally asked as I said, here's the answer to the question everybody's your neighbor
Those in need and those who are your brothers and sisters in Christ doubly so So everybody's your neighbor.
So you'll note then that our kindness our Generosity that flows from Christ to us and then from us to our neighbors
We get remember Christians do good works because they are Christians All right cows moo because they're cows cats meow and Mess up your furniture because they're cats right
So Christians they do good works and they love and they're gracious and merciful and kind Because they are
Christians if you're trying if you are Trying to be more merciful more kind more generous so that you can be saved.
I assure you you will be damned It doesn't work that way. Your good works are not the currency by which you're saved but because we are confident in the mercy and forgiveness of Christ and his
Unbounding generosity towards us in mercy forgiveness grace and meeting our needs Now we can go and we are free to love other people to meet them in their needs with no expectation in return at all and Christ says use unrighteous wealth you want to manage your money properly find a way to give it away to people who need it and Use it for the purpose of the kingdom and it'll it'll give them an opportunity then to hear the gospel
All right Let's take a look at Leviticus. There's Dwayne out there.
All right, Dwayne. You ready for this? Leviticus 19 11 you shall not steal
You shall not deal falsely You shall not lie to one another You shall not swear by my name falsely and so profane the name of your
God your God I am Yahweh You'll note this mirrors
Portions of the Ten Commandments, what does it mean to swear falsely by God's name? Give me an example of what that would be
Uh -huh. Yeah third commandment good. Yeah, and What does it mean? Oh, sorry second second time.
Yeah, and what does this mean? Give me an example of what it means to swear falsely by his name Oh You could you could have it you heard the news that apparently
Benny Hinn repented of the prosperity gospel Have you heard that? Yeah, he's still alive people are wondering if he's gonna be dead soon
It's it's not a son it's his nephew Kosti Hinn But here's the thing is that in analyzing his repentance in the public statements that he's made he made a statement that was published just this past week in an interview with his son -in -law
Michael coolie on us and in there Benny Hinn claims That he was forced to preach the prosperity message and that he was trapped into doing so Is he giving up his wealth?
No, he hasn't given up a penny He hasn't given up a penny He hasn't given any of it back
You know you think of Zacchaeus that wee little man a wee little man was he you know who climbed up the sycamore tree, right?
Zacchaeus he was the chief tax collector in Jericho and Jesus says
I'm gonna eat at your house tonight Zacchaeus and everyone grumbles Jesus is gone to be the guest of a sinner right, and you'll know
Jesus shows kindness to Zacchaeus and Jesus chooses him and We know his name and again over and again.
I point out in the Gospels if you know somebody's name There's a really good chance that the reason why we know their name is because the early
Christian Church knew exactly who they were Not just because Jesus did healed this person or Spoke with them how many people in the
Gospels does Jesus talk to and healed that we don't even know their names But Zacchaeus we know his name good chance that he was
Even after Jesus's death and resurrection that he continued in the faith And so Zacchaeus then says
Lord if I have defrauded anybody I will pay it back And he gives a multiplier right and he gives half of his possessions and then to the poor
Is he doing that in order to be saved? No, he's doing this because in a moment
Christ works repentance and faith in him and now his faith breathing out good works
Seeks to reconcile with those whom he's harmed and to now meet the needs of the poor.
So when somebody then uses God's name falsely and Swears by God's name.
It'll look like a lot like the televangelists God has given me a special anointing today.
