Anchored #13 - "Grounded in God's Calling" (1 Peter 5:5b-14)

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For now for one last time we turn our thoughts to the letter of 1st Peter We have been in a sermon series that we have called anchored
Sermon series we've called anchored stabilizing truths for shaky times and this is our final message and So if you have your
Bibles and I hope you do take them and turn with me to 1st Peter chapter 5 1st
Peter chapter 5 I'm actually gonna read the whole of chapter 5 as we conclude
So 1st Peter and chapter number 5 if you grabbed one of the hardback Bibles in the back there that we give away.
That was page 1078 first Peter chapter 5 verses 1 through 14
This is our custom here. I'll invite you to stand with me out of respect for God's Word as we read it So first Peter and chapter number 5 reading from first one through to verse 14
Brother and sisters, these are God's words. I exhort the elders among you as a fellow elder and witness to the sufferings of Christ as well as one who shares in the glory about to be revealed
Shepherd God's flock among you not overseeing out of compulsion, but willingly as God would have you
Not out of greed for money, but eagerly Not lording it over those entrusted to you but being examples to the flock and When the chief shepherd appears you will receive the unfading crown of glory in The same way you who are younger be subject to the elders
All of you clothe yourselves with humility toward one another because God resists the proud
But gives grace to the humble Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God so that he may exalt you at the proper time
Casting all your cares on him because he cares about you be sober minded be alert
Your adversary the devil is prowling around like a roaring lion looking for anyone he can devour
Resist him firm in the faith Knowing that the same kinds of sufferings are being experienced by your fellow believers throughout the world
The God of all grace Who called you to his eternal glory in Christ will himself restore establish strengthen and support you after You have suffered a little while To him be dominion forever
Amen Through Sylvanus a fateful brother as I consider him I have written to you briefly in order to encourage you and to testify that this is the true grace of God Stand firm in it
She who is in Babylon chosen together with you sends you greetings as does mark my son
Greets one another with a kiss of love Peace to all of you who are in Christ Pray that God will bless that reading of his word and grant us understanding as we study it
Allow me to pray ask for the spirits help and we will get to work in this text. Let's pray together
Well heavily father we thank you so much for your goodness and your mercy to us we thank you that you in your
Wisdom have given us this letter that we've been able to study You've given us the intelligence that we need to navigate the trials and difficulties of this life
And so father we ask that as we conclude our study of this letter This afternoon that your spirit will be with us opening eyes and enlightening hearts
As we pray that for ourselves we pray for heritage Christian Fellowship Thank you for their relatively new pastor pastor
Paul and their associate pastor pastor Jeremy Pray that he would know your blessing.
They would know your strength as a congregation Pray for them as they are seeking to do some training and development in their congregation that you would bless that effort
Oh how we need godly men and godly women who can serve you in various areas of your church
Father as we pray for them. We pray also for ourselves now Asking all these things in Jesus name and for his sake.
Amen Please be seated Well, I've tagged this final message and our study of first Peter grounded in God's calling grounded in God's calling
As I said faith family, this is the end of our journey through first Peter at least this January may come back to it again in future 13 messages.
I got curious and did some number crunching 180 pages of preparation notes for me
Another 190 pages of sermon notes by the time I was done. I actually counted all of them and Along the way we covered topics like the nature of salvation
Reality of trials and tribulations in the Christian life. We've talked about the walk of the believer we've talked about both the as I've called it the witness and the withness the internal relationships of the
Church of God We've talked about the relationship between the church and the state the roles of man and woman in marriage
What true ministry looks like the reality of Jesus is coming and so many other themes I don't know about you, but for me my own study of this book has unearthed just how rich this little letter is
And in a lot of ways that's one of the great benefits of what we practice here at redeemer expository preaching working our way through books of the
Bible allowing the Argument and the emphasis of the author to shape our messages
It means that we cover all kinds of subjects things that we maybe wouldn't want to talk about or would be tempted to skip we deal with them and Even things that we haven't thought about they come up as a result of our exploration in God's Word Just by way of introduction as we get started in this final message
I thought I'd give you a bit of a personal moment and share with you three lessons that I've learned from Studying first Peter.
