Joe Rogan Vs. Matt Walsh On Gay “Marriage”!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to Fight For Truth, the channel where we bring you Christian commentary about the things that matter.
In today's video, we're going to be talking about a conversation between Joe Rogan and Matt Walsh. Joe Rogan is a secular podcaster, and probably the most popular one in general.
Matt Walsh is a conservative commentator from Ben Shapiro's organization, The Daily Wire. In this video, we'll be responding biblically to Joe Rogan's arguments in favor of gay marriage.
So without further ado, let's get into it. Watch this. So basically,
Matt makes the case that marriage is, among other things, the context in which families are to be developed, and specifically that children are to be created and raised in.
This is part of the meaning of marriage, and therefore gay couples, who by definition do not have the ability to create children, wouldn't fit under the umbrella of marriage.
And Joe's response is that there are some men and women who get married and have no intention of having children.
Would that mean that their marriage would not be legally binding, or that it doesn't fit under the definition of marriage?
The biblical answer here is pretty simple. God created marriage as the bond of holy matrimony between a man and a woman.
Genesis 2 .24 says, And the natural outcome of becoming one flesh with your wife is that normally you will conceive and raise children.
Throughout 99 % of human history, this was an inescapable fact. So when Matt Walsh included procreation as one of his definitional aspects of marriage, he's not wrong.
But this is where it gets tricky. What about men and women who will not or cannot have children?
And here's the answer. Joe is confusing our biblical ideal of marriage with our basic legal requirement for marriage.
It would be biblically ideal for a man and a woman to want to have a baby and carry out the steps necessary to achieve that goal in marriage and be successful.
But if they cannot or will not have a baby, this does not negate the marriage union.
For example, Abraham and Sarah were still married even when they thought Sarah could never conceive a child.
Genesis 12 .5 says, Abraham had no children at this time, yet Sarah was still his wife.
There is no contradiction here, biblically speaking. Yes, procreation is a part of marriage normatively, and at the same time, a lack of procreation between a man and his wife does not negate the legality of their marriage.
But let's see what Joe says next. Watch this. It's a bond of love.
It's a union of love. So here Joe makes a claim, and that claim is this. If you grant that infertile people should be legally allowed to get married, that changes the definition of marriage to no longer involve procreation whatsoever.
Instead, the definition changes to merely a bond of love between two people.
This is a classic case of using the exception to disprove the rule. In reality, exceptions prove that rules are generally true.
Here's a practical analogy. What if I said to someone that a frog is not a car?
Someone might very well ask me, well, what's the difference between a frog and a car? I could respond by saying, well, for one thing, a car drives and a frog hops.
So a frog is not a car. Someone could then respond by saying, wait a minute. Yesterday, my car broke down.
The engine isn't working. The car doesn't move. As a result, my car can't drive. Therefore, a frog is actually a car, because frogs can't drive, and some cars also can't drive.
As you can tell, this argument simply does not work. The fact that a particular car cannot be used to drive does not negate the fact that the natural use of cars in general is driving.
Trying to prove that gay people can actually be married is as ridiculous and asinine as trying to prove that a frog is indeed a car.
It simply doesn't work. Just because you slap the same name on something doesn't actually make it the same thing.
And using exceptions to disprove rules is silly and, frankly, a nonsensical way to argue.
As we've already covered, procreation is a part of biblical marriage, but that does not mean that people who will not procreate are not married.
The example of Abraham and Sarah is one of many things that prove this. But let's move forward in the debate.
Watch this. If we decide that gay people can get married too, I just don't see how it damages anything.
I don't think it tears down the definition of marriage in any way. It just opens up the possibility that people who are gay won't be discriminated against.
So we've already covered how this changes and damages the definition of marriage. We don't need to go over that.
But at the end here, Joe makes the point that this is just making sure gay people won't be quote, discriminated against.
And here we need to understand something important that may shock a lot of Christians. Not all discrimination is bad.
Let me explain. To discriminate, at a basic level, means to treat things differently, or to separate between things.
Some discrimination is bad, and some is good. Let me offer a practical example. Suppose you are a thief, and you see an old lady walking down the street at night, and you attack her, so as to steal her purse.
Out of all the people you could have attacked, you chose a defenseless old lady. Now suppose you're a police officer who also happens to be walking down the street, and you see this occurring.
You then step in. You physically stop the assailant, wrestling him to the ground and arresting him by force.
In both cases, some level of discrimination and force is involved. The thief discriminated against the old lady.
Out of all the people he could have attacked, he chose her. And the policeman discriminated against the thief.
Out of all the people he could have attacked, he chose the one who was stealing from an innocent woman.
The discrimination on behalf of the thief was evil and wrong. Exodus 20, verse 15, says,
You shall not steal. Yet the discrimination on behalf of the policeman was virtuous and biblical.
Proverbs 21, verse 15, says, When justice is done, it is a joy to the righteous, but a terror to evildoers.
So you see, connotations aside, discrimination is not bad in and of itself as a general concept.
What matters is this. By what standard are we going to discriminate against someone in our culture or in our society by law?
For Christians, we know that the objective moral standard is the Bible. And the Bible says that marriage is a union between a man and a woman, recognized and created by God.
Therefore, it is entirely biblical, moral, and, dare I say, Christ -like, to discriminate against gay people by not letting them get married.
Many Christians won't agree with that, but it's still true. And our Christian brothers and sisters of Church history would probably be astounded to know what kind of ridiculous and immoral things modern evangelicals are going to allow in their culture in the name of loving your neighbor.
So with that, let's see what Joe Rogan has to say next. Watch this. I don't think gay people and gay people getting married in any way, shape, or form changes a bond that you have with your wife.
It's just called marriage. It's a human -invented thing. So according to Joe, marriage is a human -invented thing.
And this is the source of the actual problem here. When we believe that marriage is given to us by God, we have a responsibility external to us to uphold it.
The Bible tells us as much. Hebrews 13, 4, Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled.
For God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous. God takes marriage seriously. He created it.
The institution of marriage is not made up by us, it has been given to us by God to steward.
Therefore, the definition and purpose of marriage become objective and knowable in the
Christian view. But by Joe Rogan's standard, marriage is subjective and purely of human origin.
But this undercuts his whole argument. If the whole thing is just a subjective opinion and is rooted in no objective truth, then why does it matter if Joe gets his way or not?
This is the inevitable outcome of the secular worldview. This is where it's all coming from. There is no real significance to anything.
No objective significance to marriage, so we end up with gay marriage. There's no objective significance to gender, so we end up with transgenderism.
There's no objective significance to children in the womb, so we can just kill them and call it health care.
And all of this is coming from the same place. As David writes in Psalm 53, verse 1, The fool says in his heart, there is no
God. When we abandon the ultimate standard of God, this is what we get, foolishness.
The solution, for us as Christians in society, is not to argue for some vague, common -sense approach to marriage, separate from God.
That is what many modern conservatives are doing, and to disastrous effect. No, the solution is for us to unashamedly hold to the truth of God's Word and the
Lordship of Christ over everyone, in the face of a hostile, secular world. This is the path forward, let's get moving.
I pray that this has been a blessing to you, and please know that this video isn't meant as a sinful attack, but rather as a biblical critique.
And let's pray for Joe Rogan, that he would repent and believe the Gospel, by God's grace, and turn to the truth of God's Word.
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