Police Oppression Of Citizens


Watch this video of a recent encounter with police officers. This is police overreach at its very finest. Speak up for justice, friends. Tell everyone. You can get more at http://apologiastudios.com. Be sure to like, share, and comment on this video. #ApologiaStudios You can partner with us by signing up for All Access. When you do you make everything we do possible and you also get our TV show, After Show, and Apologia Academy. In our Academy you can take a courses on Christian apologetics and much more. Follow us on social media here: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ApologiaStudios/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/apologiastudios?lang=en Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/apologiastudios/?hl=en


Mothers, can we help you? Can we help you, mother, with resources? Have you killed your child today?
Did you know that Christ is a friend of sinners so that he came to seek and to save the lost, ladies? Hey, officer, how are you?
I just wanted, Corona bump, Corona bump. I was just gonna ask, did you know they're killing babies in there? I'm not gonna get in that.
Yeah, they're killing babies. Can I borrow your ID? No, sir. Yes. What's your name? I'm Ryan.
Ryan, what? I don't have to give that to you. Yes, sir. No, I'm not breaking any laws. No, I'm not breaking any laws, sir.
What law am I violating? I just seen your harassment, so I need to make a report. She's just gonna document the incident, sir.
Well, am I breaking a law? Yeah, I got it. She was harassing her. She was flipping her. Yeah, yeah, yeah. She was harassing me.
I need to hear your side of the story. Okay. I'm not giving you my ID because I'm not breaking a law. Okay, what is harassment, though?
What, can you define harassment? Just so I know kind of where you're coming from. She's unwanted contact, and you're harassing by it.
She felt harassed. That's not harassment, though. Yes. Is this your supervisor? Yes. Supervisor, have
I broken a law? If she feels harassed, I don't know. That's what I need to find out, what is it that happened, and then we'll go from there, okay?
Do you mind doing that first? Yeah, let me know. I just don't feel comfortable giving my ID if I haven't broken a law. And I'm not trying to,
I don't mean to be in trouble. I'm just wondering, if I haven't broken a law, why do I need to give her my ID? Basically, she's just gonna take your statement, and her statement, and all her statements as well, and it's gonna be a documented report.
And that's pretty much it. So I haven't broken any laws, though? She felt harassed by your comments, unwanted comments, and that's pretty much what we're here for.
And just like you felt harassed by her actions as well. So that's all we're getting documented.
Okay, have I broken any laws, though? That's a harassment law. She felt harassed by your unwanted comments?
Yes. I can give you the state statute?
Yeah, if you don't mind doing that, please. What does he have to do, sir? After I, he's gonna show the state statute first.
I wasn't trying to annoy, seriously alarm, or terrorize anybody. That's not what I was doing. That's a reasonable person.
And that's what she felt. You're not getting charged, like I said, we're documenting. Right, okay. And that's pretty much it, sir.
Hey, officer, how are you? I'm Ryan. We were just preaching, man, honestly. We were just preaching. Okay. You know, people are being killed in there.
We cannot have you guys together. Okay. You have to be six feet apart. Okay, we were doing that. We were doing that. Five together.
Okay. Five groups. Just the five. Five people? Just five people at six feet apart. Now, can we have people here and over here?
One group over there, one group over there, but you guys can't be within six feet of each other. Okay, so we're gonna have five and five and five?
Yeah. Just, okay. Six feet apart. Okay, yeah, we can do that in each group. In each group. Yeah, okay. Cannot be together.
Yeah, we can do that. It's for your safety, my safety. Right, right, right. I agree, yeah. I don't know who you are. I don't know where you've been.
Right, right, right, and that's fine. Okay. I don't know if you've been somewhere that I need to know, so I can't have you guys bunched up.
Right. It's against, it's actually against the law right now. Do you know what's the law? Yeah, the governor's order. Okay.
So, if you wanna look it up, you can look it up, the New Mexico governor order, okay? Yeah, no, that's fine.
We can do that, yeah. Yep, okay, you got it. Can we get a safety tooth thing?
A what? Safety. Well, I was saying, if I haven't broken the law. Well, the thing is, you are. The governor's order says that you have to stay within six feet away from each other, and cannot gather.
So, you are technically breaking the law. So, I am legally able to ask you for your ID. So, if the officer asks you.
Even though we weren't bunched together? It doesn't matter. The officer's asking you for a simple ID, just to make sure you're okay, we're good to go, okay?
Okay. So. Can we get your ID, sir? They're asking you for a simple identification, see who you are. Even though I haven't broken any laws?
Yes, you have. Listen to me, you have. Look how close you have to. I'm asking which law I broke, though. I already told you, the governor's order.
I need an ID, please. Okay. I'm not gonna ask you. But you're saying I broke the law? Yeah, the governor's order.
Have you not read it? Well, I didn't know that was a law. Right now, it is. You know people are dying every day, right?
But what I was saying is, I wasn't. Listen to me, you know people are dying every day? Okay. They're killing babies in here, man.
Right now, I'm not worried about that. That's a different situation. What's your case number, sir?
What's it for? What do I do with this? Whatever you want.
You can throw it away. You can keep it. What's it for, though, I mean? It's a case number. That's fine. So you guys make sure you're six feet apart, too, right?
Or you guys are above the law somehow? How come you guys don't have to stay six feet apart?
You guys are breaking the law. So you guys are above the law.