And if you send in your seed offering I assure you that God's gonna multiply it and he's you you give me a thousand dollars and God's gonna multiply that a
Hundred fold and if you're suffering from sickness and illness send in that thousand dollars And it doesn't matter if you're suffering from cancer or if you're suffering from some
Terrible disease God is going to heal you just send in your money and show him that you trust him and have faith
By writing the check out to Chris Rose, bro care of Con you dot no
You get the idea False teaching is that as well
Right Yeah You Step son to a totally yeah
Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah, it's
I Would say this I know
Tolian and I Firmly believe that given his
The way he's reacted publicly and the statements that he's made regarding his pattern of sin
That he should not Currently be doing any public ministry. He hasn't reconciled with those whom he's hurt and And I do not think it is appropriate in his case for him to be doing the things that he's doing presently and It's not it's not a pharisaical reaction that basically says you just need to disappear and go away and never come back
It has everything to do with inside information about What he has or hasn't done in light of the sins that he's committed so I would say that and I would note that I am one of the people whom he needs to reconcile with so That's a different story
Did I say enough or too much Yeah, no
I think you were you were reaching for something relevant that we can point that we can point to Probably not knowing that I I have a
I had a friendship close one with him So Correct Correct yes.
Yeah Yeah Yeah, so you can twist it in two ways so the two ditches are going to be
Westboro Baptist type legalism Where thus sayeth the Lord you're damned and there is no mercy for you
You know, it's like the soup Nazi from Seinfeld, you know, no gospel for you, right and then on the opposite end
Yeah, you got like the ELCA types, okay, there's no law none whatsoever.
It's just Yeah, they don't follow anything that has to do with actual commandments, you know, so they assure you oh listen, you know
You are engaging in Impenitent sexual sin doesn't matter what it is
Gotten love the one you're with man How sustainable are they yeah,
I don't even know how to apply sustainability to our communion wafers, that's ridiculous
Include and free Huh Yeah, yeah,
I yeah Wow, yeah, you're right. I I do believe that that that that is a different form of legalism
You know, but when it comes to actual commandments of God, you know anything goes
Okay, but you should stand up for what is right and you should stand for what you believe in Right I So Right, so what you're experiencing is the the drift of Western society and culture away from the standard of what is right and wrong as defined by God's Word and a new standard taking its place and And so the way it works is this it scriptures actually clear that as Christians we have to be
We that we do not want to engage in behavior that will scandalize people
We should not we ought not but that presupposes then that what is going to scandalize a human being is
Something that is contrary to the Word of God For instance, you know if you found out that one of the pastors in town
You know was actually selling drugs to UND students and engaging in human trafficking
We'd all be scandalized By that whole thing, but I assure you the way today works
Is that if that were to happen there would be a whole bunch of people defending him, which is weird Okay, so you can sit there and say wait a second selling drugs breaking the law engaging in human trafficking.
That is just Outrageous behavior no human being should be allowed to be permitted to do this let alone somebody who calls himself a pastor
We'd be scandalized by it. And what are we why are we being scandalized because we had the law of God written in our hearts
Yeah Right, right Right, so so so what's happened though in our society there's a new moral code
That is being put in place as a result of the assumptions of post -modernity
So kind of like what you're talking about is, you know And so the it's a different set of questions altogether a completely different moral standard are our communion wafers sustainable
What kind of question is that? So if if somebody from outside, you know, I know
Bruce I I know you did not I know I told the story recently, you know years ago when I was attending an
LC congregation in in Indiana in Greenfield, Indiana, I was just being silly and I took a photo on my iPhone and put it on Instagram and on Twitter of our coffee bar, which you know was ridiculous because we had a
Portable table with you know Like this plastic and on it was a coffee pot like that with you know
The whole this and then next to it was, you know The canister of creamer and then after that was some a canister of C &H sugar.
I Posted it on Twitter and said, you know, our church has really now gotten serious about church growth look, we have a coffee bar and I was joking and at that time the emergent church was still a thing and a whole bunch of emergents were following me on Twitter and they came
Unglued I Mean my Twitter feed melted down Why?
