First Day Back---Wide Variety of Topics


Gave a little recap of my trip to Europe, then discussed the onslaught of the totalitarians in both Illinois and Ottawa. Talked a bit about the incoherence of the secularist worldview in connection to that. Then spent a good bit of time on the London terrorist attacks, once again discussing Islam and the reactions to recent events. Took phone calls on a number of topics to finish out the program. Nice to be home!

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And find the studio and Studios mainly still in one piece
I do understand that it was invaded by some very odd people.
I found this strange the strange picture in here
Obviously whoever made it So evidently someone with no
Personal knowledge of cycling was was in here I heard that there was some discussion of Of this as an indication of witchcraft
Which again shows some level of confusion on the part of people This is called a straw man and it there's this straw man argumentation thing.
That's yeah, anyway I Think I moved the little lighter
It's probably good. I moved the lighter didn't have a lighter in here Because some of the people who were in here,
I'm not sure that would've been safe for them. So Anyway, I didn't really look very closely
Behind me see if there are any strange books being hidden in the in the in the camera shot because I heard some people
Were thinking about doing something like that, but it looks I don't see left behind Anything like that so I think
I'm safe There's a bunch of stuff by William Lane Craig down here on mullinism, that's always weird, but Other than that, we're good.
We're good. The Enterprise D is still here the tribbles the Borg cube We're good.
We're good. We're we're back Let me just thank everybody who made
Give rich a raise Wow. Did you see the there's a hashtag in the channel give rich a raise
Actually, it looks like a very long French word, but Anyway, I I Let me just thank everybody who made the last three weeks possible.
That was a really long trip 22 days five countries you might go.
I only count four countries. I I flew I drove from Um Brno Czech Republic, which is now
Chechia The Czechia something like that. They actually officially changed name just matter weeks ago.
So along in the Czech Republic To Vienna Austria to fly from Vienna to Kiev and so That added
Austria to my list I'm not sure if just visiting an airport really counts but for my mom driving through any part of a state meant you had been to the state, so Evidently an airport definitely if you eat there, you know stuff like that.
Then you definitely yeah, you've been there So so we added Vienna Austria to list of five five nations.
Yes. I was in I Was in London back in March running across the bridge at Westminster Exactly one week to the day from that attack and I was in London for the attack a couple days ago
What I had nothing to do with me, yeah Yeah, yeah, but I wasn't anywhere near it.
Of course Most people but most people living over here don't know Where Heathrow is in relationship to downtown if I had stayed?
Downtown where I've stayed the past few times. I would have been very close to it within a kilometer of Of the attack.
No, no two ways about it but anyway Long long trip
It was so long that by the time I got done teaching in Kiev the debate with Peter D Williams seemed like a lifetime ago it really did and My understanding is that the video of that will be done very very soon
You know somebody's been sitting back here, you know while I'm Living in airports and and teaching from 830 in the morning to 515 in the evening with translation on Roman Catholicism and You know,
I come back and it's like so What you doing
It's like I'm busy. It's like okay. All right, whatever. So we've got a video that will be out eventually
The audio has already been posted and we've already gotten some nice comments. I've appreciated the comments on Twitter that it's nice to hear a
Roman Catholic Protestant debate where the people are actually talking to each other rather just pastor I Despite the fact that we were also, you know forced to identify each each of us the other as a formal heretic
You know, there's no compromise and that's what droves drives a lot of people crazy is If if you're going to be addressing a subject like that and it's you're you are
Very much in opposition one another then the mindset is that you should treat one another
Uncivilly and in a nasty way and don't ever give anybody the idea that you'd actually like to see them save don't give them any
Give them a reason to think you'd like to see them actually find something attractive in your commitment to Christ Well, that's just you're a compromiser if you do that Yeah with the
Roman Catholics or them certainly can't do it a muscle We we certainly learned that you you can't no no
No, do not do not do anything that could possibly be interpreted as As adorning the gospel of Christ or attracting people with grace or mercy.
No, that's that's compromised here at one I'll be careful with my language some person on Twitter starting the morning of the attack while I was there while I'm sure they were very safely ensconced to wherever they are talking about how
I was in London having Having coffee with the terrorists and spinning their actions and all the rest that stuff and it's just like what what a bunch of loons
Anyway So we had we had the debate In London flew to Wittenberg was there for quite some time great time with All the folks there spoke at a couple of Sessions gave a presentation on the atonement and the mass
That was well attended had had good response to that spoke on Solus Christus in the prime in the primary session
With side -by -side translation into German and My my translator
Martin Manson, what a great guy love Martin Christian all the guys there in Berlin with EBT see
Nick was there Greg was there Got to meet some new people got to you know Just just great time and and and you know, it's pretty fun running around Wittenberg and I literally ran around Wittenberg I posted a couple of my runs.
I Eventually plotted out a nice route around the downtown
Wittenberg area There was a whole lot easier to run on if you if you're running the street that goes right to the castle church
It's it's pavement stones. It's a good way to kill yourself Very uneven difficult to walk on let alone run on let alone be safe running on it
So I found a way found a way around that eventually Discovered that pretty much everybody attending the
Shepherds conference in Wittenberg not really big into fitness because I Was the only one out there running at sunrise?
So either that or they're just all out really late at night, which I really don't See how that's possible because almost everything was shut down by 6 maybe 7 and You know
Wittenberg is not a large place. It's not a big metropolitan, you know type place Anyway, I had a great time there then went to the
Czech Republic as I said I Cannot I cannot state I cannot pronounce the name of the city
Cornier it's or something like that. There is that that language is absolutely amazing with all the little
Things you put over letters that completely change the pronunciation of everything and that Cornier it's something like that.
I didn't I don't know how he does it. You have to be able to really mess things up, but Did a week's worth on Roman Catholicism being translated by batik
Who Was one of my students. I first met him in the textual critical textual criticism class
I taught in Berlin a number of years ago now and He was one of the troublemakers in the back of the room and So side -by -side translation again until you've done it
You just what? Oh You're moving the microphone around that normally means you're yeah
Until you've until you have translated side -by -side where you have to stop start stop start stop start just no way of realizing how
Debilitating that is to for most people that the cadence you develop
Always trying to think okay. Have I gone too far? Where can I break here?
It's Wow so we did the best we can in that type of a situation and there were some other people that could read that could
Understand English that we're sort of helping along with some of the more technical terminology and we needed it
But that was really important to do. There's there's very little Good Christian teaching and as is so often the case when
I was down in South Africa Now in the Czech Republic everywhere I go
The Baptist Union is in trouble everywhere I go It doesn't matter what nation
I go to the Baptist Union and and you don't hear much that about Baptist unions in the
United States but they are extremely prevalent in the rest of world and Baptists cannot get along with well, let's face it.
I can let's just think of any denomination Do you know any denomination that gets along real? Well, it's fallen world folks.
