He Studied Christianity & TOTALLY Missed THIS! | Pastor Reacts

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What looks like a wonderful video promoting Christianity might actually be the most deceptive false Gospel you’ve ever seen! Nas Daily has recently shared his journey in learning the world’s major religions. But did he truly understand it? Or is he missing the whole point? Let's get into it! Original video: https://youtu.be/gWKgoQwktnA?si=EmPbQM8mFqs6GCMI Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/WiseDisciple Wise Disciple has partnered with Logos Bible Software. Check out all of Logos' awesome features here: https://www.logos.com/WiseDisciple Get my 5 Day Bible Reading Plan here: https://www.patreon.com/collection/565289?view=expanded Get your Wise Disciple merch here: https://bit.ly/wisedisciple Want a BETTER way to communicate your Christian faith? Check out my website: www.wisedisciple.org OR Book me as a speaker at your next event: https://wisedisciple.org/reserve Check out my full series on debate reactions: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqS-yZRrvBFEzHQrJH5GOTb9-NWUBOO_f Got a question in the area of theology, apologetics, or engaging the culture for Christ? Send them to me and I will answer on an upcoming podcast: https://wisedisciple.org/ask


I am on a six month challenge to study the top six religions. This is what I learned from Kushain.
What I've largely been hearing is a gospel without sin. That's like a really big thing to leave out, don't you think?
This guy takes two terms, love and forgiveness, and almost completely strips it of its biblical context.
It's hard to see how this is not an intentional move. In order to promote some kind of generic spirituality, this is not the full gospel.
What looks like a wonderful video promoting Christianity might actually be a deceptive false gospel.
Nas Daily has recently shared his journey in learning the world's major religions. But when he studied Christianity, did he truly understand it?
Did he truly characterize it to those who don't? Or is he missing the whole point altogether?
We're about to get right into it. But first, welcome to Wise Disciple. My name is Nate Sala, and I'm helping you become the effective Christian that you are meant to be.
That includes using biblical discernment when people talk about our Christian faith. Make sure to like and subscribe.
And if you think this video is helpful, please share it with somebody else as it just helps me to get the word out about this ministry. I am on a six -month challenge to study the top six religions,
Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and even Atheism. This is what
I learned from Kushain. Wow, that's powerful. Well, I mean, this is great.
So he's studying the major religions of the world. This is otherwise known as comparative religion, right?
People do this at the university all the time. And it seems like he's doing it with great access to historical sites.
So that's awesome. I wish I could do the same thing. But the question I have is, what is the goal for this particular study for this man,
Nas Daily? Is it to discover what is true and adopt that particular true religion? Is it because he assumes that all religions are already true, and he just wants to know more about them?
And maybe he, you know, talks about this later. But if you have no ultimate goal for studying the world's major religions, you're going to miss the point entirely.
It's not about knowledge. It's about salvation. And all the major religions have a path to salvation.
But these paths do not converge, as anyone would discover if you truly learn what they teach.
Christianity is the biggest religion in the world. It has two and a half billion followers.
One third of the world. But here is the issue. Two and a half billion Christians do not agree on everything.
Christianity is divided into 45 ,000 groups. Are you ready for this? Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Protestant, Pentecostal, Evangelical, Lutheran, Mormon, Quaker, and...
I notice, first of all, he says groups. He didn't say denomination, which is interesting.
Much of this sounds like the same talking points coming from an atheist. That if, you know, Christianity has so many different denominations, by the way, there are not thousands of them.
That's a completely overinflated number. Well, then Christianity must be wrong, right? But this is a mistake.
Just because God allows people to walk out his word differently does not mean that the essentials of the gospel are negated.
If we have more time on this, I'll give you a biblical example to prove this. If not, remind me. I'll make another video on this.
Many others, each group, believes in a slightly different version of Christianity.
Why is there a different denomination? Again, that's not true. So, I mean, let's be precise here.
We got a video trying to characterize what Christianity is to, I assume, people who have never really considered it.
So let's be incredibly precise. There are no different versions of Christianity. There are different ways of walking out
Christianity within different bodies of believers, but all still affirm the same core essential doctrine of the
Christian faith. Same Christianity, different ways of living it out. Denominations and disagreements and divisions, that's just humanity.
