Liberal Christians Beg For Judgement

AD Robles iconAD Robles




All right, well, I hope you had a good week this week. It's not over yet. But we're almost there.
And I hope it was productive and all that kind of thing. But I wanted to talk about a serious topic today.
Because, you know, I've been thinking a lot about, you know, my presentations on the role of the government.
And I've been thinking a lot about the presentations from the social justice warriors, we've been talking about Ruslan, you know, and, and I think
Ruslan is such a good person to discuss, because I think his arguments and his style and the way he thinks, it's just so indicative of liberal
Christianity in general. And I mean, even the conservative liberals, because there's a, there's a lot of people that are technically conservative
Christians, but they're really progressives, we understand that. And Ruslan is such a good embodiment of all of those moves.
If you if you watch the Ruslan content, you'll be well prepared to talk to almost any social justice advocate, almost any liberal
Christian that you could imagine. And, you know, my approach has often been to say, you know, look, look, the role of the government is
XYZ, we ought to be supporting policies that promote XYZ.
And then, and it's almost like trying to fight in order to convince someone that the role of government is a certain way.
But I have to remember something this is, this is a serious issue. Because the truth is, that regardless of what the government does, because our government is thoroughly pagan, we understand that.
So they're not taking their God given responsibility very seriously. And they're doing all kinds of other things, right?
So, so, regardless of what they do, the facts are the facts,
God created them to do certain things, he created them to be a servant of God, you know, with the sword.
So in other words, punishing evildoers, that's their job, right? So regardless of the job that they have, or that they're doing right now, their actual job is punishing evildoers.
So no amount of finagling in the government will change that that's their role, that's their responsibility. And that's all there is to it.
It's just like a man, right? Like a man who has kids, and a wife. Or even if he doesn't have a wife, he has kids, and he's just, you know, you know, canoodling with all kinds of women, you know, his role, though, still is to be a father, right?
Even if he's abandoned that role, it's not like that role goes away. It's not like it's still not his role, it is still his role.
He's just abandoning it. And so we have to recognize that fact that Romans 13 is true, whether you believe it or not.
Romans 13 is true, whether or not you think you've got a theologian from the past, it'll tell you whatever it is your itching ears want to hear.
Romans 13 is true, regardless. And here's the problem with that.
The problem, and it's a big problem. The problem is that our government, if it doesn't acknowledge
Romans 13, and its role as a servant of God, for executing vengeance upon the evildoer, if our government doesn't recognize that God's only going to put up with that for so long.
And then what he'll do is he'll destroy you. That's the thing like God is a very patient God, like he's very patient.
He gives you opportunities, you know, and we all know this as Christians, right?
We all know this in times when we've backslidden or we're like dabbling in sin and stuff like that.
And he doesn't strike us dead. It's like, we know that God is patient. It's like, man, he gave me so many opportunities to stop what
I'm doing, and he hasn't destroyed me yet. And, you know, like we understand God is patient, and he's patient that way with governments as well.
Our government has added, you know, charity schemes and welfare schemes and, you know, policing the world with our military, essentially an empire.
Our government has added so many things to its purview, illegitimately and evilly.
And they've done the opposite of justice. They've turned justice on its head. And now they're doing the opposite and pretending that they have the moral high ground.
Like, God will only put up with that for so long. And so all these woke church advocates, they think they have this moral high ground.
They've got this attitude like Ruslan, where I'm just totally reasonable, you know, see, like, I believe a little bit of what
CNN says, you know, like all that stuff. But as they advocate for UBI, as they advocate for ridiculous welfare policies, church or school vouchers, all this stuff that is not in the government's purview, they're just heaping on, you know, more sins of the government that they're just heaping it on top of each other on top of their advocating for.
They're advocating for more sins for the government to accomplish. And essentially, they're advocating for the destruction of our country because God will not be mocked.
God will not put up with sin forever. Right? That's the thing. He's not going to allow this civil governing authority to do what they're doing in the
United States for very long. And so when these woke church advocates advocate for this evil reparations, all this stuff, this is evil, evil, unjust, unjust stuff.
They're just heaping on the sins that are going to destroy our nation.
And this is the thing with what's so mind boggling about this is that the very verses that the social justice, liberal, progressive, fake
Christians use to promote their nonsense are the very verses that guarantee that God is going to destroy us.
Like he's going to destroy the United States. It's just that simple. Here's Amos chapter five.
This is the famous one. Let justice roll down like waters, right? That's what it says in verse 24.
Let justice flow like water and righteousness, like an unfailing stream. Right?
And so that's a famous verse. They love this. But if you if you scroll up and you deal with what what is
God talking about when he when he says this, what does he mean? Let justice roll down like waters? Because because they use this almost as like a warm and fuzzy verse.
But this is anything but this is anything but he's he's describing the justice that he's going to to visit upon the people and why he's doing it.
