Refuting “Christian” Pro-Transgender Arguments!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where the Bible and critical thinking meet to give you real
Christian commentary about the things that matter. Thanks so much for watching, let's get into the video. So many of you will probably be aware of the blasphemous and unbiblical subcultures that exist on the platform called
TikTok. One of these subcultures is that of Progressive Christianity. And basically, Progressive Christianity is a sect of fake and unbiblical anti -Christianity that aims to alter the
Bible in order to fit the beliefs of modern secular culture. One of the many issues that Progressive Christians latch onto is the issue of transgenderism.
So in today's video, we're going to review a TikTok from a Progressive Christian woman named Reverend Lizzie. In this clip, she tries to use the
Bible to defend transgenderism, and her arguments are really just terrible. Just to apply context, there was a viewer of her channel who asked her the question,
Can you show me how trans, that is, transgenderism, is not a sin?
That was the question being asked, that's what she's responding to. Here is Reverend Lizzie's statement. Watch this.
Hey beloved babe of God, thank you so much for asking this question. And I just first want to say I'm happy to give you some resources, but the deepest and truest resource is your own knowledge and trust of God and God's call on your life.
So what you know to be true for you is valid. So before Lizzie gives this commenter her official argument in favor of transgenderism, she makes sure to tell that commenter that her own thoughts and feelings and her relationship with God are the quote, deepest and truest resource, end quote.
She later says that quote, what you know to be true for you is valid, end quote. And this is a bit like cutting the hind legs off the very horse that's pulling your cart.
Let me explain what I mean. You see, if the commenter's subjective truth is the deepest and truest resource, then why even offer a biblical argument?
Why not simply let the commenter use their powerful and effective opinions and feelings and send them on their way?
Why even answer the question if the best answer is already in the commenter's own head? If human knowledge and feeling is the be all end all, then the
Bible is really not that useful in this situation. So the point is, when you say that the truest resource is one's own feelings and relationship with God, then you've actually undercut the whole foundation of the
Christian worldview, which is scripture. And quoting scripture after offering such an argument is simply an exercise in futility and a monumental waste of everyone's time.
Reverend Lizzie also says to the commenter quote, what's true for you is valid, end quote. Okay then, let's carry that logic out to its conclusion, shall we?
Suppose this commenter said the following statement, quote, it's true for me that everything Reverend Lizzie says is false, end quote.
Well, according to this progressive Christian's own standard, she would certainly have to acknowledge the validity of this opinion, the very opinion that says her entire perspective is wrong.
That would have to be valid. And I say all of this to demonstrate the clear fact that there is a need for objective truth in this situation.
It's not about what's true for you. It's not about what's true for me. It's about what's true for everyone. And that brings us to scripture.
John 17, 17 says, quote, sanctify them in the truth. Your word is truth, end quote.
The Bible does not defend the idea of personal truth in any way, as this progressive Christian does.
No, the Bible staunchly and unrepentantly defends the concept of transcendent objective truth that is outside yourself.
But of course, progressive Christians reject this kind of truth, and that's why they speak so little of it. And this brings us to the next clip of Reverend Lizzie.
Watch this. So I've got another longer video on this if you want to get into it, but there's this concept of merism in the
Hebrew Bible, slash Old Testament, which is this idea of poetry where we name the extremes of things.
There's lots of great Jewish creators on this app who've talked about this as well. And Austin Hartke in his book
Transforming talks about merism, but basically in the creation narrative in Genesis 1, God separates the water from the land, but that doesn't account for things like marshes, right?
So there's stuff that exists in between the ends of a spectrum, and we see this in English too when we say, oh, I searched high and low for my keys, but we don't mean we literally only looked at the highest point in the room and the lowest point in the room.
We mean we looked everywhere. And so some see, and I certainly see in Genesis, that when it says that God created them in their image, male and female,
God created them, it's naming two ends of a spectrum. So her second argument for transgenderism is also a very poor one.
Lizzie says that the poetic structure of many sections of the Old Testament carry a literary quality called merism.
And merism is a literary tool that one uses to describe something hyperbolically by offering two extremes.
Let me explain. She gives the example that sounds a lot like Genesis 1 .10, which says, quote, God called the dry land earth, and the waters that were gathered together he called seas, end quote.
The passage talks about God making the waters distinct from the land. There are two extremes, the land and the waters.
But Lizzie says that this distinction is unclear when it comes to the category of marshes, which are basically wetlands where the land and the water are very much in the same place.
