Forgiveness | Introduction (02/23/2003)


Pastor David Mitchell


Well, we've been talking about the great themes of salvation in the Bible And spent many weeks on the great themes of salvation
We started out with the fact that if you're born again, you were part of the great
Eternal plan of God it goes all the way back to the great decree before time started here
We talked about the fact that If you belong to the Lord his redemption
Is an amazing thing to study set free by the price of his blood
We studied that and then we talked about reconciliation and propitiation Propitiation being that which the finished work of Jesus Christ did for the father
Reconciliation being that which his finished work did for us And how in the Old Testament Leviticus 16 had talked about one sacrifice
The set the sin offering that required two goats One was to be slain and the blood blood sprinkled the other the sins of the people symbolically came upon the priest and then he
Placed his hand on the goat's head Placing them symbolically on the goat and then sent the goat into the wilderness never to return.
That was a picture of hell It took two goats to picture the sin offering that Jesus Christ did on the cross on our behalf
So God has been prepaid propitiated, which means his justice has been satisfied that the sin dead has been paid in full and Man has been reconciled by the blood if that blood has been applied to his life personally, well
Then we moved Today into a new topic. We're going to talk about forgiveness
There Over 33 things that we can count that happened to you the moment you were saved
But really most of those happened almost 2 ,000 years ago in Earth time Because they were accomplished by the finished work of Jesus Christ right before he died physically on the cross
He said it is finished and So we move to the idea of forgiveness
The first mention of it is in Genesis I should say the first English mention of this word is in Genesis 15 17
I mean 50 17 Genesis chapter 50 verse 17 and in that verse
It says so shall you say unto Joseph forgive? I pray thee now the trespass of thy brethren.
This story was summarized in Sunday school this morning and The word forgive is used there
The next place that I find it is in Exodus chapter 2 or 3, but I'm going to read one a little further on It's an exodus chapter 10 verse 17
It says now therefore forgive I pray thee my sin only this once and that was Pharaoh speaking.
I Don't think he meant it. That's what he said. He was the type that was upset because he'd been caught
But in both of those places in the first mention of the word forgive in the Bible it is the
Hebrew word Nassau Which is from a root word, which means to live
What's fascinating about that word is That it also can be translated to advance
And I'll show you what I mean by that at a moment But in Exodus 32 33 the next place you see the word
You see it dealing with sin specifically It says yet now if I will forgive their sin and Moses said and if not blot me
I pray thee out of thy book which thou hast written This word forgive
Nassau is used again. I Want to show you another place in the Old Testament where the word is used
So that you can get the idea of the fact that the Hebrew word Nassau can mean to advance something in Esther chapter 3 verse 1
It says after these things did King Assurus promote
Haman the son of Hamadath the agite and advanced him and Set his seat above all the princes that were with him this word advanced where it says he advanced
Haman is the Hebrew word Nassau Sometimes it's translated to advance.
Sometimes it's translated to forgive what's interesting about that Is that what
God actually did throughout the Old Testament period is? With regard to man's sin the blood of the little sacrificial animals could not take their sin away
So what God actually did was he advanced their sin forward every year?
until the cross Isn't it amazing that the Hebrew the key Hebrew word for forgive is the word to advance?
To advance the sin forward. My point is their sins were not really taken away yet It's interesting to study that the
Old Testament Saints when they died physically They did not go into the heavenlies where God is they went into a place called
Shoal and it's the place the rich man and Lazarus that story in the
New Testament when Jesus told the story and There was a great gulf that separated what we call hell actually
Hades It's a holding place that will eventually be dumped into hell at the great white throne judgment, but there's a place for the wicked
Lost from the Old Testament. There was a great gulf in between and then there was paradise or Abraham's bosom
Which is where the Old Testament Saints were? They were there until Jesus went and got them and set them free
Which is described in the New Testament that only happened after Jesus had already sprinkled his own blood
At the mercy seat in heaven the one that the earth the one picture So their sins were not taken away
You and I have many benefits living on this side of the cross If you were to die today if my mom had died in that car accident
She would immediately be with the Lord. She would not be in a place called paradise Or a place called
Abraham's bosom separated by a great gulf from Hades She would be with the
Lord But that's because we're on this side of the cross and the precious blood of Jesus has literally been applied to the throne of God In heaven on behalf of his own
That had not yet taken place in the Old Testament So when you study it forgiveness in the Old Testament, you have to understand that because it's different than forgiveness in the
New Testament it's similar in the sense that God provided for his people everything they needed and God is not bound by time
God knew they were already Freed from their sin because he could see Jesus on the cross as surely as he could see the
Old Testament saying living his life But from the human viewpoint it was different from the human viewpoint their sin was rolled forward
It was advanced year after year the high priest Only one man could go into the
Holy of Holies in the temple and in the wilderness Tabernacle and he could only go in once a year and he took the blood and applied it the blood of the animals which pictured the blood of the true
Lamb of God Jesus So from year to year their sins were rolled forward or advanced forward the
Hebrew word Nassau to advance Is an amazing word in Leviticus chapter 6 verse 6
We have a different Hebrew word for the word forgive it is the word saw law
Which means to forgive pardon or spare? But that word is nearly always if not always used in conjunction with the word atonement
Which is call far Which means to cover? So once again, you don't have the elimination of sin.