And he says, this is why I'm doing it. They hate the one who convicts the guilty. They hate the one who convicts the guilty at the city gate.
They despise the one who speaks with integrity. He says they hate a trample upon the poor, they extract a exact a grain tax from him a grain tax.
That's it. That's that's trampling on the poor, right? And what does that mean? It means that their their their grain is more expensive guys, every policy that the government implements, you know, for their welfare.
And oh, it's oh, so charitable. It's so lovely. And they care about the poor. No, they don't. Because all of those policies are raising the price of grain to such a degree that poor people can no longer afford them.
So all the welfare, all the government spending that Russell Moore advocates that probably Matt Chandler advocates all these all these guys that don't have a clue what they're talking about, but they talking, they talking, all of it is going to heap upon more judgment on our nation.
And this is the thing. It doesn't just work this way, right? Like I think the conservative side has a lot of people that understand how the world works.
And they say, Oh, I see. So if inflation hits because of all this government spending, it's actually going to hurt the poor people the most that's actually a tax that's regressive, and it actually impacts the poor people way more than it impacts the rich people.
Look, if a loaf of bread doubles in price, I'll be fine. I'll be able to buy a loaf of bread anyway. But a poor person who's living on a fixed income and all this, they might not be able to afford it.
It's a it's a it's a wicked and evil and secret and destructive tax. And so many of your woke church advocates,
Ruslan, you know, Russell Moore, all these guys are advocating for that tax. And they are doing it somehow with a clean conscience, thinking that they're the ones with the moral high ground.
Meanwhile, God is saying, in this verse, this is why I'm going to visit judgment upon you.
It's for these reasons. It's for these reasons. I know history says, I know your crimes are many, and your sins are innumerable.
Your sins are innumerable. And we've got advocates over here saying, Well, you know, socialism, you know, we could just agree to disagree.
These advocates are what they're doing is they're adding to the innumerable sins of the of the civil governing authority.
They're adding on top of it. It's even more innumerable than it ever was. See, it's not just a random that the world works this way.
You can see conservatives can see they can see how the world works. But you see, God has set up the world.
God created the world. He created the laws of supply and demand. He created all of this stuff.
And so he built into the system, okay, if the government starts engaging in charity in this way, it's going to lead to destruction,
God is guaranteeing it. He will destroy nations that do this kind of stuff, because this is the kind of stuff that that that is, that is, that is detrimental to to any kind of semblance of reality, any kind of semblance of order, and, and private property,
God cares about this stuff. This is not something we can agree to disagree. I don't want to hear that August in quote anymore.
I heard it's a fake August in quote, by the way, I don't want to hear it. Because the justice of God and the righteousness of God is not something that we can just agree to disagree, dog, be rabbit, you know, we can't do that.
We can't do that. Because you're advocating for more sin. And I'm desperate for God to show mercy to the
United States. And so I want us to change our ways. Stop the sin. Let's turn from what we've been doing and do what
God says and says instead. That's the only way that he'll relent. Because otherwise, if we do what
Russell Moore says, we do a Ruslan says we do what Eric Mason says, it's just heaping more judgment. And it's going to be more painful because of all the wickedness that we do, we're going to get justice.
All right. Justice is going to roll down like waters. And it's not warm and fuzzy. Because if you read this, this actual passage, this is the thing that the social justice advocates count on you not reading what they're actually quoting.
Because if you read that stuff, that's not something that we should be begging for for the United States. That's going to be painful.
That's going to be painful for a lot of people. Instead, we should be begging and praying that God would change the hearts of our leaders so that we stop doing this wickedness.
It's just that simple. This is this is another verse that the social justice warriors typically use in church context.
This is from Habakkuk chapter one. Let me just read this to you. I mean, I mean, this is this is they use this and unironically, they're like, they think that this helps their socialist causes, right?
Listen to what Habakkuk is praying for here. It says, how long Lord must I call for help?
And you don't listen, or cry out to you about violence and you don't save? Why do you force me to look at injustice?
Why do you tolerate wrongdoing, oppression and violence are right in front of me. Strife is ongoing.
Conflict escalates. This is why the law is ineffective. And justice never emerges for the wicked restrict the righteous.
Therefore justice comes out perverted. Yeah, I've got a good solution for all this.
Yeah, you know, there's there's no justice. So I got a great idea. Let's, let's take money from white people and give it to black people.
Because, you know, that makes a lot of sense. And I've got another good idea. How about this one? Like, let's just have unemployment benefits forever.
And we'll just give them free money. They don't they don't, you know, more money than they could get working. That's a good idea to you see, this is the status.
It's not just stupidity. It's not just stupidity. This is actual rebellion. They know how
God's world works. God created it. And it's very obvious how God's world works and how we ought to how we ought to operate in it.
That's what the Bible says. We all kind of know it's all written on our hearts, right? So so so we know the laws of supply and demand.