No, no because because C &H sugar apparently is not engages in the exploitation of indigenous people and that it's not a sustainable ethical source of sugar and How dare your church have
C &H sugar and so I scandalized all of these liberal postmoderns because with a photograph of C &H sugar on our coffee bar and I I that one caught me way off -guard
Like it's like I did not see that one coming if I know known Bruce at the time
He was a no don't post that don't post that they're gonna kill you Okay, I'm putting the best construction on you so so so you get the idea
So so the reason why you're a hater is because there's a new ethic and the new ethic
It's a little hard to pin down but the in the gist of it is is that it's trying to overthrow biblical morality and biblical definitions of what is right and wrong and so You because you are white and a male
You know past midlife even you are considered to be evil because you are representative of a worldview that has to do with oppressive patriarchy and so they are trying to overthrow oppressive patriarchy by engaging in forced multiculturalism and Basically putting you in your place and how dare you subscribe to a biblical ethic and worldview as to what is right and wrong we've
Redefined right and wrong and you by your just very existence. You're wrong and you need to check your white privilege
You need to in fact, you probably just need to resign from your job and give it to a you know, a multi -ethnically colored lesbian woman
To show you real penitence for the sins that you've committed as a white patriarch Yeah, no we don't
It's true Well at the end of it yeah
Yeah, not always in the middle of it Yeah Yeah Yeah, yeah, yeah, no,
I'm I'm a little frightened Yeah, I'm a little frightened by the direction the world our world is heading
No, of course not yeah
I got an email from a listener this week to a country other than the
U .S. and he's living with this kind of stuff day to day. He says,
I'm curious, is your church receptive to the critical theories of the day? By that I mean intersectionality, critical race theory, and the like.
No. No. The answer is no. Do you want to expand on intersectionality and critical race theory?
Okay, so I can talk about intersectionality. I wouldn't give a proper definition of critical race theory, but it's based upon a similar concept.
I would recommend, oh, what is that YouTube channel? Where they talk about intersectionality.
It'll come to me in a little bit. They've done a far better job on this, but the basic idea is this.
Is that the U .S., the theory is, is that the
United States and Western culture, the reason why it is successful is because it has systematically set up an entire set of institutions and everything is geared to create a edge for people who are white.
And that if you are differently colored than white, then the way the system itself is set up, that there's no way for you to really succeed and get ahead.
And so it's kind of like Vegas. If you go to Vegas, all the games are rigged in such a way that if you play the games, it always works towards the house.
So their claim is that when it comes to race in the United States, the whole system, capitalism itself and everything in our society, the education system, is geared in such a way that it doesn't matter how hard you work, if you really are a colored person or a person of color, that it'll always work in favor of white.
And so the idea then is that they kind of grade things based upon how oppressed you are.
There's kind of oppression points in intersectionality. So if you are a colored male, you need to have bonus points given to you so that you can get ahead.
But what ends up happening is that the more oppression points you get, apparently the more clout you have.
So if you are, and I'll kind of put it this way, if you are a Hispanic lesbian who also happens to have official ties to Palestine, you are a goddess.
In fact, everything needs to be favored for you against the white patriarchy.
A good example of this in practice would be the new feminist monopoly that came out. Have you heard about this?
Feminist monopoly. And so one of the rules is that when men pass GO, they only get $200.
But when a woman passes GO, she gets $400. Yeah, feminist monopoly.
So everything is designed to then take away whatever systemic edge white men have, and then by force break that and then counter it by giving special points and privileges to people who are oppressed minority or sexually oppressed people.
So you're assuming a complete, you see, they would sit there, you just don't get it.
You're just not woke. That died along with people's morals. Fails and folks of different color who are great successes.
When that happens, those people are called Uncle Toms. They're called race traitors.
What about the failures that are white? Such as myself when I was younger.
I was just an absolute, I didn't deserve to come here. I always like to point out two things.
When my mom divorced, my brother and I and my mother, we lived in abject poverty in West Covina, California.
And somehow our white privilege never kicked in. It wasn't until my mother remarried that we began to have some kind of solid financial base in our life.
But I would also point out that, wait a second, I'm Irish. And I have collected historical photographs from New York City of newspapers as well as signs that were posted throughout the city that there was a job opening and the
Irish need not apply. My ancestors, they deserve reparations.
Using their narrative, we do. So I'm a foreigner. We're in a smaller country right across the lake, right across the
Irish. And all our settlements had to be fortified so the Irish couldn't slave trade us anymore to the rest of Europe.