Cultural differences end up impacting our understanding of what Christianity is. See that ladder right behind me?
It's at the place where Jesus died on the cross. And that ladder is not allowed to move even by one inch.
Do you know why? Because different Christian groups could not agree on where to move it.
So the ladder stayed here, immovable for 300 years. Six Christian denominations...
Okay, so therefore what? All of these people have a different Christianity?
No, all of these people should still confirm the fundamentals of the faith, trading on the gospel message proper.
Own the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, six. And they've agreed that there'd be no repair, no moving or anything unless all six agree.
And they haven't agreed? It's been hundreds of years, they still haven't agreed. And this is the issue of Christian denomination. But there is one thing that every single
Christian agrees on. It unites all two billion of them. It's the foundation of the religion.
And that is the person of Jesus Christ. He is the gift that God gave to humanity.
According to Christians, Jesus is the son of God who came to earth to forgive sins, give life, teach the truth and rise from the dead.
Let me play that one more time. I want to be precise here. Jesus came to earth to what? Jesus is the son of God who came to earth to forgive sins, give life, teach the truth and rise from the dead.
To be a Christian simply means you believe in Jesus Christ. So I like how they put in there the concept of sin.
This is only like a 10 minute video and we're already a third of the way into it. And I was waiting to hear about that because sin is a crucial aspect of the gospel message.
You know, sin, what the consequences of sin are, which is to drive a wedge between us and God.
And then Jesus coming to restore proper relationship with God again. We started out this way in Genesis chapter 2.
And that's where Jesus is leading us back to, which is what he was preaching when he walked the earth in the first century. So it's necessary.
All those components are necessary as part of the gospel message proper. If we're trying to be careful to characterize
Christianity accurately. He started Christianity and changed the world. In fact, the year 2024 is based on when
Jesus was born. That's how much he changed the world. So I followed the life of Jesus Christ.
From Nazareth, where he lived to Capernaum, where he preached to Jerusalem, where he died and rose.
Boy, I hope he meets Jesus in a unique way. I hope he realizes that he needs to repent and be saved.
He walks the trail, the path where Jesus' feet also stood and walked.
But repentance and salvation, that is the gospel that Jesus preached. That would be my hope.
And I would love to see that by the end of the video. Is that what is going to happen? The reason
I ask that is because the message of Jesus is not something that can be taken lightly. If you notice,
Jesus says the stakes are incredibly high when you engage with him. Take a look at this. We know the famous passage of scripture where Jesus says to Nicodemus that God loved the world so much that he gave his only son so that whoever believes in him will not perish, but have everlasting life.
But look at the next thing that Jesus said. Verse 18, whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already because he has not believed in the name of the only son of God.
Look down here as well. Verse 36, whoever believes in the son has eternal life.
Whoever does not obey the son shall not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him.
This is not a message that can be entertained or dismissed.
You either accept the message of Christ or you reject it. But if you reject it, which ultimately means to reject your creator, then you choose a reality completely separated from God where his wrath abides.
So my hope is that this young man, Nas Daily, he truly takes the message of Jesus Christ seriously.
This is the tomb where Jesus Christ died and resurrected three days after. This is it.
To the upper room where he had his last supper. Oh my God, the last supper was actually here and here at the tomb of Jesus.
I learned two important lessons from him. First, I learned how to love.
And by love, I mean true love, true love, true love. To be a good
Christian, you must love yourself, your neighbor, your friend, and even your enemy equally.
There are different kinds of love there. To be a Christian, you must what?
Look at this. Matthew 22, Jesus was approached and asked this question. Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law?
Jesus said to him, you shall love the Lord your God with all your hearts and with all your soul and with all your mind.
This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it. You shall love your neighbor as yourself.
On these two commandments depend all the law and the prophets, all of God's word, all of Tanakh rests on what?
Loving God and loving your neighbor as yourself. And I would argue, do it in that order.
Amen. But what happened to loving God though? I didn't see that in this man's first lesson.
And you cannot miss that, ladies and gentlemen, everything first starts out of your love for God and then works out of that overflow of intimate relationship with him.
