EP 31 PHILLY CHOOSES TRUMP AND JESUS, #maga #makeamericagreatagain , #JesuslovesTrump

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Going out and evangelizing or street preaching is nothing new on this channel. This time we added a little twist. We wanted to engage folks on how to speak about politics. So we started out with where are you politically? What can a Christian believe about political positions. Is it okay to vote for the Democratic party? Our church is in New Jersey which is not considered a swing state. Not even close. Idaho & Texas Democrats would probably find lots in common with Ne


Voting for Donald Trump going Kamala or Trump Trump. Let's go
What do you think Kamala or Trump? Oh Neither but Man if I had to pick
Trump or Kamala, I don't like Trump. Do you like Kamala? Let's go, why'd you say that come share on our little pocket
Here with Mark we're out in where are we right now?
We're in Kensington Philadelphia So got a question for you. Who are you voting for and why?
Because I'm voting for Donald Trump because He's going to lower prices and bring more jobs back to America Right.
So if if they just print money and they spend six billion dollars thrown into the economy
The result is going to be inflation and that's basically a tax on everybody the price of groceries the price of everything goes up That's what
Joe Biden and Kamala did and that's why everything costs like 35 % more than before.
They took office, right? Correct? Correct. Yeah, so I got a question for you another direction.
Do you know Jesus Christ as your personal Savior? I do I do So maybe that's how come you know how to think straight up straight about Christian ethics.
I do I do I actually just was baptized Three and a half weeks ago.
It'd be it'd be a month on Sunday I got baptized at Bethel in New Jersey and Just to just do
Jesus Christ, uh, it's amazing. It's amazing You know with with the guidance of the
Lord, you know, he heals everything, you know, but I don't know
Is it's just amazing it's very amazing It's so amazing, you know, and he's changed my life since he's changed.
My life has been completely changed since you know It's amazing.
It's amazing. Amen All right. So do you think it's possible for?
Christians to be right with God and vote for a party that is for the killing of babies
In abortion through the mutilation of children in transitioning from one gender to another and for socialism, which is
Taking from people by the edge of the sword and distributing redistributing income Do you think that Christians can vote that way or do you think that's against God's design?
Me personally. I think that's against God's design. Um, I think people should have the right to decide if They want to Keep the baby or not
And I also do I read a lot about the project 2025 situation the project 2025 is
The right it's some laws that they trying to put in effect for women basically to If they if a woman goes out and get pregnant they they tell it in a woman that she she can't abort the baby
I don't think that's I don't think it's fair I'm glad we met you so we could talk about this.
So think about this right every baby is Made in the image of God even before that child is born into the world
So the image of God is in the child at conception, right?
So the right of that baby to life is in the DNA Whether the chromosomes are
XY or XX that baby is made in the image of God So that's why we say that you don't have a right to kill a baby because that baby is made in the image of God What do you think about that?
I? Think that's true. I don't I don't know that the woman's you know, that baby. Yeah, that baby is an image of the
Lord Yeah, that baby should have We can't speak the baby can't speak for itself, right?
Yeah, the baby cannot speak for itself. So We have to speak up for the smallest the most vulnerable members of society
Right because they don't have a voice for themselves Correct. We have to defend the innocent defend the poor and this baby in the womb is completely innocent
Did you know that John the Baptist? When he was in the womb of his mother
Elizabeth was in the same room as Jesus Christ He was in the womb of Mary and the
Bible says that John the Baptist lept for joy now wait a minute John the
Baptist was still unborn and Jesus was unborn but he was still a person made in the image of God and by the
Holy Spirit of the Living God He was jumping for joy in the presence of Jesus. So let me tell you that little baby
Inside the womb was just as valuable as a baby five minutes later outside of the womb, correct?
No Amen exactly.
Yeah, so the Democrats have become really a cult of death right now outside of the Democratic National Convention they've set up a trailer for free killing
Women can go in there to kill their babies for free and men can go in to get vasectomies
It's a culture of death and they even have an idol set up outside of the DNC, which is a giant inflatable uterus which is meant to To mean my body my choice, but what they're really saying is we have the right
To murder babies in the womb and see as Christians We have to stand for a life because Jesus is the way the truth and I stand for life every life
Even the vulnerable lives inside of a woman not yet born are valuable in the sight of God.
