Who is This Man? (Various Scriptures) | Adult Sunday School
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- Kootenai Church, it feels a lot better to be here this morning because I look back and I see
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- Cornell here. So welcome back Cornell. It hasn't been the same without you. All right, well get your seats here and we will get started with this morning's
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- Sunday School lesson. If you want to you can open up your Bibles to John chapter 1 because that's where we'll be beginning this morning before we dive into the rest of it.
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- But let's let's open up in a word of prayer and ask God's blessing on our study this morning. Our Heavenly Father we proclaim your glory this morning as we humbly approach the scriptures.
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- May we do so with the reverence and the expectation that is demonstrated for us by Jesus and by his disciples.
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- Father they believed your word and were willing to act in light of its truth.
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- You give us the same hunger, the same commitment to obey the word through the power of your spirit.
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- In your son Jesus name that we proclaim that and we pray this morning. Amen. Well welcome back as we arrive here at lesson 10.
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- Lesson 10 of our 12 -week series Walk by the Spirit. Last week we had the opportunity to study in the book of Philippians and encounter that delightful truth, the amazing reality that Jesus the
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- Son of God, the eternal Son of God, chose to take upon himself the form of a slave to become a man just like one of us in every way yet without sin.
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- And as we delighted in that truth that inspired in us a desire to pursue unity as a body together through humble humility, through humbling ourselves the way that Christ chose to humble himself.
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- So one of the most frustrating experiences for a human being is when you know that you are right about a particular truth and another person or group won't agree with you about that truth.
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- Now you might be thinking to yourself well that's kind of pretentious Simon for you to think that you're the one who's right but actually
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- I think the way that I was thinking about this is thinking about all of the pastors that I have sat underneath and when they are preaching from God's Word, the source of truth, and looking out at me and realizing why won't this guy change?
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- Why won't he acknowledge this truth and change his heart and his life in light of that truth? And how much more when
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- God looks at us and says they have the truth. It's right there in front of them.
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- All they have to do is read it. It doesn't even have to be preached for them to have access to it.
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- They just have to pick up my word and read it and yet they won't believe it and more importantly they won't change in light of it.
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- I think there are many reasons why it's hard for us to believe the truth and change but I think the two most prominent of those reasons are it's humbling to be wrong and two it's just hard to change.
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- But yet is that not the very nature of truth? Particularly biblical truth.
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- Truth has the capacity to inform us when we are naive.
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- It has the capacity to correct us when we're wrong and it has the capacity to change us to convince us to change and then change us from the inside out.
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- Now this morning we're going to study truth and we're going to look at some of the ways in which
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- Jesus exemplified and spoke of the truth and how those who listened to him and followed him responded to that truth but I want us to just begin by thinking about the reality that there are two distinct truths that you have already encountered that you must evaluate this morning.
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- The first truth is you are either in unity with Jesus Christ in his righteousness through the power of the
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- Spirit or you are not and for those of you who are rejoicing in the reality that you are the second truth is that you have everything that you need to change to grow in holiness.
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- God has not withheld anything from you in fact he has poured out into you the power of his eternal everlasting
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- Spirit so you have everything you need to change and that is the truth that we as believers must grapple with this morning we do throughout the week and throughout the year when we encounter the ways that we see our truth the truth of scripture and we know we need to change but yet we don't change.
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- So the truth about who Jesus is provides us the ultimate example of this.
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- John chapter 1 verses 11 and 12 says he came to his own and those who were his own did not receive him but as many as received him to them he gave the right to become children of God even to those who believed in his name.
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- Every man woman and child who reads the Bible must encounter the person of Jesus who claimed for himself
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- I am the way the truth and the life no man comes to the
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- Father but through me. So this morning's lesson is entitled who is this man and this morning we're going to look at two righteous responses to Jesus humanity so that we might ponder anew our hearts response and believe in him we're going to go to the book of John and spend some time in Luke and look at two righteous responses of the people who followed and encountered
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- Jesus so that we might ponder anew our hearts response to him this
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- Christmas season and believe in him. So our first righteous response is going to be found in John chapter 1 and it's going to be humble questions first response will be humble questions so we're going to start in John chapter 1 but let's get warmed up here by thinking about the reality that we've studied how
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- Matthew Mark and Luke all record the dramatic sequence of Jesus coming to be baptized by John hearing from God the
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- Father you are my beloved son and you I am well pleased and then being led out by the
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- Spirit into the wilderness to be tested by Satan and then returning to Judea to the region where John was baptizing before he begins his public ministry up in Galilee.
