Imputation, Expiation, Propitiation, Reconciliation, Ransom | Clip from Servant Song VI

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In this clip, John discusses four important words to the Christ: Imputation, Propitiation, Reconciliation, and Ransom. All of these describe what Jesus did for sinners. Each of these words are precious and explain why we should know these words and how we live in light of them.


But why is it the will of the father that the perfect servant would be crushed?
We find that in verse 6 when we see this legal transaction God the father lays the sins of his people upon the servant
We call that imputation to place legally upon an account
Actually, there are three imputations in the Bible and they're all very important for us to understand the cross first The sin of Adam was imputed to every person
Adam Represented we may not like that But that is how God has dealt with humanity is through a representative
Adam the original representative if Adam would have a perfectly obeyed Hypothetically, we would have been treated as people who had who had perfectly obeyed
Romans chapter 5 explains this but there is a second imputation when Christ was on the cross
God imputed to the perfect servant every sin of every one of his people and So he was treated as if he had done what we did.
He did not become sinful Morally contaminated, but he became the legal bearer of our shame of our guilt
Treated as if he had done these things So our sin imputed to him and finally
Paul tells us in 2nd Corinthians that we have been given his righteousness
His perfect obedience imputed to the believer so that we're not only washed by the cross
But we are also Legally speaking we stand before God clothed with the righteousness of someone else a foreign righteousness
What is the outcome of the cross of the crushing of the Sun? Well just to highlight some of the biblical themes
I want to give you four words that come to mind and we're only going to be able to just mention them one is that Christ becomes the sacrifice or the
Atoning death he has expiated or removed The shame and the guilt of our sin.
He has carried it off. He has legally atoned for it expiation is man's view of the cross we look at Christ on the cross and we realize my sin is there and My sin has been dealt with by by a sacrifice and it is now covered and removed from the sight of God sacrifice second word
Propitiation we could say that this is God's view of the cross God looks upon the cross and sees that his just and right wrath is
Satisfied by the full payment that was due His law is actually upheld
So God is being honored as the one that is perfectly righteous because Jesus Christ Becomes the object of his wrath and Jesus satisfies all that the law requires for the payment of sin
So here we have God the lawmaker Who is upheld his honor is upheld at the same time that the enemies of God us are rescued
Propitiation third word Reconciliation this is a favorite word of the
New Testament writers. We are reconciled through Christ's death That is the death of Christ Removing the object of offense between God and us
God is now if we might say it is free to unleash this
Unexpected love upon us and to rescue us in a way that is not only merciful but just not only kind but right
The object being removed. There is no longer any alienation between my soul and my creator
We are reconciled There is a restoration of what was lost in Adam and it's restored in Christ and finally ransom
Christ Purchased us from slavery. Who was the ransom paid to well to God?
Not to the enemy. He doesn't own us In a sense, it's a very human way of describing it
So there is a sense in which the metaphor breaks down but Christ has purchased our freedom
By paying to God all that was owed from us We're now free.
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