WWUTT 265 Q&A Code Orange Revival?

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Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on, hold on, hold on. This is, this is the old music bed. What is this?
No, we've changed all of this. This is... All right, fine. This is when we understand the text.
This is when we understand the text, committed to teaching sound doctrine while exposing the faulty. Find all of our videos at our website, www .utt
.com. Now here's the guy who can't make up his mind, Pastor Gabe. Yes, I know.
I can't make up my mind. We tried the East from West thing. I couldn't even last two weeks on it, and here we are changing everything back to when we understand the text.
I just didn't like it. When it comes down to it, that was the reason. I didn't like it. It wasn't you.
It was me. And if I'm going to be doing this program, I've got to like it.
And I just didn't like East from West. I don't really know why. I mean, we tested on it.
I liked what it was that we turned it into, and it sounded good. And that's what the program was going to be from the very beginning.
When we started the podcast, it was going to be East from West. That was the music bed. It was going to have songs at the end.
It was going to be that long. And so for some reason, I got it in my mind that the podcast and the video ministry had to be two different things.
And what ended up happening is subliminally, I felt like I was doing more work, even though it was the same work that I was doing before.
I don't know. I don't know what it was. But I realize now if it ain't broke, don't fix it. So we're going back to when we understand the text.
And I'm sorry for messing up everybody's iPhones, because I'm sure changing the name again, your downloader is now downloading all 260 some odd episodes of this program that we've done because I've changed the name twice in two weeks.
I am so sorry. And I really hope that I haven't lost any listeners over this.
I don't really know why I felt like these had to be two different things. It works for wretched. Wretched is the
TV program and it's the radio program, and they don't have a problem calling both things wretched.
But I thought the podcast had to be one thing and the video ministry had to be something else. And no, it's it's when we understand the text and as long as I can help it,
I won't change the name again. But clearly I couldn't help it the first time.
So I don't know. I'm sorry for being so indecisive. I'm really not this this wishy washy about anything else offline just for whatever reason.
I can't seem to settle something, settle for something online and just stick with it.
But here we are. This is this is when we understand the text. And this being our Friday edition of the episode, we're going to be responding to some questions from some listeners.
But before I do that, I actually want to talk about Code Orange Revival, the the quote unquote
Revival that's going on at Elevation Church in North Carolina, Stephen Furtick's church. And I've talked about him on the program before, played some clips from Furtick earlier this year to give warning to those who have been drawn in by Furtick that the man is a false teacher quite seriously.
That's the way that Furtick should be understood as being a false teacher. And these things that are going on at Code Orange Revival this week, although it's it's been all over Twitter and all over Facebook and all over social media at large, people saying, man,
I've loved Code Orange Revival, watching it online, being there at the event. It's it's really terrible, filling people with bad things.
I mean, how in the world can I say that? Because it sounds like they have a lot of fun. It's a lot of fun. They they say the name of Jesus.
They preach from the Bible and everybody's just having a good time. I mean, just listen to this, this duet that Stephen Furtick had with with Israel Houghton and then posted it on his
Twitter page. Just listen in here. You want to hear me and Israel sing a little duet? There is a name, oh
I love to hear, I love to sing it's word, it sounds like music in my ear, it's the sweetest name on earth, oh how
I love to hear, oh how
I love to hear his eyes,
Jesus, oh how
I love to hear, oh how
I love to sing it's word, it's the sweetest name on earth. Jesus.
Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus.
I mean, that sounds lovely and people are laughing and having fun and they're singing about the name of Jesus.
What could possibly be wrong with that? Because all of what you just heard, no matter how fun it sounded, and you may have even laughed at the clip.
I did. I thought it was entertaining. But everything that you just heard there was blasphemy.
And and please hear me that I'm not trying to come into this saying that I know better than somebody else and I'm holier than thou.
So you need to listen to me. I am not. I am a filthy, wretched sinner desperately in need of the grace and love of Jesus Christ.