There is a romantic love. There's a love that two friends have, but then there's also something called God's love.
And that's the message of the cross. That's the message of Christ. That's the message of Christianity, that God loves you unconditionally.
On this exact spot near the sea of Galilee, Jesus Christ said, love the
Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.
Love is the first and greatest commandment in Christianity. I learned yesterday that there is...
I mean, so some of you are going to think, oh, Nate, you're being a stickler. I don't think
I am. Love is not the first great commandment. Okay.
Here's the thing. A charitable take on this man is that he's just being imprecise with his words and thus accidentally leaving out crucial aspects of Jesus' message.
And maybe that's what's going on here. But another interpretation could be that he doesn't truly understand what he's encountering and then he's relaying his filtered version of what he's hearing
Jesus say. Love is not the greatest commandment. Loving God is.
Loving your neighbor as yourself is. When Jesus was approached and asked this question, he immediately went to the
Shema in Deuteronomy 6 .4. This is where God commands his people to do certain things so that they will flourish wherever they are.
And the first command from the Shema is this, Deuteronomy 6 .4, Hear O Israel, the
Lord our God, the Lord is one. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.
And it's amazing how deep this principle goes.
You know, I just talked about this in a previous video. Everything you do, every role you take on as a human being in this life must first begin with this fundamental command.
Love God with everything you have. Do everything out of the overflow of loving
God. Love, however, cannot be misdirected. It can be given to the wrong things, okay?
Love for improper things is the fundamental basis for sin, by the way.
That was Augustine's view of sin, and I think he's right. So you can't just, so here's my concern, and this is why
I'm being a stickler about language. You can't just say that love, as if it were some kind of ethereal abstract concept, is what the
Bible's talking about. It's not. Proper love directed at the right things, starting with God first, is what
Jesus taught. Jesus Christ loved humanity so much that he died for it.
In this font, at age 33, Jesus was crucified on the cross. This act of love inspired billions of Christians to love each other, just like Jesus loved them.
Yes, of course, love is a feeling, but love is a decision that you have to make. Jesus himself, who is the centrality of Christianity, he made a decision to sacrifice his life for the sins of the
Italian. So what is that? Is that the second time we've heard the word sin in this video?
Almost done with this video now? Can somebody fact check me? Is that the second time that we've heard about sin?
Because so far, what I've largely been hearing is a gospel without sin, and a sinless gospel is actually an unnecessary gospel.
Let's hope we hear some more about the nature of sin before the video is over and the consequences of sin, like what it actually does to separate us from God, which is why
Jesus came to earth and died on the cross and rose again. The second thing
I learned from Jesus Christ is... Just moves on. Doesn't unpack sin, doesn't define it, moves on.
Even more powerful, it's forgiveness. Jesus famously said,
Here at the top of the mountain, if anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also.
Because an eye for an eye and the world goes blind. That's why forgiveness is important.
When you don't forgive and you hang on to anger, what it does, it creates something inside of you.
It's almost like a poison. But once you forgive, you are freed. You are freed inside from this anger and this bitterness that you have toward this person.
And instead, you can operate in a place of love and freedom. So by the way,
I'm reading the Bible with you using my Logos Bible app, and I highly recommend you use Logos in your own
Bible studies. I promise you it's going to help you go deeper into God's word. Logos is such a wonderful tool for the serious student of the scripture, and they have partnered with me, and we've got some great discounts and resources for you.
You should go check it out. It's Logos .com forward slash wise disciple for more. Take a look at this.
Ephesians 4 32. Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another. Here it is. As God in Christ forgave you.
We forgive because we have been forgiven. God forgives us. And so we extend forgiveness to others.
This is why Jesus said Matthew chapter six, verse 14. For if you forgive others, their trespasses, your heavenly father will also forgive you.
But if you do not forgive others, their trespasses, neither will your father forgive your trespasses.
What are trespasses? Nate, thanks for asking. They're sin. But wait a second. What is sin though?
Right? Why would it say that God needed to forgive our sins? Here's why. Isaiah 59 2.
But your iniquities, same idea. Your sins have made a separation between you and your
God. And your sins have hidden his face from you so that he does not hear.
