John MacArthur, Propaganda and People Making the Right Moves

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Hello there, this is A .D. Robles and you're listening to A .D. on the Fight, Laugh, Feast Network.
All right, let's jump right into it today. I have a bit of a grab bag episode today.
Got a few different topics that I'm hoping to cover, but I do want to start off with apparently a lot of people really, really want me to comment on this.
And I really don't get it, but that's okay. I've received more than a handful of private messages, some public as well, that are very accusatory.
It's a very accusatory question where it'll be something like, are you going to comment on John MacArthur or are you going to be just like everybody else who's not commenting on a total hypocrite?
So it's like a question, but it's also an accusation. And when
I first started getting these messages, I didn't even know there was a controversy, right? Because contrary to popular belief,
I don't spend my time trying to find drama for just every Christian I can think of.
I'm a one -trick pony, right? I'm a one -trick pony. So I've got social justice and it's kind of morphed a little bit into not just social justice, but basically anything that the evangelical machine is putting forward, right?
Anyone that's associated with the main evangelical organizations, the ones that are pushing propaganda for the
U .S. government, that's kind of my shtick now. So it's like, I'm a one -trick pony. It's not a drama channel.
This is not like Ruslan's channel where he talks about all things spirituality, tries to be like an internet pastor kind of thing.
That's not what this channel is. It's, again, one -trick pony here. So, you know,
I didn't know anything about it. And so, you know, I did look into it a little bit, and I do want to make one quick comment about it.
Because I said this the last time something like this kind of happened, because the last time people were trying to get my opinion on something like this, it was about Ravi Zacharias.
And I put out a video that had Ravi's name in the title, but basically the video said, I'm not going to comment on this.
Because, you know, I don't know. And Ravi's not here to defend himself. And, like, it looks bad. That's what I said at the time.
I said it looks bad. Anyway, and this also, likewise, it looks bad, this
John MacArthur stuff. But when I started reading about it, it really struck me that a lot of the details here make a huge difference, right?
Because, you know, the way the story goes, at least as far as I understand it, it's a little convoluted,
I'm not going to lie. But the way the story goes is that there was a family at his church, and there were some accusations flying of abuse.
And then, you know, like, then later it came out that it was, like, beyond what was said at the time.
It was, like, sexual abuse and stuff like that. And I guess the guy went to prison for it. By the way, he shouldn't go to prison for it.
He should be executed for sexually assaulting children. Anyway, so all that to say, so at one point,
I guess, that they had excommunicated her or church disciplined her because as far as they knew, she was just refusing to be reconciled to her husband.
And to me, it's like, okay, well, so am I to believe, based on this reporting, that they knew that this man was sexually abusing his kids, and they still said, oh, you've got to reconcile it with your husband?
Is that possible? I mean, I suppose anything's possible, but I highly doubt that that's actually what happened.
I have a feeling that what likely happened is, given the information that they had, you know, they did what they thought was the right thing, and then more information, more evil information came out later, which if they had, in hindsight, they probably wouldn't have done what they had done.
So, you know, the details make a huge difference, and the timeline makes a huge difference based on a story like that.
And maybe the way I'm presenting it isn't the way it actually is, but the point is, though, that all the details make a big difference.
And so, you know, you have to consider all these details and also consider the fact that you don't have the details.
And so, you know, and people ask me about Doug, you know, something that happened at Doug's church as well, and again,
I don't know the details. So it's like, how can I make a decision on all of this? Now, I do know that if the elders at Grace Community Church knew about the sexual abuse and did not report it or chose not to report it and then excommunicated the wife that was enduring this sexual abuse and stuff like that,
I have no qualms saying that's pure evil. They should be, you know, tried and charged and at full extent of the law kind of thing.
I highly doubt that's what's happened. So, you know, that's pretty much my comment. I mean, it doesn't look good at all to me, but again,
I don't know all the details, and I don't know if I'll ever know all the details. So, but I'm not ready to accept the narrative that, well, they just tell women to put up with pedophiles, right?