But I love Christ also. The Holy Spirit has put it into my heart to love the
Lord my God with all my heart, soul, mind and strength. And so I hate it as God does when his name is misused.
I hate it. And I love you enough to tell you to have nothing to do with this kind of usage of the name of God.
How can I possibly say that what was going on right there between Stephen Furtick and Israel Houghton was vanity?
It was taking the Lord's name in vain, breaking of the of the third commandment.
How can I say that? Because I've been listening to the preaching. And what
I hear there at Code Orange Revival is vanity. It is self -absorbed. Here it here is how the
Bible is all about you preaching. I listen to almost all of Joyce Meyer's sermon, which she delivered there at Code Orange Revival just a couple of nights ago.
And my goodness, it was just all about her. Me, me, me. I, I, I. Here's what I've done.
Here's what I've accomplished. Here's what what I did. And man, I can't even remember a single verse she quoted.
She did quote a couple of verses, but I can't remember any of them because it was just all about her.
The whole thing was all about her. And it's just one vain sermon after another.
Now, there was a sermon that was preached at Code Orange Revival in 2012. This was almost five years ago, because this would have been at the beginning of 2012, not at the end, which is when they do the
Code Orange Revival now. But there was a kind of a thing going on between Stephen Furtick and Matt Chandler of the
Village Church in Dallas, Texas. And I had been watching this.
Furtick and Chandler had kind of had a squabble with one another in the elephant room sessions.
For any of you been, you know, kind of following evangelicalism online for the last five or six years, and you know what the elephant room sessions are.
Anyway, there was a little kind of a back and forth that Chandler and Furtick had, and it kind of, you know, made some waves in certain evangelical circles online.
And so I guess Furtick wanted to show that, no, you know, Chandler and I were buds. You know, I can show how, though we have two different approaches to the text,
I can welcome him at my revival. And so he brought Chandler in to the Code Orange Revival to preach.
And Chandler preached a scathing sermon, just an absolutely scathing sermon against everything that Elevation Church stands for in the way that they approach teaching the
Bible as the Bible being all about you. The sermon that Chandler preached is called God is for God.
You can find it online and it's beautiful. It is one of the most impacting sermons that I have ever heard in my life.
For me, I'm talking about like how this sermon just reached into my heart and just twisted me up.
This was the same year that I was going to take over as senior pastor at the church that I was in.
And so it really caused me to evaluate myself and my approach to the text and make sure
I wasn't reading myself into the scriptures, but with the Bible, giving all the glory to God and directing all the hearers to God with the text.
That was what the sermon really did for me. There's been several like hugely impacting sermons for me in my life.
One of these days, I'm going to make a list and kind of direct people to, hey, you need to listen to this sermon. That one from Chandler is one of them.
Of course, the awesome youth message that Paul Washer is known for. That was another one. There was a sermon that John MacArthur did on the wrath of God.
That was another one. Votie Bockham did a sermon on the fifth commandment that was like one of the most life changing sermons for me.
And I was neither married nor a parent at the time. So anyway, but these are some of the hugely impacting sermons that I've experienced over the course of my life.
And that one from Matt Chandler, God is for God, is one of them. Now, somebody online took the liberty of combining elements of John Gray, who was one of the speakers at the
Code Orange Revival just a few nights ago, and combined John Gray's sermon with Matt Chandler's sermon at Code Orange Revival back in 2012.
And you can hear that not only is there a stark contrast, but very clearly
Stephen Furtick and Elevation Church learned nothing from what
Chandler spoke there over four years ago. And I hope, though, that what
Chandler said really did mess somebody up. And they turned from that church and their wicked approach to teaching the text and realized what
Elevation Church is all about is vanity. And they got out of there and instead found a solid gospel teaching,
Christ centered church. And with those brothers and sisters, they are growing in the knowledge of God, giving him all the glory for all the great things that he does, not for all the great things that we are.
