Sam Storms & Michael Brown Refuse to Call Benny Hinn a False Prophet / Justin Peters Roundtable


Leading Charismatic scholars Sam Storms & Michael Brown refuse to call Benny Hinn a false prophet in recent roundtable discussion with Justin Peters & Jim Osman. Benny Hinn has taught the most rank heresy imaginable but still these Pentecostal leaders defend him.


Are there false prophets in the church today? 1 John chapter 4 verse 1 says,
Test the spirits to see whether or not they are of God. Why? Because many false prophets have gone out into the world.
So according to the Bible, there are not only false prophets out there. There are many false prophets out there.
Okay, so really everyone agrees with that. So the logical question next is,
Name one. Name a false teacher or a false prophet. And of course, the most obvious example would be someone like Kenneth Copeland or Benny Hinn.
Well, I just want to look at this article on the Christian Post website. It says, Biblical scholars clash over definition of false prophet and they disagree on whether or not to classify
Benny Hinn as a false prophet. So what you have in this interview, and you can find this on YouTube, you have on the discernment side of things,
Justin Peters and a man named Jim Osmond. And they are debating on the charismatic side,
Mike Brown and Sam Storms. So Mike Brown and Sam Storms are sort of apologists for the charismatic movement.
So what they're doing, basically, they say they're not doing this, but what they're doing is they're defending false teachers, false prophets like Benny Hinn.
And Justin Peters basically listed all the things that Benny Hinn has done.
All the false prophecies that he's given and teaching heresy, like nine members of the
Trinity. And of course, he's preaching the prosperity gospel, which is a heresy. And I don't know if he mentioned
Benny Hinn and Paula White being caught in Rome, while one of them was still married to someone else at the time.
Of course, there's just a long list of things. And basically, Justin Peters said, if Benny Hinn is not a false prophet, given
Deuteronomy 18, the biblical definition of a false prophet, someone who speaks for God and they utter a prophecy, if it doesn't come true, they're a false prophet.
Pretty obvious, that's the biblical definition. Justin Peters said, if Benny Hinn is not a false prophet, then the term literally has no meaning.
But listen, let's just listen to a clip of what Sam Storms had to say. I mean, this is just irrefutable.
It's not even debatable that Benny Hinn has offered untold numbers of false prophecies.
Put words in God's mouth he didn't say. Up to this day, promises sick people, poor people, if they give him money,
God will bless them. He'll heal their bodies. He'll get them out of debt. Do you think he really believes that in the depth of his soul?
Deceiving and being deceived. I think he probably really believes that. I think he's been deceived by the principles of the prosperity gospel and the health and wealth word of faith movement.
And that's bad. I would want to sit down with him and try to bring correction. But I don't think that in and of itself precludes him from the kingdom of God.
My tendency, my heart is to give them the benefit of the doubt. Okay, so there you go. You get an idea of what the conversation was like.
I listened to a lot of it. It was very frustrating. Basically, what are these men doing? They're running interference for false teachers.
And I have to say this, I know a charismatic pastor. Nice guy, gracious guy.
But the problem is he's a little too gracious. And that's the one thing I've noticed about him.
He bends over backwards and defends and runs interference for false teachers.
The worst type of heresy. He's never met a heretic he won't defend.
And that's the problem, even with some of these guys who are basically
Sam Storms and Michael Brown. They are the respectable charismatic scholars. But you see, they're not even willing to call
Benny Hinn a false prophet. When he's literally uttered countless false prophecies.
So the best thing to do is to just stay away from these guys.
Because they're not going to tell it to you straight. The problem is they're friends with a lot of these people.
A lot of these false prophets who are on record teaching heresy or making false prophecies.
Like they know these people, they're friends with them. And they're simply not going to call their friends and people they know false teachers.
Because they've made a career of defending these people. So if they call them a false teacher and they've been defending them all these years.
What does that say about them? So you're just not going to get the truth with men like this.
But very frustrating. But I thought this was just maybe the most obvious example of why a person should avoid the charismatic movement.
Because even the best people they have, as far as leaders. Listen, if you know charismatics that maybe they're at your workplace.
They live next door. They're in your family. I'm not talking about your rank -and -file person who attends a charismatic church.
I'm talking about the teachers and the leaders. Even the best of them.
It's best just to avoid it. I think the people who attend these churches, a lot of them mean well. But they just lack discernment.
Or maybe they go to the church because they like something about the church. They have friends there, who knows. But yeah, who's the leaders of the charismatic movement?
Who are they? It's Benny Hinn and Joyce Meyer and Kenneth Copeland and Bethel Church and Joel Osteen.
And all the people that, quite frankly, a lot of them are, they're all leading people astray.
And some of them are just flat -out con artists. And that needs to be said. So thank you to Justin Peters and Jim Osmond.
Benny Hinn is a false prophet. Deuteronomy 18, very clear.
Benny Hinn fits the definition. If Benny Hinn is not a false prophet, if Catherine Crick is not a false apostle, then these terms have no meaning.
So Michael Brown, Sam Storms, you know, thumbs down.
But yeah, this is pretty outrageous. So I just wanted to warn you about that.
Again, you know the guys not to listen to. I don't think people who follow my channel are going to listen to a
Benny Hinn sermon and take it seriously anytime soon. But Sam Storms and Michael Brown, people do take them seriously.
And after this exchange with Justin Peters, I don't see how you could.
Not anymore. Thanks for watching. Until next time, may the Lord be with you. Have a great day. I'm prophesying this.
Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is about to appear physically in some churches and some meetings and to many of his people for one reason, to tell you he's about to show up.
Let's listen to these prophecies and see how many of them he got right. The Spirit of God tells me an earthquake will hit the east coast of America and destroy much in the 90s.
Not one place will be safe from earthquakes in the 90s. These who have not known earthquakes will know it.
People, I feel the Spirit all over me. I'm the God. The economy of the
United States of America is going to fall. Many businesses will go bankrupt.
The Spirit tells me Fidel Castro will die in the 90s. Oh, my.
The Spirit tells me that the church, once raptured, following the rapture, a woman president will be in the
White House, and that woman president will destroy this nation. But my church will be gone.
My saints will be home. A world dictator is coming on the scene.
My, he's a short man. He's a short man.
I see a short man who's a perfect incarnation of Satan.
The Lord also tells me to tell you in the mid -90s, about 94, 95, no later than that,
God will destroy the homosexual community of America. But he will not destroy it with what many minds have thought him to be.
He will destroy it with fire. And many will turn and be saved.
And many will rebel and be destroyed. Attacking man of God.
By name. Somebody's attacking me because of something I'm teaching. Let me tell you something, brother.
You watch it. You're God in heaven. I wish I can just move. They call it the ministry of my foot.
You know, I've looked for one verse in the Bible. I just can't seem to find it. One verse that said if you don't like him, kill him.
I really wish I could find it. But don't mention people's names on your radio program and your
TV program thinking you're doing God's service. You're not. You stink, frankly. That's the way
I think about it. Sometimes I wish God would give me a Holy Ghost machine gun and I'd blow your head off.