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- Now as Jesus begins these early stages of his public ministry which are recorded for us in a great deal of detail in John chapters 1 through 4 we can observe how the people in multiple different locations from multiple different backgrounds and with multiple different presuppositions respond to the truth of who this spirit -filled
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- God -man is and what he is saying about himself what he is doing as he says those things and what others are saying about him at the same time.
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- So let's read together John chapter 1 we're going to read from verse 19 all the way through 34 and then make some observations from this section about John the
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- Baptist and his conversation or dialogue with some of the Jews from Judea about Jesus.
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- Let's read starting in verse 19 John chapter 1 this is the testimony of John when the
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- Jews sent to him priests and Levites from Jerusalem to ask him who are you and he confessed and did not deny but confessed
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- I am NOT the Christ they asked him what then are you
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- Elijah and he said I am NOT are you the prophet and he answered no then they said to him who are you so that we may give an answer to those who sent us what do you say of yourself he said
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- I am a voice of one crying in the wilderness make straight the way of the Lord as Isaiah the prophet said now they had been sent from the
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- Pharisees they asked him and said to him why then are you baptizing if you are not the
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- Christ nor Elijah nor the prophet John answered them saying I baptize in water but among you stands one whom you do not know it is he who comes after me the thong of whose sandal
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- I am not worthy to untie these things took place in Bethany beyond the Jordan where John was baptizing the next day he saw
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- Jesus coming to him and said behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world this is he on behalf of whom
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- I said after me comes a man who has a higher rank than I for he existed before me
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- I did not recognize him but so that he might be manifested to Israel I came baptizing in water
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- John testified saying I have seen the spirit descending as a dove out of heaven and he remained upon him
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- I did not recognize him but he who sent me to baptize in water said to me he upon whom you see the spirit descending and remaining upon him this is the one who baptizes in the
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- Holy Spirit I myself have seen and have testified that this is the
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- Son of God so John the Baptist baptizes Jesus and then he continues his ministry of proclamation of the kingdom of God to the nation of Israel preparing the way of the
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- Lord and continuing to baptize and after Jesus returns from the wilderness John is challenged by the
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- Jewish leaders with a series of questions questioning his authority to continue his ministry of baptism they ask him a series of five questions and the dialogue contains a wealth of information for us about how
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- John was responding to the spirit filling him with revelation and information about his cousin
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- Jesus so the first question that John is asked is who are you and he says are you the
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- Christ is basically what's implied and he replies back I am NOT I'm not the Christ well they say okay well are you the prophet then no who are you then so that we may give an answer what do you say about yourself and John answers
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- I am the voice of one crying out in the wilderness make straight the way of the
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- Lord as Isaiah the prophet said well why then are you baptizing if you're not the
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- Christ you're not Elijah you're not the prophet you don't have any authority whatsoever he says
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- I baptize with water but among you stands one whom you do not know it is he who comes after me the thong of whose sandal
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- I am not worthy to untie now these questions that are asked by the Jewish priests and Levites who are sent out here they seem innocent even noble on the surface but they betray both a lack of understanding and a lack of faith in God's Word they have missed the point of Isaiah and the other prophets and whatever their conception of who the
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- Messiah Christ was to be they're not making the connection here between what
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- John is proclaiming about Jesus and what they thought he should be now
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- John's answers tell us that what God had revealed to him both in the
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- Old Testament which he had studied and through his own prophetic calling the revelation that he was being given he had a great deal of information with which to be faithful to and to believe so what did
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- John believe well look back at your texts here right when he proclaims he says
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- I'm the voice of one crying in the wilderness make straight the way of the Lord he's proclaiming that what
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- Isaiah said would happen is happening and here's my role in this
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- I'm the one who's come to baptize in water verse 26 to prepare the way for this one who is coming after me
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- John is proclaiming a gospel of repentance for national