OK, so anyway, I want to play that. This is a video, and you're going to be hearing the audio from that video that contrasts
John Gray with Matt Chandler. Here you go. So God allowed Saul to go first because in order for David to become
David, he needed Saul. Stop despising Saul.
You need Saul. You need people to hate on you. You need the people to tear you up. You need people to attack.
It's the necessary ingredient to keep you humble and in the presence of God, and it keeps you pliable in the hands of the master.
Stop hating Saul, because if you got a Saul, that makes you
David. I want to be straight. I love you enough to be straight. You're not
David. The brothers hated on him, anoint him.
Well, most high, shouldn't he change first? No. Anointing while he's dirty.
Some of y 'all missed that. You think God is waiting for you to get clean to anoint you.
He's going to show his love that he's going to pour oil in the middle of your situation.
He's going to say, I know what you're struggling with. I know what you're going through. I still anointed you the
Bible's not about you Overlooked undervalued marginalized hidden in a field
And as he was walking from the field to the house He had no clue that it was the last time
He would walk without being anointed king You walked to the from the parking lot to the church had no clue heaven was watching you walk
What you see in the bible is this is from genesis to revelation The the story of the bible that god for the glory of his name is reconciling and reclaiming
All things to himself. So this is what you've got to get I want to try to help you here with something that's pretty big pretty epic.
All right, so look right at me The bible's not about you But what you'll do is you'll keep now.
Let me here's what you you'll keep Infusing yourself into the stories of the bible like you're the hero
And this happens all the time All right. So I mean I want to be straight. I love you enough to be straight. You're not david
All right, your trouble in life is not goliath And if that's true you're in a lot of trouble bro, because you miss
Now you fling your stones and you miss and goliath's still there and now what
Well, I had five you'll miss all five So if you view the scriptures through that lens that really all the superheroes in the bible are actually you
Then man, you put a weight on your shoulders that listen to me. You will not be able to bear Jesus david jesus is the greater david.
Jesus is the greater moses. Jesus is the greater abraham It's a whole point of the book of hebrews The jesus is the greater than so so if you want to do this,
I mean you want to dig in so that means Jesus is going to be david goliath is going to be and this is all overstatement.
David's a historical figure, right? Um, jesus is going to be david in this shadow. Goliath is going to be sin and death.
Who's that make you? Huh, and it doesn't make you the israelites in the corner. He's gonna kill all of us. That's exactly who you are
All right. So let's make sure we're playing the right part in the story So there you go
The contrast between john gray who preached at code orange revival a few nights ago And matt chandler who preached over four years ago
And if you were paying attention at the time that chandler preached that sermon, then you'll know this Whenever a the code orange revival is going on They will feature all of the speakers in the live feed as they are preaching and then if there are any sermons that you missed
You can find them listed in the archive Well chandler sermon was not in the archive and anytime somebody tried to upload chandler sermon to youtube
It would get removed for copyright reasons. I think eventually Uh, some people were probably gave elevation church enough of a hard time that they allowed the sermon to be uploaded
They couldn't take away my copy though I had already stripped the audio from the video and had burned it onto a cd
At the time all of this was going on. I had visited my folks down in southwest Kansas, and then I was driving back to junction city
Which was a trip of of five hours and I listened to that sermon on cd five times Over the course of that trip.
That's how much it was. It was eating me up inside It was it was clearly eating up ferdick as well.