Amen. Amen That's how we got to think as Christian. Amen. Let's go man. Great me Mark Anthony the
Lord bless you. Yeah, Mark. I do got a question real quick though You said you're out here signing people up What is the purpose for registering people to vote what is the purpose and and who has you doing that do you work for someone doing that or Rights to vote
The reason why I get people to register to vote is because we need that we need their vote number one their vote counts and Without people's votes.
We won't be heard. We've already heard. There's a lot of things that's going on In the country that we really need people to hear and Only way we can hear is through the vote
I agree So when we when you came up here and we and we asked you who you voting for you said
I can't tell you Do you say that to the doors that you go knock on or do you kind of tell them? Hey, we need to vote for Trump and turn this country around Here But they won't hair here yet, you know without that voice.
That's right Yeah, that's just over my shoulder over there there was a mugging or something happening yeah five minutes ago, yeah
Yeah, so you're right man. You got to be careful You got to be wise as a serpent but innocent as a dove so be safe out there, man
Be strong the Lord don't be afraid because the enemy I'm covering so I walk with film and yeah, he has he has me
I'll tell you if they if anybody asks you or you have an in like we asked you who you voting for you told us Trump so if they give you an open door take it man try to Look for be heard now because I know you guys
Look for the open door to share the gospel to brother. We're so happy to hear you got back That's the most important and the one leads to the other right you've got to be saved to have a right mind
That when you have the Holy Spirit living in you when you become a Christian, then you can begin to think biblically that's right about babies and the value of their lives and about children and Gender like God made them male and female.
He didn't make them 54 different genders, correct. He made them male right now. Correct? Correct So think like a
Christian act like a Christian walk like a Christian and we're very excited to know you man It was no cut. It was no coincidence that you're the first person we talked to as we jumped out on the streets here
So the Lord bless you Rumble comm slash TD HP It's called tearing down high places
And you can hear more sermons I heard it's on what to write down TD HP just like on Tim's Mike Flagg right there
Stands for tearing down high places In the book of Kings they used to build
Temples and idols up on top of the mountains. They'd go up there and have sexual orgies and things like that in worship to false gods like Moloch and That was evil and the
Lord sent prophets to go tear him down like Gideon had to tear down the high place Let's talk to somebody else, too
Trump let's go Hey, what's up, brother?
Can we ask you a question? How you say that? All right, he said she's trying to make us go to school all year long
I'm not sure but nice It's probably some new socialist plan that they got yeah
Yo, Kamala or Trump Do you want to be on a podcast come on over Kamala or Trump I'll vote for Trump because he's the best and I've been what if I was 11
And yeah, you said you've been voting since you were 11. Well, I've been giving my preferences. I was oh, okay
You look like you're 18 for only being 13, all right nice That's awesome.
How about uh, do you have a Opinion on the afterlife or do you have any religious beliefs?
I believe in Christ. Oh, that's I Prayed that God will help me find put me in the right direction.
And as you can see I'm clean, you know Quit vaping I quit everything.
Hey, do you go to the church around here? No, I don't. Oh, there's a great church around here It's called It's called a cornerstone community church and dude, we used that we used to go to that church.
It's such a great church You'd love it there Oh Okay, I thought you just said you didn't go to church no,
I used to go okay Well, dude, you got to get back to going to church. That's how you grow as a believer St.
Peter something like that, right? I don't know. Yeah. Well, let's tell it just real quick about cornerstone community churches on Frankfort and Allegheny And what they're gonna give you there is verse by verse teaching through the
Bible so you can know the whole counsel of God So yeah, so think about oh, yeah, you'll love pastor
Bill Kerry It's a really nice diverse church and you hear the Word of God you'll grow you'll meet other believers, man
You got to get over there bring your friends there do it. So this it's called cornerstone community church
That's what it's called right cornerstone community church. You'll love it there. You got to get there man Take this as a sign to get back to church and go to that church, man
We don't even go to that church anymore and we still promote it. That's how good it was so We live in New Jersey if you want to hear yourself on this podcast, it's called a
TD HP Tearing down high places you can find on YouTube or rumble. Yeah Hey, you guys want to get interviewed be on the
Internet? We can come over here. I guess only if y 'all want to meet you on the stoop.