It would be a terrible thing if I only read this just to prepare sermons and it didn't impact me in any way Well three lessons that I've learned as I've studied and preached through first Peter First of all just as a church member.
I've learned that God cares about how the church functions He cares about its structure.
He cares about its witness. He cares about like I said, it's withness and I've been convicted more than once that I can't claim
Jesus as the supreme love of my life Without having an all -consuming passion for his church as well
Secondly just as a Christian. I've learned that while suffering is hard Glory is guaranteed and that ought to give some perspective when we go through trials and Finally just as a pastor.
I've walked away Well, at least for now anyway from this letter all the more convinced
Now that I wasn't convinced before this but all the more convinced that the greatest need of this church of any church
Is as Paul describes in Acts chapter 20 the full counsel of God and the full counsel of God equips us especially in How we prepare for suffering.
I don't doubt that at some points this sermon series has sounded repetitive Now I've talked so much about I think
I counted in my manuscripts. I use the word suffering or trial 200 times in this series.
I Didn't plan on it. It's kind of the point of this letter But I came away from that as I was that I didn't know that until Wednesday night
I'm sure Thursday night as I was preparing. It's like 200 times gracious But then it hit me.
Well, hold on What better way for us to be prepared for suffering than to hear about it every single week and to not hear about it in A sort of pessimistic woe is me sense, but to allow
God's Word to reshape our perspective on the issue And so those are just three lessons
I've learned as we've come to This glorious letter of first Peter and as we're leaving it behind for now, you know,
Lord willing I've thought about it Like maybe in a few years, we'll come back and revisit it and see if I've learned anything between now and then
But for now as we come to this final Part of first Peter Peter still has some stuff to teach us.
He's got some closing Exhortations for us as God's people as you'll recall
Show this one last time. We're in first Peter first Peter has three parts to it first section deals of the reality of our salvation the second section deals with the reality of suffering and we're in that final section which
Deals with the return of the Savior we're dealing with that and the conclusion as well in verses 12 through 14 as Peter wraps up this letter.
He's got some closing exhortations for us some final words designed to give some concluding strength and Encouragement for the people of God This isn't the last letter
Peter will write to this group Lord willing next summer. We'll do a slightly shorter series in second
Peter So that's the other letter he writes and that one he's nearing the end But for now
Peter is closing out this letter and he gives some words of strength and encouragement for the people of God Here's the big idea for this message today
Peter's final encouragements call us to pursue qualities in keeping with God's calling for us as his people
Peter's final encouragements that we're gonna read here in the end of verse 5 through to the end in verse 14
They call us to pursue some qualities as God's people
God has called us to a certain. I don't want to say left and that is able to act in Deliverance.
I don't need to try and force the situation. I need to learn to trust him
So, okay, we're called to pursue humility We're called to do so under God's mighty hand resting in his promise to act.
Okay Okay, that sounds good. How exactly do I do this? Well, that's what verse 7 is there for so verse 7
Casting all your cares on him because he cares about You for a moment.
Let's think about problems and how we deal with problems How do we typically do with problems as human beings we see a problem so we fix it
Something's broken in my house Okay If you're me, if you know how to do you just fix it
If not, you might jump on you know, YouTube or something find a video have to teach you how to do it And then you fix it
Generally, we don't just sit there and watch problems. Now if the problem is bigger than us We may go call a professional but by and large if we can do it ourselves
We tend to try and do it ourselves But here's the thing brothers and sisters
God hasn't called me Let's put this way. God hasn't called me or you or any of us to try and fix our own problems
Now that doesn't mean you just sit on your hands as be like, oh, well, there's nothing I could do That's not what I mean. What I mean is that in the ultimate sense, there's only so much we can do
But notice that Peter doesn't say Try and make this work.
Try and make this happen No, Peter says you are to take your problems as it were our
English translations say cast which is kind of a tame translation The word here literally means to pick up and throw throw your problems as it were on the
Lord Because he cares for you.
