Witnessing to Mohammed the Muslim



Tony Miano witnesses to Muslim at Boise State University ( http://www.carm.org/Islam ). Mohammed, a third year International Business student who hopes to one day serve in an embassy, did not believe that the Quran states that the Bible, the Word of God cannot be corrupted. He was wrong. For more information: http://carm.org/religious-movements/islam/quran-says-bible-not-corrupt


On the campus of Boise State University this morning with Mohamed Mohamed what are you studying?
International business, okay, and what year are you here third year, and what do you plan to do with that degree?
I'm gonna go in political Science field afterwards, and I'm gonna go work in an embassy
Yeah So I asked you the question if you had three minutes to live
What would your last words be and who would you say them to all right? My last words will be a shadow and a lot a lot and a shadow and a
Mohammed Rasool Allah And they're going to be for Allah for God Okay, can you translate what you said because I didn't understand most of it
It means that there's no God, but Allah and that Mohamed Mohamed peace be upon him is a prophet and a servant of God And what is
I take it obviously you're Muslim, okay? Based on your religious beliefs who is
Jesus Christ is a Jesus Christ peace be upon him is a prophet of God And as a prophet can
I can a prophet tell a lie no no okay? Jesus said and you recognize the
New Testament as Part of the Word of God correct yes Jesus said I am the way and the truth and the life no one comes to the father
But through me was he telling the truth Through me no one's come. Yeah, if you believe in his message that you have to believe in one
God yes Okay, that that's not what he said. He said I am the way and the truth and the life
No one comes to the father, but through me. He didn't say but through my message. He said but through me
Did he write that and if you can find that in the book that he claims that he's God or pray for me?
Okay, but well now now correct me if I'm wrong, but the Quran says that The the
New Testament is the Word of God and cannot be corrupted If yeah, if you can get the original one, but not the ones you you have nowadays.
It's been Rewritten by how do you know that because I've looked into it
And actually looked at the the ancient manuscripts the Greek and the Hebrew you've compared them The 25 ,000 the translation is wrong.
There's a lot of things. That's wrong. You can't say That Jesus is God. It doesn't say anywhere that pray for me
You know maybe it was written there that's go through me, but never says he never claims that he's
God He always actually he does Well, then that's wrong. That's wrong because then then you're then you're disagreeing with the
Quran No, I'm not because the Quran says that the Bible cannot be corrupted that the word of the
Word of God cannot be corrupted Exactly. That's why the Quran is here because that that message is saved because everybody memorized it and nobody could you know
Write his own and plus when you look at it who wrote the Bible Okay, and how if Jesus said he's
God Okay, how can God die? Right. Well, he was fully
God and fully man at the same time be Well, he did he was he said he was all right
And if that was true, then how can be like a bunch of Jews will killed God, you know
We pray for God that is God that nobody can You know kill him or do anything when
God say a word it will happen and that's it Right and Jesus said I will lay my down my life down and I will rise it up again on the third day
No, no one no one killed the the Son of God. No one killed God in the flesh
Apart from his will apart from him allowing that to happen so that he could pay the penalty for sinners like you and me
But if he is God, he'll just forgive us. He don't have to pay any on what basis can he forgive us? If you if he was
God, he can just allow us all to go to heaven Then he's then he's not just he know if he was saying that if you then if he died that he'll be just You know his him killing himself or allowing the
Jews to kill him It's not gonna allow us all of us to go to heaven just well, not everyone is going to heaven
Yeah, it's on what basis does someone go to heaven and they believe in one God? But you can't believe in a
God that other people can kill him and plus how if he was God How can he have a mother, you know, Mary gave birth to him?
You know, so God is is one is defined have no partners. No sons.
No daughters. No wives nothing He's only one one God in three persons.
I haven't the father the son and the Holy Spirit can't happen So how then is the God of Islam just if he is just going to forgive he's not gonna just forgive
You'll go to heaven you don't believe in him you put partners with God you're going to hell But where's the justice?
Oh, where's the justice for sin when you repent? calling his name when you pray when you do good to your
Mankind Muhammad have you ever been in a human courtroom before human court? Yeah, you know a court a court of law here and in the
United States or elsewhere. Yeah if you were to stand before that judge and The judge asks you
Muhammad. What do you have to say for yourself? And you say well your honor. I'm really sorry for what I've done. I'm gonna try not to do that again and Since I was arrested for breaking the law.