Yeah All right, so your friend here said
Kamala, what do you think? Let's go All right, so why so how do you know what's up and your friends don't
So, why do you guys say Kamala Because I forgot what it's called but it's called the 2025 something 2025 plan that's propaganda man
So, why do you say Trump? because he He gonna change
America again Let's go. All right, so Trump right? He was up there speaking and the sniper tried to take his head off with a bullet
Yeah, and what he was pointing out was the immigration that under Trump They had been able to close the border and then after Trump they opened it wide open and all the immigrants kept sneaking in But listen, he turned
Yeah, he's yeah you got it You don't have a country if you don't have a border if people are allowed to just cross over without even a border
You don't have a country but listen to this He turned his head just like this at that second when the guy pulled the trigger
So the bullet didn't take his head off like this. He went like that and it just nicked his ear So he was supposed to going through here
Yeah, it was gonna shoot him right in the side of the head and the thing is God saved his life because God has a Purpose that doesn't mean he's the greatest man on earth.
We got plenty of differences with Trump but the thing is There are differences between what
Trump and Harris are teaching. Why do you think Trump would be better? And then we'll leave you all alone. We're just having fun well
I think what we really got to get at is We believe that Jesus Christ is the Lord and we believe that he died on the cross for our sins and that he rose from the dead and that Changes our whole mind and we now look at things in that lens and a
Christian lens And we think that Trump is not just better for Christians, but just better for all people
So we look out for other people being a Christian We love God and we love others and we think Trump has the best interest in other people
So we love our brother that way by voting for Trump and trying to get other people to vote Can I show them this cube? Yeah, let's do that.
Yep All right All right This represent right here.
Check this out. This represents me and you and you and all of us, right there We're in the darkness and we're separated.
What do you think that light represents right there? Right here Heaven and God because God is light.
He's pure. Everything is good about him Now the reason that we're broken away from him is because we've all committed sin
But God did something for sinners like us. Here's it. Here's what it is. He sent him, you know his name
That's Jesus and Jesus died on a cross why do you think he died on the cross? He died for our sins to pay the penalty of our sin then they rolled him look at this
They rolled a stone in front of the tomb where they buried him and he was laying dead in the tomb
And on the third day you ready for this is the best one. Look man Boom He rose from the dead.
He rolled the stone away came out and Now if you will put your faith in Jesus Christ, it's like a bridge for that sinful man
That's you and me all of us are sinners. We can get to heaven get to the light when you die
Do you want to go to heaven? Here's how you do it by believing that Jesus died on the cross and rose from the dead.
That's the thing So you see it's like he reached down to us He came down to us to rescue us from our sins and bring us to heaven.
Does that make sense? You believe that? Yeah. All right, who told you that I could tell somebody already told you this
Who told you about Jesus because this isn't the first time you heard right You have
Christians in your lives parents Muslim, all right, what do you think about Jesus? Yeah, did you know he died on the cross
He did yeah now soar the surah in them in Muslim ideology They say that he was never crucified and that he didn't rise from the dead.
That's surah chapter 4 157 But the actual eyewitnesses in the
Bible Matthew Mark Luke John They talked about how they saw him be crucified and they actually saw him after he rose from the dead.
You believe that Oh Jesus Yeah, he died and he rose from the dead. That's the truth. So you got to stand on that That's how you can have eternal life.
All right, the offer is for you, too Even if you're raised Muslim, you can believe in Jesus turn away from from that and believe that he died and rose for you.
Amen Amen I don't got much else man.
I just we're happy that we met you guys. Yeah, we're happy for this guy here He seems like God has his hand on him.
Hopefully he can witness to you guys one day. You got a Muslim friend He needs to believe in Christ. So it's your job to maybe convert him
Oh Three you guys are related. Oh No, okay.
That's our friend man. You got a good friend. I'll tell you that you're blessed with a great friend All right. What was great meeting you guys friends.
Keep looking after each other have each other's back. Thanks for talking. Yeah, that's right Hey, are you voting for Kamala or for Trump Why would you do that come talk to us
Trump been in there. Everything's been going to the other side.