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- Israel he says that the coming one is going to come to redeem his people
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- Israel as part of God's great plan to restore and redeem them from their sin and my job is to simply prepare the way now the next day when
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- John sees Jesus approaching he makes just this amazing statement that we just read that encapsulates a tremendous amount of truth for us about who
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- Jesus is in his humanity and how John was responding to that humanity and how
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- John wanted his disciples to respond to that humanity look back with me at verses 29 through 34 remember he says the next day he sees
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- Jesus coming to him he says behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world this is he on behalf of whom
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- I said after me comes a man who has a higher rank than I or he existed before me now the the statement the
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- Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world it's not as easy as you might think it is to understand what precisely
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- John meant and how the original audience was intended to understand it there's a lot of discussion and debate about what he meant and what analogy he's pulling forward from the
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- Old Testament and I think it's helpful but I think for you and I with the benefit of the entire New Testament we don't have to work as hard as the original audience might have had to work to understand what he means we get the point
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- Jesus is the Lamb he's the the one who comes to bring redemption through his life and death
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- Jesus will function in that role of the Lamb who will bear the sins of his people but this is
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- John's gospel proclamation behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world that's what he wanted his disciples and the people of Israel to to encounter and believe now look at verse 30 he says this is he on behalf of whom
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- I said after me comes a man who has a higher rank than I John grasped the reality that Jesus human life as a man would surpass his own in significance there was no competition here right
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- John knew that Jesus my human life was going to be more significant than his and he also grasped the reality that we have been working hard to grasp for the past ten weeks and more that Jesus is both a man and the
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- Son of God who existed before me John is not oblivious to the reality that he's older than Jesus so Jesus physically did not exist before him but in the sense that Jesus has to be eternal
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- Son of God did exist before him John is able to encapsulate into this beautiful statement so here's a question that I had to wrestle with and I want you to do so as well if you look in verses 30 all the way through 31 you see that John twice says
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- I did not recognize him what does he mean by I did not recognize him now there's a possibility that John and Jesus had not lived around each other and that he physically didn't know what he looked like but I don't think that's the reality here when
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- John says I did not recognize him he says but basically God testified to me and said
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- I when you see this one who is going to come you're going to see him in light of the
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- Spirit descending upon him when you see the Spirit descend upon this one you're going to recognize something that you did not realize previously about him right he says
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- I have seen the Spirit descending as a dove out of heaven and he remained upon him and we looked at this word remained back when we studied the baptism and realized that this remained verb gives us the sense that when the
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- Spirit descends this is a permanent indwelling of Jesus that is consistent with the theocratic anointing of Kings and prophets in the
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- Old Testament when the Spirit came and settled upon them there was a change a dramatic change in their public persona and how they carry themselves because the
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- Spirit was part of them right you see how it existed in the light lives of King David but also
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- King Saul and when the Spirit removes himself from King Saul you know it because Saul literally goes insane but in this particular context here
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- John was waiting for something he knew he was preparing the way for this Messiah he's proclaiming it but he's he's watching for something and he had not yet realized the full significance of the anointing of the
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- Holy Spirit to prepare Jesus for his public ministry but now he's seen it and he can testify to it he's seen the
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- Spirit descending as a dove out of heaven and remaining upon him so this is an expression of faith by John he is recognizing that God has fulfilled his promises to send a
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- Redeemer to his faithless people Israel and now he believes this whereas the people that he's dialoguing with don't there's a direct contrast between the truth that Jesus is the one who has come and the reality that the people who are watching and observing are saying well how is this man any different from any of the other
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- Messiah groups that have come or figures that have come before him John has a expectation and a hope that comes from his study of God's Word and the
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- Spirit filling him with further revelation however I think this is important for us this morning even though we can see