It's the way it is Tradition gets in the way of everything. Um, but The like down in South Africa the
Baptist Union Conservatives trying to have an errancy added to the statement of faith and of course liberals fighting it
In Czech Republic, it's all about ecumenism It's all about getting just getting along which is amazing given, you know, what happened with hus and everything the history and You know
Hus had a huge impact and the Reformation did well There initially and then the counter -reformation was just just blew everything right out of that nation
I mean the the Catholics took over and so it's a heavily
Roman Catholic area, but a heavily nominally Roman Catholic area as well but still
You know the wrong the Baptist Union is just playing footsie with Rome and if you dare Point out what the differences are and do it lovingly and accurately
I had to start, you know My opening my opening presentation had to be on should we even be doing this?
What you know? What what's really at stake and so, you know,
I just realized something that I Pulled that forward to try to get that HDMI thing too.
And it it totally changed the it wasn't supposed to be in the shot like that, so So on another note clearly you're gonna have to have a discussion with Jeff He needs a serious
Star Trek education He didn't even know what those were what the tribbles. Yeah How can how can anyone
I don't know I He started looking around and he's just like what's this, you know, and and I Shocked well, so I just I don't understand how
You know, he spent his youth getting kicked in the head. So well, there is that so, you know
Yeah, he has he has an excuse for almost anything if he really wants it Really wants it.
So that's a shame, you know, but yeah, I have noticed a certain lack of science fiction
Strength Yeah, but we all have our shortcomings. I have many of them myself.
So and Yours is interrupting me in the middle of something with something. It's completely irrelevant. So anyway
What was I talking about? Oh, yeah, so then we did a a
New Testament reliability, you know Necessary liability presentation we've done all around the world on on Saturday preached on Sunday traveled
Sunday through Vienna to Kiev and then the last week and thankfully
Was only pretty much in the mornings Because by then I starting that Monday. I was now at a record length
Longest time I'd ever been overseas away from home. I'm not I'm not I'm a homebody. I'm not I'm not really
Jeff's beard is a tribble. Oh There is there is yeah.
Mm -hmm. Yeah, I'm not sure which trouble but now now we can figure out why the confusion
Okay. Anyway, I was teaching on apologetics and thankfully in Kiev I have my dear brother
Nick and Nick Can translate the way they do it at the
UN even though at the UN they only have the poor person translating Live concurrently for like half an hour.
He can do it for hours on end. He's just he is the translation machine and Of course he could
I really think Nick could teach all the classes I go over there and teach anyways to be perfectly honest with you he's a scholar in his own right and So we did that that did give me at least opportunity to Try to catch up on a little rest in the afternoons and then the last thing real quickly,
I Did get a cool opportunity to meet pastor van Lees and his son
In Ukraine van the church there in st.
Charles, Missouri Is the church I've been going to for 15 years first weekend in December for 15 years now only missed once and I was in Ukraine for that one and Vans been going over there for a lot longer than I have and So Just happened that he and his son were there at the same time
I was They used to go out to done yet But that's now a war zone. It's under control the rebels aka the
Russians and You know, they're just Russians just lopping off parts of Ukraine as they as they want more land
Who was it that always want more land in Europe anyway So Van and his son are incredibly accomplished musicians and they were there with David Friesen which if you know jazz music
David Friesen's just one of the biggest names in modern jazz music and so they they teamed up for a concert in Kiev and Greg White was kind enough to drive me into Kiev to Attend it and it was really neat to get to see him someplace other than st.
Charles where I see him each year and The music was great. I posted a little brief clip from my iPhone of them of them playing and Van does the alto sax and his son was a concert pianist classical, but he also does jazz he's just incredibly talented and Dave Friesen's on this really cool looking bass and so That was that was a really cool
Thing to be able to do and I also mentioned this morning on Facebook that Nick and I did a real quick run -through of the
World War two museum There in Kiev, and that was that was amazing.
I had seen a monument while we were driving through Kiev Sunken down in this big park and I think it was
Greg that point to it and they said yeah, that's that's World War two monument The the
Germans drove a hundred and fifty thousand people into that park and then just mowed them down machine guns hundred fifty thousand people and That's what the monument is to the massacre of a hundred hundred and fifty thousand one shot.
Well, it wasn't one shot obviously Ukraine really bore the brunt of the the
Nazi invasion and the war crimes that resulted from it and There's still
Ukrainians aren't big on Germans. Yeah, that's not yeah, and that it goes back to the war which while 75 years ago still
You know passes down over time so so yes I was in London then
I flew back you can't really get from Kiev Back here straight shot the way we want to do it and so I had to overnight at Heathrow So I was out
Heathrow when the attack took place. I I wasn't I was asleep I Woke up in the morning and someone said
I hope you're safe and I'm like, huh? and in fact the First person to contact me that I've on Facebook asked if I was okay was a
Muslim And I mentioned that in the comments that I made on Facebook before I had to catch my flight yesterday or day for yesterday whenever it was and fly back here to The United States where I will be for about a month and then we're headed up to the
Denver area For a couple of weeks gonna be speaking a number of local churches in the
Denver area and then in August London again and Johannesburg so back to South Africa Continuing in the doctoral work.
They're teaching there and Durbin trying to set up debates So The the travel fund this year is going to be used a lot and we we need your assistance having you know,
I consider it a tremendous privilege to be able to go around the world and and teach Amazing the places where this this program is is listened to regularly.
I don't know how we've never sought to advertise promote we don't have funny sound effects and cool graphics we frequently talk about Strange and in -depth things but Here we are and So that's what we did there as I said that we will be getting the video up and It'll it'll be interesting to see how people
Differ in their watching of the debate and they're listening to the debate, you know, I remember the
Kennedy Nixon stuff It'll be interesting to see what comes of that When that so when that gets out and the other side might have theirs out even before Before we get ours out because they've had my my material and stuff for you know
Four or five days already Rebel librarian on on Twitter Dr.
Oakley 69 major shout out to Nick on Russian language day. That guy is a linguistic superhero
That's well whoever rebel librarian is evidently knows Nick and it is an incredible capacity to be able to Listen to someone speaking through headsets and then speak in another language what they're saying but when when we'd want to have interaction that I'd have
Nick come out and if people want to ask questions and things like that and I remember this I Gave this one answer to somebody.
It was sort of the beginning of an answer and Nick just goes on and on And so I knew because he knew that knows the guys better than I I do that he was giving background to my my answer that he knew they would need and I Didn't I that's what's so cool.
Is that when Nick and I work together I can just Kick back and go.
Yeah fine. That's not how it would be with most folks And I caught
Radek a few times Paraphrasing a few things. What was that one thing?