It worked out really well when the Vikings showed up in all of our villages and fortresses. They gave up one somewhere else. So you owe me reparation.
And here's where God's Word totally disarms it, right? Going back to the
Lord's Prayers, when the standard were used, we were going to be judged by it. The very first Anishinaabe woman
I ever worked with, I said I didn't know that tribe because I'm from League of Five Nations territory growing up.
Those are the only tribes I know. She goes, oh, you know the Sioux? Yeah, we killed them and took their land.
That was how she described her tribe. And I'm like, okay, but then where does the reparations argument go?
The whole thing doesn't work if everybody's equal in their tribe. You have to get an excuse for oppressing someone else because you were first oppressed.
It's like abused kids going on to become abusers. It's just evil all the way down. Right, and we're going to talk about how do you address this issue.
There's a simple way to actually get outside of it, and I'll explain that in a second, but I saw
Dwayne's hand up. Norfolk, Virginia, sailors and dogs keep off the grass. Sailors and dogs keep off the grass in Norfolk.
We owe you reparations. So let me explain to you how, then, do you address it.
So here's the issue, is that everybody's looking at the same data. Everybody's looking at the same data, and the question is how do you interpret it.
And so the data is this, is that within the inner cities there is a huge amount of poverty within minorities.
This is undeniable. The question is what is driving that.
And the other issue is how do we address it with a Christian worldview. So intersectionality is a radicalized narrative that seeks to place blame for the disparities that are real in the
United States economically to place it on the system itself by claiming that white patriarchs of the past established it this way on purpose and that white men today have benefited from it without even realizing it and that the whole system itself has to be broken.
You're going to note, then, that the solution is communism or socialism. That's an ideological, this is an ideological narrative.
The Christian has to sit there and say no, the whole narrative of intersectionality and critical race theory, it is not valid.
The narrative itself is false because the narrative is taking the data and then spinning a conspiracy, a racial conspiracy for the results that we're seeing in the economic disparities in our country.
The reality is this, is that this is a result of sin, and we have to sit there and say this isn't some conspiracy by white people.
This is the result of mankind's fall into sin. And then we need to take responsibility in this sense.
And this is where this is going to get really tough. But scripture says if a man doesn't work, he shouldn't eat.
We have contributed terribly through our governmental system of welfare, which incentivizes minority and poverty -stricken women of all color to abandon their husbands, and it has created an entire culture, and I mean this, of women who have raised their children without fathers.
And they are incentivized to do so. The only passage
I know about what I should do if someone sins against him is 2
Corinthians 2, where Paul talks about if somebody sins against you, is there another passage, or is that probably the best one?
You see, at this point we're talking about collective sins. So these are sins that we're involved in.
So here's the thing. I am vehemently opposed to abortion.
It is murder. There's just no way around it. But there's no way around getting around the fact that the policies of this country, that the blood of the unborn is on me.
That's just reality. And so therefore it is my responsibility in conscience to God and in loving my neighbor, especially the unborn, that I am politically active to a degree for the purpose of getting rid of abortion in order to protect them.
In the same way, we've got to sit down and lose the communist ideologies that always place blame on the rich or on the white or the whatever, and have an honest conversation about the policies that we have as a nation and whether or not they are hurting or helping somebody.
We talk about what goes on in some of the tribes here in our state.
Look at the poverty that exists in the Sioux Nation, in the Lakota. Has federal government handouts helped them or actually handicapped them?
Because under the curse, God wills for us all to toil, and people whose needs are met without them having to engage in beneficial work for other people, they end up resorting to video games, drugs, and alcohol.
And their lives lose any kind of meaningfulness at all. And we have to ask the question, has our policy of handouts and reparations for the past handicapped or helped humanity?
I would argue it has hurt them. And this is not about taking away anything from people, but giving them back something that's been taken from them that only the
Scripture reveals that they need. Who am
I to judge? And then I say to myself, usually because I'm taken back by them, is my conscience tells me that I need to have them think
Christian -like or as I do. However, I don't want them to personally think of me as a hater, as they do.