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- John's faith in God and in the revelation of Jesus quite clearly that doesn't mean that he had all the information that he needed or even wanted about Jesus yet he didn't quite have all of the details figured out just yet he didn't know precisely what was going to come next and and how it was going to occur in other words even though God had given him faith to act upon the information that he had thus far he still had questions recall how
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- John continues to question Jesus later during his imprisonment for that I'm gonna take you to the book of Luke let's turn back there to Luke chapter 7 verse 20 fast forward in time you know
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- John gets on the wrong side of the Jewish leadership he gets cast into prison and from prison he sends some men some of his disciples to Jesus with questions for Jesus John chapter 7 we'll read verse 20 here it says when the men came to him they said
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- John the Baptist has sent us to you to ask are you the expected one or do we look for someone else think about that for a second the light of what we just saw
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- John it's just the one who says behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world I already know this
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- I've got it figured out but here a little while later he's sitting there going wait a second did
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- I miss something are you really the one are you really that expected one or should
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- I be looking for someone else so clearly Jesus ministry had not unfolded exactly the way that John expected it to and his own personal sufferings at the hand of the
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- Jewish leadership increased the intensity of his questions for Jesus did
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- I get this wrong wait a second here was I the was I telling all of my disciples that you were the
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- Christ and I should thought you should that they should follow you and I was wrong should I be waiting for somebody else how does
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- Jesus answer John how does he answer John's disciples as he speaks indirectly to John who is seeking truth from the source of truth well look at verses 21 through 28 at that very time he cured many people of diseases and afflictions and evil spirits and he gave sight to many who were blind and he answered and said to them go and report to John what you have seen and heard the blind received sight the lame walk the lepers are cleansed and the deaf hear the dead are raised up and the poor have the gospel preached to them blessed is he who does not take offense at me when the messengers of John had left he began to speak to the crowds about John what did you go out into the wilderness to see a reed shaken by the wind but what did you go out to see a man dressed in soft clothing those who are splendidly clothed and live in luxury are found in royal palaces but what did you go out to see a prophet yes
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- I say to you and one who is more than a prophet this is the one about whom it is written behold
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- I send my messenger ahead of you who will prepare your way before you I say to you among those born of women there is no one greater than John yet he who is least in the kingdom of God is greater than he
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- Jesus answers John by demonstrating his spirit -filled power that extends to all areas of miraculous activity that would have been prophesied in the
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- Old Testament as an authentication a mark that this is a man who has the
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- Holy Spirit upon him right he heals the blind the lame walk the lepers are cleansed the deaf hear the dead are raised up and he quotes the
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- Old Testament right the poor have the gospel preached to them Jesus is saying to John and to John's disciples who are probably asking the same questions
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- John has I am the one and how do you know that I am doing with the
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- Old Testament prophets predicted of me as a sign an authentication that this is the one who is bringing the kingdom to this world this is the mark of the man
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- Jesus is the truth because he has come to fulfill the truthfulness of God's covenant promises to his people
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- Jesus is declaring that he too is a prophet yet way far more than a prophet he uses that phrase of John right this is a prophet but more than a prophet but he's also saying that about himself right a prophet could do miraculous things in the
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- Old Testament when the Spirit of God was upon him Jesus is a prophet but he is way more further in Jesus prophetic utterance here he can see beyond what
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- John himself could see about the significance of John's proclamation
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- John kind of knew approximately what his role was but Jesus can see even more about what
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- John was unaware of John was unaware of how significant his role as one could have been he could have been the prophesied
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- Elijah no he said no I'm not the Elijah but Jesus says in Matthew chapter 17 verse 10 through 13 when his disciples ask him well why then do the scribes say that Elijah must come first and he answers and said
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- Elijah is coming and will restore all things but I say to you that Elijah already came and they did not recognize him but did to him whatever they wished he's talking about John he's saying he could have been
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- Elijah to you had you received him so let's return to the response of John and I'm gonna take you not back to John 1 but let's go back to John 3 verse 22 so forward in your
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- Bibles but back to John I had to think about how to write that in my notes so I didn't get you going the wrong direction here
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- John chapter 3 verse 22 so this happens after the initial conversation with John and with Jesus and John chapter 1 but obviously before what we just read in Luke 7 let's think about the response of John let's read verses 22 through 34 it says after these things