Like, they don't even care about pedophiles. I just refuse to believe that in any stretch of the imagination.
That's ridiculous, obviously. But my question to all of these people that are trying to come hard against MacArthur is, how come you play footsies with pedophiles, right?
Why do you tolerate pedophiles, you know? And I'm not talking like hypothetically. What I'm talking about is most of you guys don't believe we should execute pedophiles.
Why not? And there you go, in any case. So, speaking of not being able to figure out what the information really is, a lot of people have been asking me, you know, how do
I manage the propaganda, right? Like, because obviously I don't know everything.
I don't know what's really going on, you know, in Ukraine. I don't know what's going on in certain situations and stuff like that.
And it's very hard to know because the reality is that the information is weaponized at every turn.
And this is nothing new. This has been happening for a long time. But these days, it's just so apparent that information has been weaponized.
The media lies. The media stretches the truth. The media's narratives are completely upside down to reality.
And so how do I cut through all the nonsense is kind of what people ask me.
And the one thing I will caution people is that once you start waking up to the fact that the media is flat -out lying to you all the time,
I think the temptation is to be very reflexive about it, where it's like, okay, so I'm going to believe the opposite of what the media says.
Now, if I had to choose between believing everything the media says and believing the opposite of what the media says,
I would choose the opposite, right? I think you're much more likely to be closer to the truth if you believe the opposite of what the media says.
But I don't think that's a hard and fast rule, and we've got to be careful with that, because I think that can be a useful tool for the powers that be as well to just get you to always believe the opposite of what they say.
It's just too predictable. And what I think is the best thing that you can do, and this is kind of what
I do and all of that, is I try to read—I try to— if there's something
I want to know about, like the Ukraine situation, I try to get propaganda from all sides, right? I get the
American propaganda, I get the Russian propaganda, I get the Ukrainian propaganda, you know, whatever it is,
Al Jazeera, whatever it is. And what I find is that regularly, some of the basic facts are the same.
And so it's like the basic facts, you know, a lot of times are correct, but it's the story that's all jacked up, right?
Like, the Russians will admit some of the basic facts of what's going on in Ukraine, and Ukraine will do that as well, but the story is what's different.
So, you know, the basic facts. Okay, well, there's a lot of Russian soldiers dying in Ukraine, right?
And Ukraine's like, It's just 100 ,000, and we are fighting victoriously! I don't even know why I used that accent, right?
And so, like, you know that part's a lie, where it's like it's 100 ,000 soldiers, and we're destroying them, we're defeating them at every turn.
Like, that's the story. You know, then Russia's like, Well, like 10 soldiers died. And it's like, well, you know, that's a lie too.
But the fact is there are people dying in Russia, in Ukraine, due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
So it's like basic facts, right? So you get that, and you just got to filter out those stories, right?
Like the stories don't get too wrapped up in the stories, because the stories are where they try to rob you of your reason.
They try to rob you of your logic. They try to get you to feel emotional about things. It's like emotions are fine, but don't be ruled by them.
You know what I mean? Like, there's no reason to be flying the flag of a foreign nation right now, regardless of what the nation is.
So that's kind of how I do it. You know, it's not perfect, because you don't end up really knowing if—
Oh my goodness. Oh, there you go. You don't really end up knowing what the actual truth is. But, you know, at the end of the day, you don't really need to know.
I mean, this is halfway around the world. For someone that lives in the
United States, to be honest, knowing the specific details of everything that's going on in Ukraine is not necessary.
It's not necessary. You just have to know some basic facts. And another basic fact is that the powers that be, like the
World Economic Forum, the Great Reset, the Western sort of cabal of evil leadership, they're all on one side, and they happen to be all on one side of every awful issue.
You know, they're all pro -abortion. They're all pro -critical race theory. They're all pro— Like, all this evil stuff, and they also are all pro -Ukraine.
It's like, yeah, that's important information to have, right? And it's also important information to know that, well, you know,
Russia was kind of part of that stuff as well. They're part of the same club, although they seem to be, you know, playing their part in rebelling against that club a little bit.