I was hit pretty hard this week when I was thinking about this reality I came across this in my study. This is what one commentator
Tom Schreiner says quote Worry is a form of pride Because when believers are filled with anxiety
They are convinced that they must solve all their own problems in their lives in their own strength
The only God they trust in is themselves when believers throw their worries upon God They express their trust in his mighty hand
Acknowledging that he is Lord and sovereign over all of life
Show me a humble person and you'll show and I'll show you somebody Who has recognized that the way
I deal with my problems is not to deal with my problems But it's to put them in the hands of God who can deal with my problems we exercise humility by Acknowledging that it's not about me and my ability to fix my situation.
It's about the Lord And about his promise to act and so we stand there with a posture of Lord.
I'm simply going to trust you I'm going to trust your ability to act not on my schedule, but on yours
That's the first quality that Peter calls us to pursue in this passage, but there's more not only are we to pursue humility
Secondly, we are called to pursue vigilance vigilance verses 8 & 9
We might need humility to keep ourselves in check But we also need vigilance to keep our enemy in check
Have you thought about this that when times of suffering or times of trial come? We lost the screen, okay
When times of suffering come or in times of trial come We have this tendency as human beings to kind of burrow inwards and become incredibly insular
We kind of just lose sight of everything else. All we know is this is what I'm going through right now Well Peter makes it very clear
Christian. You don't have that option. That doesn't mean as a Christian you won't fall into that option Let's be clear
But ultimately the Christian has to recognize that we don't have that option Verses 8 & 9 be sober -minded
Peter says Be alert Your adversary the devil is prowling around like a roaring lion looking for anyone he can devour
Verse 9 resist him firm in the faith Knowing that the same kinds of suffering are being experienced by your fellow believers throughout the world
Those two commands in verse 8 be sober be single be not sober
Sober verse 8 be alert. My translation says some of your translation would say be vigilant or watchful
That single words in the original language is a short snappy commands that to the point They're almost military in their tone
When he says that we have to be sober -minded. He's not really talking about don't drink
I'll save my thoughts about that for another sermon. But for now, he's not talking about whether to drink or not
See sobriety in the Bible isn't so much about drunkenness Although drunkenness is one way in which we lose sobriety
No sobriety in the Bible carries this idea of being cognizant of your surroundings.
You're aware of your surroundings And as a result you act accordingly that's what biblical sobriety is
But he doesn't just tell us to be sober minded. He tells us to be alert be watchful
Keep your eyes peeled at all Cost and why should a
Christian pursue this? Your adversary verse 8 the devil is prowling around like a roaring lion
Looking for anyone he can devour This picture of the roaring lion is the he's not roaring because he's hungry.
He's roaring to instill fear The picture is that of a ruthless predator who is seeking to instill fear in his prey there is this picture of an intimidating and Powerful enemy who is roaming about and he is ravenous in his desire the text says to devour any of Christ's sheep
Oftentimes when we talk about this subject of the work of the devil there's a danger that comes with this which is that you can become so obsessed with this where you're no longer a
Student of God's truth, but you're now a student of the devil's lies You've met people like that right the ones who become obsessed with everything demonic.
That's all they talk about That's all they think about anything goes wrong. It must have been the devil. I won't labor that point too much
We preached a whole message back in April called standing strong you can find on our YouTube channel that went into way more detail on this
But for all the people who get overly obsessed with the devil, I think there's also those who just act like he doesn't exist
Can I put it to you that we who live in the West are often more prone to this than most cultures After all, we have an explanation for everything
This hit me a few years ago. I grew up with I grew up born to Ghanaian parents.