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- Jesus and his disciples came into the land of Judea and there he was spending time with them and baptizing
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- John also was baptizing in an on near Salim because there was much water there and people were coming and were being baptized for John had not yet been thrown into prison therefore there arose a discussion on the part of John's disciples with a
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- Jew about purification and they came to John and said to him rabbi he who was with you beyond the Jordan to whom you have testified you hold he is baptizing and all are coming to him
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- John answered and said a man can receive nothing unless it has been given him from heaven you yourselves are my witnesses that I said
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- I am NOT the Christ but I have been sent ahead of him he who has the bride is the bridegroom but the friend of the bridegroom who stands and hears him rejoices greatly because of the bridegroom's voice so this joy of mine has been made full he must increase but I must decrease he who comes from above is above all he who is of the earth is from the earth and speaks of the earth he who comes from heaven is above all what he has seen and heard of that he testifies and no one receives his testimony he who has received his testimony has set his seal to this that God is true for he whom
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- God has said speaks the words of God for he gives the Spirit without measure the
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- Father loves the Son and has given all things into his hand he who believes in the Son has eternal life but he who does not obey the
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- Son will not see life but the wrath of God abides on him you can tell that I don't have time this morning to deep dive exegete all of these passages for you fortunately somebody has already done that for our church body and it's recorded and I would commend to you to go back and listen to Jim sermons on this but John's statement of his unswerving belief in Jesus as his own significance starts to fade he's very powerful
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- John says a man can receive nothing unless it has been given him from heaven later he says he who has received testimony has set his seal to this that God is true
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- John recognizes that all men no matter how great or how insignificant are dependent upon the revelation of truth from God you want truth where does it come from comes from heaven it comes from God he had received the truth he believed it and he had commended it to others what a righteous response worth imitating for us is it not
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- John believed the truth he had a clear grasp on the reality that his own joy would be made full by one thing and one thing only the messianic ministry of Jesus increasing to its full and true significance that is our source of joy is it not the one thing that can bring us the fullness of joy is to see
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- Jesus on his throne as Messiah as King over this world
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- John also understood that Jesus was not merely a man he who comes from above is above all he who comes from heaven is above all
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- John understood that as powerful as his own spirit -filled prophetic message was that it paled in comparison to Jesus remember what
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- Jesus said about him he's there's no one born who's greater than John but John recognizes that there is one born who is greater than John and he must increase
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- I must decrease but he still had questions and you and I are allowed to have questions
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- I love the fact that God does not discourage his people from wrestling with difficult questions when we encounter the
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- God man John wrestled with questions after this point as we just looked at and Luke but look again
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- I love this verse I wish I could spend even more time on this verse at verse 34 of John chapter 3 for he whom
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- God has sent speaks the words of God for he gives the spirit without measure now the pronouns here are rough it's hard to know the who is he and which one is talking about but I think the best way to understand this is for he whom
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- God has sent speaks the word for he that's God the Father gives the spirit to Jesus without measure that's the key phrase here when
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- God gives the spirit to Jesus he gives the spirit to him in a way that is beyond measure so much spirit it's beyond what any man or any king any prophet has ever experienced or will ever experienced beyond Jesus Jesus is filled with the spirit he is more powerful he is wiser and he's more enduring than any prophet or king will ever be and John knows it and he's proclaiming that truth to his disciples so in summary here we see that the combination of Jesus being filled by the spirit at his baptism and his fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy in word and indeed were intended by God to grant
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- John and the readers of the gospel of John the truth the revelation and the faith that are necessary to ask and answer the hard questions
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- I find it so helpful that God does not discourage his children from asking questions but in asking them
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- God wants us to be prepared to conform our minds and our hearts and our actions to the truth
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- John and his disciples they heard it they read the Old Testament truth and they heard and they saw
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- Jesus and what did they do they changed their minds and their lives and conformity conformity to the truth they lived it out so implications for us from this section number one it is profitable for us very profitable for us to wrestle with the challenging aspects of understanding the