So that's a good thing. So in any case, so again, basic facts are usually just—
As long as you take— As long as you understand you're watching propaganda, no matter what kind of propaganda it is.
It's either American propaganda or Russian propaganda or Middle Eastern propaganda, whatever. It's all propaganda.
But you can get to sort of like a basic sort of— It's like the minimal facts approach, right? It's a minimal facts approach for the news.
The other thing to consider too is see what side is banning information from you because the people that actually start censoring and they're aggressive about it and they start trying to cancel an entire nation and, you know, they don't let you see information from Russia today or whatever it is, like, usually the people that start engaging in censorship and banning are the ones you need to worry about the most.
And by the way, this keeps the door open because the good guys don't usually do this, right?
Because the thing is, with your children, right? You censor certain information from your children when you're an adult, right?
Because they can't handle it. They're kids. They don't understand a lot of the nuances of the world.
And over time, as they grow up, you censor much less. Over time, you censor less and less and less and eventually they're an adult and you don't have to censor anything anymore.
I mean, it'd be weird for my father to censor, like, tell me about a situation and he censors some of the violence or some of the sexuality or something like that in a story he's telling me.
Like, that'd be weird because I'm, like, 40 now, you know? But when I was 4, he wouldn't tell me everything, just like I don't tell my kids everything that's going on.
I'll tell them, you know, certain things, but certain things they just don't need to know yet. Their brains aren't ready for it yet.
But so when the government treats you like a kid and they start saying, well, you're too stupid. You can't handle listening to Russia today.
That's what you have to worry about. By the way, Russia's not innocent in this. They censor information too.
But the point is, though, that you don't have to worry about the information Russia's censoring to their Russian people.
You're not Russian. Well, maybe you're not. But if you're in the United States, the ones you have to worry about are the ones that are censoring information for you, right?
And when I say worry, I don't mean, like, in an oh -my -goodness kind of way, but those are the people that are likely not on your side.
Those are the people that likely wish you ill will. And so, again, another reason to be minding your own business, minding your own affairs.
Like, it should matter more to you, at least in my opinion, what Jerome Powell lies he spins up at any moment to you than what lies
Zelensky's telling or what lies, you know, Vladimir Putin is telling. Like, yeah, the
Russians need to worry about Putin's lies. You worry about Jerome Powell's lies. You worry about Joe Biden's lies.
And, again, I don't mean worry, like, full of anxiety and angst. I mean concern yourself with. So that's kind of how
I deal with things. I don't know exactly. And the thing is, at the end of the day, I still don't know what's going on 100 % in Ukraine, but that's why
I don't make big pronouncements about it. You know what I mean? I don't think Russia should have invaded a sovereign country, but that's about all
I'm willing to say. And I'm not sending any aid to Ukraine for the war effort, right?
I'm sending aid over to people, Christians that I trust, that are housing refugees, because that's the work that I think the church should be engaging in.
So, in any case, let's move on to the next topic, which is how warm my heart has been the last few days.
That's right. A .D. Robles is a big old softy, you know? His heart has been warmed just so much.
And what I mean is, I just see so many people. Maybe it's just because I'm on Gab, and I just get a weird sample size or sample audience.
But, man, I've seen so many people over the last few weeks that are starting gardens, that are starting to raise chickens.
Oh, man, Grant Van Brimmer, he's a minister in the CREC. He sent me a picture of,
I guess his family bought some chicks. And he's starting to get some production out of his land, and he's raising chickens.
And, man, that warms my heart, man. I was giving a little newbie advice and stuff like that. He might get some more chickens.
I think he bought eight of them. He might get a few more. He's thinking about what kind of coop to build. And it is awesome.
And my chickens have started laying again. They've really slowed down this winter. But, man, they're almost back in full swing already.
Man, what an amazing thing. You just go outside, and I tell you, man, it is like magic.