He gave nothing to us. We look at the track I mean look at what we we're trying to accomplish in life, and he's not helping
Okay, so Trump has not been president for four years, you know that right, right But when he first came in the office, that's when everything went downhill
Well, let me ask you this when they spent all that money right they printed six billion dollars Did you notice that starting in 2021?
this thing called Inflation just took over and the price of all the groceries went up the price of everything went through the roof
You want to know why that happened? It's because Joe Biden Printed six billion dollars worth of money and flooded the economy.
And if you flood them the economy with money That means the price of everything goes up.
So it's like a hidden tax on us So bright yeah Biden did that to us
Yeah, cuz him inflation went up because of Biden now Harris was right there with Biden So if you want more inflation more like prices of everything to keep going up then stay with Kamala But if you want remember how you know what inflation was when
Trump was in Only 1 .7 percent now the price over the years of Kamala.
It's gone up things are 35 percent higher than when they came in So they're they're killing us we got to go back to Trump got to go back to Trump Let's go, yeah, we got one more thing to explain you there's another guy there's another guy we want you to be for important Can you guess who it is?
You'll know the name is the name above all names Jesus Christ, this
Christ is the only one that's going to help us What's your name
That means you got to get out there and vote Oh God bless you.
What's your name? Miss T. God bless you miss T for Trump and Jesus Let's go.
Tell everybody Yeah, that's right. Tell them because they're making the price of everything go through the roof
You can't even afford groceries. I agree. I'm with you Let's go, that's good for Jesus first and foremost.
Amen Way too much money. Yeah, I hate big government. So Trump or Kamala Neither man if I had to pick please pick and just go for Trump Yeah So this guy here is getting them registered we got to get him on the right side of the right now
We can just send them to him. Yeah Hey mark, how you doing?
Hey, can we talk to your friend real quick Trump or Kamala? Do you like Kamala I Wouldn't do it.
You want to know why the price of everything's gonna keep going up that inflation is killing us
Why not? Yeah, something about his personality Oh Yeah That that was a myth.
Yeah, he wasn't he wasn't trying to make fun of a handicapped kid No, do you believe that a baby in the womb has a right to live
Babe babies in the womb. Do they have a right to live? Well, did you know that right now at the
Democratic National Convention They got a trailer set up in front of the DNC to kill babies
Yes, they do and they have a listen they have a giant blow -up uterus 18 foot tall
While they send the women in there to kill the babies That's what you get if you want to vote for Kamala, maybe you like that Yeah Without thinking though, you're just like you just decide to make a choice.
All right. Okay. Okay good talking to you. I Think we made our point
In aggressive with it Maybe he'll think that he wasn't thinking.
Yeah, it's literally happening right now as we speak Much better than we deserve
We got a podcast going on right now as we speak. Yeah, we got question for you If you died today, would you go to heaven?
Why? You're a good person. Yes. Oh, yeah by what standard because we have decisions to make right?
Yep And and and whose stanzas are we asking? Jesus Christ Jesus Christ is what we believe in.
So Jesus lived for what? 33 years about yep, right and the main
Basis of his life was about what? the three years, right
The three years of ministry he had. Yep, three years of ministry and the he focused on Like I guess seven years, right?
I was like Cuz when he was two, oh Yeah, cuz there's record of his childhood.
And yeah That's a baby and then fleeing to Egypt Nothing the only going to the to the house
Yeah, yeah at 12 years old, yeah, yes, that's that's this about it nothing about when he's 17 15, right?
We don't have record of that, right? Let me test that real quick how many lies you think you told in your life my life.
Yeah, how many lies over So, what's that make you if you've told a million lies then you're a
Person that's Looking not to tell us no more. Okay, but still one who has told lies.
What do you call somebody that's told lies? Okay Have you ever
Committed adultery or maybe not if physically, okay Well, we can in that right there, but even if you're looking at a woman with lust in your heart
Okay, boom, so what do you call someone who commits adultery an adulterer, okay, that's true of the commandment
So are you yeah, you ever look at a person with lust in your eyes guilty as charged. Yes. Okay Yes, so if we're all guilty as charged that means we're all sinners.