His conscience was was feeling He was he was struggling with his conscience as chandler was preaching
Because if you watch on the video toward the end when chandler is kind of wrapping things up and he starts into his prayer
Ferdick is pacing back and forth behind him Uh, it just very uneasy with what it was that chandler just preached and we would come to find out why ferdick was so uneasy
About it because when he preached the final sermon at the end of the revival his message was about David and goliath and how you're david and goliath is your problems
But clearly didn't learn anything because that's that's ferdick's shtick How the bible is all about you reading himself into the pages reading you into the pages
Uh, you're david goliath's your problems. You're the hero. That's the way that ferdick preaches
You know if I could ever talk to ferdick if there was ever an opportunity where I would have a chance to have an interview
With ferdick face to face I can tell you what I would ask him. I would say what was going through your mind
When matt chandler was preaching that sermon at code orange revival back in 2012 I really want to know
I want to know what was going on in his mind But ferdick is a vain preacher vanity
That is what he teaches and if you just have a basic understanding a basic reading of first and second timothy
You would see that the instructions that paul gives to timothy are exactly contrary to everything that ferdick does when he preaches in second timothy chapter 4
It says I charge you in the presence of god and of christ jesus who is to judge the living and the dead and by his appearing and his kingdom preach the word
Be ready in season and out of season reprove rebuke and exhort with complete patience and teaching
For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching
But having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions
And will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths
As for you always be sober -minded endure suffering do the work of an evangelist fulfill your ministry
And what ferdick does with the pulpit at Elevation church as he has turned it into a lectern for myths speculations
That's all that he is Preaching up there vanity filling people up with things that they want to hear about they have itching ears
And so they accumulate for themselves Preachers to suit their own passions.
That's why a person likes a preacher like john gray That's why they like joyce meyer though.
What she preaches is heresy That's why they like stephen ferdick because what those preachers are preaching are the things that they like And they accumulate for themselves the teachers to suit their own passions.
Those teachers are a judgment Against those people who are out to gratify the flesh rather than glorify
God, that's how I know When Stephen ferdick and israel houghton are up there singing about the name of jesus.
It's blasphemy It's vanity because they're not really giving glory to god. It's all about the glory to themselves israel houghton
Uh was was the worship leader at joel esteen's church He was released from there when he got a divorce from his wife of 20 years just last month
He got engaged to another woman. He's still in adultery Jesus said if a person divorces his wife
And and israel houghton admitted that he cheated on his wife if a person divorces his wife and marries another he commits adultery
And that's what's happening with israel houghton. So so that little fun and games thing there that it sounded like is so Happy go lucky at code orange revival is just nothing but blasphemy.
It aches my heart. I hurt to hear it And I wish that they would repent I pray for their repentance because clearly ferdick
I mean clearly people love him So I wish that he would love god and love his word and teach that To the people who would listen to him.
He's going to lose a lot of people it would happen Elevation church would shrink if ferdick were to go to that But he would be preaching the truth and the gospel and he is held accountable only to god
He's not trying to please men But god as paul talks about at the beginning of galatians when he's talking with the galatians.
Am I out to please men? or am I Responsible to the lord our god and that's that's who it is that I am held accountable to it's not to try to entertain people
It's not try to make everybody happy It's to glorify god with the preaching of his word
Like I said, I am a filthy sinner and I am in desperate need of the grace of the lord Jesus christ and it is by his grace that I can read his word and understand it
And so I teach it to people so that they can understand it and glorify god also
All right. I said that I was going to take some questions here. So let's do that uh, the first question actually has to do with our
Video on the six -day creation. So as i'm shifting gears here to responding to questions
Let's go ahead and play that video first. Here's the what video on the six -day creation Does genesis 1 teach that god created the universe in six literal days?
Yes It's the only way to read genesis after the first day of creation Genesis 1 5 says and there was evening and there was morning the first day
Same goes for the second day and the third and so on pretty straightforward Some have argued that genesis 1 is not about how god created but that he created but genesis tells us how also
God said let there be and there was speaking all things into existence And it was good at the end of six days
He rested from his creation if all things came to be through natural processes There's no end to creation, but the creation story has a definite beginning and conclusion over six days
This is the only understanding congruent with the rest of scripture Romans 5 12 says that death came into the world because of sin before adam's sin
There was no death destruction or decay consequences of sin They could not have been going on for millions of years before adam
Well, then science and the bible don't agree because science unquestionably says that the earth is billions of years old
Yeah, no, it doesn't science doesn't say anything scientists do believing in uniformitarianism
That the processes we observe today are exactly as they always have been the bible says otherwise for they deliberately
Overlook this fact that the heavens that existed long ago and the earth was formed out of water and through water by the word of god
And that by means of these the world that then existed was deluged with water and perished Hebrews 11 3 says by faith
We understand that the universe was created by the word of god So that what is seen was not made out of things that are visible when we understand the text
This question comes from edward. He says dear watch This is my second time writing to the ministry and I would like to say again that I am thankful to god for your ministry
It has been a blessing to me and to others. Thank you again. Thank you again edward I have a particular set of questions regarding the video on the six -day creation.