It is like magic. You go out there, and there's just eggs. There's just food there now for you. And it's just wonderful, man.
People are getting it. People are understanding that the way out of this chaos, the way out of this system that is just,
I don't know what they're planning. Have you seen some of this information coming out about the World Economic Forum and the transhumanism stuff and how they're trying to hack brains and turn men into gods?
It is spiritual at the highest levels. It counterfeits spiritual.
But these people are twisted. I mean, this is Satan's army. That's what it is.
And so people are realizing, you know, if I don't want to participate in that, I have to say just no.
But I also have to build up my own stuff so that I have a way to eat and a way to protect myself and a way to live that does not rely on any of these companies, these politicians.
And you've got to start simple, man. It starts with one egg. It starts with one chicken. It starts with one plot of land and things like that.
People are getting it, man. And it warms my heart to see this. I saw this on Twitter the other day.
Well, actually, I saw it on Gab, and then I went to Twitter, and I saw it. And people are getting this, man.
It's like they're seeing through what we've been sold at this point for decades.
And so this is Dave Rubin and another man who
I guess they pretend to be married. And I guess they've done some in vitro something or other, and they're going to have children, which that's even just the language around this.
They're not going to have children. They bought some children is what they did.
They bought some children, and I guess one of them is being born in October, the next one a few months later.
And so these two men, these two homosexuals, are going to raise two children. And Dave Rubin, he's a liberal, but then he became kind of like a darling for the anti -critical race theory type people, anti -Great
Reset. And so a lot of conservatives ended up kind of claiming him as their own. I don't even know if he self -identifies as a conservative.
I have no idea. I don't care. I don't care. I've watched one episode of Dave Rubin, and it was the one where he had
Larry Elder on, which was a hilarious episode because Larry kind of yells at him a little bit. I like that episode.
It was good. Anyway, so he does this baby birth announcement, and he tries to be all cutesy about it.
And then it's like the wall is just like every conservative, like official conservative outlet is like, oh, congrats!
This is wonderful! And oh, you're not going to get any sleep about it. It's like, and the
PragerU was doing it, Blaze, Megan McCain. I mean, that's not really that conservative. But like, you know, lots of guys were just like, and people are getting it.
People saw right through this. And in the past, like, I don't think we saw this grift that easily.
Now we're starting to all see it. And it's like, what's the value in being conservative if you're not conserving anything?
Like, this is not something to be celebrated. This is actually something that is a shame. This is going to be part of the reasons why our nation is going to continue to be cursed.
This is why we're being destroyed right now. This is why we're being destroyed. Not just this, but this is part of it.
Two gay guys that are playing house together shouldn't be able to buy kids.
And this is obvious. But this is what's happening.
And conservatives are all about it. And so my brother told me, he's like, you know, this just proves that PragerU and the
Blaze and all these organizations that are like, they're anti -white, critical race theory stuff right now.
But in 10 years, they're going to be all about it. Maybe even less time. They're going to be all about it because they're just constantly being dragged leftward.
Dragged and dragged. This is the same thing that's happening with PragerU happened to Gospel Coalition. The same thing that's happening to Blaze happened to Gospel Coalition.
Like, Gospel Coalition is not fixed to anything. There's no foundation there.
It's just they're being pulled along by the winds of change here in the United States.
And they're proud of it. They're not hiding it in any way.
Here's John Stark. John Stark is an evangelical sort of, you know, progressive
Christian darling who still, you know, preaches a gospel that's legitimate, but he's very progressive in almost every way.
And here he is putting forward, he's putting forward a proposal. Here's the proposal. So he's talking about Christian deconstruction, which is a euphemism for leaving the faith, right?
So all the meat of the faith, you're leaving that behind. You know, oh, you know, that's just wildness.
Wildness is wicked. So here's John Stark's proposal. They're not ashamed of this. They're proud of this.
They wear this as a badge of honor. I've been to this church, Apostles, that he pastors now. And at one point, it was a legitimate church.