We're not good No, not one not even this guy Nobody's good. Only person as good as who
Jesus Christ That's never sin, that's not correct. Oh why he never
Never sinned never never lusted never stole never took the Lord's name in vain
Have you ever used God's name just flippantly like Jesus? Listen, I'm a man of God and I'm on whatever this is
Right. So yes, Jesus has sinned Yeah, he has not
Jesus never sinned but you and I have sinned so what you need and what I need is a
Savior Jesus Christ, but Jesus is perfect now Here's the big news You talked about three years of his life and he ministered and he healed people
But at the end of his life when the time came he went and laid down his life willingly on a cross
They took him and they lifted him up. He was pinned to the cross with nails and he bled out his life
Not for sins that he committed because he was innocent but for your sin and my sin if you believe in him
So those who believe in Christ We have our sin forgiven because he paid for it on the cross and then they took his body and put it in a tomb
And on the third day he rose from the dead Now you can be declared righteous by believing what
I just told you. Do you believe that's true? I believe that's true Amen, so he died and he rose nobody else did that Muhammad didn't do that Buddha didn't do that Confucius didn't do that President Trump president.
Oh, you know Obama or Biden. None of them did that only Jesus Christ can take your sins away
Yes, and he died for sin No Ezekiel did not
Ezekiel died a natural death. He was a prophet and he foretold Jesus He talked about the coming Messiah, but he himself was not the
Messiah There's only one Messiah one Christ one Lord and King of Kings and that is Jesus and him alone
Yep, he's the judge of the world the whole world will be judged by the name of Jesus if you truly trust in him repent of your sin
Christian Christian. Yeah, we're Christians Yeah, y 'all born Christians, yeah
Believe in Jesus Christ, we believe that Jesus died on a cross and God punished him good.
Amen. Amen That's right. Let's go. Oh, so you just said you believe Jesus died.
You're welcome. Thank you, man. Thank you Yeah, so repent of that Muslim stuff because the Quran says
Jesus did not die and in that he never rose 4157 repent to that don't believe that's a lie the truth.
Jesus himself said he would be crucified Betrayed and died and on the third day rise from the dead.
So you got to believe Jesus or Muhammad You can't believe both because they're contradicting each other so you either go with the
King of Kings and the Lord of Lords or you go with a 600 Arabian camel trader
Who you with? Oh Yeah, Muhammad who married Aisha when she was six years old had multiple wives
Are you gonna go with Muhammad? Are you gonna go with Jesus Christ? God and Jesus is
God. He said before Abraham was born. I am he claimed to be the light of the world I am the light of the world.
He's claiming to be God. See Jesus is not an ordinary prophet He's God come in the flesh to save sinners like us
He's not God Jesus is God Because God left the throne of glory from which he came he was always
God But he was born into this world through the the womb of a virgin named Mary Virgin born came into the world to save sinners
Without him you're hopeless. You're still a sinner in your sin He lived a perfect life and then became the perfect sacrifice on the cross without Jesus dying on the cross
We're all hopeless. You said you thought you were a good person. Do you still believe that? I am and y 'all see y 'all see peasants of Christ.
All right, how you Yes Yeah, he was beat believe that that's what actually happened.
So don't believe what Muhammad said Don't be a Muslim believe that Jesus actually was crucified for your sins believe that But you have to see that you're a sinner you admitted to it
But you have to realize that Jesus is the one that came to save sinners not righteous people that think they're good
He came to save sinners. So are you a sinner that needs saving or someone that's good enough?
That doesn't need God I'm Yeah, I understand but yeah, yeah
Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior He's my he's my
So you believe that Jesus Christ is Lord of all and he died on the cross and he rose from the dead and he grants
Eternal life to those who believe That's the thing. That's a fact. Okay. So now you're but you're saying that's a fact
But then you're saying you're Muslim and then you're saying you're good. So let's just get the story shape. What are you? Are you a born -again
Christian or you a Muslim? I'm a born -again. I'm a born -again Christian Muslim Okay, no, we're not all born
Muslim we can all you can be born a certain religion Is that is that true?
So you're using it like in a general term. You're saying like born from God You don't mean it like following Muhammad and his teaching
Okay, you don't you don't accept Muhammad do you Okay, but do you accept
Jesus Christ he was a man All right, so if someone were to come up to you and say what do you what's your name
Edward what do you believe? My name is Tim, by the way. Nice to meet you. Give you a bump What do you believe
Edward what is your beliefs What is your belief my beliefs in God and God now who is
God to you? God is the person that created the Person that created everything.