Well more like criticisms than questions This is a topic that has interested me for almost my entire life and still fascinates me
Which is one reason why i'm writing i'll try to express myself as best as I can So here goes it is mentioned in the video that the only way to understand genesis 1 is literally
I'm, not so sure Reading this chapter the sun and moon are not created until the fourth day and a day is based on the earth
Making one full rotation, which is 24 hours since light was used to determine a day in genesis
Was it still 24 hours before there was no sun? It's true that science doesn't and cannot say anything
However, I think you know what is meant when they say that which is that according to scientific findings
Those findings suggest that the earth is such and such an age It's true that it is a big assumption to say that the same processes are the same now and have not changed
However, isn't it true that processes can and do change as far as human experience goes?
They haven't really changed. The real question is have they changed furthermore I do not see the bible as a guide to how the natural world works
But rather as one that points me to jesus christ and thus leads me to god I believe in that assessment, but I could be wrong one last criticism at the end of the video
The focus appears to drift from the topic of a literal six -day creation to a discussion about creation versus non -creation
It would be interesting to know more specific details about whether or not to understand genesis 1 literally
The 90 second video cannot do justice to the topic and it is a controversial one I am not trying to subvert the authority of scripture, but rather understand it
Thank you for your time and may god continue to use your ministry for his glory edward
Well edward, I gotta say I really appreciate your email and I think that you are approaching this matter civilly
And I don't have any reason to say of you that I think that you are trying to um
Bend god's will to or i'm, sorry bend god's word to your will Rather than submitting to god's will
I think that you truly want to understand the scripture for what it says But let me say this to you that your understanding of reading genesis 1
From a an evolutionary standpoint of being a process of time that took millions and millions of years
You only read it that way because of a cultural assumption. That's the only reason why
Because of darwinism and how prevalent that's become in our culture. This was not a question 150 to 200 years ago
Until darwinism came along in the history of the church You do not see these assumptions being made of god having created everything
Over a period of millions and millions of years now, there are some people that try to say that augustine Believed in an old earth creationism.
That is a myth. That is not true He wrote several commentaries on the book of genesis and in no way Could you come away from any one of those commentaries believing that?
God had created all things over an extended period of time It's clear there that not only does augustine believe in the six literal day creation
But he also believes that the genealogies that are mentioned in those first few books in genesis were literal chronologies
When those books say that so and so lived for however many hundreds of years they really truly lived for that long
So anyway, let me come back to a couple of questions the way that you ask them here in your letter You say that reading this chapter reading genesis 1 the sun and moon are not created until the fourth day
And a day is based on the earth making one full rotation, which is 24 hours one full turn
That's a 24 hour day since light was used to determine a day in genesis Was it still 24 hours before there was no sun?
Well edward, you actually answered your own question You said if the earth turns one time that's 24 hours
So then if light was used to determine a day in genesis, well does the earth need light to turn?
So if it's made one full turn, that's 24 hours But furthermore the sun and the moon do not determine the length of a day
God determines the length of a day and he had already decided how long a day was going to be Before he gave us the sun and the moon and the stars so that we would know
How long a day was read about it in genesis chapter 1 beginning in verse 14
And god said let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night
And let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and for years so god knew how long the length of a day was but when it came to Mankind being able to understand the length of a day
We have the sun and the moon and the stars to help us be able to do that The length of a day was already established before The creation of the lights in the heavens the sources of those lights in the heavens
Okay, another question that uh that you ask here You challenged my claim about uniformitarianism and you said the real question is have they changed?