The worldview was a little bit different At times maybe a little excessive but in general we understood that there's a world beyond this world things happen that you can't explain scientifically or logically
Yes, some people can be obsessed first Corinthians 1420 tells us that we are to be infants when it comes to evil
In other words, don't spend all your time knowing about evil. Just make yourself as ignorant about that as possible
Even Jesus himself revelation 224. He writes to the church of Thyatira and he says I'm thankful for those of you who don't hold this false teaching who aren't into what he calls the so -called secrets of Satan And in fact
Jesus himself says I'm gonna explain what that is because I am NOT putting any other burden on you revelation 224
But just because some people turn into God's Ghostbusters as it were
That doesn't mean That we can choose to be ignorant of the reality of the evil one and his effects and so Peter says
You're to be sober -minded and to be alert because you have an adversary the devil who is like a roaring lion looking for anyone
He can devour in light of that verse 9.
We're called to resist him Resistance for the
Christian doesn't look like fighting Again I refer you back to that message in Ephesians chapter 6 and back in April Well, I simply made the point that when we are called to resist the devil
It's calling about taking a defensive stance. Not an offensive one for the
Christian resistance looks like Standing your ground and did you catch how we do this?
Again, look at us and I resist him firm in the faith The idea of the faith some of your translations will say firm in your faith.
Sorry. That is not a good translation this is About getting too technical definite article and then the word faith
This is talking about the objective body of truth that all believers hold to Here's the idea.
Here's the idea Peter says the way in which you resist the devil is by being resolute in your belief regarding the truth
The way in which you fight the father of lies is by knowing the truth
And so when he fires his lies at us, we know how to respond to them the way in which we resist the evil one is by being so Grounded in the word that when he strikes, you know how to move and you know how to maneuver
That's why we'll talk about this in the sermon series that's coming up that's why a redeemer we call ourselves a means of grace ministry
If that phrase sounds foreign, like I said, we'll talk about in the sermon series simply put We believe that through the word read sung heard and proclaimed that through the prayers of God's people and that through the ordinances that God gives the
Ordinance of baptism and the ordinance of the Lord's Supper that through these things God Ministers to us the strength that we need to serve him and stand strong against the evil one his works and their effects
I'm thinking whether I want to make this next point I wrote And I think I will Can I put it to you that?
That's why gathering together was God's people is critically important. I remember when the
COVID lockdowns happen I mean, it feels like an age ago ago, but it was only two years ago. I remember when all of that happened
Lots of churches stayed open, but lots of them closed They were all unsure about what was happening.
We weren't going to try and risk the safety of our people I think people who closed made wise decisions and people who stayed open made wise decisions
We're all looking at it from different vantage points but I remember when all of that happened and I remember people saying oh
I can't wait till we get to reopen. I'm going to take the church I'm going to take the church more seriously than ever before Now some of you who know me well know that I struggle with cynicism pray for my sanctification
And so I hear that. Oh I heard that I should say From folks who usually didn't take church all that seriously, and you know, my immediate thought was no you won't no you won't and Then we started reopening
Various churches took their time. So I'm opened immediately and Then all the statistics start coming out
I'm a nerd so I like to read studies and stuff like that one study,
I think it was lifeway research said that three quarters something like 73 % of People who didn't attend church
Or who excuse me who attended church prior to the lockdown said That not being in church had how did they put it that not being in church?
Failed to have any noticeable negative effects on their lives In other words for three quarters of the people that were surveyed
Not being in church didn't make a lick of difference in their lives I forget what the number is but I think it's something in the region of between 25 to 33 percent of people just left the church during that period when everyone was live -streaming and never came back and a large number of them that they
Read that they polled basically said well Honestly, I can get all the benefits without having to be there on Sunday.
I want you to notice something in this passage You may not catch it in English, but let me see if I can help you with this
When Peter gives us those two commands in verse 8 be sober -minded and be vigilant both of them are in the plural
You could translate it all of you Be sober -minded and be vigilant Then he says the so let's read it like that Verse 8 all of you be sober -minded be alert your your collective
Adversary the devil is prowling around like a roaring lion looking for anyone
Singular To devour How many of you like watching those nature documentaries?
I find them fascinating You see every every documentary. I just wait for it.