I caught him on I Don't know you know, it's always a when you when you think about translations, it's always
It's next to impossible to speak without using idioms because we do it all the time
That just won't translate into another language and so that that translators constantly having to search for what's the closest idiom in my language and So in general when you're doing live high -speed translation
You end up with the new living translation version of what the other guy is saying it's it's it's almost always has to be a paraphrase and and Sometimes like in in check they would they would say
I would use this term or I actually said something like this and And it was sort of a team effort
How it ended up working out so but anyway It was it was quite the trip and so I'm home for a month and Already at 90k on the bike so far
I've got a lot of catching up to you. I only I only picked up about 1 .4
kilograms So well, no one one one point one kilograms.
That's only like Maybe two pounds. I think is that what it is? Yeah, I think it's like two pounds.
It's just so hard to travel your your your schedules messed up and You can't control your portion size and and when
McDonald's is your default safety place Just the way it is so I've got a lot of work to do
I'm gonna try to get at least like 350 kilometers in this week on bike and just Drive myself in the ground and it's pretty easy to sweat right now here in Phoenix.
So this weekend did they did they change the did they change the I was gonna say the weather prophecy.
That's a odd way of putting it Yeah, Monday 98 degrees so there's still a 90 something in there
Down to 73 for a low that night. Whoo, but of course by Thursday, it's back up to 107 so next week is the
Southern Baps convention and So we may have some visitors Either to observe or to actually participate in the program next week
And so I Don't know. Hey Southern Baptist guys
Are is it does it really help that much the hotel rooms are that much cheaper in June? because I Don't know.
There's some great times to come to Phoenix for for for conventions. There really are
I'm pretty much anytime from November through March It's gonna be wonderful here.
It's gonna be great well, June I mean really
It just much must must be really much cheaper this year because it's just like Hundred and well, my car said 110 yesterday.
I saw 110 on the way home. So 108 110 in the shade and So yeah, welcome.
Welcome to Phoenix guys nice to Nice to have you here. We'll talk a little bit more about them here in a moment
So much stuff. I mean Well before I go to this let's let's go ahead and at least
Talk about the The amazing stuff that Happened while I was gone in regards to The absolute totalitarianism of The left in our day.
I Refer specifically to the action of the Illinois Department of Children Family Services Which has come out with its own decree
Mary Hassan in her article on the Federalist said the science deniers are running the LGBTQ show over at the
Illinois Department of Children and Family Services and dissenters will not be tolerated to quote
Announcing it quote will not tolerate exposing LGBTQ children and youth to staff and providers who are not supportive of children and youth's right to self determination of sexual gender and identity so Fundamentally ouch
What you have? If I ever just start screaming, it's because something cramped up because I I hurried this morning
I did a hard ride this morning and then I had to hurry in so I didn't do all the stretching that I should have so my body just warned me that We could have a moment that would end up being saved and posted on YouTube forever
Look James White speaking in tongues No, it would not be speaking in tongues. It will it will it will be a the left hamstring
Tying itself in the proverbial nut. Anyway The The wacko leftists in Illinois and I and I don't
I do not apologize For referring to these people as wacko leftists. They are totalitarians.
They cannot defend their position in any meaningful dialogue They're the people who shout you down they're the people who scream you down This idea
Just did you see how fast How fast We went from a
Birgefell To the utter destruction of human sexuality and gender male and female roles everything.
It's it's all fluid now It's all whatever. I feel like it's whatever It's amazing
It happened very very very very very quickly and This was all a part of it's part of a plan
This it was laid out many decades ago as you probably know and The the people especially in positions of authority who buy into this worldview
Simply cannot live with the idea of any dissent and there's a reason for this
Oh, and by the way, the other thing is Ottawa up in Canada Ottawa's What's it called bill 89
Which is even more draconian than Illinois what Illinois has said is if you're a
Christian We don't want you involved with foster care any longer We only want non -christians we only want secularists involved in foster care, that's that's what they've said
Now given that there's a Tremendous need for foster care and it's normally
Christians who help provide that This is abject stupidity on the part
But but again totalitarians don't care about what's right what's best for children Logic rationality, they're totalitarians.
They they cannot brook any kind of Objection any kind of expression of any other viewpoint than their own and so What's going on here when you think about it,
I'm trying to find This graphic That I Maybe if I put it in This no, that didn't help any.
Oh No, it might It might It did.
Yeah I've got a really cool graphic here and I'll have to fire up the Start up a weather program.
It's not gonna help I know it's hot outside. Don't don't don't bother
Telling me that I I have a graphic that I'm going to show you here and If that's gonna work for you this second it's
Unfortunately trying to convert eight movies, which is not gonna be able to do Someone by the way someone on Twitter said please do a short debate review, too
When I get a chance I Want to address some issues once the videos are out
Then I I will one of the things I definitely want to do is to deal with some of the
Patristic references that there wasn't any time to deal with During the course of the of the debate
But there Well, yeah
Well that messes everything up Yeah, well,
I guess I can use it for now That's not the one you want
If you yeah No, it's the best thing to be able to do if I if I if I go full screen on it
It puts it on the other screen and you don't get it. So you just got to play with that and zoom in on it or do something
So This is a graphic that I Developed for my debate with Dan Barker a number of years ago, and I've used it a number of times
And it it illustrates that the problem with secularism and the epistemological ramifications of being a secularist which we're seeing in the totalitarianism of These radicals who simply will not allow for any other view than their own if you
Have a secular worldview man is in the center Because man is the one directly interacting with and having knowledge of everything around him and so man has to interpret science and morality love others law
God government history These are all separate That they're non -integrated facts, there's nothing that holds them together and The result is given that man is not omniscient and that man lacks the capacity
Because he's ignorant. He's finite. He learns over time
But no man can hold all of these things together and so What you end up with is the necessity of radical skepticism and really the destruction of human knowledge
Because man is insufficient to be able to define these things let alone to properly identify the relationship of each of these
Items to one another they become separate things. And so each individual will will emphasize
Whatever their particular interest is and will prioritize that over other things and So this is the problem that you have when you when you have man
At the center of all things man is insufficient to be able to Function in this way, but this is this is all you've got
When it comes to the secular worldview, there's there's no other way to do it because of the reality that man is the one having to make sense of all this data and now today there's just Too much data for any one human mind
To even begin to be able to to work with so you compare that with the
Christian worldview and now at the center of the Christian worldview is the triune
God and Man me down here. You'll notice the reciprocal arrows
Going back and forth between me and the triune God Now it's the triune
God Who identifies all the things that he in his omniscience and in his purpose has?
Made and defined around us so government love law even I there's an arrow to me so my purpose my position my identity is
Defined by the triune God and so I Have relationship to God and through God to any
Anything else to others to to law to morality? and No longer do
I have to be the ground of all knowledge now God who possesses within himself the capacity to be the ground of all knowledge because he's the creator of all things
My knowledge comes through him It's mediated to me by him and as such
I do not need to have Infallibility I do not need to understand everything there is to know about science
But because the triune God is in the center When I have the knowledge that comes from him
It's still true knowledge seeing any other any other graphic any knowledge
I have is provisional and Frequently false simply because I do not possess within myself the ground for Understanding how everything is related to everything else and so my knowledge is going to be easily falsifiable but in the
Christian worldview God has that Ground within himself because he's a creator of all these things
And so while my knowledge is limited the limit that knowledge I get from God is limited. It is true knowledge and the other graphic it's both limited and You just simply have to be skeptical.