Okay. Do you believe in the Father the Son and the Spirit all being God? The Trinity. Yep.
Do you believe in the Trinity? Do you believe that Jesus is God? No, I don't believe that Jesus is
God Okay, I think that's where you're missing the point. Yeah, you still don't have eternal life yet you got to believe in the one he sent
Can can God do anything? Is there something impossible for God? Can God might be true can
God come into a womb on planet Earth and be born into our world
Among us. Can he do that? So do you believe that Jesus Christ is
God? Hey, man, all right, man, Edward, listen, you got to be in a church.
Have you ever heard a cornerstone community church? No, no, okay now you're getting back on track that's what
Hindus believe listen listen up Edward Everything well
God is everything but that's not what makes Jesus Christ God God God isn't everything he made everything
He's distinct from the world transcendent above it But he came into the world into the womb of Mary born the person
Jesus Christ That's who Jesus is facts. All right. Good. Amen. So that's now we're on it.
But like this tent is not God That's a tent that that is in the world that God made right?
So Jesus is unique He's the preeminent special one read Colossians chapter 1 about how great
Jesus is He everything was made through him and for him He is God in the flesh and he came to die for me because I'm a sinner
I'm guilty of all those commands we were talking about. I lied Committed adultery in my heart Made idols all those things but Jesus died for sinners like me and for you you believe that yes
We're getting there. We're getting there For effect. Yes On this microphone camera you all lust right?
Yes, that's for the flesh the flesh like like that big butts Big butts you got to get your mind off of earthly things man
Our citizenship is in heaven and we await a Savior from there because Christ died for you
He gives you a new heart when you put your faith and truly begin to follow him He can start changing you from the inside out.
So you stop living in lust start living for God Not for the world the flesh and the devil but for the
Lord and Savior Jesus Christ you want to do that Here's what you do. There's a church right past the
L train on Frankfurt and Allegheny Yeah, it's called Cornerstone Community Church It's at that high tower once you get on the other side of the
L Cornerstone Community Pastor Bill Curry So you could be discipled and learn and learn to walk and live like a
Christian not just make a claim No, no, it's Christian Islam is not the way to go
Jesus says I am the way the truth in the life. No one comes to the Father except through me
So that means all the other religions and all the other beliefs all the other ways all the other people out there
They can't save you only Jesus Christ The Trinity amen, that's it
Amen, that's it. Edward. Let's go man Yeah, good talking to you my man.
Oh and as a side note vote for Trump Trump not Kamala. Don't listen to the hype. It's it's
Trump you with me Yeah, that was the most awkward high five right like aren't forearms and All right, good and Jesus Christ be with you.
Yeah go out there because it's gonna make a difference Well, that's what the great church says but actually we want to have a consistent worldview
But we do You vote for Trump one is a president the other is the
God and King All right. Yeah and listen to this when they say that a woman has a right to abort a baby, right?
My body my choice don't believe that because those babies in the womb. They're made in the image of God They have a right to life.
So don't believe people that say abortion, you know, they're shout your abortion and all that No, that's murder Protect the lives of these babies.
Let them be born. Let them live. So that's one of the things you could tell people It's so important life. There's a right to life not to kill
Let's go All right, god bless you man, thanks for appearing on our podcast
All right That was fun We're having fun out here on the streets of Philadelphia Right Would anybody want to be on a podcast about Kamala Harris and Donald Trump?
Interested in sharing your views. We'd like to hear it. No, anybody want to talk? No Looks like no, let's take that as a no
We can start heading back up towards the cars and talk bad
She says she's Muslim, but she needs Jesus clearly just by her attitude and the way you treat people or Trump neither a
Lot of neither's that has a lot of neither Yeah I'll take that Take a neither
Well when Philadelphia is 92 % DNC a neither is a win Hey Kamala or Trump, that's real quick.
Why are you voting for Trump? Jones when he was talking about and he was actually naming fags and last year when he got out the office
He said Biden would basically destroy the economy and he did Raising gas prices and inflation and etc.