You have it rolled forward. You have it covered from God's sight and Rolled forward every year till we get to the cross.
Now. That's a wonderful thing if you're an Old Testament saying Because if your sins are not covered you go to the place in Shoal called
Hades when you die And you spend eternity later you beat forward out into hell and you spend eternity in the hill but if your sins are covered year to year and rolled forward into the cross you go to paradise when you die and Then when
Jesus presents his blood he comes and he takes you and presents you before the Father spotless
Because if you're the Old Testament saying your sins had been been imputed to Jesus as if he had done them and God the
Father slew his son because he saw you and Me not because he saw him
But likewise if you're born again And if you were the Old Testament saying this applied to you only after the cross
But you were kept safe until that time But likewise as he looks at you and me who are in the
Lord today, he does not see us He sees the righteousness of Jesus Christ.
That's called the doctrine of imputation You can't have forgiveness without it in the Old Testament or the new
Old Testament saints had imputation their sins were imputed to the little sacrificial animal and it pictured the fact that their sins really were going to be carried forward and Then placed in the body of Jesus when he was on the tree
Our sins we were still in the future. Some people have a hang -up nowadays in different denominations. They believe you can lose your salvation
That's because they believe you can surprise God with a sin out there in the future that he didn't know about the day. He saved you
But you got to remember when Jesus was on the cross all of your sins were 2 ,000 years into the future
They were all future sins. He died for your future sins. He died for the Old Testament Saints all of their sins
He died for all of your sins. They hadn't happened yet. None of them They were all future at that point.
Some of them still are future for you from your viewpoint None of them are future from God's viewpoint
God's viewpoint they aren't there They are not And we'll demonstrate that in the scriptures as we go
But from the human viewpoint in the Old Testament their sins were covered their sins were rolled forward now
As we go into little Leviticus chapter 16 in verse 8, but this is the part we've been studying
Keep your hand there in Psalm 103. We will get there sometime for supper time But what was that?
My mom meant when she said I'm getting like my son. I'm going too long That's probably not what you meant that's how
I took it though Word from the
Lord for me personally. No one else took it that way Um Leviticus 16 in verse 8 and Aaron shall cast lots upon the two goats
One lot for the Lord the other lot for the scapegoat Verse 9 in Leviticus 16 says and Aaron shall bring the goat upon which the
Lord's lot fell and offer him for a sin offering But the goat on which the lot fell to the scapegoat
Shall be presented alive before the Lord to make an atonement for him and to let him go for a scapegoat into the wilderness and you drop down to verse 21 and Aaron shall lay both hands upon the head of the live goat and Confess over him and I want you to catch this part and underline these words in the scriptures if you would confess over him all the iniquities now circle the word all but the word we're looking at here is iniquities all
The iniquities of the children of Israel and all their transgressions, here's the next word transgressions notice it has the word all before it as well and Then it says in all their sins a third word sins
Also has the word all putting all of these iniquities transgressions and sins upon the head of the goat and Shall send him away by the hand of a fit man into the wilderness
Which the goat pictures Jesus Christ on the cross at the moment that he said my
God my God Why have you forsaken me? He was separated and cut off from God and experienced hell while he was his body still on the cross
We'll never understand that we'll never understand all that he went through But this goat pictures that part of his death that part of his finished work and the goat was sent out into the wilderness
Never to return it did not physically perish it lived forever in the wilderness.