You don't you don't know one way or the other and so the people in this graphic in the secular position
Once they've put themselves here then they get to define who God is they get to find what morality is and if I have a different morality because I'm up here and the my and the
God's God The triune God says this is what is moral because I have defined it in that way
If I said to a person who is here that is a direct attack upon their centrality that is a direct attack upon their very source of knowledge and What we're seeing on college campuses university campuses in the halls of government is once that Christian foundation is washed away not just washed away, but absolutely purposefully rejected
Spit in in God's face rejected well This is this is the result and it leads to a form of totalitarianism and we're seeing
In Ottawa, they're actually saying that we can take your children Unless you buy into an
Absolute moral insanity, it's evil, but it's also insane
It is absolutely insane That I am what
I think I am that is insanity It is pure insanity,
I cannot begin to respect it it is it's not even It doesn't even enter into the realm of of adulthood because there are biological reality facts that all my thinking in the world's
I could change and To to say that we will take your children from you
I mean, this is Big Brother on steroids and it's here and The question then becomes what do you do if they come for your children?
Flee run fight Depends on what your situation is,
I guess But these These people want your children because they know they know they cannot possibly
Continue this this abject destruction of human culture If they are forced to defend their position in any type of meaningful debate that's that's why they that's why these people are not known for their their rational defense of their position
The only the only positive thing I can see here is no culture that does this will long last It will be replaced by something else because you can't you cannot live in God's world and spit in God's face and pretend that The laws he's put in place
Don't apply to you They do apply to you and they will and he will
He will he has ways of making sure you know that He has ways of making sure you know that so a lot of people there hasn't been a lot of coverage of this because of The terrorist attacks and things like that, but my goodness folks
Amazing stuff truly truly amazing stuff. Well Let's press on because even as i'm sitting here other stuff is crossing my mind and And uh, everybody on twitter was saying you'll never get to open phones.
Well, we might we'll see Depends on how long we go. Um, but I do want to make a few brief comments about what has happened uh
We had um We had the attack last time I was in london we had manchester um you must understand the mindset of the uh foreign
Uh wahhabi style jihadist Someone would look at the manchester attack and go
But that uh performing artist that venue that style of music all represents to them the satanic influence of the west
No question about it and As a result
Yeah, it makes sense. Why now little teenagers teeny boppers. Yeah, you want to Terrorize them
You you want to terrorize them? That's that's the whole that's the whole idea And You know if you can get them to You know how many how many of those people?
That were at that concert will never be able to go to another concert again they just They will they will never
You know, let's say especially if they were uh You know injured or very close to being injured um
There's there are people there. They'll never go again and every single person in that group will think twice before they ever go again
That's exactly what they want It's exactly what they want now
As normal, unfortunately After one of these attacks Does has anything changed
Is there is there any um advancement in the level of conversation in regards to uh
What to do or what can be done I don't see any Um Um, there are on the one on the one hand, uh
Amongst the muslims Uh, you have certain people who simply
Will not deal with the reality That The people doing these things
Some of them I recognize not all of them I recognize uh, look if if if you can factually demonstrate that Some of the people who even kill themselves.
I mean the ones in london had these fake suicide vests on so You know why they did that To be certain that they would die
Because they know what the protocol is If if you're wearing suicide vest, it's a headshot
That's just that's just that's what that's what the armed forces the police security forces the military whoever
Uh, you don't get close enough to try to apprehend such a person You kill them you you from as far a distance as you can uh with a rifle as best if possible, uh, and you do a headshot you there's there's no
No No putting somebody in prison no getting information When they went out dressed like that to do what they did they had absolutely no intention of ever coming back
They were guaranteeing that they were not going to come back now Why do people do things like that?
Well, there are obviously different motivations And if you have people who go out in the days and weeks before doing something like this and basically uh
Visit prostitutes and get drunk and Have a good old time That's obviously a different motivation and a different worldview than the person who thinks that they're going to be
Going to heaven and getting seven virgins 70 virgins uh upon their death
And so There are different Kinds of people that do these these types of things
And there are are there are some down and outers And then there are other people i've pointed out over and over again,
I use the um Uh video of the attack on the glasgow airport
And what 2007 I think is it 10 years ago now? Wow. Yeah um Where the two men the only two people to die were the people in the in the car the jeep
And they died a horrible death because they were they were horribly burned And they died weeks later of their burns and that's probably about the worst possible way you could ever die but um
They were national health system doctors They weren't down and outers They were intelligent educated men
And they did what they did because they believed that by doing what they did they were going to be
Establishing a relationship With their god based upon their willingness to give their lives in service of that god now
I I what i'm seeing each and every time something like this happens Is less and less and less meaningful?
Discussion of um the whole terror plague
And you'll see more believe me. It's ramadan and I follow enough people online uh to know that Many of them just find it abjectly disgusting
That at this time of year, there are people engaging this type of behavior, but that's what they do
Every year it's the same thing Every year it's the same thing and so some muslims will point out but that's not
Not Look look at this source. Look at this source. Look at what it says here Look at what it says there and the other side side says yeah, but look what it says here
Look what it says there. Look what it says there And what's really concerning to me is
The the shrill voices are taking over and there's almost no
There's almost no meaningful communication taking place it's just the same knee -jerk reactions bunch of people that I follow
You know, it's just all islam man. You just got to realize it's just all islam. Uh every muslim
All of islam you just it's it's war go get them That's that's what they're thinking.
And of course that produces the same kind of response on the other side And believe me if you dare if you dare point out that there are muslims who condemn these activities
That uh that there are all these imams in in london that get together and and someone just posted a thing about uh
You know how many mosques refuse to do funeral? uh ceremonies for these guys um if you if you point to the number of people who
Condemn these things and say see this is a violation of this and this and this and this you're just automatically
You're just gonna be jumped on you Mindless bigotry You know and and even people that that should know better People people who do know better to be very honest with you um and of course
No one ever takes the time. I try to explain to folks you realize that from from the islamic perspective
They look at their community And they see the wahhabis some of the salafis certainly all all these we would call radicals that are are willing to Engage in jihad without a caliphate.