Look at this. For our transgressions are multiplied before you. And our sins testify against us.
For our transgressions are with us. And we know our iniquities, transgressing and denying the
Lord. And here it is turning back from following our God. That's what sin does.
It separates you from God. It causes you to go in a completely different direction from following him.
The whole point as to why we were created is now thwarted because of our own sin.
You and I were created to be in relationship with God. That's what we find in our ancestors doing in the
Garden of Eden, right? They're walking with God and God walks with them. But our sin has separated us from God.
And now we have a huge problem. This is why we do not see God today. This is why we often feel far from God.
This is also why we sin against each other and cause each other pain and suffering as well. It's sin, ladies and gentlemen.
And this problem is precisely what Jesus came to destroy once and for all on the cross, right?
So that we could have a right relationship with God again. Eternal life is one thing essentially according to the scripture
John 17 3. It's knowing God and Jesus Christ whom he has sent. It's a figurative return to the
Garden of Eden for those of us who repent and believe in Jesus Christ. Why is this left out of a video that is supposed to be educational and informing people about Christianity?
That's like a really big thing to leave out, don't you think? They said sins twice. But I'm not seeing any unpacking of the concept of the way that it creates this problem of a broken world.
How the stakes are incredibly high. You know, how that connects to why
Jesus came. None of it. None of it. On this road here in Jerusalem, Jesus carried his cross towards his death.
And on the cross, Jesus forgave his killers. Father, forgive them for they do not know what they are doing.
Forgiveness is so powerful because it frees us to love.
How difficult it is to love, how difficult it is to forgive is not the point. The point is do it. I think it's
Nike that said just do it. If forgiveness was understood and practiced, the war would end today, not tomorrow.
Two billion Christians cannot agree on where. This is like people getting up in front of a crowd and saying, you know what,
America, values that we have in this country come down to voting.
So just vote, guys. Just extend your vote out into the country. Just vote and vote and vote. Keep voting your heart out.
At some point, somebody who is thinking critically is going to say, but vote for what?
Right? What are the issues that I should vote for? What are the issues that I should vote against? Your vote is not so generic that you just give it out to everything.
You need to use your vote wisely and align it to the right issues. You need to understand the context within which your vote should be given.
It's the same thing with Christianity, ladies and gentlemen. This guy takes two terms, love and forgiveness, and almost completely strips it of its biblical context.
Completely removes the dire problem that has left the whole world broken. The problem that God decides to use, right, love and forgiveness to solve.
And he does that in order to create a video that says, love and forgive, guys. That's what Christianity is really about.
What's that? What about sin? What about, you know, the devil? What about the flesh? What about putting the brokenness of this whole world back together and bringing shalom back to the world?
Oh, no, don't worry about any of that. Just do the love and forgiveness thing. Right? That's what it's about.
No, it's not. This video is like, uh, peanut brittle, you know?
It's sweet to the taste, but the more you eat it, the more it rots your teeth. ...to move this ladder.
But they all agree that love and forgiveness make you strong, not weak. If Jesus is willing to wash the feet of others to show love, then we can show love to our neighbor by cleaning our driveway.
If Jesus is willing to forgive those who killed him, then we can forgive those who broke our heart.
We don't have... But don't give them the gospel, guys. Just sweep a driveway. Don't give them the gospel that will restore their relationship with God, too.
Just mow their lawn. Again, this is not what
Jesus taught. To me, it's hard to see how this is not an intentional move to ignore sin, ignore repentance, ignore the
Great Commission, dismiss God's judgment in order to promote some kind of generic spirituality.
Boy. Let's, um, I don't know. I mean, the video's over. That was it.
Let's say a prayer here, friends. I... This man has millions of followers, millions of subscribers, who
I don't even know... Like, who knows how many are considering Christianity for the very first time, and this is what they're hearing.
This is not the gospel. This was very deceptive. Whether this guy meant to be or not, this is not the full gospel.
All right, well, now it's your turn. What did you think of this video? Do you know who Nas Daily is? Do you think he's on the way to truly knowing
Jesus, or was this a huge missed opportunity? Let me know in the comments below. I'm curious to get your thoughts on that.
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