That's hell Humans don't physically perish either Jesus said whosoever believeth whosoever live it and believe it in me shall never die believe it now this that's true
It's also true of the lost whosoever doesn't believe Whosoever lives and doesn't believe shall never die either he shall live forever in a place called hell pictured by this wilderness a place where there's no water a place where there is only
Thirst a place where you might thirst for God, but he is not there forever a place that is totally forgotten by the
Saints by the time we get out to the end of the millennial period God wipes If you had a loved one a mother who loved you, but you went to hell
Anyway, she will not even remember you ever existed for all eternity once you get past the millennial kingdom
God can forget things too. He said he's forgotten the sins of these Old Testament Saints and the sins of you and me
Might he forget those who are in hell someday? How would you like to be in a place that exists and you're in torment literal fiery torment, but you're like that bush
We just studied in Sunday school It's never consumed by the fire But it's in the fire and you're there forever and ever and the reason you have no hope of getting out is because God doesn't even
Think about you being there anymore But a horrible place if there's a lost sheep among us today who's worried about that place
Receive Jesus today Listen he's a better Lord than you can ever be of your own life young people children teenagers.
Listen to me You get to that place in the teenage years. You think you're invincible. You think you can control everything
Let me tell you just a few moments before you get to be 35 40 and you look back and say man I'm out of control here
Young people one breath and your heart stops beating and stays stopped for one beat and you can't do a thing about it
But Jesus can he's a better Lord better master of your life
You young people listen to me now Yield your heart to him.
Look at these three words Iniquity in the
Old Testament Hebrew. This is all bone. It means perversity
Charlotte and I were discussing this in the car on the way over this morning Perversity She said that well, that must be the worst of the three.
It sounds like the worst of the three I'd already told her what the other two men I said, I know what you mean, but that's not what the word really means is she's thinking of Homosexual or a child abuser or some perverse act that we as humans think perverse because we compare man to man
We put her compare ourselves to each other But this is not comparing us to each other.
This is comparing us to God And did you know that a lie is perverse to God?
Did you know that if you just take something that's not yours? It's perverse to God Doesn't matter what it could be a cookie in the cookie jar that your mama told you to leave there till next week
So it can get moldy. That's why we never leave it there. We can't understand her logic, but if we disobey
That's perverse. Jesus never did that He was all boy Perversity Iniquity, that's perversity.
It is moral evil. It is moral The opposite of God it is the opposite of God morally
It is the absence of God morally in a person's life. He then becomes perverse
That's iniquity Transgressions is the word pay saw Which means to revolt?
Now think about it's different because in English we say sin, you know, let's worry about our sins here What about our sins?
But in the Hebrew it takes it down to degrees and different colors of the meaning the different aspects of sin in the life of a human being
Transgression is different than moral perversity or moral evil It is a willingness to do it even though we know
God is there it is a revolt against God Sins comes from the
Hebrew word caught all all The tall awe and the reason it's important to get the second all in there
It's not just because I'm a Texan it's it's there because there's a smaller Hebrew word called caught all
That word means to miss the mark To miss the mark so here we have sin covered by three
Hebrew Hebrew words Moral perversity our moral opposite or absence of God in our lives secondly
Rebellion an attitude of rebellion as we have that perversity and thirdly
Notice that all of this perversity this rebellion and this missing of the mark is placed upon the head of this little goat
All of it That means none of it is left It's all on him
That's imputation it's an accounting term even in the Bible language impute is an accounting term
God the Father took all of the sins from the accounts of his people and debited it to the account of pictured by that goat
Jesus Christ Then when you receive him in your heart, that's why young people
I'm saying it's so important that you make that decision and receive him in your heart as your personal Lord and Savior because at that moment all of his goodness and perfection and glory and righteousness and justness
Is imputed to your account And then when God looks at you he sees that and he lets you go to heaven for that reason and that reason only
That's why no other religion works Every other religion and cult in the world someone called him
Christian cults, but any cult group like Jehovah's Witnesses Mormons Some Church of Christ people some are saved.