Well, they you know, they would say isis is the caliphate I suppose but without a Meaningful caliphate i'm sorry, but but think about it
Uh, when you look at the world's muslims Can you really say? That the caliphate isis
Somehow speaks for the entire islamic population. No and so They are engaging in these activities
And they are violating classical Islamic understandings of what jihad is supposed to be and they don't care
And so from the islamic perspective, they look at them they say you know we Peaceful muslims are sort of like the roman catholics
In that we have developed these traditions the full spectrum of sharia law, which doesn't just stop back then but continues to develop and Define things and jurisprudence and and so on so forth but these radicals are sort of like You protestants and not really you mainline protestants, but sort of like you baptists um
Because they come along and they basically say Not quran only
But they limit the sources from which they will draw Their conclusions to a very very early period and then cut everything else off And say we don't need to worry about the the sharia and the fiqh and the jurisprudence that developed after a certain point in time especially with the salafi the the
You know looking at those those first few generations as as the pure expression of islam
And the problem is let's be honest. Um That's that's an extremely subjective position to take
It's subjective in the sense that you still have to choose out of a bewilderingly wide variety of sources
What what you're going to prioritize over other things? And so I have said now for years
And then only a few years ago did people all of a sudden pretend to be shocked Uh something that seems to me to be absolutely positively um
A self -evident reality um
Obviously not necessarily accepted by my muslim friends um and that is that the islamic sources
Are not consistent sources you can depending on what kind of system of interpretation that you choose to construct or even choose from history because There are there are all sorts of different Understandings of how you form sharia how you interpret?
uh hadith How you prioritize ahadith there there's numbers of different schools of interpretation
And So I've been saying for a long time that my biggest problem and I say this to my muslim friends over and over they hear it
It's funny how my allegedly christian friends don't but i've been saying that one of my biggest problems with islam
Is it doesn't seem that islam contains within its own source materials
Which would be the quran and The hadith uh
At least some some collection of hadith Um the sunnah of the prophet whatever those sources are insufficiently consistent
To allow any one side to vanquish another side That's the problem
And and it just it's it's offensive and and I just don't understand it Why there are so many people who actually want to just jump up and down on my head and say i'm a terrible horrible compromiser
Because I would dare to point this out And I would dare to point out that there that there are muslims who select the information from this
Wide body of what seems to me to be contradictory information And create an understanding of islam that not only has historical precedent
But does not lead them to strap bombs upon themselves to blow other people up and in fact
Leaves in a in a position to be offended when other people do it and call themselves muslims That does not mean that what i'm saying is those people that blew themselves up aren't muslims they are drawing from the same sources
They are drawing from the same sources so the problem is in the sources
And one of my arguments You know, it's funny I you know wrote that little book on the quran and I made this argument in there
And it's funny how a number of folks who now just think i'm a terrible horrible person used to think that was a good book
Funny how that works the uh how people change over time Uh, but what was one of my main arguments?
One of my main arguments is that the Quranic understanding of christian belief for example is in error
The author of the quran did not understand the christian faith i've defended that in debate For years before anybody started getting upset with me about it
And it is that inconsistency that lack of knowledge that to me is very important the demonstration that this is not a
A divine document that we're looking at Um, if if the quran were a divine document the author of the quran
Would have been able to mount better arguments than the followers of the quran mount today
That's gonna be a i'm gonna be reviewing a book I thought about trying to get to it today, but I knew
I wasn't gonna be able to get to it um but the There's a book by abu zakariya
That I started listening to before I went on my trip and then I listened again this morning. I'm gonna respond about the first 35 pages or so of it because on christian history and the new testament and there are a couple places where I think he's responding to me um but What well the arguments i'm going to make just sort of giving him a heads up here because i'd like to be able to Have some interaction with him possibly on the subject as well uh
Is that it strikes me? that abu zakariya clearly Has a much more accurate knowledge of the doctrine of the trinity than the author of the quran
Now you may not see why that's A devastating critique, but it is And if it's true, it means a lot
And in the same way When we look at those original sources beyond that We see fundamental inconsistencies in those sources
And since that's the case um, how can islam reform itself and how
How can the muslims? Who truly I recognize
I recognize unlike Sadly most christians. I recognize that there are muslims
Who upon waking up Sunday morning and hearing what happened in london
Are devastated they're angry They're they're sick of Of this type of activity taking place
And if you think they don't exist then you're part of the problem You're how wars get started
You're how you you are how atrocities go both directions That's that's the problem
And i'm just seeing more and more and more um People who
Just are not even willing to make the effort any longer To think rationally fairly or anything
It's just nuke them all That's what that's what they're that's what thinking is And it's that's dangerous that is that's how that's how civilization collapses into the flames of uh into bad stuff um so Listening to all this this stuff that's going on um
What do we do about it? You know, you know Have you noticed?
How our society how western how how do sec how do formerly christian secular societies?
Deal with this kind of activity where you have people who are willing to kill themselves and For what reason?
What's this going to accomplish? I mean one of the fundamental differences
Uh between Their understanding and my understanding and and I keep pushing it and I guess people don't like this either
But a lot of these folks will will say well, yeah, look look those those muslims they want to establish sharia all over the world um
Read philippians too recently As a christian you believe
That someday every knee will bow. What does that mean in biblical language?
What does bowing the knee mean when we say bowing the knee to lordship of christ? What do we mean? That's called
Um, what's the word? Oh submission Oh, we don't
Maybe we should stop using that word submission because that's what muslim means. Um, so we don't want to talk about submission
No, I do i'm not i'm not giving up words just because somebody else is using Um, yeah submission someday every knee will bow every tongue will confess that jesus christ is lord the glory of god the father that's a
Undeniable uncompromisable christian belief. How is it going to happen? Is it going to happen passively?
Or is god eventually going to act in great power? Well, there's this book in the new testament called the book of revelation it does seem that um you know the lamb takes the book from the hand of he who sits upon the throne and all of created order worships, uh, he who sits upon the throne lamb and he opens the seals and there's these judgments and Remember all that part
Yeah that there will be a day coming when god will uh bring judgment And that's going to happen
Right now the only power has been given to the church to change hearts and minds is the gospel The only power
And until those seals are broken and the judgment of god begins to fall upon this earth that is the
That's the realm of grace. That's the time for gospel proclamation and In that time the greatest thing that we can do is to pray
Not only for missionaries, but to be missionaries to be people who extend ourselves
In such a fashion As to testify of the gospel of jesus christ to the muslim people
To pray for them Not to hate them not to walk in You know, that's that's what just so disgusting
About that group that remember I showed you the video last year sometime or maybe earlier this year. I don't remember what it was but uh walking through muslim areas with crosses
Uh swearing at people, oh my goodness you want to you want to help bring uh
Bring about war and and religious war
That's a good way to do it Talk about closing closing doors of of communication.
That's Best way in the world. That's amazing but It's it.