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- God -man Christ Jesus we've been doing it for 10 weeks I hope you continue doing it for the rest of your life number two as we stretch forward to understand the revelation we must express the same faith of John the
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- Baptist it must be derived from a sincere expectation that what
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- God has promised in the Old Testament he will accomplish we have a great opportunity to apply that right now today as we listen to psalm 37 again if God said it he will do it exactly as he said it this is true for both the original audience and those who are brought into the new covenant through the man
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- Christ Jesus and third I love this reality that we talked about Jesus ability to perform miracles
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- Jesus authenticated his ministry to John by doing what performing miracles how because he was filled with the
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- Spirit beyond measure we should understand Jesus ability to perform miracles in light of his messianic proclamation of the kingdom as empowered by the
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- Holy Spirit so let me stop there and see if you have any questions or comments from that first long section of John and Luke I do see a question
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- Peter thank you I absolutely think that's no the
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- Pharisees I'll repeat the question thank you Sam so Peter asked I in my introduction I said that the hard reality is when you proclaim truth that people don't accept it that's a hard reality was that true about John that he was not accepting it no
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- I think John was accepting it John was proclaiming truth to a generation of Jews some of whom were accepting it his disciples as we're going to look at next some of whom were not accepting it and that hard reality that others will not accept it is that frustration he struggles and I think it's a good thing to say you can have faith and struggle you're not rejecting it by having hard questions you're rejecting it if you hear the truth and do not respond all right so let's look at this last section here of John chapter 1 so I'll take you back to John 135 and then into chapter 2 verse 11 in our last section here we saw that the first righteous response to Jesus humanity was humble questions having humble questions the second righteous response that we're going to see here is faith -filled expectations faith -filled expectations so the narrative transitions from John's testimony to the account of how
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- Jesus disciples begin to follow him now look at John chapter 1 verse 35 36 again the next day
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- John was standing with two of his disciples and he looked at Jesus as he walked and said behold the
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- Lamb of God John continues to express his strong and humble faith in God's revelation by continuing to point his disciples away from himself and toward Jesus he repeats it behold the
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- Lamb of God and I I was stunned by this this week I was thinking to myself how did these early disciples get the information that they needed to choose to follow
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- Jesus and it boils down to one very discreet thing John the Baptist he is the one who points his disciples to Jesus and they in turn follow him but if John did not preach kind of the hypothetical how would they know and and the gospel message that John preached is very simple behold the
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- Lamb of God that's as simple as it had to be for these men now obviously they knew more they were able to ask more questions that we don't have recorded here in scripture so this is not all the information that's necessary to understand the gospel but it is the gospel encapsulated and what did they do they followed
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- Jesus right look back he looked at Jesus as he walked and said behold the
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- Lamb of God the two disciples heard him speak and they followed Jesus now the follow here it's a once -for -all action they made a commitment to follow
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- Jesus now it stands in such stark contrast to us today this is not like well sure
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- I'm gonna subscribe to this guy's YouTube channel I I like the way he preaches I might go visit his church for a couple of weeks and see if I want to follow him they're making a life commitment they're abandoning a lot of physical safety comfort to follow this man help him in his proclamation of this ministry so why do they follow him no miracles have occurred yet there's nothing to observe and say well gosh that's the
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- Son of God nothing has happened yet they hadn't even heard him teach I mean you and I when we hear someone teach her like whoa that the
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- Spirit of God is upon that man they have not even heard Jesus stand up and teach yet so what compelled them to follow the testimony of John and the
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- Old Testament prophecies about the Messiah and the man Jesus himself so Jesus asks them what do you seek and they reply to him where are you staying so let's read this together
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- I didn't read this full passage I probably should have here so let's finish the passage and then we'll come back and look at it the two disciples verse 37 heard him speak and they followed
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- Jesus and Jesus turned and saw them following and said to them what do you seek they said to him rabbi which translated means teacher where are you staying he said to them come and you will see so they came and saw where he was staying and they stayed with him that day for it was about the 10th hour one of the two who heard
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- John speak and followed him was Andrew Simon Peter's brother he found first his own brother
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- Simon and said to him we have found the Messiah which translated means Christ he brought him to Jesus Jesus looked at him and said you are
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- Simon the son of John you shall be called Cephas which is translated Peter the next day he purposed to go into Galilee and he found