I've done many good things to help my fellow, man Therefore I think you should let me go is the judge going to let you go
It depends on what I did, but no it doesn't depend on what you did because a good judge is not going to let you go
He's going to punish you according to the law you broke and so if I had some some sins like that I'll be punished too before I go to heaven
Explain that to me. What do you mean by that? Well? We all have to go through path that takes us to heaven and then there will be above Health the hellfire and there's a be if so if we did all good
We'll be that path will be smooth and we'll be going straight to heaven But if we didn't like some part wrong or something we'll get burned right there were always standing
You know and it depends on how bad we did you know some people will go We'll fall in that hell and that in the hell and that and that and that hall
But you believe God is perfect of course God is holy and righteous and just of course God's punishment for sin is an infinite punishment if I were to lie to a small child that child's not going to be able to Punish me if I go home and lie to my wife
I might end up sleeping on the couch lie here on campus I could get kicked out of school lie to my boss.
I could lose my job stand before a judge and lie to him I Might go to prison. It's the same offense
But what's changed is whom the offense is against God is infinitely holy and righteous and just Therefore any sin against him is infinitely punishable by an infinitely holy
God You me anyone else trying to do good works to ameliorate our sin to compensate for our sin
Will never pay an infinite penalty for an infinite sin against God How Jesus dying will prevent us from that we just believe in Jesus Jesus wasn't the only prophet
So what about before Jesus comes? What about the people who died before and they believed in Moses? They're gonna go to hell
No They look those who live by faith like Abraham those who live by faith looked forward to the coming of the
Messiah Those of us who know Jesus by faith look back to his sacrificial death
And the shedding of his innocent blood and his resurrection as Muslims We also look back and we look forward and we know the
Messiah's coming and we know Jesus Christ will come at the end of day He's already come he will come he you don't believe
Jesus has already come you he and then he was you know They they they put him on the cross and all that and they killed him
All right, that appears to them that they killed him but God, you know took his spirit up. So he's gonna come back actually
His body was raised. He walked among his disciples For 40 days and 40 nights that people saw him they ate with him.
They broke bread with him It was not only his spirit that was raised. It was his body What I'm saying is that he didn't just die he's not in the ground
So if you're saying that he took his body, it's the same thing. That's what I mean that he didn't die
Yeah, no, he did die appeared to them that they know he did die. Okay He was he was certified as dead by the
Roman soldiers When when they when they went and broke the legs of the other two Criminals who were who were on the crosses beside him.
They did not break Jesus's leg to Facilitate a more rapid death.
They saw that he was already dead They drove a spear through his side piercing the pericardium with blood and water pouring out indicating death
He was dead. He was buried he was prepared according to the Jewish customs for burial with almost 75 pounds of Herbs and spices and and and other materials and he was wrapped and he was laid in the tomb.
He was dead Okay, so but that still doesn't you know, we were the conflict or not a conflict
But the message is one believe in one God with Abraham being the fathers of these Messengers like that, you know what
I mean? So they all had one message. We believe in one God So you can't you know, it's not all the same message.
It is the same message No, then that means that we have so much so many gods. Well, there is only one God there is only one
God and that is why the the Jewish people killed Jesus because he asserted that he was
God They killed many prophets before him too because they had that same message and the same thing
They they try to come so then Jesus was a little bit. So then Jesus was a liar. He wasn't a liar Well, you can't have it both ways.
You're contradicting yourself Muhammad. Jesus can't Jesus can't be Exactly who he says he was and not be exactly who he says he was at the same time and in the same manner
But you get the problem here The Jews killed killed your God or Jesus and they don't reply will for you
So wherever they wrote you can't trust that so The okay again, you're contradicting your own faith
The Quran says that the Bible cannot be corrupted. That's what the
Quran says and corrupt it. Well, okay Well, then then we can't trust the Quran. Well, go find me that source that it says that well
Quran says Can you know the no reference? Okay Who wrote it when did they write your gospel
Within 30 40 years of the events by eyewitnesses by I went by eyewitnesses 40 years
Eyewitness accounts how many Bibles are here nowadays? There's many how many currents are there here today?
There are many there's one all these all these church You look at them like we have four right there.
They all believe in Jesus, but they all have different books. Why? How do you know they all have different books?
I know they have different books because they know I said Everybody have a different version of their that's not true
Bible. That's not true Well, that's not true mom, but it's just not true. You're you're you're building a straw man argument and you're cutting it down You're you're putting up a false assertion and then you're tearing apart to make your point.