It's it's a tremendously Frightening thing That each time this happens
I hear less and less Meaningful interaction and more and more pure hatred on both sides even from christians
Refusing to recognize the distinctions amongst muslims Even though they demand that the muslims make those distinctions amongst us
Shouldn't be that way, but the way it is And I realize that as it becomes more and more shrill fewer and fewer people
Uh will have any room whatsoever for someone like myself that would say excuse me if we stop thinking if we don't
If we don't maintain the mind of christ if we don't think according to godly principles, uh What's going to be the result what's going to be the result it's going to be bad it's going to be bad real quickly, um
In that same area I mentioned on facebook Stories came out about people defending themselves against these knife wielding maniacs uh sunday night and some people might say
I I sense a I sense a contradiction Between You're talking about Putting our lives in line to graciously seek to be witnesses of the gospel amongst the muslim people
And the idea of Defending yourself running at these people and literally supporting the idea that we should be able to defend ourselves and I mentioned on facebook uh
Guy runs into a restaurant with a big old honking knife in arizona Unless it's one of the stupid restaurants that has a sign out front that says no concealed carry not that that really works very well, but um
He ain't getting very far he may get a few people because you're just like what in the world is going on um
But you know, I only semi -jokingly said, you know, can you imagine the difference between new york and san francisco?
and phoenix and dallas Uh, he's going to get ventilated pretty quick um, there's there's there's a lot of us that Can defend ourselves we have the means and have can do so legally
And some people are like well, that doesn't make any sense and and you know, i've
Criticized some statements by john piper in the past where he has said that he wouldn't He wouldn't defend his home or his family against someone who breaks in and i'm like What's the strong man all about in luke?
Unless the strong man is is is bound Uh, then you're not gonna be able to take his problem. Well, what do you what do you think?
The strong man's doing if he's not bound Uh, he's beating the snot out of somebody who breaks into his house the way he's doing and he's using whatever means that he has
To do so and it's very clear that that's exactly what you'd expect him to do and it's not a bad thing to do
Uh, you have responsibilities to wife and to children and to family and to others and so As I mentioned very briefly in the facebook article, it's a matter of categories.
There is a time for gospel witness There is a time for laying down your life to to present the gospel
But when that time comes when god gives a man over in the evil of his heart To the contemplation of the murder of others and begins to act on that intention that person has has uh forfeited even their right to life the the the
Shooting of those men down in the street was the absolutely appropriate thing to be done
That was justice. It was right. It was a good thing These men
Were running up to women and stabbing them 10 12 times This that's an evil act
I don't care what you say your motivation was that is an evil act and so They were shot down the street instant justice
And that's appropriate And we should be able to defend ourselves And if someone came busting in To a restaurant that i'm eating at screaming allahu akbar and slicing up everybody that's nearby um the right thing for me to do
Now the right thing for me to do before that happens is do everything I can To present god's truth and call that person away from the falsehoods that have them deceived
But once they have been given over to the expression of that kind of murderous attitude
Um, i'm going to drop them right then and there and And no one's going to be able to tell me that that doing that is wrong
Because they are there is a command You not only you shall not murder, but that implies you shall save life
And if I have the ability to save life That's what I need to do and so Um, a lot of people just really struggle at that point and there there are some who are going to disagree fine um
You you show me where I do not have a duty Uh to do what is right to protect life against evildoers in that situation um
And if someone says well just leave it to the police. Yeah, as I said, we have the state -sponsored prayer line 9 -1 -1
Uh in other places it's 999 when I travel around the world it's different numbers, but uh
Yeah, and everybody's like they they they got them within uh, they got within eight minutes.
Yeah How many people died within eight minutes? How many people's lives are gonna be completely? uh scarred
For those eight minutes if there had just been somebody uh who could Take these these guys out um,
I mean knives are Knives are rough things no two ways about it um, but You don't you know, there's there's a reason why you say you don't bring a knife to a gunfight
Well, the other saying is you know when seconds count and they count in that scenario
The police are only minutes away. That's right. Yeah, so how many seconds does it?
Take for a man less than 21 feet away from you with a knife to kill you
It only takes Less than 10 eight minutes eight minutes
Yeah, um Someone in someone in channel Rather rightly said you'd be more likely to be condemned for preaching the gospel to a terrorist than shooting them these days
I think Unfortunately quite uh quite true stuff quite true stuff so Yeah, yeah, that'd probably be a good idea
I uh Ignore the disembodied hand, uh here. Oh, well
Thank you All right, so what do we do here do I do I do this next topic or do we just uh, well
You know, I forgot to do I I forgot to uh, even find out if I could open the phones uh because I keep forgetting that For some reason the phones have disappeared off of this um, um thing here
Oh, look at that. Hello. Hello Um, yeah, let's go ahead, um
Let's uh now I don't know why Why would someone?
Oh, okay All right. Well, we're gonna have to put that on the other side then or something. Um Luke talks so loudly.
I don't know that he really needed A microphone, uh, I I think he that would have he could have just sat over there and you would have been turning him down as well room, uh room temperature water, that's um
I know it was cold and you got it so long ago Anyway, it wets the whistle eight seven seven seven five three three three four one eight seven seven
Seven five three three three four one as I look at the other Uh topics that I had
Queued up. They're just going to take way too long, uh to to get into Uh, but one of the things
I want to uh discuss was an article from a muslim perspective uh referring to james e snap jr's um comments about the case for christ movie, so it's a
It's a muslim Um reviewing A majority text byzantine textual critical scholar
Criticizing the case for christ What's funny is someone who will remain nameless uh
Has criticized me a great deal recently because well the muslims He's just a useful idiot for the muslims because they're always quoting stuff like that Except this very same person has been quoting a bunch of james e snap articles and they're using james e snap
So I guess that makes james e snap a useful idiot for the uh for the muslims, right? I mean consistently
But consistency is not this guy's thing anymore by any stretch of the imagination um
But I I wanted to get into that and uh, the problem is that's just that just be so big and there's also um
An article I think that appeared just before I left um about uh
The 1689 and the ecclesiastical tech stuff and the kami ohanium and and all the rest of that all the rest of that stuff, um
But there's just so much background material to get into and that it would probably be best to wait
Um I am hoping like I said to have some guests next week.
So i'm not if we don't get to it thursday I'm, not sure when I will uh get to it um
But we'll we'll see. That's a that's a nice. Uh you gotta
You got you got any specifics? on that I mean, come on, uh, that's that's that is that is
Wide enough to drive a semi -tractor trailer through. Uh, we need a little bit more specifics there eight seven seven seven five three three three four one
Eight seven seven seven five three three three four one is the phone number
Uh, the sbc meeting is next week uh, yes I don't know what that means.
But uh Uh, and then we've got oh I don't even know if I should look at this
Talk to your cat about Right. Okay. Thanks, uh regular reformed guys.
That was Not useful at all eight. Oh Didn't want to get specific
Okay, all right, uh, well that just leaves another phone line open at eight seven seven see people didn't believe me
They they're they're like you'll you'll never get nah, you've got you'll just talk and talk and talk and so then it's like, um, well
Let's open the phone lines and people are like, oh Um eight seven seven seven five three
Three three four one. It takes a few moments to what? Just hung up the phones are working, right?
Okay now they're ringing he's he's trying to get them and then they just it rings and then it hangs up and I don't know what that's all about.
Meanwhile, i'll just uh I wonder if the battery's dead. Yeah, I know there's a way to get into this, but I just haven't wanted to do.