Like, you know, it's coming Especially when they're like in the on safari or something like that You always get that one animal that thinks it's smarter than everyone else
I'm gonna hang out on my own and Then there's the lion
It's like they know it's coming it's like if I sit here long enough one of them's gonna be stupid enough to be by themselves and true to form they are and the minute they're by themselves lion says
Let's eat Why? There's a protection that comes from being in the group
That you don't get by being by yourself and can I put it to you that one of the ways in which the
Christian resists the devil is by Actually fellowshipping with God's people if I know what
Peter says the end of verse 9 says resist him firm in the faith knowing that the same kinds of Sufferings are experienced by your fellow believers throughout the world
It's the recognition that I am NOT the only one going through this that ought to drive us
Into further and further biblical fellowship so that as we fellowship together as God's people we are protecting ourselves
From the onslaught of the evil one That even as sufferings and trials come we don't suffer those things in isolation
Christian can I put it to you that the devil loves a Lone Ranger Christian Easy pickings if we're gonna be vigilant, let me put simply like this vigilance is a family project
The less connected you are to the body the more likely I don't mean to be blunt when
I say this But I'm going to be blunt nonetheless The less connected you are to the body the more likely you make yourself tomorrow's dinner for the adversary
There's much more that could be said but but we move we're called to humility were called to vigilance the third quality
We're called to in our text is hope Hope verses 10 and 11. I don't know about you, but hope feels like it's such a precious commodity and is such short supply
But people have got it doesn't need to be that way. I Think the verses we're giving here in verses 10 and 11 are some of the most hope filled in all the
New Testament Their verses that to me are incredibly precious verse 10
The God of all grace Who called you to his eternal glory in Christ will himself restore established strengthen and support you after you have suffered a little while To him be dominion forever and ever
Amen, like I said, these verses mean a lot to me personally.
I went through a season where One day, I'll tell that story in full But for now, I went through a season where I almost quit ministry.
I was like can't do this can't be bothered and It was being reminded of these verses
I Kind of pulled me out of that tailspin. I want to walk you through these verses and what it is that I learned from these verses
Particularly verse 10. The first thing I want you to know is that suffering happens in The full knowledge of what of the person that Peter calls catch it in verse 10 the
God of all grace In the original language, this is put up front so that you know
What the focus is here. The focus here is not what God does. It's who God is Before we think about our suffering before we even think about deliverance from our suffering.
We need to be regularly reminded of who our God is The second thing we know it is that the
God who calls us to suffer Is also the God who calls us to glory you see that they're the
God of all grace who called you to his eternal glory in Christ Remember how we've seen references that these two words are twin together suffering and glory throughout this letter
Well Peter reminds us once again that the God who has called us has not called us ultimately just to suffering and trials
But he's called us to his eternal glory And that all that by itself
Ought to help us when trials arise you see for the Christian just like the children of Israel in the
Exodus the story doesn't end with Israel in captivity does it in the Exodus It ends with God's deliverance and for the
Christian the story of our lives does not end with our sufferings and trials But it ends with us being in the glorious presence of our eternal
God Third thing we know from this passage is that we can have hope
Because our sufferings are temporary in The CSB it has the next phrase right at the end of the verse 10, but it's actually in the middle
It literally reads the God of all grace who called you in his eternal glory in Christ after you have suffered a little while Sufferings are temporary
Throughout this series. I've quoted you the verses Romans 8 18 That the sufferings of the present time are not worthy to be accounted to the glory that is yet to be revealed in us
Paul's words in 2nd Corinthians that the momentary light affliction that we endure in this life is working out for us an eternal weight of glory that is beyond compare
The reason why we can hope have hope is precisely because the sufferings that we endure in this life
Are temporary There's a fourth thing.
We learn from this and here. I want to take some time. It's this that suffering binds us to an agreement that God makes
Follow me here. This might be new for some of you So In verse 4 you see those four words there that the
God of all grace who called you to his eternal glory in Christ the text Says will himself restore
Establish strengthen and support you after you have suffered a little while a Few years ago.
I got given a book The book was called the cup and the glory. I highly recommend it one of those books
I just think you should have on your shelf because you never know when you'll need it The cup and the glory lessons on suffering and the glory of God It's by a professor.