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- Philip and Jesus said to him follow me now Philip was from Bethsaida of the city of Andrew and Peter Philip found
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- Nathanael and said to him we have found him of whom Moses and the law and also the prophets wrote
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- Jesus of Nazareth the son of Joseph Nathanael said to him can any good thing come out of Nazareth Philip said to him come and see
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- Jesus saw Nathanael coming to him and said of him behold an Israelite indeed in whom there is no deceit
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- Nathanael said to him how do you know me Jesus answered and said to him before Philip called you when you were under the fig tree
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- I saw you Nathanael answered him rabbi you are the Son of God you are the king of Israel Jesus answered and said to him because I said to you that I saw you under the fig tree do you believe you will see greater things than these and he said to him truly truly
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- I say to you you will see the heavens open and the angels of God ascending and descending on the
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- Son of Man so Jesus asks the first two unnamed disciples of John who start following him what do you seek and they say where are you staying kind of an odd question but it's
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- I think it's like an informal way of saying that we have a desire to get to know you more it's kind of like asking well what are you doing for lunch
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- Jesus answers come you will see now we get to know for sure who one of these two unnamed disciples is because the scripture tells us it's
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- Andrew who goes and finds his brother Simon Peter the other one we don't really know who for sure who he is we think we hypothesize that it's
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- John himself not not John the Baptist but the gospel writer John the
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- Evangelist as he's often called you know he's unnamed in many sections of his book and it like it's likely that it's him but we don't know for sure but look at verse 41 of the testimony of Andrew in verse 41 he says we have found the
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- Messiah I love that phrase he's been looking and waiting and expecting the
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- Messiah to come and when John the Baptist says to him behold the Lamb of God he goes out and looks and goes that's him and what does he do he goes and finds his brother and brings him right and after the conversation with Simon Peter Jesus purposes to go to Galilee and then
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- Jesus goes and finds Philip the other two disciples follow him they find him but Jesus goes and finds
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- Philip and says to Philip in verse 43 follow me well what's response well he goes and finds
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- Nathanael and tells him we have found him of whom Moses in the law and also the prophets wrote
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- Jesus of Nazareth the son of Joseph Philip's statement tells us that he and likely
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- Nathanael and likely some of the other disciples they knew the Old Testament and they were waiting with a faith -filled expectation that God would fulfill all of his prophetic promises to them and he would bring his
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- Messiah and Philip is confident that this man Jesus that he's observing here he matches his messianic expectations now
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- Nathanael is not so sure Nathanael expresses this disdainful attitude
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- I love the reality that the Gospels record a whole lot about the disciples sometimes we think they're pretty stupid right some of the some of the things that they say
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- I actually think that they were pretty smart these are the guys who had the corner on the truth before everybody else did right they were waiting for the
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- Messiah whereas the rest of the nation was like wait but Nathanael says something that we laugh at today right can any good thing come out of Nazareth he expresses this disdainful attitude towards the region that Jesus was from he's like God is gonna send his
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- Messiah from Nazareth are you kidding me which clearly tells you that there was not a rumor around Judea that there was this guy in Nazareth who'd been doing miracles since birth right
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- Jesus life of obscurity to this point that Nathaniel is going like are you serious
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- Nazareth tells us Jesus had lived a fully human life that had no difference to this point
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- Philip's response to Nathanael's disdain is amazing it's simple it's faithful and I think it's one that we can emulate and I think
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- Peter this answers the question from yours earlier when somebody does not respond to the truth the way that you and I want them to the answer is not disdain for them like well you're gonna find out someday burn in hell no what does
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- Philip say to Nathanael come and see come and see if you come to him and you see this man you're gonna know come and see
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- Philip is confident that one who encounters the man
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- Jesus will encounter truth and he will change his mind that's the heart of evangelism you say to those who are around you come and see come and see
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- Jesus don't trust me come see it so look back at verse 47 48
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- Jesus saw Nathanael coming to him and says of him behold an Israelite indeed in whom there is no deceit
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- Nathanael said to him how do you know me but how do we understand Jesus ability to know where Nathanael was before Philip found him