Well, the video answers that have have processes changed from the beginning of time The video does answer that because peter says this in second peter chapter 3
The heavens existed long ago And the earth was formed out of water and through water by the word of god and that by means of these the world that then existed
Was deluged with water and perished but by the same word the heavens and earth that now exist are stored up for fire
Being kept until the day of judgment and destruction of the ungodly The earth was something else entirely before the flood and now it's something else after the flood
And when you read genesis you see that because you saw people living for hundreds of years then after the flood
They're not living for nearly as long and progressively as things continued They were living for less and less amounts of time and so obviously something had happened as the as the world was continuing to be submitted to Futility that mankind was not allowed to live as long
And that was that was part of the progression of the curse And so there is very clearly a difference in the world as it existed prior to the flood
And the way that it existed after the flood but uniformitarianism according to scientists Is that the processes that we can measure now are exactly the processes that were going on You know, however many thousands of years ago or millions of years years ago, of course in their case
And the bible actually says the opposite One last point that I want to make here is there's no reason to have to believe
That the earth is millions of years old or that the universe is billions of years old. You don't have to believe that There's no reason to do you remember the debate that took place between ken ham and bill nye a few years ago at the creation museum
Okay, the topic of the debate was is creation a viable model of origins in today's modern scientific era
And ken ham won that debate in his first speech Because he showed that a scientist who believes in a young earth creation model
Can in fact thrive in the scientific community showing people who have invented things like the laser or the cat scan and these guys have been
Young earth creationists and yet have made huge contributions In the in the realm of science.
You don't have to believe that the earth is millions or billions of years old Scripture doesn't say it and gives no allusion at all to the earth being anything older than a few thousand years old
God has that kind of power. He spoke all things into existence and they came to be there's an immediacy in the genesis story when
When you read it god said it and it was and he saw that it was good And it was evening and morning the first day
Then you get to the second day god said it And it was and he looks at it and it was good and it was evening and there was morning the second day on and On it goes throughout the creation story.
There is no indication there whatsoever Nor is there any indication in anywhere else in the scriptures that the entire universe came to be in any other way?
but the six -day creation model edward I continue to challenge you to explore those things and view the scriptures
In in and understand genesis 1 in light of what the rest of the scriptures say Not what darwinism or naturalism says because all of these naturalism processes all of these dates that they come up with in darwinian or naturalistic
Evolution, all of these things are presupposed They're not Starting from a blank slate and then okay now we're going to measure it
Oh looks like this rock is 100 million years old There was something presupposed that went into that testing before they came up with that number romans chapter 5 verse 12 says therefore just as sin came into the world through one man and death through sin
And so death spread to all men because all sinned So death came into the picture when adam and eve sinned there could not have been millions and millions of years of processes going on Before adam and eve sin with death and decay and all this other kind of thing death didn't come about Until sin sin in the garden of eden
So again, the only viewpoint that you can take on genesis 1 that will agree with the rest of scripture
Is the literal six -day creation. Thank you again edward for your email Uh, that's all the time i've got
I I had a couple of other questions lined up, but i'm already over half an hour here So if you would like to submit any questions to this broadcast the address is when we understand the text at gmail .com
Thank you for putting up with me Thank you for letting me change the name yet again and still coming back and receiving the bible teaching that we offer here
I will be back with when we understand the text god willing It's still what it'll be called on monday as we continue our study of the book of james
This is this is going to be my new coke or my crystal pepsi Now i've had east from west
We've gone back to when we understand the text. Thank you so much This is when we understand the text with pastor gabe hughes
There are lots of great bible teaching programs on the web and we thank you for selecting ours But this is no replacement for regular fellowship with the church family