He was at master seminary. He's now retired. You can be praying for him. His name is Greg Harris He actually has
Huntington disease and it's made it unable for him to continue his career as a teacher
But even before he had that disease, he had a bunch of other health issues lost two children and it was out of that painful season of Losing two children being struck down with a very serious case of rheumatoid arthritis that had him bedridden.
Oh And then he lost his pastor went through a terrible season.
Oh, he was a professor at Bible College lost that job, too After all of that coming out the other side
He decided to write a book about what he learned through his trials and in that book
I believe it's chapter six. He wrote a book called the agree. You're a chapter. Excuse me called the agreement where he basically walks through this one verse and he shows that the language here is this idea of There is what we go through and there is what
God promises to do We often want the results of trials
Without going through the trial we often want the results of going through pain and exertion and sweat without actually going through pain and exertion and sweat and Yet Peter would have us to understand that actually
You can't have one without the other the
Christians going to suffer and as a result God agrees in His goodness and mercy to do certain things for the
Christian who suffers Four of them, let's look at them real quick. First of all, God promises you see there in our text to restore us verse 10
The idea of restoration here is mending that which is broken it speaks about someone has gone through a
Event where a bone has been broken and now the bone needs to be mended.
It needs to be reset That's the language behind this word here You see for the
Christian suffering might break wound and hurt us but here's the good news for the
Christian It might do all of those things, but it can't do it irreparably This phrase has become really popular since You know, we've all tried to climb out of the lockdowns and what have you and COVID that phrase build back better.
I Kind of laugh when I hear people like use that phrase because it's like the only person who can truly build back better is
God Human beings can never build back and better than what they had Only God can do that and that's what he promises to do.
He promises to restore us. Secondly. He promises to establish us To establish us.
The idea is giving a foundation on which someone can plant their feet Can I put it to you that our
God is not just in the restoration business. He's in the foundation business, too That he puts our feet on a firm foundation so we can stand
He promises to restore to establish third word to strengthen literally to empower
That's why Paul can say in 2 Corinthians 12 9, you know, we love that passage the thorn in the flesh. My grace is sufficient
Muslims quote that part. We don't usually quote the end of that verse Therefore I will gladly boast all the more about my weaknesses so that Christ's power may reside in me
The power doesn't come unless we go through suffering brothers and sisters We may not like the suffering no normal person like suffering
But we recognize that it's in that moment as it were that a believer gets a main line into the very power of God So God promises to restore to establish to strengthen.
Finally. He promises to support us He promises to support us
He promises to keep us standing firm even when future trials come
Because the reality I think I've said it a few times during this series Not original to me, but I love it
We are all either going into a trial We are all in it either in a trial or we're all on our way out of one preparing for the next one
Hopefully that's not encouraging. No, but it's honest and What Peter says here with his word support is that when the next trial comes
God promises? Because of everything you learned in the last one everything he did in the last one. He will keep you upright
When the next one comes Don't mean we might not bend a little bit here and there
But he promises to keep us standing firm And again, what do we all love all of that without suffering?
Wouldn't we love for that to take place without having to do an ounce of work without having to give up anything
Of course we would But God in his sovereign mercy and goodness has ordained a world in which
Trials happen, but can I put it to you that if trials didn't happen? We'd have no reason to hope would we?
Hope only means something if there's something for us to look forward to There's a fourth quality that God wants to develop in us as grounded people.
We've seen humility vigilance hope Fourthly, he calls us to perseverance Perseverance Perseverance verse 12.
It's not till the end of the letter that Peter tells us why he wrote this so verse 12
He says through Sylvanus. In other words, Sylvanus was his scribe Peter told him what to write and he wrote it
Through Sylvanus a faithful brothers. I consider him I have written to you briefly in order to encourage you and to testify that this is the true grace of God Stand firm in it.