I feel as though it's not about the free money Trump was really the best president
We always had and we always will have so I feel as though he should be the one in the office because he know was
Right. It's not because he a man or Kamala woman is just common sense in my opinion, right?
So are you gonna get out and vote? Yeah. All right, that's good. And you're voting for Trump. That's awesome Hey one more question even more important than Kamala or Trump, but you got that one, right?
Do you know Jesus Christ as your Lord and personal Savior? Why not? Okay, look up at these clouds today, right you see the beauty of that hydraulic cycle that God makes the water
Lift off the ground and form clouds and then eventually drop down and water the earth So that every single day of your life, you've had a glass of water.
Haven't you? Yes, you've had food to eat Yes, you have clothes on your back, yeah, you have air in your lungs and a heart that beats where you think that comes from No, there's a
God that made you who cares for you He doesn't let a sparrow fall from the sky apart from his plan in the same way
Every hair on your head is numbered. He loves you. He cares for you. And here's the great thing. Listen to this God Sent his son
Jesus Christ to die for a sinner like you and me how many lies you think you told in your life?
Yeah, probably like a million. What's that? Make you you're a million person a million liar
You're a sinner now to say you're a sinner means there's a God because who are you sinning against unless there's a
God but you know That you've told lies. Have you ever lusted in your heart? listed after a girl
That's called adultery in the Bible Right, have you ever misused
God's name like just flippantly said, oh my and then use God's name Yeah, you know that's called blasphemy the
God who made you Deserves to be honored and respected it and revered above all the universe and yet people use his name like it's a cuss word
God if he wanted to could crush me like a bug for my sin But you know what he did.
He actually sent his son to die for a sinner Like me and like you he sent
Jesus and you know what Jesus never sinned never sinned in all his life Never lied never cursed never lusted
He was perfect in every way and then he went to the cross Laid down his life and paid for sin not his own sin, but for your sin if you'll believe in him
You believe this is true Yeah Why do you think that's true? It just sounds believable It sounds believable that maybe is the
Holy Spirit working in you see God gave us this book right here I'm gonna give you this as we say goodbye. This is a
Bible and it has an Old Testament which is 39 books and they tell about a coming
Messiah a Promised one who's gonna make things right? The New Testament is a record of his life once he came his name is
Jesus Christ. This book is yours It's got 66 66 books in it, it's called the
Bible in the New Testament It tells all about this one called Jesus. So beginning right about Right here.
That's Matthew From this point on I want you to start reading and then you can go back and read the Old Testament But read about the life of Jesus Christ the miracles he did he walked on water.
He raised the dead He healed blind people and they could see and then most importantly he laid down on a cross to die
Not for his own sins, but for your sins, what's your name? He's I'm married, okay, he died for sinners like us and like Tim Tim, what else you have to share?
Oh, man, we might could show him this cube real quick. All right. Yeah. Yeah. All right So here you hold this or maybe you hold this.
Okay, and yeah, okay, Joe will hold that look You admitted that you're this guy over here. This represents the sinner
This side over here represents God in heaven and everything. Holy see how there's a break right here
See how this this man isn't gonna enter into here, right? Because God is holy.
He can't be around sin. We're sinners There's a problem you know what God did to to make a way for us to have a
Relationship and bring us back to who he wants us to be is he sent right? Oh, it opens like that Sorry opens like this as he sent
Jesus Christ see Jesus on the cross. Jesus never did anything wrong Why was he on the cross?
It's because it was God's plan from the beginning to crush him. So he punished Jesus on the cross
Jesus lived a perfect life and then became the perfect sacrifice So instead of God punishing us who deserves to be punished because we sin
God sent a substitute Jesus Christ to be punished in our place So Jesus died on the cross and then they buried him because he was really dead.
He was dead for three days Have you heard what happened after he died? Well, he came back to life he rose from the dead
Have you noticed that every single person in the world? That's living is eventually gonna die and everyone that's ever lived has died ten out of ten people die.
So Jesus has Conquered the death conquered the grave rose from the dead is defeated death
So what Jesus does for us is that he grants us eternal life no more death and he forgives all our sins
I don't know about you. That's the best offer. I've ever got Sound like a good deal. You got to be a fool not to make that deal by believing in Jesus Christ That's what you get you get life like Jesus got like you're gonna get resurrected from the dead if you believe in him
And this is the bridges. This is you the bridge from here this dark world To heaven is through the cross by believing in Jesus Christ.
