Give Us Money And Jesus Will Come Back Soon! - Jesse Duplantis

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where the Bible and critical thinking meet to give you real
Christian commentary about the things that matter. Thanks so much for watching, let's get into the video. So Jesse Duplantis is a preacher from Louisiana, and he is, unsurprisingly, the founder of Jesse Duplantis Ministries.
He preaches the Prosperity Gospel and Word of Faith heresies, and basically, Jesse's one of those pastors who spent his entire career making theological promises in exchange for people's money, which will never come to fruition.
And of course, that's a risk he's always willing to take, as long as it's with your money and not his, and I have a perfect example of this to show you today.
In a recent video, Jesse talked about why it's taken so long for Jesus to come back. Here's what he said.
I honestly believe this, that the reason why Jesus hadn't come is because people are not giving the way
God told them to give. You see what I'm saying? I mean, when you understand, you can speed up the time.
I'm gonna have people move according to the Word of God. What is God saying to you? And I really believe this.
If people would call this number and put this victory all over the world, on every available voice, every available outlet, the father, he would say,
Jesus, go get him. Because you see, he wants to see us as much as we want to see him. You see what
I'm saying? And so what has hindered all these things is, is because people are not doing in the financial realm, because we live in an economic world, what
God's called them to do. Now these comments are entirely unbiblical for so many reasons, and that's what we're going to talk about in today's video.
So without further ado, let me offer you three biblical points with regards to Jesse Duplantis' unbiblical teaching about money and Jesus' second coming.
Number one, let's take a look at one of Jesse's first claims, shall we? Watch this. I honestly believe this, that the reason why
Jesus hadn't come is because people are not giving the way God told them to give. You see what I'm saying?
I mean, when you understand it, you can speed up the time. I'm going to have people move according to the word of God.
What is God saying to you? He says something along the lines of, the reason Jesus hasn't come back yet is because people aren't giving, quote, the way
God told them to. The idea here is that people aren't giving enough money to the causes that Jesse supports.
Do you see what the problem is in this statement, though? He says that people aren't giving the way God told them to, but in response, he proceeds to tell them how to give in a way that God has also not told them to.
There's a sleight of hand trick happening here. He's effectively saying that God told you to give more money to ministries like his, but of course, notice that Jesse has no biblical support, no chapter and verse to demonstrate why this position is correct.
And the reason for this is simple. Jesse is a prosperity gospel hack who's made a living by preaching nonsense while he crosses his fingers hoping you believe it.
God did not say, give more money. This doesn't reflect what the Bible teaches about money. What did God actually say about giving, though?
Well, 2 Corinthians 9, 7 gives us the answer. It says, quote, each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion for God loves a cheerful giver.
Again, God does not legalistically say, give me more money. Rather, he tells us through his word to have generous hearts that are willing to give cheerfully to others out of kindness rather than compulsion, whatever the amount we give may be.
In other words, Jesse Duplantis is using a legalistic framework based in unbiblical ideas to make you give to his ministry.
And all it takes is five minutes of research to show how totally ridiculous this man is. But then again,
Jesse Duplantis has made his fortune by relying on the fact that you'll listen to him rather than the Bible.
So none of this can be too surprising, unfortunately. So the point is, Jesse Duplantis offers seriously legalistic and unbiblical teaching about money, and he always has.
And this brings me to point number two. Let's go ahead and watch another section of this video where Jesse expands on his previous nonsense.
Check this out. And I really believe this. If people would call this number and put this victory all over the world, on every available voice, every available outlet, the father, he would say,
Jesus, go get him. Because you see, he wants to see us as much as we want to see him. You see what
I'm saying? And so what has hindered all these things is, is because people are not doing in the financial realm, because we live in an economic world, what
God's called them to do. So here, Jesse says that if people start giving to the ministries that he's attached to, then
God would tell Jesus to come back immediately. Now where does the Bible say that? Oh, that's right. It doesn't.
Because the ideas of Jesse Duplantis are about as coherent and biblical as the ingredients on the back of a ketchup bottle.
That is to say, they make no sense, and they have nothing to do with the Bible at all. In Matthew 24, 44,
Jesus says this, quote, Therefore you also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.
This verse is not saying that there are no signs of the second coming of Christ. Of course, we know from Scripture that there will be.
The point here is that we personally are unable to predict his second coming, because as Matthew 24 says beforehand, quote,
No one knows the day or hour. This also means something else. It means we cannot manipulate or manufacture the second coming of Jesus either.
That is to say, we cannot coerce him to come back using our finances. That would defeat the whole purpose of coming at an hour no one expects.
Surely, if we all group together and give our money so Jesus would come back right now, that's not unexpected.
That's totally expected. That's not saying that we don't know the day or hour. In fact, it's saying the exact opposite.
It's saying, not only can we know the day and hour, but we get to pick the day and hour by choosing when we give our money.
In other words, Jesse Duplantis' ideas that your donations can speed up Jesus' return is an asinine and unbiblical concept with absolutely no evidence to back it up whatsoever.
And this brings me to point number three. Now is the time that we ask an important question. What is Jesse's motivation behind all this?
I mean, as we've discussed, there is no biblical evidence for what he says. But if that's the case, then why does he say it so authoritatively and to so many people?
Well, he does this because he's using a tactic that I would call spiritual manipulation. This is a tactic that all religious cult leaders have used as well.
Keep in mind, I'm not saying that Jesse is an outright cult leader. Rather, I'm saying that he uses the same unbiblical tactics that many famous cult leaders use.
David Koresh, Jim Jones, Joseph Smith, etc. None of these people could simply use their own speech or authority to win people over.
All of these people had to use a facade of divine Christian authority to coerce and deceive their followers.
They used Bible verses taken out of context and wrongfully applied in order to control their followers and take from them what they wanted.
Again, I'm not saying that Jesse Duplantis is an outright cult leader. I'm simply saying he's definitely using their playbook at times.
That's undeniable, and it's very concerning. Jesse himself cannot deceive people with his own personal ideas alone.
So of course, he has to connect his unbiblical ideas with Scripture and with the Christian God. Even though, as I've demonstrated in the video, he doesn't actually find any of these things in the
Christian worldview or in the Bible at all. And as a result, his followers find it very hard to call his ideas foolish and absurd, despite the fact that they clearly are, because these people are afraid that Christ won't return for them, or worse, that God will be upset at their lack of giving.
So they give more and more money to Jesse Duplantis and his henchmen, only for these men to turn around the next week and open their hand again asking for more.
You see, when talking about those who are in the Circumcision Party, a group of false teachers in the early Church, Paul says this in Titus 1 .11,
"...they must be silenced since they are upsetting whole families by teaching for shameful gain what they ought not to teach."
I could not offer you a better summation of the ministry of Jesse Duplantis than this. Preaching what should not be taught for the sake of shameful monetary gain.
That's what this clip of him has proven, without a doubt. So Jesse, if you're somehow watching this, please know this is not an attack on you.
It's a warning to Christians about this important false doctrine that you're preaching. You can always repent of this and confess this to Christ, who is more than capable of forgiving you of all this falsehood.
So let's pray for Jesse Duplantis, that he would repent and turn to the truth of God's Word. Thank you so much for watching.
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And until next time, fight for truth, never surrender, and keep your eyes open. Thank you and God bless.