That's just not true If we bring all the books, they're gonna be the same a Bible Yes, if there are Christian churches, they follow the
Bible. They follow the Word of God. So we have the now They're not Christians, okay, and we have the
Catholics they're not Christians. Okay, but they all believe in Jesus. That's what I mean They believe in different Jesus's so it's like them just like the
Muslims. We don't believe in different Sure, you believe that Jesus was a prophet second to Mohammed when in fact
Jesus created Mohammed and Mohammed stood before Jesus to be judged when he died.
Okay, and who created Jesus nobody. He is eternally God He was what he can he was with the
Father in creation all things were right There's a Father Son Holy Spirit.
No Father Son Holy Spirit one God in three persons. It's not polytheism.
It is monotheism It is one God in three persons. I can't tell you because it's a truth
He can be infinite perfect. How dare you question God? I'm not questioning God I'm questioning the what you're saying to me, you know, you're telling me that Jesus is three
He can be God. He can be the no. No, I'm saying I'm no Jesus is not the Holy Spirit Jesus is not the
Father Jesus is God the Son God the Father is God the Father God the Holy Spirit is God the
Holy Spirit One God in three persons. Okay, one God three persons still a bunch of Jews killed your
God for you And he rose from the dead and defeated sin and death and this is the
God before whom you will one day stand to give An account I won't be standing in front of him. You will believe in him
You don't you you believe in a God that you've created in your imagination to suit yourself human he eats
He sleeps, you know, and he had a mother fully God and fully man and without sin
Okay, so unlike Muhammad who was a sinner like the rest of us. What did Muhammad do as a sin? well one he corrupted the
Word of God by writing the Quran he didn't write the Quran And how did he corrupt the
Word of God because it contradicts what the Word of God says? That Jesus is God that salvation is by the grace of God alone through faith alone in Jesus Christ alone
Okay, the end of days. We're all gonna stand before God. Yes, and Before we do that Jesus is gonna come and it's gonna tell you and he's gonna break that cross and he's gonna tell you
I'm not God and I never said that word. You've just blasphemed God You're you're a blasphemer
Muhammad and you're going to give an account for that You've created a God in your imagination To suit yourself because you do not want to submit to the one true
God Because you suppress the truth by your unrighteousness I want to submit for somebody is not is but was killed as you actually hate
God Why but I died because it's your sinful human nature to hate God. No and apart from Jesus Christ.
You can't know him I'm not wrong. I'm I'm not it's just that you don't believe the
Word of God And you love your sin, no, you wouldn't Muhammad you won't you don't want to believe
Muhammad you actually believe that that by Miriam his mother who did God created her?
Okay. So why did if he created her? Why do you have to create a son for her? Yeah, walk away go away
Yeah, are you okay? Yeah, really? Yeah. He doesn't he doesn't really believe that he just wanted to be on film
Yeah there, you know as well as I do that that they don't believe that right, okay, cuz
Okay, the reality is this Muhammad You're going to die and stand before God and give an account for your life
Yes, and if you have ever lied taking his name in vain stolen looked with lust
There's nothing you have done on this earth that will That will grant you forgiveness for your sins.
You can never pay the sin debt that you owe to God So what was his message before he died before Jesus died repent and believe the gospel?
There was no gospel what gospel before he he is the gospel. He is the gospel. Yes, Jesus Christ is the gospel
That God the Father sent his son to earth in the person of Jesus Christ fully God Fully God fully man and without sin and unlike you and me
Muhammad. He never once violated the law of God He was and he is Never did
He is God And he condescended to take on the form of human flesh
Why because that was his plan for salvation in order for the sins of man to be forgiven
The sacrifice had to be fully God because only God can appease the wrath of God and the sin and the sacrifice had to be
Fully man because only man can pay the penalty for man's sins He don't have to but he didn't do that And he couldn't send angels down because angels are not fully gotten a fully man.
Angels are created beings He don't have to everything is created But he did what he he did what he wanted to do.
He did what he designed to do He did what he preferred predetermined to do from eternity past create Moses before he created
Jesus He never created Jesus. Jesus is fully God. Jesus is eternal The Word of God the
Word of God which the Quran says is true and cannot be corrupted Said that all things were created by him and through him and for him
Jesus Yes, it does the Quran doesn't say that bring me a Quran and say The New Testament which the
Quran says cannot be corrupted Says that so your issue can the Quran say that if there is a
Quran? So if we have a perfect Word of God why there is a Quran? That's that's not a question for me to answer
You're the one that hasn't you're the one that has the dilemma the Quran contradicts what you're telling me it doesn't okay
I never say that Jesus is God It says it's no.