Uh, um Tribble surgery. I didn't know that troubles had velcro
This just feels all wrong digging into a trouble like this, but If you could have done this on star trek they could have really stopped all that, um
All that procreation going on Wow, I don't Really see how this is going to help me get to the battery anytime soon
Because I do I do realize this is not the real thing I thought you'd
Realize that If you're not seeing the treble episode my highest recommendation is to Watch the original episode and then immediately watch the voyager episode where they go back in time and amazingly have the modern actors interact with The original episode that was so well done.
That was just Way way way way too good Okay it just always uh concerns me when you when
When stuff gets thrown out about contradictions when you don't even have time to look at it, uh, it seems
Seems inappropriate. Um, there we go Why is my mouse not wanting to work here?
Okay, there we go Try bring up at least one of them so All right, you got one of them
Oh Okay, all right, well let's just uh dive in here we're not gonna get any of these uh these uh done
So let's uh talk, uh to matthew. Hi matthew Hi, dr.
White. Hi Yes, sir Um, I just wanted to start off and say that you've been very influential in my life
I used to be a king james only list and stuff and you convinced me. Otherwise you've done a very good job.
Okay Oh good So here's my question, um,
I know that You know, like you were just talking about that. There are contradictions in the quran and hadith um
And so I know that muslims will um use verses like leviticus 26 one
Which says, uh, you shall make you no idols nor graven images Neither wear you up a standing image.
Neither shall you set up any image of stone And they'll do that And then they'll point over to john three and where it talks about the serpent being lifted up And saying that hey look that's a contradiction he said no graven image
Well, it wasn't a graven image. Uh, it's why go to john three. It's the same author. It's the same penitent that uh narrates, uh the plague um, and it was the same the same individual and the same god who gave the same command so going to john three's just um
I don't even know why anybody would do it but um obviously Luke leviticus 26 when
I was talking about setting up images of gods to worship them Uh, the serpent was not being worshipped the serpent represented the means of judgment uh by which uh, the people were being punished and the people were to be showing faith by looking to Uh the serpent that was a demonstration on their part that they realized it was god that was bringing the judgment upon them
Uh that the serpents were his judgment upon them and that was a just and righteous judgment So there's no contradiction between the two because the one is setting up idols to worship and the other is setting up something that god himself said
Demonstrates his act of judgment upon the people. So there's no contradiction between the two and you don't even have to go to john chapter three for that, um
Which is funny. I'm not sure why a muslim would bring that up because they believe jesus was a prophet of god and um
Uh They quote from the gospel of john in john chapter 14 in john chapter 16 in regards to alleged prophecies of muhammad uh, so if you believe jesus was a prophet of god, it's
Pretty hard then turn around and say that he was contradicting himself or contradicting god uh in the uh revelation had been given but We're looking for consistency there.
It's probably not a good thing Okay Okay Thank you very much.
We don't appreciate okay. All right. Thank you very much for your call today and uh Elizabeth yes.
All right, elizabeth. Hello Hello Um greetings from very down south in arizona and marinci and top of a mountain
Down here, but uh, I wanted to thank you very much For your ministry.
I was raised in the worldwide church of god and armstrong ism And god moved me to italy to marry a secular englishman and then draw us both to him
And reform us through your books. So thank you very much That's an interesting path
Oh very to god be all the glory And I my my husband is now a southern baptist pastor and so that our congregation here
Is gradually becoming reformed as they search the scriptures for what the scriptures have to say.
Okay Uh, my question is last week you had a guest
And one of them left a picture of a tandem bicycle that is currently missing from behind you
I actually held it. I actually held it up at the beginning of the program Oh, shoot, I missed the first few minutes.
Yeah, I I I held it up and uh, and and demonstrated that um, Uh, it was it was obviously a part of the fake news plague.
Uh, that is uh, afflicting our our nation right now because um there is the um as I look at it, um, not only uh is the
Person is supposed to be me much much larger, uh than uh than I am but Uh, both people are wearing, uh, totally inappropriate clothing, uh for for riding
Uh, I I wear at least louis garneau Or uh, pearl izumi or even castelli, uh bicycle wear
And there's no there's no gloves. No helmet. You do not get on a bike without a helmet No one is good enough to avoid
Uh dogs cats and various sundry other things will eventually put you on the ground and the most important thing is uh
The individual is wearing shoes with no socks, which is absolute insanity Uh on a bike and the other person's wearing flip -flops, which is even more insane uh on a bike and so you put all that together and and there's definitely uh some some lack of cycling knowledge, uh involved in in the production of this
Obviously cnn inspired piece of uh of propaganda Oh totally.
Yes next week with the southern baptist convention going on up in phoenix um,
I hope That many of the people there will tune in to what you are saying.
I've had twitter wars so to speak with other um, sbc um church leaders who refuse to see they
Limited atonement, um when they're when I point out that they're universalist They inform me that since i'm a calvinist, they won't talk to me and block me
So yeah, i've had that happen a few times myself. So I thank you very much for your ministry
Uh, you are in our prayers. I pray for your health when you're on trip. Thank you.
And I pray for your wife's patience Yeah, yeah, that's that's uh, she needs that she needs that definitely thank you elizabeth.
Thank you very much Okay down in morenci, that's uh It gets a little warm down there.
Uh gets a little warm. Let's uh, talk to let's just take these last three Uh, so we'll you can busy the rest of them out here.
Uh, let's talk to uh, ryan. Hi ryan Hey, dr. White. How you doing doing good?
I got a question for you so i've kind of gone round and round on twitter with some people, uh, you know from Same people that you got uh, you went around and around with uh over your famous incident about uh race
And my question is is How can I as a layman?
Um kind of guard my church against that uh sort of Ideology that's you know, you know behind, you know campus social justice warriors and that kind of stuff well um,
I don't know that a layman can do that I would think that it would be the responsibility of the elders to through the ministry of the word provide a a a balanced understanding of The fact that in christ jesus there is no male nor female.
Uh, there is no bond or free No, scythian. Those are by the way, those are categories of of races and peoples and things like that um, and that the
Reality is that if we're in the body of christ and we have been reconciled To god and hence to one another in and through jesus christ
And if you lay that kind of foundation Out if you treat everyone uh in the
In the appropriate biblical fashion Then you've provided At least an inoculation against that kind of of thing
I am well aware of the fact that um that i'm in somewhat of the minority, uh these days there is a um unsettling number of evangelical leaders that have bought into what
I think are are some truly problematic perspectives when it comes to Social justice issues and and things like that um, but I can only be accountable for uh
You know my little part of the world and try to sort of sound a warning to others uh but as far as individuals concerned that's
You know, you can pray for your elders talk to your elders. Uh, you know, let them know that You certainly see that's an area of concern and and make sure that they know it's an area of concern.
But uh other than that Um, I would think that would be really something that that would be handled first and foremost not by some kind of special church meeting or something, but just the regular, um consistent uh ministry of the word from the pulpit
Awesome. Thanks. Dr. White. Okay. Thank you very much. Ryan. Awesome. All right. God bless.