And I asked somebody one time why they never preach the gospel or the law about that.
It's because, well, we don't want to lose them as friends. We don't want to lose them as people who hand money into the collection plate.
We don't want to lose them as members and things like that. Then there's love.
You need to be showing the people that are either active in that or know of that.
And they need to be shown with love that it is an absolute forgivable sin not a repentance and honest doing so.
But where I get stuck as is tongue -tied is where I have no comeback on it. The intersectionalists don't really want their enemies to be saved.
They want them to be punished. There's only vengeance.
I kind of saw that blow up in the face of the liberal community this week up in Canada with the
Black Lives Matter thing. That was the only news.
And you heard a little bit of both sides, but mostly it was the outrage by the liberal community against one of their own for something that he did 20 years ago.
Society had a different view of his sin. A completely different view of it.
But now he's being roasted by today's critical race theory views and stuff like that.
The issue is that the morality has changed. And the new code that is in place, and again
I'll come back to what I said to Bruce, this is a sick code. And here's the thing.
I just found out today it's like week three of the NFL, right? I stopped watching the NFL a few years ago when
I was made to feel that I was sinning for being a white man. That's not justice.
To accuse, to basically find somebody sinful or guilty of a crime they haven't committed.
So I stopped watching the NFL when I was made to believe that I had somehow committed a crime against minorities by being born a white man.
They've lost me. Period. Because I believe in biblical justice, not social justice.
And so as a pastor then, I preach both law and gospel. And the job of the government is to what?
Punish the evildoer. But pay attention. Today's social justice liberals know that the job of the government is to punish the evildoer.
They've switched the definition. They've switched the definition. And now
I'm a law -abiding citizen. I pay my taxes. I abide by the laws of the road.
And I give back to my community. But according to the intersectionality critical race people,
I'm a criminal and I need to be punished. Financially, socially.
And if I will not on my own lay down my white privilege, they will make sure I lay it down by force.
And there's no absolution. I'm sorry, but this is not justice.
This is not morality. This is demonic. Because it is the devil who accuses people falsely and slanders them.
Or doesn't. Or doesn't accuse the right ones. The ones that are doing the problem.
The state of Minnesota has an attorney general who will not do his job of the corruption that's going on.
So what's the job of a church, of the right -hand kingdom, in the midst of this?
The right -hand kingdom has a charge. To make disciples.
To convict people of their sin and their unbelief. So the church must stand up and say,
Minnesota, North Dakota, federal government, you are in sin.
USJWs out there, you are in sin. Your morality is not real morality.
Your justice is injustice and you need to repent. And the good news is that Christ has bled and died.
So this is where the church must speak out and call the sin what it is.
And placard Christ as the solution to it. And stop engaging in their playground.
You cannot work with their framework. It doesn't make any sense on purpose. You have to stay outside of it and call it and everyone in it to repentance.
They were getting to be very successful in the abortion pro -life legislation.
And then, this last week, they got brought up against an appeals court.
And this appellate judge, a district attorney states to her, the judge, ruled that it was wrong.
And what I can't stand is it was the power of the people who voted in these representatives to make this law.
And the governor signed it. And now they're going to back off on it. They're legislating from the bench.
And that's not right. If they don't like that at that point in time, they should take it.
When they become in power, they should vote in their people to do so. Then I can respect.
I wouldn't respect it anyway. But at least I would wait until we could do it.
But I'm not going to do it. Where do we place our trust here on this earth? I'm a huge fan of history.
There's never been a just government. Not completely. A wholly just government has never existed on the face of the earth.
We are placing our love for our neighbor demands.
We do what we can to advocate and push for a just government. But sinners are going to sin.
Pagans are going to pagan. And that subset of sinners includes those of us who are sinners.
Are we supposed to give up? No. No, but we shouldn't despair. I like your words and everything that they stand for.
And I agree with you. But are we supposed to just lay down by our dish and just let them run with it?