I understand that but I'm saying what if you go what their preacher believes They add works into salvation, which means there's a system whereby you yourself in the flesh are supposed to please
Holy God But if you remember when we study propitiation There's nowhere in the scripture where it says getting baptized in Church of Christ water is going to propitiate
God There's no place. It says going out to a Baptist picnic and by the way
Pentecostals Anything they can do speaking in tongues that doesn't do it either You can't please
God. You know what Jesus pleased him Jesus propitiated God So as our sins are placed into him and he sent into the wilderness
Then as you receive him as your personal Lord and Savior is pictured as they took the hyssop weed and dipped it in the blood of that Passover lamb and Applied it to the lintel and doorpost that hyssop weed pictures faith and by faith
You apply his blood to your life and all of a sudden his righteousness is imputed to you His righteousness is how we make it
Because all the iniquities all the transgressions all of the sins are placed in him
Tree Hebrews chapter 9 verse 24 says for Christ is not entered into the holy places made with hands
Which are the figures of the true but into heaven itself You see how it says the
Old Testament sacrifices were figures samples in in samples examples
They weren't the real thing, but they pictured it. They pictured it in detail, by the way But they are pictures of the truth figures of the truth, but into heaven itself
Jesus entered now to appear in the presence of God for us in our place as our advocate as our
Intercessor as the lamb who would sprinkle his own blood for us Nor yet that he should offer himself
Often as the high priest entered into the holy place every year with the blood of others for then must he have often
Suffered since the foundation of the world, but now once at the end of the world hath he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself
That's what it's all about That's what pleased God. That's the only thing that pleases
God with regard to our sins our perversions Rebellion Are missing the mark we can't fix that ladies.
We can't add one thing to fix that You can take a thousand good deeds and pile them on top of three sins and you're still bound for hell
Unless Those sins are placed on the head of that goat and Jesus righteousness is placed on you.
It's all about him That's why he said it is Finished you can't add to this
It is finished the theologians say his blood was sufficient. I don't like that word. It was more it was everything
Sufficient works if you really understand what they're saying, but it's everything Those who try to add to it become nothing more than a cult group or a false religion
Men either stand in their own merit are in the merit of Christ. There's no other choice
Men either stand in their own merit are in the merit of Christ Psalm 103 verse 10
The Old Testament Saints could not appreciate thank could not appreciate forgiveness like we can
They were forgiven and yet they sensed in their heart that There was a conscience problem
Year to year that conscious conscience problem was dealt with on one day and then they started out a new year's resolution
Not gonna send this year and they made it to about 10 o 'clock that day
Human nature took its course and they sinned And then they had a guilt problem
Yeah, except for those who perhaps God revealed some things to such as David David is amazing because he pictured forgiveness like we can know it after reading the whole
New Testament and On this side of the cross and after knowing Jesus ourselves personally He already understood it that way which you don't find that in the
Old Testament really anywhere except right here Psalm 103 so I want us to start our study of forgiveness.
All that was introduction by the way I don't know what my mom meant by I'll be up here for a while like my son
But uh, that was the introduction We're gonna start our study in Psalm 103 because we want to see an
Old Testament viewpoint But we're gonna get it from David who could really see to the end of it
He knew he knew what Jesus was going to do. He understood that somehow better than the others
I'm gonna look at three verses. We don't have any time left, but let's just look at three verse 10
He has not dealt with us after our sins
Now, you know if you didn't know better you would think he had just heard our
New Testament introduction about imputation He hath not dealt with us
According to or after our sins That's imputation David knew this
He said God does not deal with you as if you've sinned God does not deal with you according to your sin
Because that sin was being rolled forward and David somehow knew this and it was going to land on the
Messiah And he was going to die with it in his body first Peter chapter 2 verse 24
Jesus who his own self bear Our sins in his own body
David didn't have that verse, but he had the Holy Spirit teaching something to him about that verse Jesus who his own self bear our sins in His own body
God has not dealt with us according to our sin But he did not deal with Jesus according to his righteousness
He dealt with him according to our sin and he killed him Say no, the
Romans did that and all the Jews did that. No the father did that There's no human that could have killed
Jesus. Pardon me But the father turned his back on his son because he chose to see
Our sins imputed to him and actually within his literal human body on that tree
Imagine the turmoil while it was going on in the mind of Jesus If you some of you may have been in battle before but I know all of us have seen movies about battle
And what I always think about is the turmoil and the confusion on the battlefield just total confusion You don't even know where your team is everybody just shooting
Imagine the turmoil that was going on inside the head of the man Jesus Christ after the spirit left him
Forever he'd never been that way for all eternity existed, you know before the manger he had been with the father
For all eternity and now all of a sudden he is in darkness and loneliness of hell separation from God imagine
God dealt with him after our sins for he had none But God does not
David said deal with us After our sins because that would be to pay for them twice
God does not God's justice cannot allow that even man's justice doesn't allow you to be tried for the same crime twice
Sent to jail twice for the same crime even in man's law Those sins had everyone been paid for once by Jesus on the cross
And so he does not deal with us after his sin nor rewarded us according to our iniquities
Verse 11 for as the heaven is high above the earth So great is his mercy toward them that fear him
You Ever considered how high the third heaven is above the earth That almost measures
God's mercy in verse 12 as far as the east is from the west
So far hath he removed our transgressions from us. I don't know of any other
Old Testament saint that ever said that Because the rest of them thought it was covered Atonement how far it's covered.