I know the Quran doesn't say that Jesus is God It's but it says that the new but it says that the New Testament cannot be
Corrupted it cannot not that it has been but it cannot and if God says that something cannot be corrupted
But man can still corrupt it then God ceases to be God and man becomes God at that point.
It's not corrupted We don't have so many churches here No, we have so we have we okay
Why do you have the cross if he was killed on some by something else or they put him on a wall or something you will
He died on the cross the Word of God says he died on the cross the same Word of God that the Quran says cannot be
Corrupted you think that he really want to come down and see all this crosses all over. That's how he was killed
You know he wasn't he didn't go and lay there. He how can you presume to know what God thinks?
Because it's logic even though no no it's illogical this person We hang this person why we're using the rule of the rope for him
Just another example the Word of God says the Word of God says that what is man?
What is man that man should question him? Who are you that you okay?
But that's what you're doing right now. I'm not because I'm because I'm because I'm not questioning the one creator I'm create.
I'm questioning the creation of the Creator, which is and yeah, not even I'm not even questioning him
I'm questioning the Bible nowadays because it's Jews killed
Jesus or put him on actually the Romans killed Jesus Okay, the Romans killed Jesus and they put him on the cross and you're telling me here to believe that I have to use the cross and I have to Do like no
I never said I never said that I never said that I never told you to make some sign like the Catholics Do I never told you to believe in three gods?
Okay, so No one said you had to carry one he Was no one said who said you had to carry one okay?
But why every every Christian have one or the Catholic have do I don't have one you don't have okay?
Well see that Muhammad what you're doing is you're making these superfluous broad statements that everyone does this and everyone does that when well
Muhammad okay, so Jesus was crucified on a church and Or or whatever he do and how do you pray how do you pray when you go to church?
How do you pray I pray to God how what do you say what difference is make? I pray to God I Because the veil of the temple was torn in two when
Jesus died on the cross and because God has provided only one mediator between God and man Jesus Christ I can go directly to him by faith in prayer
I like what you said you said he created a mediator between him, and I didn't say he created a mediator No, I said he there is one mediator between God and man
I did not say that he created one mediator between God and man. There was one mediator between God and man
Jesus Christ Okay, why would there be a mediator? Why can't we just pray to God? He's up there why because our sin separates us from God what if somebody never sent?
That's okay that that's okay. Show me the person Right the person doesn't exist the only person who existed who never lied who never sinned in any way
Was Jesus Christ the Lord fully God and fully man and without sin. What about the the miracles that happens before him?
What about it? God God can do miracles okay, but before Jesus right?
Yeah, so his birth itself was a miracle Yes, so therefore. There's there's somebody before Jesus God has always existed we have ever him we have
Moses We have all these prophets, so why you're telling me I have to go through Jesus only because that's what
Jesus said That's wrong. Okay. Well, then I know you don't believe that because you love your sin
And because you hate you love your sin your sin is the denial of Jesus Christ is
Lord It's blasphemy We all know there'll be one day that we all gonna die
We're gonna raise again in front of God, and he will question us by ourself No, no you you're wrong about that the day of judgment is not a court trial the day of judgment is a day of Sentencing okay, you have already been found guilty the wrath of God already abide
No according to the Word of God because you have sinned the wrath of God already abides on you
When you stand before God it will not be to argue your case it will not be to lay good works at his feet because all those are but filthy rags and nothing but an attempt to bribe the judge of the universe and And if you are not clothed in the righteousness of Jesus Christ you will be sent to hell for all eternity for your sin
I'll tell him I won't tell him anything. You won't say a thing to him You'll be on your feet because it is because it's
God. Yes, exactly Exactly. No quit. No God's omniscient. God knows everything.
He needs to know about you right now Muhammad He knows your every thought he knows your every action. He knows your every word.
Yes, he does Yes, the Word of God the the New Testament Which again the
Quran affirms that is cannot be corrupted said that Jesus knows the thoughts of men
He is omniscient. We just said the New Testament. So what about the Old Testament? The Old Testament is entirely true as well
Okay, and what about it is one one the Quran is not true. Why not because it's not the Word of God How do you know because it does not testify that Jesus is
Alone the Messiah the that Jesus is God in the flesh that Jesus died to take upon himself
The punishment for the sins that you and I have committed against him and that Jesus rose from the grave and is eternally
God the Quran Blasphemes God because it testifies against him tells you that New Testament can be modified
No, the Quran says that it can't be modified. So so here's here's your dilemma You're putting your trust in a book.