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- I'm gonna suggest to you that the Holy Spirit revealed it to Jesus as he would to an
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- Old Testament prophet John 1 verse 49
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- Nathanael's response I love it rabbi you are the
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- Son of God you are the king of Israel so to summarize here we see how in chapter 1
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- John the Baptist and his disciples and those to whom they carried forward this chain of belief in the person of Jesus despite not yet having fully seen the power and the wisdom they had faith because they had faith -filled expectations they knew what
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- Jesus should match as a man Jesus was filled with the Holy Spirit and he was worth following he demonstrated consistency with what the
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- Old Testament prophesied so as we finish here we're just gonna translate transition very briefly to the account that you know well
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- John 2 verses 1 through 12 Jesus first recorded miracle where he turns water into wine at the wedding feast in Cana of Galilee which is a city north of Nazareth and a west of the
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- Sea of Galilee and this wedding feast is a place where Jesus his mother his brothers and his disciples are invited and look at chapter 2 we won't read the whole chapter because you hopefully know this but chapter 2 verse 3 says when the wine ran out the mother of Jesus said to him they have no wine and Jesus said to her woman what has that what does that have to do with us my hour has not yet come it appears that although Jesus had never previously performed a miracle that we have recorded
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- Mary has an optimism and an expectation that Jesus is going to act to rescue the reputation of the bridegroom of this wedding who is on the hook for the shame and even the financial loss the legal shame of not having provided enough wine for the guests at the wedding now
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- Jesus response my hour has not yet come demonstrates that he does not simply act based upon his own will he recognizes that he has a dependence upon God the
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- Father his timing through the Spirit and that there is a future time which will be the right time for him to fully reveal who the
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- Messiah is to the people of Israel but it's not now now this is the first miracle and he is going to partially reveal some power here right but it's not the full revelation
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- Mary is not dissuaded she commends the servants whatever he says to you do it she's confident that in her faith that God will work in and through the person of Jesus think back to Mary's faith that she expressed in Luke 1 46 to 47 my soul exalts the
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- Lord and my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior she has faith filled expectations of Jesus the
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- Jesus first miracle reveals his spirit filled power he turns water into wine the spirit works and John alone records this miracle for us as part of John's emphasis on these seven signs that Jesus did in verse in John 2 11 he says this is beginning of his signs
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- Jesus did in Cana of Galilee and manifested his glory and his disciples believed in him and we know that that is what the response is that John wants for all of us we look at John 20 verses 30 to 31 it says therefore many other signs
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- Jesus also performed in the presence of his disciples which are not written in this book but these have been written so that you may believe that Jesus is the
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- Christ the Son of God and that by believing you may have life in his name so let's summarize here
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- John Jesus disciples heard the truth from John the Baptist and they heard it from Jesus himself and when they did so they changed their minds like Jesus disciples when we encounter the truth through the revelation of Scripture we should be prepared to change how through the power of the
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- Holy Spirit indwelling us Jesus exercised prophetic knowledge and miraculous power that evidence that he was filled by the
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- Spirit beyond measure this allowed his mother and his disciples to see that what he did was consistent with the evidence of what the
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- Old Testament prophecies would say his works by the Spirit testified about him and inspired belief in others so my challenge for you and I we should not shy away from proclaiming the authenticity the full truth of the scriptures themselves and what they say about his it's hard even when it seems very obtuse to a 21st century audience that's been steeped in the sin of humanistic naturalism but we should never shy away from proclaiming the truth that Jesus turned water into wine he raised the dead he made the blind see in the lame walk the
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- Gospels are powerful beloved they bring us face to face with Jesus in his full humanity so one of the beautiful aspects of these extended narratives here is not merely an account of just what
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- Jesus did when he did it but how the men and the women who saw him responded and we have seen how
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- John the Baptist John the disciple Andrew Simon Peter Philip and Nathaniel Mary and his other disciples responded the question is how will you respond will you believe that Jesus is who he said he was will you trust in him trust in God and find your hope solely in his righteous life and his death will you study the
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- Old Testament and the New Testament and take the scriptures at face value will you honestly wrestle with the hard questions and when you find the truth will you change because you can change because you're in Christ and his spirit lives in you you have everything that you need and lastly when you change will you proclaim it to a lost and dying world without shying away from the difficulties by God's grace may we do that this week as you go home this week