It's rolled forward David's it's gone David was looking at this ladies and gentlemen from God's viewpoint not man's
He was studying God from the divine viewpoint, which is what a person who believes in the sovereignty of God does
He knows that man's responsible But he prefers to study from God's viewpoint David did this the only way he could have known this
He was looking at it from the point of view of a God who is the I am he's now he's not in time
Therefore he has already seen all of my sins Therefore he's already seen the Messiah come The one who's talked about in some of David Psalms where it said they pierced my hands and my feet
David could see from God's viewpoint that there would be a day when this Messiah would pay for all of his sins
Not just some of them. They wouldn't be rolled forward. They wouldn't be covered. They would be removed. I Hate this
So you got to come back next week we're going to get into those three points just from those three verses
Let's stand and have prayer together You have a strong psychological advantage as a born -again
New Testament Christian Your sins have been removed they're gone even the ones you haven't done yet And that is great psychology you shouldn't need counseling if you know that truth
It'll take care of you it'll give peace in your heart like no counselor could give you
Your sins have been removed. God has not dealt with us after our sins Let's pray father.
Thank you so much for your word. Thank you for that Heartfelt Testimony from my mom and Lord we all sense that she was having trouble even describing the glory of your presence
With her in that vehicle that day And We thank you for the music we thank you for your spirit among us and for our mutual faith which strengthens all of us we thank you for the food that we're about to have together and fellowship and the afternoon service and Lord, we love you.
We know you have a purpose for each of us because we're still here Help us to to study to show ourselves approved help us to walk with you as David did
And to view things from your vantage point rather than the human viewpoint Lord, thank you for each word.
You've given us today and That which you will give this afternoon. We pray in Jesus name.
Amen So both of her legs were almost broken at the ankle and if they had been she couldn't gotten out of the vehicle
At least not on her own. We know she didn't do it on her own. Anyway There are a thousand things we could think of that if any one of them been different from the human viewpoint
She couldn't have made it So isn't it good that the human is not in control? Russell would you is anyone warm besides me
Russell? Would you turn on the air -conditioning? So So both of her legs were almost broken at the ankle and if they had been she couldn't gotten out of the vehicle
At least not on her own. We know she didn't do it on her own. Anyway, but There are a thousand things we could think of that if any one of them been different from the human viewpoint
She couldn't have made it So isn't it good that the human is not in control? God's in control.
Russell, is anyone warm besides me? Russell, would you turn on the air conditioning? So both of her legs were almost broken at the ankle.
And if they had been, she couldn't have gotten out of the vehicle, at least not on her own. We know she couldn't do it on her own anyway.
There are a thousand things we could think of that if any one of them had been different from the human viewpoint, she couldn't have made it.
So isn't it good that the human is not in control? God's in control. Russell, is anyone warm besides me?
Russell, would you turn on the air conditioning? So both of her legs were almost broken at the ankle.
And if they had been, she couldn't have gotten out of the vehicle, at least not on her own. We know she couldn't do it on her own anyway.
There are a thousand things we could think of that if any one of them had been different from the human viewpoint, she couldn't have made it.
So isn't it good that the human is not in control? God's in control. Russell, is anyone warm besides me?
Russell, would you turn on the air conditioning? So both of her legs were almost broken at the ankle.
And if they had been, she couldn't have gotten out of the vehicle, at least not on her own. We know she couldn't do it on her own anyway.
There are a thousand things we could think of that if any one of them had been different from the human viewpoint, she couldn't have made it.