No. We speak the truth. And this is where Christians are called to prophetically call individuals as well as groups, as well as nations, to repent.
And we do not do so because we are holier, better, more moral.
We do so because we are forgiven sinners. And so, you look at history.
History has shown over and again that there are times when the church is called to confess
Christ and call people prophetically to repent. And in so doing, that will result in their martyrdom.
So be it. Yeah. So be it.
But the point is this, is that if you want to know what's going on out there, this is real simple.
This is a replacing of the moral code of the Scriptures, which is the underpinning of Western society, with a different moral code altogether.
And the people who are abiding by this new moral code, they are scandalized when you break their code.
And you don't understand it because it's not in Scripture and you were never taught it. They've just recently invented it.
In fact, I would even argue that this thing morphs and changes, whatever this nebulous moral code of theirs is.
I don't know. I don't know what tomorrow is going to bring. But I can tell you this, we're in a lot of trouble when the people who hold to this weird moral code, when they get power, because they have made it clear their intention is to wield it absolutely.
What you just described, it's the French Revolution over again. Yes. Because the original atheist revolutionaries who took power were all killed off by later ones.
I mean, it just keeps going, more killing, more killing, more killing, because as you said, they make it up as they go along.
Yes. It's kind of a similar narrative. You think of the French Revolution. What was the whole narrative? The reason why the people are oppressed is because the opulence and the oppression and the manipulation of the economy by the monarchy and by those who are landed nobility.
And so what was the solution? Off with their heads. They would take those people and bring them out into the square and have a party while they were cutting their heads off with a guillotine.
Yes. Always one. The next one will really do it. It's interesting.
I did do a word study on abomination. One of the passages I was looking at says that sending missionaries into abomination before God.
When I went through all the instances of Torah in the Old Testament, I found out that,
I think it's the Proverbs that says that the ways of the righteous are an abomination to the wicked.
Yes. So we shouldn't be surprised or dismayed that those who hate the
Lord, hate those who are trying with His help through our own ability to follow and believe the
Lord. That hatred has to transfer out of us. And note this then.
Note this then. That's a recurring theme in Scripture. A recurring statement. You think of the tail end of Deuteronomy and the song that God had
Moses pen. Right? And in that song, it tells the story of God's love and compassion for Yaakov and how he shepherded him and took care of him.
But then his descendants, Jeshurun, the straight, ironically spoken, how they went crooked.
And then it talks about how the nations who do not believe that their root is in Sodom and that their fruit is poison.
And everybody in the nations, they are children of the devil if they are not penitent believers in Christ.
And the devil is not interested in getting along with Christ or his children.
And everything is about overthrowing them. And so the narrative now is that the reason why there's all this inequality in society, why there is still poverty, why there is not utopia, well, it's the fault of male
Christian patriarchs. And I assure you that once they have total power, guillotines and concentration camps are a real possibility.
But here's the thing. Killing all the white Christian patriarchs isn't going to bring utopia because this is all the result of our sin.
And so, yeah, there will be a lot of people who will needlessly be slaughtered. Bummer for them.
I'll be waiting for you boys. I'm first on the block. Nobody takes them off like somebody who throws away their privilege card.
Yeah. I'll say one more thing here.
It's biblical that Christians will be persecuted. And this is just a reactivation of that.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. And note this, that Scripture is very clear.
That those who are martyred and are made to suffer for the faith, that it is a privilege that is given by God.
And so when you look at it biblically, that when the day comes, as awful as it will be, as painful as it will be, you, like Christ's apostles, with each lash you can rejoice that you were found worthy to suffer shame for His name.
No one should. Under no circumstances should you seek it. But if that privilege is given to you, see it for what it really is.
Scripture tells you what it really is. It is a privilege and it is an honor. And so far in human history, there's been a lot of Christians who've been given that honor, but as a whole, few are given that privilege.
So if we find ourselves in a situation where our society goes mad and we're given that privilege, rejoice and embrace it for what it is.