That's why we called this series anchored Because that's what Peter wants to do through this letter
And he says he wants to encourage them and to testify that they should stand firm in the what he calls the true grace of God Key question is what does
Peter mean when he says that this is the true grace of God? Well, I think the simple answer and there's
I say the simple answer because if you start digging down into this There's like ten different options that commentators go with but I think the most simple answer
Is that the true grace of God that's mentioned here is the promise of God to preserve
To keep and to strengthen his people that we just read about the ability to be grounded to be steadfast to be anchored to be unshakable because we know the promise of God that in itself is a
Manifestation of grace and really if you think about it, this letter just follows that logic
Think about remember if I can hopefully this now works Okay, doesn't think back to that slide with the outline of first Peter Peter starts with our salvation
He deals with our sufferings think of it past present and future Salvation in the past that's
God's work It's up. Okay, it's not You have salvation in the
There we go You've got salvation in the past. That was God's work You've got
God's Work that he calls us to through suffering in the present and there's the return of Jesus in the future
All of those are connected by the fact that all in all three of those we need the grace of God The God who gave us salvation in Christ the
God who in the person of his Son lived for us Died for us and rose for us the same
God who gave us all of that grace Also gives us the grace for the trials that we endure and that's why as a result
We are called to stand firm in that grace Because the reality is in moments of suffering
Perseverance is something that we're often low on Keep a finger in first Peter.
Tell me to Hebrews 10. I want to show you something very quickly Hebrews chapter 10 Hebrews is a book that I love dearly.
I think it's also very misunderstood For most people if I say
Hebrews, what do we first thing we think of warning? I Don't think that's the point of the letters to the
Hebrews Hebrews 13 22 tells us this is a word of Encouragement.
It's a word of exhortation The author to the
Hebrews isn't trying to scare his audience. He's trying to encourage his audience Look with me chapter 10 verse 32 again, he's talking to believers who have gone through sufferings and he says this
Remember the earlier days when after you had been enlightened you endured a hard struggle with sufferings
Sometimes you were publicly exposed to taunts and afflictions and other times you were companions of those who were treated that way for you sympathized with the prisoners and And Accepted with joy the confiscation of your possessions because you know that you yourselves have a better and enduring possession
So look at what he says in verse 35 So don't throw away your confidence
Which has a great reward verse 36 for you need endurance
So that after you have done God's will you may receive What was promised?
To these Christians who are suffering who had suffered and we're about to suffer a whole lot more
The author to the Hebrew says listen Don't throw away your confidence.
Don't throw away your hope which by the way The only it's interesting the only times you see confidence in the Bible The word confidence confidence is either use our confidence towards God or man's confidence in himself
Confidence in self is always condemned confidence in God is always encouraged Don't throw away your confidence
Don't throw away your complete trust in God He says you need endurance though verse 36
So that after you have gone after you have done God's will and I believe God's will in that context is you've been through suffering
After you've been through suffering You may receive what is promised
Oftentimes when we talk about the need for perseverance we can fall into the trap of thinking that perseverance is something that comes from you
But actually I think if we connect this verse who go back to first Peter with me If we connect this verse with first Peter we learn something
Perseverance is itself a fruit of God's grace It's as we expose our souls to the grace of God shown in the gospel
And we allow its glorious truths to as it were give us steel in the soul. It's only when that happens that the
Christian can then say I can stand firm in the true grace of Humility, vigilance, hope, perseverance.
One more and I'm done. One final quality as we land this plane in first Peter It's the quality of love quality of love verses 13 and 14
This is the closing greeting he's done The temptation is to kind of say well, he's talking to a bunch of people
Doesn't really apply to me. I can skip this So verse 13 says she who is in Babylon more than likely he's talking about the church in Rome I wish
I had time to kind of dig into why I think Babylon is simply just a coded name for Rome I'm running out of time. So I'm gonna try and skip all that argument for now
Generally scholars agree that Babylon isn't actually the ancient city. It's a code name for Rome so Peter's writing this from Rome and He says she who is in Babylon chosen together with you sends you greetings as does mark my son
Yes that mark the one who wrote the second gospel in our English Bibles Peter sends his greetings and marks, but he also sends the greeting of The Church of Rome to other churches in the
Empire If I had time I'd talk about why I think it's very weird that so many of our churches don't talk to one another
And you read the New Testament the churches talk to each other all the time The church is know what's happening in the churches if there's a need in one church all the other churches get together and help the other ones
Why are also churches in 21st century so ruthlessly independent and I would put it sometimes isolationist
That's us. That's a study for another time for now It seems to me the churches in the
New Testament that they loved one another they talked to one another they actually cared for one another That's one of the reasons why
I've had some people criticize me for doing this I make it a point to pray for churches here in the valley Even ones that maybe
I'm not a hundred percent on the same page with Just about everything sure.