Okay, you're putting your trust in the Quran You believe the Quran is true And then you say the Quran is wrong when the
Quran says that the Quran cannot that the New Testament cannot be corrupted Because it's been corrupted Find me that verse in the
Quran And bring it to me and I'll and I'll be here Next year next week, you know, whenever I'll be here get my name.
I study in this. So, okay, so Okay, assuming that verse is there Assuming that that passage is there in the
Quran. What do you do with it? I want to ask you before before I answer this What does the
Old Testament say? about this New Testament The Old Testament doesn't say anything about the
New Testament But the Old Testament from from Genesis through Malachi Testifies to who the
Messiah will be that it will be Jesus Christ that he will be born of a virgin that he will be born in Bethlehem that he would die on the cross that he would that he would suffer at the hands of sinful people and that he would and that he would pay a
Ransom through his shed blood. He would pay the ransom for many the the Old Testament Which is the
Word of God all of it is the Word of Christ The Word became flesh and dwelt among us in John 1 all of it from Genesis 1 1 to the end of Revelation All of it are the words of Jesus Christ.
It is a testimony of Himself, and do you know that there's or should be if the
New Testament if it wasn't modified that There is another prophets gonna come after Jesus There yeah the
Word of God says that that two prophets will come in the end times but they're not the Messiah They're going they're going to testify of the
Messiah. There's only one Lord There's only one Savior and that is Jesus Christ. He is the creator of all things.
He created Muhammad He created every human being and he alone is without sin and he's
God in the flesh and he will judge in righteousness How come the Roman his creation killed the creator? Because that was
God's eternal plan it the the sacrifice as I said had to be fully God and fully man fully
God to appease The wrath of God and fully man to take the punishment for sinful man, sir with all due respect
You can't have the creation kill the creator. You can't say that. I just I can't I just said it
If you have a creator who created everything How can a creation kill the creator because he's one God in three persons and God the
Son God the Son humbled himself to take on the form of human flesh Why for his great love for God so loved the world for God so loved the world
For God so loved the world that he gave the only begotten Son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life
Yes, God Jesus Christ God in the flesh had an earthly mother, but he did not have an earthly father.
Why? Why because because it was a miraculous conception because God in in a way that only
God knows Caused Mary to be pregnant With the
Son of God Okay, it was not it was not she it was not Procreation with with an earthly man because because the sin of mankind
Flows through Adam our federal head Adam sinned therefore sin entered into the world therefore all men have sinned
We've all been born with a sin nature. All right So Jesus Christ God in the flesh
Was fully human Having been given haven't been birthed by Mary his mother and fully
God Because Mary conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit Fully God and fully man and without sin.
It can't be but it is you just deny it you suppress that truth by your unrighteousness Denying anything.
Okay in order for you to I believe how he was born. I believe you don't you you deny how he was born
You believe that he's merely a human being. Yes. He is. He's not you blaspheme
God and that's it No, he's God in the flesh. Well, his powers were controlled bunch of Jews killed him.
His powers weren't controlled Jesus said the pilot you would have no Thor authority unless it was given to you
Okay, if God Jesus controlled all of that and he submitted to the will God the
Son submitted to the will of God the Father So that sinful human beings like you and me could receive forgiveness of our sins
Because we can't atone for our own sins if he died because of our sins or your sin
Okay, that means we can't send all we want. No, it doesn't. No, it doesn't No, it doesn't.
We're not guaranteed heaven. Why not? Because because And die because unless you turn from your sin and put your trust in Jesus Christ alone for your salvation
You will receive no forgiveness. You don't have to die if either he died, but he did giving but he did and you can't question
God That's what God did. I'm question it. I'm not I'm questioning what you're telling me
I don't question the Creator who created Jesus and every didn't know you're you've just blasphemed
God You're creating a God in your own imagination to suit yourself The bottom line
I'm not gonna believe You won't believe until God allows you to believe you're incapable of believing until God allows you to believe because you're dead
You can't have creation stronger than than Creator end of story, you know creation isn't
Creation isn't stronger than the Korea. No, nothing. Nothing happens outside of the will of God if you agree on that How can you believe that Jesus was
God? Because he laid down his life as a ransom for many. You don't have to he did he did
Yes, and that any controlled that and and you're telling God what he should and shouldn't do you blaspheme
God telling you I'm just it's simple. You have a creator Everything he's not gonna have a creation kill him so that he can have this plan like you're telling me
Yeah, you're calling God a liar. I'm not calling God. You are because Jesus wasn't God and he was you blasphemed him