And she then gives the example of someone who says that they've searched high and low for some particular thing.
Again, here we have two distinct and exclusive extremes, high and low. But there's room for gray area in between those extremes.
People searched more than just high and low. They searched in between them. And Lizzie uses this literary tool to suggest that when
God creates man and woman in his own image, that is in Genesis 1 .26 or 27, this is another situation where merism is being used.
That is to say, God creates only man and woman. Those are the only two categories presented. But that doesn't mean that there aren't other biblical gender options available to people.
These are just two extremes. But there are all kinds of other options in between those extremes that are equally valid and equally holy.
They're simply not mentioned in the passage for the sake of saving time. And this argument is absolutely absurd.
There is simply no evidence whatsoever that God affirms any kind of third category of gender.
All throughout Scripture, there are only men and women. There is no they -them, zee -zer, or any of that stuff.
There is no gender -neutral individual pronoun ever given in Scripture for the sake of promoting an alternative sexuality.
So either God's Word is unenlightened and bigoted, or it simply doesn't mean what it says it means, and therefore it's ineffective and useless.
In the progressive Christian worldview that Lizzie is promoting, these are your only two options. The Bible promotes a rigid, binary, strictly male -female system of human sexuality.
So either that was a mistake on God's part, or the Bible is so muddled and confusing that it really means to say something else, and it fails to accomplish that task.
No matter which option you pick, the progressive Christian worldview is blasphemous and unbiblical, and it simply doesn't work, and it has no place in anything that calls itself the
Christian Church. Deuteronomy 22 .5 says, quote, A woman shall not wear a man's garment, nor shall a man put on a woman's cloak.
For whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord your God. End quote. So if the
Bible at any point, even in the Old Testament, prohibits dressing like the opposite sex, then surely you cannot make a sound case that the
Bible has somehow always affirmed becoming the opposite sex. The progressive Christian worldview is about as murky as a three -mile -long oil spill, and every bit as toxic.
And with that, let's go ahead and listen to Lizzie's third argument. Watch this. And most of all,
I think one of the deepest beliefs that I have in Christianity is that we get to be co -creative with God. That God has made us out of delight and pleasure and joy, simply because God wants to be with us.
And so, part of the joy of life with God is discovering how we can co -create beautiful things together.
And sometimes that means works of art, writing music, making babies. I'm having a baby right now. I feel like I'm co -creating with God.
But I certainly think a gender discovery journey is co -creating with God. I mean, how wonderful to get to know yourself as God created you to be, as you get to decide what that looks like.
It's a beautiful thing to behold. So God bless you, my dear. This is perhaps the worst argument yet.
And that's really saying something. She effectively says that transgenderism is totally biblically okay, because when people are creative with their gender, they're actually reflecting the beautiful creativity of God himself.
I mean, what on earth does this even mean? Yes, human beings can be creative, and yes, they can reflect the majestic creativity of their creator when they do that.
That's true. But that does not give them the right to violate God's word with their creativity.
There are many creative ways to cheat on your taxes. There are many creative ways to lie.
There are many creative ways to commit horrendous crimes against the human race. But surely Reverend Lizzie would reject these forms of creativity.
Why? Because she sees them as harmful, unloving, and unbiblical. But it's no different in the case of transgenderism.
Transgenderism violates God's clear created order, and it is an insult to his creative ability.
And therefore, transgenderism is not a continuation of God's creativity. It's a rejection of God's creativity.
Transgenderism is the end of Christian creativity as we know it. Of course, Reverend Lizzie doesn't understand these things because she doesn't have a consistent and biblical worldview.
That's the problem. Genesis 127 says, quote, So God created man in his own image.
In the image of God, he created him. Male and female, he created them. End quote. This passage makes it very clear that God's image is reflected through both men and women.
To reject or manipulate these categories is to reject and manipulate God's image. In other words, transgenderism is a big steaming pile of blasphemy that stinks to high heaven.
And no Christian who wants to keep their hands clean should come within a hundred miles of it. As Christians, we need to worship
God for the way that he has created the world, and not try to recreate the world for ourselves in our own image.
This whole argument, it really shows us who trusts God, and who's simply using God for their own political agenda.
So please, pray for progressive Christians like this Reverend Lizzie that they would repent and believe the truth of God's Word.
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And until next time, fight for truth, never surrender, and keep your eyes open. Thank you, and God bless.