I might have secondary and third -level disagreements some of the churches. I Will pray for they practice infant baptism.
I don't believe in infant baptism Some of you know that you were here when I preached on it But we proclaim the same gospel.
We love the same Savior. We love the same doctrines by and large and So I refuse and by extension we refuse because I have the mic most of the time
We're refusing to look down our nose judging every church that differs with us in areas that aren't the gospel
I Put it to you that you probably heard me say there's a few times in this series. I think times are getting harder
I think for the people of God things are going to get a lot harder before they get a lot easier and In moments like that the body with a capital
B is going to need each other But what's true of churches is also true of individual
Christians who make up those churches. So look at verse 14 Peter says
That we are to greet one another with a kiss of love Now I will put you all at ease
Peter is not telling everybody in every age pucker up and start kissing everyone
This is much more of a cultural marker in the world of the Greco -Roman New Testament But while the way of showing love might be different The principle remains the same
Here's the principle Christians ought to show genuine love caring concern for one another and that requires
Proximity in other words that requires actually being in fellowship with one another If I can put it another way it makes metaphors for a moment
You can't kiss someone from a distance. I'm out of time
So much more. I'd love to say about this subject of love. Allow me to just stick to one Which is this?
that love among God's people is an action Not a feeling we can't say we love one another when we're not willing to put feet down in pursuit of that action if you will
We have to allow the scriptures and actually we'll have a message in our next sermon series I'll talk about this at length.
We have to allow the scriptures to define what it means for us to love one another and Again that happens when we engage in fellowship.
It can't happen at a distance Peter concludes with a very simple greeting peace
To all of you who are in Christ and just like that he's done. That's the letter of first Peter As we conclude first Peter faith family, can
I leave you with something? Brad gave me the nods. I'm gonna say it God's desire for Redeemer Bible fellowship and Actually, it's his desire for every church, but I don't serve every church.
I serve this one God's desire for Redeemer Bible fellowship is for us to be grounded to be anchored in Who God is and what he calls us to and what?
We have to look forward to in the coming of Christ Yes, the world the flesh and the devil all desire the complete opposite They would be happy to see us vastly be wishy -washy be kinder in kinder out
And so I leave you with this question faith family, which one will we choose as a church?
Are we going to be grounded or are we going to be shaken? Which one will you choose as an individual
Will you will you choose to be? Grounded to as it were take the truths of God's Word and to say, you know
I'm planting my feet and I'm not moving I'm here or are you going to choose?
You know what? I'm kind of one foot in one foot out. We'll see how the weather goes What will you choose in your families
What will you choose as individuals? Faith family. I leave that question with you as we leave this letter behind Am I going to be a
Christian who is anchored or at least seeks to be anchored? Or am
I gonna be a Christian who chooses to be shaky to be inconsistent to vacillate and who won't stand when the next time of trial comes our gracious Savior we thank you so much for all that you have done in Giving us perspective and reorienting us as we have made our way through this letter
Thank you for all that you've taught us Well, thank you all that you've taught me as I've worked my way through these texts hours at a time
Thank you for the glorious reminders of the fact that this world is indeed not our home That this world's values are not our values
But that you as the God of all grace you've called us to higher and better things
That ultimately one day we will be with you in your glory beholding your face for eternity
So Lord, I ask that as we have studied this letter That you would open our eyes
Open up our hearts and Cause us as your people to be encouraged to be equipped to be challenged by The truths of this letter.