We know that whatever you subsidize, you get more of. We know that. And we're looking at that world. And we're saying,
I don't think so. I think we can make our own world and it'll be better than God's world.
I hate God and I hate God's world. So I'm going to do my own thing and create a UBI. And we think,
Oh, that's it sounds so loving. It sounds no, that's what God's going to destroy you for. You have to operate or your job is still your job, whether or not you accept it or not.
And then we've got Christians that are advocating for the government not to accept it and to create their own job and to create social safety nets and stuff like that, that God never commanded.
He never intended for us to do according to the civil governing authorities. He always intended the church and individuals to take care of each other, to look out for each other and stuff like that.
That's what he always intended. And so we think, Oh no, we've got a better way. We've got a better way.
And so then you get Ruslan up there, everybody in the three, one, three, lay your hands up and follow me.
And then he's like, okay, I got a great idea. A UBI, dog. And it's like, it sounds so reasonable.
It sounds so loving. But what he's doing is advocating for us to be destroyed even quicker because God will destroy us for that.
He will destroy us for that. And God even tells Habakkuk, he looks, I'm going to do a work in your day.
You're not even going to believe it. And he's talking about judging them. He's talking about judging them. And he's going to do the same in the
United States. It's just that simple. There's only one way out of this guys. There's only one way out of this.
And that is repentance. We have to repent and we have to be willing to say, not my way, whatever sounds good to me, that doesn't mean it's good.
It's whatever God says, that's what's good. Even if it doesn't sound right to me, even if it doesn't sound like, like it's something that makes sense or is loving or is caring, or it doesn't make me feel warm and fuzzy on the inside.
Yeah, it might not make you feel warm and fuzzy on the inside, but guess who has to change? I'm pretty sure it's not the, the, the, the, the, the person who created the universe.
I'm pretty sure that's not the one who has to change. It's you who has to change. It's you who has to change.
And so when we have these conversations, it's not like just a prescription, right?
Like, like when Romans 13 says the role of the government is to be a deacon of God, to be a servant of God, to execute justice upon the evildoer.
That's not just a prescription. That's a description. And if you, if our government isn't doing that, or if it's doing other things instead, or, or in addition, then it doesn't change reality.
God's reality is still reality. And so God will only put up with that for so long, and then he will bring us to our knees and he will force us to accept his reality.
He'll, he's going to bankrupt us. That's what I think is going to happen. He's going to bankrupt the United States. He's going to send economic calamity after calamity, and probably after calamity, he's going to probably send multiple economic calamities.
He may send pestilence. He may send a plague. He may send a drought. He may send this stuff, and it's going to bring us to our knees to a point where we can't even play pretenses anymore.
We don't even have enough money to do the, the executing justice job. We're definitely not going to have enough money to feed the poor, and by that time, we're all going to be screwed because we're not going to have our own systems already set up to take care of the poor the way
God has told us to do it. You see, that's where we should be focusing our efforts, right? If the government is not going to stay in its lane, we need to make sure that we're, you know, staying in our own lanes, taking care of our own situations, what
God has told us to do. That was the essence of No Despair, right? Because whatever they do, whatever the powers that be do, whatever the synagogues of Satan do, right, we have to focus on what we're up to, what we're responsible for, because just because the government takes things away from us as far as our purview doesn't mean it's no longer our responsibility.
It's still our responsibility to take care of the poor the way it says in the scripture.
It's still our responsibility. Even though the government has set up its own little schemes, we can't say, oh yeah, the government got it, it's got it.
No, no, no, no. That's our responsibility. And so if it all collapses, and now all of a sudden the poor are destitute and they don't have anything, and we're not ready to step in there and save them, that's our responsibility.
That's our fault. Because we should never have been relying on the government to do that stuff. And so this is not like a small deal, guys.
It's not a small deal. I know the temptation is to go along to get along, you know what I mean? And just, oh, agree to disagree.
Because I think that's the part where Ruslan is the most, he seems the most reasonable, where he says the
Augustine quote, and that's one of his favorites. He just keeps saying it. You know, it's just charity and all things, right?
I will not have charity for people who are advocating for everyone to abandon their responsibilities before God.
There is no quarter for that. There is no agree to disagree with that. Christians ought not to be advocating for the government to heap more sins upon their already innumerable sins.
We should be advocating instead and insisting and demanding that they stay in their lane and do what
God has designed them to do. Because anything other than that is going to lead to judgment.
And so I would just say this, don't hold your breath on the government, you know?
Pray for Biden's heart to change. Pray for Kamala Harris's heart to change and all that kind of stuff.
Pray for it. And you know, you can do some things to work for that. But I would recommend that you'd focus more on yourself.
And that's the area where you have the most control. And so that's my message today.
Maybe I'll do another video a little bit later. We'll see how the day goes. But I hope you found this video helpful.