Who knows what it is now? I haven't been there recently. Anyway, here's what John Stark says. The things we are calling deconstruction might actually be what
Richard Lovelace called disenculturalization. What he meant was removing the cultural idolatry, conservative or progressive, from your faith.
So he's basically saying, leaving the faith actually isn't leaving the faith at all. Here's my proposal.
When people leave the faith, call it more authentic faith. And actually, that is what a lot of these people call it.
They say, I'm discovering a more authentic faith that doesn't require anything of me.
That doesn't require anything of me besides what socialists require of me. So if my faith requires something that a commie requires of me, then that's authentic faith.
If it requires anything else, then it's not authentic faith. That's idolatry. And of course, he tries to pretend like he's against progressive idolatry in the faith.
That's not true at all. This is all a smokescreen. They always do this. There's no third way here.
This is progressivism and he's very proud of that. And so people are getting it though.
And that's my point. People are getting it and it warms my heart so much. The amount of people that I see starting families, having a lot of kids, starting little mini farms, things like that, starting businesses, all of that.
It puts you in a position where when somebody, like this is what warms my heart about it.
When the homosexual couple makes the birth announcement, the fake birth announcement for the kids that they bought, in the old days, it would have been tempting to do what
Blaze did, to do what PragerU did, right? Oh, congratulations. Even if you knew better, you're like, congratulations, because you have to participate in all these systems and you don't want to get kicked off of them.
These days, we're building our own stuff now. We're starting families. We're starting businesses. We're starting farms.
We've got our own thing going on. We're going to become our own central bank, so don't worry about it, right? Nowadays, when you're coerced into doing something against your will and you have no choice, like a lot of people with the vaccine, they had to get the vaccine because they were going to lose their jobs and they did not have anything to fall back on.
They had no business. They had no savings, whatever it was, and so they reluctantly got the vaccine. It's the same thing with this stuff.
When LinkedIn says you have to put your pronouns in your bio, otherwise you've got to stop using our profile, it's a joke when you've prepared for this kind of stuff, when you've got an alternative, when you've got savings and protection and stuff like that, when you've planned ahead.
In other words, when you've obeyed the Proverbs, saw trouble coming, and planned ahead and hid yourself from it, this is all a joke.
You don't have to do what PragerU did. You see, PragerU bows the knee because if they didn't have Twitter, if they didn't have
YouTube, they didn't have all this stuff, they wouldn't exist, right? Now, PragerU might have gotten kicked off YouTube.
I don't remember. Who knows? But the point is they're doing this because they feel like they have to do this.
They have to kiss the ring, right, in order to survive. But you see, Christians can't put themselves in that position.
Christians see the trouble coming. This is what the Proverbs says. A righteous man, a wise man sees trouble coming and hides himself from it.
That means plan ahead. That means protect yourself because there is trouble coming. Don't put yourself in the position to have to kiss the ring of the homosexual couple because you don't want to ruin your family's situation.
We have to get it now. I think a lot of us are getting this now. Don't ever be tempted like this.
The reality is you don't have to kiss the ring. The reality is that God will protect you. God is the strong tower, right?
And so let's not tempt God in this sense. Like we're not going to plan or prepare. So you're going to be my strong tower, so I'm not going to do anything to protect myself.
Don't tempt God in that way. Don't test him like that. Instead, obey him and say,
God, I'm going to prepare for this situation because one day this is coming to my office where I'm going to have to kiss their ring in order to keep my job.
And I want to be in a situation where when they tell me to do that, I laugh in their face, chuck the paper back in their face, and say,
Have a nice life. Go ahead and fire me if you want to. That's the position I want to be in.
And so everyone's on a different aspect of that journey. And I hope this makes sense. I feel like I'm rambling a little bit. But yeah, so guys,
I love you. God bless you. The Proverbs, man. If you want a manual on how to deal with stuff right now, the
Proverbs. And by the way, my speech is coming out very soon where I talk about this kind of thing in more detail. God bless you.
I hope you found this podcast helpful. Don't forget to tune in next week on Thursday for AD on the