Jesus says I am the way the truth in life No one comes to the Father except through me So if you want life you come to Jesus Christ and you get a relationship with him right now
You have eternal life right now and know that you can go to heaven You'll receive the Holy Spirit by believing in his name believing in him believing what he did believing that he rose from the dead
He rescues you from hell Have you heard of hell before is it a place you want to go to?
Weeping place gnashing of teeth very bad people go there, but we're sinners So we're destined to go here unless Jesus Christ saves us and he'll save anyone who believes in him
So, what do you say you believe in Jesus Christ I gotta do a little bit more reading then I could come to that Conclusion.
Okay, man. Awesome. That's that's a great answer. Listen answer. You got the Bible right here There's a church right on the other side of the
L that's called Cornerstone Community Church. It's on Frankfort and Allegheny There are great people there.
They love Jesus Christ They will help you understand this book help you walk as a Christian because becoming a
Christian Means your whole life will change You'll begin to live in a way that pleases God and eventually you'll walk right into the presence of God when you die
Is that good news or what? Yeah, so believe in the Lord Jesus, man. I'm gonna be praying for you Anyway, we can stay in touch with you
You'll know the church, all right. Yeah, what's the church called? Cornerstone Community Church, you got to go there
Cornerstone Community Church Yeah, if you just remember Cornerstone it'll be in your mind pop in there on it's on the other side of the
L on this Road, it's it's on Allegheny, but it's on Frankfort. So just another couple blocks past the
L Yeah, they're on Sundays and they'll teach you this book and you'll get you'll get strong in the faith
Yeah, this could be God calling you as I'm here. It was great meeting you man This right here is the greatest treasure you have in your life, man
I know it's just a book but what's written in it comes from God himself. It'll teach you the way of life All right,
God bless you man, yeah, all right. All right. Thanks for the easy. God bless want to see this online
It's called tearing down high places. You can google it on YouTube All right, man
You too. All right good stuff mean some great people out here. Yes He already knew
Trump was the way yeah, right That's only the way to be to get this country What he needed was the way of eternal life because even if you make everything right here and things get better in this world
You're still gonna die and go to an eternal hell unless you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ So that was the most amen.
Hey keep praying for some here. I think God's working in his heart. Maybe he'll go to church Yep, I expect some good big news from Bill Curry that he meet that guy.
Maybe I would be amazing Yeah, maybe yeah, we can get
Bill yeah Bill's a man. Yeah, and his kids are amazing they're one of them was working for the
Republicans and both of them are walking with the Lord and They got their heads on right? So he did a good job raising them kids
God bless mark. We'll see you later. See you mark. Stay strong in the Lord. I Was reading in Samuel.
I think it was two nights ago. It said that Eli's sons were worthless men
Hmm and they were worthless because they did not know the Lord so Kamala Harris Joe Biden their presence of the
United States But they're worthless people because they do not know the Lord and everyone who doesn't know.
The Lord is Worthless, it's sad to say but you know what I mean? When they live a life,
I mean sure that it has power but all this is gonna fade away one day So in a sense, it's worth you mean in the eternal scheme of things in the eternal scheme of things
It's all world exactly all that worth and then they die. Yep. They have nothing in there Their entire existence is like to be a fuel for a fire
Exactly what I'm saying? Yeah, not you know, we still want life and if you don't believe doesn't mean you're worthless now
But it all amounts to no made in the image of God final eschatological point is
Yeah, nothing without comes to nothing. Yeah. Thank you for clearing that up Jeff Yeah Yeah, father
God, thank you for Working here in the city. Thank you for leading us here. We pray for all those that we spoke to that you would now be
Convicting them and ministering to them pointing them towards your son Jesus Christ knowing that he is the only way and that we know that we trust you over Donald Trump We trust you over Kamala Harris.
Certainly we trust you over anyone else We know even our pastors that you would lead us and guide us and we thank you for your word that helps us do that we thank you for the pastors you did put in place and people willing to share what they believe and Believing in your son
Jesus Christ. We thank you in Jesus name. Amen. Amen All right