So isn't it good that the human is not in control? Russell, is anyone warm besides me?
Russell, would you turn on the air conditioning? So both of her legs were almost broken at the ankle.
And if they had been, she couldn't have gotten out of the vehicle, at least not on her own. We know she couldn't do it on her own anyway.
There are a thousand things we could think of that if any one of them had been different from the human viewpoint, she couldn't have made it.
So isn't it good that the human is not in control? God's in control. Russell, is anyone warm besides me?
Russell, would you turn on the air conditioning? So both of her legs were almost broken at the ankle.
And if they had been, she couldn't have gotten out of the vehicle, at least not on her own. We know she couldn't do it on her own anyway.
There are a thousand things we could think of that if any one of them had been different from the human viewpoint, she couldn't have made it.
So isn't it good that the human is not in control? God's in control. Russell, would you turn on the air conditioning?
So both of her legs were almost broken at the ankle. And if they had been, she couldn't have gotten out of the vehicle, at least not on her own.
We know she couldn't do it on her own anyway. There are a thousand things we could think of that if any one of them had been different from the human viewpoint, she couldn't have made it.
So isn't it good that the human is not in control? God's in control. Russell, would you turn on the air conditioning?
So both of her legs were almost broken at the ankle. And if they had been, she couldn't have gotten out of the vehicle, at least not on her own.
We know she couldn't do it on her own anyway. There are a thousand things we could think of that if any one of them had been different from the human viewpoint, she couldn't have made it.
So isn't it good that the human is not in control? God's in control. Russell, would you turn on the air conditioning?
So both of her legs were almost broken at the ankle. And if they had been, she couldn't have gotten out of the vehicle, at least not on her own.
We know she couldn't do it on her own anyway. There are a thousand things we could think of that if any one of them had been different from the human viewpoint, she couldn't have made it.
So isn't it good that the human is not in control? God's in control. Russell, would you turn on the air conditioning?
So both of her legs were almost broken at the ankle. And if they had been, she couldn't have gotten out of the vehicle, at least not on her own.
We know she couldn't do it on her own anyway. There are a thousand things we could think of that if any one of them had been different from the human viewpoint, she couldn't have made it.
So isn't it good that the human is not in control? God's in control. Russell, is anyone warm besides me?
Russell, would you turn on the air conditioning? So both of her legs were almost broken at the ankle.
And if they had been, she couldn't have gotten out of the vehicle, at least not on her own. We know she couldn't do it on her own anyway.
There are a thousand things we could think of that if any one of them had been different from the human viewpoint, she couldn't have made it.
So isn't it good that the human is not in control? God's in control. Russell, is anyone warm besides me?
Russell, would you turn on the air conditioning? So both of her legs were almost broken at the ankle.
And if they had been, she couldn't have gotten out of the vehicle, at least not on her own. We know she couldn't do it on her own anyway.
There are a thousand things we could think of that if any one of them had been different from the human viewpoint, she couldn't have made it.
So isn't it good that the human is not in control? God's in control. Russell, is anyone warm besides me?
Russell, would you turn on the air conditioning? So both of her legs were almost broken at the ankle.
And if they had been, she couldn't have gotten out of the vehicle, at least not on her own. We know she couldn't do it on her own anyway.
There are a thousand things we could think of that if any one of them had been different from the human viewpoint, she couldn't have made it.
So isn't it good that the human is not in control? God's in control. Russell, is anyone warm besides me?
Russell, would you turn on the air conditioning? So both of her legs were almost broken at the ankle.
And if they had been, she couldn't have gotten out of the vehicle, at least not on her own. We know she couldn't do it on her own anyway.
There are a thousand things we could think of that if any one of them had been different from the human viewpoint, she couldn't have made it.
So isn't it good that the human is not in control? God's in control. Russell, is anyone warm besides me?
Russell, would you turn on the air conditioning? So both of her legs were almost broken at the ankle.
And if they had been, she couldn't have gotten out of the vehicle, at least not on her own. We know she couldn't do it on her own anyway.
There are a thousand things we could think of that if any one of them had been different from the human viewpoint, she couldn't have made it.
So isn't it good that the human is not in control? God's in control. Russell, is anyone warm besides me?
Russell, would you turn on the air conditioning? So both of her legs were almost broken at the ankle.