Bye. Bye. Bye All right, uh, let's talk with uh, hmm
Ben in pennsylvania. Hello. Well, good afternoon.
Dr. White. How are you? Uh, they're pretty good This isn't actually ben from pennsylvania, but yeah,
I know who it is. Yeah, I know who it is No, you don't know who it is
With the 500 year anniversary of the reformation coming up Are you trying to use like some kind of what you have give like a sock over the phone or something?
Oh, no, I have a voice harmonizer on this on this line. I see I see I was just I was
I was just I was just hoping I was just hoping it was a smelly sock so that you were having to Uh smell a smelly sock while doing that.
I I think that is game over land No game over land Yeah out the road.
No, no, no, no, no. No, no, we're gonna have We're gonna have we're gonna have fun with this.
Let me see here Uh, there he is. There he is. I'm not at my desk right now.
Well, you know that that's okay uh It won't make any difference because when when you get back your your nick will be in prosper gatory frying, uh, really well, so Realize you sound a little bit like darth vader except with a hangover, right?
Let all I don't know what let all People know that the caller is the liar known as alan
He is not ben It's not ben and he lied to me when he did he fool you screened it.
Yes Well, congratulations red you you at least got past and I the first thing i'm gonna do and this show is over Is i'm gonna find out what telephone number he called in on and block it
I Used a spoof card to call in That's quite all right,
I have lots of space to add numbers onto the block list
Listen we just want to know dr. White. Yes We know that the regular reform now that the regular reform guys podcast is over at least for temporarily.
Yes We want to know why you never took us up on our on our countless interview Because I knew you were gonna self -destruct.
Anyways, so yeah No, it wasn't a self -destruct. We went out on top Went out on top of what?
We went on top like jordan like michael jordan like michael jordan. Oh Wow, okay.
Um You have a very uh humble view of y 'all's uh performance there.
That's good Uh, no, I just want to I just want to give a time obviously i'm joking.
Yes. Yeah, you are. Uh, but um No, I just wanted to give it time and just see how how it went, you know
We just you know, just see here here. I thought that this poor man had voice issues
I could I knew that's what you were trying to tell me and i'm like Go ahead.
Just go with it and I realized immediately I realized who it was And you're just like just go with it, you know try to be nice to the guy the next time
I encounter alan Just call him. I would not turn my back if I were you alan
I would not I really would not because what is in store for you
Will be very messy. Oh my oh my well, you know What we could do is we could we could stick him on hold here and start telling all of our various alan cruise stories uh, that would
That'd be enjoyable. Some of those are not appropriate to share. Well That you exposed yourself, uh to uh to the the public, uh, humiliation
So I think I think ben is actually calling in now. So All right, we're good i'm gonna go that might be a good idea gentlemen later.
All right. Bye All right All right, one more one more no, no, no, uh rich rich just just just one more.
All right, let's uh, Let's talk to uh, bryson. Hi bryson. Sorry about that. You're not you're not using a spoof card.
Are you? No, no, i'm not using anything like that. That's good I was just calling to ask about because when
I have conversations with catholics and things like that they try to attack the
Um way we understand justification and sanctification how we make the distinction between the two and they try to tell me that uh, there are verses in the bible that actually say that regeneration does what justification does and it makes our
Doctrines weary i've heard somebody go to like titus 3 5 There's places like uh, first corinthians 6 11
Uh, what else we got? Uh, some verses in acts things like that. So the thing that I wanted to ask you was when faced with questions like that where they try to say that our understanding of You know imputed righteousness and justification and things like that Aren't biblical because there are passages that quote unquote say that regeneration does what justification does
What is the biblical response that we should give back to that? Well, i'm not sure what
What you mean to be honest with you because uh, You know, I the only one that I I caught there really quickly was uh, titus 3 5, um, and Uh That that he saved us not on the basis of deeds
We have done righteousness, but according to his mercy by the washing regeneration renewing by the holy spirit who he I mean unless you unless you uh cut
Regeneration off and put it over in one place and justifications over here and sanctifications over there and washing regenerate washing is over here
And they're not related to one another but they're all part of the same divine act. So all we're doing is distinguishing necessarily in light of paul's own argument in romans and galatians as to what
Justification is the grounds upon which it's made so that there cannot be A jewish christian church a gentile christian church.
There cannot be distinctions as to the basis upon which you are Made right before god unless they're unless they're making that kind of argument, which is a roman catholic
They can't because they actually are the ones that Confuse these things.
They're the ones that confuse Justification and sanctification. They're destroying all the distinctions.
So I other one other than that. I don't Regeneration here does not do what justification
Does here I I just I can't respond to it because the the question doesn't make any sense to me at least in regards to ties three five and six
Okay Yeah, because when I was looking at uh from like roman catholic videos
Trying to go at protestantism and things like that that would be one of the verses that would come up and I Had questions about it because like I felt like you feel now like I don't understand how that makes sense
But this is supposedly a knockdown argument and I saw on twitter some uh, vatican catholic guy was gonna go at you again and I was like, oh, well
Look if you're talking about the diamond brothers, you're talking about a teeny tiny little cult
Uh in a in a monastery someplace. They're not even roman catholics. They're They're they're they're not orthodox or something like that.
Yeah. Yeah, they're they're it's a tiny little loony cult and I keep having people say well, why don't you engage them?
Why engage tiny little cults it's not representing roman catholicism. What what are you trying to accomplish?
What why should anyone invest their time with a with a group of of alleged monks that that are in a teeny tiny little group?
place someplace And that spend their time playing my dividing line videos in slow motion to try to come up with places
That they can indicate that i'm demonized. I mean these people these people are not playing with a full deck so, uh unless Unless people in in twitterland
Uh think that this is a sport. It's an entertainment thing. That's not why I do debates
That that's not the reason to do debates. You don't just take on Every person that comes along just for the the enjoyment of doing it
You actually try to make it to where it's going to have usefulness down the road when that little cult group disappears
What good is any debate with them going to be? So it's just a matter of prioritizing based upon, uh, you know, what what could actually be meaningful so um
Look, you'll find all sorts of folks out in internet land that think arguments that actually have zero meaning to them are knockdown drag out uh arguments and you just We have we have to develop the kind of um
Maturity in reading that type of material that allows us to recognize those issues So I appreciate the phone call today brother and thanks for holding on during the weirdness that came up before that.
We'll see you All right. Okay. Bye. Bye I don't know what was going on there.
Sounds like he was being attacked by a bag of peanuts. Um, Right there at the end.
All right. Well, hey, it's going to be a weirdly weird lengthed Program weird lengthed a weird length program and what is an hour and 39 minutes or something like that, but Life life will go on so lord willen will be back on thursday and then next week uh fun with southern baptists
I don't know what that's going to mean or what's going to look like but we'll see Uh, so we'll see you on thursday lord willen.