And if they had been, she couldn't have gotten out of the vehicle, at least not on her own. We know she couldn't do it on her own anyway.
There are a thousand things we could think of that if any one of them had been different from the human viewpoint, she couldn't have made it.
So isn't it good that the human is not in control? God's in control. Russell, is anyone warm besides me?
Russell, would you turn on the air conditioning? So both of her legs were almost broken at the ankle.
And if they had been, she couldn't have gotten out of the vehicle, at least not on her own. We know she couldn't do it on her own anyway.
There are a thousand things we could think of that if any one of them had been different from the human viewpoint, she couldn't have made it.
So isn't it good that the human is not in control? God's in control. Russell, is anyone warm besides me?
Russell, would you turn on the air conditioning? So both of her legs were almost broken at the ankle.
And if they had been, she couldn't have gotten out of the vehicle, at least not on her own. We know she couldn't do it on her own anyway.
There are a thousand things we could think of that if any one of them had been different from the human viewpoint, she couldn't have made it.
So isn't it good that the human is not in control? God's in control. Russell, is anyone warm besides me?
Russell, would you turn on the air conditioning? So both of her legs were almost broken at the ankle.
And if they had been, she couldn't have gotten out of the vehicle, at least not on her own. We know she couldn't do it on her own anyway.
There are a thousand things we could think of that if any one of them had been different from the human viewpoint, she couldn't have made it.
And so isn't it good that the human is not in control? God's in control. Russell, is anyone warm besides me?
Russell, would you turn on the air conditioning? So both of her legs were almost broken at the ankle.
And if they had been, she couldn't have gotten out of the vehicle, at least not on her own. We know she couldn't do it on her own anyway.
There are a thousand things we could think of that if any one of them had been different from the human viewpoint, she couldn't have made it.
And so isn't it good that the human is not in control? God's in control. Russell, would you turn on the air conditioning?
So both of her legs were almost broken at the ankle. And if they had been, she couldn't have gotten out of the vehicle, at least not on her own.
We know she couldn't do it on her own anyway. There are a thousand things we could think of that if any one of them had been different from the human viewpoint, she couldn't have made it.
And so isn't it good that the human is not in control? God's in control. Russell, is anyone warm besides me?
Russell, would you turn on the air conditioning? So both of her legs were almost broken at the ankle.
And if they had been, she couldn't have gotten out of the vehicle, at least not on her own. We know she couldn't do it on her own anyway.
There are a thousand things we could think of that if any one of them had been different from the human viewpoint, she couldn't have made it.
And so isn't it good that the human is not in control? God's in control. Russell, is anyone warm besides me?
Russell, would you turn on the air conditioning? So both of her legs were almost broken at the ankle.
And if they had been, she couldn't have gotten out of the vehicle, at least not on her own. We know she couldn't do it on her own anyway.
But there are a thousand things we could think of that if any one of them had been different from the human viewpoint, she couldn't have made it.
And so isn't it good that the human is not in control? God's in control. Is anyone warm besides me?
Russell, would you turn on the air conditioning? So both of her legs were almost broken at the ankle.
And if they had been, she couldn't have gotten out of the vehicle, at least not on her own. We know she couldn't do it on her own anyway.
There are a thousand things we could think of that if any one of them had been different from the human viewpoint, she couldn't have made it.
And so isn't it good that the human is not in control? God's in control. Russell, is anyone warm besides me?
Russell, would you turn on the air conditioning? So both of her legs were almost broken at the ankle.
And if they had been, she couldn't have gotten out of the vehicle, at least not on her own. We know she couldn't do it on her own anyway.
There are a thousand things we could think of that if any one of them had been different from the human viewpoint, she couldn't have made it.
And so isn't it good that the human is not in control? God's in control. Russell, is anyone warm besides me?
Russell, would you turn on the air conditioning? So both of her legs were almost broken at the ankle.
And if they had been, she couldn't have gotten out of the vehicle, at least not on her own. We know she couldn't do it on her own anyway.
There are a thousand things we could think of that if any one of them had been different from the human viewpoint, she couldn't have made it.
And so isn't it good that the human is not in control? God's in control. Russell, is anyone warm besides me?
Russell, would you turn on the air conditioning? So both of her legs were almost broken at the ankle.
And if they had been, she couldn't have gotten out of the vehicle, at least not on her own. We know she couldn't do it on her own anyway.
There are a thousand things we could think of that if any one of them had been different from the human viewpoint, she couldn't have made it.
And so isn't it good that the human is not in control? God's in control. Russell, would you turn on the air conditioning?
So both of her legs were almost broken at the ankle. And if they had been, she couldn't have gotten out of the vehicle, at least not on her own.
We know she couldn't do it on her own anyway. There are a thousand things we could think of that if any one of them had been different from the human viewpoint, she couldn't have made it.
And so isn't it good that the human is not in control? Russell, is anyone warm besides me?
Russell, would you turn on the air conditioning? So both of her legs were almost broken at the ankle.
And if they had been, she couldn't have gotten out of the vehicle, at least not on her own. We know she couldn't do it on her own anyway.
There are a thousand things we could think of that if any one of them had been different from the human viewpoint, she couldn't have made it.
And so isn't it good that the human is not in control? God's in control. Russell, is anyone warm besides me?
Russell, would you turn on the air conditioning? So both of her legs were almost broken at the ankle.
And if they had been, she couldn't have gotten out of the vehicle, at least not on her own. We know she couldn't do it on her own anyway.
There are a thousand things we could think of that if any one of them had been different from the human viewpoint, she couldn't have made it.
And so isn't it good that the human is not in control? God's in control. Russell, is anyone warm besides me?
Russell, would you turn on the air conditioning? So both of her legs were almost broken at the ankle.
And if they had been, she couldn't have gotten out of the vehicle, at least not on her own. We know she couldn't do it on her own anyway.
There are a thousand things we could think of that if any one of them had been different from the human viewpoint, she couldn't have made it.
And so isn't it good that the human is not in control? God's in control. Russell, is anyone warm besides me?
Russell, would you turn on the air conditioning? So both of her legs were almost broken at the ankle.
And if they had been, she couldn't have gotten out of the vehicle, at least not on her own. We know she couldn't do it on her own anyway.
There are a thousand things we could think of that if any one of them had been different from the human viewpoint, she couldn't have made it.
And so isn't it good that the human is not in control? God's in control. Russell, is anyone warm besides me?
Russell, would you turn on the air conditioning? So both of her legs were almost broken at the ankle.
And if they had been, she couldn't have gotten out of the vehicle, at least not on her own. We know she couldn't do it on her own anyway.
But there are a thousand things we could think of that if any one of them had been different from the human viewpoint, she couldn't have made it.
And so isn't it good that the human is not in control? God's in control. Russell, is anyone warm besides me?
Russell, would you turn on the air conditioning? So both of her legs were almost broken at the ankle.
And if they had been, she couldn't have gotten out of the vehicle, at least not on her own. We know she couldn't do it on her own anyway.
There are a thousand things we could think of that if any one of them had been different from the human viewpoint, she couldn't have made it.
And so isn't it good that the human is not in control? God's in control. Russell, is anyone warm besides me?
Russell, would you turn on the air conditioning? So both of her legs were almost broken at the ankle.
And if they had been, she couldn't have gotten out of the vehicle, at least not on her own. We know she couldn't do it on her own anyway.
There are a thousand things we could think of that if any one of them had been different from the human viewpoint, she couldn't have made it.
And so isn't it good that the human is not in control? God's in control. Russell, is anyone warm besides me?
Russell, would you turn on the air conditioning? So both of her legs were almost broken at the ankle.
And if they had been, she couldn't have gotten out of the vehicle, at least not on her own. We know she couldn't do it on her own anyway.
There are a thousand things we could think of that if any one of them had been different from the human viewpoint, she couldn't have made it.
And so isn't it good that the human is not in control? God's in control. Russell, is anyone warm besides me?
Russell, would you turn on the air conditioning? So both of her legs were almost broken at the ankle.
And if they had been, she couldn't have gotten out of the vehicle, at least not on her own. We know she couldn't do it on her own anyway.
But there are a thousand things we could think of that if any one of them had been different from the human viewpoint, she couldn't have made it.
And so isn't it good that the human is not in control? God's in control. Russell, is anyone warm besides me?
Russell, would you turn on the air conditioning? So both of her legs were almost broken at the ankle.
And if they had been, she couldn't have gotten out of the vehicle, at least not on her own. We know she couldn't do it on her own anyway.
There are a thousand things we could think of that if any one of them had been different from the human viewpoint, she couldn't have made it.